HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-30, Page 5•Ltd lda .irtaa Bruoe Rail :4 aril, tea' 1.Divisl ,Li 'GOING No Ti 'Tea TABLE -Pass London, deport... a•.45 A.u. 4.25 .:paean Qrossitig. 8:'28 5.20 elandebo, e8.34 5.28 'Centralia 8.45 5.45 EXETER , 8.56 5.5.7 .11ensall. , 9.08 6.09 :1Kippen . 9.14 6.17 lrucefield , ,. - 9,22 6,26 Clinton . 9.40 Ilewdeeb,,ro' 10 00 z;lyth.,,; 10,10 .l elgrave ... 10.25 ►/intm gha,arrive.10.45 UoIwa SouTir. Wingham,depart. 7.05 e, Belgravo...-, ,- 7.24 Iytlx. - 7.38 Londesboro' , - 7.47 Clinton,....... 8.07 way 'n'r. ., r. 6,45 7.03 7.277.12 7.45 Passenger. 3,40'leer 4.00 4.15 4.25 4.45 Br'►ceteld . 8.26 •5.04 8.3.1 Inc+usall. - . 8.41 Exeter-. . 8.56 Centralis ... 9.07 'Claudeboye , .. ;. , 9.18 .Lacon-cros'g , .- .9 .24 .aondan,arrive, , . 10.15 5.12 5.19 5,33 5.45 5.58 6.02 6,45 :►rift Stephen err land 2 Souris .Perth at St, 3 B1anshard art Kirit Clinton Oct. 19 and 21 . tloderich Qat. 2 and ;a' Forest Oct, t and 10. West Zorn, !:antro Oat. .l idtlulph (Ironton Sept. 'East Biter , Br=ussels, Oct, .ear►c East '!yeas as; slt, 8el<grave. t. llilafreri, at Stair% :o t. 3. Exhibitions. nsula! at Toronto Sept. 10 to incial at Kingston Sept 10 to iii at Loudon Sept 20 to 1akurea at Seafvrtli :Sept ete1 Op4raing x,tr,,►t. On Satrirda,t next,! r, J. Parkinson opens out in his new stand, oext door north of the town hall, an iinmertse stock of dry goods, groeeriee, boots 4 shoes, ere., which he will sell at aston ishing low prices. Mr, Parkinson on being -a thorough business man. we pre- dict for hilar unbounded success. See advertisenreart ire another caluuau. Cras% of Th.arills. The Committee on behalf of Ply- mouth Lodge, No. 63,Sons of England Benevolent Society, wish to extend Mineralwater Emporium. St. Leoo. Water, the great healthre- storer; if your system is out of order; drilrk St. Leon water axed be happy. Etixen Vrmee magnetic mineral from - natures laboratory, for ulcerated stom- ach and all diseases Of the ,stomach, for' liver, kidney and piles, the most won. derful article ever offered to the public. The great Wolverine Mineral water from Michigan, for Rheumatism,if yo -e are a;l icted, call and see the agent, GEoESE SANDER, Exeter,. their sincere thanks to those who so Accident., kindly lent their assistance at the coo- Mr. Geo. Page,of Woodstock, former- eert or. Thursday evening, 23rd. inst, lY of this village, met with are extrenri' Jno. Spaelkoean, Chairman, N. Dyer ee s pease xinfuapna at D. dent while woe tQr au Hurdon, Secy,11. L. 13il1ings,D, Davis, g' W, Sweet and W.•.Sanders, C,orunritee 'P tory, Woodstock It app¢ars that .trc'eligtous Fraud, be wanted a piece of wook jointed on, Rev, jY. kla !roost: of Wallace bu and went to a buzz jointer for that y rg, purpose. The roan who rens the joint- advertisns a religious fraud who is per- er not befog at hand at the' time, be ambulating through the counties of proceeded to do the jointing, himself, Easeic and IKent. Said fraud is a "fret- when unfortunately Ins right band son about 35 year o age, rather .ruder slineee upon the knives severing three the medium height, somewhat crick of the Sngere above' the ace, s&?a set clean vete long Week hair, eau- ow feint. Mr. Page only a short ins 14i °sell' an evangelitt, and hailing ti► rind Ors his teener hone broken, for Michigan. Beware -of hind He is through beineetlerown frosty a laic le. not what he pretends to bet" g y An # r't�iala Q Value,Tft Pr'upee after. There was a tine when every butler That's he paper t; the your who•ha►d a noon of itonea an lois uome in the gaffer *re a Without; iha usual 9 comment tlia,t you ore a prominent citi pplPce thought t h dun intolerable npu hs- zen the pride of the community, petpse- ' ate an the fatal, Tha'.�tda' has .ass- _iresa man, cultured etNator orRsoaeetl'rirrg 7 p of that sort, et rigll,R down cud write' nee, only o dumped ail a pa ° lar attat eflcierat, an+la pirrstnlcixaa >kusz: ithe dildo" c r in sown+ inaccessible t� S however: Stones now anise- us,letter telling u44° stop Ya" Pa' edit d; f they tee. w arrtt s 7 our Want° A n .t n g be farm can usual!' be disposed # ° commodity, y, air i are porn Of .course we Will be Qhli;e4 to anted. for huildirl„a purposes ian n� in o o� r i uilin = Oct 4 141 8°79 r:sa 134";: Cr firtP,'Sdc.StteNz,. s;ra>;srF. ry�au 4N^>;,sr.+r tonic e49. :cell drab xt3adl St Yin AN AN. Pair, VldErle ;, Losif "hoe of Enter nrtd Crediton, se D t . ,raga a 2' o wallea. e1, , ea,aimr Slain tub. t.1111..r urtets,a searches.tht5oarneirarnoean;1 ee'4a sR'.to t;r T. A Ana co A. D. i eu. 0 -,Am'» ibc t'uti Apra It -Si m0)70111 tie feester SW O. AR =nn es aro befell r :1 a 4 t r ate, r I sa. 4a1+1 nxa as Taement tbertet ie l Asn {rrrs•rn returning the ammo tv&tdtt w^ t'rsetcvtint ectfli by euitettig Lova! News. Found. #°'thin+l at the Opera, 'beef.' the Sons of England Concert on 'j`Inurnay overdug, a pair of lady's kid gloves. The owner eau base the same by call- ing at this otFice Excursion: Manitoba to the 11. W., on August on 28th. Fare $28e Augnst'24th to 2?, tickets for Kingston :,-,T3,95; Mont- real; $9.95; Quebec, 11.95; and return. Apply to Capt. Geo. Kemp, G. T 11. `.Town Agent, Harvest Home F'estival. This eeening,a grand harvest borne ;ftrstival,will be held at the'resulaiice of Mr, Thos. Case, three utiles north of the village. All those purchasing tick- ets will be taken to' and from the grounds free of charge. A` grand time will be had. Problems Solved: Last week we•inserted two problems for hohttions. We received correct axes, sores to hoth,from Master W. A.. Greg- ory,a pupil of the Exeter publie school. The answer to the problem of the deer The deer weighed 147 9:1i lbs. The Millionaire problem. 7.'fiere were nine children and each receives $9. Change of Business: Mr.: J. 11 Northcott, late of 'Toten, Devonshire,England,has purchased the, 'bakery and:confectionery business of Mr. A. E. Rosenlierger,.of this place. Mr. Northcott comes her even' recom- mended as a first-class baker: We wel- come him., to our town and wish him every success. See advertisethent in• another column. F nets for the Curious. Those who wrote on the 8t1:t of this month could,with one figure,have given the day of the month,the mouth of .the year,and the year of the century -8;'8, '88. --Aug. 8, 1888. It will be possi;i l le'to de only once more in.tbe present century -that will be 9, 9, s99, ort years 11 months and one clay from the 8,day. It has been ,just that lora; eines' the figure 7 •could hays been simi= .larly, used; • stage 4 ' 4 I" in a fortday, but re don't Hied the trouble. We are used Wit, Should all Rheas: we say something unpleasant to you or n Monday next Sept. 3rd, Henson a friend, go'arnong your a uaintanee bold their grand fall races, $425 and urge drool to boycott us, That be presented in prizes for the will a„irrrtice our paper acid give 1w ^ent races. We understand that an enviatrla'reputation as a. kiehel. number of fest haven has al -`!'her Apple, Crop. y irlaade entries Everybody who It es ca dak,gf real enjoyment,and At one ureic► fears Were entertain+ tis itnesn Goad race°, ho►add that the apple creel of 1888 tor Ontario not fail to attend Hensel' on p ;l. be below the average,!At the Circa rates has been accused call °Yen" recent iaverahle*tether has caused the P,' fraait to grow rapidly and the prospects thea L' , ILat 1+, presernL are very hopeful for a large Coming: ^emir tfi sul+ply. There are wise Sections of the Wail L. Smith's Swi sPa11 Ringer° a^uwry in whirl► the crop will be below d comic Concert Co., is eamin„ the ; the average bat on the whole, if repor e will play in DM* Opera lionse, oft can be relied upon,. Ontario will ha - Monday and Tuesday, Oct. VAritd i pita a large surplus to dispose irf 2nd. This ]tieing the' day of the Agri. furuig,a markets. Canadian apples Fb cultural Society's Exhibition. If ;you [mild the 14.gbest prices:broad, as,tl. wa .:a night of sport -and fun, wait or posses limp flavor, are Choice keep e the Beet Ringers, This is the only and stand shipping with Ic«9s lose tbeen Pell Bringers that will establish bare any other apple offered in the En IiRb this year, and all who miss this, mi;.ses markets: Iu the counties of lineal a grand treat. Huron and the northern part of Middle - Hc lost keds Lollar, ex the crop efmaples as very large. One of our loanl sports rafter taking a Ifo some localities the price paid for smile the other evenin ;stumped a chum local demand is rather high, but jacig- thusly: -'Bet you a dollar 1 don't take tog from foreign demand the prices will another larger till Christmas.' 'Deno,' be about the Hemet es Zest year. said chummy. After a few moments Sons or England Coneert, sprint in gossip says chummy. 'Hare The concert holt! in Drew ; Operia something 4111 take a larger; says the House,under the auspices of Plymouth effort. Ile took ik and lost his dollar Lodge No 63,Sous of England Belevo- within three minutes of the tune of lent Society, took place as Announced, netting. Stti Xisry A, v, Wt wonder dna. Thursday:eveniog 23rd inst. At was that W. Tp abouteight ori;lock elle opening chorus New Basle Notes. '+`as sang by nue little girls which vas The Qanadian`Bank of Commerce rendered, in a masterly style, after are about issuin{;:their new circulation which Dr. Rollins assumed the positiga' in $5, k10, $20, and $100, and they of chairman, owing to the absence o. are in very admirable. Not only is Grand Secretary. He explained the the enr avinge of the highest class for ohjeeta end aims of the Society in a delicacy end preciaien, thus affording. as few well chosen remarks, after which barrier to the s eceesof forging engrav- be called uposs Mr. Jas, Fax for a' son;. ers,•but the variety of the tints employ irr. Fax, as usual, kept the audience ed upon the face of elle note will abso marine', and was warmly encored. The lutaly prevent the success intend- ingdem Dr. then followed out- the length of couuterfeiter by photography. program, all of which was exceedingly Level Headed Men. well rendered. The entertainment throughout was a At a recent convention of Fairs and good ; one, read all Expositions, among the interesting re present fury enjoyed thisevening im- mensely. The proceeds netted over ports was one on advertising. The 560. This. being the:first entertain - resolution come to was that it is gees- anent held by this branch of the Society tionalnle if any other depa'tment can- here, they must be complemented for tributes so largelyis the financial sac g;,c iug the rich treat of Thursday even-^ cess of exhibitions as judicious adver int tisieg4 The convention holds that to "''' wake advertising effective it should be Obitrtary. begun early an& followe:t up continti- This week it is'our -painful duty' to nusly during the season. "We would," recerd the almost sud1eteedeath of: a affirms the convention, "place at the young and respeeted resident of Exeter head of the listenewspa'per advertising in the person of Joht. Edwin ' Snell, as the most elective. and desirable." which gad and melancholy event occur - These men have pretty level heads. ed early o. Sunday in'arningi last. Tlie That Lecture. deceased wis seized^s th typhoid fever On +11Zondav?last dodgers were out about two weeks, at!i• all''that medical announcing that a gentleman, lately aid Would do was of navail and the from London, would:deliver a lecture dreaded disease done s awful work,aud in Fanson's Hall the same evening. he passed over to jpi the great major - The subject was "Good News." This itye'•The remains'v: e interred in the gentleman from London turned out to Exeter cen►e!Gery ore . onday afternoa '• be no More nor no less than the cele- •last, and4a large nrtm er of friends and 'brated,DanielRansom. Mr. Raresom's.nequainttncee•who Bowed the• de - abilities as a lecturer are too wellaerown ceased to his last res ng place bore .of' the•highlesteem in w 'ch the departed '•(a►uonb;the small boys) to' be •alluded e p Hung •nnan was held .y the citizens. to by us. However, Mr. Ransomfail-y ed to turn up, andliro "thrilling" lecture )Ietwas a member 'of the jambs st. was given. We are quite at a loss to know how Mr. R. could so easily for- get his • last "Thrilling" experience which he had at a previous lecture some titrie ago. . The old saying is -'the crazy are ueter atisfied:" • The Undersigned w open - out a ei e k o 1T S, O fl 3 BOOTS, and SHOES ete.,, cow SATURDAY' NEXT,- SEPT.. let 1888. .SIS' NEW STAND ° x' •' DOOR O T [4 OFNEWT N ALI MAIC %r ETA ARMS. PART U NEXT EEK ,a late from Tafies, Iiorot►ihr he has purchased tint Bag. 1 intr.nds to carry on the t auirltamice Rosenberger AssBRIM & 1 his trade iii the Old Country, intends to bake cakes, al Devonshire style, co. minensiu un MONDAY SE M . Rpeetfully om Mr. • braanches.- When all orders shall r'ieise pr+tae. pt arra r rrona1 attention, Laanent TER, ONTARIO: - ST Melthodist Choir also a member of the d for which both al wreath upon y have the heart- ntire community of af}iietion. Exeter football club, placed a beautiful flo the coffin. The feed felt sympathy of the in, tliis their sad tile! INBTh • z_ ISSEPT • 5 i 13 ��sT L'.tJL�r. BUILDERS' 1..J I DERS' HARDWARE`° ATAY i)0\'VN.. EA MS, :la :.,c`•n- -,,ttX Xti+ft == 1 =-} - } = 1-.="f•••11=1t-nxtc-1-ts+it* FULL LINES OP COI ' 'ECTIQN ERY ON HAND WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES ,, A ORDERS P1i3OMP`LY :iTTENDED -T() door hoer 1i o J3ei 1:, of ��11e •lVTGAIrt-ST-RU ET3...