The Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-23, Page 4he Exeter Aoumate.
AND tri BLISi Fii.
OF.P.rOW:" - Maine Street, £xefert
°IURSDA', AUGUST 28rd,18880
—Miss Julia Gibson is taking her
?0liday s,
—The telephone poles in. the village
are being r painted
-- Mr. Ri (idlee spentrw ' few days
in Detroit first week,
—Fax, the comedian, Drew,s Opera
1 ouse, Aug. 23rd.
Lawyer E. Dancey, of Seafnrtb,
=teas in town on Tuesday.
-Fax sings: at the Sons of-, England
oncert on 23rd inst.
Spicer, clsug}tter and' ?.iss
SL' ms- 1 re left on visiting tour.
--*Tickets for Solis of England con-
Nrt for sale at this office.
The Avoc4Ta from now till Jane-
„Try 1st les% ouly 40 cents~.
—Mr: Jas. Acheson, Garnet House,
211117 S1 spent Sunday in town.
—.Miss A. Herd, of lyth, "spem t-
zg lit few daps with ffieuds here.
Mr. Joseph Umbrclo and wife,
a£ alt, Are visiting friends in town.
—sr. Jas. Mi,lltm returned from his
htdidl y trip on Monday evening.
�--Hear Canals greatest eomic,
Fax, Drew's Opera Ifouses 23rdbet
Mrs Thomas and daughter hay...
returned/rout visiting Mends in Ham-
Mrs. Henry Bolton, of Toronto
1s .at present the guest o£ Mrs. B.
Bear Fax a the Sons taf ll
concert on 23rd ins,, in. Drew.* oiler
—Mars. Geo, Kemp, and fancily,
turned from the lake aide on Mond
---Donn't forget to hear?tx' in Arewf
Opera House ons Thursday evening
23rd inst.
- Jr. John Wooed will ship a ea
load o cattle for eastern Markets, -
—An exchange says; "There i3' no
period in the career of the, bustle that
appeals so strongly to the spmpathetic
side of man's nature es when it just
reaches far enough abaft the weather
hoard of the umbrella to catch the sons
CI, rain drops as the; sots's"
With the increased piecea prevail-
ing for the majorityof celeals,our farm-
ers will likely realize as much for their
crops this -year as they did last. The
principal drawback will be r shortawe
of feed,necessitiug a reduction of stock
which wit have to be solei no matter
what the prices may be.
—Quite a large excursion party from
Exeter, Ont., pieuicked at, Pine Grove
pari; yesterday. Among these we no-
tired was Jas. Fairballand wife, Ed.
Roberta and wife, R4 'ivlaard, Chas,
McDonald,Lockie Taite,'1 iios Carling,
Ed. Fish and family, Chas, Sanders,
John Gill,Sr,,Mike Eacrett,Miss Stew-
art and Miss Atchison, -Port ,Huron
Diwaor.:sic .-Im Exetei,on the Uttar)
the wife of Mr. A. A. U. Denovu
manager Mglsoa$ Bank, o£
In Tp Mctillivary on Inch
John Oraig, aged i32 yeale,
s.In Hay, on the 20th ins,,.
ohm Collins,agai 72 years are
Miss Gussie Pickard, of Seafortb,
is the guest of snit,, Goo. Kemp for a
few clays.
- -Wedding inyitiona, New Yorl
styles, neatly and cheaply printed at
.ADVOCATE office,
-•-Mr. dr Mrs. Munroe, of -Lancaster,
who have been ..'ieiting friends here re-
turned home yesterday.
Tho farmers. are all busy clearing
inp their harvest work, and the noise of
the thresher isheard in the land.
Mr. W. Sweet, vs. has just pair
abased a handsome upright Piano cost•
iru; in the neighborhood of $75O.
Auctioneers and others will find
it to their advantage to get their sale
bills at this office. Bins printed while,
you wait. `T
—Several loads of fine Cattle were
shipped from this station last week by
a Goderich buyer, to the European
—Every business man in town has
been besieged for the ,last week past
with. Commercial` drummers. Nearly
all, of .them report business.
—Mr. Knight, Ontario,. California,
late of this place has purchased forty
acres of berries in that place. He will
ship to all parts of the union. Success
—Gillis,alias Johnston, who a short
time since stole a number of sheep
from Mr. R. Bos, .of Stephen, will be
tried before His Honor, Judge Toms,
on Fridry. ;
For, letter heads, envelopes,. bill
heads, statements and all kinds of job
work try the ADVOCATE office. Prices
reasonable andsSrork first-class. Give
—MrGeorge Axmgtrong, headmas-
ter of Ingersollpublic school, and wife,
who Have been , vissting .,friends aad
relatives here for the past few weeks,
returned home •on Tuesday morning
—Mr, N. Dyer Hurdon,and Mr. E
Elliot, leave to -morrow for their holi-
-clays. They will visit Sault Ste. Marie
and go thither by theJ3eattyLine of
boats., We wish them a pleasant trip..
—Mr. Philip Holt, Goderich, Acted
as; Judge here on Monejay in the place
o$ Judge Doyle, who is seriously indis-
posed. The cases tried here were,few,
and Court was aeljourned..before noon,,
--The season for shooting woodcock
opened. on 15th inst., that for ducks
ap,ens Sept 15th, and forquailOct. 15th.
S l;detectives. have been, ;en a
x d _
al r of
,th country ou'
p t
duty it is to see that the game lawsare
.4(titkil lived sip to, JVial,era not.e.of,,it,
Navas alsseas;.-1lethe '4v let's: 1441
teed "Tertians for ebb Walt Ste "lana
reel—eclat this dice until Ito ur•
teal and wester r as see tea 1PE..S>AT.
SQ:ta:sr.ccid. S rtTMe fsrzaatiesant,
A esr,al tan the S°..nalinn sale e! tee
iliat1'3 IC4. d el et elan,:
towrits uill k .e7 in two t' -.a a;,::ee2,shiestb
l9era"^rarethe isr'ationofthe canal threnxbcls
artilthe eTeraaarar'ecaay2111.1;4 A.c. rear�it'i.7tbr
copenna„ el..1 Wilt in.. tel the than xl•trkr a: tarda
of the e;inul; ewrrir,artlsn e S Pie'o,'ttc,
mop tf tr a n,a alit%. ta+; nth eels anl
tsllenrt1 rano t tot rde, c�au to sten at this ,,,i eco
tY, the dila Flay of 4e cult r ;sone
where panted fano ani feudor can alas ba ohiaatre ;i,
A. lace class of infaru acinar. turcica to the eco its, can
be Ven at theetilre.if It* Local tr2le;r in the Tann
of F ult Ste. Muir. nut,
utenftg contractors aro rcrne.eatcsi to hear Ira
fntrmled Haat terdets wilt not be eK e;s;Aered unless
made ettrtetly in emulative eitb the printed fortes
aotd- be aerrrurtrrniel by m letter statin„ that its
person or pet& as tendering have candidly t aconite:41
the locality and the nature as the naucr;al ,dural
to the trial pito,
Int the case of;taaas'tbero must be uttaehed the
actual el;mturesof the hilt mate, the nature of th
occupation and midi:nee id email n,rnaLer of tbt
statue; and further. a bank t xi zit retch 1 for tho
aim of saa,tto moat asarunotvsay the temp for the
cwual and leeks; and is bort' deporig newt for the
sum of E7,:110 must aeCen11131) OM tender for the
deepening and 'Mantling o1 the elliptic' way at bails
cnt!9, ries, .tie
The respective dcpctit re,eiptr--ebcues will not
be accepted -wrest b1 endorsed ower 1) the .Minister
of Itaillu ei told Canals. and will be forfeited it the
=ay tendering dceliucs r t vrier into contract h r
the works, at the rates and on the tonus stated
in the offer sabmittczi.
The deposit receipt thus sent in will he returat.
to Om respective parties anise tenders are no
This Department floes not, however, Lind itet1
t accept the lowest or any tenders.
By order
Department of Railways sued Canales) 8ecrc!ary.
Ottawa, nth August, it3SS.
Notice to Contractors.
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned
i7 and endorsed "Tenders for the St. Lawrence
Canals," will be received at this office until the at -
riveter the eastern and Western mails on 2'aesday,
Ilia OWL day,of September next, ter the construction
o1 two lacks and the deepening and enlasl,;omont of
the upper entrance of the Oalops Canal. And for the
deepening aad.0nlargementof the summit level of the
Cornwall Canal The construction of a new lock at
each of the three interior lock stations on the Corn-
wall Canal between the 'Down of Cornwall and
3laple Grove; the deepening and widening the chan-
nel -way of the Canal; construction of bridges, &c.
A and specificaaf tionlocalitiesch of the
s of therespective other lth works,canlabe
seen on and atter Tussling the 11th daft of September
next, at this office for all, s,i.d for the re-
spective works at the following mentioned places; -
For the works at Galops at the Loek•'•caper's
House, estop.% For deepening the summit v,•• of
the Cornwall Canal, at Diekinson'e Landing; tu.C. i'or
the new locks, &e., at look -stations Nos. 18. 12 and
20, at the Town of Cornwall. Printed forms of
tender can be obtained for the respective works at
the places mentioned.
In the case of firms there must be attached the
actual signatures of the full name, the nature of the
a Lank, deposit re of eceihpt member
the sum of
S6.000 must 'accompany the tender for the Oalops
Canal works, and a bank deposit receipt for the „sum
0012,000 for each section of the works on the summit
level of the Cornwall Canal; and fur each of the look.
sections on the Cornwall Canal,deposit re-
ceipt for the sum of +14,000.
arce depositective e e uot be
td_must be rsedover the Minister of
lteilways and Canals, and will he forfeited if tle.
party tendering declines entering into contract for
the work at the talus and on the terms stated in the
offer submitted. The deposit receipts thus sent in
will be returned to the respective parties whose ten-
ders are not accepted.
This Department does not, however, bind itself
to accept the lowest or uny tender.'
By Order,
A. P. BRADL%,y,
Dooartanent of Railways and Canals, .
Ott<.evra,.5'ri, Augmsr, iiS , ,
.c.:..:.:�.,,_�•�.....•....�.4,r,-,11s4• y......,.,
that dread terror, a disease so long hoffEng
science and the most ak:nee sthysseicus, who
know of nothing to arrest, auothana ta-allovi-
att'rnoth1ngtoot,ro. Now itis mrlongeran
incurable malady even wizen given uk a
Physicians, health canyetba af.�tuod im v"ItErMDg it, heels and soothes the ,nem,
brand of'theLungs, inSanued and poisoned
by theravagea of this fen disease, and pre-
vents the night. sweats end tigbrnese eaves
the chelit, wb a 04corAl'auy it,
`1oro44a 74ed o e Co, Toronto, Ont.
- O W CP:A 'T' E D E f.. E.. x.,,. T*
tr dre`eteil a , ,' FE'9 (, ; the 1A.3,4 t;. t•,
voce, eta, tr.a a t • a 5 t t, f .s .4'4,;•44-.4444,4 e Mir, Ix it be.: 1010,i.141
ti ^_'•..^`art 1".1stii d f r: =
-;-e, r' 0fp i mina! ima at e,
', g !d ,(e, s 6^B
�R. '•r ,' s ,shot I TXr.�,�+i e lel
' >. P.... Iat9 oaaix <a-v,"1tlartize5:
1, t•
Fin tt a vitT ;&$CR areta4'a r', r. trt at
fetti a ;, -s, 4 e .+, I.e.( r , aa ,r :1.174.1)1",,t '. V'rttrIti licit: of71"..#pix
tlrnon1als on '�1t nn1 those cured of 3icreole di 1::3 es t zie.4'I : n AV., a+ o l . e114,:,t.
limbs. nervous ase r icy. general debility, lumba,o, zit arn,ratl, a iralynes. z't „ a, t z+. < iyYa¢
disease of the kidneys. spiral (Uwe;pored ii'wr Ecnns lt,a a z rcratea'r'n et til , :le
sexual exlraustioxa, sergialaat aarpus.e,t$ thnir:alxe.1,, a a.5t to 4.;- 41,:,,,,e)117., ux,
sig a+
r "; At ,,,731..51).,
ass. iaadibeattrne. tnePoten , plies, a UUea,�w• a a:MU r• a., and rat '. ca. ;Fe: d s:ez,,lal „rr,
handsomely illustrated ime4 and bealxks ...journal. 4arzzt'ctrranear ace tza ly emniscnasi. C„n
Mitootc%andelectrica?ftteatneonSit , ,Ugrt'n«2tWanted ce,.M9;1:eff .. fit. eiP.+,kwt,:&.;.
Caren a't'.at ��ntea�cd
rafie t ,atbd. Elocntrlo Celt Co,. I TJ Q(,,;40o. e#+tl OStt, Toronto. a:lag°,
Rigs and Horses First -Class,
irsoQrdere left at tl4C lawlxs taw Henn
stable -will be promptly attended
A. rk NE .a
Ras Now in _Stock
oI England $cast
TPCdd;perl lags.
ch Tweed. Suiting.
'x'QGleerin ger,.
French and .Enflh 11 Won ted'
Made up in the Latest
At Best Rates.
• w SNEL
rolaetx acorn fro;ta tan
d hility, a �a'asp weaS
Ti>;da brit S7i71a;� No. 0 to 1ff5c rr $in 1, ea f4..
minae=i ii)! We hr cava -a su 40 e,,..-• ae err 15 ct tris zt t, t.t, e; -os Zr. :a al ,,'stay. a ,✓
desire for roiittr.i,e, listlessness call, intx133ty { 1..5 et.. r3 aeric, 6 n EL rs)5te
sewerasss seression os fyztrite, pelUn '. Ir-,,yf n a rw "so itri4a3ort' arta .atp'ar 6,cr.
Fiarerrizt, to 'Fier 9 02 the a"sratitaA fitna I t as ren_olt o$ evlri ung r O13sa s t s ra �--
Ree, ina
ane relo , ernitie1ino1arrenue 3'raFj:tattoo of alto tsar; arheQ ale Sita, t.G • •i,,
f'an mita trslr 4111;0, MIeleneb air, €1914 arta,._; tors nus eta, aro till esti ss fo a o ass t uta to
to:r,it, eft ata nes too soatntlr s} 3acre4. ia. el.A.1%, es rl,+ieg a t''at 11 tv1or4 k at?ae Q,,. a ;
taueaon, very function waren, eta eat. egatr cs beim: ado c -e. Mint, Rha city =razttw , it f
of Ins a to imyrfirnea units iia a radp,o;r. to tto ,k as i' s4?•3K1 4 tws prat : sof a'- ori
,neaten I cos a+ca. came nu -ter 1 e no:4'v. 21 yrs ere laloc a'u_e:1o,, thea orb e:.-
tion, s of G,rsiness, it,eeip,+t tt ,0.3 II 4 tr. Q a^a, r'snt, et xfe* go. f iii era en elirc,pe fee;:,,
the otfeetaofeo'iy saes. R,la you ere p...-4 rune i lint .C.3;:,. Z;44 r;r li Fr.-aver:A E04 sl oror'.
et canal r._ Ityaaaare ha•.,, n dst .i. I'be5 a y 5rsaaacra.,y Ens o f -r,it.ra,,e;a n t.
mettoflrBrat.eturi20113 r
Sendyam'i,.retsDwtx 0c asirae ?! rI V,L.rvo.'-,)
'd:r.sti.m% Sex ,ifao$ Fora, en I i',t-"=rs 3e2 l'.15:45? 1�,a°ed r.s'Sl t r i fb'r .,1 Q.�',.?.11-r'a.:`.:
A'alrexsell naclfrgnca":u�,0te , V. 7i.i4ca'7, 4 T£at,tvxrztcxtal els.Ir,.0 abr'aulsls
A MI5 nxilbt ltw 4tSsz &se inn t4„ s Ssrtgttei C w'f.$ CleliefiTSS, Sakai. nik SA%
e ante ee,t;.zrit remedy freer Mora to the Fubllo on 15 dZztlatr6,tla
mitten (Intonate* given With each inetrutantilt, tY. T. maze
imem d'.reeti Wast, `J:4railto, OM,
Aelin Ts not miracles or: dpuslinp tattoo orpawterbait, Gala Scl.- t'ncra-
tin4) agar, 04511 auil irlettrt:ently applied ex ell bazars, Matraearl It;aces
Aetna NO, 2.'-'4 uiclaly rollout' stud tlierouHhly auras all Threat one
leong diarist..
tasted No. 3 ro^itivelr acres all dIsesoe et tbo EStt f'ate,,race Gran
f1s Greatest Discovery et tas\vxatL2t led y i l;tcox sod Saar Ill�,itt+r£1'fn':rt1 Tim I tat
the Age. ted3tD Tina dernu,rt novo't orf: witrrax' arit:usrrars o z tr. r.tro
Prloo - - $3. xaraa. I;aaoloro t;tartmp for 3uita3aomoly illustrated falai, anti bealti3
journal. W.T. $.5,.'r, & CO, Ifa1 2.9ue0tt;6131.evtt Wc3t,, Ont
'proprietor!. to manufacture
0 essingsetc a, nndthat
tl.evcan a,'h, from nooahot. source THEY ARE
/MAYOR SALE SY EDRirdGi iia f',Orrenl)ontdence
strictly c r 'identinl. " Ctrlrt ntlta'•irn upon all
chronic d tecao invited, 110 CHARGE =wilt for
medicines, All goods tent stento from obserrpst.
tion. Torentelledielne Co.. Torolrtoethit,
featly Kara, a s, Wo preparve the foIlowlag
Mitek Da 2t Bron aMe dam from
trdh; Ciseaivat, Gold IlIonde,'Asa or Blonde
( °'tlrcas, Bond snani.le of hair when ordering.
i"rie,, *2. per bottle. Toronto ;.lbclioine Co.,
x rr,cr.)e; plesso specify which you require
arantee there to give entire sarp)sfaotion.
imparts to'the skin thocolor and frnrhness
idenhood;haamleassndcannot hedetected.
moves No.
Specs, 81.2 N0 11 Rem vesFlesh
Worms. $l::,i. No. 12 Removes Freckles. 81.25.
'No. la ItemovesPimplos. 21.2I. No. 14 Ile/novas
Tara$1.25, No. 15 lternoves alleles, se. No. 16
Removes Pockmarks. t22. 1o, 271.emoites undue
P,espiration $1.25 No. le An abeolutesrnfoiling
iuecipe for the retention develepmout.or restor-
ation of the, 1.25. Toronto II -calcine Co.
' 4SE fust''
No. ;f0 Is n' cor,ebine.1 inte:nai and .external
treatment wwhfch sjloedily develeues• or x
tire-famalo bast to the prembrtio i4 of vola
naIse. I entirely harmless tna certain in re -.1
sultsi Price 'i b. Toronto asses* Co. r.Cat;rssto,
Wc5t?IEt'1• ,S
No. 20 A certain erre forLetic.nnc�oa, or Whites
struation, "Bearing g down Pa retinas
ata lllDiseasees
and 1 eemessos peculiar to fonalos, 1fudorsed,
by the highest iiedrral attthtrstics as .an r`un-
rxvatled"remedy. Price 12pe,:bottio ,.Toronto
Medicine Co., Toronto, Out.
Far superior to I rget. Tames Pennyroyal or
+7air�e t
IJ clursed lr
..a be
r .-. 1a '
u p vc
sots m 1�0,..
xl�la �sieves,
X. Y,I'lo ail, llclfevo pain,
1'd6IIlt"li I;.TiGiUT+Arv}'ri'S I']us, i r+'undTffoatual.
Tribe. w2 Toronto 2.fedicino ea Toronto, Ont.
Q'IEtIE:ALCI t , r F IiGtOpli€t"i gS4'AI
Gan fm cried by usin�1.speckle *o 22. Its won-
derful sale is duo to tit p simple tact that it does
all that is clefted f it. peze � 1 `+wor'outo
3fe icinsC .Toront9,Ont•.•
:I 1
See that barrels are branded with the Trade Mark,L,' t
do not take it as it is onlyspurious oil the Es 7 as If zlos
y are offering you so as to maks
more honey out of you. For sale by 13ISSETT BROS., Exeter. July -:76-5E. •
Furniture and Undertaking.
escorts E►r
tto . f`
n. us �/ Ali
Bed -room and Parlor -Elates,
Sideboards and Entension Tables,
Lounges mid }Easy chaix Si
Largest Wareroon-,s i11 town.
UNDERTAKING, outside of the under-
takers' ring, in all its branches. Open
da}' and night.
STAN D one door forth of '11olson's bank
Alain -street, , - Exeter.
r,r 6
11.NA TJiJ . ?;,
' Our Stock ,of Printing
Stationery, Gonsistting, of all-
EW the leading grades of Plain su,i
e s and Fancy ruled and, . un-
ruled papers; Cards and En=
w•elopea, is niost complete.
'Call. and get prices at
t+ .11. if1'_d. A D, F' .O C Ti v "'.