HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-30, Page 4the Exeter ,ouacate.
On JOE; - Maier Street, ,Exettez;
'ECURSIIAA, AUGUST 23rd, 1888.
PAR;rEItl. anti the Thtes are foolish
i$ they continue to spend phoney for-
law:ex eases. Nearly all the Ameri-
a can 'newspapers and all the Canadian
Baforru newspaper$ .have given • the
verdict,in favor of` arne11 • with full
ateount•of dames claimed and costs
an defendant.
Tax Republican party of tte.United'.
ates has overdone it,,. In order to
fetch the Irish vote -it s i eel. l:igor-
atlsly-twisting the- uritis. non's tail.
fiat tilt; Irish vote cannot be divorced
llcm-.atheoAemocratic party, and the
:1t;tishtAi .ericarts, the bull: of whom
Awe hitherto voted Republican, have
*come disgusted, with the tail twist'
*sines; and have bolted. In ;rasp,
after the Trish shallow the Repul,
rya- lest the British—American
has pro ably-fornishodihas:
Irl'i which mermaid stories arta .rase
iii AQUI eight to twenty feet in
leu0h, lives;ttpott stall aiairiue beds of
aeaweta, breathes by means at lungs,
a huruau•like beat., with hair re-
selalblirfg a man's beans. The flesh of
the animal its eaten, and is said to haye
the >iaver of beef, veal or bacula, un-
cording to the part of the hey fro
which the meat is take...
First -Class Horses and Riga.
Special Bates With -Colnnaer-
sial lien..
Orders left at 1'3ISSETT BROS',
Hardware Store, will receive
prompt attention.
Gftat dread rhe9in es diseasq so Zona bafa1fng
s*nce and Tho mostskilled ph ctans.tvho
ktorit of nothing to errest, nothing to slime,
ate. nothing to Oars. • Now itis no Image* in
incurable rnalafl glen when gives u _�b�p�p
physicians, health can yet befound to QTtlt
Bmtran r, it heals mast soothes the Minn.
brace or theThw s, iutlamed and poisoned
try tberavegge of tilde. fell diseeee, and pre-
vents the cult sweats and tightness across
the chest tsbich accompany it.
Toronto Medicine Co.; 'rorottto, One,
ItilEptcAT D LCT aC
Medicated fox all dile:nice of the Wee arta ue -
veuK s, -0.q. I r ttr5' i3 t .:: fol 1.d:0.t cou-
p alnt rtlies uoacu'nl, ytvi,s'13elt 3,Combined
Melt tudEit6' e.,.�(a
"`y11 r `;3emSual rttitakness,
<• -� e;'rQls Rf youth.lu. t
li tEi snas:hoodl, tughthy
esiens, tate. Tile ditty 21ota tanoees
\ giv n a c!!rect G0. rrt•rl° of , f; ixts.IP7
,,,,. svi,uuutat.cnnwaut'uee r•0.,.,..: i"9e. e743t99,x
Finanials on fife from those eared of .fentele d0.-leaseepeins
autos• icervous dl b attyt general dleinlity, lumbago r unzattsrc. aY n peralys,s, + ia.et r ziea
disease of tbo kidneys, eons* diseese, torpid. liver, gout, lecoorrhree, eater -Eli of tee AT'idelee
sexual exhaustion. eemit:.id scuds.:Foes, asrhmabt art Oieeeee, tiyeuop. ia, .cv+l.t,a 'ytratrct, .1�n• A
las. indigestion, impotenev„ Vales, op.lep'sy. dumb ,:,nae and diabetes. t,0. a d wimp Tee
aaedsomelyitictstratedbook awl health journal. t'eicespoedencestritcly*•east e.ntiel. Con.'
illation and eleetsietel treatment tree. .Agems vaned ever}where..;"ateVeb.25tk, It e37.
& antr l
Medicated Electric Belt coCure.. 155'QOueeuarn St.
eWcdest, Tbronto, Cataatia. _.
Amuse Yourself
and friends, b
hunting out famil-
iar faQes . in the
view of the proces-
r oces-siou taken by
Photographic- view for
rybotly should Imre one
Tar"> °+a.•^?A.e •n e..,
gs anti Horses First -Class.
s left at the Rawl shave ilonse
ble will be promptly attended
Thais 1lznt_aal,axilwi•♦:
MR, Baldwin, wbe is oreittir a EDS
Is +tioa
IA Elrl land by his p lire hitte.des
eenty, will probably; continue ?until he
has made it cv ideut that they are
dangerous to -life, when the eshilaitio
will i'eate the element of interest wbic
renders it 'ao attractive At prese>itn
lJi neidering the circunistauee, iter.
Baldwin ih tdo well to turn ,his in.
rcnuity to more useful account. As a
means of escape from fire las u n broth
relight peeve of great, utility. Fire -
pea in general h.aveoeased to corn-
Itmend.rauch confidence. They are "too
often absent when waisted, and fox-
aring life la moments of emergency,
cannot always be depended upon.
FUoiltoe is affected with yellow
fever. Business is paralizedd, and the
people who cannot getaway from the
beautiful lane of•ilowerar and fruit are
devoting, their energies to the prevent-
ion of the spread of.the.dread disease.
Poor Florida! In spite of `the many
and,:energetnc attempts to boom her
into -public favor rzsl the fairest and
most heathful spot on earth, she re-
mains a place to .be stunned. Her.
mosquitoes, snakes,. malaria, ague and
yellow fever more than counterbalance
the orange and evergreen trees. The
United States with its diseased, south,
its blizzardly and cyclone,swept.uorth,'
and its flooded middle states cannot
compare with fair Ontario—a province
that is free from every, plague and
meteorological catastrophe.
Additional Locals.
--Clinton will hold their. grand fall
races to-mgrrow, Friday. , ,
--The painters are busily engaged
on W. Southcott's new block. '
—Mr Ralph Reddy, of ITsborne,
]eft on Tuesday for Manitoba. He
goes by the 0:.P. R.
—Master Rd. Seldon, of Tnaersoll,
who has been.vislting friends here, re-
t limed home on Monday,
-Mr. Robt. Verity, -.and wife left
on Tuesday morning for Manitoba. He
will go by boat to Port Arthur.
—Mrs. Geo. Sanders and hon return-.
ed from Detroit. on Thursday.' evening
last,where they have been 'visiting
friends for a couple of weeks.
-Mr. John. Banton, of . Rantdn,. &
Ci, who has been in Manitoba and the
Hprthwest,returned•on Saturday event
ilig, looking hale aud hearty.
—Prize. List for the Stephen & Us-
bcirne Agricultural Society Show, has
•Itien issued: from ..this..ol ice, and can be
stoxed, ,frotf !1't A Rid, Dyer,. Seca?
tan thm t«stole*s:"'tr i
tie eon etc Melba
t Q mail the ;dr`
t'rtit! terxt4;.sou3
e4.ea an 1.)i33 et tee
ala adaras a cf >'
7t.eu:rt0asall set ill trona rit2'n,a eetiridzh,
+rdW cruor Ya el s tat 7aat an 0.,t the grad titre .t:gi stir
bland; t5ec, a .attli'uctBeeke,.tr dLta e.l, e. the
d ryeela, tied wale i r .rel 45aa c laaatael 0.t ce at beth
t the east, c atria tidbit et seen, toe
0. map et the :lo.nclaiy. to ;ether arida yt;.ta.;, atn•t
e 1O as o..s of the ve eke ossa F o erre; nt chis ofem
!aalasalter Tl'E.e l.t.Y. the ellt day of Fr tstn itaa+t
40.0 p,„„ta arrootten3ereau alto loo Ott 4 1.
Bike etee a t I:nttrRr]ti7?le, it"attee to Mr diet?,0, :'e-7
Fan att,Oil'fag! ofthe Leval trllleesin the .Tashi.
' • "-g0. Ste. \der e, tin
!c +di to eR a n:41 w13 Arc repressed to for In
➢0.z mi ed %het tenders will not be c,inslderad uwlees
made ze-Wieldy fu areurdau a with the ,pr u'e,d forme
and last accompanied by a Feuer erne 0.t, t :t the
gderee.x tpr, Knew, teudetieg lave carefully t ast0ltacJI
the Reality aud the uatwo rt the ineteciAl beard
tiler isle' pits.
I4: the cave of Armes there iniad he atta0.:bel the
tu'tortl eignetsura of the lush came, the nettue c 1 the
oce t:Wien nerd . reeldenee of ctrl member of the
meso; aril further, a banie a reeir receipt tau the
sunt et G tl,uvu nivat acronwitey the tender for the
canal ant Wks; and a bank dteppvsir met p: e.r, the
tram 67,59ee67,59e caul aecerepaty the deter fur Tho
deepening mail wideulte; tit the ciaanmel way At both
ude, piers, 3,e
Tate resptetivte dept trztipta—ektryuei will clot
ho saerepte>i--lust be endorsed over to the btieistcr
Of Siailways and tao:ais, and will he forfeited it the
salty teudermg itccliucs enterirf, into contract ter
theworks, et the rates and on the terms elated
in the otter aubritkd.
Thole resit receipt thus sent itt sill1 be returned'
to the respective parties whose tentierc are not
This Dermereent does, not, however, bind. 'Wolf
toaseeetttte lowest tar any tenders.
By order,
i'. III'it.DI•ET,
Deptttmentot Rellweye and t;nnals,1
tkt, 8th August,+MSS.
,ark"'"' �..+•;�'��,�`
Notiee to Contractors.
S3ALED J•E\DERS,atl'irttssed to the undersigned
1�7a• and endorsed 'Tenders for the 3t, Lawrence
Canals; will be reeezved at this oirice until the ar-
ricalef the eastern and western inane on Y'nea:iat/
the :VA day of Se trrrnTMsr next, for tho construction
of two lecksnnd the deepening and enlargement 'of
the upper entranca.gf the «:tops Canal, And for the
deepening end cn 'tremeut of the summit level taf the
Cornwan Canal, The construction of sit new lash nt
emelt of the three inters, r lock stations en the Corn
will Canal between the Town of Cornwall. and
.Maple Crave; the deepening and widening the chan-
nel way ere=tide Canal; construction of bridges, &e.
m together a
A p each of the localities tr aethcr with plans
and specifications of the respective works, 'can • be
seen on and after _nieesdag the 1114 day 04. September
nett, at this office tor all the works, and for the re-
spective works at the.followine mentioned placoe--
Per the works at' (.aloes. ' ata the Leek -keeper s
Douse, Getups. For deepening the summit level of
the Cornwall Canal, at Dickinson's Landing; and for
the new locks,,S;c., at lock -stations Nos. 18. 19 and
20,at the Town of Cornwall. Printed forms of
tender on be obtained/or the. respective works at
the places mentioned.
In the case of dims there must be .attached the
actual signatures of the full name; the nature of the
occupation and residence of eachmepiber of the same
and further, a bank deposit. receipt, Por the sum of
$6,000 musteceompauy the tended for the Galops
Canal Werke, ;Ind a bank deposit redeipt for the sum
of $2,000 for each section of the works on the summit
level of the Cornwall Canal; and for each of the lock,
sections on the Cornwall llama a bank drposif re-
ceipt for the sum of $4,000.
The respective deposit receipt—cheques will not be,:
accepted—must, be endorsed over to the Minister of
Railways and Canals, and will be .forfeited if the
party tendering' declines entering into: contract for
the work at the rates and on the terns stated in the
offer. submitted.•. The deposit receipts thus sent in
will be returned to the respective parties whose ten
. ders are not accepted.
This Department does not, however, bind Itself
to gocept the tnwest or•any tender..
By Order,
Depett reent of Railways ttndllanals,
Otto n0., 411. August. 181l .
3t11-,' t,
the Following Liles.
tEngland SuitirKm and
Seotela T'b'ireed Suitizegs and
T4 t91,1Sel ings
Freneli. ftlfd Encriisth-1.47opeted
lite up ill the Latest is,
At Best Rates.
& Posit ve Cure.
A Pai�a
s¢4.s7M 4=' ,.tars.
V. Tt�t'L7:PTs'$
# Fii;t77.f.744T'L,lf .T ina"*jirEf.Ce
&Insist of ttrailag, clod K I:user of E Cassini,
trjpitk.lktriiarttt ening-amen/Tel e►rlmollanfesionr
Txysosairearstl ridyersissrfk.
CS'ito nee broken down frim the otict•ts or abuse wilt find in No, a t:tf ice. cine for tiergogotd
6314W/eel—PAM weakness. invohustnrN vital lectins, etc.
leyart'roire won warm leo. a 5mionr.lt VtiND.,--Wes t o eneri,y, vertigo, want of errant
drnutess itt eight, eversion to €o+elety, wept of eiune'I.1 ee, rti'veMienec car eonvereetiop,
desire tor vehnt;k,atstle ands awl dna Itity to As inn utwztauttc,ri aperticatlnarlatthlett,
co'nttr.sit0, det,r r400 et creast€+, pid9i r Inst of memory. ti=,citet+iiiry itt tempnr. spit
soutorrbdrn, crlire of the sa .uivat amid- ,, reeute of enit.abmeet yr marital erceee.impe
tenor, tnntitritfu 1, etpaeFttnau 11:1110101r,:,, Pniri at;An 01 the iaeerr, tryattr.ateeling> tit,
fetalnles trer.tbling, mcletu:V s, th.etatr 0.,-3 0.b'' t i,3 j rA , Ara rill errapt-rne Of dais terrtt'te
bnbtt,oft utiecesin'ncaeetrh' eerie -red. lee, re rip cerins'*tEveli.force bavittsabeet it?
tai etas, over}" te•netltau liaise. to teratteenette-4 1' I, sides eve/tore sad the supe rinteudenta'.
cf FPStro oayitt:ae'wito h nt:,ri",aa Om illi 't^, of eoln•4ttu�e the ,great xunlorlty sat
witttcul ltcd>t which c^•ng 13,rdt°r tia ttmta•6' I1 yen nra iucelnrpetent for the erdttaia
antes et bunt t 6•3, ine3iia i 0tp3ar f. r alta eo,.,yrr..atat, of life.: o. of oitere nn ecce e from
the effects )reallyvie. It yen arced ameelharesee,'we.Swillgirey'oufullvisorend
etrontith. n gni hraleerc dei. , Tit, i^.attc arid morally trott9.e rly iadiceretiin t: -e ..
res"tlt 01 tsnoreneo as i 4011?, So, d your rid t ess ,eergs Its otantrS for .13. V. T.,1130N'n
r..reRtisw 43 alma, V01311 o 1 13a':C16,t3 rat plRu, Sealed anal cl :' nro from obscrvaticii,
Address ell elmn u'ttrati og to U. F. 3 dr&itA:4. 47i"eltllr3wton, Est. iCv t. IT taronty
A MstowahesZa slo•,a dates is a-1;rpl'e para ae. • GUAI$ RioiRA$TLi?a, HEAT, vtilm SICK=
The only catarrh remedy Over offered to the public on 35 days trill;
b written guarantee given Fitts each lustre tout, W. T. Skim Jr co.,
reSgtzcantItroot' eat,Taco Taconite, Ont.
The Greatest Discovery of
the Age,
Price - $3,
idine It note medicine ora digutting lotion or Deader bail, brit* Selt geeetlt-
Colt Vapor, easilyandttican:tntly aPPlied, at iUl hours. titun4 atnd:Placet.
Actino No. 2.- uiebly rolteoes and thoroushlp .cures an Throat and
Lunt; diseases.
Act ria No. 3.--Pooitirclr Ceres all diseases of the 1 yrs. rirteract Gran
elated hyo -Bills, Intluned, Eyes, near and far sightedness Tari Etta
TAT1d '5I) ivtttr,h CLosx D.
TIM AcTl1A 18 80rn Uttnl1A Oen smarms OCAItdXTz3 ClI 15 DAYS
Tart,. Enclose etatnp for handsomely illuatratod book +dud health
journal, W. T. Bd1r11C & 00.,10Qusect Street West, Toronto, Ont
There is aa hide Oil called
'i::teeper e eY :ra ina :0.t ictnrs end aro the sole
r ctnr eters of the -renewing specialties, and that
•s;"colt beheel from noother source. THEY ARE
0.,T FDA Sel E BY :.EUGQSTS. Correspordenco
trey c'nfiden del. i.bneultttion niton all
r.a > d eeees invited, tf0 ei1A: GE exe.,' ,t for
ueele n . gods �ent stela -retire= obaor't'a-.
ti..A1 il'o euto.alcdiclne Lar, Ter'aa e,, Out.
our magi efrs, eeprevent onearowe-battedper.
reedy Isnrmieto. We p spare tbo following
010re—tits feu ! 171i10805 ansoiratti•the iarar itseelf;
Week a r 1, I3:vvn, tial dram Bro sue Chestnut,
u st, Cite—nut, Bold Blonde, 4t11 or ,Blonds
t .i.'o Sand temple of hair 'When ordering.
Vriae, ,•'L. per belle. dTotonto•Medl:eine 00.,
in telt-zing prta2a specify which you rec'nfre
a ; .ntee them Ito give: entire satieraetiou.
bl,erts to the hk althrecoltarand :'rnehness
a ui i,ienheodl; harugessand cestudtbedetoated.
'1.41, No. Oltemovcs wrinkles, Se; No. 10 lee-
o'vesLiver Spots. *LBS.. 1o.ilRtiovetPlease
Norma. 61.25. No 12 Removes .speckles. Siete,
l s 131 movesl',irnpi n3S1.25. Va. 14 Removes'
Ten. $1125 Ito. 15 lteindves 1tlolos. $2, No 16 ,-
l;ernoves Pomkan'trks 32„ No.17 Remotes nail e+1
Prespixation: GJ,.0.5. No.18 An absolute unfailing'
spocado for the retention development or rester.a
Wort of heellair, .$1.25. Termite .Medicine Cd
Ti HE SIUSti '
No. 19 Te:pp combined internal and -external
treatment: tiich speedr*y develo�pee orirostores
the female hast to the proportions of yoltiptuous
netere. Ts entirely har,•'.niessand certain in re-
sults.l'rioe.33. 'Toronto Medicine Co. Toronto,
1.41clIfiErWS ILLS
No. 20 A certain ours for Lencorrheea; or 'Whites
Falling oftho Womb, Ulcerations Painful Men.
struat chi, "Bearing down Pains" and all Diseases
end. :Wesi leases peouliar to females. Endorsed
by the highest medical authorities as an "un-
rivalled' remedy. " Price 52 per bottle. Toronto
'Medicine Co., Toronto, Out:.
Far Emporia to Ergot. Tansy, Pennyroyal or
Osido Endorsed by the thousands of ladies who
usethemMONTHLY. Never fail Behove pain,
IiNSU Tile B1l& ILAEITY,PleasautendEffectuai.
Pries $2 Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont
Cali he cured by using specie.o No. 22. • Its won-
derful sale is dee to the simple feet that it does
all that is clam ad for it. ,Price 01. Toronto
bredicine Co,. Toronto, Ont.
PJ r
See that -barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINE, If not
do not take it as it is only spurious oil they are offering you so ` as to make •
more money out of you. Par sale by BISSETT BROS., Exeter. • July- G-88
Furniture and Undertaking.
NOM ' Andrews.'
B:41 -room aud. Parlor cites,
Sideboards and Entettsion Tables,
L o-ana es and TEaSy chair's.
Largest wareroorns in towel.
UNDERTAKING, outsideof the under-
takers' ring, in 'all its branches. Open
day and night.
STAND. .one door ;north of'Molson's Wink
Main•streeg, - Exeter,
to (ae
Our. Stock'. of Pei' tin
Stationery,;col sisting o°f.a11 -03
ffar the leading grades of Plain
and Fancy ruled and e.un-
', ruled papers, Cards and En-
velopee, is most complete: j `'•
Call and get prices. at "