HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-9, Page 8C ttla, 1K, A. New Borne Treatment for 'the cure of Catearria, Gatahr- hai deafness and Hay Fever. The ;,t¢.croscopahas prorcdthat thesedreeasee are •eontayzriri, and that they are duo to tho presence of living p ~,sites in the interlining membrane of the xpper Jar palates and eustachian. tubes. The eeain• en; am nt:sta. Trade% Rowley and £:ale endorse this, ae.dthcseauthorities cannot be disputed. The regular method a treauag these diseases has been to apply an intact remedy tt:eekly, andeeea daily, thue keeping the ctelee3te membrane in A coast: nt atateof trri.at ,, n, allonies it no chance to heal. and as a nat- upralrnraequeace of such treatment am. oro perman- ent enrolls., ever been monied. It ie an :abcolnte tact that these diseases cannot b3 cured by any app£^ .cation made oftener than once an two weeks. for the ~nems• -ane must get :\ chance to Leal tsforeis repeated. It is new .sores, cue clew Mr. Dixon discovered the parasite in catarrh and f..rannlated lava sear treatraent, and since then hia remedy has he- eomeaborsehold word an every eoanery where the Eng ish Eugnage to spoken ,Cures effected by him seven aria sgn arts n+ereeettli.'here laving hen no return of tbatwf&aas% So bigbll are thew rertedies nixed..het ignerent imitators have etartea u everywhere, retendang• idr destroy parasite, of whirls they knew nothing*. by retnediee• the results of the SpotiOatioet of which they are egneliy ignorant._ Me. Dison'a remedy is:. i:ed only nem in two ween, and from ewe to ttreo appli- cations effeet ',?ormansca cora ?A 411^, =N ppli- rnraa selfeeta,ormaaenteorats;Yeeee a ~asit- ret eases- /fr. Discos sends a. v11,641204 desarib a his near treatment eta the reedpt of maw ase pry plet3ge. The radireca fa .a. R. Dl$0.:4 8, tic i. r,ce Fiutlt•a:rcet wast, Um:o. ..arsons -Sets stfi,e etereettteeeem s Sweat S"e10;atee. TO Wu v-reee- You've c, nee to them. of a rrtairiest's bliss Sweet eyen'c,ea; ~iasis. T4 in you life Toe will always Sweet aevecteee. You'll refer to ttaia ties Regain aridegain, Sometimes its' pleasure, aofr+etirttetie in palet, Bet it neer will return. regrste viae itt vain For sweet scrim's& Yan've gist the ego of sirlhond now, At sweet seventeens on your 'brow, And 'tis w mautated now tbet is atemped At Sweet seventeen.. (more, You may live to his tseve rtty;,perbag.s to be But the diya gene by you can neer restore, Although you niay Tilsit a tbowswd time* You were tweet seventeen, [o'er, Bees. taking vengeance on their dogs anal cats should make themselves scarce as they are not wanted, Our advice to thfala. is that they should migrate to some hitherto unknown part of this mundane sphere and there wear themselves out in idleness and poisoning snakes. We a a knave em and will watchcul. $stip yo** eyes skinned. Usber to Cfleaninga 'Miss Buc»iag &r, cu#` Bryant stn, is v.isitiug at the Blteavilie parsonage. 1Ti41. Grr try, of Exeter, and ex- assietaezt to eher of Wiricheler a, public sacra, is rusticating, in that place. Mr Jewel Semler and wife of Exeter and :trues Emily Wood, were the pest* of Mr. Wea. Wood, of 'lkrstlorme last Sunday. Mr. John Shute spent lash Sunday at Cromarty. John you certainly fnuat have some attraction over there, we thin;: so apy way. air. G. W. Holman, of Elimville, left on Wednesday for Toronto toattend to important lewdness. Quite a change from using the birch George, obi The news is current that 31r. Wm. Brock, of wion, who has been gradually failin, for some time past and could get n'.t relief from any physician whore he tried, is gaining rapidly under the treatment of a quack, Dr. Whittaker, from Frogmore. All quacks are not quacks every time any more than any other man. '4K114' POWDER Absolutely Pum. This powder paver 'mite A merral of parity, etrengh sad wlloleno>ztenesaa More economical than the ordinary kinds. and ee mot be sold 1. contettit'iun with the multitude of low test,, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Saki only is cars.. RoTAU Baltfsacl Fowit,tut Co., 10e Wall St., N. Y. It is our painful duty this week to chronicle the sad accident that happen- ed to Mr. Eli Couitis, a young roan living a little to the south of Elunyille, A few days ago, it seems, he was horse raking and, as it happened, he had no britehiag on when the rake ran unto the horses heels which caused him to kick. In kicking the horse struck the v.euug elan on tho leg breaking it be. swell the aukle and the knee. Mr. +(gonitis is a quiet, industrious young man and has the entire sympathy of the neighborhood. Mr. tZ w. Miners, of Elimville, sup- erintendent of the Sunday School, ad- dz:weed the school last Sunday for the lust time. We must say as we sat and listened to the address that it was rend- ered with great feeling and was very impressive. The Sabbath School feel in loosing him that they are loosing a genuine, first-class man and a grand superintendent. Mr. Minors' is going to embark for Manitoba and takes with him the best wishes of the commiuity. May good luck and prosperity follow, yon all your days, William. He left on Tuesday morning for that clime. We are very much pleased to hear that Mrs Thos. Bowman, who has been suffering for the last few weeks from erysipelas and confined to her bed under the doctor's care, is somewhat' improving and able to get out again. In the event of her being sick her two daughters were sent for who live in Detroit, in the persons of Mrs. James Mahon and Mrs. Ed Beech. They received word on Friday and were home on Saturday morning. We believe they intend remaining home for some' time. Some evil disposed person or persons in Elimville have been seized with a violent mania for dog killing, as several farmers mad others in the neighborhood have lost, through poisoning, several valuable specimens of the canine spec- ies. .People who make a practice of getting 'even with their neighbort by 'N otioe the sign, "Montrflai tiweal STORE."-- FMOYED i'homaa Dearing has removed to his new .stand, one door north Dr. Lutz's Drug Store, opposite the Cent- ral Hotel, *'here he will be found of. —fering as usual - -- Big Bargains BBY - £00B8, Royal Mail Stcamslii Liverpraol & Quebec Seryl Galling at Derry. 7Qate ot t+uicli»cf$,. P111i ISTAN... , ..Thurzelay, May 24 POLY:NESIAIl... , .. Friday,. June 1 ;4s�Rl?Iti 1AN......Ittursday, " i O1ROAS lIAN ........Friday SARMATIAN.....Thursday, " 21 PARISIAN POLYNESIAN. Friday, July 6! ARDX IAN......Thursday, " 12 CIRCASSIAN ... Friday, " 20 SARMATIAN .....Thursday, " 96 PARISIAN - " Aug. 2 POLYN ESI .N Friday, " 10 SARI,lINIAN Thursday, " 16 CIRCASSIAN ----Friday, " 24 SARMATIAN Thursday, " 30 RATES. --Cabin, $50, $65 and $75, according to location orposition. Re- turn $100, $125, $150. Intermediate, Liverpool, Londenderry, or Glasgow $30, Return, .J60. Steerage at lowest rates. Steerage passengers booked to or from Glasgow, Belfast, Queenstown, London at Liverpool rates, Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends or relat- ives by the Allau Line. For further particulars apply to .Yohn Sp►aokran, the only authorized agent for Exeter. 1 ,a " 28 seereesfereeerer-esseeteese... ewe :".. L?++r•,.r,atixnw}etet . ff U .TOWS i HURRAH, b;EYT Gish'. Throat ancdL,.ung, Svertreo7lt OZW.71.1,:t. erg Groceries. READT.MADE CLOTHING Boots til4 Shoe*, GLASSWARE, RE, Is. out for Spring Goode, which will arrives dully. 1 :111,c on the road with lay wagon, gad will carry a variety ei alt kinds oftxalis. BUVIER mid EGGS TAKEN HotllaQ anis let, epposite Tont for sale THE MANUFACTU EIERS ImaniaArzy Wh+ 3a Weak. Norma), Dabliltalt> , wbotnbli Folly_ 0.4 lcnoranao beat iq electeoree his Vigor 0 hotly, Riled! cw,;ti Maanhoocl, 'Avow sllastrap:r:F: drtalus tarw.t a Foufttettrtti et Headachy. BaOkaoho1 nres.'lttat )eearutl, Wer+iakaleeea or Alt:rane?. Bashfulness in .5.co e4', Pim pica we= re Ii '- t(ec' lsadaue to aerie 'Ce oly, C.ortatarnatiati sr Insanity. /gall tial eta aur ,apetrA to. +ask a Poa<itivte Cure. >:a imriariu Your.tiat vigor reaa.t?rte thn Vital Power im Pld wad yonn.Gteeusteere end tavtjar*See isle Beam areci orveti bads up Gt,e womantu*ntedIS en agnate into eett.'A U.o Ribas* ;•a1;7aiCa?3 energy et tits human Trains. WItdl oezr Irzwitts lin, i Maroon (intimate crani tutu be cured is tun mouths, and ~carat once Tat laws It= dt days. i,a:ta'rec:;a.ge (wette t rico treotc tree meat` Prion 8iI. Cares (ivasasssI&. Oar specs Sao N0,1 I To en inttlltble curs, Tor all ia'rivletb Illsettee snouus.cat a an : me. is See g. a�cure. PI os 46'.t!a s Xi*** Os. oa. Tattuuo, (Mi. Fil INSURANCE COMPANY. A -N1) THE Manufacturers' Accident Ins. Co'y are two separate and distinct compan- ies with full Government deposits. The authorized capital and other assets are respectfully $2 000,000 and $1,000,000 PRESIDENT.—RT. HON. SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, P.C.,G.C.B. VIDE-PnEsIDzrxTs—George Gooderham, Esq., President Bank of Toronto, and William Bell, Esq.. Manufacturer, Guelph. ATTENTION1 Centraa! �'j otteI ALJE .lJ S..i.. ALL DAT. Chronic Bronchitis Cured. AA Englleh Qlturch Clergrsasen eapeartr�. 'Rectory, Cornwall, Out, W.& IRa-rox,— Deas Si —I am Saul to be able eo in- form you ibs,tt my siserlhtxr u pre well spin. As thin ~silts ae.ei'e 4 ttotf,'• she Ins beta cored of grove bra. ver l %tett^u'*. aerie, yotsr treatment, what :Ne w at reeu this tailed., I write to express my graatitnde. rieis/e except my Mason chunks. etr4 1.',,< lt?' Q. Vie: • are Irk? ---�TO—_ Yona truly, 0. B. 1'ET':1T. DantAna T1s ISTIP--bats~ 11 of e'te l:evi end ?Mcrae, (t errh 1)eaet:.•t.ae. Chrome Beenchitie, Asthma and rr .;mato !feu, .Also loin of vee:e, =ire tlrrvurr 4tsirl-.jt i tonsils. Polypus ,•f tee 1:.r n 1Qlptarw•lt, Ou,Lee early. Cnnanl.ation free. A few of the mar; aure,3 by DI. ►W. ovab- ingtoi4's new 111c.«l ee; 11. H. Storey, el ett trey t Son, mnn+n- fYr,turer, Adan, }r.t., na`i a1ln='t1 ,Meese : fec erieg Ass. tf ean.atle, t krr iia ittEs cured ot ('axsrrta t,r Dr. 1t:.;g1+dat °tn, pre - tenured. insure,: : ins n ite:l sn eel'iaA5 iu thie country and. Europe. Write him fair Mr:. John ilTcja:ol v y, K:ri;ron, Oen. C.,t aril anal se tint. To Ina hr"i -,,,t i ;sten Ont. a a-arrh. !dm A. F. of ! hi.'q, IAineeten, One. i. 13:etne wl 4j oa v ad y.¢eu, Mr. 10. S. ett, Einceitfan, Or Dat' rriS Nei and tssraat. 31se. John Bertramtl. Nerenvat fila, C; arch. thesut. /li"u Mere. A Dead-eerg, etetrevegle. Ont., t'et;arrit, beati 4 ell ti+r+.a , Joretea M.tthows 11 Z•'t..r, tet -0n A. Es Fltee eleute I °a{:r.twta'r", f::2 J- ♦alls, tete. a e;et ref '4:31a, • : ,wit. Jei.:a Tie? : +nes S ai ,ll. •: !` tt., On .nisi~ ".Cis,Ne W5) of Coat;l1, 1ewe: , for int cad NSW. lleas~¢crilw l.'rYeuea; Street, :Diocese Coen:0401os Free. J. SIIALIJACOlin � l'1137f ,?.to Onstomers and Pnbl'e tai large, Isere is the piece to get Jour - elf trust ,'aids Snits made up in the I*t at: Styes, vitt bs?a t .no prices. A l4' E 11 A Nf xF 411*` GOODS ALWA `S EN ifat<'K: A PER Edi` FIT CFA i1<1N'I';< ik Clothes cleaned *r a 6':r,ovated. s�.* Idettpretr. CALL fee, m feel p scares, Care. Z Once. W . SOUTHOOTTS T Clothing andits' FURNISHING STORE; EXETER - - - ONT SOME OF THE FINEST TWEEDS THAT CAN BE SECURED, IS ARRIVING EVERY DAY. Geste .iurnialeinge ha thektesrrl *les at right Otte. J. B. CAItLILE, Managing Director. The Largest Capital Stock Company on the continent. Policies issued on the Ordinary Life, Endowment and Natural Premium Plans. Premiums as reasonable as is compat- ible with bonafide life insurance. E. FLOODY,' Inspector Huron and Bruce. A CALL SOLICITED. W . louthoott, Corner Main a John its, EXETER, ` ONT Consumption that dread terror. w disease Be long baffling science and the most sldllod physicians who know of nothing to arrest, nothing to allevi- ate, nothing to owe. Now it is no longer en incurable malady oven when given up by pphysicians, health can yet be found in OUit REMEDY, it heals and eoothos the mem- brane of thoLungs inflamed and poisoned by the ravages of this tell disease, and pre- vents ro-vents the night sweats and tightness across the chest which acoompany it. CURES CUARANTEED Toronto Medicine Co.. Toronto, Ont. EXETER MARKETS. Red Winter, per bus'l White Spring Barley Oats Peas Eggs Butter, Rolls Futter, Crocks Wool Potatoes per bag Hay per ton' erneewessesserecese a ..., 2.'4T i -Si... 4 Th.'s b's no use in being t om' ..Obis'::g d in llaird vim 111:' a'.l::T, i'I:NIT't4F.I: Vr'areroouo iu bont.tl to ..t'ii the 141., rarxi tviit tarn 1;r per cont. lava'~ thwtn over to snit tl•.r. hard times; al';b rephirinst ~dont', and perforated last orae put, in canto ~.hairs tl:e. 1' cture frowning a specialty. GLO11GE Tip C4itAM. PRen'. RENSALL ONT. e Great Engliair Preyerlplrss+i. A successful Mollicion used over 30 years Ta thousands of cases.. ewes $permatorrhea, Nervcruaei Weaknaaut, Lnai.eiont, Impotency .— — and all diseases caused by abuses. Intranatal indiscretion. or o*er-eserttear rumen] Six packages ffuaranfee i Owe -schen oile Vail. Ask your Druggist Tie aren&EngII.k Prescription, take no substitute. One packers Eure aa'Chem Chemte ical Detr roit, Ail Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan -1-8 $ 93 to 95 93 to 95 93 to 95 48 to 50 45 to 47 60to60 13 to 13 15tol5 14 to 15 18 to 18 1.90to 1.10 8:00 to 8.50. WILUIM S1ERS AoatxT litoit Commercial Union Assurance Company of GREAT BRITAIlrl. Capital and Assets, $21,000,000. The best and most reliable Fire Insur- ance Companies in the world. ADVOCATE OFFICE. EXETER. PENNYROYAL WAFERS, Prescription of a physician who bas had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is fused monthly with perfect success by over 10,000ladies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask� your drug~ gglet for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose peat - age for sealedpparticulare. Sold by all druggists, Sri.�perbox. Address, EUREKAOBEMIOAL CO., Dsraorr, d14aou. Solcl in Exeter by Dr. Lute, and druggists, everywhere. - . Jan -1-8 l�. El ;,r , xi�++, d..i;a� �i-o . .y�.� i a Our St, i4 'r',9. ta<'Y'%t.C'E °e' ctp Wasktestil r to Los nr r2+#aia tearae),C. r, -, r+- 1Lta C. t5 13 PA.. ictior So yes yr i; sdywf . err :t wel •R ^'a Amiga"~. . •.-r I: 9.d a PC.f-1 an eery T l`eata 'a=' "s • stti, 4-'t n a NR A tint T*4 'xnt ' 41 ne% 7. ti .,. A wp S. a asst t et e4. e' ,, q•e^...%sserte ss, orosor NW* ;VP Our ;r tt'eC aa'e11;eark- r i:l down, t . c` ac 'tea tx+tL 'uti rot -N - r ?, rr dtrfi 41.00. A bat:4: Mrd t- t. •mo s two M.f rte.'. Apply v. JOH MT7. ONr „x I:. „t.i:ica i';'"orinl'ATIrrAIRPcra TUE PROPit1i t`1^f: 011 THE DOITIMO EORATORY 11:':z.‘ to taanoilw a to hit+ venter - cue A' Cit,Cdii anal i'at'-'e'ut. that ho has jz"yt pat in , :iii line of StaPle t 'itatieneryl, Accvn'tt st?•r1:4: r ehoo1 Bois, and all kinds of 30.m1 '..t 1 rQ'outyS. t es i.liuei,4,� and li trttl Paper Fools r'lp Paper Account Papers, Colcire•! Tis, nes, built Papers and Drawing paper Pons, In'k, Pencil;, and also a full line of Ell the newest and most popular works of Fiction, all of which will eb sold at the solves remeurative rates. INN EEO triViNew PROPRIETOR. The subscriber wishes to inform the farmers and general public that be is prepared to furnish all sizes and kind of mark. Well digging promptly clone, and at, reasonable rates. Residence and shop, on Ann street,. behind Christie's Livery Stable'. A CALL SOLICITED* 140 1