HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-9-13, Page 5esu .cast avt
• t) v t
flral a, .'i,4: .t=a'd Iix`'1` aa�.3- ass'u"e�.
-.`rade e g' c} &: +�' . t °k i :#. 4.2:9 4:3S:.
4,1 as ",•.^ n,� , ' r, Ips
Cl seta h z a • , ... 8.,itt
- fit!, n
alta« D 9.40
Londe '' . l i) li0
1Sl3tla . . 10
,.,. la.,i
Wiirietant :aa•rjt .,10.41
Clonal Serra.
,4at 1D art. (.0i}
Leigi e ..... 7.24
Myth.. .,, 7.38
1.oseleebora3' 7.47
Olinton . 8.07
Bieteefield . . 5, 2ft
Kq pen .. 8.34
'rnlrl..... .. 5.41'
Exeter r . , •.. -
ttientrealia� O.t27
eelandebn e....., .g.1S
Tereaa-craw' g . ,.. 0
audon,a •rfve. , ,10.15
Keep to tries ftihta
Iat pessing,elong the eidewelke- we
!tare frequently seen that people" in
meeting each otheneometiaues pause to,
see which side the ane neeeting them
\kill take. The ineeeavepeience of shuff-
hufk-lin; Error oate aide to the other in order;
t,r ovoid collision; Cara be overcente
z lx'ays tert+aieg to the right. There
rt- exceptions to the above, but they
`are few. if nil obsem the; above there
will be far less of chin -musk: and tea.
ataayanee. The children at school should
be inet.uctett to observe tlee above,aand
we would like to seetlose not children,
i ubeerve the sate
As sea captain, on r: voyage, iiiaee a
ere;r of 30 teen, lulu; whom, we
aheks. swab becalmed ora the pese-
3.4e. r;,l cage for Ai thug time their provisions
4. eei
5.12X5.1 9
5. afi
Fa11 E llileittons~.
tudaetriatl atTtoronto Sept. 10
Provfcciel at I ingstee Sept 10 .,
West :re at leeriden Supt 20 to
South i urota at Seaforth Sept
maid 1$
Stephen arta 1:"•3boa•raa: at Exeter
1 unci 2
South Pertly at St. Mar flet 2
Alan:'shaarcl ate Rirkton Ohre
Clinton Oat 19 mai 21
drodericla Oct, 2 mad5
Forest Oct. 9 tared 10.
WW'est Zara p anter;! Oct. 12.
:;Didaiulph tes autaan Sete. "'",$.
wast hums, iirusselo flit, i rand
11 st Vawaaano' b lt,rlt, tt',Ae0et .'
Tial ite:a, at Store, tOet, 3,
began to fail, and the captain satisfed.
that unless the camber of we wee
greatly dieniti heti all would perish of
—Read our Sale Register: in aanothe
A number ofgypsies paesed;out
ware!, on Monday.
,•,'.?41r. Wm. Delve left for Loudon,
one play last week
---Mr. 4; Mrs 'Walt Andrews opente
Stinday at Wiriehelee'a.,
-_,ilii C. Jackell has returned from
hie Alert visit to Sarnia.
l+utlle ]£ealy'a picot, held yestec•
day, was a grand *success.
—Tho AroCATX from avow till Jane-
atry 1st 1859, .o+uly 30 cents.
A. number left this atatioa last
elaea:ing four the Tortmto exhibitiane
Mt J. Oke .slipped a• carload
of prime cattle to Tomtit° markets, on
—Wedding inyitione,
etylee, neatly and cheaply printed .a
ADVQca,TZ office:
New Irork
hunger before they could reaub any ^ Mr, N Wee rineelen, return from
' friertiBy port Itte therefore prepoaod sue two weeks buhdaya at. Saguia and
to the bailors that they should stand `. '' $1t Ste. Maria
a row on the deck=• aud that every ninth ' --Mien Carrie Drew 4.etnrued £¢aura
team aboald be thrown overboard, aantfl Loudon one day loot -week, where site
one -hili of the eeew were tlau.. destroy- land beau visiting.
ed. To this, they all agreed. How ^ " ,.._.etre. Muir, incl, astughter, efagg
should they stinal so as to save 'the, of `t�lintnn, in Visiting at Mr. Wm
whites'? 1aaahes at present
%Ma nd er coach itwane- ^ Mr, 0, ft Hersey sad family, ac
ra ago* things frequently baaptaeaa eoaaapaniedLtay 3 iso Aleut McDoae 1,
beans., while we are hating zta spout Sanndwr in YAM.
cotta,, for novelties,- A. few Mr, t't': Sauna tt will leave One
Liaaefgh4 citizen opened n l^ rhes uarltiest inch octet t, bleats is
er iwt ell was purchased at a en ,k, � maaptetsii.
gre' er , aannd +li €avem i therein a small
in box be erfng the following; written
texts ferninnaee imgd, t,i elroegtet,
8 Of :ge+ goci and ata
heart hoa:sekeel,s+r. Should Oahe
E..,wal by sots uau rried Chrietieu
'naan, he will please write to the
ellowiug aaddres:r,r' etc. etc T'he £andira^
eiatg eettaciaelor, decider! to aneravel;-
atir ariel sur4eeded, but :only b
!talo ta, y trig toutencc, The :girl who
.e. bad written the Rete died auany year
: Ago, wed lett *a awste4 husband Bead
awae Lindy to mourn .her, -Clines
Silt $alt.
�Tiaa Exet�s
hand a (NM
ttheap I xcei
weds fur i;'213, fr
torn till 21st :,4"s
W. J. Chibaet agent
ty at.l<
,aaawi auaui l:R i
he 3ti orthe
sd to ata-
Aptly t+a
They are Corning .`< re.
Thee W. J.. Smith's vel'•leve ed trtealitp
vF l ,:4 Riugrrs ere coats* sure, and
will gill' pa+rfurwa.rades,oa the eveniatgd
of i1ondey and `i':u,�., idv, October 1+;t
ad 2nd. lie tsurt and beer Mt to,
Mineral eral wetter r..nepar'iurra.
St. Leon Water, the great .i ealth re-
sturer; If your 8yetennis out et' order
think St, Leon water and he happy.
ELIXIR Vvraa magnetic inisetr'al fent:
*natures laboratory, for ulcerated *tams•
hand all diseases of the gots-melt, for
liver, kidney and piles, the meet, won-
derful article ever offered to than public.
The great Wolverine _Mineral water
fromfrom Michigan, for ltheunlatisun,if you,
axe afflicted, call and :see the agent,
Orme*: 'Sawnssta, Exeter,
Exeter ay. a.) Parkhill.
i?a 'Thursday last,the Parkhill Base-
ball club visited our town to play a
friendly game with our club. Thegane
was a. very iuterest »g one from be;iu-i
iug to end, but throughout the games:,
was easily seen that the Parkhill a;lub'
was no match for ours. Our club done
some excellent work on the field, while
the fielding of the Parkhill was poor.
The pitching of Leckie struck them
like a cyclone, as xto less than 12 outs,
was made byk him. We understand
that a return. snatch will take place
shortie', at Parkhill, and we expect to
see our boys acquit themselves as able
as they did on Thursday. Below ws
give the correct score, `with the num
tier of errors made by both clubs:—
EXETER 123456789 to -•-E
Tait 1 0 0 .0 1 1 0 1 '*-4 2
Eacrett 1 1 0'1 0 0 0 0 -3 0
Collins' 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 — 4: 3
Shipley , 1] 0 0 1 0 0 1 —4: 2
Oke 1 0 0: 0 1 0 1 0 —3. 2
Carling. 10'000000 —1- 0
Bissett 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 --1 • 2
Anderson 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 —2 ' 0
Knight 0 0 0 0 1 0 .0 1 —2 ' 0
Total . 5 3 0 2 6 2 1 5 --24 11.
at Ifenings not played.
PARI IIILL.,1 2 3 4 6 6.7` 8 9 t'1-- i'
McRay, .' 1 0 0; 1 0. 0 0 0 1-3 3
Munroe W. 00000000i-1 3
Rebinson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 1
Ross .. 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 :1-•-1 4
,:-4unroe247::' 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0"0' -0 1
McLellan 0 0 0'1 0 0 1' 1 02--3 2
-Meredith 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-3 4
Cameron ; 0 0' 0 1 0 '0 0 0 0--1 2
Barnes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0,: 2
TdtaLt 1:i1 0 4 0 0 2 1 4--13, 22
Struck out bynTait, 12;: by Robinson, 7..
Bases: cu gxeter, 2;.:' Perkhill,,;2,
teary, y
rat's' #l'Z utla+�+� t ie e:lier r
t ri rotp4ng off to *a-ok; the
them --lege, T!a°s week it ireverace our aaad
duty to recess! the death of another
3sboree+nett nc'sieteats in the lame
Mrs;. Jolur Antlers:tn eat departed
tars life on '31onde7, evening- last
caned weleattackel about ,aa Mock
go with diarrhoea, and in tho^rouree of
^rw days t,lao wane taken with, inilam
stied urn the bowels, which resulted in
her death. M Andereon wsae widely
known, and much beloved by alt who
seism her, end ler kind worts and
charitable ens will he severely milsaa.
cd. She bei been n lifts long member
of the Presliyterien ehatreh,and died in
he faith +oa weetiug leer siaariour. The
tarvi',ing friends and relatives have
;vanpathy ef the entire comamunity',
ice their sad trial of affliction.
Bustles Again.
The Alvinston editor must be a lad-
:ualu. Aecoraling to last week's
issue one of the Alvineton girls take to
him in this wtay;-1wear -a bustle, and
I believe in it, T wear a large bustle
and Jura proud of it. I wear a steel-
ribbed, brtiserivited, bun elar and fire
proof butle,and itis .a jay beyond coin -
pares Perhaps Mrs, Cleveland secured
her dislike for the bustle from wearing
the cylinder shaped arrangement. If
so, 7 cannot blame her for granting the
bustle bannsbed. But if she wore one
of these haudsorne steel -wire concerns
that resembles a cross between a base-
ball catcher's mask and a moss basket
aslutpel like a half watermelon and full
proportioned as the round moons how
different she would feel aboutiti There
"Si a charm about a hustle of this kind
that makes my pen thrill with ecstatic
delight as I write you abont it. I have
heard men say time and again that
they wonder how women manage to
sit down when they have a bustle.
They do not wonder at any such thing..
They simply» speak a little iib when
they say so, that's all, for it isn't any
harder for a woman with a bustle on to
sit down than it is for a man with a
pint bottle of cholera mixture in his
coat tail pocket to do it. All he has,
to do is to be a little careful, of coursee.
and that is all a woman with a bustle
on has to dos, The secret of it is this:,
When a beetle -decked woman sits
down, she does • so sideways. There ie-
a pretty little- trick in it. She pre-
tends she is going to sit on the right
side of the chair and makes her first
movement in that direction; but just as
she reaches th t chair she moves grace
fully to the other side, the bustle :rolls
to the right, entirely out of the way of
the sitter, and the problem is solved.
Braer Items.-
-,-Funeral notices neatly and cheaply
printed at the ADVOCATE office.
Mrs. G. Suiullacombe spent a few
dais in: .Kirktow:during :the. weeks:..
Porta, of Luca;aa,
yrs, Joke Fanner, for,
i,Qg the wok
ctioneers and other* Will t
tbeiradvaaaiaage, to get their solei
this cat of t 11ilbr print4 while
Tenn party will be held.
the lawn of Ds Renllitaa, on Saturday
aieag text, 15th last, A gcual time
et forget to attend the aalt�
e Dyer e read state, r�'1
Set„ralaay next*
care nothing about with the tT 8., but X'do 'desire Union : wvit'
the ,citizens of $xeter and surrounding country. Owing' to the
press/onof the auarket,1 hale. been able to purchase
zanzr stalk •
much below the regular wholesale prises, awl will g xc gay altstomerr ,.
the benefit of it, icy stock consists of
•oods ares, Iiats c . r•
BooTs& S E .
Crockery,' Glassware. e. ,
The Tarieats; of Mich are ill no may influenced by Customs Duties or,
other tax i>tupoa itaonee 1 do not grape ray goods way, but Bel them at -
the lowest iigurrs crnsistcrrt with good business -principles. cipler . 'arties in
want of goods, consult their own. interests by examining vv. stook • lte- .
fore purchasing elsewhere. IlQi Berber this is anew stock.-
'am -Produce tairen-at Market priees. First door ;x is cif the
Tow ,
.1, 11. OP,:MOM, lit
nee to the public, tlaetbe
tnberger, of Exeter; and in
learned itis trade tlae 0lui Q€aaxaltry, iatieuds tta take cake.;, in She
real old Deyanaelnitre airy ie, coaaameneing on.
MONDAY, ' a,
When ell arddel hall relive per* and personal attention,,'.
SVP2A WOW* U447144
deal of cart pa ndeu
nein haat leen. lief; e
owing to our getog
E. ° ►dax'.rp, sf Undo
r+elaatives in tow
ada3 eartcaraai: g 0
inl;tosr thr t:and lung
onto, will beat the Cen
rater, stuff! noon only, aan
1S il: Cali etrly.
or letter heads, envelopes bill
heads- statements rand' all kinds of jot
work!try the Auveae►rs office. Pewee
re etionaable'aa;ad-werk &!rata,elass. Give
us r irialc+
.— r. S'Damuel Carter, manager Blue
LlnerFreight office, Rochester, Ne 7e:.
was the guest of Mr. Jas, Fuiritairn,
haat week;>returied'i enie on Monday
morning lost
TER, ON.. .
The ;1.anufactttaeera Life Iinsurance
Oompany,::Toronto sof which the Iio:,",
Sia JOUI4 A. MAc1,ON t1 Z -is ,President
Is the cheapest and beat to insure with
Win. Sanders, agent, Anvocar'x office.
—Miss Turney late .of Parkhill has.
opened out a dross -making .shop in the
building lately occupied by the Salvat-
ion Army; where the dress and mantle
making business will be conducted ler
all its branches.
A public meeting will be held at
the town hall on Monday evening, for
the purpose oforganizing la Rifle Assoc-
iating in this village. A,11 those inter-
ested should kindly lend their assist-
ance for the formation of such a com-
--Merchants others in need of job
printing for the exhibition which is to
be held on the Iit'and 2nd prox, will
do well to leave''tieeir orders at the
AnvotATU. Printing done in all the
latest styles and•'ut moderate prices.
Hand them iii early. Now. is the time.
A•Bridgeport newbpaper says that
a cat was caught by a locomotive the
other day and cut in two'+'by a wheel
whichpassed over the body back of the
shoulders. "After the locomotive. had
passed," says the paper, "the" forward
parts of the cat's body dragged them-
selves to the home' yard, two. or
three rods distant, and there the +Sttle
life remaining: flickered out in s'few
—Aspoor deserted husband writes
the editor as follows:•--"mr editur' my
wife Hunner has gone from me - bored
and cause she . got smashed onto a
yoiinng dude what paddies organdy.
She went without my concent and i
want yousto tell the peple not to give
her eny thing on my count cense if
they do i'il be darned it i'll pay it. T
hunt anything to pe,y for this . notice
but if you kan:.put%it in,why do it ar}d
remetahersystinin :my. p ars'n; •
fla ST TOO
Bala BUS; Cok
Xtt1-ft 11XIIXft ÷ ft ÷'= i-_, {-- i } — X = 1 n•=rr-nX11+f +tt4:"
OAKs ,
.ORDERS—`—PTs.011'lPTLY -—•AT'T`ENUED`ss—e•TC3` s
One: door forth • off -'Ft
1111ALX-STRzgrv., ; 5S'Tt.R.e,.