HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-9-20, Page 3The 10111'i; Keeling..
The food for the puttee is cooked by one
taids,_ rs touch it.
n and his and none eine
le is cooked hi silver vessels, and when done
emit_ ka kettle i
seea1ed by a slip g of paper and
a atarap, and this Is broken ip the preseuee
f t alt b
WO o h i
e s an the h cam
e h h brit who
taken one spoonful of each separatekettlebefore the sultan tastes it. This is to pre-
vent the sultan's being p ieoued.. The food
rs almost alway_ served nes to the su'.ta,n in the
,semevespefa he which, it wee evoked, andthese
4Teoften of gold; btu when a baser metal, the
kettle is net into a rich, golden bell shaped
holder, the handle of i
held. d
slave While the sultan eats Each kettle as
ar, course, and iaa tarred with bread and a
hind of pancake, which is held on a golden
trey by another *lave.
Ip xeveleee twice ass many slaves aa, there
are Mentage to serve a dinner to him, Ile
venally alta on a elivae neer as window.
which Tooke out over the Sespborns, and
taken bia eaaa teed comfert In a loom pens -
'hazer and gegeli`1. r, with bis sleeve$ turned
up. After he hes eaten All be wants the
Aitken takes hie oefFee and hie ehflboulr and
live back in an ecataey of enjoyment and
(pleb reverie, witieh be scalls taking his keit.
Woo be to the ane Whocomes to disturb ia:.
k outside hefasod being cooked u o£ tb
� . be raid e
lace is ,Tett it necemery to have !heti shaped
felt were to clap down tightly over catch
kettle, which bee been placed on 4 tray,
For Cha auttau rind royal family. there are
rriagnifie ent velvet elvers which go over the
ontelde of tboee, ensbroideeed with ;old avid
rafiver threads :ate peed, conal or teremele
bode. e. Thane ter athero acre spot €o heed.
Tints mitten la alereett flesh, and he always
tete entirety *lone, sever under any chem.
stathceis tleienieg to eatwithAugauy eat, and
mon atah he niacin began to eft the hereto is
awed, The mitten never uses a plate. He
itaa ail bin feed direct total the tittle tat.
and raver oars a table and rarely a1,
fork. A enema, hie bread or pan.
fingers are for trendier. Toa woolen
Id tai at liberty to take meal* where
lee, or hes 1aea*,•,.cud dun iavt~.re One
with a smell tray, witha, sport, O
late et bread, owl the higher unev
he peteeke*.
the heron the eMeera of the Wiper.
arca, the etueuebs, the el/anu er•
her high fun tienerlee are fed,
to being mated Bund a table,
Are offered eachh oue, who
two apoautu14 of tiao
ti'gtrette to take
net how
Ayai $,
fterliU tile. r neve rizrli aitlxc aTtat high
degree are feat fisc tsotdi„raataal a rvmite get
their food, and at titan satalo tinea at thereon
+empleyed in ; is itmlrcrtal altaab?a * have their%
an dorieg the ' rra;reta* fit ilio menta any
granger. whoever lie assay^ ire, le ex, lilac: ty
to come. to mad neat himeaafa,rid eat; Al a
beeeratrule three hundred p.Mlerill are fed
evety (ley who have no earthly rlgbt except
who the Few* of hospitality give, Itis aR
sort et perpetual tree lunch, sand, brggare ;ss
well as ritlt men av'ail therm -elves of this
royal bnunty.
The sultan ha* a number of very large
fAramk, soma of diem covering mitee in ear.
tent, Ftotb iu Eatropeaa Turkey and neighs
Turkey, and these aro Intended to supply
all these thiugn which forme ten produce to
file paleee. Oats of these !farms is near
Teheachalja:where the Government is now
about building a, fortress-, and another at
Ali Bap Nem!, both of these within caay rldo
teem Conte ntiaeple. There aro two ethers
int Kenedoukehfelon edjo and Boyouitchank-
e e t e
mcd'e ea are all n ax (�trre,ant n lc.
TheothersWO In -Alia Minor, O. these
much of the grain and food of the homes aro
Weed, They are or were titled by the coni-
ppnulsary labor of the Balgeiiane, largonum.
hers of thena being obliged by conscription.
to aerie ea many menthe a yeee ou these
karma, They were tied together like cattle
and brought by force and treated like brutes.
Tbie was a tort of tax dutywhich they wore
obliged to pay .in labor, It.may .not be so
now, but probably In,
The toil o!' Turkey is very fertile and pro.
duotivo, and from these fame annually aro
brought on donkey* and in boats tone upon
tons of vegetables of all kinds, milk, butter
end ehecee, rnutt,n, eggs, poultry aud.ftuitt
the amount in the aggregate is stupendous,
and yet ib is nob a quarter enough for the
needs of that household. Nonny all the
tabr,coo, however, comes from thcso farms,
and is of the finest quality.
They do no; grow rice, and, in consequence,
bny nearly one ton of rice per day for the
inevitable pflxff, 600 pounds of auger, as
much coffee, to say nothing of the other gra-
eerie!, fruit, vegetables, and meat. Rice,
mutton and bread form the greater part of
food for the majority of Turks ; vet, aside
from these they get away with ono ton of
beef and half a toe of veal per day, to say
nothing of other viands and fish, aweetmeata,
confectionary, nut* and dried and freab
fruits. The waste and extravagence in the
kitchen are onormens, and enough is thrown
away every day to maintain a hundred fam
ides. Much of tnis is gathered up by beggars,
andthe dogs eat the reat.
The estimate is that it costs per year to
supply the food for the at ltan's bousebold,
horses and animals, aside from the value of
the product of the vast farms, very nearly if
not quite $5,000,000 ; cost of furniture, bed-
ding and carpets, ,73.000,000 ; drugs, wo-
men's clothes, jewels and oosmetics410,000,-
000; caprices of all kinds, $16,000,000;
sultan's clothes and bedding, $2,000,000-;
sundries, preaents and servants' wages, $4,-
000,000; plats, gold ands liver dishes, 62,-
607 000 ; carriages, 474 of them, $474,000.
Total, 41,474,000. That is a snug little sum,
but it is an under rather than an over.
estimate, as every one who has Lived long is
Turkey and had means of judging and see-
ing the reckless extravagance of the royal
household will conceed.
For the Babies
It is not necessary to buy corn .cures. Men
and women ahonld remember that Putnam's
Painless Corn Extractor isthe only safe, sure,
and painless corn remover extant. Ib does
iia work gniokly and with certainty. See
taat the signature N. C. Polson & Co. ap-
pears on each bottle. Bewareof poisonous
Think naught a;trife, though it small
appear ;, sands form the mountain, mo-
menta make the year.
State facts with clearness, urge arguments
with calmness, and relate atonies with
troth and brevity.
Gettysburg MeniterIes.
A brief but graphio picture of the fight at
Gettysburg was given in the course of an ad-
dreeedelivered at Walton, N. I,,, by Colonel
W. W. Badger, from which we quote. (,oi•
oue! Badger speaks of event* with, the autho
rity of one wile ewe eey, "querten4 pans Ai
Waterloo wee but child's play when nom,
pared with Gettysburg, and baa 40 eotopari•
son to Leipeip, wbroh sent Napoleon to Flbn,
and yet ie 7a a abrin* of the whole world's
pilgrimage. Bath the armies there engaged,
with the Russians thrown in, were not equal
In nuauberato our armyof Gettysburg; and
our rnagoificent parks of artillery would have
outnumbered theirs ten 0 one. Those frau•
tie cbergea ef'xenvh cavalry upon solid
s uaree caf IinglUah bayonets seem ridicetoaas
to the light of modem warfare, time perk
of our Gettysburg capon would baro demo -
Upheld those iguana in halfair beer. Dur
RAW teemed DOKtuires,and we etildere threw
num en 'horseback against slid renka o
either ballets or baycneta, whey a capon
half or shell could ,gap theca lin mucin gni*"
en, do the work so much better atter it
got there. It Wee my fortune to are
three of the notable event* of the war,
Sheridt n'e ride at Cede' Creel:, the fell
of Siwuewell Jackson at Cbencellorsville,
d 'k
an, Pm c
creat baa• o at Gatzsabatrg. I c,an
g ve bet a word Hero ,sat to alta latter,
?beret those mmtatese thousand gallant Men,.
the finer et the aSarltlnersa army within a
unite of ns, darted together in three eel,
noses to pierce tine mates of our left wing ea
Cemetery Ridge; As aur cannon shoe
elriashed tbataeade el *me coili>ltaa>±a, they de-
ple od in utero !noes to wetter our fi€e, teed
satin .adveueed in quick tkue. They had
iWtagitted title artxztery wren $lanced by
their nreviemrfoun4inq of two hcurafrom
Ole hundred manners, bat the aaperb
gettieoclt warp in fact reaarviug hie fire
forshexter range, aud teed just: ordered
onion etesee a of ravels o m enetiou at stare
0 oleek in ;he After/ems when this char
began, Nothing could hove been mare op
portuue for tea, ,dos they same within a he
and quarter of at /hila aI our line, our grail
nude nnaum. front our two mike of #rout.
from Cemetery Ffill to Reined Top mewed
then down like grace.; their own artillery
then bad to meals iiurieg from fear of hitting
their own even, and as they coulet snot rev
treat wader our terrible fire, oar one hun-
dred 614441u had there entirely at our mer.
cy, Over two t einteud of them were killed
xtx twenty minute., only one Anuudred a a xiirt
tate. They cou14 net ovenatop to retold
their tuuplretaR, And had may to eaalme en in a
road rub to gets through tzsat artillery tire,
fur their only ebxthxa we* to .bayosiee our
ca nnoem a at their goose hist somehow they
case?sleet get there, and as they rushed !bolt(
l9 to Attempt .it, ug rottob+ehind Clove cams.
IM Tiososnkea Siomal Corina, atbot% 422.643
seterari, intently and !meed in their tire,
And iu;taxrtly advanced uutil every cermet
was vended by at Im.aat octo buanc4red anon
beyaneta. Then the e.annonede emend ex.
cope on the :1uike, gad the bayeuet and
musketry work wan begun, with such effect
for thirty sninutea oe no ether beetle hags
ever ohms.
Every general Meer le that charge ex.
opt l'7ekett bf trhaaelt. was killed orwountled,
mind be only ealespcd by atoppiug at a farm•
house halt way up the elepe, and more thea
a quarter et a mute distant from our linea.
aft the 177,000 men only a partaf Arreleteatl's
Brigade, about GOti even, actually crossed
our lfne, and all of them were kilted or
captured with about 1,C(O more who came
within three hundred yards of aur linea.
About 6.000 more dead sled Rounded were
left on the field, told the midi alt wangled
and torn retreated as heat they could, anti
all that was done within one !tete. Ar four
o'clock our greatest betties wan over and the
great victory won, General 4 arner rcaebed
our line and fall dead at the stone wall.
The only general einem who crossed our line
was Armistead, whose conspicuous courage
was Almelo a gaaraotee of death. lie leaped
tate well among the very first of his men,
and shouted, "Now boys, give them tiro
cold steal," Within twenty steps of the
wall he rooeived In his breast the bot lead,
wed not a man of them actually got his cold
steal in our bosoms. He was borne dying
into Ilaneoek'sbeedgnarters, about the time
that Hancock was brought there with a seri
oue vfimenet.
Our own leas was terrible;; an Jaly I,
about six thousand men killed or wounded;
on July 2, about ton thousand on July 3,
about four thousand and the enemy's much
greater, and we buried all the dead on July 4.
Ab, what a fourth. of July that was 1 I was
then captain In the line, and with my little
company was detailod all day in burying
the dead. The wounded had mostly been
brought in during the night, and all that
day our little squads ot four, each carrying
a stretcher or blanket, were rolling dead
bodies upon them, and with a man at each
corner of the blankets, were thea carrying
them into the common trenches for burial
No man who has ever done work of that
kind will ever want any more war.
The whole Revolutionary war of sev-
en years didnot kill so many men as
were buried there that day. It wan war
reduced to science, at least on our aide•
Por the South, it was only despair, They
had to do it, or else retreat ingloriously
frons a fight they had marched two hundred
miles to find. We could wait as we had
for weeks, but they could not stay and had
only to fight or go homy
Armiataad's monument should stand upon
the place where he fell, as such .heroic
courage belongs only to the noblest of
mankind .His blood there paidthe penalty
of treason, and washed all his faults away.
I: should draw to that shrine a just
respect far his character, is she
admiration _cf all the world. As we
hope fcr mercy ourhelves, leb ne not ex-
tend enmitioa beyond the grave, nor seek
for punishment after death. What truer
courtesy can we extend to Southern hearts
than to say, your true heroes shall have a
place also in our Valhalla? The cause is
lost, but lost with such distinguished valor
and heroism as the world has never before
known. Let those monuments rise to all
the Southern heroes, till every battlefield
shall become a shrine of patriotism. Al-
ready some three hundred noble monuments
now decorate that field, and thousands more
should yet arise till it beoome our national
shrine and common pride of North and
South alike. What better could illustrate
our three cardinal virtues—fraternity, char-
ity and loyalty.
Mrs. Murphy—" And how is y our his.
band to -day i"Mrs. McGinty—" Shure,
it'S bad he is. He's wastin' away wid the
consumption. If he kapes on getti.ig thinner
and thinner he'll make a poor e. rpse, 'I'm
A Million of Years., sat I.tpAN on l sena Lowest ates
Tot human the Na "teeny. Crrreal de4.a solieited
the uman understandir , - It I ra ,p A. aM
�&�� . ,,v,.fe4Y .._. Rl[}�b.5�� 4'M�l.`,,,F..,� ql''+etratchea gg 'ulna .irwolred innggaoloSeal��
history are utterly incomprehensible, it iz
nut easy, indeed, to form an idea of what o
p�aric.d even* :,pillion of yearn is, though
Crell melte how a etrikiug iaapreeaioe of 'sazch
alapse ma b=c
Szre.nh a piece cf paper eighty-three feet
four incheslong around the, wattle of a room
sowowlhati, over "twenty feet square, recall
tbeevet'ato et hie ter give some reneeption. Of
braked ,yearn, and then consider that a,
mark one-tenth of an inch broad at oaxa end
ot the paper represents the sentory, while
the whole strip elven ptsoafor only 4 Million
Fears ; Tbie Mew:ration iv wvoeth trying.
Could v. o stand, continued the author of
"Climate and Time," upon the edge of a
gorge, a mile and aboll ski depth, rat toad
been sot out cf the slid reek by o ti$y
etreaan eoeroety visible at the bottom 0 this
terrible abyee, sad were we informed that
tbia little atreanl.t was shin 10 0 ear ark
annually Only one tenth RI an inch frucp iia
reeky bed, what would our ooecep:ien be of
the prodegious length of time Hirst ail
siream moat bow taken to ezcovute the
gorge: We should oer air ly feel seiral.d on
Wing thee the screens bed performed Ethic
enormous amonwt of von* in apmetbkg less
tanasmlillouof years,
Money in year purse ~tiii credit you;
wisdom in your head will adorns you ; bails
nut year ceaeadty will *erre yen.
auunner'a heat deb take both
nerves nand body, and Bead.
rz 1re, Sleeplessness, j,,"er,.,,,
Toss I rost-r. a#ons aua spa
toall=playkuut" sorsatiou prase
that P.usies CotTgav Cottrou o
should 'Go ustd ow. Tbls..*alt'
clue retries health to WerveSe
dna s, TAYert and BM-,
els, and impede itaazureuera
'to the hint prostrated syt*ez,
Tacallezeornev licur.P.Aises
CuLeu- Coxroesn is Abe moil.
cluemrtbisresaau, Itasaseieu.
tifie corm hrotiva of the best
founds, and those 'alio usu It tegin
the lint roomer days with clean
heads, strong DIMON; azul
general pod health. p'.weeda
rroorcY COMPQU:4n IS amid by alt
itruggists, abottle. Six for fro.
WELIiS, BIC SON'ck COI Prop's,
ItIontreai P.Q.
of e1.thci
loon J'4U'11U0X' arid, Tinnto ier•
0on'im1Uai r o dneers ad Sol ltoro at 1%40ltli,.
G. 0. Roan, Chid darer, A. Zama!, Ws -True.
C!iruo DIbis BtAitlE S UNIVEoaSsTY
``.�� ole 6rrAry a n , ionto, atu engttaia
lir fish Columbia, Cailura a, 7lsnwte, Tlllnail, and
quite a number of other States land Provinces, now
in sttendanbe, write for Descriptive Circulars.
President. 8eo'y & Manager.
ICI hi French Morocco, 0114 Edges,
Maps, Protected Elva, w thyour
name in Gold, fano $1.00 up.
Toronto WillardTrxotDepoeltory.
Toronto Sale Works.
out I Instantly threaded without passing thread
through the eye. Agents coin money selling them.
Sample packet by mail. Iso. dozen packets $.00.
Whitton !Manufacturing Co., Toronto, Ont.
MACHINE For pa,tiauhrs ad•
a dress, 0. W. DENNIS, 6 Arcade,
Yonge St., Toronto.
F. 1$. DIXON & CO., Makers.
0 rM'Send for Price List and Discounts. Toronto.
—Smoot WEAKLY BeTWES.s'—
Saloon Tie1 ets, $40, $50• $80. Return, $80, $90,
$110, Intermediate, 380; Steerage, $20. Apply to
H. E MURRAY. Gen']. Manager,
I Custom Rouse Square, MONRTIAL.
Merchants, Butchers,
and Traders Generally.
We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pickup
For us. Cash furnished on Satisfactory Guaranty.
c. s.. 1='...1)..a.M.,
ETD% PARS, Vermont, U.S.
AND I'i3BI 11019,IN4 S.
'ik'► IU'i 1yi'' $„ 31f„. '1'aprlAl4 o.
14 FebrOe St.,
O,sns 1rnd, $e5 7
Amman 4 cent now ready yid v Inetg.nt
',41an44trtarrers e: the bie'te-ft „ :;ides Pt--
4 11tie I;uAI'p ! cit.—Reeser Line of
SteminahiPs, eaii mg^ Weekly between Montreal
Liverpool. `€la" ca tlekets,ifontre l to Live
Ito,, Ole wee etee, gaturn ti;kete, ;Pe 490. and
according to geezer .eaci a,cco n,nodat!u ,. Inter-
mediate. $996; around trip tickets. VIA,
$20leund trio tr$efe, a40" Fpr Mather k t*rato Secure births, Apply to Hi . MC1veers*
1sn er. L C etc t now °qumre, zone
Leat AAmita in the different Toone
a , don'.rt tal! to cot.
2A Cteud a St, To onto..
7o 'IIY 'lt ry,**::',*477s0.W RINE P1I4 R .I.f
asci by mail an op.
'4 a.:31toeue an a;:t,aa,
,- ;Alm n.iZ er*y awe
g ..,Jf: "S ll ht PaglIgit
Ca. 11. corks f ,. t:4
a ,
�1 mod tea,
� at � •r
1 a t r
a.,;., i~o I n t ;ver
lit WI a" 1 e ,a ro 10p, -
Cm.t , 1,1i3a
a'n- «4T std `r
420 to 4
41Iau h)
6•w40a4i0ar.. w-tt
day sash ltaallhtax ever* e.,
user Neem c*,'4Vi,4 eier� i. 3laAteX
s dt,np nit I;eaa i .der to INA r,
ler .acctlard sadWoad; .taro f.o.
Ilailtsc at:d sat. Jabnti;, N. F . t0l,dserpool tu.
4ert. at ; na;zer rccaetks. The tteaaiaere W the
- Few Laces sial Qetr+;p., tauter 'to 940 tram If
t 4 and
c r hire S e. a;
eel Destou Arvid , acd (iloere
I b.-rfa!tlet:4,1.nea^,r. orotG.rrfotcr a±ltz, a,,.,. --
aA. Fcttocolor 4 Co,. 1Natt'a,.on - S. C=3,74a. sena.
liabtaai,ttca kGo.. St. 'Ackaa'ii.isF'; ''V!Ta.Tt.,-r
e4A e:', 4.e., lit. 4critt, N lt.; Agate k. Co., C'aicagc;
Lore 4 AG9taa :Few, you, 13, an' Rcratiter, TozcaAw'
Ai;3ACoe, Vo,. Q;" r. Wm. Cxccltie, r4a4,441
relines, A. Alien„ Pertneat. 5tsst. -, Mc -Ur*
y.,ea,tk txat.;:ti. rte •
red thegueIrs•
the a leets 0.1
4 fife Marl the •
t; r avid read
kea3, Tte
reedin ct -
.i; -n.04.. R T:mete, a0.*,
ti. V..
hook wd1
two! .,t sr
Lou& Savin ss U■ onspany
Q'bt'1"ottA.lPisn 16,9 .
gad Q1Rw Toronto i?t41 Tam*
kVA 4'ayatta0. 0.•••••
at'airllratl.,, ,een.,,.,,..e, $ ossw*
]fir ON
at »acylir
Aa for
.'hernia to
nd & Onebeetr*:
11EPAU4R 0 or DA..
r .,tv".aity.
StO4Ciatai: p[1i e,
fag ata res ones t3 this eta -
tee lertnareeta:-;14;1,04 t.etit it he
I. rtEPaa4,.A !sad oaneri with
the A3ire_tars is meet With
—e lemeteeneet tate cS irtxactm
for :cans upMn weitteerory reap
rneeetsen mew to re nto tat enter
ccalAppodsere raRu
N einar't: Dazecter saint
si NI ten
To all who need a highly
le is of rpeaIal I tent t to Imo x' gist
It is palatable, easily digest:el and quickly strengthens tend Ini'igorates.
Barnum Wire iSo Iron Works, Windsor, Ont.
tie from 3-16 Steel Rods, with
Heavy Iron frame and
Iran Foundation.
are offering the Fence at ex-
ceptionally low prices.
Iron. 'Fence Cresting.
Stable Fitting
and all kinds of iron and Braes
There are ninny ,a.,.u,ON$ tat
but none equal it is labrioatiagproperties. PAR*.
sea, Mnaates, eto., find none equal to the eaanntts
Peerless made by
Sold by dealers everywhere.
To this date, Ootober 51,1887, there has been returned ~
To the heirs of 1'0110y -holders (death claims) ,$849,219 00
To the holdare of matured Endowment Policies ... 26,492 68
To Poltoy-holders on surrender of Policies 98,660 00'
To Policy -holders for Cash Profits (including those allocated and being paid).........:,;; 482,644 02
To holders of Annuity Bonds 18,907 84
Loaned to Polioy-bolder* on Security of their Policies 82,964 98
41,506,174 d7
Policies in Force over 10,000. Amonnt over $15,000,00(4
PRESIDENT—Eox. Sxo.W. P. Hemmer), 0.B:; E.C. I,G.
J. . 11ACDONAL11,, lltCauagin 11011reeloits
£i•Poliosaa Nonf orteitable OW, ear,* and 1odete,.a1h1e utter 9 ream,
,RELY ;? ,,
A WONDERFUL NERVE TONIC, A Medicine, not a Drink. Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Rowels,
Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Female Complaints, DRUNKENESS..
It may Save Your Life, or 1,000 Reward paidfora case they will, not cure.