HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-9, Page 7ActRICiJL TITRAL• Seer:den Mnz.OH. Mulching; ie, very erten, an excellent thing to prebarve the moisture in the soil, and pre- vent evaporation, Before a crop has done much in the way of shading the soil with foliage, it also acts beneficially in keeping a uniform temperature in, the soil, Then again in poor coil if nearly rotten manure is used it is an excellent way of adding ferti. lizers. This spread on the top, a. portion carried down, et every, rain, is in lust the position to be taken advantage of by the Young roots. Mulching has a tendency to keep down weeds, which is another thing. Trees nevety planted, partieuharly if large ones, are very apt to sniffer in dry open. A good mulch around such as far as the roots extend will save them, One thorough watering, a loosening of the soil on the sur- face and then a mulch, will keepthe mois- turein the groand double the time that it would if left thoroughly exposed to the sun and wind. Some people place large atones around newly -planted shade trees. These have a tendency to attract moisture from below and prevent evaporation. Very dice, Seeds,, particularly among choieo flower made are treated this way until germination has tak- en place. The object of the mulch in toils ease is to keep a uniform moisture without much watering, Very dna seeds, almost like dust, have to be sawn very class to the aeur- ,save. Itis difficult to keep this motet with. oat continuous eprinkliog, which again is not desirable. It la overcome by a welsh or a ,pane of glass. If the former, then very ale sphagnum mess -the cause as is used for packing the nurserymen's trees or filling the florists' beekete to act the flowers lute, is sprinkled over the eurfeee. THE RRTOUT SIDE OF lf.tf.Al LIFO:. no farm is " of fun" to the open-eyed and apes -hearted man, who is willing to be pleased, Objects of interest, curiosity and instruction aarround hint Cir every side. Not a faculty of his mined, not a power of bis body, Viet cannot find eufii.ienb scope and exercise; and Surely it is sn these that hap - pima resides, if their ere is rightly appro, headed and availed of. `!hese things, joined withthe, reeoureea cf hie spiritual nature, makeup the mon.. We see !tow the little child; joya in their dawning ueo ; and is there rosy reason why that joy should cease a}s tbtt ehlltl growls up! le not call k -i meteriasl still *boat it, and at our daily disposal b Ikea it net grow and imicrcaae, and more and more abound os we plArfItte our path through life, if we do eo uuder tires settee of reapoasibiiity, without which no man is in the right enjoy- ment of his manhood 1 The " Bright Ride of Penning Y7 shines front every aide of theeempaase by telae, and gonad it will be for ue if we will lake that etaalwart posey, the broad-faeed sunflower Ae au exemplar, which '" Tarns to itss god when he sets, The aline face Wlaleh It turned when it rode." And, to close the exercises, let rte ell join in ell ging Longfellow's bravo doxology Latus teen be np and doing, With a heart for any fate ; f+ti'l to Maine. still persutuar, Lasts to &Stair and to watt f" Tfooa FOR AI'I'r.s TREES. Apple trees areconstantlytaking up pot- ash from the soli and storing a larger par. tion of it in the wood, eaye the Germantown Te;igtnp1s, end it is for this reason that in cid orchards there is sometimes a dearth in fruitage boeaueo of a scanty supply of this oasential fertilizer available for use. Wnen trees have been deriding for yeare drawing from the natural eupply, of there is no ap- glic;ation, it is not at all surprising that there abould come a time when the avail- able supply is exhausted; not only the pot - Ash, but all other mineral plant food. This is undoubtedly ono iroliflo cause of feiiuro and the decay of trees in old oroherdt. Ae a rale, farmers are averse to cultivating orchards, and at the same time seem to fail. in realisation of the fact that during all the years that pats exhaustion is constantly go- ing an. For the supply of neoessary food to trete there is nothing better nor more natural than ashes, and, unless supplied, a cense of failure may reasonably be antici- pated. Spreading broadcaat brings them where they will be carried to the roots of the trees and become, at once available. A. dressing in aummer while fruit is forming will greatly aid its development, as it seems to have a tpecilic effect in the refreshing process. Tru SEX IN EGGS. A correspondent of the London Jautna r s in reference to the o $orticultu el as r question of sex in eggs t Last winter an old poultry keeper, told me he could distinguish the sex in eggs, I laughed at him, and was none the less skeptical when he told me the following secret : Eggs with the air blad- der on the centre of the crown will produce cockerels ; those with the bladder one side. will produce pullets. The old man was so certain of the truth of this dogma, and his poultry yard so far confirmed it, that I de- termined to make experiments upon it this year. I have done so, registering the egg bladder vertical. or bladder on ono side, and rejecting all in which it was not one or the other, as in some it is only very slightly out of the center. The following is the re- cult. Fifty-eight chickens were hatched, three are dead, eleven are yet too young to decide upontheir sex; of the remaining forty-four, every one has turned out true to the old man's theory., This, of course, may be an accidental coincidence, but I shall certainly try the experiment again. Sou22ors of HoNEY,SVPPLF. Bees will not be diverted from their na- tural pasturages; and the great sources of supply in early fruit blossoms, in bean and clover fields, in the woods, and in the wild flowers of our fields and meadows, must still be our dependence as honey -producing areas for our bees. Bat as food it is most valuable when most required, and supplies from these sources are not always available when most necessary, we must make use, largely and freely, of the materials which our travelers and botanists have placed within our reach.. There are periods in the year when but few of our native plants appear in bloom, and we often gee in very early Spring that bees are tempted from their hives by a lilt! e sun- shine, and mail must have observed' the enjoyment they have m visiting any chance flowers they may find expanded. It is most desirableto cultivate as many early -blooming planta as possible, to meet the anxious Cray.. ing of bees for their naturaltood, HAVE A Peeve nap EVERYTHING, A day or two ago I,vasat a farmer friend's when a break -dote Ie machinery occurred. The hammer arta' screw.driver were called for, and neither could be found. OAC mem- ber of thefamiry hadseeu them in this place,, t th they were not there another, in hat: but now, and itto k a longeearch to bring them to light. Enough time was wasted: in the hunt to Use up et .least half a days work. Eere was a loss - aneotual lose, feria thin ease, time was money, because the machine wee a hired one-thatmigbt.herebeenavoi. ed if there had been a place in which to keep these tools, and the heed of the family had made it a rule to return thein to it, as goon as any one was done using them, Partners, like other men, ought to have some sort of system about theiraffairs, and one cardinal point of the system should be a place for everything, and everything in its piece. This rule should apply to the kitchen also. Often the women of the family spend a good deal of time in hunting for articles that have been mislaid, elmply !because there did not appear to be any partieular place far theca, If there is no place, make one,. and insist ort having the .articles that belong there kept in it; This will save time and temper, and the eonvenience of the plan will nonmetal it to all who give it a trial, Vncle ]Si'hralm's Story, Uncle l phtaine, alt aged colored mac, lsa en nannyod qualities that his habit occasionally "crewing the lat; bow" pardoned him by hie friends. The iabit,' morsover, eofte ovally mote with A rebuke, Cagle Ephraim was setting one everting on a barrel in the grocery store, ;a whieh the village poetoillee is located.. There was a little group in the store. Just as Unek' Ephraim began telling one of hL Atortes a stranger came in, and after asking for his mail. pained to listen. ," Ye see," aai.id Uncle Ephraim, WAS a luau, likely he was a turphatime buyer,. was killed down in de Cntf belt County ands for jilt a dailah and a hahf.--eat was a' tuoney he had wid him, Day wee slat Welded anter hon ; en' Jost s ilo, I slut got but a dollah au' a bah€1' hot him wed R'vVIVAA; anti hit US' a bete' he heaved hie lei' was 'a dans killed uta for a dulleh, died, Article etrao "ea' pert 1. done , tab dem fo' know nnffan' 'bout IID titraeser, breaking man, was killed on the apt, and mat ane of the four thieves was ever caught 1" r evaah to die day, tali.,, "Theca how de they know there were just four of them, and how de they know what the turpentine man's last words were 1 ' llat's do question, nth 3" "' Look here t You say that nobody saw t e Crime, and the theives bevel:et hems caught, and the turpentine Ulan was killed on the spot., Now who revealed all these interesting iletaili tient you have been tell- s ye,n " How -how's I gwine ter know, nab, when do law itse'f don't know, rah ?" " Well, when people don't know things," Said the stranger, " they shouldn't attempt to tell thorn," With that he left the atone. " It am mighty qu'ah," said. Unele EAU - rains, rising from hie seat on the barrel after a minute's total silence, "" wot a heap ob unejjieated puseons dey is gettin' roue dese pahts now' days I" tr moralts, NT'. �9 a41 fa Jet nard'rere, an'Ai who did it." .R Yon say," in, " that the turpe Renovating Horses. A month to grass will work a wondrous ohmage with a horse whith is feverish and getting stocked. We used to turn our horses out, at night, and keep them in the stable, if not at work, during the daytime. They would renew themselves in this way. And the run to the grass Wag just' enough laxative to purify the blood and take all the fever out of them. When a horse is kept on dry food and fed grain for more than a year, without change, the grain does not seem to have the effect in sustaining the system that it does after eating grass. The change is in the lack at complete digestion and as- similation. The stomach becomes more or lees inflamed and congested and the food passes through ib and is not absorb- ed and made into new blood. There is no sort of economy in this sort of man- agement, as food is wasted, and the horse is not benefited. Increasing the amount of grain will not remedy the trouble, as the horse has too much already. Any horse should have a rest of a few days when first turned to grass, but after it has be. come used to the new diet it may be worked carefully, It should be driven slowly, for it will heat up rapidly, and. as it cannot get rid of the water in its aye tem by evaporation fast enough, it will sweat profusely. If it did nee, it would die. The horse, fed grain, and full of fever and congestion, has no water in its body, comparatively, and of course it Can stand harder image. The truth is, cows and all animals would freeze in winter if they were in the same physical condition they are in summer -when fed on grass. While this is true, it is nevertheless a nee eessity that all animals ehoull have this re newel which the succulent foods of summer bring about so well. The city man, who cannot spare his team, wisely buys bunches of clover or green rYe for his horses and this acts as an antidote to remove fever, and helps a little. In this way the city horses are made to do service longer than if entire- ly deprived of green food. Nerviline. What is it? Nerviline is a comtination of the mos powerful pain relieving substances known, Nerviline is not a nostrum, but a prepare tion which has received from members of the medical profession, clergymen, the press, and others moat enthusiastic endorsation. If sufferingfrom pain of any kind, external or local, give Nerviline a trial. Nerviline cures toothache, amps, neuralgia, and al- most instantly. Trial bottles 10 cents, Large bottles 25 cents, at druggists and sealers everywhere. A parrot owned in a suburb of Chicago hangs out in front of its owner's house. Whenever a young lacy and her beau are passing ib shouts, "'Papa 1 papa 1" *cattier Wisdom. The melees in such matters may always &ad yrfierewithal to amuse themselves In watolriog the hut tinct shown in the every -day prooeedin's of the birds acid animals %r.eund us, as, they provide against impending ohangea in the weather, It is proverlial that pigs see the wind. These creatures be. come reetlees, and prepare their beds of straw before a severe storm, some hours earlier than human organs are aware of its approach. A careful observer, the author of " vsrild Sports of the Highlanda," says that ducks go oat to the grass -fields to watch for the snails which they know will be fovea before the coming shower. The field -mouse eover3 up her hole in due bene before the Betting in of coidweather. "Fish have the strongest instinct with re- gard to the chungea of tee weather, refusing obstinately to rine at the most tempting baits or fires when ebonds charged with thunder or rain are passing through the air. Indeed, moat birds and animals have a Join: galer fore -knowledge of cheeses, shifting their quarters according as the coming rag or the dryness of the , atmosphere warns them. "The grouse foretell the approaching ialea before the most weatberwiise shepherd can do so, by betaking themee.vesto the dry heights, where they it or walk about with erect head" and necks, in a manlier cite different frem their usual ,gala. So tie the woautaut sheep change a their feeding - greyed to the lee aide f"€ the tains. before severs bllaste of wind And rein, "Waruiug of an appreeehieg change lel the weather may tatters 'he taken fron the proceedings of wild fowl an the water, Be. fore changes of wind these birds betake themselves to those spots which will eftord them the best shelter during the cooing eterat. 'Menem your a taruaeh Aar, canstee Zinoaaa BMW* gal oa! 91 et. e costa. or Jodi esti rand tbelr etteedeet is to to w sa oeea a doe OW, earner* Ittomsctt Enters. lest ttacotly mrdietaa, -,t nenggtsta, 40cents. Faee veils flow drat below the ado, got nevem Mei (MOM ttae natnaste, A Scotch paper bat this eiogular edver- emeet a. ' To be let, a beggar's stand, in geed, claatitabis neighborhood, briegieg about thirteen ehilaange ln;r week. Some ted*velli ie reeasired." wen nee ere tablet) su lint Amato, real wallas, e, or or disorder of the Steins.„h, arta at orae rad b,^ Min Pr, Carton's at zuseI btIi a 4 !dad rsns4r; * veer Itt:,atiln ver y et happened to any man tliaee Itnnrg of the world, nor ever will, things (wording to his desire, ;grilse° was EMI* eppeeite or PRAYER LIME 01 S;TRANSHIPS EAtre;ora wooer Tsnrrwsas,"- MONTREAai. AND LIVERPOOL. saloon Tieketa, $40:$50, i°00. Return, 439. $00) . €11 , Intermediate, $34; Steerage, VA Apply to it E, DEI UtA.V. Gen'1 tianager. ICustom goose Square. lk101v*ItTE$L, Croute Caseins; eefhool-Seientidaand relic-' A1C Fpatemstar;pht whereby stylish, perfect -13k - 04g garment, are produced. Cotters having' trouble should secure my systems and ensure Weave eureese, Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Shirt system taught separate. A rue change for yyonnZ men to aequtre iurratixa profession, S. 41ORRIGAN, Prop., 442a Vonge Street. Terms on applbeation, MerXhaauts, Butchers and 'racier s Oenerxeiiy, .Se want 4 000D u&li in Yens I;,ralitr to pickup LF SK N8 Qr ua. Cash 44X4isbed oa Satiefaetcry Guaranty. Address, gift Tltne Pax, vermoet. 1!. S. CHWICE FABS FOR SALE IRA L l PARTS Of ANITOBA. DA,Lt'r= week's too R arelnee improved Melaetent >;angoi, tram ERsere Upward*, with inaaare4t*te possession, calf or write to 0. 1. 3L3,CLSa4 ti, 3AC- Arthus's Die*, ,dein et., Winniper,. rntoroaation tarnished free Of charge, .and ttiers as947te4 in rraa.'-iriaeeleation, lt1OITraaT4tfaatcutreartsat€iA at interest, wined Glass it CRURCUS, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. MURANO & SON. 7G Biu; St, 'W., Toronto,: :d THE l:IL'GE.I;Y Cardigan ial rraVolus: ,i Eluetrated - runa. i,,mdiI.:�1!criscopy teniae.[. Address. ATSONI iia^ager, .4ga Ta trir Ta stent. A4A7e. C3r ” ANL* Cutr»�t111;�t.._ Also esteter lists, sem ae! oar^.;«a1-l:»«4 rL1 30 ateresttyree ease .e . CHAS. RQ1t1•11aO'S •i: CO 4 :2 Chart rpt., Ta, Osla, `ecus Debit ou4t "r aai Mile tel been use las t ;ear), wltbpat sareers, In the trratuaent ftefallti, And sail dtseaaars aslsipl; Arra ca. 1- ealtedAmita, lomat vitality, rinsingfa pitetlet,ete. Per sale by an drusen'. r tax er 0 bereft ter cr will he scut by Jp!of price. Pamphlet on apple -Wan. eX MEDICINE CO., Toronto. ung Men SIiFFEIi1Nti fare the Wefts of cob -evil babllt.. result of I r. ranco atoll folly, aim clad then re Ossa alae of o agree exhausted;cn iIsotnt the eIIt is d aunts er over work. and in aadoaceed life feel the consequences 01$0411144/ serail tar and read M. Y. lolionh Treatise en tee Diseases of Men. The book will ho sent sealed to any addres/ on receipt of two a;r. et our,. Address AL V. LLi10:7, Wellington St. F.,, remit*. Oat. Summer's heat debitftatee both nerves and body, and Rear!. !eche, Sleeplessness, N4 r- 'NOUS Prostration, tion, and a "ball -played -out" sensation prow that P.0&&s C zr..ax Coatrolcsn should be used new. This medi- cine roams health to Nerves, Kidneys, Liver, and Bow- els, sand imparts life nntIenergy to the heat prostrated system. Vacations erne vacations, PAINE'S Cr.LEnr Coetrensle is the Incdt cine for this season. It is anion, tide combination of the best tonics, and those wlio use it begirt the het summer days with clear heads, strong nerves, and general good health. P.tx>llr'a Cin rnr Coatrotsxn is sold by all druggists, $i a bottle. Six for See irYELL% RICHaIRDSON & CO, Prop' Isiontreai P,Q. AND IotWeathcr Illviorator CANOES. WM. Cram LiSH, IC•etech ro, Ont. I'tIU INRGeo goy w ,ant,. ACIIINES A GENTS WANTED for the Tmtrove1 Model �3_ Washer and Weather. Price $4 Afetes ti. W DEAN18, 6 Meat e, Toronto, Ont. AGENTS WANTED EVEB.YWIIERE In the Dominion for our acuse- holdSpeofaltiea !Adaress, TAascx Baas,,Toronto,Ont. AGENTS WANTED - " E ACLS" team Washer. Address GEO. D. FERRIS, 57 Cuurcar St, Toronto. isertrssIEDS ALL. $80a weekend ermine e is 0bilftfiftSpaid, Valuable outfit and parttoniare tree. P,O zenag,Augueta,Mafne 11 g'tT bo LOAN Co Farms. Lays st Rates. ell- itodeiay, Qprrespondonee eotioited. Estabirahed l$ Di�D' 72 King et h., Toronto t' LE.AcT*ER BELTING. Mos VALUA IN THE DOMINION 1 D . E. PITON & C0„ Makers. 70Xing Street East, Toronto. Send for Pnce List and Discounts, SELF-THRiADiNG NEEDLES.ev vel; out k Instant! threaded without passing thread through the eye 4 Agents coin money selling them, Sample packet bt mail 150, dozen packets 8:-00.. Whitton lllairrraetnring Co., Toronto, Ont. d ( UELP111 IIIrslness College, Gtr, errr, Corr Thfs poptlar Institution, now in -its 1fh year, ie do'ng a grand wore for the Education of young men and womer in those brandies, a knowledge of which is so esse tial to the intelligent and successful management of praotfoat affairs, Its graduates are everywhere Eivrig signal proof of the thoroughness of their tratnan and bearing grateful testimony to the monetary aiue of its course of study. The Fourth Annual Circuloriving Lull information will be mail[[ tree . Address M. MACO08MTOH, Principal. 8 Pn L PAAWPAPPI THE TORONTO SILVER. PLA`C'E~ O aetanuteeturers et the highest grades of -- SILVER PLATED WARES TRADE A ABE. fleeelleeet -FACeenfgsssuuti;- 420 to 426 King St. Walt, TORONTO E, 0, QOODEILUAM, IC. COPP, Manager. Sec, Treas. Soros # PROOF and VainFIRE AND &etogk. Sates atierrprces, GIPAR +number of Secoadhassd . & 4. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works TOWN A119 VIUACEREWSPAPER PW 1,1411E E !rave unexcelled facilities for Ibe SALE oz ENEITANGE of Newel -Pape r atter) We ba Dae cies cent. Satla•Aotton gaa[aoteed, AP we buys now four peel eateblishmORtsfor sale .et Aa bargaip, slid Jona pa:biislzer nesting a partner. 4uxftlar'Y karbil,lrlin8 Company, ,a. Arad 35 Adelaide $t. W., Torooto, Ont. Ti • #. ERP COLLEGE} 1F,LLES#i4LG„ 4100,,,: Iabetng greatly enlared sad improved at a cost of ai egoa-awl •ta.a> . Steres cot in attendance item $ltIrtset C04L'ui3LA ;"i. Nteene. SflCtil- GAN, NEW YORK, VERMONT, an addition to Ontario and Qset•ea R tlnampwed advertent/at moderate rate 'SYail1t'',,Ui e,, Thursday, Sept. $1h.334S..Send tareir.;clars. Adcre,3, REV. W. T. DYER, M.A., I'riw,cipat. "14N40A sthfri'I,'if : CU. -,fearer .Ltue et Steamehlpe, tailing weekly between Montreal amd Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Live accor• dingRtr -sGev Return autd•kaeraor Sada ioand dVIA. mediate. spa ; Round trip tlakets.. EFS Steerage, 1129, &Peed tap t freta, X7,0. For t truer epartic:rt.rs as to 'means r$r[ths, aptly to 11. E. AsVRRAY, General lrfaca<er.1 Cu7.our Rouse Senate. Waln.' . or to the Tsr¢ni Aeeuta In the airieretttTvonisnn3 Uinta. lay. THOMAS URHAMENTAR WROUORT IRON FRRiPC WORKS . end for deids.Ps and pr'.ce S, L onser atar of VI R Soo? flt4Rft. FIR Dt A 1 ,,oarsra Liras lYxFs1■a'T.. I►,revilh !"airing to obtain a Baaineat I dnes,tiaa, ct bM 3 preectteottoShortttand *u4T pawn tenBRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS 00t Amadei Yong. street. Toronto, aMors. etc., Address G. O'IJI:A. socteturr 8. 2b$ Yenta Street, The Cheapest Place in Cause, for BAND iRSTAIIMENTS. New and sceond,haad, .hent; for " BESSON" and "HILiHAni "' Band .t: Ol'Cltesty% MUSIC. REPAIRING or BAND INSTRUMENTS* specialty, Send for Catalogue. SUMMER DISORDERS, WM eh PROVE A0 FATAL TO CHILDREN at this reason of the year, have tuba fought Iargelr by supply log HIGHLY" NI'2RI;IOUS FOOD that THE WE REiTstomach can retain, and that alit SUS- TAIN THE STRENGTH against the d*aan noon the avatom. This tsex ctty what JOHNSTON'S JisiNsTnNS FLUID BEEF CLAIMS wise and to do. The MOST DELICATE INFANT or IN VALID cur TARE I`Cand Tli01totior i- DIGE I S1 T and WONDERFUL , O. DER FI1LSTRENGTH thoutand•, it Is EASILY P1RPAD P ATABLE HIGHLY 1itITRITTOVS,iencaof READILY DIGESTED and the best food for young or old during the hot weather. FOB BEEF Barnum Wire & Iron Works, Windsor, Ont. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. FENCE Made from, 346 Steel Rods, with Heavy;Iron Prame and Iron Foundation, We are offering the Fence at ex- ceptionally low prices. Iron Fence Cresting. Stable Fittings, and all kinds of Iron and Brass {cork. HEAD OF10E CAPITAL AND FUNDS NOW OFFER $5,000.000. , • • 18 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO, ONT, A IIOM.E COMPANY, ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1871. To this date, October 81, 1887, there has been returned : To the heirs of Policy -holders (death claims) 5649,249 00 To the hold.rs of matured Endcwrnent Policies 26,492 03 To 1'0(1y -holders on surrender of Policies 98,656 00 To Policy -holders for Cash Profits (including those allocated and being paid) .. 482,544 02 To holders of Annuity Bonds 16,987 84 Loaned to Policyholders on Security of their Policies 82,264 98 81,808,174 4r Amount over $15,000,000.. PRESIDENT -$ox. Sia W. P. HowLAND, C.B., K.C31.0•. VICIE-PRESIDENTS.--WILLrAax ELLIOTT, Hee ; EDWARD HOOPER, ESQ. J. H. MACDONALD, Managing Director,. 1®'Poffcles Nonforfeltable alter 2 years and Indeteaaable after 8 yesn, Policies in Force over 10,000,