HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-9-20, Page 4&d .it on31140 These hoye vibe aong e a fr,ont of Drew's Opera, house, .•ai .d CO alrfit 5auh small mean tricks, will be posed,aucl not only exposed nut will Brought before our magistrates a. !lave a beery fall*�.ltivied on thstta'to vol those Witty tricks are steppe Thin, is ft 1varaing to all,, as the pl. henecfertla alit be -watched and first .one caught may rely; drat, t £e l be.Gat*z'ied out While in London on. Wednesd ?veal% W4 ,the pleasurp,of ,mce ilk Messrs 'caul and .Eiarrisr,edito of .the London . vensng ZYme4 . Th fail slnre,wd: balsine„ts Alen, and, fr the oppearanre of the Times sof let Oink they are quite up to the mar io their profession. The Times -will 1 the leading evening:paper~ of Londe shortly. —W'i,lile et the Toronto.+ Exhibiti Ixa4 tct.pleasure of being , take 0irougb-the matgnU1cent printing. Qjfio �1„the . mp re. The Rrrtlai€its premises Ike equipped with all the modern lut-eh-' islery that can be secured, - The 'man- ager, Mr. Creighton,alld the, city editor Nit. Kribbs, ara.twQ- terlrng gefntle- n, owl area ewbned with tit wide f tiktl business manner well iattermix. clew+til p*lituess, and (vitt, unierstand their business, The &frtflire, which w the lead:bog per efa Canada will, under the able management of lite pies.. mitt gentlemen be a au;cces$ *tnd,�tr4�s+per• We were pregellted.iiy Mr, Creighton ttith a bust of the Right I�Ionorah,e' Sjr John A Ifectlonalcl,� £or which xre' tvder him nor hearty thanks, ,t. bust) ztbpresented to every new subeeribcr bf: the k,'nx, ire for the year 1580. Every- bedy should subscribe and receive wit hest, which alone is well 'worth the ialopey.. We next droppeditt to see Mr. Robt.,llyxrl;t+nl;ltnui, Robt, wore Weasels.) pleasant smile, and greeted las m the old way, Bob is a hustler. Our next -visit was tea the offices of the Truth and a ftfirda'l. Both of these Mikes were :*scaly engaged in their different works. The managers of both establishments Are thorough t;'tliitlemen in tvepy aar«i- eular and well up in their, hominess, For want of apnea 'we are unable•..to xe#er to the,: other •dill;erent places visited. iia is eX, ba Rd pay ae the he .NOT: !:. Au'se Yourself and friends, by hunting out farm].. ,tar aces Vin' .the view of the proces- sion taken by Bai � .o rs The >a �>a 8x10 Photographic view for 25 *eats. Everybody ahauld bare oras mptiooensu asolmo arks ha ma t acmediseass ph 9 bailing know qt nothing to arrest, nothing to ailevi- ate, nothing to dire. Now it is na lodger an incuttable malady even when given: ug1y• ph eicfans, health. can yet ba found in OZT,ki. RI I4i3$, it beads Orsoothes the buem,- brane of theLungkill uicl and poisoned bytheravagea of thisfell d9aeaata, and We - vents the night sweats and tightness. ecxoas the chest arbich ditties a CURES UARANTEED ,pgronto detedir ne'Co., Toronto, Ont, CJ RIST E'S CQMMEROIAL, on BISS 0 Therestt ayee,o£ De roit,spent days of last week in our midst, Martin Keogh, aster spending n plop tis in Miehigan, has; returned erne. Miss 0,Senry,Mrs. 3.00. Q erry and Master Dennis Quarry have taken advantage of the Cheap excursion to Toronto. NI; ds Mrs. Robb. Grahamrwbo has been spandinn.a few days at the•Ontnr- io house, retained to their home • in zatrathroy on Saturday, ;last. Ohl Friday.off last week a daughter of Archie itleIllargyr aged two years was,inta rred in the It. U cemetery ,`;ayrat: We extend our sympathy ;o Mr. 15'Iclllari;y and ills fanit;y. The OtTa correspondent i:: very busy this week,ancl has hardly time to write the "Sunbeam.", He is eoutemp1ating; starting a papei'.atOfe,and consegeent- Iy,has very little time at his disposal.. Jas. Foy tt Co., of Parkliidi,are hold-, ing an auction sale here. Large crowds attend every evening as immense bar- gains can be .obtained. , Some of our young ladies.willbe sorry whets the sale is over., Mr. Ino. .• all, jt. who has been cont. fined to bed. by a seric us.. and. painful illpess during the past two weeks, has za far recovered as to be able;to nit Au again. Johnny is very poplalar,and ell arca a 1 3to e r .. g h a ,that he is recovering.', Mr Patrick. Regan, ,of Ottawa,forin- lrly of this place, after visiting several of,the Michigan eities is now, spending a few days;at,,:the parental,, fireside. Mr. Regan, is employed„in, the ...Civil Se,rvice,.and holds a renumerativeposi- tion ,in ,Ottawa, „ We wish him apieas- ant viCit ,Arhi-opg his many friends; FATAL CCIDENT:—Oir-. Ttiesdt y;,of last wee!, a sad and fatal accident be-, fell Miss, Thersea,Keys, of St. ,Thpmas„ formerly ,9f this place.: Mise, Keys was living with her sister; Mrs: ;Jas. Sulli- ray ancl. while ,the, Ivo ladies were alone on Tuesday, a 'vicious , heifer .entered the garden... Miss Keys attempted to drive her out but the enraged animal ov,,grtook the young lady, who when she saw the animal corning toward, her.; atiempted.to.save her life :liy flight;' and iuitfred her in such. a manner' :that she died on Wednesday, morning at 3 o'clock. ; Her remains were .brought bele for interment.. The funeral have - it • driven about, ,sixty miles. Miss, Sys was 2 of age,and her sudden de- e is,nNurned by many friends ^t bo live the hen tfolt,,sVi,.irieg., o£ *,;hi„ ,:o-inj.n on ORM I� First -Class Horses arta Ings. Special Fates with Commer- cial Mon, Orders' left ani BIS ?;TT .RROS'. Hardware Store, will receive prompt :atteutiou. REASONABLE. T A. SULIC'i'I' A. BISSETT BIOS AULT Ste, MARIE CANAL y*1Q' EA IMOTeND8I:F and enlistsc:i "Wailers t. 2 xt.ta lrouIt Cane!,”' will he received at this ittlt to bt iia ilio ti. rival of the txtstern and wester,' notes eat li"•h pA t. The I'd day of *!.toper. nowt t •r the farntaxi+tit ran rixer xlhruu.^t► ilea !alae** of nt. STS ry.; t t7u Tito weal, mil arc Ica is two ser mons, arae of whish wail era',rive tae for e-DJ:Iats of the eierreu h tttc Efeenii: the, cnnstr+rctio'i of 440i 4c, arae .Filar, the elseta elle. wldenhigatthe chatanol•n'ay aR Math clads et the (arab cenatroctimt of Piens. sae, A map of the loriiitp, together with plans nasi speellicthaen1 of the write e9•i tie see t at this ,.v:ea 4nondatter ITEM) ,1. the 9111 day .1. Nag next ttorelevitated forma of Vanier car, aloe be obtained lira eines of Inform *bang, re'etila. to thy tsorl:t, cr, he resin at the W5ee •rt the lona *);:'ilii le the floss of intuit Ste, Merle. Ont. Intending contractors are regia:* tial to hew In in mind. that *cadent trill not he euntidereth vt aleKs made strictly to accord matt with the rrintcd fortes and be aax.'ntpauteil ey a letter *adieu that t:te stone** or persons tendulug have, escilulOr woo thti:i tbo lortlity Oitd the again of tate ruatert,tl Man:t in the trial rite. in rho race or tarns here mist Ila attache' the ectuaisignatutes or Mu full untie, the nature rt the eecupsition Mutt residence of c.c;t member of the samay and further, a trunk dopv.if rteeiyt for the sum of 020,uuu must aecumnany the tender for tate canal and !nein; and aL bank ,ferocit receipt fur tine sunt of 0;,61.2 trust ervolei'an% rho tender for tho deepetanb and wideuing of :tau rlta51 Way ct hu,h ends,, piers, Ste. The respective deposit rlecipt ebbe 4 will : mat` be creei'sted–tnust bo endorsed over to Diu Moises of Railw;tlu a iv1 t•eirihs. tatI will cu t•ntcltut nt the party tendering declines entering into t ot:trart :. r the works, at die rate(* and un the terms elated in the offer submitted. Toedepn.lt receipt thus sent in kill he rotatrncd to the resjs':tive paries %%Musa toque are net aropted. This Department floes not, however, tin(; itself toaccept the lowest or nay -tenders. wily ander, r, i31iAA1.8T Secrc,tarr, Pepartgirnt et Railways and t;anyls.1 ,Otttetva, •8ttt Augutt, lane. ;J c Ings acct harass First -Class. fi"Olyders left sidle llawkaiaaty tlouel3 r at the stable .will be promptly attcttd+ i Tiia9us: R1;ss thin e. ,.. o ELL, consaructien of a Could 4i0 the eavothm ST LAWRENCE. CANAL Not p to Coisth; aetors, EAd,EDTENDERS,addressed.to the undersigned aiid.oudorsed "Tenders' for the St, f:atvtertce CanalO,' gilt i,e retched at this ailed ,until:the ar- rival of, Dna eastern and western mails on Peat! ay, the 25th day of Sce Aber neat, forthe construction of two locksand tee deepening..and enlargement of the upper entrance of the Galops Venal And for the dcepeniug end eulargementof tltcb,i nmit,dcvel of the Cornwall,Cana: ; The construetid>rnf ii itcwlo t at each of the lock.statkins on the Corn- wall Canal. between the,T0WZ1'0f Cornwall and Maple «rtave; the deepening and a'fdening• the chan- nel way of the Carat, conat't ction of bridges, 4:e. A map )f each el the localities together with plans and spesiticatlons of the respective works, can be seen on and sitar Tar sday the'1;1tlt.day of Sen cetgber next, at this ofl*ee' Mor MI the worke, and for the're- speothve works at the following mentioned Vitals:– For-the aces:– Forthe Works at Calm:et, at the Lock -keeper's Douse, Doltlps. For deepening the .sumruit levet of the Cornatatl Carat, at Dickinson's Landing, and for the new locks, &c., at lock -Mations Nos, 18. 10 and 20,at tbe Tocvai of Cornwall. .Printed forms of tender can be obtained for the respoetive works at the places mentioned. • Inthe case of:firnethere must be attached the actual eifnatures of the full name, the natunp of the occupation and residence of each member of the same- and further, a bank deposit receipt for ,the ;sum of $0,000 must accompany the tender for the Galops Canal Works, and a bank deposit receipt for the sum of $2,009 for each section of the works on the summit level of tho Cornwall Canal;;and for each of the lock sections on the Cornwall Canal a bank eieposit re ceipt for.the sure of,0+,000. The respective deposit receipt–cheques will not bq accepted–must be endorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and itIII be ftirloited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for. the Work at the rates and en the terms stated in the offer submitted. The deposit t'eceipts Fhua sent in will be returned to the 'respective parties whose ten- ders are not accepted, This Department does net. however, 'bind itself to accept the lowest ur any tender. Ey cyder: A. P. "Al>./Ata ,Ssgrft cmoni of i elinrvr ra-.mitts. "l. 178E4 �()Ws t 'las Now is Stock GOODS in the Following Lines, Wast of England Suitings and. TrQusering . Scotch Tweed Suitisgs and Troulserings.. rtencla miss, English- Worsted Cloths. test Style MiOD GATED ELEQTRIC Medicated for all diseases of the blood and nor- voua system, Ladies' Melt as for female noes.-. pp+aintnithas nopixel. genie Boil te;,aontbfnect I3eltand Suspensory $.5. - stat•: mSeamnhfdyo1.t8Qs M1i-Ngulousz•te.Tho on y a llawngbltelsy r roc** tgivirrao direct Otrrront of Eleotrioity to till arts. _ 4att Ire worn r,tgh0 or clay male tiaenveniet In Hundreds **'eet' timonlate. on filo from those oared of female dffieaaes, paint; in back tett lupe: head'and 1unba, nervous de i try, general debility, lumbago, rheumatism, paralysis, nearsira,sciatios dheese° of the kidneys, spinal disease, torpid liver; gout, ieucorrlioatt, catarrh, of the blde* sexual exhaustion, senginal'emisaions, asthrnabearo disease. dyspepsia, eouatipatian erysip- elas. indigestion, impote>re , piles, epilepsy. dumb agne anti diabetes. Send stamp for handsomely illustrated. learndhealth journal. Cor respondencestriotivyeonfideetial, Qon.; at}itstiaxn and el,ectrie4l *tiastwontfree. ,!gouts wanted everytwbero, Pat, Mich. tt6th,1 ., aro Otiaranteed MOdlcAts'd Elpcttio seat Co.. ire Que n St. West,'r *onto, Caned . A Positive Cure., A Painters Cu �Y•'Tt'M,R,li«i Q3 Oi ALL pRi i`t4 5 . M1[w.TK...' OTS- `OR : N 271,1 1riitE.12' Viaitt eritt !'**Tsar a i' I °itf1i, rear arrotof Re*Urt ,wind Kohlnotmor idetncrnea ' �r r �g the congegtttenet's arifndtso+tetttess, Xspe't■arta *rad operworJ:t, W#0 wire broken 'lawn train the *Matta or abuse rilllo find in No. $ a tedierti cure toff nexvotte dehlii +argotic weakness, involuntary viral lassoo, etc, erscrrontt a'Qet. weans No. S Sapid u( leg Vmes- -Chlu3 o:.cnnergy, vertigo, want of•purpoiie, dimness of sight, avenger* to 004644 wart* of ceataleuoo, argidauoe of convexsaticlu, desire for eOlitade,liauesstaxic end inability topic the attention on a,pnrtioulersubjects sowsrdicw, 1Qproasien of spirits, giddiness, lois Of memory exeiWtility of tenper spew matorrh_iea_,orlesaof dmsanatizvl fluid--4114%volt of €elt•alilr3* or Marital excess–trope.. teuoy, *gteutaritiou, eumeiation, barrenness, palpitation of the bcert, hysteric fesht»ge *a females, trembling„ melancholy, diaturbin @roams, eta., aro ell symptoms of this terrible! bsbit, oiteniluros innocently acquired. In shorts tho spring of vital force having loci is tensien,•.rrery fanetton wanes in ea: WTuen4e: astentltio writers aud the superintendents • et insane asylums unite 20 aserltiinR, to the effects of nelk Buse the great rnajority of wasted hives which co'oe ander thitir notice. It you are incompetent for the arduous duties of business, Incapacitated for the enjoyments of lite. Ifo. 8 ottani au escape from the effects of early 'deft, • if yon are advanced in yearn, No. Swill give yon full vigor and strength, If you aro broken Galva, rhysigaliy ani morally Isere eprly indtscrotnop, tl40 result of ignorance and Many, trend year address ate! 10 cents instamps for 14, V, Lvsote'a ':remiss m onk. Fara on Diseases of igen. Sealed end secure tram obsarv(ttiort,-- Addraes all earn aualcationt to Rt. 141110.34 47 We Maven bi, S., a'orrattW'; R tanwWtestwisdom tivos 148,414 paradises DUOS GU 1r rETDHEAL THE UK. MS SO.V iNSTR *TPD e onlwrtttenrattp tea given with eared instrument W 5, Xisaf days trial; 365 gnat= steep Weis, Toronto, Oat, ITAL RK. IMPOSSIIli.E UNDER )T;:INF MICE Greatest Oisedreey of the Age. Prtca GT THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER !dies Is note medicine or a digesting lotioner powder hail, but wi 9dlf.getter4+ tang Vapor, easily anti pleasantly applied. at all hours, times and places. ACUna No. R.–quickly relieves and thoroughly curet Ali Throat ant: Lung discuses. Actnta NO, 3.–Positively aures all diseases of tbe Eye', Cataract Gran alined Eyaslds, Inflamed ]:lyes, noax and ter si&hteanosa Tux Ere TaltierZD WalfairCr,082tD. Tins tporhnsl�ste�okaTarre , Enclose ea fhandsomely and onlava -15 journal,.. pi. T. itF.aictCO.:155queen Street West; Toronto, Oat . } , °Ural:24,414T PREPARATIONS. •PRAS MANUFACTURED SOLELY' BY 0.onmcinber tvo *nail, fe,ettre and are the sole 'iruprietova of tie following; specialties. and that =x,,.canbadaacli"on no a titersonrCe, THEY ARE i la(Feart:ALE SY DRUGGISTS. Correspondoneef wwtict',t si, ;los n ic1, t .m=ediation upon tell Rf 1 t iy,! tI 'llrinl;ir CJ:Sf{a'•.a'.. twit -at r. 1�1 .r L "°Mir"W ��B:,:0114T‘ n.,t , ND CHARGE eneeptfor -�. X1 ,` , xtee(l1r era ,'L, na(is Fant aaaurofrotn observzrSee that barrels are branded With the Trade Mark, ak Lr i13 D IIt 1; If • ' dci net, take it as itis only spurious oil they are offering you . so as:, to maks e• more money out of you. For sale by BItiSETT BROS., Exeter: July -26 -ES There4s a Macht .e it .ort t� +'.i✓1. -ion. 20-G eo TtKodfciuu (..01. Toronto. ort. i gC f r3 COLOUi tIoo un zra,ptl^iriep«.I•rel"5.rsl1(lttattrezrari'aniotZ»ab- t).S, h.troi."ess. W prapero the following; al-th ba--otineeshadesari(lafromthebairitse , la?s, srlr 3itown, Idettrum Brown, Chestnut, a irc:,ti t, (fold 3 *' do, Asa or donde 1.1+ •. Send aearpie c*'hair when ordering. ;•rleo,.tt2..per bottle. Tonto 7tTodiohte Co., 011.5.T REQUISITES In ortldriug micas* spociPiy which you xegnlre e gra tnte° tbmm to give entire entiefaction, 8 Impart* to the skit: t:be color and freshness i ,.(deuhooci; harmless , up. cannot be detected. �i. No. wrulcsta. $L into. 10 .Its- not'cn I. Ivor 81.55. 11 Removes Flesh :i'oriva tela . DTo 1.^. lie -i,VFreditles.•81.S25, sio„ 13 la ataavesPimpPss. No. 14 Removes Tan. 41. , lie. 13 P.oinoves Aloka. 9. lin. le (genitives Pockmarks, 82. No.171temoves undue a'respt1atioa. 01.28. No.10 Ali absoluteunfailing poeific . nr theretentiou eictjaelolrnent or r.:stor atienof ttir• 3iir $1,25. 'Tdaoirto Medicine Co. '€6IE WADI' tin. 19 Is a, conihinerl ,Zat4irnal ancl.-external treurroxnt which speedily cis/tato-etc ?,r. rcatoras the female ,Mast to the proportio:i, 461. spinous nature le entirety lir .rmle ea.an2. a tsl*u in re- 1 anite',;Piioo 441. Toronto Med, leo' i:d: Toronto, h,1p'$3:iIEl'3'811.i.,9i No. %A certain cure for Lennoreams., or Whites Pali ing'of the Vavoiub, Ulcerations Paint rii lien: struation, "l3eoaing dorm:Pai ns? zi ix?+tali !''sheets and \iroakneapespeculiar to females. 4:inlorsed by the highest medical authorities a e:ua";un- rival;od"xemoda Price 02,perbottle . .orontr, gedicine Co.,'Toranto„Ont. FRENCH. RECULATJ r9 PILLS: psi; superior to 3,g; t..Tecey,Pennyroyal, or Oxide. Endorsed by the thousands of ladles'wbo • nsothemlIONTEI.Y. Netior fail Relieve pain INSURE 1WGULli11>:Tyt?ieaeantaudEfiectual, ?rico .39h Toronto Itttd:einer Co. , Toronto, out, ; N .i915r,c0ALOU ' LLi..' 'Fief"* tiA i 8gs$i ” Can be cured ;by ti agog tpeaiee Nei: 2::. Artie Veit. it. derfals,si iadccntnet;tt)ipicfaetrtbafi it d is all that is Fan,ir,irdtstYf 3t t' tea t ? t0 nj i ..31.�1i'.c;%fi i •,?..'S,}01 1.S�iib• •,r -:• . _ . �. Furniture Nand Undertaking. GOTO-- Bow.Q k and Ali ansae FOR Bed -room and, Parlor'rite sr Sideboards and. Entension Tables, I.ou''nge s -and + asy chales: Lalugest warerooms .in town. aU{NDERTA.KI1 },'outside of the; under- ' takers' ring, in all its,'branehcs. ,Open„ Clay.and nia•11t. 51T 1 Z13i.i;cnie clary noril1 oS Mt 3 ori's liaiik: ik4 ,i r, C>:etnt 1!lacteit The Great English Prescription. A. successful Medicine used over. 80 years in thousands of cases. r' Ebro $permat orrhea�ANervousWaaiotas Emissions, npotency and all diseases caused by abuse. Inman] indiscretion, or over-exertion. (Arrnal ,'t Six packages t9naarmateedto Cure when another,,' Fail. Ask your Druggist for Tite.Grcut lent h Preaerhptioa, take n6 substitute. •One pacl:ago F1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address araaka CIecmicat (o., •hifetr oits Mich. Sold in 'Exeter by Dr..Lutz, and druggists everywhere.. Jan -1-8 PENNYROYAL:`'' WAFERS. Proscription of a physician reit . • has had a life long experience in • treating 3erytale diseases, •Is used monthly with perfect success by over I0,00O1adies. 'Pleasant, safe,. • effectual. Ladles ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal 'Wafers anct mil take no substitute, or Inclose post- . age for soaled particulars, Scald by all druggists, g ' er hes. Ad rens TIiFiEME1ie3.('1HH1tflOal; (O., I:lzeraor`' iron,: •Sold in ,Exottlr by" 'Di : Liiz, and ilruggiste *: very at:dts: j4;'