HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2006-01-26, Page 15f.*11 HAMILTON RV & CAMPING SHOW - February 3, 4, & 5/06 - Copps Coliseum, Hamilton. SEE MORE 2006 Recreation Vehicles & Camping prod- ucts. Visit www.rvshowhamilton.ca for more details. HUGE RV SHOW - "33RD ANNUAL" Campground Operators & Suppliers Feb. 17th & 18th/06 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Feb. 19/06 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission $10.00 (Seniors $2.00 off Friday only) Western Fair Grounds, London 519- 685-1110 gem - MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are imposters who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. ?y; ,WW"/ A JOB AT HOME on your computer. Average Income: $493.51 weekly; Code Al www.MyHomePCJob.com . CONSULTANTS NEEDED for home based business. New to Canada in September 2005. "Signature Homestyles" Home Decor and Gifts. Ground floor opportunity. Call Lorna 780-871-0444 EXCITING MOBILE TOOL FRAN- CHISE - Complete Business System: Premium Quality Products, Financing programs, Training & Support Programs. No franchise fees or royal- ties. Call Matco Tools Toll-Free 1-888- 696-2826. www.matcotools.com FREE PUBLISHING GUIDE. Have you ever written a book? Publish your book in weeks and have it available for sale worldwide. 1-888-232-4444 ext. 5055, or www.trafford.com/5055. OWN YOUR OWN STORE - Country Depot, TrueValue Hardware, V&S Department Stores - New & existing locations. No Franchise Fee - Earn Dividends. Call TruSery Canada TODAY 1-800-665-5085 www.truserv.ca WORK FROM HOME reglazing bath- tubs, sinks, ceramic tile, fiberglass fix- tures. Training, equipment, supplies & support. Free information package. Call recorded message 1-800-470- 6442. Low investment ')4 BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR with our home-study course. 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Email: employment@kingland ford.com . Fax 867-874-2843. Hay River, NT. Become a Mystery Shopper! GAPbuster is currently recruiting mys- tery shoppers. Get paid to shop and improve customer service. Apply now at: www.gapbuster.com/xec CANADIAN TAXPAYERS FEDERA- TION requires a territory manager in your area. Paid weekly, commission based, rapid advancement, equal opportunity. Infoline Toll-Free 1-866- 443-6020 or for interview CALL Mr. Cunningham today at 1-800-667- 7933. CHEAP TELEPhone Reconnect - Ring in the New Year! Only $49.95/month and low connection. Excellent service, everyone approved! Phone Factory Reconnect - Toll free 1- 877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca DIAMOND GLASS LTD. (Yellowknife, NT) requires a full-time autoglass installer with a journeyman certificate and/or 5 years experience in wind- shield replacement and repair. Wage based on experience. Housing avail- able. Fax resume to: 867-873-3739 or email: diamondglass@theedge.ca. Attention: Bryan Rendell. EXPERIENCED DRILLING AND SERVICE RIG PERSONNEL. Associates Oilfield Employment Services/Nabors Canada are partner- ing to supply experienced crews for Nabors' drilling/service rigs, Western Canada. Successful applicants: home-based in Ontario, work rotation: 5-6 weeks West/back to Ontario - 2 weeks. Airfare/living/competitive day- rate supplied, minimum one year recent drilling/service-rig experience; (Floor-hand, Motorhand, Derrick, Drilling.) Nabors Canada recruits entry-level floorhands from Atlantic Petroleum Training College, Dartmouth, N.S. 1-877-RIG-HAND. Mandatory medical/drug testing. Resumes faxed to 902-442-5271; email: aptc@sstl.com . www.nabors.com . EXPERIENCED GLASS WORKER wanted for well established, growing glass company. Journeyman/appren- tice desired. Automotive experience preferred. Carpentry/renovation expe- rience an asset. Wages based upon experience. Fax resume 780-723- 5663. Email: midwestd@telusplanet .net. HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC required for heavy duty truck and trailer repair shop. Fax/email resume: 780-452- 3499; info@northwestspring.com PHONE DISCONNECTED? First month only $13. + hook up. Get recon- nected with Easy Reconnect. We've been saving customers money for years. Call 1-877-446-5877. TRITON PROJECTS is seeking expe- rienced Welders for projects through- out Alberta. $31./hour + benefits. Travel, accommodation and relocation assistance provided. Fax 780-485- 6719. Email: humanresources@triton projects.com . DEBT STRESS? Consolidate & lower payments by 30-40%. End those phone calls & the worry. Avoid bank- ruptcy. Contact us for a No-Cost Consultation. Online: www.mydebt solution.com or Toll-Free 1-877-556- 3500 (Pacific). 4'6'1 zarm AMAZING OFFER! NEED A NEW COMPUTER? Don't have Cash? Get a New Acer Computer System with High-Speed Internet! Free Modem/Website/upgrades! Fast deliv- ery! 100% financed! Get approved over the phone! 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For other opportunities visit www.fairmontcareers.com , Fax resumes to: 403-760-6056 FREE 128 page "Career Opportunities" Guide. Earn More!! Get Promoted!! Train at home for a Payrai$e-New Career-Top Paying Job. Call Granton Institute at 1-800- 361-1971 for FREE Guide. www.grantoninstitute.coni Ffr/ 4f/A THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2006. PAGE 15. Ham and scalloped potatoes on Friday's menu Continued from page 7 The men's high start of 80 was by John Harrison and ladies was by Kaye Smith, shooting 75. The Friday night supper was roast beef. This week is ham and scalloped potatoes. On Saturday, there were 16 comrades travelling to Seaforth to attend Zone euchre. There were 46 teams, four to a team, from the 13 branches in the zone. Attending from Brussels Branch 218 were Helen pobson, Mabel Willis, Bush Whittard and John Harrison, Norm Dobson, Eric Ross, Harry Smith and Cecil Moore, Dale Sauve, Jim Alton, Rick McDonald, Lloyd Glanville, Sandra Josling, Jo- Ann McDonald, Jason Konarski and By Heather Crawford Citizen staff There are approximately 1,122 cases of Alzheimer's or dementia reported in Huron County. Scott McDonald. No on advanced to the next level. It's the last days before dues must be paid for 2006 to remain a member in good standing. The end of January It is estimated that that number will increase significantly over the next 20 years as the baby boomer generation ages. According to the Alzheimer's Society, there are nearly 4.6 million is the deadline. Our postal address is PO Box 128. New membership is accepted at any time. Drop into the Branch or call John Harrison. new cases of the disease reported worldwide every year which averages out to a new case every seven seconds. "I think the statistics are staggering," Maggie Brennan, public Interested persons wishing to take a turn on the executive, should attend the general meetings and express their intentions to Comrade Norm Dobson or Jo-Ann. McDonald. education co-ordinator for the Huron County branch of the society said. "I think it's something people need to be aware of." "This year, the first of the baby Continued on page 16 Alzheimer's cases to rise over 20 years Network Classifi. eds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! For more information contact Your local newspaper • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • It's Effective • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $82 • Eastern Ontario $143 • Western Ontario $133 • Central Ontario $139 • All Ontario $424 • National Packages Available!