HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-9, Page 4The Exeter .An oeate.
Main,.Street, R.ceter.
LITTLE Ol is better than Blue Ruin
1?ieb.'' Tho former is exhibiting Can-
Wes- ores at Cincinnati: the latter ie
Waiting Canads¢'s gores to the world,
`?'he former bas something substantial
m, shows the latter has not.
Tim 'I`oronto Ulobe`has come to the
oonclusision that "Canadians can hold
*eir own—avid more." Yes. They
have proved that they are able to hold
e heir own against all outside enelaiea.
zsea,against such inside enemies of the
Now that the telobe has dis•
severed the facts perhaps it will see
Elie inutility o ; trying to rein the
zp:eutry of the Comedians.
IT te stated that the parcel post
leas preyed such a great success that
the Br itieh Government is eontemplat-
the Arlt subiaa,bilxty of extending
tate eystere by iutredueireg what
anovru ell t1 'wine payable peinciple.'
Iogdtiries, ere being xxaade of• the Festal
authorities in Ishdis, where the eystern
Bas been in suviceaaful operation for
Teen, should these proee satiefactcry
—Mr. Arthur Hoskins is at present
in the village paying . a -visit to his
friends and relatives.
—Tickets 25 and 35 ots. forthe Sons
a£ England concert on 23rd inst. Re-
served seats at Dr. Lutz's drug store:
—We bad a pleasant call froreiRev.
Father Kelly, of Ofi'a, and the • Rev.
Father Keeley, of Drysdale, on Tues-
—Mr. and Mrs. John, Spadinlan•
have been visiting. friends in Faugal
and St. Thomas and also their son Bd.
at Blenhaw.
—Auctioneers and others. will find.
it to their advantage to get their , sale
bills at this office. Bills printed while
you wait.
—We are sorry to hear of the sev
ere illness of Dir. Geo. J. Siilallaeonlbe
He his laid up with a severe attack ;of
—The Exeter baseball club goes to
Luean to -day to play a watch with the
club of that place. Don't get "done
up. boys.
---fir. G. A. K, McLeod;of this will -
age, was appointed Grand Master of
Veils of Grand Chapter of Royal .Arch
Masons recently.
—Do not forget the grand annlral
excursion under the auspices of the
Exeter Masons, to Sarnia on Just
170, Exeter's cit. ie holiday'.
—hr. Geo. Leathorn who has been
ti reaident, here for some time, left oa
Tuesday morning for London. Our
best wines go with you, George.
—We understtsnd that some person
persons go out shooting patridges
t`ry morning. Ilia is against the law
it is regarded as not improbable that and a. severe pucnisli cent is reeluirad.
the Postmaster -General may make pro.. -The garden party ehiclh tithe to
zAsals fox its iatroduetion in England. be held on the lawn of Mr. Geo.
It is explained that under this system -Salussell, on Tuesday eveuing last, was
the postal otfi.eials not only deliver
Parcels, but undertake, for a small
(ilmnairsion, to colleen any sums which w tau ;{lin:; to give has fell through.
'clay be due for the Articles contained The gentleman who bad charge' of the
'se parcels:. This example is furnished: alilair was not whet be professed #u by
A t.3'adesman, say at Leeds, who wishes so the hand let IUD 61nk
postponed until last evening, ou ac-
count of unfevorable weather.
—The entertainnont which the bond
---Farmers, ova cless, think too little
of a holiday, andrthere is often to much
plodding on the farm.. It would be
better to work harder for sone months
and then takea week of recreation
away from the farm and its anxieties,
than to work more leisurely and never
be unharnessed at all. There is far too
little interchange of ideas between.far-
mers in different districts. Local visite
and gatherings -are useful to a certain
extent but a wider knowledge and
observation is absolutely essential if
the farmer would broaden and enlarge
his ideas, of elsewhere and of life.
c!) ULXi.
Rigs and horses First -Class
* 'Orders left at the liswbsbaw lioree
or at the stable will be promptly attended,
to. TEnns: Thu40N41314-
1i at
Ras Now in: Stock
EWA( AlEri
the Following lanes.
al Vete
to send. a pair of lv.iOtS to a, euatoreer —Tickets f. t S;,ns of England and
WO5L of England Suitinge and
residing at York, and is ancient not, cert for sale l;v N. I►. liurdt•xx atL et• Txntxseringu.
�' ' rttl hotel, t'1", ti�reet,'4. S• and tit !1u•r.h Perm
t gir(x$iala credal, would fill in a folna ,. t > Sceatel Tweed Suitings tinct sera- °LL
a+1 :a{umtala s l.t3a¢lct,e s.nxr. I.e:�erve�l rrauae t'imgs.
giving , the value of the gcizsls, and seats at ler. lentz's dru store: �9rr�n�fnA..
4�"i�i ' ` lee a il`e'a Rie
lticdicated for all Atsvewee of the blood and nee-,
vous e3 stem. LaEhes ,'Brit ea for f, :ee. cess"
V ,'sins ••sthcetw. trial. Mena'llbitw..,coracw.'n .
[tom ;. +v.' Belt and Baspnscry 5$•
Seminal. e
rlOr6 A8 .2: ^..144-`
y manhood, nightly
•O�`�#`iy�i=`�{� ?� n.troicns, '�Fhe 11y 803.''5 tees
rano; rv�t �' €;;v ng a s1°tx t.;¢tarreni oP F iti3;31CR Y.
tr,trta suet .- l.an .t- w'u z c cr eta,
1+s�trnou`. iiuvnveateuoa tk:ArlC` ! Cl Tess".
time:liens on #ile onl"thaw cared of female. di eases. pains in beci ra.:rjl er; h �: a a..d
• !imus. nervous debility. general lneabago, rh. umatcset, pr,relyent,3 zret r�.l- ¢ciatic
disease of the kidneys, spal disease, torpid liver, gout, leucernc�ea, catarrh of - L . biai+ier
senuai exitauatier- samtnal *Missions, astbtnallesr. di5ec5e, dgspepe!ii, ooDatal1? 1i eryRi� .
slay. indigestion, fmpotenoz'.. pil.s, epilogs:^. dumb ague e.7e? dtabetse. bc' d a nze fur
handsomely illustrated boot and ]zealth lournah ,Correspondence atrial coni .:stcet. v^:a-
saltation and electrical treatment free..4gents .maenad everywhere. Pat. gob.
C.urea-Olga anteeel •
Medicated Electric Belt Ce., 0.65pLawn 9%.Wast,Tororlto: Qin 1, ?„
A tive Cu
A Patrate
y� �1, A:::
-VI.L,a �� Tit 6i .h>-T...�.1:V r!�••� .3�+�..-t.. .oi.Na! wM'�, _ R
`2`n .. ! "r , a'si' 13117.445,ra t' . l'«, �e'r. itr2.• s
alt „ lo! H'ai r1 ,1 i i.,. "•:bet F9a112'Pea, •
+ 1� l :•] r Ptwc t0rt'7ha+e:owtr• VrviraNerfvB�
-eeee ofIlroti�aoretf:93,,
" '011" - 3 .1",:,31.9'.,Ls.rw ,E ..�' J 3T...� :t\fC="
wee ars breese eeee tram *z n e:iee:ra of nt:Dse s I,1 9ri let iia. Et a ret,z l c; re tor narvome
debllltp.ergarn ve .1me39 ,mss.,:tail9uc r a:3 3 �a, eta.
enserogs or. svmcn $o. S Ftiorr,R b7$! VIIREV.AVart !'r.era. writs,. wont of pSFicron,,
die aegis of 5101,£Te 5Ioa tn. tt'~'e tory, want ea earl safe. xvoth,snce cr COA7arba;ioP,
desire) forsoltt711o, lletlolaneart an fnabllitry. > o .'!': tap ant:enema ria a iaswcalar einbiert,
cows:Aire, dear. - o! «erns. i{it Ui far. 1oa-1 of -m• •rt ry ezeitel'Blity of tt9mpe n seer.
mat+Thiers. F'r 1'41101 ¢n-3 0,114:48,". $ 1 1 t roknh 4- ;' + 1 .ee?4'Q •r capitol, ecce i--•:m;9O-
teiacv, fnnnc¢at! n, e:.. Mvim-4 Czar neer. reipstaria t et iffte t o. -rt, itvyt, ria ford* b
fernnlee a emb:ing, me3er.Che ir, dieter eat t3• +n 3 es ,aro rill va pceme of this terribt-s
laabtt,o�d•Pr u9rsln-eneencly o lair i, In al r ' ..
tha c -29%10i ata farce having hes 2:1
ttmeton,-very Inneuca wan119 c se creenee ;-.• .9 v:4,.tre.mael tt o eu rmta.ztiesr.
of tsetse atyine aS r. : °t? s p i) Q9 , vt Cal r A :t ei ri , . it ' f.'reeu lnolorf ry eg
wasted Arcs shloaa oe-c,o n i Ie9 as'.:. * z yen E4Til..enripornie far the:¢r+;:9osw;.
duties or bnlen an,, trespaiiireimid was tl•a r 5 y- .:ny c" tgn No nalyrca n:i o: c+ll''.atta s
the oRceta of early vivo, n you aro &mien i , see m,' o. t v+'11 ? ✓;moi. fall visor sees
etrenetb. If you ere hrnhea (Yen. i +R, 1*; .nit =orally resin era.:iy inelliicretioP to e
res-a!bof ha:serene°-And fads Scud y^ntr .ia.l *ss SCd id ci ea ln,cremes ter Wit. V. 3.rso:.;3
RkeeatiFn in 11%* ;Pers cis Di3E-044."4 cd ban. f;e,.'tet i:nd anew.) tele,' aiaae-rwat,on.
nit lease all cornmcatCatioaa to W. V. a^,tZ-.l,i75. 41 ;i cel!rfasensa 314,, oroi+te.
A Mu wcut w ssdo :a lila inn kern p3rtaJ 3e, elf ieese eta, HEAL *1474 NU.
MOO end 1Bnglisl
hand it, with the pierced, in at the—The ilrefefaetain e Life insurance Clothe.
P t Otlice. The boots would he die • C '1 t' phi i the I1+►�
OS +llllj'at 3•, ,ir+alet
P, e , t ", nw
livered to the person to whom. they `Silt JoveA. M I.t'lit1N-�:,A i+ Pre•aident e '`,� W.• •' 0,
were thddr„,sed at York cin r4'erillt of the cheapest
k i rsta�cs�tetst to tluctrci��.nuillith All Rade upin the LatestStyle
the axnouut in the form, and pa "aieeutW
would t+ubse(luently be made to the
tradesman at Leeds, Should the pur-
chaser refuse to receive the twat,
they would be returned to the teule'3•
man, who would the required to 1 ay
a smell amount for earlia a and con- + „setae ressen has eet•n tees -eine
�llr. 1Lutvhiras, a.f Pakten, is in At Best Rate::.
town for a th
ftrsr�a man
this eir. lir J. S
ltlt4't¢il;; lelittll¢� au (tit idle =maid
hero to idly, iinhe grain duritag the cow.
int; fall, he havieg re::teil Uw store- ---- •®- ..�—_ �--- ---
house of W. G.
scission, dunk' on the river :rest ofExeter. Ile.
amelia were Atte before they teethl t!y.
Thi.e poetic.' must bas stow t , as r.{.
have game lams and they will be rigid-
ly enforced if the guilty party is
—We had some fine showers of caught.
rain last week.—Sensibke parental can give no par-
-atm James Weeks Is visitingtide of excuse why they permit tueir
° boys and girls to loaf on the streets
especially at nil;hts. The place for
boys and girls who expect to make good
reliable and industrious mea and women
Is • at home at nicht. Streit loafing
very rarely results in useful and success-
ful. lives,
—An exchange gives the following
which we think is a little fishy:—"The
crusade against the bustle has had a
set -back. A• woman recently fell into
Moosehead Lake„ lite., and when she
was landed a five pound trent was
found entangled in her tournure. There
is no reason to doubt, therefore that at
certain crisis a bustle roay become
eminently useful. Its thorough aban-
donment by women should not take
place until all the arguments pro and
can. have been carefully weieshed."
—Fall wheat and barley harvesting
is over.
friends in London,
—Mn John Kuight,of Clin on,spex,t
Sunday in town.
-Fax sings at the Sons of England
enneert on 23rd inst.
—Mr. 3. Leathorn,of London, spent
Sunday with friends here.
--The new oflieers for the Salvation
Army in this place have arrived.
—Mr. Alfred Baily and wife of St.
Thomas is visiting friends in town.
—Mrs. John Leathern is at present
rusticating at the lake shore, Bayfield.
—Mr. Jas. Creech was rusticating
at Wingliam for a few days during the
—Mr. Williams, marble,• cutter, of
Chicago is the guest of..Messrs. Weeks
—Hear Fax at the Sons of England
concert on 23rd inst, in. Drew's opera
—Master Frank Oke, has been visit-
ing in Michigan, arrived home last
-Don't forget to hear Fax in Drew's
Opera Houge• on Thursday evening
23rd inst.
—Wedding . inyitions, New York
styles, neatly and cheaply printed at
—What blowhard is going to get
the big horn at the Drysdale picnic on
lith September
—We,are glad to notice Mr. Jas.
Atkinson is able to be around : again,
after his severe illness.
-Eyerybody come to the great clear-
ing sale of stnmmerDress-Goods, Prints,
Musiins, Laces, Paraeols, Tweeds, Hats,
&c.. Prices .down, down, down.
„'., >t;gq•,. First ;come firsts served.
Eanton .+2 Co..,•
—The announcement is made that a
paper coffin has been invented and put
into the market. A man. may new
build his hawse of paper, eat his dinner
from paper dishes, wipe his face with a
paper handkerchief, buy his.daughter a
paper piano and go to his grave in a
paper coffin. The coffin may be paid
for with a piece of paper and the death
published. on another piece: There are
few things like paper... New is the
time to subscribe. Only 41 eta until
January lst, 1889..
—This is what an:exchange prints:—
"How women, can sit bolt upright and
not change a position, looking neither
to the rig nor: left, duringa sermon
in church: passes the understanding.
A man will sit on a picket fence all
the aftereoon to see a ballmatch but
put him in a church pew:. for three
quarters of an hour and hiewill wobble
all over the seat.” Probably it is the
goose -eggs, flys, fouls and raezle-dazzles
that makes it so interesting he forgets
to -wobble.„; •
v F
ti u
Tots Greatest Mimes 0f
Prion 53.
'rho only catarrh remedy ever offered to tho public on 15 days trial:
a written guarantee given with ea•.h lnot,'u neat, W. T. Bulb w Co,
155 Queen Street wed, Toronto. Out.
Aclina is nada medicine ora diguslini lotion or powder batt, but a Solt sonars,•
tint, Vapor, eaaal . aad plea>tly applied at call hours, times end places,.
Actino No. 2,— tdau
oltly relieves turd thoroughly cures all Throat aro.
Lung dise.aea.
Act natio. S.—Positively cures all diseases of the Eye, Cataract Gran
ulat.a Eye•litis. Inflareed L•`yea, near and far sigbtednusa Tut Zee
Tl:CAran wauL11 CLOuzD.
TAXI ACTLYA 13 SOLD Canna OCR wauTrEg 001.0011724 ON 15 HATE!
raise.. Enelosu stamp for handsomely illustrated boost and health
journal. W. T BAER & CO., VA Queen Street west, Toronto, Out
�ltr3 V
There is a Machine OI callad
T.t r;ember y e mato :fsetnre and aro the sole
x,. cz c he follown ` (ialtice, and that
• , n lotd teemw . source. THEY ARE
• Fee stee, Eel CCA,etpondence
(e -r 1! .tion upon all
.e ::• �� n itt ° kb (::"flee. except for
,....i[ .
Ail goods sent. 8^etnefrom ob erva-
•:e . '.tosser:, lbedichte Co., Toronto, Ont.
turnt ..i e e rode.•, uerationsarewarantodrer.
as,t.ulless. 1de gr pure the following
ease eat.. fee- cc,av-e from tho hair itself;
Medium Brown, Chestnut,
b.orie, Ash or Blondo
e:a .1.1:1 t erepie o: saes when ordering.
iter bottle. Toronto Medicine Co.,
In evd<rirg l lease specify which you require
r7<+a t.cr're to give entire satisfaction.
%, •s 1 ni, r e to the skin the color and freshness
•' u::3der:!:eg5; harmless and cannot bedetected.
1. NO. 0 lremes.wrink es. $S. No. 10: Be-
Lw'- LIve9 k,, ate. $1.25. 1 o.111temoves Flesh
E rams '�n.h. 17O..12 Removes Freckles. -01!25.
o,13' neavesPiraPt"e. 51.25. No. 14 Removes
'.9.1 6:11.,,,E. lc*. 15 Removes Molls. 52. No. 16
•:•a. iovc,s root marks. $2.. No. 17 Removes undue
•':t Ors eon 61.25, No. 15 An absolute unfailing
cecina f sr the retcritiou development or rostoa
eaten of the gait.. u: 51.25. Toronto Medicine Co.
No. 19 is • a combined• internal and external
:rea:tm„nt which speedily develones or restores
lie female bat to the proportiods of voluptuous
i> mare. Is entirely harmless and certain in ro-
%lats. Price O. Toronto Medicine CO. Toronto.
No. 2e A certain cure forLeucorrheea, or Whites,,
Palling oft a womb, Ulcerations Painful Men-•
..iruaeron, "rearing downPains" and all Diseases',
;:nd weaknesses peeullnr to females. Endorsed
the highest medical authorities as an "un-
ina17ec1" remedy. Price 02 per bottle. Toronto
Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont.
Par superior to Ergot. Tansy, Pennyroyal or
Oxide. Endorsed bythe tbonsands of ladieswho
use them MONTHLY. Never fail, Relieve pain,
INSURE REGULARITY PleasantandEffeetual,
Price 52 Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont
Can be cured by using specific No. 22. TMs.won-
derfuh+sale is due to the simple feet that :it does
an that is claimed for it. PF1ee 5l T01:911til
fe[edicipe Co..Torothte. Ot>iy.
i °"
See that barrels, are branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINNE. If not
do not take it as it is only spurious oil they are offeringyou so as to make .
more money out of you. For sale by.bISSETT BROS., Exeter. July -26-88 •
Furniture and Undertaking.
,;,, —GO TO—
oe and Mndrw:
Bed -room and Parlor sites,
Sideboards and Entension Tables,
Lounges and Easy slhairs.
Largest wareroorns in town,
UINDERTAKING, ,outside of the under-
takers' ring, in all its breaches. Open
day and night.
STAND: one door north of eiolson's bank
s Main -street,, Etter.:,
• • Mr Our Stock -of Printing ISM
Stationery, consisting of alle.
gars the leading grades of Plains eUl
far and Fancy ruled and .un-
g ruled papers, Cards and Eli-
l velopes, is most tonnplete.>
Call anclsget prices at tut. ;
AD 7 OOAT E,sv 9