HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2006-03-09, Page 6• Lindsay shot up because she always said that she'd try anything once- Today she's trying to live with hepatitis C. Tho.usorues o f iit'oph• acrass Ontario ham &I'll inferfati with faiaE i is ruin unsterile aquipliwal lima( for dray us,. pierriadand tottaoiay„ilthough symptoms may oat 51011, up for grans. gal/ win rrrataally sie.*. Aral yaa can pit,.: 11 tin to' sumemw cb5r. So ask yoar '(slur about griti nfi ((Wit Iker121Se ittlethon is 4C0 lq Milli0114 n9 the virus. f-877-';;4.4,03 ("I'1') I SCIO .1N 7 55.59) wwwhealth.yormiwa'hapr Hepatitis Fihd oitt if you have it. Get tested. Ontario PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN,THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 2006. Letters to the editor Kingsbridge group says thanks for support THE EDITOR, In the most recent issue of The Rural Voice John Beardsley posed the right question: Whose farmers will continue to feed cities in Canada? Brazil? U.S.? China? It must be becoming clear that Canadian farmers cannot compete in our own country against those who subsidize their farmers and permit them to employ slave labour. Chainstore buyers are going to continue to purchase inventory as cheaply as possible, with little or no concern as to production methods or inspection procedures practised in those other countries. We can only compete by selling our products at a loss to primary THE EDITOR, As president of the Huron Tourism Association, a group with a membership of nearly 200 businesses across the county, I am writing to publicly demonstrate our support of local farmers, who have recently received media attention after closing snowmobile trails that run across their properties in an attempt to highlight economic hardships with current government programs. Co-operation between snowmobile clubs and farmers has created hundreds of kilometres of trails across a network of farmers' fields 'for the enjoyment of snowmobilers and ATVers during the winter months. It has brought tourists to the THE EDITOR, The Brussels Optimist Club is again planning its annual dinner and auction on April 8. Over the past six years the auction has raised more than $110,000 for various projects. This year's auction is being held in support of the Brussels Conservation Revitalization Project. At this time we are asking and absolutely overwhelming. As leader of this energetic and passionate group of young people, I would like to thank all of those who supported our group in their crusade. Our local newspapers, radio and TV stations, have been very accommodating, enabling the producers. That is what is happening now. How much longer can it be continued? Ontario farmers are requesting parity with the U.S. Only parity with the U.S. can correct our present dilemma. It was recently published that the U.S. has budgeted $93 billion to farm support in 2006. Canada, with 10 per cent of the U.S. population and a lower dollar, will need to budget about $11 billion annually to provide parity with the U.S. I doubt if they will allow us to employ illegal aliens for $20 a day, but the $11 billion in support would allow us to compete in our own markets for donations towards our live and silent auction. Any and all items are welcome and we invite you to inform us now as to what you may be donating, so we can advertise as the auction approaches. The citizens of Brussels and area have always been phenomenal when supporting our Optimist Club. This year's project is quite executive to broadcast their message of continued existence loudly and clearly. The response to the youth group's e-mail campaign was a resounding success, as the letters poured in to the Bishop and the Council of Priests. St Joseph's Kingsbridge, once an obscure rural parish, became column and maintain a source of nutrition that Canadian consumers can be assured is inspected by Canadian authorities. Health care has become the greatest concern of our governments. At least it sounds that way. Why wouldn't it make sense to regard safe and homegrown abundant nutrition as an important part of Health Care, and actively promote and encourage Canadian consumers to regard our homegrown produce as prevention against prevalent diseases? Or should we become entirely dependent on pharmaceutical companies? Sincerely, Mason Bailey. commodity prices. And 2006 expects more of the same. We all rely on farmers for the food we put on our tables. We must support farmers if we want to enjoy the long- term viability of our Canadian food supply sector. I urge each of us to support our local farmers, and make your opinion known by contacting any of the following politicians: MPP Carol Mitchell, Provincial Agriculture Minister, Leona Dombrowsky, MP Paul Steckle and Federal Agriculture and Agriculture Food Canada Minister Chuck Strahl Sincerely Ralph Laviolette President, • Huron Tourism Association involved, both physically and financially, and we hope the community will again show us why we are so proud to serve the Brussels area. If you have items to donate or wish to buy tickets for the dinner and auction please contact any Optimist member or call 887-6502. Kevin Deitner Optimist president. well known throughout the Diocese of London. Last week, our pastor Father John Jasica, the executive of the youth group, and I were invited to meet with Bishop Fabbro in London. The seven teenaged members were delighted to be able to present their'concerns and solutions to the Bishop, and were happy to answer some of his questions as well. The executive were very well received, and now feel the youth have been listened to, and included in the process. A heartfelt thank you to all who took the time to e-mail the Bishop and the Council of Priests on behalf of St Joseph's Kingsbridge. Thank you as well for the phone calls, the letters, the' expressions of interest, the words of sympathy and support, and the offers of welcome into your churches. The Council of Priests continues to deliberate, and the Bishop's decision on the suggested closure of Kingsbridge is not expected until sometime in May. Regardless of what the final outcome may be, in the words and actions of our friends and neighbours, we have been shown the Face of God. Jennifer Miltenburg 529 -7640 THE EDITOR, In early January, the St Joseph's Kingsbridge Youth Group began a media and e- mail campaign in an effort to save their church from closure. The response of the surrounding communities was immediate, whole-hearted, Writer responds to `Support local farmers' • • • Optimists want donations area, many of whom eat at local restaurants, stay at motels and B and Bs, buy gas at local gas stations, and generally help our economy. However, we understand how high levels of frustration have led many farmers to close the trails in an attempt to pressure the federal and provincial governments to provide adequate risk management programs and higher levels of income support programs for Canadian farmers, at least to bring them up to par with US counterparts with whom they must compete in open markets We realize the past number of years have been among the worst for farmers, marked by the BSE crisis and dropping CHP candidate speaks out THE EDITOR, his promise. His claim is that Liberal Lite. One of the main planks of the he may not be able to kill the No doubt when the Bloc Conservative Party's election registry because he has a Quebcois re-introduce C-407 platform was a firm promise to minority government. (the euthanasia bill) Harper kill the long gun registry This is not true. He could use will do nothing (as happened created by the infamous Liberal Order-in!Council to axe the with C-250, the hate crimes bill, C-68. registry. What we are hearing is bill) and whine that his It was this plank particularly the sound of a politician getting minority status prevents him that garnered the Conser- ready to break his word. from stopping it. • vatives support in rural Between waffling on the As The Toronto Sun so nicely ridings. promise regarding the registry put it, "Grit, Tory, same old Yet in Thursday's Toronto and the David Emerson affair, story." Sun it was revealed that Harper and the Conservatives Dave Joslin Stephen Harper is waffling on are acting more and more like Brussels, ON Recognition Willeke Barten, Jenneke Barten and Amber Walton were recognized in Peacemaking, lunch monitoring and peer mediation (Big Buddy) as part of the Cool to Care initiative promoted by the Avon Maitland District School Board. The girls received certificates and coupons for their work at the end of February from the board. (Photo sisbniitted)