HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-23, Page 27 MISICY4141, A N�,Eo 19S �ceos Sad Fatc. The childr0*81 voic". is do Apr a gm,id w�r-c for the EU94tlon Of YQ409 In, the 1,Vifa of Primes Paul Verltziu� a By c X CVAWKXX� chua Excursion .. Th" `uE, in"ItIo'git, brknobvj, 14, kxi-o�%tleodyge Okt S�xty_five dollars W , Catherine the Gre4V' Can you bear thenX in tIM twiligh At dF 1-01�ell`cnll — 94 paid for A Qqee ;04 N esseciliQ to V cc m, . j 114 Rossi, it Noble i4nder the ch mailm entawlsu at*141 , _% their p4y. Will.10%ve 4911 pu, nt of prazlic3t aff IV X ta- AVG Anne farthingat A recent salo In London, 4 dreamatio agefiefut; t lat j I from Tli the I"fy a 191�g . _# on, V r W ri� ving 9 is given, ®r . a at 4 to his high ".1tiou, The Voritzina were N, W. uy. in Oateirig, 94 'Ir W r M112 a ipn rate Ony n ght-ihadp" stroi 9 it ODY .S 9 battloaago, tattered And turn r"W1 where 4104AIM ft , 4 the M trtary alue 1 As 9 IMP elk ; a to 'Engl"he in Fourth unabA "eu a 9) 1 1 to QA iii held a high 06 conalt, one night, Mk"cried TH, �' 'kdd rr . _ ' i d elp uetqf F�Oaqh ip 05 14 tieu 4" r14110 far U4 A U 0 UST 28 ru 1X .4. , &%quity, _d 0 a $ewels arpa Orders, the yQu4i But to-ptght JI06 44114MAKTO to have deceived large mum a of ofirl"Ity, glitt wide. ve.dug With gi go, *lip was one Of t1ia t hunters and p#riota, P islidoorgost men —F o. R_ it . site t 3yg denin "k Riasda, danced Uk fl quadrille 9pp0 .0 when the IOU day. b4to A iR 61441194t,, 1 01 SPORTING GOODS. The -news of the result oktbo late, English the Empress. it's he -At. -Perby waa teiegmptea from gagl--4d to and[ Via . Ana tb'a Ills% naale, tbo� q;Aiet gardtA rows esi House 11) V. 4week Jay GEN A's Abo passed him, ilk the demeo sher, fan. LAN"I" ]BURG The Cheap hour said four *im4tes, ie . 4 tha , t h eAb,,;s4e#lha' for Gull$9, 10116$4 Cartroft AwrrAlla, in otto is eyes eca4ned her gross 14P, to Whea In the POOI go P44 h4o'hed which ia believed to bra the f4stest time ever will� w a b. h evuilla SINQ a After t r e CIA;, ceir PASS yplaq dled tzoip gY*r7 .4por(swen's, Supplje� o ma4v between aw palAta, bhe beak-cined t;o lalm,.� And" with I. smiles, Tbea I" ITH WESTERN every lilud. "In L,=_dou &tFsivAkpirs aad others are fiq� handed him 11ker tiny ivory taN4, Hot MANITOK, eAldl fW a4lOwla their � 4 IQ WOTX 0 1 aQn#1nJmJ;r seven Peg for each when the. hweni. spres-4 her gray, Over X. X.. W. 11Y. OVR Z110 01IF"'g. 'es, One overholl !n, the "um day in the week. 04 the 4rat JnYsteAO!as Veil, mn on teceipt a' sua 51wo will express 044y *d1m DO u I' the Prolic;� Waa wwritte m. "The imperial hall -room, So 0 weA the dae, JXWOL]s OARREL BREE:4,T AnA Ihe 111ch-ing4)o Awdk§ 34mv�ax the' -b— Cuurl� 0a * V�x kr, e Olt t "Ott. when the hqAvy a* �w pUlAdv# vdtu tAe*v&46 of Fare for Round Trip of a corpse. f5urnmer ql&t, I gun forcou�trF. use And for $a 00 will sip P to any Tbe 7itwo-Aphers On this Raglish Channel M-) ret*i Ito Nis face gray 4' that Trains leave TORONTOati 11 V�W. AUG. for Aeoa A�v 83d.4ene4 A I was recently r*reftied u), such ^, degrep �Ihat bqweid low, k4secl li�r hand and witlidrew, _eWjry c'0140 the c1aiAerWs g," VIA vbq o 14 gli Is wife, ohlei4ta loetween thirty and forty miles from "'t Mia A rentele, h W M'DOWAII &CO., 51 K"Q SL E TOROX04 J'Ve It Folkei4tege could ogle, Art, V be prinem eit Novgorod 34 gb A40 ,with Can YO�k teRr thR.103 �ia US 414, 00. 1*013 -- i r an ilis- the bevulfal Tha psrtv will be aecompartled by J� 8, ting0shedwIth the uAked eye, him." Re wajit heard bOL say, as Ila left the IQPX loqgvguolyeam CRAWFORD, ofB RTLE, ., r OWA 4ai'llith &_4eft X�U4 Iteambip bQJ room, ;,,7Rv mitint,"'Are Anniberej ; Us little i�bizdrewa V44A gr Auall The Royal luff l?,pp. a miat' of . 11 , t� PO4 A= qVeT fve of the Cliiiieti. Getoeml Pars, the,Farao Xame, has jas'.beeitt decapitate lot us not, )Ose; 711 bt or reislatsmoo When Lites PAAtIngs PA Litoagorrawa h%yeurqken TICKETS issued at jail stations and good SAM09 durlOf win r Imm Thvn- Ore. Wa# impQasib!e,_ 'of ("Athigrins, on to LIY#qw1, his" yiqZi _. A;A the.1r, gollien4cew;3# bv,, ..igh,44 14 tbp rgtb, to return for 60 DAYS, ali -to mA W ath 'naw for tr4lipe in farge4 decow AIR fiflis , J?Xiiece a , wat to fqsU*W4 PAW-fixery 4ver wkf,,. 41 tbo Warik received 10.0 $401106 , eXo;!a1alaa le,� J12hA at W4 ?A? on ON= At, TYKNNIP1901 vrrk z1f m o 4 _Ive, in bf,* for 8-w0and and Ircland. Also from IWUMAM wix w*% h*r*I,�heA for thrgo ) QfArm. to. Irg].A*14 paes 444 'For info-matign opply to 41 Aaenta 9f during ournmermonth& The ate*A4rs of the Mae. P,*ob, day IN, power" oweAlth, An B 4;R4hinva rceetitly lost CiAparoe Con'- 'A 'N bad givembitit toglAeUtboAtul, gow vu"9 PA CluxtPir winter to and tMa 44.4sx. J thQ b%pp e#J that 4 Fqra9wq�t4ea t=zted 04A G.T R., or Porilu4, W4ota tJringt13 504 4t 4, Lipd= eariv*ge eale� wem stripped from bl= , First* he was �,44, And dugla pns%. frAM all J16 * ACeS at aCart meXt,* &Uj In th*, er bptwreen Qla,*gow 44ck Zlouzn4l wft, 56 and Boston; w It Was sx�%A bf A'A emPtOYeel Of MbA 0,%bU J. S. 1CRA'%V1F01ftDi* smki QhWw and WbD, np-m retumtngtt, waa rewarded with hia estAt"wtre keA ts *�4aze. T."escafts auk coAdq4rate' by the c"wa ; A'Afebe th 0-kURMAP F,,xsifla luaiway Ticket OM -e. a tnaqk�a Of the 'Pi*4 "4 the omatititt oflits; sight iwle,4 e were forTM&A to bed *my' Axofm _ ik pz 70, rmlh icsitip. 1U 01, WhIl him X& vvry nakwe, q.ueQ1 %� ,q t Q�blqot_ in Wpm ffoin Vbat do ITO. XUONV. son 4 CO.. U, J00, A An, 0., ClAtowA ballwuv,46 14Y4 ai Atuo New Y9,* 'a, Unftr. T Str W U. Qt;0il, ww� prWido. r_1,q14qJ, wife gna cW11djeu wvro drivto Qu; of the AMA% R 44 It M UOr r4 QU L ®r re h4p, I " e* to lowIll palogo to herd With begg%xa, 0 1 the N-st "ton uostioai. OpeMd V) D33 b� the *44-0 0 4-4 7 Z r i) ill 4ay"'Ray the record"'Taul Vairts,404 it"c,41 rka" J3o,JSQ1 MjJe%r IQ;4 oT.e 'gilt #,Lnd W 40 We 34114W VrXN We mp I Iftl d u ffit Jq$ T490 f_d ltg'4402 'a" copt elo).GW�M, . . . . ti, 04aftled Ut QW01 Bicycles I Pjnnilcut Dijul; Sadth, of the Nfirtherrl, boo xaviczaal fAiewall IQ blA home awl gum 10 0 ,.tw 'dopmulr to 9tho dairk And 1�y north. Ilt OVE4 XN4w iork W44 seen of MeA no morl) ve :uvn i tho, Aupua in-e0dog of thq oregou .... ...... Tc3m we b FA*ho r -ed the depifts ef thz fivffs 0 ThAubt, IQr Lin api Q#4194r. Th�o_ -FZW5.� -0;�. 4 .1?1 t M�k 4133 .fQ'4r '51 Nrovel F.Scape. r5n. 0 :PV 0 IQ" 0 Ptel'gtl thatrip in tighty t0uis. 110hAd The W&A ia tho Wvalgifal leavo Us q4h5"A3bt# Ag to m1a fi,.Xty witca aq hour put of the time While Mr. AudersortwsoleburelytrAvell "oft 4r4WU 0 �.;ertbsasr;jp� to do M log througU S;lath AWQA� 14% a WA 'AWAth Ab, Sept. 10th to :22ad. 63 Qf ft fOXMcd TAp4TQZQMY lip�Qtbo QrAw Of MWy atQr,It4_ of their r9MXrUAb1Q QgvApin Ta Qumxcr lbo �7;q_lf _,UdPw#JAaQw? U3 10 10 01 0 PR E 8 ENTS 4r,'pLrt;Vr 44t t4o organ, d ll­�ea — i;, talp,104 caulug apa froj� liens. Ono Bawhin'Au, bsivigg, P 'A ,� la,�, is, 7Q I�L J IaK_ X MON VM; 14 1. 71.917 MIST. wa.134ip,7, tri, P,;;,4 tg5toging it to it($ placq, the g sle� Ev, $50,00 ORIZES I C!7,�d by the Arm. by 0'. 11944, U3�k HAN E ER Aftprw�iyl spami up au I tho, (,f raliq"A to us.t M4 freo arm to ukl� up a whva LT lap -4 et, fwee� UP bIT4 Is kAtd ta hovo rei� baudial of' cwd,, Ana, throw It In tbl� IN* qnVeze4 au 4 t'4' bojp 2-W the mothu Qf a pro='V, olm T4,0 bemtA roving with Iriu, Aul No vy t,4�, tug braad of MOO. b M-4� htizia the tna:4" who ran away before Ygar 1,441A@;pgar 41 01MbOUCA "n VAt,K; F4*knu �114 . - - 1, m 1� py q A. k W, -4 M (%-a tt,� Vk 4 C;Tri7l�� fiz-6 -,-,I e�� A. r. sim,4 of V4=yera, GA" anA. Mrs. tho 1I.Vu. C,1;0d re�mvcr h.15 41,ght Mr. AXIA, lz�rr; and it %a a goter rcrthA B.Alton 01' Mem.phle Anive-A 1.4 Chxtt- vrs= w4w AbonzAla, oad the VP.ATU of the U Avi;40 ISM 10 so lin, L,�,,rz�t giwr wvov%,% cm tLe 10 449o.,k train a few 424 a llze* toothou uh *1 M. 1 9;,q,!!U74,4L aiie, Ana aitt, m4rded. It Tbavitaww4a not as cool AX a, ggrge3at in J. J. w1rallow, 9. J. HILL, cwz t 4�5m, w.13 11tresident. 34eyj tW92tY the UzAttA Ststa AUmy, who waa stAtiQueA �7mra WfQ4r0*'%�JZen they w -pro loverf; at Cpn� m Quo of the lons; on the Weatcru plalos. F*m bnt tLey. hal 4 bl, A gQ14hr, 1AVbPR 4esextei. W** qRtuiel �y Nervous DeMty. rrr�,5,wl T, 4,4 "T=) cz.TAggei, and MArrica. athvr puriiiu% the uTgtAtit in a miulug cAMP ft.�ty =110 PR# GRArs 61*44Z but Urn ViKA Au as pm English bettors are befog askt4 to Mike from the kr1_1 FAVV=P, 0;=t0sl tb%0jib cf tU Wzr;;Iq3r 3110= 3Ffam. 10th FCA *um*h In tug U00MV0 40 Will Ro-Open Sept 3rd, 1888, their wagetA for the Derb$ of 1$98 ou the While returning, the, were puslug 4 *A 2 MI.V I XQrTQ;U WV111ty, Afal all dug"" *flft I;2m vx, bveis Cr the C�Ancldezce skill m.er Qgeil the pr 9 ivilego 1 1014 gr On 6N,d t9 lipwo been 41,00, and the priv I C a's . If 441slit, st9i;Irigb 'ked out by a woll 01golog in ADA gpIting a 111(trink." The t V 04 � . tb@ *Alto CW. rQ? #94 by 01 dM-gl0c lmown turt-Man, 00. sergeant coulented$ not9i -they went In to- VC 4104,A01t otizil 'D -rby In *,. yeAr that end* 31 1 st I -, I the w1aner of the Dz he 4 41 TRW. 11:106 111, per box, or 0 box" forj�, or W91 be 00401 with, eiebt always 4% dglit letters, In hh gather aud stood Wore tile bAr, on w1abb. U N,; %Witt Z*eItt at knQW7, 04 on stolpt of iprloq. V#Mrblot *4 *pPU4:,(AVM� iisme. In M9 Ayre%fre, with eight lattem wall a THE 01RAY U8010INS CO., Toroutol Tbo valdler took the box up, tmocrewcfl wbce* dam was Portlaud, eight letterm, ridden by F. DartkV eight letttra wai the the perforated lid, throw a blAyatal of the Young XiT­ winner. red pepper into the sorgeall0i eye*, and There is In %.Snthorn lu#%ue usylamoD startea for the door. The blinded M;ia, ?Q041M. though alIffA)VIng Intea%ely, rotaiuQd, bti% lieff- LI! Mea watzr spirit In, her ea�, fsJ111t of IqUIT3n2e, gu'jr wl) 11ni thoalielvej, Ize-,"t 14 Shut` -pawriftir, ahou`14 oil, tight.yea. 6104y who basuoverbc&Awake th=l -in Fveq ai Undies er the Uarolvl. adft 4luce the Lour (if bill birth. He was the potmdou. 116 drow bit rovolvor, gred 0&0 MA's wh,-a am briltm down from the eftnU of child of a paralytic mother, alid, has delicate the flirtation of the retrewting lootateP3, and NVO lIZA 149 & dim vtverl� you *0 1. stille or over.worg,, ani, In adva,-i" Ift (CA the BRMSH AMERIDAN BUSINESS COLLECIE Sreeln;C buk I dnily son of 111WO Qr eaniitItuenael of yi�fihtal fe?,tores and a high,, wbita forehead, with shot the deserter through the heart. And We #Wtll rover pl�er,a itl wjnjvvex�d bar voofA for Qn1 rmd Ar"140 Y030 fttOtt TOT0021 long, 'blook curls, His arm is not larger A, Bushman, an being Wzad by a Mo, Into the olno glwr� Of ttk* 091 XL V. zibim'# Trea:U*3 on the DiAta"o of Uen, The Who grasyed the rownli loft arm with his Lluttbolton"Fs illnevitr amoronigh bqok will be wit ttalod 0 any AfIl"N *a reo-Ilit of m AAArom ths�ii atiordiffary man% thumb. He ]Teton Till pui all wculexing. wlitra orwbst we art. two Ott," 00N, Wellfto4tm 814'11L. T-OntA Ant Lia bed jear after years taking no nicto tefah� use 'his free arm to take hold of out of 11. 6 V Of MAU Whaley, ROY08 & DO$ "y!h1pQ, that passes. Twice a day he Is the beistla hitul-Ipga.. This ho 0qQqez-,4, For this -sktre= Is cialcd MthQ. and Wh ST. aud pizolied, to bard that the lion , give a Preak tmm the crSstal boadep of our shelf str4ato aranied enough to take a little zouriAment, itItngthl and brauty's Inlraele ORNAMENTAL WROUCHT IRON FENCING VMS and then relapses into altep. roar, sad sprang away. Witt for destfus arA priets. Sive far out, frAl y now would "t; W Irde. 'France is surprisad, at the operation ef Tbo Pot furt Future 0.0 01410,14,11 lem The Cheapest PLve to Far lawdoj* no frolur Llfc!$ Unquiet lsllell' Catiads tot - its now divorce saw. The firat year snah a Cauada!s Great Fair. BAND IRSTRUMENTS. thing as a divorce Nvm recognizid, by %be law Sizzo its ineipption in 1.6140, the Toronto Prejudice Against Firearms, Now;Lnd Second.b&ud. there were 1800 granted, ibe second year Industrial Exhibition. boa provp(l A can. 4,00A, umd,$Ahe third year 4,600. 8-'xly tinned terlea of tuccesma, and the oto 'for ZrOf. Dram'117111, the African traveller. \n women demand divorce for every forty men, the pres lot year, to be hold from the 10 th to says he has often wishea he could g�et in. BESSON and in more than half the execa that vome the 22,id of September, Iromises to again side an African for an afternoon and J ust see ,ad CA before the courts there aye no children. surpiss in every reapeci those that liavo how he looks at things. Ibis certain his HIGHAM11 There are four divorces $or every thousand pasued. Already applic5tious for space in views of thowaria are very difTerant from Baud & Orchestra nuiariages In France now, and in Pavistho oil departments are more numerous than Our#. 'Tito (ioneral-in Chief of the King MUSIC. rate is forty savart for every thousand mar- -my recently expressed a -me S z REPAIRING or ZANr overbefore. AliberAlPrizeVataodaloug oEllganda's a riages. programme of first-class and novel special novel ideas on the introauction. of firearms A watch dial now, being made at the attractions in what the Toronto Fair offars, inmadvewarfare. JOSEPH % specialty. Waltham works has, it is said, Instead of and success In always the result. Special sorry gunpowder bailover reached the great Send for CA14090— the twelve Roman numerals on the dial, exhibits Vill be sent from Manitoba, British taken. In the good old times the Wigan - twelve smallailhouetto figures. Oneo'(flOck Columbia and many 'other sections of the da. warriors were invincible. Those w4ero la repregapted by 0. young 'gpman with a Dominion. The special attractions already the days of hand-to-hand corobatri, when PTO 'T HE 810 K A NQ 0 E BILITATED 4ffitho oblia is contracted for are the best that money call victory rawAraca the bravest and strongest, �orlwclothev, and secure, and there will be plenty to se4e, b(,th and ekillin baudling the lance and shield so goes on until at 8 o clock the baby is a to instruct and amuse,. every day ot the Fair. decided the fortune$ of war. But now, schoolboy, and the woman dhappears. At Programmes containing. full details will be a clumsy coward 14ofely bid in the grass 9 he wears a college gown and nifirtax board, ifl,,ea early in Augnat, and will be sent free can kill the bravest soldier. There is no T JORNSMONT - - - FOID B EE F man and at ten he I& parting from the wo to any one deaking them. Prize Lists can longer a chance for glorious tests of arms at her deathho4d. At 11 he Is a middle-aged j,, la, secured by intending exhlYttora on and ",duce, gursarethe fashion -wo must JotiNSTONS- L it) BEEF in=, and at 12 he in old and decrepit. their dropping a post card to Mr. Hill, the "i with guns." This stickler for var nalk PowarfalAii�trltiou. Tom Walker amid William Tucker, Ala. Secretary, atToronto. All entries h&vo to filtt and asaegais was doubtless all the Itima-kes S PIC41LSant drink th;%Iis reltehed fay yoaug and old. Iiiaspielally Is, na farmers, were walking along the rail- be made before the l8th of August. The more impressed AvIth the degeneracy of the adapted as a Nutritious Food for Infants when teething. for DyspipticS, road traox near Birmingham when a thunder pmplo of Ontario seem to have set down the times from the fact that he was suffering and in all cisa3 at Debility, PAysic at ExhanstIon. and Prostration, it is the stormearrieup. Walker wan ted to leave the time of the TorontoFAir as the occasion of from two bullet wounds inflicted by the Best and Safest Diet. trackandtake to thewoods. Tucker said that their annual holiday onting,and therailway Wayoro, whom for the first time in his life 't com antes re izing t is fact ave ec ed he has failed to whip, It seems a pit it the lightninir was going to strike him, y that would be just as apt to do so away from the 0 . givin class �r fares than ev before for all savages do mot harbor old-fashioned pro- Barnum Wire &Iron WoAr Windsor, Ont. track as upon it. Walker left the track is rea _ ibitil.., whic: is so popular j adices against firearms. J6 &&So and had hardly gone ten 'steps when a 9 flAsh wit all. It wil be opene on the Ilth of lightning struck Tucker, apparently kill- Sept. y ard tanle the new Governor. Xade from 3-16 Steel Rods, with 'Whim, and knocked Walker uneGnscious. ner "AmericansI presume," said the London Heavy Iron Frame and alker recovered just in time to see an ez- b otel proprietor as the party engaged rooms. lea Riv Iron Foundation press.train come along and strike Tucker, 1139tonians," corrected Mrs. Charles Riv- severing his bead from his body. Every Rheumatic Pains eraMassey. bone in Tucker's body was broken. Requite no description, since,,with rare ex. When " Miss Ailea Craig," the daughter We are offerinelthe Fence at ex- ception, all at some time have experienced of Ellen Terry, recently made her elout ceptionally low prices. Pleade Guilty. their twinges. eurnatiFin is not easily in England in anamatear charity peformv6uce The opinion is Raid to be com.mon anion dislodged, only the most powerfully pene- the bills announced that Etleu Terry would 9 tratim remedies reach to its very founds. also appear. The announcement attracted Iron Fence Crestings sailors that the Finns are skided in magic. If the following story, which is told by a dens. he oat successful treatmentItnowri, a large crowd. Miss Terry did appear as Stable Fittings, seaman, is true, then these people are more and it is now frequently resorted to by msd- -a servant, and was welcomed with a storm and all kinds of Iron and BrasS than a match for the Pied Piper of Hamelin ical men, is the application of that now fam- of applause. She simply handed a letter ous remely for pain—Polson's Xerviline. It to one of the characters on the stage, said Work. in dealing with rate. is safe to sa t at nothing yet discovered has He was once shipmate with a Russian a orded e ual satisfaction to the suffering, three words, and vanished, and the audience THE 33EST AND CHEAPEST FENCE Finn who had all the horn buttons eaten off A. trial can be made at a small cost, as Ram- think's it was sold. CrReALzaa HAin RRNmrsg restores grey d Isded his oilskin clothing by the rate. So on the pie bottles of Wervilin6can be had at theldrug natr to its natural color and prevents fallingp'nout. next dog -watch after he found it out, the Finlander went to the fore -hatch, and, stores for 10 cents, large bottles 25 cents, Sim Jones says that " when God wants a stickinghis Eheath-knife upright in the deck, 40 good man be mikes him as ugly as a mad called upon E611 the rats in the ship to appear This is not from a paper of a cenf ury ago, fence." We never did pride ourself on before him. but from one published in New York city beauty. Up eAme all the rats, one after the ob her, last week : 11,6ne Hundred Dollars Reward. Whenever your Stimasah of 13owela got fin$ of as - and crawled before him in solemn procession, —The boV having left my employ let. causing Billonmose. Dystevals, or In nd tb�61r attendant evils. h e at once a MdDon, rat after rat, every rat in the ship, until without cause, and being bound to me unti) varsowe Stomach More. Beni famil-v madlolue CAPiTAL AND FUNDS NOW OVER 03,000,000. hundreds of rats had passed close by his he is 21 years old by law, I will give the All Drag Ista. 60 cents. TORONTO, feet. Then there was a delay, and the abovereward to any one giving information MEAD OFFICE, 15 TORONTO STREET, Russian . The rich man cannot enter the kingdom of A ROM COMPANY, ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1871 - Man called in a louder tone the that will lead to his recovery. And I also heaven, but he can have a thundering good same words he had called at first. warn any person from hiring or harboring time at, the seashore. To this date, October 81, i8sT, there has been returned: To the heirs of Polloy-holders (death claims) ............................................. Instantly a poor little perspiring, be him, as I will prosecute any one to the ex To the hold.rR of watureirl En&wment Policies ................. ............. q ........ 26,492 68 draggled rab, with all its hairs turned the tent of the law for so doing. The boy is 16 A Care for Drunkennes : osjem 00 4. 'urrendet of Polici6g.., .................... The'oplum hablk depsomanisi tho morphine habit, To Policy -holders on F; i;a wi 482,544 02 wrong way, limped out of the hatchway, years old;. 5 feet 4 inches high; weighs at 91 nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco, To Policy-holdets for Cpeh Profits (including those allocated and and went up to the upright sheath -knife, pounds, can ride at 86 pounds; has light blue wakefulness, mental flegrp8sion, softenin f th To holders of Anfiuity Bonds; .............. ............. I ............................ 16,087 84 Y caused -h .......................... 82,2& 98 and sawed,its own head off I eyes, light hak, and of an Irish cast of coun- brain, ato., premature 01 age, lose of vitalif 1,6aned to,ftidy, old6ra on,13ectiritY Of tha r Policies by over-oxertion of the brain, andloss of natural tenance ; had on. when he left a bluish -look- itrength,, from any cause whateve S1,06,174 47 r. MA—Young, The strawberry man who goes through ing suit of clothes, congress shoes, and'so yet, Ad or middle-agedl-4ho are broken down from any Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount ever $15i0000000. the streets shouting 11 Ears rash rawbres tem lowsoftfelthat. He bass deepsoaroathe 6ftb,osbo,,00ausee'�orinycaupenotinentiomda6ove, PRESIDENT-11o1q. 91R W. P. HOWLAND, C.B., K.C.M.G. en Fqirt" proposes to 1V -lend your address and 10 cents In stamps for Lubon't EDWARD HOOPER, EM 9 ealbou,ionleasong too of his head frein a hurt. He is tall for Treatise. In book forta, of IXOM808 of VICE.PRE811)1WT$-_WmLrAx FzLioTT, EaQ r the fruit season is his a ,mt sonled and secure from abse atio K. MACDONA14D. JUmuffing Ifteetolra to church choirs afm ge, and in walking is round shouldered. ry uVaIntildreBWOOV I J " . over. Apoe Track, S&ral".99." V Liumoo 47 WeUinvton.5breet East, Toronto Omt 0"r-ftd" P&Ar 2 VI.PAb 'Lid MtOT B YOST016 me he tm lot to* W t* cog 0 A ds 0109 to I a "10060 M4 9COR34 CA, r, a -gee"