HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-16, Page 80 A. a` .eA Nehe Horne Treatment for the cure of Catarrh, Catarr- hl deafness and Hay Fever. years The committee appointed were Dr. Buchanan, D S. Faust, john. Williams, Thos, .Johnston and F. R. Kibler. They were instructed to make The Microscope lass proved that the diseases are any Suitable arrangement for the erect- cont•r i run, and that they aro due to the presence of ion of the building and procure the site, Burn l recites in the interlining membrane, of tho upp. it paws es ens: eustachian tubes. The emin- ent ient,sts, Tst laU. Iiia&cc and Beale endorse tits, n'1 the c r h ides cannot be disputed. The regular metric of .rearing these+hseases has been to apply an irritant remedy weekly, and even daily, thug !seeping a c tielecate meant rano in a constant orate of irrit allowing it no ehanca to heal, anti as a no- utaot � os. ,enCnce et such treatment not one permau- entcure his ever been .recorded. It is au absolute tact that these diseases cannabis cured by any appli- cation rule oftener than ones in tint weeks,: for .he u embrane taunt get a chane: to heal before an ae pit- a retva.ed It is row years since ?Ir. Dison .Risco rrmd the parasite in catarrh and formulated his near treatment, and since then lits remedy has be o- came a household, word in every a ontry where the • Ezigaish language is spoken. Curtis etTected by Mut ,,oven -cavi ago aro carts slit% there having been no -return. of chgdiscase. sn h*zbly are these remedies va1+.,d, that ignorant imitators have started up evcr,r4.+e, pretending to alcstr, y i parasa of which they know nothing, by ren+ .1. i.tbo r ,g cit± of .he application of which they arc ,ual'v Wotan. Vii.. iiixon * rernedw is applied may onvcin an4 weeise, and fronn ane to three appll- catirns ace!, a itcrraasez,tcure in tate mast ag;;rivat- td cases.. Mr. Di‘enaends a plump/etdeseribbng his neer treatment lit e:1 the receipt. et stamp to pay postage. 'The lr.'. a is A. FI. DIXON & SCN, 3931itn„-street west, Toronto, Cmada=-i cieatide:tmerieau-leh23 $ lu IVIemorru. b: ra thosi a, h rf Mrs. !r .ns aileaiiltan, who es a prl 'nth, }earn.. -- I arch your ;attention, Tu those flew feeling verse, QIn rtlnte celled away, In the prime of her lifer; For r. dear liar iug heart, That had nett d her part; A daughter and sister, .e *uether,.nd wife. Tow std was that zleetin When at their last greeting, She called for Tier loved ones. To bid them good bye; For her father and another iter sieter and brother, .She told them their Emma,. Was going tai die= She then bade farewell, Tt, Lee tl,mr loving husband, Wile one year before, Only made her his arida; ate, , those true hearted, So eoala to Ise parted, n !i few moments lie gone fnasti his side. I new: give nor clailal, To the; cure of another, lit that hope for tta meet her, .gain urn above i in 'oug1. life she will ;not, Knee tit leave of a mother, 'Scat loved her as only, A iJafither can lose. ,' n I ere of our flurry? g, !ler pledge of reunion, i rad you i,tnth meet <sse, 1e eitt upon Nigh; T t« rl death approaching, Aeul molt:owe its timing, For now your dear E.o:ua: Is going to die. 1 nails. say farewell, To all earthly pleasure, And commit my soul,' To it kind fathers care; The I'iiblo it ;rays, All that eee'k him will find Then seek )lies in time, Porto meet nue up there. ¶11(. c ohs What a comfort, To know the cle ar err, .ie, fee. ever at rest, n the ntansieits on high;; The first that was called, Flom the family circle, The first of her fancily, Called for to die. �a. After the above was dispensed with,, the ratepayers ;1t one set to work to organize a company. The following gentlemen was elected as • officers for theaenzairader•of the year. Chief,Geo. rit>za; Captaiu;11, L. Feint.lst Lieut., John Williams; 2nd Lieut,'%. R. 1<ib- ler;+Secy Treaa M. Zeller. The list •of members number forty. The engine is in a first-class state of repair, but the hose need some repairing This is a. step in the right direction, and ere lone, Zurich will rank among some of the best fire protected villages in the znvig4borheod. The company'will Coria- iiaeuee immediately ' and hold Dittiffr011y ineetin,aud will practice once or twice every month. The are bound not to be behind the times, although, we are not an incorporated village, and . we know that with the increasing populat- rt. we will be able to secure the inter- oratiazt. All will have to $dud aside ,zea Far.A:f newspaprts tell us tlntat pirates go to Newark bay and steal other people's fish. They roreorel* tell us that certain eheriiffs-sand emits - Wee have made arrangements to seise the thieves and put them in jail. The pirates are Americans, . and the Analericau newspapers think 'that it not right that they should steal fish :ons Americans. But when the rob ed person happens to be a Canadian i fs, of course, all right. Absolutely ,Pure* This powrer never varies.. A marvel 05 parity, strength and wholesomeness, :411re economical than thet,rdinary kinds, and cannot he sold in eu11% .etitien with lint, the multitwle of low tt•�t, chart weight alum or p+itti•pali;ato powders. Son 'only is.: +trans. l�r`TAL 1L KI;i13 PownnR 'CO., iOt Wall St., N. 'L W. W. REVIN0 Zurich Jottings, 'School will be opened nett week. The hum of the tiheeeher can be heard in thi icinity. The AvocA2c from now till January lst 1889, only 40 cents. Afars 1). Steinbach returned from Grimsby Camp on. Saturday. Miss Dolly Baker and her sister, of Brussels, who have been visiting rela- tives in this vicinity, returned :.hoose bast Saturday. Mr. Daniel Surerus and wife return Pd from Dakota last .Saturday, where they have been visiting friends. Mr. S. speaks well; of Dakota. Mr. Ed. 1teedaing and Mr. Be,iley, of Toronto, are at present visiting in this ptce.' We are glad to see Eel once more. Mr. H. Miller, of Detroit, a former citizen of this place, is at present visiting friends here. On Friday evening last, a large num- ber of the interested ratepayers assem- bled at the town ball to discuss fire pro- tection for our village. After a good deal discussion, it was unanimously agreed to appoint a committee to se - (are a suitable site for a fire hall. Mr. Fred Hess offered to lease the choice of two pieces, which is nearly in the ;centre of the village, for ,a term of OANAD S GREAT DTM RIL FAIR TORONTO n DR.WASHINGION'S NEXT VISIT. Throat awl Lama Sur f, eozn QF EXETER Will be at Oentral Hotel,, Royal Ian Steamships Livcrpool 44, Quebec .£eru'ice, Calling at Derry. hate ot SaU1n;gis, PAI SIAN... ..Thursday, May 24. PUL' tiT.ESIAN.. —.Friday, June I SARZ'aINIAN......Thursday, .•is. CIRGASSIAIvT , .'. , , , .:Friday ° " 15 S AR:II.ATX.t 'T . Thursday, " 21 PARISIAN " .t+ 28 I'Qltr�TESIATT .. , _ ..Friday, July 6 . Thursday, ." 12 CIRCASSIAN... , , -Friday, Et. 20 SAR.MATIAN Thursday, " 26 P.11.RIS1A1r .... , " Aug. 2 POLY'r1 ESIAN .. , , , Friday, " 10 SARDINIAN.. , -Thursday, to :16 CIRCASSIAN .. ,. ...Friday, 0 ':24 SARMIATIANThu rsclit , '" ' 30 RATES.—Cabin, e50, $65 ana-$75, according to location orposition. Re- turn $100, $125, ,f 150, Intermediate, Liverpool, Londer:derry, or Glasgow $30, Rturu, $60. Steerage. at lowest rates, Steerage ;e• pseeeengers booked tel or from, Qlesgow, 13elfa.st, Queeeastown, London at Liverpool; ates. Day tickets to go borne, bring oijt:Vriends or relat- itres by the Allen l4 . For further partieu ara apply to aolui Spa. + " razz , only authorized tweet t for Ex:ter. SEPT. 110th to 22ri.i ,`create,50 0,• than nor , • PRIZES• And Special Attractions New Futures and Grand Exhibits. `rhe ben attractions that money can. seoere. For Prize .Lists and Programmes ad dress the^aSecretary. ENTRIES CLOS .AL•TGUST 18tH. >T WITHROr.Ijaeitt.i .s . HILilo, Pre PAY Mho is Weak, Nervo,m, Debilitated, whoinhis Folly and Ignorance has Tri- flede.way his Vigor of Body, Wiind and Manhood, ceasing exhausting drains upon the Fountains of Life. Headache; Baokachet Dreadful Dreams, Weekneea of Memory, Bastzfulness in Soolety, Pimples upon the Face and ai1t1te Effeota leading to Early CDecay, Consumption er insanity, will find in our specific: No. 23 e. Positive Cure. It imparts Youthful Vigor restores the vital Power in oldena young strengthens and invigorates the Brain and nerves, builds up the muscular system and arouses into motion the whole physical energy of the human Srame. With our speciflo Illi. 23 the most obstinate case cru bo cured in three months, and recent ones in less than thirty .days. Each packae contains two weeks treat- ment. Price $t2. Cures •Guaranteed: Our spec - Vic No. 21ie an infallible Cure fox all private Dr ®eases no matter of flow long stand- ing. Sold under our wxittan Cuarantee to effeot a Pure, Price G. Toronto D4gtiioiue Timate, Sint. TJ9S. MANUFACTU RER AL AUGUST 1th., AF. Chronic BrQnhutis Cured, An English Church. Clergyman speaks.. Rectory, Cornwall, Out. Du. WAsumeTo ,— Qnala Sal, --I au glad to be able to ii Iona you that my daughter is sluice well again. As this is'the second time sbe has been cured of grave bronc,bial troubles under your treatment, when the usual rentetlies felled, > write to expires uty gratitude. Pleaee except any sincere thzan'ks, Yours truly, O. ie. 1 _-1TT1T. 51rTnee nee-,-Catarela of the bee Throat, Catarrh Deattv%s, t'hroni =.riltehitia, Asthma ,and ,iusitaznpti s Also lob+ ill il,iCt',, Far,* tbre.s1, tuber;, teilasilw. Polypn3 of ifo rose resaevt 'Mlle early. Consultation free, .A few of tho;nalyy a arecl by Dr, Waab ingtou's new nothot1 t 11. H. Storey, of storey s Sou, mann-. lecturers, Aeton, Ont., also Freed lanti- thawing Atte. of Granada, permanently ,;nrtel ul Catarrh tiv Dr. Wesbington, pra- nounet'4 ui tileler •noted epecialissts in this eeentry and Europe, Write hili for aariiculate. 3lr:, Joint ;1ZcI%e1vy, Kingste n, Una... Catarrh and Censtlnti,tion• John .e1el'y,liingstsin Ont. Catarrh. Mre. .1*. , UapIiai g, ..Kingston, (Ont. melee Consumption, Ir, I.). Seott, Blur ton, Ont., f"aterrli and t1,orat. 3elin Ilettrann literrcaweinitlt, Ont:. rh. zlareit. re* A. Ptzutbeilrn, Centreville' eit, head and titre* 4athe*we,1' :ruiner, Acton Dan Fiera, tient.; Furniebinge, 1141? lit., 00W41 e.,f C;tntaa.ah, threat 1'isililotta, titin hair -t 1'. O., Out., rztear tits.l•iaanve) t,f t etarrh, heath} throat and lune. lit -ad ulliieu 215 Young Street, Toronto. Usnn citation Free. HURRAH, HURRAH FOR---- ], IL SiIALLAGOX1BE NflRCRkT ThIIDL To Customers and Public at large, here is the place to get yanr- self sutted,witln Suits made up in the latest stti es, at hard time prices. FINE RANGE OF GOOD ALWAYS IN STOOK. RF•EOT FIT Gtr A.RA? TEED' cleaned and renovated at moderate prices. A C AII• SOLICITED. 17p stairs, over Post ;Difice, SMALLACOMBE. LIFE U RANGE OOMBA.N M a a TUE auuiturera Accident two separate and distinct c ,9 with ull Geverannnent delan'ite. authorized capital 4101 other assets are ar.,,peetfully 2 a)(1(1,000 talar w LOOM 00 P1.ksinNNT. BT. HON. SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, p1o.,OC.13. nen-Pnr.f Inn Nrs-•Georgia f'.00derlta_n,., Esq., President Dude of Toronto, nand William Dell, Esq.. Manufacturer, t;uelrh. 1. IL. °Aitnit.r, 11anaging. Direetor• The Largest Cap its Stock Company on the .continent. Policies issued on tl'e Ordinary Life, Endowment and Natural Premium. Phn?. Premiums as reason lepra es is o npat- ilile with bon tilde life insurance. E. FLOOD'S:, ,Inspector Huron and Th ice., ATTENTION! 3-' es 'ro)n xtti ct Is. ;NI troll . W. — SL1'III( 011`'S Clothing and Gents' FURNISHING STORE, EXETER - - C+tiT SOME OF TIZF; FINEST TW3EDE' THAT CAN BE SECURED, IS ARRIVING- EATERY DAY. Gents' Furnishings in the 'latest styles tit fright prices. CALL WLICITED. ! outheott, Corner Mani & John stn, EXETER, ONT. ES T.ER 111ARKETS, Red Winter, per bus'l • $ 90 to 91 White " 90 to 91 Spring , lit 90 to 91 Barley 48 to 50 Oats °t 45 td 47 Peas 60 to 60 Eggs 13 to 13 Butter, Rolls 15 to 15 Butter, Crocks 14 to 15 Wool 18 to 18 Potatoes per ba; 1.00to 1.10 Rey per ton. £.00 to 4,50 T1ier'e}"13 Ito 1tat1 in being couraged in Hard Times. `II1iEN ALLL FURNITURE tinreroonis is bound to sell cheap, and will sell 15 per cent. lower than ever to suit. the hard times; also repairing done, and perforated bottoms put in ce.ue chairs &c. Pictute framing lit specialty}. GEORGE INGRAM. Pno '. IIEMSALL ONT. iiaie Great En 'tisk pPz ser€pito A successful stedicine used over SO years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrlica, Nervous Weakness, £tnrasiona, Impotent? and an diseases caused by abuse. Trans] rand ioculxerezion, or over-exertion. pp.trres) Six nackageq fivaranfee d to Care -when attothere .F4 it Ask your Ilrug7;ist for Tho Greet Encltsh l=,resvrtntlon; take ao substitute. One package S1. Six S5, br mail. write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co,, Detroit, 1liieh. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and. druggists everywhere. Jan -1-i Mathesoluf XE.t..E-:,1t • 50=1!1. ; t i 1r is %veli aesarUai for "he s€ascta'c. w parts stt5 mai eta, GNOMES S :--,-16 ib ,.'sugar for $100 ; i lbs, white s 1gair for $LOR, We can;17,4w, cr ale lrr `yeas tro, a ole taw .9c 1.':117. 8eeta rc $Fatncs Erne! Styles s c: faav pl'8eea: A n.etly r15°1rte:l whack of ,'SCYTHES and CLASS telr■nl,`le2p,Y t'esI )1aslair:e Erni■ ar l' 3t tilos isnv os tl abuser a nice Tea Sett 01 44 piece 82.75. AgaT i sw+a s;1. 1lrarlc um is t 3 dant' ic+ t itraeccal Mists RA ilii+in i,+•e1 Otw Dress ress Gonads are marlc ed down to thio lowest notch. COTTON -2(0341s. for w�1,01i hedgeandtet,ntaeafirm for tia'c APO, to JOHN MATHL °0N Pay i,tl,ittilliee METHINO EW T]IF. PROPRIETOR Oz THE DOMINION LABORATORY Mgr. to annoy nce to leas Domer- Friends and Patrons that he s just put an a fill line of Staple & Fancy Stationery, Account Books, School Books, .and all kinds of School requisites Letter and Note Paper Toils eap Paper:, Account Papers, Colored 'Nunes, Gilt l'apers and Dra ing paper Pens, Ink, Pencils, and also a full line of all the newest and most popular works of 'Fiction, all of which will eb sold at the 1owes•t remenratwve rates. P f DP.IIIE't'a.l . 3AitBERS >•oreTrnI :Commercial Union. 1:ss,'ar face Company ot GRFIAT BRITAIN. Co ita1 and Assets, $21,0U0,00 .. The best and most reliable Fire Insur- ance Companies 4n the world. ADVOCATE OFFICE, EXETER PENNYROYAL'WAFERS. Prescription of e. physician whc has had a. life long experience int treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers aunt take no substitute, or inclose post - Nage for sealed particulars. Sold by. �.' all drum1sts al per box. Address f3EL TREK OHEitl•.CAL' CO., DETROIT, Mica. Sold in Exeter' by .Dr. Lutz, and druggists eeverywlnere; Jan -1,8' The subscriber wishes to inform the fariners arisl general public that he is prepared to furnish all+sizes and kind of MIE9 Well digging promptly don and at reasonable rates. • Residence and shop, on Ann streets behind Ohristie's.Livery Stable, A CALL .SOLICITLD 'c lAt ) 't