HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-30, Page 7THE WORLD'S MARVEGOVS
A Summary of Recent Setentine Pro-
Ligetning rods are out of fashion.
Wel flu;; by electricity 'moms to have come
to stay.
Photographs have been taken by the light
from a fire place.
Calming the sea with oil is now regularly
and systematically done.
Vancouver Ieleud coal ie to bo trained at
the rate of 2,000 tons per day:.
Executions by electricity will be compul-
sory in New York after Jauarary 1 next.
Galt' zed Jel11411 mono Nisei the
juice by the zinc which it dissolves from them.
The French propose to send pigeon mes-
sages /tom ship to ship upon the broad seas.
A French laundry man cleans linen with-
out soap by ribbing it with boiled potatoes.
Chaussier dried a man in a kiln and there
resulted only twelve pounds of aolid matter.
Paper pipes have been used for a church
organ at Milan and give great sweetness of
Modern fortifications seem likely to be
great mushrooms of concrete or of steel cast-
Berlin is to have next year an exhibition
devoted to appliances for preventing acci-
Natural gas hes caused lit p'etttlaylvenia
in three years eeventythree Boase meting
Wilder says that if you hold your breath
white a wasp stings you the skin will home
lntseuelble to pain,
Transplanting teeth has been revived, It
was done tweatyiive or thirtyyeere ago in
very rare oases,
A ware- gun recently designed Weighs ouly
twenty-two tons and drives a 380 pound pro-
jectile twelve miles.
Saecharlue, which was to be undue a sub•
statute for 8Ug,ar, appears to cftUze nausea
and dyepeptuaesyltlptems.
„kW), has been submitted to Congress for
a railway from the U. S. border tbrougb Brit-
isb Colonabla and Alaska,
Of all tietions of a man's life, his marriage
does least concern other people, yet of all
actions in our life 'tie most meddled with by
other people,—(Selden,
Success rides on every hour; grapple it and
you may win ; but without a grapple it will
never go with you, Work is the weapon
of honor, and he who lacks the weapon will
never triumph.
Extinguish vanity in the mind, and you
naturally retrench, the little imperil Mao of
garniture and equipage, The blossoms will
fall of themselves when the root that nour-
ished them is destroyed,
The faithful endeavor to do right and to
bear quietly and with xesignation what
must be borne is of itself a fruitful source of
happiness and serenity ; but a murmuaing
and discontented, spirit may poison the rich-
est blessings and turn them lute bitter evils.
When the Hindoo priest is about to bap-
tise an infant he utters the following beau-
tiful sentiment; "Little babe, thou enter -
est the world weeping, while all around thee
smile ; contrive to live that thou mayst de-
part in smiles, while all around thee weep."
Bitter are a losing card, a losing horee,
Bitter the pnbtic bias, the private sneer.
Bitter are old age without respect, man-
hood without wealth. youth without fame.
Bitter is the, Etat Wind's blast ; bitter a
step dame's kiss. It is bitter to she 'Ma for-
eign land.- (,Disraeli.
,dseertaiin clearly what la wrong with you,
and so far as von know any means of mend
in it, take those inane and have done.
When you are exemiuiug yourself never call
yourself merely a aiuner—that is very cheap
abuso, and utterly uaeleas ; but call your-
eclf a liar, a coward, a sluggard, a glutton,
or an evil -eyed, jealous wretch, if you in-
deedfiud yourself to be is guy wise any of
these.—[Jahn Ruskin.
Photographing in onlore eeenta to be the
ohjcet of eotteiderable experimenting, Lut so
far ,vith little or no teaczetis.
Florida is to grow opium. It is expeeted
thee elztteen plants will grow au ounce of
tee drug andthat on acre will give $10031
Paris baa thirty miles eel pipe for carrying
compressed air for pewer.. The engines
are 3000 horse power and the coal ceusutnp
tion fifty tone daily.
Tho i'ananla Canal lottery Ilan mot graved
e. success. The canal will require only
about $500.0t0.000 more to complete it
melting about Stii3O.000,(03 in all.
Gribbe is experimenting upon tole -
graphing by the clouds, using the rays of
an aro lamp re.11eeted by the cloud% and.
iaterupted by the heliographfo node.
The beds of sick persona in hospitals aro
now ventilated by exaust fans. This is
particularly good where there aro contagious
or offensive dfeoasos.
The aro light at Si:, Catherine's, Isle of
Wight, is the most powerful In the world,
being 60,000 candle-power and having car-
bons two and one-half inches in diameter.
A pun which will throw a shell fifteen
miles (aud there are such) will drop it upon
the deck of a ship before the ship can be
aeon, a6 at that distanos any ship is
"hull down."
Railway Aceidents..
The returns to the English,, .Board of
Trade of the accidents occurring upon rail-
way lines show that during the first three
months of the present year 209 persons
were killed and 934 injured, Tbis is a de-
crease of 20 deaths and, an increase of 91 in-
juries as compared with the corresponding
period of last year. What are commonly
understood by railway accidents—that ie, col-
lisions, running off the line, and so forth are.
only responsible for three deaths and 1971,
less serious mishaps. Twelve people lost
their lives at level crossings, 18 committed
suicide, and no fewer than 53 were killed in
the act of trespassing. Accidents due to the
movement of trains account for 91 fatal cases
and 748 others. Of these the 'tendert and.
North- .Veatern has one-sixth, withl6 deaths
and 132 injuries. it is followed by theMtd-
land with 10 deaths; after which. come the
Lancashire and Yorkshire, 9 ; the North-
Eeetern,Great+Eastern, and North British,6;
the South -Western, 5 ; the Great -Northern,
4 ; the Great Western, the Brighton and
South -Coast, and some othtr lines, 3 ; the
South -.Eastern, 2; and se on, until. Istat among
the important lines comes the Leaden,
Chatham, and Dover, which escaped with
only fear accidents, hone of which proved
fatal. Detailed report are given of eleven
collisions and two instauces of trains
leaving the rails. Ie is noticeable that five
of the eallieions and one of the other accigents
occurred within the metropolitan area, bap.
@ening, ae they d id, at Coburn Road, Euston,
Kin 'e Cross. Portland Read, New Cross,
and lube Hill.
Frauds on the Post-011ice.
Isere are a few iustancoa of the frauds to
which, tho English authorities claim that
the post•.cfli ee is snbjeet. Colas are embed-
ded in cake and pieces of toast to escape the
registration fee. They are also commonly
scut lu uawspepers, An uuecalcd brown
paper parcel tied with tering wee found to
cantata nix eovereig,ua, one bale crown, two
EI tUuces, and three halfpeuuy pieces wrap-
ped up in smelt tlrticlea of ladies' areas.
Two field watches were found inside an un-
registered boak•peeket addreascd to New
Zealand, the middle portions of the leave,
having been cut out an as to admit them.
This made of fraudulent despatch is evl-
dently common. A X.20 note was found
pinned to the pages of a book, Inside a
halfpenny wrapper were found a letter, u
bill of sale, and four £5 Rank of England
notes. The palm for originality moat, how-
ever, ba awards? to the individual who
sent £l.lOs. in gold coins in a seal at the
back of a letter, the gold having come to
light through the wax getting alightly chip -
poi, Cigars, collars, gloves, mote, poet•
ago etemps, aro constantly sent with nows-
papera ; but in this respect wo aro told the
people of Canada and the States can take
the caste, for in a single year more than
14,000 newspapers were detected wlth small
articles concealed in them.
The deaf oaten hear conversations when
there is music going on which they could not
hear when there was no mucic, With
"hearing persons" the reverse is the case,
The new sntall•bore rifles of the Emelt
Gxovernmentdo not prove to be more humane
than the old laree.bore guns, as expected;
they sliver the bone and tear the flesh just
AS badly.
At Feather River, Cal., they aro putting
in a plant to carry power eighteen miles by
eleatrioity and in Arizona one is projected
to carry it eight miles, using eight tons of
copper conductor per mild.
By a new marine bralce the steamer
Comore, of the French navy, is stopped in
seven seconds from a speed of thirteen knots;
thirty four seconds being needed to do the
same thing without the brake by reversing
her engines.
Niaearawfllprobably beutiiized for light-
ing and manufacturing purposes. by tapping
it and uaing the water power to turbines.
which will run dynamos, from which light-
ing and power currents will be taken by
A race for ten minutes between telegraph
and long distance telephone from New York
to Boston resulted in 330 words ready for
the printer by telegraph and 346 by tele-
phone, but many of the latter were incor-
rectly received.
Thomas J. Mayall, reoently deceased,
started as a poor boy. He invented the
first rubber belt, the first cylinder printing
ntecaine for wall paper printing and also for
gluing, displacing the former mode of print-
ing from independent blocks ; invented rub-
ber cement and satin -finished paper ; helped
Charles Goodyear in the invention of vul-
canizedrubber, and also produced a number
of other inventions in revolvers, guns, rifles,
steam apparatus for loading and firing ar-
tillery, ammunition, coffee• hulling machines,
sclf•eccing drawbridges and railway switch.
"The tetter -boars tf lite Caen up
The tetter4,o+r.1 of We goes down,"
Up and down, up and down -ane day a
miliianalxe next day "dead broke"—one
day buoyant in apirite, next day gloomy as
a fog -one day in seeming perfect health,
next' day "laid out" with a bilious attack
or your atofuach `" an a strike." This is the
way the world wags uow,a days"; If you
are bilious, lnelanoholio, dizzy -headed,
dyspeptic, want appetite or have torpid
action of liver, kidneys or bowele, take Dr..
Pierce'4 Pigment Pellets --purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless; one a dose.
In this world, we can only look on nature
from the outside ; perhaps there we than
he able to see4it from within.
Nasal . Catarrh
is a dangerous dieeaae. Front its tendency
toexteudto the throat, bronchial tubes, And
Aivally to involve the lungs in cousnmptivo
disease, it €hould be promptly cured, that
these gray° dangers may be averted. So
confident are the mnnufaeturers of Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy of their ability to
cope successfully with this very prevalent
diaeaae, that they have for yore offered,
in good faith, 5500 reward for a On of
catarrh, no matter how bad or of how many
years' standing, `which they cannot curo,
`Remedy only 50 cents, by druggists.
pe, Bailing weekly between Montreal
and Liverpool, Saloon ticket:, Montreal to Liverpool,
Bee, 850, and eve Return tlakete. $80, e9O, and 8110,
according to ete'uner and aecomnodatlon. Inter-
medlate, 830 Round trip tickets, $60, Steerage, $?C
newel trip tickets, tile. For further particulars and
to securebirth's, apply to Ii, E. MURRAY, General
Manager, I Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the
Local Agents in the dlBerent,Twoneand Cittea
laexereerraaR* AND Da4LIMB 73
Rocftnz Felt. Slaters' Felt, Deafeoiaz Felt,
Carpet Paper, LendingPePer. 13oo6imgPiteh,
Cori Tar, Lake Graves.
00100: 4 Adelaide St. East, Toronto,
-SAILING'wsaare Barwsxs-'-
Saloon Tiol,ets. $40, 850. 860. Return, 880, $90,
81,10, Intermediate, 830 ; Steerage, tee, , lippty to
H. E. MURRAY. Gen'1. Manager.
1 Custom douse Square. MONR'rIAL.
PROOF and Vault D ore,
kept constantly to stack.
A number of Secend-hand
ales !
detea at low prices.
Toronto Safe 'forks.
The Pleasure of Dying.
I have seen a great many people die, some.
of them great sinners, oven ruffians of tho
moat degraded type, and I have never yet
witnessed in any case the slightest fear of
death or of a hereafter. I have also been
present at the deathbeds of many pious and
worthy persons, and I have never known
an instance among this class of the leant ab-
horrence ofdeath or apprehension in regard
to the future. A person in sound health re•
ceiving intelligence that hie death is to take
place in a few momenta would undoubtedly
at flub be greatly disturbed, and if religi-
ouslybrought up, would probably wish to
make preparations for departing this life.
But the naso is very different with those
who have suffered from a long illness and
whose perceptions therefore have lost their
sharpness. 1 have often told such pentane
that they had but a few minutes to live,
but the intelligence has never been received
in any other than the most composed and
resigned manner. Certainly this is a wise
provision of nature. For if, as with hie
present knowledge it is impossible for man
to escape death, it ie well that he is so con-
stituted as to be shle to accept the inevitable
with dignity and composure.—[Dr. William
A. Hammond.
Stockton's Dog "fax."
" One Sunday, as with a well-dressed
crowd I was going to church, I found Fax
following me. Knowing that he never en-
tered a church, I took no particular notice
of him ; but happening to look back a
second time, I saw him at my heels with a
twist -loaf in his mouth ! He had been in the
shop of an irreligious baker in those few
minutes. This was too much for my sense
of propriety, and as I failed utterly to drive
him off, and began to attract considerable
attention, I was obliged to go down a side
street and so home. The dog was never
abashed. I have seen him °hese chickens
into the very houses of their owners, and,
before their astonished eyes, pin the poor
fowls to the floor. Of course, at such times,
I did not wish anyone to think that I wee
acquainted with the dog. But on being
discovered in any disreputable intrusion
into house, store or garden, it was hie habit
to run to us, and jog along demurely behind
us, as much as to say, ' Tneee are the folks
I belong to, if you have anything to say,
say it to them.' And very often people did
say it to tis."
Philip I['s Handwriting.
The innumerable despatches, signed by
Philip, were not the emanations of his own
mind. The King had a fixed purpose—to
subdue Protestantism and to conquer the
world ; but the plans for carrying the pur-
pose into effect were developed by subtler
and more comprehensive minds than his
own. It was enough for him to ponder
wearily over schemes which he was suppos-
ed to dictate, and to give himself the appear.
ance of supervising what he scarcely com-
prehended. And his work of supervision
was often confined to pettiest details. The
handwriting of Spain and Italy at that day
was beanliful, and in our modern eyes
seems neither antiquated nor ungraceful,
But Philip'sscrawl was like that of a clown
just admitted to a writing school, and the
whole ,margin of a :fairly -penned despatch,(
perhaps fifty pages long, laid before him
for comment and signature by Idiaquez or
Muora, would be sometimes covered with a
few awkward sentences, which it was almost
impossible to read, and which when de-
ciphered, were apt to reveal suggestion of
astounding triviality.
lbert OoUege,
Is being greatly enlarged and improved at a
cost of several thousand dollars. Students
is attendance from British Colorable, 31aui-
toba, Micbigan, New York, "Vermont, is ad
dation to Coterie and Qaebeo. Coeurpaesed
advantages at moderate rates, Will
A boy is not batched uutit he breaks
through the shell his relatives weavearound
Tell the good news to tho suffering. --
At lett is a remedy foun'i,
Which tn'ghn have saved, had they known it,
-Many who're undor the ground.
Till of the "Favorite rreseripption,"
itis hopeless women he glad-.
Baer the good news to poor ereaturea,
Boort•eicks discouraged andsad.
" Ferrate diseases," so terrible in their
effects, and ao prevalent among All classes,
can be cured by tho use of Dr. Pleree'a
Favorite Proscription.
Sorrow soma sent for our instruction, as
wo darken the cages of birds when we would
teeth them to sing.
1I felt ING PILES.
Sratrzeus— xtoleture : Intense itohingand stinging ;
moot at night : worse by scratching. If allowed to
continue tumors form, which encu bleed and ulcer.
ate, becoming verysore. Swirzs's Oizrsta a stop*
the itching and bleeding, beats ulceration and in
many caeca removes the tumors. It is equally effica-
cious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. S WAYNI: b
SON,Proprietors, Philadelphia. SwAvss'a Onani io
can o obtained of druggists. Sent by mall for 60
Life at the greatest and best is but a for-
ward child that must be humored and coax-
ed a little till it falla asleep, then alibi over,
A Care for Drunkenness.
The opium habit, dcpsoteanla, tho morphine habit,
nervous prostration paused by the use of tobacco,
wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the
brain, eta., premature old age, loss o1 vitality caused
byover-exertion of tho bran, and lose of natural
srength from any cause whatever. Mon young,
old or mlddle'aged—wino are broken down from any
o1 tho abor o causes, or any cause not mentioned above,
Bend your addreae and 10 cent* in stamps for Lubon'a
Treatise, in book form, o1 Diseases of Aran. Books
sent sealed and noun 'from observation. Address M.
V LIMON 47 Weilinrtonstreet Bast, Toronto Ont.
Heaven knows what would become of our
sociality if we never visited people we speak.
ill of; wo should live, like Egyptian hermits,
in crowded solitude,—[George Ehot.
Blobson—" Don't you think that young
Popinjay is showing considerable spirit these
days 1' Dumpeey—"" think he is showing
the effect of considerable."
Whenever your Stomach or Bowel* got ant of me
der, cawing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Inclgeation,
and Weir attendant evils, take at anoe a dose of Dr
..arson•: Stomach Bitters. Beat finally medicine,
All Druggists, 50 cents.
If a body kiss a body,
Need a body cry ?
Well, hardly, if some other body
Isn't standing by.
CneoALssa His Renew= restores grey and faded
hair to its natural color and prevents Lalling out.
Husband (to wife, who is writing a letter)
—Do you want me to mail that letter for
you, my dear? Wife—No, John, I won't
keep you waiting ; I'm only on the first post-
Alma Ladies College.
Rave you Neuralgia I
If you are suffering the agonies of neural-
gia, and have failed to get a remedy that
will afford relief, we want you to try Poleon's
Nerviline. No remedy in the market has
given any thing like the same degree of sat-
iefactPtn. Its action on nerve pain is simply
marvellous, and as it is put up in 10 cent
sample bottles nogreat expense is involved
in giving it a trial. Poison's Nerviline is
the most pleasant,' powerful, and certain
pain remedy in the world. Sold by all
dealers in medicine, 10 and 25 cents a bottle.
1te-Open. Thursday, Sept, 62, 1886
Send for carculare, Addxese,
REV. W. P. DYER, 11...t1.,
.1•10 50 JA
Ft.xvoRp.o XT RASrS ARE
IBE StRo4,447.PeaESiAND 5EST.
e c., cured peruaaneatly wkthout
,the kelt:. Apply to OR. W. L.
setae, IN Quem St., , Toranta.
(=MOM arson)
Large ]Reserve Viand. .Agents Wanted.
Addreee, DEAD OFFICE, 10 Ring Street F,,Torouto.
A seasonable luncheon.—Waiter—" Have
soup to -day, sir?" De Frees-" S6up 1—aro
you mad? Just bring me a pitcher of lemon-
ade and a fan; and sav—put my coat on ice
while I wait will you ?"
pARTII:S vrtaiaiog to purchase iterroved Manitebe
Farms, from 50 acne upwards+% van iuuuetliate
pa. ession, call or write to G. 1. MAELSON,Jlc'
Arthur's Diol:, Hain et., Winnipeg. Information
tarnished free of charge, and eettlers aTelsttd In
suckin f s:1e.tIou. 1114Ner 7o LOAN at carnet rates
of interest,
The Cheapest Mouse in Canada
for Guns, Rifles, Cartridges,
Fishing Tackic.Rase HitilGoods
and Sportsmen's Supplies of
every kind._
On reeeipt el 812:,9 we will express to env address. @
with floe Laminated Steel BArrels, oiled awl:, agcad
gun tor country use And tor 80 O0 will ship to any
address, n 22col-RIFLE thatwiilehootaccurttely for
150 Iret.
This institution which had last year the
largest enrolment of all the Canadian Coll-
eges for women is offering superior advan-
tages to young women in Literary Course
Fine Arts, Commercial Science and Music,
at the very lowest rates. Adress, Prinoipal
Austin, B. D.
An expert has succeeded in photographing
the beating of the heart. Neat present for
an absent admirer to send his betrothed—a
picture of his palpitation on reading her
People who are subject so bed breath, foul Beate•,
tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at ones
be rslleved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bittern
the old and tried remedy. Ask your Drupelet.
"You. are very late to -night, George,"
said the girl, half reproachfully. "Y`es,
dear ; your father's new dog met me at the
gate,' and I've been trying to make friends
with him."
,Hoa 1 Couez Cass cures in one minute.
"How does the new girl strike you ?"
asked a citizen at dinner lately. She
hasn't struck me yet," answered his wife,
meekly. " But she has done almost every-
thing else."
Stained Glass
76 Ring St. W., Toronto.
Allan Trine Royal Fait Steamships
Sailing during winter tram Port ane every Thur:
day and Belltax every Saturday to Liverpool, and In
summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,
catling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers
for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, vie
Halifax and St. John's, N. , to Liverpool fortnightly
durinIg, summer months. Tho steamers of the 0las.
Pow linea sail during winter to and from IlalUax,
ortland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum
mor between Glasgow and Montreal weekly Glasgow
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia
For freight, passage, or other information apply to
A. Schumacher & Co„ Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co.,
Halifax; Shea & Co., St. John's, N. F,; Wm. Thomp-
son & Co., St. John, N. B.; Allan & Co., Chicago;
Love & Aldn, New York, H• Ilourlier, Toronto;
Allans, Rae & Co., Quebec: Wm. Brookie, Pailadet-
phia; H. A. Allen. Portland, Boston Montreal.
Don't wait until you
atebuar ootor robbed
sly a Site nos next
sleep easy, and be care
and get priced, e1*.. at
the New0TnamploaSate
8. 9. ii:1MEA1.I.,
577 Craig St., P.O. Bo=
0I5. Montreal. P Q. •
Loan & Savings Company
Fiala all the latest improvements and are unenualle4
fa• durability. style and catreaien?a The leading
Carrie:e nsiildera eseel them. MR Fal:'. TIIP.M road
IIR 1t' OTUgli,
Nervous Debility.,
DR. alSAT'8 Spezut.0 has teen used far tlt4
8ttera years, with great enc:ess, in the treatmen of
;iervona DebUtty, and all dxa,ri arising front :as
ec o,oret.wctkedbrain, lame vitaUty. rir.glttgla
the ears, palpltatioa,et0, For tale by ttU dreams.
Prize it per tax, or 0 boxes tee f0, or will be sent lay
mail Oa rerelpt of Frier, Pamphlet 0n application*
Young Men
SUFFF.RINO from the effects. of early aril hahlts, the
result o+. ignorance and folly, who find thcroselrea
weak, nercats and exaauitesi • alsoUtorss•Aoltaand
Oto Alar alto are broken down trout the elfe:-te of
Ouse or over -work. and in advanced lite feel the
consequences of youthful excess end for and read
3t. V. Luton's Treatise on the Dleeasee et Men The
book will he tont sealed to any address on receipt of
two Sc. itempe. Address
M, V. LuLON, Wellington 8t. E., Toronto, Ont.
ST. i 1IO:1IA4
Send tor decla m and Fecal.
TO MIST Ari'LTiINO R'l1il li. T1iET /AST.
Wewill send byIna ilanap,
propriatcgift to, tcltmaiden,
wife, mother or cook --one to
`1 family —who will try the
Cut the red circle from the
label and testd it in tt letter
:ruing honest opinion after
fairer' 11. Either a5, 10 or 25
cent oize will tecaro the gift`
Any grocer or storekeeper
know's w herein est itifasked
;"for k,y you.—Address—
Head Office ; Toronto St,, Toronto,
Subecribed capital, $ 4,B00,e00
Paid Up Capital, 2 500,000
Total Assets, 10,000,000
The enla•ged capital end resources of this Com-
pany, together wiih the increased Iieilities it has
recently acquired for supplying land owners with
cheap money, enable the Directors to meet with
promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest
all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real
estate security. Application may be made to either
of the Company's local Appraisers or t
J. HERB RT MASON. lianae'g Direater Toronto.
e q R • -floe ssvnuui u?uP ME)
ANp PRoVE„1TTo•a` a
There aro many =Anon of
" Peerless
but none equal ft id lubricating properties. FAse..
BUB, Mittman', eto., find none equal to the esamna
Peerless made by
Sold by dealers everywhere.
X EtCbilii 3P3:97E4031E1g3,
Barnum Wire and Iron
We manufacture the Largest
Variety of
of any house in the Dominion.
Works, Windsor, Ont.