HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-30, Page 1VOL IL XETER ONT., TIIIIRSI)AY AUCTST 8th 1888. NO. 65. TheNiolsons Bank, WHARTERP BY PARLIAMENT, 185) Paid up $2,000;000 Beet Fund ...e 875,n00 Head office Voittreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, eGeNtelen MANACER. Twept;Vjtrattela onion it. Vito Denoinion. At,7':11•Ilett tIte Duaana9a. 14- A. cal Europe. 14-1X..01.1 Town-Counoil. The council met at the town halls , Exeter, on August 24th, 1$88, with all members present except Mr. Pick- ard, Minutes of previous meeting Me -McCann and Mrs L. Portico spent Saturday in Parkhill. Mr, Young, our popular store keep- er is getting in his fell stock now. We thin)... Junes going bate< weet 11, Eidflulpb BroVz83. a Exeter, also MrelCirk and wife, of Mr. an Evans and family, spring eat the farm of Mr. Wm. Taylor. r Joseph Thompson found a mi,terail:11taich:11.,Torsuesyttanteadwokni4t4h,e4leorutoe,c1 aoliAsreet Tourists•are r,onting from all parts for a Sabbath. little too oft:en now. ?Thiele so J 7 bottle of Inylors mineral water, 'V ere read and confirmed. Moved hy W G Biesett, seconded by T. Mc- salecas staked last menday Zre, lin Mwirt.h.Itohnathan Cooper, who :was very e e , • a e owpJanT s again Calietn, that tiro lamp at sameeen ee 9hilcilren, are pleiteerdittiter •their luali- convaleoceut Your nerrespeeoent , *Lippert a total of et10,9., collected, a Pickani's be remoyed to the bridge days. omitted in lest 'week's ieeue the nam 1 13 ' ° jid li i . , but a total a 391 e hers ought ta SATC,:DATS, Itr a. la. to a p. on, spector banded in a receipt for $9 'North, omitted were Wm. John Nein Wineertleee e a otter e ceeing--e e a'Ve-ra,,ot^ Threo Irt- c000t, pet,- mama awe. ad for money en htr. Ed. Fortice,our hotel keeper of Beringren.Saml Sanderseoekild. 11°411.eq'4reti being about $465 11Qt. a ve'2 big thing for estelt mernie.r. it ceneint'aviliiiicLusimm trc.macted. for gravel delivered UR followse—Dr. Roiline g bawls at 75 cents a 10ma..do this place, hal had hie:hotel empteved gins aud, laugh liarltin. Shopos,i4 Reacipto anti till` Will Ban.- * , 4 g DESOVAN: 'La% amea etewart, 2 loads at rue, eery rouee ne late, Mr, Wee, Flyn hes been seriously ill f The deily mail brings frequent lovas 50. Thos Fitton loadwith infiareetion in the bowels for tile mra 1144-1" 8raith' vh° is wal'killig The financial statement of the Vine ville circuit has just teen pablished and furnishes DX interesting hie ot information. It shows for minieteriel while the new bridge is in mune ofl Re earefti illy and don t stay eeut4 of severs that waited on him in his e e "1ST ofIO.. This is net os't construetion.—Carrieti, Ile Road In- too late eVeCIrkga Whala Yen go on4ellness musing some Jealousy. Those ra Lipton sceo ist-foti day. ftani la a. ei to .3 p. Exeter, Jar,. 28, '88, ?,danager. leral" 1' " Rev, Mr. dafltea preaChed very im- at It's t stele 'n - 1. iti 75 cents; John Braund 2 loads ftt, de, • preesive eery -ion onr Preebyterian4ast weetr• eeighherg' 4ieeris flattering I .an" church on Sunday last. L50 Teen.. Carliog,51oeds at Irite,$3,06. 1$•eubliebed every Thursday morning, et the ofilec: Maimst. - Exeter. Out. .rnme SPItS0RIPTION4 dollo lear pid in advatitoat V,50 if Pot liar Pala. Advertivng Rates; NI APpikafilitf,, Noinierr .p.montitteed milli arITAIn'F$ atft raid. 4,4yeeistments without optelflo obreettons will bet youblvi WO foto i I awl elearwdocc.?rdi Indy- Liberal susonot areae Prt trAns ivnt ad ;e,rIteetnents insattsti tor Ion g prnnis. Urer. destiittonn « tornol out in VIP finest- ettle of the art mid at r , , 04 • _ snodovalo ratan laorques, iaPrter orders, deN tor eee cear funiueneenarrieu, -10%, ea neweeen cite:velem% eic ; ta netneeeetee by T. B Cerling, seconded by W11..LIAM SANDERS: McCallem. that a new plue aidowalk MOT kalltr4N"' Illared in front of Ceutral Hotel. Carried. The 'clerk eeporteil demaud 011171:01 1 IIIREGI'ORY. elf the notal trustees for $2,300 for &pea s tit terms of area Moved ray W. G. Peeeett, eeconded by wh ,comiu to Ramo and hauled elis grain eor him eterao.ng lene and and it is rumored th'il he turoed out 'end hauled his flax and cut wIth return in the spring and take his an - T. IL McCalluna:that orders be grant. „„,g _1=4 a those, from a dista.nce that wee 7.113kirsstehtte, 1111°6,72151),gfosur Mist:110YriT7WW'aitrees;, B.tiet4r4eeaseurtPilt"he.alc'9.titileelwe';'v 11111471iti.4FI:elsn,82.114,e.8351relveChlitteltbi7rs, AlMr; 'ifIrY"Ilvitthhe bfrientil'ueYhe41.1witIlIN:Jijuiltlialip;vg ' during 'hie long smuttier le'eure /mite Westeatt 50 ctse - dm; Richated 31.r, Amity McLaughlin, who hes * Mrs. Sweet, all of Stephen. over the feuce epeaking• iu unraistak oamlee, $10: do.; ALOPetirt *31.- been at his uncle's for the Feet, thre, no fanners en North ettenateeeg and able !eve winspers to Editi that fair 25, far nails; Ross dr Lovett. 0.001 er four menthe has 'returned to hue South Huron, at all events have ne and ntusning damsel1 not sooner oe for lime; Jas. Creeh, $2.00, eharitY home at Springbank, Archy will be reeson to gomplain of the scarcety 'of later go to w" Dawn, $55 on, street watering, cattle feed all this year, The splendid brick eottageglovaceehtehe Urquhart, 419,55, in full of account, those in other parts, wore • eepecially biPna,r1werhet tale; to Mrs, Clack; Wm. Dowie$1,50, labor; missed by many. showere coming as they did at intervals nor -wester moans deiefully through flat Geo. Hudgins, $5.62, labor; and Di, furnished ample fee all suineaenvehile branches of the spreces. if that be neerate, cuireee-ttee, I.; leneettiem. school keeeposes for the eurreitit year. rooter. ellen,. rtit, ant 7 P. al,TO Moved Ley T. 11. McCallum, wendetl. eeteno. neeree tent v. • by T. B. arIing, that a CIVESilig be Ifiviour t v Jewett et.. Bev, 911-mtor„ made at Ross A! Taylor's inetou irtnettglel)a}"e.:°rIreittIttled Wit' LIP'ilfe; OarriCd. Altat'Ell by T. B. earlillg, oseenin at 1, seconded by T U. tlleCallum, that lime ane e X1.1'., Jasper . Vatter. 844' this council adjourn until Tuesday, rn, ono! t3.«.1. p, no Saltitalls Prater Int:cling. '7ittlrrlittl' rl,fol. the 28th inst, at 8 M'eloek, p. ene nod ,:g."il:'"" rm. tr'"a6nsil''''3Y that the clerk notify !Viewers 1 laldson venint7 at 7 4 and liaudford to ettetel. Carried. itwU Theezes ttiw weoc. the neighborhood o Eingaton,cattla !Bey. A. 111eKilileou is in the 'tillage v e famishing for want of grase or rink, as no vain fell there for some Mr. Eyre is away on a business Marl" serious lose to the trip to Brockville. antlers o thatnvieinity. Hay is sell. Weddiugs may be expected shortlys teg there lew for '9.26 a tea mal here a litf,1 and drink ray allowance d eut in Middlesex it is sellieg for SIO a ton nip tea after such a severe attack of if reports are true. Mrs, White, of Roeerville, hae had 44. ilt*'311a5s hay' Meese, third: it maly courteous on IW (L W. you had better leek out in time for wither nest; Usborao'Glemings. thati tun sit .0 ber dwelling moved tocthis Rev. T. NV. Coins has been away, Ribbed Catches. part to return yeti my -Limits for ele; kind mautter in which you alluded to tee as being iedieposed, 'Of eouree yon during the past week yieitheg his pate (Decored t.,41.4to wan limo did not mention any names but you tints at Trowbridge. ceek aid wife ieft __ Mr. Frank Mitchell, of Port Stanley, t'ialiatit 'tliornmeoc'trotrerenspyoldetiehtataro: en gene Cremate* a /lying visit last week. Mor der last for Montreal where they 'WE v,W Martin, Pastor. intend spending a short vacation. The hum of the threshmg meant e wily num nand ite iny wants but • have heti lote of friends who have not 1 nil ard t%rn i" tiddlgt! Aajourtied meeting. of the couucil held Nineteen waits, Well said thieil can he heard the vieiniti of Cream" here SC kludbe supplied the Itunere 6 45, line , tai bz. prat ernk et In 1 at n OditCh. I.. t t P ugus ."""En't''''1`' PrA"' 11114* 4" 4$ I k. 1 I'‘.$'' reseet eeetpt ty, v b. t p . • station on Saturday last for the exctue multitede with idte of ieter_estiiset.new- •„ , Mr. InAtIffl. •'..NItivvii llyT. B. Carlieg, , ett Thom/Ion T.imuned Mu duties at, white .1. was on niy ba. Awe two. 1 emu to Niagara and Grimsby eamp. .z) cad. other Cards. it. Disetett be paid $11 for labor,— Don't forgettho reeee oelhe Reuse 1 t.ii-VE` you my exprrienee. I was troubb ..r. et meth st pale il SIC flieSS; pants wou 1 Nel ion street, one at 'Victoria etreet Mr. Welsh has lied the old Mettle- of Totoeto, are tieg their tutele, en . tele) me on the top of me head and riii•risT. stud two s.t the bridge. Moved by T. dist parsonage thoroughly renovated George Leary. pheying all the antics possible -would Office, eve:. t . Neils Bank, Exeter, Out and paieted. it now presents a. very iGer Crimea.), Merchants far surpass -Tamper to the back of my ueek, down Nitrian ,4,..: , Oen for intinicis ettraetion. neat appearaucte tl neighboting town in their priees my Spinal column and through the Mr. II. Northeott, a the Irensall for trades. arrow of my legs until it found a . It 1,- ^ , .L. U. iti. 1.. R. t e.. mane e. bakery, has purchased the bueiees.s of 31r. John and Miss, Jenne Miller of eds., WarIll fuel Rift. resting place le et , Renames.. i ceeeen at, e v. e e , Oatarto; MX, Roeveliierger, of Exciter, end inteiels Crourarty, took in the excursion to the mustard plaaters that WtIv constant P. P. M h, 1'.0, "0.7.0. Sight bet at, ollico cesdlten Ontario. 3ulyllIS -tf carrying nn the business in that place., N'iagars on elaturday .18th inst. iy applied to my pedal extremities Mr. Not thcott is a noung man of energy and sterline charaettr titd has worked w eneveres, M. D., M. 'C. P. S. v., .mversee- emeeteeeenereeer wended T, IL McCallum, that E teacher in the publie school last Mote mu on me' feet egehe uo excuse 'am • giving Park on Monday Sept. 3rd, tlaY. t tetnue very fine racee Deity be expeeted. Miss fella Crawford and her brother .1 e • f • t y heat I feel aS though I e light Carried It Y. as agreed. .hat crossiuge BiLleiNGSJI , he put in at Zur. T. la tarlinge, one a 4 ' a Carling, seconded by T. If. McCall - nn that o. eroesing be put in at Mr. Penlineon% store provided Mr. Parkin. se t furnish tho ntterial, Moved by W. G. Dissett, eeconded by T. B. Car- ling, that this council adjourn until Monday, Sept. 3rd, at 8 oltloelt p. Carried. M. &came elerk. ••••••M.K. I.:ratio:deo; Vic Inice and residenre. at the bueincss for eight years hi Dominion La'n .• try. Exeter Ont. A111%11-'61'. laud. We are confident that those giving hien a trial will be well satisfied. Bayfield Notes. IChiva at present. .01d Sam is hunting up something Miss -Doyle has been, the guest of Miss Collins, of this place, for the last few days. There is to be a big contest on the DVoWtIt;. tilT101-1-11A111 STREET, Exeter, up stav!,,pposItc -Central 'late'. ttide aut. -,Itinicastreet leadhq; to the Meth adist Cottrell. incitelsea, licensed auctioneer in ;lie .,01;.1.1:0S of Perth nod Middiese, also for tioto t.two,si.17,. Ushorote. •Sales promptly tkttend• m: VI to, ona Nutztsfutable. Sales arranged at the .t-ollice, etta. iiE tiLE *ztt,r Ontario, 1.1cenSed Auctioneer •• ffor Da:, e.r.M.nr auron. Salts promptly attended to. and aatiSfael,ttni guaranteed. Sake arranged at ;this otlite. Khiva Notes. Threshing is the order of the day. Most of the people have finished harvesting. Mrs. M. Yag,er, is visiting friends at, now. Our public sehools opened again this week. The lake has been somewhat °rough 12th of Sept. 3. H. and M. Mc. for to offhere the past wetik ti.ttlitatagroevatielegaroLsiiiettee see -which will have. J. T. on that date, ''Canon Riehardson, Lonaon held reetenire, crown. rol. Allethe folks in Eliva0 think that service here, in Trinity Church, last Sunday. The sacred edifice was,crowd- th.ere mill be a big contesttetween Mr. wnaaset none LICENSED AUCTIONEER for v dd a 3 B . . a. it tb. d t h th rrti ptly utt.,:ide4 to. A drese all ocommunicatiotts Hots, Elam postodiee, Ontario. t ..s. . proof that his sketches are not loaded with malice even some of his victims T u. DICES0:1, l3arrister, Solicitor of Supremo ,, •eadnot but laugh heartily 'over them, o ear e eloquentge eman. arrle Jr. 0 r, • inkz the counti,.of Niiddlesex and Latabton, i a en an he will win. Phiz Trix is an eimoosin Cline In the Towns:1;11i ot teen and Thy. All wiles am he Echoes. emut, pitbli,.couvommr, 00ti . for some neighbors be certainly would Butter is 17 eta per lb., and eggs 17 My wife has a whole wheel -barrow eta par doz. This proves the old adopt true 1.0pposition,is the life of trade' Ilarveeting is over with eome farm- 's. lied it not been for the frequent heavy showers of the past week the majority would have finished. Mr. 4-, Mrs. Thompson, who have been spending the summer vocatiot. with friends in McGillivray and Park. they want in tny back yard and the hill, returned home last week. killer can be produced by eating the mustard or using it on. the table 1 Miss ,Anteie Thorn, who for the past dou't want your readers to think that 1 few weeks has been visiting at hei un entirely free or well, not at all, 1 grandfather's, Mn Wm. Speare, near Cromarty, retuned to her home in sometimes take madden fits of thi- pain and then the inustard has to 1., Petrolia last week. sacrificed, and it .puzzles me to etie- Mr. Thos. Stacey 'was driving two whether 1 would rather loose 26 eta fat beasts to Henson ane day recently worth of mestard or had half anhousand and met with what has been a seri”' dollars worth of pain. As I said b., accideet It appears one of the animals fore dodgasted pain often 'comes sled- tacted Mr, Statey, and hada not beeu There shoo fiy became so furiously .engaged thus it at denly on roe and breaks me all up - it comes now get the mustard. {pick! I feel it -----****"e" Whew!! That sinful pain. Bye bye sonny. 1011 tell of pain and umetterd extracted from fi et, 1 don't mean that the mai. tard was extracted from my feet but the pain, and of course after using the mustard in this way she says it is net any good for table use and so extrava- gant as women always are, throws it away. Now if any tine wants to make eain•killer they can -get all the pain onis;ioner. *se Idonnyoto l.ottn though I am told that .9.11 occasional Eliraville is to have a wagon maker. have been killed. They tried every Otlice-iansou's Block, Exeter. ram foolishly feels like 'getting mad. Division Court here last Friday and lasted from 10 a. re. to 6p. nt. Though the cases were interesting to some . have no doubt his Honor judge Doyle Our farmers are feeling Joval over thought they dragged their weary length along at about as slow pace as the Macke=e water stretches ,would Mr. Ed, Creery, of Sunshine is dan- gerously ill. Miss Mary Smile .of London, is o visitinfriends in lsborne. LL KINSMAN, ,DENTIST, t. D. S., extraetstdeth without pain by giving Vegetab,le Yager, or Using the new Ant:es- thetic °tithe genes. foialtesCold 8311n51, and allother dental work the beet possible. (lope to Zu ofast Thursday iu sack month. EAST SIDE Or STREET E=TER, ELLIOT ,,Ltb .ELLIOT, Banniseses, 'Solieitors, Conveyancers, ".fMoney to Lownaat 6% 3B. EIZIOT. X. ELLIOT. -May Fa-mera Mutual Fire instirrice Ogiiipany. ,peetzes DESIRING TO INSURE IN THE BUT S ;and' cheapest Insurance Company iu Ithw Dominion, ,oan do so•by applying pereonally, ex by mail to the lautdersigned. All applications promptly attended to. pliao age0 Ihr.the Wellington , tompinly of Guelph. 44.1so .EETt for the County of fluron. • E. DOSA,ENBERRY, eatier. • li3O reaping such a bountiful harvest. Mr. J.:May and sister, of Devon, were the geestis of Mr. J. G. Jones on Sunday last. • A very pleasant Harvest Home sup- per was held a little north of Winchel- sea on Saturday eight last. The boys say they had a good time and no doubt a profitable one Snow Boer Corbett Gatherings. very cool evenings now. Harvesting is about over. Mr. John rollick is having hie Chop improved greatly. megns possible to get the animal under control, but to no effet. The animal had to be shot Elimyille Eyelets. PERSONAL.-17sborne with its broad SALE REGIST• ER, On Saturday, Sept. 8th, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. m., at Prendergrast's notE valuable farm property, being loe 22, . have marketed the ten of million of pleasant fields, verdant woods and hos, cell' 1, township of HibbettSilas bushels of wheat that will be produced pita.ble people furnishes a pleasant re. in our Northwest this year. sort for the worn out town people and it is a great pleasure to us to see them A very sad ()wartime was the . . au& take a jaunt through our burg and den death of MrsThosMcAdam, of take in the pleasures of this life -with Strathroy, which took place at the a. mouthful of good fresh air to boot. Oueen's Hotel here on Tuesday last, The deceased, accompanied by her two Mr. Robert Ooates spent a few days daughters were spending their vacation theast week with the folks at home. here, and greatly enjoyed the boating Glad see you Bob, you look familiar. . and bathing privileges. Although but Mn T Miners' emiling, face was seen a short time here she made many in the neighborhood last Sunday, also friends, who express great sympathy Wesley Chowins, of Bryaestore meter - with the bereaved husband and family ialized at our hamlet on the same day. Jas. Stewart, eged 48 years. Deceased was the wife of Rev. Thomas Mr. IL Samwell and wife festinated Chteerty.—In Blanchard on the 28th McAdam,Presbyterianneinister, Strath- at the hospitable board of our and Inst, Ed. A. Oreery, aged 21 roy their esteemed friend John Miners, years 28 days, Stanlako, prop.; Jas. Oke, auctioneer. On Saturday, Sept. 15th 1888, at two o'clock p. Dn. at the Central Hotel, valuable village property situated on 'Victoria at Geo. F. Dyer, Prop. Jae. •Oke, Auctioneer. lleeen Stezete-i-In Exeter, on 26th inst,Joltte Edwin Snell, aged 26 years, 10 months and 29 days. .RT.—.In Hibbert, on 23rd inst.,