HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2006-03-30, Page 19ON $4.00 THURSDAYS Drop into either of our offices any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 20 words) and pay only $4.00 + GST (paid in advance). That's $1.00 off regular rates. The Citizen THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2006. PAGE 19. Recognition Stuart Chamney of Belgrave received his 60-year pin at Carlow on March 8 with the support of family members. From left: PM Bro. Bud Chamney, Blyth; VW Bro. Bill Chamney, Grand Stewart, Windsor; Stuart Chamney, Morningstar Lodge, Carlow; RW Bro. Wm. M. Malmo, District Deputy Grand Master, Stratford, who presented the pin and Bro. Kevin Pletch, #286 Wingham. (Photo submitted) The Be!grave Women's Institute meeting began with a potluck meal on March 21. Dorothy Coultes gave a brief history of the Blyth Festival and introduced the artistic director, Eric Coates. He told of his background growing up in Guelph and working on a farm during his teens before becoming interested in theatre. He outlined the stories to be featured in the plays to be presented this year and distributed brochures. During the business meeting plans were discussed for several caterings to be done during the summer. A donation will be made to the school fair. The next meeting will be on April 18 beginning with a potluck meal at 6:30 p.m. The program will be the East Wawanosh Public School public speaking finalists followed by the WI annual meeting. The community extends congratulations to Greg and Julie Diamond (nee Fortune) on the birth of a son, Cody James. Proud grandparents are Doug and Gerry Fortune and Bill and Joyce Diamond. Network Classifieds • Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! . _ For more information contact Your local newspaper COMING EVENTS CAMPING ONTARIO - Book your Holidays! CMT and Chevy Truck Presents 17th Annual Have- lock Country Jamboree - August 17-20/06. 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