HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-16, Page 3TITREAD oF TaFF. ive them time plea of action, and to devise means for pro- , tooting Elide. For to Warrenif Rethot wee , would gteeoncert ernineetecl OR, now ;he one great problem, irt the ease -hew $UNSEINE AND suADE. CHAPTER ...KV.-Tne PTAK Exegetes lesser. For three Or ewe deem Elate ley at the loesinge at Itewestoic, eerieuely but elowly tenprovIeg ;• end all the. time., • hlra Boltmid Edie watched over her tenderly • oath ence.eleug solleitede, .414 theegh alle• usa..box', their ewe deugbter owl enter. Elide* heart wee teto etme.7 moment by, A d.evourleg desixe to tomer Whet Hugh bed deuta what flesh wee doittg,. *het they hed eeld and thought Omit her at WhIteetreetel, She neve r itehd. dieeetly to the leette, elf couree; She • oitelde't beimet Itereelf yea to -*peek of it to aoybetly ; biet Edte pemeived it betuitIvely from Iter eileime and her worde ; an after • a MOP, Ate PlentiOneel the InsAtor 'le Sisterly eentiflenee to her brother Warren. They bad both looked in the local pepera f�r some on.at-if acWeut it were -mid sew, te their *ewer*, that no nci!,e WAS taken Anywhere of Elden auddete elteeppeeranete Thia Sena comae, net to Pay ominous; for in .noot Roglith coutOer Village% A yen.lIg hely e.aunot. *Web fhttst eneceon a '•eVeaing, ,o0rocially filoglog bereelf bodily • into the. eee-aa Werree Reit did not douht afetewiteameeatinonel Taft Itutedndairatnlo't1;•1=4:47, • • c, ut exam& alinie Mt 0 legal clertilAity „•to Where ithe haw geee er whee bee beeome ef the body. We helmet emulete tba calm aodaI etuiesphere °tete nestled et the Celifit .:.veltere aznyeterieue tileeppeareilee OD -en• • eheoted eerpet areeeed bet the feiuteeb mid •jnga lengeld poteleg letereet in the breants 0 tile byetafAilers, With ue the eizeitauted • . ear et expleuatien bag Men out of date., an4veysterietee dieeppeereueeii, • howowee eriehble, force e titibteet IoAlior of preeele Ana prying ieemiry 00 the part- ef _Pone . coramieeplem eeteuil uereenmW o1; inyrepe, the county emiatabelaree This etoeuge nb - Once of. any athrtiou lei the Wbitealrautl items to whet meet -neede beee; formete 4 • nine flap' wonder b the quiet itttle qeeoel uU Warrea Reit a prefottudeet • int:4001one we to Hugh's. procedure. At Whideetrand, all they !could potieddy Immo woe feat Attaii challelier WAS IllitiPlog-per. bnpi ewe that Ube follonov bad drowned hereelfe Why etteuldit 41114 fie utmeeoutit. ably butked, im • itrAngel,y healted up in the lecel • iniwepepera I •Wey elteuld 00repert be dialed iniywheret Why :should :IQ. body even hint in the ..Zierectfoft Times or Xpnr:v7ii 04vonide tho,t a young. lady 01 'eenteiderable permitted attractioteiswa tame emote -ably mistime trout 4 femily of A , Wad. Imo= stmik letelevenerl • Aireedy oat the very tley atter bb return to irewesteft.. Warren Rolf bed bestily tele. graphed to- Hugh bleasinger at Whiteetrend that he was . detained in the .. nreedst aud. would be uaable to carry outt his loug.etarielt lu to:enema:it to tette him mud ta the 2fiel•Tur1(te Z9 TANSC100. But AR time. went from, a *gear aky. She left a letter for Wiathred3. eayleg she Was Imolog for parte onknowo, without geeuade. stated. She ;dipped eweyolike a thief in the .night, at the proveth.wwth tekleg elinali hand- bag with her, "exte dark eveitieg; end the in on other cefillAnicatien. We ire Mine m- eowed Is A telegrem from Lention-sent to Regh Maetinger-, aekleg tie, le the moto atmyaterieue, retneetk etiletnibgiriesti atyle, forwaxel her iiuggage eod beliteginga AI% afl4reits giVen, "A telegram frone London . Warren Relf .orieditibleek•sarpritte. "Do you,think blies Challotter'a in Lembo, then.? Thatee etery retort:a:40e teleormoto bleiselegetel I .aele•ing yoo to seed her luggage On to Lon. 494 1,;,••17,0terti %tate %Pre it aeine trein don, ere e owl" • et Quite seree-Why, rve got it 10my cket this Very IntillIfint, my dear ab'" the . gene repited eemewhat Molly.. • Wb.en, An elder men aeye " tiv • deer sir" 4 very leech younger one, you may take it for- graoted alwaye mew tere.ark hie strong disapprobetloa Of the perticider turn the talk .1nle Won.) "Here ie-litek.; 4 To ilugh bleetingee, iteterteetnie Rot,. White- atreted, Suffelloe-Aelt Winnifreet to weed . the :reee of my luggage and. property t027 ifolmbury Flee*, Deke St ' reet . dentmet, Explenetiona by .post hereefter.-Eneee Cereotexeenett-Aud herehi the letter. slut wrete to Wheifreil; a very climapolutlegt dieheetteuing letter, I'd like yen. tei read eerl% .• ,4 ai linmettae metteke ever to be iatitreeted in • anybeely .eeiywhere 1 A very bed let, itf.ter 411, afreld theeglieheits clever of emirate uedeniebly. cleven-We had tier with the beet .ceedeotielte tom .from Girtout . We're eery tco 'theutiful .aew to think She ehould have Atetleiged .for. tie very . Abort a time with my daughter Winifred." . • : Werion Fel took the letter and telegram from the Squirt:Ai hand in imeechleee ea- on ishmente Tait WAS eVidentlY A plot -'.a dark oe aud. extrrdinery plot of Zketingtes. &filet it flott he could. berdly 1111r4V41 tie eitrieue intrieedee. • Ile knew the addrem Helm, bury Pleee well ;it woe where the club or. ter of the Chorea Row lived„- . But he teed tbe letter 'wItit utter bewilderment, : Theo the whelei troth awned pieceenal ;wen hie witoubilied 'tided oho read it -over aed ever . woe ell e hideeett, hateful get Hugh bletieliager believed that Mao was dreetmed. He bad forged the letter to Wingred me* the .trunt, aug., in:enable mit teemed to A StratgbOarwiarall Zoat neture like Werreu Reif's, Imbed men to get .titte. telegram' tient hem. Yelitiltin. IMMO othe.rriersoo, In ENO oho minie..end tette helengingie forwarded iliMet to the alub porter% as it at her own :.requeet, by Mies Meyvey. .Warren Relf good *sheet:, with. hortor at this unexpected. reveletiou of bleasinget'a utter bateues wed 'tiordinery euuniug. He . bed suspected the Malt Ot to haeb the Whole ..m.atter up,. without eete *oink wounded heart to tlewe and ay -without making . her the .matter et notteeetetey enspicieut • oe• the -aubjeceof cm/looms gossip .csnsortous chatter„.At ali costa, it Meet never SAW thee Mite cbelleaer bed. tried to' tirowo 'hereWf in ajite eud tealerneY. -Whiteetrend pepler, lioggne. Rub meseloger had yeetured to peopme to Whiltred bleyeey, " That Wail how the detve and iere 'would pat it.,. alter .their Oleos 'Ithid, 'over .gve. re'eleek Mee in their demnre. d.rewlegloome.. Whet Wale bereelf would, eey to 'gene er .thtetit ef doing in them diffindt ..elreeteao iitaneee, Warren Rolf did not In the. leaet know, AA yet, be wee. °ply .veryieeperieet- ly Informed es to the .real Onto of the case fo. all Re miner &We,. Bile he know this much -that he meat eereen. Elide ,elle .bee trail feoue the elitoderinte• .toeggea: et dye oteleek tea,talrles, and that the etery nu te kept aa quiet possible, sefegettreled bet' ble Mt/there Oita Agee. Se:tee teak the neat trala book- to 'Lowe- iitofte emeente leisure en thole new . preofe. 1100 bleoelooffn geile.with bia eloneezielo •coutniellore, 01TAPT411, VL—FgtoxIaro cxw gp. At Whiteetrand that same after- noon, If cgh Maseinger est in 1310ow& little parlor at the vitlage revrieh and eeger, a* he had tilweye been aline thet ter- rible eight when "Wide wee drowam uedt" he firmly believed without doubt or iftlee11011; and In the bar mom the peseage, et new-comerat routgle wetereide elotractere were talking loudly in the iieefartog toegue about Kum treetter ef their Mu over a pent el beer and 4 pipe ef Wham/. Hugh tried in vain fee mew minetea to interete him- self ita the coucludlog verees of hie Pot& of Abric-ouytkiog for an mope from Ole gaewing remeree-Itut his Ifippeereue was dry, tea Pegesus refusal to budgea feathcr: he mild gad no rhyme lead grind out no email:Korn ; etillemery ulth himeelfet at bet for his owe, unpreduetivezieee, he leant back in hie choir tvith prefoartd Anneyallee awl IMMO. liatieSaly to the, etrenget clieethetee echos of grate that Mile to Min in trete. meets through the half -epee deer from the adjolniag taproem, To hie inInletlite mite pie; the talk woe nee now of topeelle or of spitutekeret convereatton wearied to have tehen Maw tura ; caught mere then epee through 4E0 of word* the enexpeett ed mane of Cberlee Dieken. Tbe oddity of lee oceurrence *ugh cola. p made blui peick up hie eere, He a up. bis beerlog to cetelt the coatotte a," the voice drawled out in a low iteteat, Oozed. with the Fenner typing dieleet ; "1 reed that there batik, Our Zalval Frimi, I think 'e gene it. A pi e mine, hi eatd to me right out at the time, "Bill," nays 'a " Vat there Diekene 'aye took a leaf mei o' your beak," seys '6 ; "e'vo been totakite of you ell; 'e've ohm*. ed you up in print, ht lave, under the belies of Rogue ltider'ood," 'o; "an' ated oughter reed it, if it was for oath earth but for the silo o' the likeness.' - "le that ea ?"' nye I, never thinkite 'e meant It, as the *vitt' ie. "It is," aeye ; en" you've got to look into it." -Well 1 got a 'old o' ;he book, en' I reed. It right bomb en 'Is recommendation ; leaatwitys, my, mistue she read. it out loud to me; alio vo 'ad A eddieetion, my agues 'eV an' We a peek o' rot, that's' wot calls it. There ain't no kind 0' unto le it, to my thinkin'." "Tim cap don't fit you, then, op you," the other voice retorted with &gurgle) of tobeeito, "'E ain't drawn you se as a rum could recogniee you." "Recognize me I Well, reeegtgehe ;tin% in Re diem ace. Wot 'easy is Just a lot o' rubbish, Thi* 'ere Rogue Ridefood, sword. in' to the story, 'e'd used to row obout Limo. 'own Reaoh, a zombi& for bodies." " A-searehins for bodies 1" the teeend man repotted with an inereduloue whiff. "Wy, wot the dooce did hi want to go an' do thet Lor 1' 4' Well, the* just where it is, don't you See 'E done it for a livelihood. A live- lihood, says I, won my reissue reedit that part out to mo; wot livelihood could a beg• gar make out o' bodies? Baya 'Teitet as though a body was worth auything now- adays, viewed as a body, saysI, argumenta- Hee-like. A man as knowed anything about the riveraide wouldn't never 'a gone writin' such rubbish as that, an' in a printed book, too, as 'ad ought to be wrote careful an' ao- karate. fl'.my opinion, says I, as thie 'ere Dickens is an over -rated man. Abode, now - adapt, wetber its a drownded body or a naVral body, ain't worth nothing not the clothes it etande up in, viewed as a body. Times was wen a body was always aeshally body, an' worth Pam' for itself, afore the Ittatomy Aok. Bat wot's it worth now! Wy, 'arf a crown for landin' 10, paid by the parish, if it's landed in Reser, or five bobif you tow it over Surrey side o' the river. Not but wot I grant you there's bodies an' bodies. lf a nob drowns hisself, wy, then, o' course there's sometimes as mach as fifty pounds, or might be a 'undred, set upon the body. 'Is friends is glad to get the corpse back, an' ave itburied reg'lar in the family churchyard. A reward's offer- ed free enough for a nob, I don't deny it. But 'ow many nobs goes an' drowns their - selves in a season, d' you suppose; an"oo as linowed anything about the river would go a lookin' for nobs in Lime'ouse Reach or way down Bermondsey way ?" "Stands to reason they wouldn't, Bill," the other voice answered with a quiet chIL'eCi'kleCourse it stands to reason," 33111 re- plied with an emphatic expletive. "Wan a nob drowns hisself, 'e don't go an' throw his - self off London Bridge; no nor off Black- friars neither, you warrant you. 'E don't go an' put hieself out aforehand for nothin' like that takin' a 'has into the Oity, as you may say, out o' pure foolishness. '.E just claps 'is 'at on 'is 'end an' strolls down to Wes'ininster Bridge, as it maybe 'ere, or to C)harin' Cross or Waterloo -a lot of 'em seiea over Waterloo, perliee or no perlioe ; an' 'e jumps in close an"ancler by 'is own door, in the manner o' opeakiee, an' is .done with it immejetely.-But wot's the use o' lookin' for 'lin after that, below bridge, away down at Lime'ouse ? Anybody as knows the river knows well as a body startin' from Waterloo, or mae be from Westminster, don't go down to Lime'ouse, ebb or flow, nor nothm' like it. it gets into the whirlpool off Saunders's Whore an' ketches the back -current, an' turns round an' round till it's throwed up by the tide, 09 you may say, upward, on the on. and no riCriird Caine trent Maw/anger, beeetheeneee Kee levity ; he eeo never wet Wel= Rai euv1eiona deepened daily.pecte4 him of anything like so profound a It was clear that Elam too, wan lingering 0e/way for eerious eruno-for forgery And in her COUVAleSCODee tram ettepente And lin. theft and coneeelment of evtilezma certabety, She coulda't make up her mind Ills fingers trerableO as be held and ex. to write either to Hugh or Winifred. and emitted the two denenneute. At all hazerds yet elle eouldn't bear the long state of doubt he muet above them, to bliss Chellieuer. It which silence entailed upon her. Se at was right elm shouldheriself UMW for exult teat, to set to reat their hilub fears, end to ly wilco mutter of num the had thrown be; make Sure What Wee rosily being mud and self away. Ile heeitated a moment, then done and thought at Whiteatreud, Warren he odd boldly " Tiles° papers are very Reif determined to eon over quietly for an important to me, as ceding' 11 ht on the afternoon% iuquiry, and to bear with hie Mire cars bow people wore Mitten itheue the tople of the tour in the little village. Ife never got there, however. At.dIntuna. ham Statiou, to his great surprise, he ran suddenly against Mr. 11 yville bleyeey. The Squire recognised him at a gleam as the young man who had taken them in hie yawl to the amulhilla, and began to talk to him freely at once about all that bee aince bap. pened, in the family. But Ben waa even more aatonished whim he found that the subject whitoh ley uppermost ia Mr. bley- sey's mind just then was not Elsie Challon. erei myaterieue disappearance at all, but his daughter Winlfred'e recent engagement to Hugh Irminger. The painter was atilt some years too young to have mastered the trrofoundanthropologicaltruththat even with the best of us, man is always a self-centred being. ** Well, yes," the Squire said, after a few commonplaces of conversation had been in- terohanged between them. "You haven't heard, then, from your friend Messinger lately, haven't you 1 I'm surprised ab that. He bad eamething out of the common to communicate. I 'should have thought he'd have been anxious to let you know at once that he and my girl Winifred had bit things off amicably together. -0, yes, it's announced, definitely announced : Society is a *are of it. Mrs. Meysey made it known to the county, so to speak, at Sir Theodore Sheepshanks's on Wednesday evening. Yotu. friend Messinger is not perhaps quite the precise man we might have selected ourselves far Winifred, if we'd taken the choice into our own hands: but what I say is, let the young people settle these things themselves -let tlae young people settle them between them. It's they who've got ;o live with one another, after all, not we; and they're a great deal more interested in it at bottom wheu one comes to think of it, than the whole ot the rest of us put to- gether." And Miss Ohalloner ?" Warren asked, as soon as he could edge in a word conven- iently, after the Squire had dealt from many p Ants of view -all equally prosy -with efugh Massinger's position, character, and prospects-" is she still with you? I'm greatly interested in her. She made an im- mense impression on me that day in the pandhills." . • The Squire's face fell somewhat. "Mise Challoner ?" he echoed. "Ah, yea: our gevernees. Well, to tell you the truth -if ym ask me point -blank -Miss Challoner's g me off a little audclenly.-We've been dis- appointed in that girl, if you will have it. We don't want it talked over in the neigh- bourhood more than We can help, on Hugh ,IltIessinger's account, more than anything else, because, after all, she was a sort of cou- sin of his -a sort of cousin, though a very remote oue ; 08 we learn now, on extremely remote oue. We've asked the servants to hush it all up as much as they can to pre- vent gossip ; for my daughter's sae we'd ike to avoid gossip; but 1 don't mind tell iug you, in strict confidence. RS yOU're a frtend nI Messinger* that Miss Challoner left us, we all think, in a most ungrateful manner. It fell upon us like a thunderbolt whole matter. trt me Acquit ate= of lament*, and Int deeply intereetted in the youeg. lady. It's highly delarable sho ehould be traced and looked alter. I have genic reason to suspect where she i$ let venue, I want to ASk A favour of you now. Will you lend irse these documents, for three der only, and will you kindly mention to nobody at preaent the feet of your baviug seen tee or spoken to inc here this matting?" To gain time ab least was always aomething. The Squire was somewhat Won aback at first by Mile unexpected request ; but War- ren Reif looked so honest and true as he asked it, that, after e few words of hesita. tion awl explauation, the Squire, convinced of hia friendly intentions, =Wee to both his propositions at once. It flashed across his mind as e possible **elution that the painter had been petering Elsie with too pressiute attentions, and that Elsie, with hysterical girlish haste, had run away from him to escape them -or perhaps only to mike him follow her. Anyhow, there would be no great harm in his tracking her down. "IE the girl's in trouble, and you think you emu help her," he wsid tood.naturedly. "I don't mind giving you what assistance I can In this matter. You can have the papers. Send them back next week or the week after. rm going to Scotland for a fort- night's shooting now -at Farquharsotes of Invertanar-and I shan't be back till the 10th or Ilth. But I'm glad aomebody has some idea where the girl is. As it seems to be confidential, ask no questions at pre- sentabout her; but I do hope she hasn't gotinto any serious mischief." "She has got into no mischief at all of ane bort," Warren Reif answered slowly and seriously. "You are evidently labour- ing under a complete misapprehension, Mr. Meysey, as to her reasons for leaving you. I have no doubt that raisappreheneion will be cleared up in time. Miss Challoner's motives, I can assure you, were perfectly right and proper ; only the action of another person has led you to mistake her conduct in tlae matter." This was mysterious, and the squire hated mystery; but after all, it favoured his theory -end besides, the matter was to him a relatively unimportant one. It didn't concern his own private interest. He mere- ly suspected Warren Relf of having got him- self mixed up in some foolish love -affair with Elsie Ohalloner, his daughter's govern- ess, an he vaguely conceived that one or other of them had taken a very remarkable and romantic way of wriggling out of it. Moreover, at that precise moment his train came in; and since time and train wait for no an, the Squire, with a hasty farewell to the young painter, installed himself forthwi th on the Lomfortable cushionof a &Bootees carriage, and steamed unconcernedly out of Abaninclham Station. It was useless for Warren Relf now to go on to Whitestrand. To show himself there would be merely to display his hand openly before Hugh Messinger. The caprice of circumstances had settled everything for him exactly as he would have wished it. It was lucky indeed that the Squire would be away for a whole fortnight; his absence mud at Millbeule, or by feembeth Stengete. So there Ain't no livelVeend to mole any. 'ow by picking up beak; down about lame - ease; au' it'd lways Iwo my opivion ever since then that that there Dickens le a very ta moch overrated peeme." 'There ain't no doubt about it," the other enswored. "If 'e mid that, them can't be ite doubt at all about it," To Thigh Meenteger, *lilting Apart in his own room. these straege scraps of an alien mmvemtion jest then a ghastly and heir- rihie (swill:Atom Them men were leeerte. Mined, then, to drowned corpses ! They were ommoisseure la erowning. They knew the waye of bedige like regulor expiate, Helierneed, spellbound, to vetch reek next eisotmees. There was a sheet palm, ilarlog whieh-as, he Imaged by the way they breathed -each melt a long pull at the pew- ter Mug, and then the hest epeaker began again. " Yo;ed otiglater know," he peer. =wed =Singly, "for / repose there ain't any man on the river anywherea as '88 'ad to do with as meny bodies as you. %We ° That's Re A" the finit pereon ASERAte4 empheeically. "Thirty year I've glen*, the Trinity 'owes, rain or aldite, so' you. don't PrOVision light-ehip that long without leanatn' thing OK two on the way about bodice. The Current earriee 'gm ell one way round.A body as gates ea ite journey at Weeceinster env be 'ere, pee ashore t Alitibanite$ 'body as begins at Itentleu ridge, coma out, aa reeler an eleckwork, on the furter end ce the fele res Degas -We joet the same along this "ere east coast 'ere, plotted tip that gal I've cense about to-elny on the Perth We tz' the Ordfordeese Light Ly the beek o' the Trinity groyne or eller; to. A leedy MAO Up ine the oerth Orlerdneee 'aselwaye drifted deven. the nort-weethod. So it eteade t thie "ere gat I've got leicg nu them oute yule the ebb from Ittelbers, er Aldebergh, or testybeWhiteetrauti ; ere aloht no otter wey out ef ie anyttee. V they Old roe at Walberewiek there wee0 youn ledy aleittelu' over 'ere et WhIteetraudtee young lady from the a lady o' property ite there neiglet be meney eo it, sr vein there mighteet wy 1 COMO up 'ere o' eeeret to Doke ttli prope.riegulttea." Hugh Meesitigerts bort geve e tenth/it boiled. 0 beeveue I %et adage ahould have oeme to thie pm. Viet tvreteh, i,sdbond -Melee body 1 111whet o taeeled wee of leopeeibilltiee hed be =embed Menzel( for ever by thee One false atop et the forgel letter. Teiff wreteli boa fewed Bluets bedy-the badly doe he loved with an blesoul-end beceuld oettlier deka it hietattlf nee beet; upeo10, Wu it ;tor ehow the fointeet iuterese la it, without iovoleleg it cam VW, farther la endlose cemplieetieue, seed renting nespi. Cie= of fetal ilepereagaimet ewa cheree- ter. lie waited lireettileze for the itex t lieuteuce. Toe eczema reptalive weat, on VACS more. "Mil it doe% fit!" he "wetted, bottle. higly. ; it don't tItteirat it," the men calle Bill ;wavered In empatieat toeth "She ain't drowaed, at all, the youog lady ea is mission at the 'All. They've lid letters an' telegratais from 'er, dated later nor the day I found 'er. Pve tended over the body to the county portico; it's in the mortuary at the Low Light ; an' I shitu't 'ftve no more uor erf a crown frotu the parish after en for all my ttouble. Suffolk and Itatex is hall- s, crown eouuties ; Surrey's more Maid ; it pea to five bob ou 'em. Wy, rsu mote eight eltillinti out 6' pocket by thet there gel nlreedy, wot with lose of time an' trey. elite' expenue au' that. Nab time eatchee a body unbeknown knuckle' about promiscuoue ono lettebore, with the title rennin*, au' the breakers poundhe it on its face on the shinge, they may whistle for it theiraelves, that's wet they reey do; I Ain't agobe' to trouble my 'tad about it. Make a livell'ood oub of it, indeed t Wy, 10'a all rubbish, that's trot It is. It's my opinion that thet there Dlekene was a very muck overreted person," Hugh, Metasiuger rose slowly, like one dunned, wanted aerose the room, as in dream, to * ' *door (doted it nolealeatly, for he could contain himself no longer, and then, burying his face silently in his arms, cried to himself a long and bitttr ory, the tears following one another hot and fast down his burniug cheeks, while his throe was choked by a rising ball that seemed to cheek his breath and tmpede the utterance of bis stifled *lobs. Elsie was dead, dead for hint as if he bad actually seen her drowned body cast up, unknown, as tho :min so hideously and graphically described 101n his callous brutality', upon the long spit of the Orfordnese lighthouse. He didn't for one moment doubt that it was she Mee& whom the fellow had found and placed in the mortuary. Hie own lie reacted fatally against himself. He had put others cn a false track, and now the false track misled his own epirit. From that day forth, Elsie was indeed dead, dead, dead for him. Alive in reality, and for all else save him, she was dead for him as though he had seen her buried. And yet, most terrible irony of all, he must etill pre- tend before all the world strenuously and ceaselessly to believe her living. He must never in a single forgetful moment display his grief and remorse for the past; his sor- row for the loss of the one woman he bad really loved and basely betrayed; his profound affection for her now she was gone and lost to him for ever. lie dare not even enquire -for the present at least - where, she would be laid, or what would be done with her poor dishonored and neglected corpse. It must be buried, unheeded, in a pauper's nameless grave, by creatures as base and:cruel as the one who had discover- ed it tossing on the shore, and regarded it only as a lucky find to make half-a-crown out of. ,Hugh's inmost soul revolted at the thought. And yet—And yet, even so, he was not man enough to go boldly down to Orfordness and claim and rescue that sacred corpse, as be truly and firmly believ- ed it to be, of Elsie Challoner's. He meant still in his craven soul to stand well with the world, and to crown his perfidy by marrying Winifred. (TO BD C031TINI7ED ) For Sweet Heine Salm, Nottuorp, wives, eistere 1 why that patient, h (veleta suffering. those pinched, melancholy facers that sadden home anti coeciiire anxiety to loved ones, white so potent aud hermlant rettiedy as Dr. Bieree'S Favorite Preeeria- thin ewe b oletaioed of your deuggiet ? It ia a penance& for aU "female oomplidutet" ot marverdoes et5 tacy anci healtlogivtug qual, ities. The debilitated, and auffetem Irem thete exerueletiog periedteal pb1e, "drag, ging down" fratinge, tetelt-aelee wed aiteeeett female disorders, eltould thin certain remedy at once WA be metered to the blew lee, of Imaalth,for hooteh Bake. Of des's, mete. Tie more to eity, "I win not go," god yet to go, than to eaN's shy' end yet not to go; but eity ane de 14 beeit lath The Allstahes of Noses and Ingereoll, are common topics ef cower, Waal, lent the mistake we wish eo cornmeoli on here, as" the great elm so many peopin. letor muter that comeitoption tethieh ze really only sz,rofilia of the Iouttg9 is an in, gamble diseaeo, end thet there za no hope for one *offering tromit, Tees terrible Mal, ady, that yearly 5110 so many grave; can be turely carol, if uot tee, long neeleeted. Bo wise in time, if yon are afflicted with it, and moot the undertelitieg iiideteuee that is upping your We blood, and titirrying you. to au untimely grave, by main Dr. iNereeile Ziletlieet ,I,Ketevegt a remedy that never felts be Ite We -giving miteleo, if taken in time. All druggiarn. The pare write their eeearel On lumen beerte, as they do en tree; lo hiddenee furter choice of growth Welt tie eye oeuilee. Serinft Relvatiit For .sowoy yeere the metiefeeturere el Dr. Steen eeterrli Rawiiy bore effered, in geed both,o standlegreweret ef $593 for it etel et ehrenie netAl oeterrie woieti th-zy 104010r. Xtl Matter 1101V bAl the ditieelie bat owe orof haw triety year etemilug, it melee thee to tneleekill. This fain. le e44 by druzeiett at, el omen Fere%) has two educations; ono reeelves fro.% others, aei owe whieh be givee to hiuttelf. t OlAte oat Anna lb ego earnete. Tee greaeseeret el avoiding die* t,. moot la pot to expect tea mech, foliowe inettederete hope. se thin, hereleet to the geouud got leave been ne the shy. Atteneve.walex data st ce.aTere. tote. AG 'E§, AGENTS WANTED N711, tritS1 JOLVATS'il'ANTEEP-" am Willowy. metes_ ittS, li; Cle arch 8*. -vorouto. wns tcr t tre A Rick Jockey. Wood, the creak English jockey, testified ueder oath the other day that his income was from $25,000 to $30,000 a year. His regular fees for riding bring him in $9,500 n year, and his retainers and refreshers, his presents from gentlemen who win and his bete swell the total to the figures above given. He owes two stables, five hotels and inns, and a lot of cottages; be has a $20,000 interest in a cooperage butiiness, and he has also $60,000 invested in funds. Kr." Vae 1980, r.0.111 FARMS 4. T. %t0 Si LTflliltepeeist tweet L, Deans, WI% Beter VEER BELTING. VE IN TUE DOMINION. F. E. DI04N le CO.. 3Ialters. 70 El Street tin, Toronto, sice List and Likseaanti. SC/1011:143, rinaU permanent...1e sitaont smtra. nbkuitc. eerie to int. W. L. Zirante. NY IrelltIF:it WHO DRAGS WS Wit% out to 21 the bare to had bap must Im toe mean t) bur e "Made° Petfert Dm Holder. which will lest a lileUmaand cost% only 7110 Sold be apnet Terri. ry 5110 open. C. W. ALLEN &CO.. "World" Seeding, Torenta, HPOT WI:STERN MACHINERY " rI gip IttrSTAIZ. of eriaehinery to eelect from. H. W. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont. H.WILLIAMS &GO,MIROOFERS MAKCPACITILERS Atte mums 319 nooline Felt, Slaters' Felt, Dotal:dee Felt, Carpet Paper, Building Paper, Rooting Pitch, Coal Tar, Lake Gravel. °ince 4 Adelaide St. FAR!. Toronto. itIANADIANBUSINESS UNIVERSITY eee ruette Library euedine,Toroare. etudentstroza British Columbia, California, Hansa,, Illinois, and quite0 numner at other States and Provinces, new in Attendance, Write for Descriptive Circulars. THOS. BENGOUGH, CHAS. H. BROORS, PrOtedent. Sec'y & Manager. AGENTS 1 AGENTS 1 OUR AGENTS Magnificent Parallel Bibles. Withrow'sPopular " History of Canada," Gough's "Platform Echoes," Dorehester'e "Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones* "Living Words,' "The Cottage Physician," MAKE MONEY Gough's 'Sunlight ad n Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaves," eto. Popu lar Books 1 Liberal Terms l Write for circulars, terms eta., to WILLIAM BRIGGS Publisher, Toronto. THE CANADIAN MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION LIFE INSCRANCE AT COST : (ABSICSRMRIa FM IBM) CEEP,P, RELIABLE, POPULAR Large Reserve Fund. Agents Wanted. Address, BEEA.D OFFICE, 10 King Street E., Toronto. iflANAIDA. SHIPPING CO. -Beaver Line of Steamahips, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tlekets, Montreal to Liverpool, 940, $89, and 960, Return tickets, 080, $90, and 0110, according to steamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate. 930; Round trip tickets, SOO, Steerage, $20, Round trip tickets, on. For further particulars and to secure 'births, apply to 0.0. MURRAY, General Manager, I Custom house Square, Montreal, or tothe Local Agents in the different Twone and Cities. SELF -THREADING NEEDLES:Mt= out I Instantly threaded without passing thread through the eye. Agents coin inoney selling them. Sample packet by mail 10c, dozen packets 91.00 Whiten Manufacturing, Co., Toronto, Ont. tes'€ He MAMBA ON, CANADA. First of Ladies' Col eces. Has graduated over 230 in full eouae Full faculties in Literature, Lan- guages, Music, Science and Aft. Largest College Building in Dominion. Open Sept 5,1888. Address Principal, REV. A, IDURATS, bJ,, 00 ».