HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-9-20, Page 1EX ETEWON T.. TUTTR DAY SEPTEMBER, 20,188s,
Th Motsons Bank.
kehARITRED Br PktiZIANENT, teob )
Paid..tap .. . . .52,000,00o
Rest Fond .... 870,000
Head office Moetreal.
• le. WeeLFERSTAeet THOMAS, Estee, y
Twiie*Y la.ma.riay efilets In the Dotninlen, Agetutica
1,1aX 74..=HRANflL
'epee* te,;:ry from' 10 na to p.
NIF-.DAYSla a.:m
.k.m.rter.A harakin7,11u1sicess trammeled.
Three r* oent. per annum ellowei for money
itepoll; ainf t-Ixalogs Dan/I-
.-niteter, ;Tem 28, '8S„ Manager.
lle evfcr dvotatc
publiehed every Thursday morning,
. at thevelice,
failkin•Bt. • - Exeter, Ont.
ppmrs or se asenterioN;
43cheslaMe 6 .4 -at if rmid in Ovum; 41.54 if cot so
Advertising Rates on Aniallutien.
psvcr d:trar:lente:1rnfitall orrelr4.1ce are 4.
ed!eEt;Mout Gpedfla directions will be
platIllskei till f'04.. euiohnrgeclaeconlangly. X4bereil
eliseetm mac, to. trap, tent d rertistment4 Inserted X
, I ,
Entire Stook
Owing to_your correspondent being
anther busy with his fall wheat ad
threshing he did not have time to write
up the news for the ,A,eeepeeee last
There is a young inert from Zionville
that travels north nearly every Sunday
eveuing. I clown mean Albert. Some
say jack is going to -.--.-1 Well you
know the weather is gettrug cold now.
Sunshine is goieg to loose oue of
their choir merahers. Well you know
Tom will soon be a travels
we. Could be not make • arrenge- poll time sure.
There was an excellent time at Fath-
er Kealy's picnic on Wednesday of last
week. Mr. Win liodgins, of Heneall
was the winner of the flag.
M. Michael O'Rourke and John
Barry, of Khiva, spent Sunday anti
Monday in Port Huron. The arrived
home on Tuesdayevening, After having
spent an excellent tie'
Come boysget ready for the big ref-
fle at Mr. Michael O'Rourke's to be
held one26th inst. Get your shoes
polished and your beat girl to have a
genuine "trip the light fantastio."
-Ifibbert Might&
Farmers are busy preparing
ground for fall wheat,.
Rev. John Scott, of Londe% et viele.
ing les brother Rev. 1'. Scott) of Croaii •
Mis Janie :McTavish of Tuckersroitie
is at present visiting ber old frieuee
on Cita 12th con.
We notice that Mt. J. Richardson,
of Cromarty, is getting- very handy ae
"elerking". Much easier than horse
theeiug, Jack,
in rumored that oue of the fee"
talents to take lier bemo with bine. lathee residing V. !ttIee*5tQZCroroarty.
Mr. Robt. Mem ie making Ai 411.•
Air A ------ provereent by rinsing his barn.
Wen' dealriptIon of JOE PRINT-
alga ttr',:ml tut to
de Pnest style ef the art evil tat .
^moderatu ;ntt 3Cleexa, money order& 4c. or
NSC.TextistrU. slto'f•Vtioat5,, Itc,, to be mgemehto
Miter ma PotiEs/itr.
01117:011 DiRF.C2'ORY.
'fawns TAImmitax. ut.-r.ty. 8. F. au. Welton.
tier. '•, ra;nts. Ilia. s., atad 7 p, to.; .•
P. u-
raer.,,,-K7,67,7.‘r 03IInta • tit ,:iner. A. Crimmat
roslar. 4'4 4 i.L3 *. s.mut CUT,.n.
tura &atilt S. %Veen. Txter.
Call Early and often. You
will be sure eta Ear.
gain every time,
AL the Olel Stand, opposite
Jas. Piekard's Store.
JAM a, V,D3 ra, .0:11 sarntitd •
k :rho public as hereby notified that oweig
eetee, JI 14 1:i VE:4-,r lactiiata. `11;urailly oven. ;
604 t),,R 71, pra,ler azet.erieliliumiNe the (Weet-e Or our leveller anal partner,
emote' 7-ta• the late Joint Edwin Snell, we aro obliged
rims3.-me t'au W. M. Rwlin, Plater.
fA:„Itula,l,e ..) St...a, it u in, und m tiabt-sth
it .4,0. na, Young Kople8 prayer Inceilti,3,•, at
:yo 45. rincceztv eat -tisk! timer ineetitti: at. 8 o'clock.
44koic jvcahl,..titcrouelliAlby ottcr.
• • if
Bttaincs and othet,C4rdo.
• 1)1.:N,rzetrri.
Offiee over 4Y.Noils Bank, Exeter, Ont
entrant wee, GM fer painless extractiOn.
.rr, A. AMOS, IL D., C. E. L. E.. 0. P.. EI)IL.
L. R. t% S., Edin.: L. Oloar.ow;
Ediliburyth anti Gt ;11.&P.1,04;li., O.r.titarlo,•1.
F, T. se:1.4.'4444o, atet1tc1ctttdito
Graduate ot Victoria ilnieursity. (Vito and residence.
Dominion Laboratum. Exeter Ont. JIM:. 9-17.
DROWGING, M. D.. L 0. P. S.
%It. WAVE% 01.'810E -sum STREET. Ulster,
,,,, up %tura, opposite Central Rotel. Ade ent.,
ranee on the tento-Jamestitreet leading to the Moth
toilet eeizace.
DEWS. Xincheloca, 'teased auctioneer
for the ematiee of t••rth And ...tiddlesex, also
;:er ;hi township et llsberae. Salotpromptly attend.
ed to, and tern .x re:uaousble. Solea arranged at the
post-oMee. Wittebtims.
—..— —
1 enr.s OILE. Metier Outetio, Livened Auctioneer
totho County of Gurus; Sales promptly attended
...and sr:of:action ttutuunteed.* Sales arranged at
'ial,a oilloc.
..adiltY MEM. Licensed Auctioneer for nay.
•• Stephen. mad .5101.11111aray Tbadhsbips. Office-
"A•Prost..,1%-e. tezoliton. • .
the Counties of Middlesex ani Lambton, ad
the Tovrosirps of Stephen and Day. All sales prom
ptly attended to. Address all communication; to W.
nom, IthIv ostotlIce, Ontario. .
8.. DICESON, Barrister, Sollelbsr of Supreme
Court, Notary Public, Ceneeyancor, Cent
. uossioner, &A; Money to Loan.
°Mee- Fatkon's Block, Exeter.
D. D. 8., Al:tracts teeth without pain
by ivb Vegetable Vapor, or using the new Antes-
.thetie out ho gums. Makes Gold Fillings, and all other
dental writ the best possible. Goes to Zurich last
Neurelapin each month,
1 t
eILLIOX ik ELLIOT,BeeniSiees
Solicteors, Conveyancers, fke.
'Money to Loan at 6%
al. V. Eeeteer.
. •
41 ay Farmers ,tual flfe
Insurance Company::,
and cheapest•Insuraneo Company in the Dominion,
can do so by,,applying personally; or by to the
yanderaign ed. All applidationo ,prbinptly attencled,to.
,Also agent Gm the Wellingtoni.(otripany of Guelph.
;Also AUCTIONEER for the Count Y of 'Huron:
F. BOSENDEANY, Atunvg. y,
•aae 9-87 ,Zurickibut.
to settle up the bueirees carried on by me,
at butcher; and for tine purpote must
have all umlauts of the firm settled with-
in 30 daysialter thtn we will let obliged to
plate unpaial actuante an other hands for
collection. We will Berry nn the lauteher
leteintes and pay all libilides of the late
C. ea G. SsEra.
Exeter 13 --Sept. 1888.
Nel'utonete-In Usborne, on 1 lth
Edna Pearl Wright,aged 5 months
and 16 days.
Eo,—In Veborne, on 14th inst.,
Ann Eynon, aged 79 Jeers.
IltiRtIla. Hay, on 17th iest, War -
gent Murray, aged 97 years.
Biddulph Council,
The Council met pursuant to ad-
journment in the Court•room, Claude
boyeeeept 3rd The Reeve and all the
members present
The following accounts were ordered
to,bo paid: P. Doxsey, boy minding
ed•.,e, $2.40; 3. iltyder, 6 days statute
labor refunded•the same having been
performed, $0,00; F. G. Ryan, gravel
contract new roads div. 1 $84.31; E.
Morgan grading div. 1 $15.50; G. Hod-
gias, 10e days overseeing new roads
513.33; M. Moncton, 6,e dys. shoveling
div. 2, 56 50; M. Frazer,' work on
gravel road moiety $2.65; G. Sellars,
grant to Clandeboye, $10; M. Hodgins,
building pound 54; F. Kent, gravel
acct., 53.80; J. Gilmour, lumber and
enaterial for culvert in Clandeboye, $6;
T. C. Hodgins, building bridge div. 8,
$8; T. Abbot, rep road div. 3, $1.50;
F. G. Ryan, gravel contract. C. S. B.
div. 3, •$80.84.
On motion the clerk was instructed
to place the collectors roll. in the hands
of tho cellector on the 15th'day of Oct
Tha'council adjourned to =lain the
Temperance hall Granton, on Monday
the first dike. of Oct., at 10 a. in.
• Virkohelsea Echos,
The rain on Saturday night made
things look rather fresh.
• Quite a number intendgoing to the
Western Fair.at London next week.
Ur.' Chas. Godbolt and wife returned
home from attending the Industrial
fair at Toronte. They report a grand
MreD. ,Wynn and Will Powell, ' go'
to Toronto this week to "take the
eittraCtilens a.t -the' +Queen City exhi-
Mrs. Buchanan and eon left for Tor-
onto thee week to attend the Indust-
rial fair for eetrenel•dayie
Last Monday several men of the
Bauble Line who caused a disturbkace
Q.t the Catholic picnic, where brotigbt
before efagistrate Buchanan, Tiensall,
and several were severally And.
Last Friday a large crowd attended
the world's fair held in this place,under
the auspices of the Hay Agricultural
...aciety. The products were good and
some line bred horses and cattle were
shown. The Crediton Band W35 in at-,
tendanee, which rendered some ltoiee
Grand Bond Wings.
The farmers in this section are late
mith their fall wheat.
Mrs. Malcolm Ferguson, of Colpay
Bayee.paying a visit to her old friezids
• around here.
A large number of gentlenan and
their femiliea are taking advantage of
Grand Bend sceneryjust now. The
• "outing" season will eon, he over. ,
Mr. Jas. Mollard's new brick rest-
denee is nearly completed. Mr. Moll-
ard has twu sons mad oue daughter tly•
ing dangerously ill with malarial fever.
The three young ladies who lost their
pails and clothes some time ago, while
berry-piekuag, recovered them again at
Slabtown. Such jokes aretaot fun by
any means.
oidaulph Itreezes.
Mr, Jas. Armstrong, of Mutkoka,
is visitiug friends itt Bidclulph at pre-
Mr William Taylor, of Biddulple
sold has fifty acre farm to Mr John'
Batten,Usborne,for the sum of '52,450.
Mr. L. Hunter, of Usborne, bas on
:hand 25 bush. of roasted potatoes,
caused by running fire from Quinton's
Mr. Wm. Smith, of McGillivray, has
;rented Mr. Wm. Jones' farm of 200
'acres, for the sunt of $600 per 'annum.
'Wm. feels proud now of being a Bid -
d ulphen
As Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, of McGill-
ivray, were driving into Clandeboye
lately, their horse took fright upsetting
the buggy and fracterinebMrs. Pierce's
leg in such condition that it caused her
death. She was buried on Saturday
Khiva Notes.
Miss Lizzie Barry is.expected. home
this week.
,Khiva folkstare glad to see Galagher
back to town again.
Rd. feels gnite proud over' the &r-
eeled. It is a daughter.
'The days ate line, but we. Are visited
dieting the nights with frost.
' Wonder Whet is wrong that X. Mc-
Phee does not.come to Khiva now?
The white fined horse went west on
Wednesday evening but the driver got
sadly "left". .
lilhe frosty nights does not stop Bill
frees going eiorthwerd to see the
"Peetty Blondeein Blue,"
Mr tx Mrs'. Wenaolifi.accompanieti
by Mr. Berneye;Cunninghatn, visited
theteafortela 'fair on Monday and Tues-
day lazt. • .
Corbett Gatheriugs,
Way cog' eveningnow,
It is whispered that we will have
wedding here shortly.
There was an eating contest here
is Shortly to have"her natant changed
from "Miss" to "Mine'
Mr. Jas. Millar and wife, of Cram.
• arty, left on Tuesday for Cobourg, +ea
vent friends. They intend spending
13, few daya at the Industrial Exhibition
Mr. Jae, Cardieter, of the 14t5I
mately. It was won by Jim. has Tented his farm to elesers. Joeheat
Mr. Crowley has proved himself to Ashton and Jas. Riven. Mrs Gazell-
e* a very efficient cheesemaxer. nee is having an auction sale of ape,-
antl implements on the 18113. inst.
Almost a -serious fire took place at.
Mr. D. 'MelKaig's,12th conome day las:
week, while they were engaged in
threshing The roof of the barn ',tool.
Mr. Glanville preached a very im. 511, by a, spark from the engine, am'
pressive &meninx in the Methodist
church, here, en Sunday last had it not been that the mow wosneat
The leirectors of the Corbett eheesetifelesanthat water. could lte thrown froze
factory boxed 11,723 bbs. of cheese on tiosi.le the barn woulato.ve teen total*
Friday last. it was veld at 10 ets. per duisl'irrjaetzlouatsSitdheeywhitaktionn:s3;ldidcienrg,
• •A• very pleasant time Was spent
The harvest home dinner held in the the residence of Mr. Jas. Miller,
Pr+ sbyterian church hereon 13th "inst Wednesday evening A number of tio
was a very sueeeesful affair. Mr. Ilis- neighbors bappened in to spend a fee
hop M. 1'. 1.. of 'Usher -tie, was amonget hours with Mr. Miller's father and sit
ter before their return to their home in
the Steers. After supplyine the inane
man with the "goods allege" preparee
by Mrs Miller and her namable
daughter. the remaiuder of the evete
ing was spent in reeitattion,singleg anal
social chat Mrs. Smart sang a. nude--
;Mr. Rolland who has 'been in of "Auld Ficotelt Songs" which to theis
remetnbrancee, the days of ore.
Towle:or the pant twenty years, gave
friends in this burg a friend!). eall on-
Monday lase He look,: hale and hearty UOMMUnicAiatt*
and speaks highly of the couratyie
we a° net 't
states that this year they hare had IIs
c: tileislohnestaditerfr vieu
abundant erop, and that money is quite
plentiful, ramie so than in my part of .
Canada. tit is antagonizing to take en oppe'
They say Towner T. is inclined to
learn biateremitbing. Is that ete Tom?
Mr. John HaK,'of Dashwood, gave
riur burg a flying visit on Monday last.
the number.
Remember the Exeter fall lair on
Oct. lst and flnd. • lloys speak to your
fair ones, and when there, mind and
remain until evening tote hear the cele-
brated lien Ringers, whieh avail take
piece in the Opera. How,
its vutwaind direction from a detertnn
.ed delinquent I fancy that ever.
•person in the progressive municipalit
of Exeter, should feel it obligatoey 't.;
Mr. Wm. Rowell& is on the sick love your neighbor as themselves, trial.
• this is unique and sublime. 1 tt'u
, that no one will conjecture the
Mr. John Evans and wife, of Exeter,
was the guest of Mr. Thos. Shute:Esq., of this article antagonistic to the we
being of any, far be it from hint, pre •
on Sunday last. gress and proeperity, frugality in;.
dexterity, with earnest assiduity is io
tranquil felicity. It is n well know
fact that our council have made expel. -
stye improveinents in the village
hunter, is at present bunting coons five gravelling the streets 'and ticlewalt. -
nights out of the week and the other which certainly is an honor to thee.
two nights be goes Spear(ing). Surely and a lasting boom to the village e -
Exeter. All will conceie the right et.
keep horses, cows, pigs and patina.,
But this right is lost when you Oa .
the above loose to injure your .neig" •
bor, get to their gardens squeeze •thee
heads between. the fence boards aie.
pull them off to get their heads eke
and this is of every day =Aurelia-.
This 1 hold to be fingollate if not 418,.
itious. Let mayor e survey the disgrace.
ful condition 'of our p]ank and grave
side walks, built at great labor an.
•expenses and what will they see bare
Mr. William Pugsley and .wife, of
Exeter, wet e the guests of Mr. Wm.
Rowelilre last Sunday.
Mr. John Shute, the celebrated teem
John. you must be getting lots of
A fearful fire has been raging in the
Osborne swamp for some time. Mr.
S. Martin had a narrow escape ce los-
ing thirty cords of wood ita there and
had it not been for the assistance •of
his neighbors the whole would have
been. consumed.
Mr. Thos, Swale, better known as
little Tommy, borrowed Mr. Elford's
horse ane day lately. The horse ran
away throwing Tommy down and i'''' cow -dung scattered bere aud the.re te
juring his back and neck. Be careful the detriment of pedestrians. Tht.
Tommy, those animals are not se tame
as your own dear Mary Jane. should not be. Where is our intelin
gent touncilt Some of them that have
A_ great deal of complaint is beiug cows and poultry would be the firer,
made at the Centralia cheese factory as to find fault only they have the nee, •
well as the one at Lucian in regard teethe mice and therefore they 'ere mut?:
milk skimmers. It is a shame Solite What keep the residue of the citizen.
parties who did not get the whole earth from keeping those things 'only the
in profits squeal. They were not like do not see their way clear 'withete:
the men who lives near the stone injury to their fellow -men. Hundred: -
church. He •skimmed the cream off' of them .are as able to buy cows at
and then put baking soda into the milk poultry, surely, as those that ketee'
to try and get the cream to raise the them. Every progressiveerrunicipeetee
sewed time. Paul may plant and is doing away with the nuisance sne.:e.
Apollos may water but the baking as Londen;Goderich, Clinton; Seaforte
soda could not raise the second cream etc. If the Exeter &lance is to allow-
it .beieg too frothy and could not stand those things to be abroad they, at !eas:.
the test. Such low, mean contempt- should insist that those who keep cowl
able tricks should be exposed, not only at large should have a herdsman fro:
exposed, but the perpetrators should every ten or fifteen coves to preveee
be brought before some J. IP. and make them from breaking fences or getting;
them whack up some of their ingetten into gardens. Hour soit, quimal!e•
paise. Naivete Sinplicity„ VratrrAnii*,
• • 4,0,