HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-16, Page 5.................-
Floalan h. liroLi ez. Bru,oe Railway
rJ -)r't:r.er^ Diviriof•
Gonee Near[t-••<-`Px3se Teets -Pe -58'1i, a
1.,•i:rd•xt„ dep.art, , . 7:42 ;ex. 4.25 r €.
?'_aceta Caossiug: 8.28 5.20
4Y,.rteleba3 e...... 8.34
G ilr:alta 345
. 9.14
l.lr:raeti.• cl..... 9.22
C fated 9.40
Lendeeta,ro' .10 00
1il.th... 10.10
f :graave .....10,,23
7 27
t;t1ING Passeng
Winelieuedepart. 7.03 A 1
Belgra ve ........ 7.24
.iliw! m . , . .... 7.33
I,oefiesl]Oro' 7.47
Cl nton ... 8,07
l:rp:eefield . 8.26
j eeter
Centralia .
3,acareerotelp, 9.24
],uidoleerrive, ..10.
"Bee ,ilei
Chomp. Excw sign
A cheap exeureiota to W':iinipeg an
the Northwest and return for milt' $'28ou 28th ring.; by 0. J. R., W. J, Oar -
ling, tiekeT,�•e,;jtriC, Exeter, Ontario.
$ri riot -lien -1s,
d -The McGibeny family are coming
.;Additional looale on Editorial page.
-The salt well be in operation in a
few days.
--Only $1 to Sarnia Sud•return on
17th inst.
-We had some fine skewers during,
the week,
-Fax, the eoreedien, Deew,a Oi erat,
1louse, Aug. 23rd.
^A. ]urge anlaunt of $rkness is *-
ported ie our %MEI tge.
Fax sines rat the Sons of E
eon':ert on 23rd inst.
Were -Woods bee. moved into t
bis new hut'se otr•ll:~iu st.
-•Mr $. Gide:3y and A. Walper are
itr Berlin for a few dap-
ar-Miss Katie Stewart of London,
the guest of elm. Jas. Stewart.
Miss htortiock ie spending al, fs
days at the Lake side, ]lay field.
-Hear Fax at the Sons of Fegland
a*t�ncert on 23rd fust, in Drew's opera,'
-Mr; V. .evett spent W
ening at Plarkhill. Some at
tlneue, sure.
-Capt. Geta. ICetup lies.received the
town wenn:), fey .for the sale of the G. T.
11. tickets.
-Mrs, S. F Robinson, w1w Ilse
been away on li vlsitiing talar, returned
o3a Friday.
Aire Geo. Kemp has ken visit.
friends at Seaforth. She Le also ape
ing es few days at Baylield.
-Mr. Thos. Fitton is ereeting anoth-
neWeottage near the"EQundry. 11r.
littera is aan eanterprisieg citizen.
The ftnatnciarOin trice ;fleeting
Iter District 'Methodist chore
Parkhill en Tuesday tai
T R. thckets, to any points ig:
United States, for sale by
o. i enip, Town Ball, Exeter,
is 1
Meech, organist of the Triv-
niorial church, attuned from
ll ]asst +ver:]:,when she has begin
.Another=cheap wale.
Jahr l zit{rpask Ills retiaqne to the
brick ate:'G i:x brews illoek, opposite
the Town 11a0, Exeter. The balance
f the stot3k nil:. How be offered cheaper
c L -r. and- see the
.1.1k-41 >iio ti ut4t-to show goutis.
leordteiee:, Exeter, Aug. 16th,.
=t A'ttt'ct ra'C1iAn Ett oile
112.1 ii,,,rer:uun and 3lr. Alex
Dow, o£ ecent:hene Dow 4; Willis, re -
tun t,ed frem Scotland on ii ednesde,y
et•[. nieg last. Mr. 4lowt r'rean brought
lxtelz .with hies,, two extellenAt thorough -
3.40 P.311 bred clydeedale rearm Mr. Dew
4':00 t i,rought with hint two thoroughbred
4.5 two ,y para old stallions and one o:tu-
4.2 r year old. They are. really Sirstelass
,43.4.4 'ttittiais awl PMcliAbt nest, season will
mare a mark in the elvdesdale market.
5 1J k?eela Stealing.
Toronto nto Sept. 10 to
ut I%ingston Sept 10 to.
at Tendon Sept 20 to •-•-
-t Seaforth Sept
laeriug last week as man by the .oanm
"of Maleolus Gillis « foe JQihihstQne etole
vena.] sheep from the farm„ of Mr. R.
x, 4th con, Stephen,and ;drove then,
v. Ile then sold the twelve sheep
to s. lir. Cocltsvell for the urn of $33.
The sheep wepe.at once missed ;and
reed sent to detectives in London, au
zwas thought he went there, haying
shipped a ten* from Centralia station
the day Before. The cletectives were
snot uvg in be+euritig their man, and
wer ]twat seat to constable Kibler, of
Oreditenn, who repaired to London and
secured #filo. He was itrent ht to CTed-
;'.ettd stood his trial before the
axtrates of that place,and was corn -
stand his trial at Goderich,
erho was taken by chief G1i11, of
ee lr, inn Saturday evening.
ce1t Mateh.
`he droit math between the e
o and Andrewet club. w
laved on the grounds of the former
ixirlaay evening last, instead of :War -
evening as announced. The so
follows:. -
t rket Ncquaro Andrew street.
W ihrditng, 13 A. Shiere,
J. 1.4Laclhlau, 7 J. Elliot,
J. •Lovett, 6 O. "loll,
J. M eLRelnlan 5 F.W.0Shins
1 ani] 2
'South Yeeth ut St. +,ergs Oct
Blansherd at Kirkton Oct 4 an
Clinton Oct- 19 and 21
t oderiel ':let. 2 DIA 5
forest ac t.9 and
West ?ages Eanbro Oct, 12.
IiialalaAlpli Orantant Se$ 18.
East Hume Brussels, act 4 wnC;1
Feet W c wonaagle, Eelgrave,t et, 9th.
Ililiikert, at< Stearn, Oct. 3.
Local News
1 Rcial Ptct*.
By public. auctitalA, fin Zurich, aih
House; 2 lots and a cider.
E.11os5+inticary, auctioneer, He :l oa
Ocean, Travel.
The eph.ltlid Rooa1 IIai1 eteaa
Vancouver, leaves 31ontreal,. Wedn
dley, Aug. 22nd'. 'inure your tie
from Capt, trco. Komp,Auvoi. i educe
Masonic. Excursion.
Cheap excursion to Sarnia ea tom'
hast deny of the grand international.
lrirennas Tournament, 17th Angus
under itlasonie Auspices. Sea posters
and dogers.
A7onster E teursiau.
The grand annual excursion to 181a-
ara Fails and Calinsby Park, takes
pee on $aturt'.sy, 25th inst. Train
heaves Exeter at S.38 a iv. Vokcets
-good tors o -days, only $2. By this
trip you can spend the day at the :t'411s
and Sunday at tho Park. Crowds,;are
going all along the lines.
Mineral Water Emporium..
St. Leon Water, the great healtbrre-
starer; if your system ,is out of order
drink St. Leon water and be happy.
ELM.'vin Vies magnetic mineral from
natures laboratory, foreulcerated stom-
ach and all diseases of the stomach, for
liver, kidney and piles, the most won-
derfnl article ever offered to the public.
The great Wolverine Mineral water
from Michigan, for Rheumatism,if you
ate af6icted,..call and see the- agent,
GEOnG13 SAY"DERS,' Exeter.
Connell Proceedings.
Council stet pursuant to adjourn-
ment, at the town hall,Exeter,8th,A.ug.
1888;.111 present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and confirmed., Moved
by W. G. -Biased, seed by
Callum, that Orders be granted for the
following sums, viz:- W. Westeot',t,
$3;50, for.; labor; J.-Balsdon $9, clo; i.
Tlbeipson*, $7,50 do; T. Horn, $,7.5G;
1 do; J. Moreshead, $20,25, do; J. Gilles -
pip, $69,75, do; C Dorward,$68,2a do;
R Pincombe, $16,25, do; W'r H. Mort.
cur,. $15, for pails for Fire Dept, ands
G. Moatz $5 for tile at Town- Hall -
0airied. The Reece reported $25 re-
ceived from the tp..of Stephen, as part
payment of S. Fords keeping. --Moved
• by T. H. 1VIcCallurn.sec,d:i y Jas. Pick
ard, that Nin D. Braund' be refunded •
$10,44, error in arrears of , taxes for
188223.4. -on lots 24, 25 and 53;Main.
st,-Can•ried:• By=law No 12 1888, to'
collect statub .labor commution was
dilly read and passed, on motion of W.
G.;Bi'ssett, sec'd by T. B. Carling.,
Moved by T. ;,B. Carling,seo'd by T. H.
McCallum, that this council ,, adjourn
fe'r two i} eelz:-Carried. 11-I EAca euTe
Thal 11
-Miss Edith Hynd'uan togethe
with her aunt from Glasgow, will leave
is week for Toronto for a few wvetl;l1
X is.
There vein 'be a retbrn irate]} on tl
elialreweltreet grounds next Friday
evehin:i,• 17th inst.
Baseball Ivlatcbes.
On Thursday last, our baseball club
visited Lucan and played the return
Match with the club of that town.
Our ,.hili got badly defeated, owing to
the wile] throwing of the pitcher of our
team. The following is the score:--
core:EX ''TER, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t'1.
Tait 1 0 1 0 0.1 0 1 0---4
Eaerett. 1 0 1 0 0' 0 0 0 0-2
Oke 000000010-1
Lennox 000000000-.0
White 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0-2
Bissett 000000000=2-0
Shipley 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0s:`=-0
Carling 00 0 0000 004-0
Anderson 000000000'--0
Totals 2021 01 030--9:
LUCAS 123456789t'l.
Kenny 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0---3
Robinson 1.00000021.4
.Arntatage 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2
Collins, R. 1 0 0 94.7'.0 0 1 1-3
Hawkshaw 0 0 0 a:to "0 0 1 0-1
Fox 1 0 1 1) 0 0 0 1 0-3
Quigley 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0---2
Macklin 0' 0 .0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2
Collins,, T. .0 0 0' 0 0 1 0 2 1-4
Totals 402002013324
On the: followin2;':day, Friday, the Hen
sail club visited our town and played
a friendly game with our club, which
resulted in a victory for our boys, by.
the follow:;ng score:-
iENSAIeL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9• `t'l.
Stoneman 0 1 0 '0 1 0 0' 0 0-2
McDonell 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-4
Arnold 0 -0 '0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1;
Rennie - 0 °0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-6'a
Ball ,0 0`0 0 0 1 0 1 0-2
Roedding!'r. 0' 0 0 0 1 0.0 1 0---2
Dick 0''1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2
Evans • 0 •1 1 0 '1 0 1 0 0-4
Sta.:ey 0 0 0 00 0 0 1 0-1
Totals 1 4 2 0.4 1 3 .1;0 18
!EXETER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8YO t'1.
Tait • 1 1 1 1 0 0 r0 1?' --5
Oke 00000010 -1
'Bissett 1 1 1 0 '0 0 0 0 -3
' yndman 1.:0000000 -1
Lennox 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1
Anderson 0 '0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -2
-Knight' 0.0 0'.1 10 0 0 -2
Carling • 0 .1 1 '1 0 0 0 1 -4
Shipley, ' 0. 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 -5
Totals ' ;it 3. 4 4.3 0. 4 24
°Inninlga not . ,layedsy
Mr. Wan Upward and Bert Pule,
u were in attendance to the Urlud.
edge I. O. 0..F. sat Berrie, returned
en -5101n1ay.
---Auctioneers and others wi11 find
it to their advantage to lettheir saie
bills at this oince. Bills printed while
you wait
-stir, Gide n Yager,of Yagez Bro
saw -mill Hay tp., had three of Ins fin-
gera taken oil r circular saw on .\Z ed-
nesday last.
--Do not forret tho ;rand annual
excursion under the auspices of the
Exeter Masans,,,to Sarnia on August,
17;th, Exeter's civic holiday.
-Mr. ]'Harty Sannwell, whol:as been
3t a tour to Sarnia, Detroit and other
places returned home on Monday even-
ing looking
vening-looking much refreshed.
-Mt* Dever, of Detroit, who. has
been the guest of her father, Mr. John
Hawkshave for some time past, return-
ed home on Monday evening.
-All those wishing to secure tickets
for the Hasouio Excursion to Bernie,
to -morrow, can secure the sawn after 6
o'cl elk;at the station this (Thursday)
-Our Juvenile baseball club re-
paired to Lucan on Tuesday last and
played a game wish the juveniles of
that 'place. The•game, resulted, in -a
victory for Lucan by 14. to 33. `.
-A quoit match for $2 a side was
made last .eek between A. Sheeroand
A. Davey.•: The game to be 'the 'best
3 in 5 grates, On Tuesday .evening
they played 2 games which resulted
in mall securing a'game.e
Iv r. E. C. Mills, of Mineral City,
]Mich.; .is in in town. He is looking
aftersonae land claims. Anyone desir-
ing anyeknowledge: of the lands of
Sanalac county can confer with the
above gentler an at Centrad T•Iotel.
-We thank Bro.-Watson, of, -the
Blyth .Stadnard, folds kind advice,
but we wish to inform him ,that • thea'
"bold frint" was worn over a year ago,
and we have one of the frail creatures
raw to contend with.
-Mr. John Yosperewh'e has. been
sreourning, in the Western States for
the past eight years, returned to , this -
village on Monday last, where he will
spend a few weeks under the parental
Itlwas current upon our streets on:
Sunday and Monday, that the body of
the burglar, who broke into the store
of Mr. D. Weisn:iller, Kippen, had
been found, he having died from. the
effects of a bullet in -his side: The re-
porkis witlwuxt" fourdatid#t.
.X. i TBI ne 3i-72 )C AI nP , •l°. .d k..'i G + .� . , '. An rB �; nn 1i r + n An
..r•.i+i�. �F'.,-.f',.(-`_ .'�,^onF;.�+aF.:ea,�.r �la��' Fi'- t -'_.-w
ooi' flora'. of 3 e11's 01(1 stare]],
OLD DS. CHASE'S , nstu To IIKOTU ; : ,
are andt^sturbeelutn9..hrondItne:;rnofrnut
`e t by a sick cblIel nulle'rin " and cnyln{. vain
para of enttinr to e•nii F if raaand a: n ,� ,
IME JEcr1P 1 T.
a. , ' , :it nri
a, -o ntrCtt•.tof31>;s,wl'rlertiws5uO7o7hi1n .i .fl"
konOtur'.ttttx Tutritual. Iblvaa;ueloincali ll -
n wi,00r i . oaernr,min
.bio htw:l re'lluv tl iit•I try
LastaCrown ging LifioWork ,cltatelp nepruel upon., =Omittlterai zone;
imista.io about It. It cures d`vsentrry nrtO •Aix.•
n , /r y�, rte ra, rerniiatas thee ohunaelh amt Bowels, ct.r::s
Dx. Ch,rses Thitwi, Z4a,L• and E�{Bintrl,�te wintteenh,s.'Kcnssti:cgt:u:a,red:¢-1:5:0411-1110;31,71:1710:
ltccel:t Tarok imtl Tittusnc��ld I'J vuician or #t1Ant, ants gives tone ntx enorr<y to flit tvl:olc
the Book for the ' 411ion� eeutnnn'. nearly ?Griiteln• ,hemi a j e igan•ftgi ipiustc.panii.
0hll)pariesandselo;- or$2._,,inehitllbind- 1sthelin' rirtimrutonaoftlicnidestsrnelbast
in; arra $2.u0 in i» i meat ail ` elnth, fi'eualo nnrr<ee and rhyslfIrsns iu the LTait-,l
tatthe x.:1d. mace 2tj, cents a bottle.
marble edge, and is iustly by Mier called
"The i;.ro wni.ng Work of J y� Lift."
It is the result of over half a century's
observation, study end. experience. Yet
this nsnbodiesno compiled= of liisforiner
If.?0 rears ago he could prt dere a book
that has had a sale of over taken. hundred
thousand copies, and has made his name
familiar in nearly every Brrgl:sa-speaking
hone in the United States, Canada. and
thousands of home in Europe, Australia
and South America, what lctr.s.-of a hook
could or would he produce as his Crown-
ing Life' Work, Iv= MORE THAN Tk i'=t,TT'
rt Rlaxoel The book itself answers the
question, and is the most valuable pro-
yiuction in the.history of book publirliing.
V i� 1 Q IY 'Unscrupulous and pleating
publishers are attempting
to copy this book by taking portions of it
out. and palming it off on the public as
the' complete work,: We own the manu-
script, parohased from Dr. Chase's heirs.
Seetthat you that you get the GENUINE
boon. See that°it has our name • on the
tit! e'-pago and a3- copyrighted 1 y us.
Agents Wanted: Big Terms;'-
Alain Office, Detroit, Mich. Windsor,Ont
.Published ih both English any, Dorman,
Ott, his, Re -issues arid, Trade -111' rks sectged,
and all other patent causes in the Patent
Office and before the Courts promptly and
carefully attended • to.
Upon receipt of Mode: or Sketch of In-
vention, 2 make careful exariination, and
advise as to patentability S'ree of charge,
Fens Monniteee, and 1 make No charge.
unless patent is seemed. Information,
ad'viee and special refrenceef sent on eppii
cation. ,
J., LTTTELL Washington D. a,
: 5 a.
Opposites U: S. tµtonf!llac -
: tate• , are. Is for sale 'by an dr::r;;giot-Btbrou. h.
Amuse rourself
and friends, by
hunting out famil-
iar faces in the
view 'o fw he proces-
oces-sion taken by
An 8.x'l0 Photographic view for
'25 cents. Everybody should have cue
x /Rlqi .m
First -Class Horses and Rigs.
Special:- Rates with Conz11�9r�
cial Men.
Orders:' left at BISSETT BROS', -
Hardware Store, will receive -
prompt attention.