The Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-9, Page 3NEWS OF THE DAY. cesszeheeste. M. Moody, the Evangelist. proposes to hold another eeriest of revival meetines in Montreal and London during the autumn. The Montreal police authorities are tleink- lug of following the example of Toroeto ip taking steps to precieoute, ail portents whoere evading the law against bucket shops.. Col. Otter recommend% to. the Mftitia De- partment that an, obeli* be erected a Lundy's Lew, on vrhich Shall be written the chief facto of the memorable engagement. The big Nova Seotia raft Wati eneeessfully latioched at Two Pavers. The onstruction nt the raft was commenced on the attle of Rehrharso It cootatus three radhOls 'Alper Acta feet of timber. The effielal Prop reperte from Nova Seotia indicate that the drought hes not beee so severely felt en thee previnee aa in Ontario, The condition of the veriooe crops ia told to he fairly fevoweble. Vice -President Venliorne, of the 0.14,1he hats returned to Montreal from an extended trip all over the line. He eeporta that the yield of the crape in the North-Weet will be even larger thee that of last year, Engliela professor of agriculture, who has Arrived at Ottawa en route to the ISTorth- West, amouneea a new ernigretion sehente, bowleg foe ite ohjeet the ;securing for Canada of a desirable Mess of migrantes. Atn largely attended meeLiogofworiing- niea 14 blentreel en haloodey the Domielen Oovernmeot was 'Sailed efOrs te adept the laws affeeting outlet labour awl immure - tion maw prevailing In the United Stetea, The compare, in charge of the preposied rellreed to Edineetoo *Ad NAV, T. axe ouskieg great eiforto to avoid the forfeitere of their charter, and will likely build inky milee of the reed thie temener. les the eleitoity of Montreal the deprede. dew% committeil by the aperrowe have Weaved at beet% a pitch that thefermere the neigh. beetles; routaielholitice have 'heeded them" eelveetegether tate an extermitedien arselety, Zs) p 'onto of the Nordi-Weet Territories Wei% mitieg tbe Goveremeot mut the Cana. diall 1440143 railway to give AU excerelote to English and German newspaper men, se that they can troth%) richeeta of the lead iu horse eat time. The Montreal deputation which recently vialted vedette cities in the flatted Stetee for the purpose of euquirieg into the beat methode of atingle% the teleesrapie and tele. hone wine, reported yeetercley to the City %ea to Weer of the underground coo- k eyete The crop reperte item aU Parte of Ontario, far irate eneettregino, With few exeep. rtona faii wheat has Ism wiuterdeilla, epdog wheat la very lights eud where the earto Wed the atraw la abort; hay fella ler hi4ow the overage, and roisterer% ere auffer• ma the co -mimed drought, a'41Ciat"4,04 The Union Beek of Prevideeee hats covered the MAO and drafte ateleu Piteher. The tug-hoet C'ensray blew up 26 mile above Ky., yesterday. over men were killed. The strike= out an the "Q" road talk o reviviug the boycott uuleee the cempen egreth ee eetthament. A Carson City, Nev.,valid saya it ateted on reliable authority that John Mae. key him disposed el his eablo to deer timid for S11,605.0%10. Passeugera for Caneala new hove their baggage exam:hied, posed eutitoms and elieked to deatinatiou, at the Grand Tenni; depot in Chicago, thereby avoldinn Annoyance or delay at tuoCanitilitut iroutier. The New York Graphie thinlis that it is about time to eatablith a penal celeny in Alaska and to etart in by minding the CM. cage Anarchistthere, A eneciel train On the West Shore road July 9,ranfrom Buffalo to jereey city. 430 miles, ni 9 hours end 23 minutes ; 61 miles were run in 70 minutea. Wm. Lyon'of Wellthorough, Essex Co., N. Y., ha discovered a plumbago mine about a mile and a half from the village, The depoalt is nearly pure. The Sum Gcrattccr fcr 1888 gives Cali. ferrite. a population of over ono million and a half, nearly twice the population of 1880, accordiug to °tibial census, A crazy fanner of Ohio named Ledi was kicked on the head by a horse the other day and knocked senseless. When he came to be Wail AS sane as anybody. but could re- member nothinp of the last fifteen years. The Mormons, through their apents, have contracted for tho purchase of 400,000 acres in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. The Ron= Catholio church will now for the first time have to cope with this immoral and aggra sive heresy. A. rich &mastery of gold waa made at the Lake Superior Rob Company's shaft, seven miles from Ishpeming, 1,116e Saturday. Three hundred pounds of quartz, carrying free gold at the rate of over 66%000 to the ton, was uncovered by one blast. Caterpillar' are doing great harm in Maine towns on the Upper Penobscot. Fences seem to be alive, so thickly are they covered with the wriggling fuzzy things. Orchards have been stripped clean of leaves, and now the worms are taking to the woods and clearing the forest trees of their foli- age. Suit has been begun in the Supreme Court to object about e,00 izettlers in Allen county, Kansas, who have occupied their farms for the last ten or fifteen years. The aide is brought by the Miseouri, Kansas & Texas Railway and. by speculators who have recently bought the lands from the rail- road company. The controversy relates to about 30,000 acres. The railroad company claim that the land was granted it by Congress in 1882. The settlers say the description does not cover the lands in con- troversy. Careful estimates of the Rood losses on the Monongahela river alone from Pitts- burgh to Weston, W. Va.., plcre the amount at $3,000,000. They leave in their trao scenes of desolation and ruin that have never had their oounterpart in the same localities. From Pittsburgh to the mountain witness of Randolph county, West Virginia, towns have been ravaged, manufactories in- undated, boats have been sunk, houses and lumber have been floated off, fields with tlaeir wheat in shook and growieg crops have been devastated, families been driven to the hills for shelter, and, in many in- atences the Begnateletione o yeas of MU end self-denial have been lost in an hour. At the commencement txercioe of the Univerzaity of Celifornia, at San Francisco, June 27, the trustees of what i knewn as the "James Lick Treat," formelly transfer- red to the Beard of Regents of the univereity the Lick Observatory, which now holds the lergest teleseope ha the world. The obser- vatory has been preetieelly completed for 4 moneh or more, bet the formal transfer to the regents of the tfeivereity of California, under Whose eepervieloe it will hereafter he, "wag P°4tPened until this time. Six hun- dred, and ten thousand of the $1,000,000 deeded, by Mr, Lick for this purpoee wee expeedea en the eliservatory and instru- ments, The buildinga proms the summit of MeantHamilton 4 lugh movetsen about :Seventy nelles seutheest of San Fraraeheeo. FOABION. The Pope WSW Atotee that he doe not in- tend leaving thane, King Jobe of Alayaehtlahas offered Resale A coating etatime on the Red Sem gieveu Dimmed colliere at Pont -y -Pride Walee, have etruele fer isseremie in wage. An earthquake sheet; hats been felt at Danafriess Seetiand, hut Ats depose wee done. A French weather prophet hae hem ereut to goal for six Menthe for predieting a cokl July and time of crops, roer bemired Seudanese xebels ettaeked 4 village pear Wady Haifa, god were xe. pulsed with heavy lose. The Madrid police have Aland 3.000 weapous in the broom' of Iterating easpeeted %of plotting a TEWQ1Utien. Deopatehea from the Coetfeent eeport the peevaleo co of ;Orme with beeves relefella. WWI are deetroulog the crepe, The wattles cable compeulee heve wine to an agreement to go the redo at a shillius per word, to go late effeet en August 15. Oe huedred mad fifty native fugltivee were droweed near WatiV Rana at the time id the attack of the Pervieheri en Beet piece, The Nord; G4rman, Ohitiete gay? the Km. parer la coovInced that even eleterioue ware are egniveleat to the bleastege ef • peaeo. * A deirpetch from Loudon *tette that cenvietton le growing that the White Pee la Stanley, and that he le marchiog ou t t relief of Khartoum, netering between Emperor Willi= and King litmobeet hoe been arreeged to take legit In Oetober. The rope elelectii to ite ing held iu Rente. The select eenerelttee of the Heine of Ominous reeetummels oerpetuel Stolidity elealog In helloed, moil the dialog of 117113 at 9 ehieek *a Saturday eights. About metal of the eity of Pert too Peloce Hayti, bee boo deetroyed fee ateiteri by leceudiarke. The Parliemera helm was a:wee, the puhlte buildiuse hum. ed. in a speech at Egeuray d r., Wm. O'Brien Mated thet It Wagi deeheat desire of the Irish to forgive aucl t the lidlierehle put, and to enter on tter and brighter future with Englend. It be been proved that a Pule Stook Ex. bane ieut HQ lees than 500 tele. a to all out% of the world antiouuciug ho death cf L De Lies with the vh. ort of preventing the success of lata new •al Commitaion has been appteluted Sydney, Auteralia, to enquire • aa t whether the introduction of (locale among rialto by Inoculation or otherwiee, or the propageuon o dine= natural to rabbit; for tho purpose of promoting tlicir destruei Mu, woult he aceompanica by danger to numati or animal life." Brune and Kind. There is a saying that "the Ineivcat are the endercst," aud this saying stems to apply to dogs as wall as men. Lest sprhig, in Parise there was reported in the papers a trial in which it was proved that a Sow. foundland dog bad aaved the He of his mite tress, :Madame Brauot. She had beau threatened by a burglar ,who hail entered her house in the night. The dog fiew at the burglar's throat like an enraged. lion; the man succeeded in die, engaging himself, and started down a stair- way, but Patand—that iii the dog's name— followed bine seized him by the coat, and held him until kelp had been summon- ed, when the burglar was placed under ar- rest. " As soon as the affair was over." said Medium Brunet in telling the story, "Patand went quietly and lay clown under the table as if nothing had happened—wbich I don't think, somehow, was much to his credit." This brave dog's portrait appeared in the illustrated papers; it Allowed a handsome, gaol and kindly face. And now another story is told of the same Newfoundland, which illustrates the other side of his char - eater. Madame Brunet poesesses a cat, ecareely yet grown, for which Patand bas an extreme- ly warm affection. One day lass year the cat suddenly disappeared. Petted showed great concern and m en grief. Three days passed by, and he was still inoonsolable. The fourth day Patand also disappeared, and his mistress was beeinning to worry about his absence when, toward evening, he returned with little a/fleet, the cat, in his mouth. Where or how he had found her, no one knows. Love Your Horse, Do you love your horse? You ought to, for the horse is man's best friend among all his durnb beasts. And the hot weather— how are you tempering it to your hones on the farm? Do you spare them all you can? Teams may be seen plowing in the hot -lays of July and August in the same harness they wore during the winter. This is needless and cruel. Use a husk collar. Remove every superfluous strap and band, and let the air circulate around the body. At night, wash away the sweat and dust from the legs and thighs. Let his stable be clean and airy, and give him a liberal bed of straw to lie up. on. He will be grateful. A London bookseller recently received the following order from a steward, who had been entrusted with the task of filling up his master's library shelves In the first place, I want six feet of theology, the same quantity of metaphysics, and near a yard of old civil law in folio." AS YOU VIBE IT. Sea Mosses. Flashing like gems on the silver sand, Dtehed by the waves' unresting hand, Tinting of pearl and the coral's glow, And the mystic: dyea thsh the sea-eymplis know. Shadowy shapes like gathered issieteo Crioasoo, and green, and amettlyet ; Bloesome f foam from the sialeing ;sea, And fraught with a weird mystery. Threadings of gold from the wreeks that fie Hidden e� deep born our mortid eye; And atranda that ereep and glide Like liver% thinga on the eat Bea tide. Iliote of meulderiog treeeuree loet, Dreoehed and tern by the waxes the Willowy taemed ; epraye and waving pinnies, From the stormy path ef Oceen'a teethe. .Relmee of *mg and despairing eat*, Drowned 'math the dia of the wrathful iddee; Pitautorns of sereehe from the hopes that :sleep Sweetly as lest le the hoendteas deep, Etatothora A, leases, :4 &hire 14 your imeginetion is, •efeererritaS enefebed 114 a :frame of nen& • A new thiegfn Buslisud isa walking ettek male hollow, wIth a talshe ie it for teddies eight.or Pine eigar3. • •. " No mandeeter, no fare," is tlaii mottoes. the New yorkgra vibe want to do etevey settle the boletzeil cans he thet totem TIM leet mw 'eigeed by Ketter .riaderl* was one perMitting 3eldier4 of the Geer.de to weer full beeeite imitead ef monetteeltait ooly. • • • . The eterairestien of Mr. lia.rrhion wee leid down in S34 Preuelsee thirty asitande :after 10 waa sent frem•Celceoess end 1* Leeds/re le • o minute, A Spotlit earopomer has mieerteleed that them :are rein and :aerie en the.11100i 4 ' the 431e 43 04 ',the earth, That dark tipetever e left ear of the Man la the MN% then, t be an *Opine. Cellforede chineneen has found a a r the beget and heeilee -*tide are ettree ed auti killed by the electric lighto there them and picialee them ie brandy eap geed -for cold," NI gq% mita Dupont. made it a fixed nue never rmit hie mews to go lute hettlie en an finneeh. Ile held thet eifell geared% 44 WYO.. end *het the better 'the better the after would debt, The ertlinary Kegliele suminer exiii to Wet of "Chico dee &pealed a thuitiler. eerie." Title yeah, says Futiuy Felhe, w vo hied the thunderaterm, at nobody toeedayinaa. tehaveNtell anything ef the three flee The Japenete are IncomIng u fouili el toed. htyleg that la Kdoeu alone ever peeple re kept erepleyed the manufacture of Ingle/ado, hate Japanese and foreign, the animal soles In Mote nenourit to Bummer -Bade Butter, Semmer dairying ealla fpr all the skill wholea dairymen eau being te his aid in neutralizing the inevitable is:Foote of a high temperature. Beat is the moat powerful chemical agent, and decomposes everything that exiate. If the solid maga, rocks and the moat refractory substances are mpitea, reduced to vapor, and their elements forced alien; by beat, how much more readily may aneh complex and Unetable fiuld as milk, er SQ Ohallgeable a IniXriire of fate and V914. tile Adria as butter, resist the effects of thie xtraordinery cheuifeal agent t Moreover theee effects are produeed in very narrew differenees. At 32 Paolid. iee enanges to fluid water; at 212 °L the Reid, which hee the seam properties of a Bait being ineompres- eible by aey for ea that we cee exert, be. mites one of the moat expainsive and eleetic topers, and by 41ittle higher temperature We vaster beeemn 4 gas, which explcdes with tremendous force. Awl the pellets at which theee woriderful malts occur are ex- ceedingly narrow, end corfioed withie the veq ama 1 of 2 Or 3 only each way. Considering then the nature f this weederful three, it it Any mover of surpriae theelo ehould make gimbal in the dairy at this season, Mime not uncommonly the temperature varies 259 to 30P in twenty - icier hours, and the atmosphere and every. thing exposed to it, are sultieeted ton tom- perceture ef 80Q or 900 and even 100Q ; a heat whieh is miffielent to eAnrie AV ran' durrineH1uiI te become acid in a few hours or to mel. haute field, the sole fat of Mak& better C0434, and change the condition of the coganie acidis which are shut up in itand are wattle's., for the eeasieet temperature at whiett their elements fly' asender and form entirely &area menbinationa? And the (Wry:nail has to struggle with this beet— geed eot this Mine, hut the etkeditimt of the ateriOspbere, Wfileh ia emeally ifiheted by it, being chergld with eleariettyattimore orb, threueli ite inguenCe, eherged with an ener. mena teetotal of Ira oxygen in the form of thet zmoao witIve chemical tweet mote, by whish to a few Minutes 4 whole rielryfull of milk may he Uttered our, Cenesqueutlyitt OM se4504 the dairyman ode to exert all hie petienee, foresight, ekill exploitive in meeting the effeete of the high vemperetem end its preeervirag hie milk arid butter feem thern. Where to is even, bite the girt4tc,"r part of the troable le avoid- ; but. where it is net to be procured, the of the dairyman or WQ1444 is indeed and calla for all the eare and atteutiou bat cnn paosIbly be given. Rem with the ase of ice the whole diftfulty is not re. eyed, AA indeed, without Mat OM 44 gaily deegereue enemy is isirelted, This 13 motatnre wWuh when in exam cativo the growth of verioue kinds el maids and miklewe, and time le their growth produce ewe el the very remits welch are thought he traded by the use cif ices Day cold le tiseptie, but meta veld la net; and every Dieu who hat used ice a, refrIgeretor 'Wide Is 'maimed, and left alweya damp, itt melt the dleozreeehle oder, recatetirme Ailed "frowy," het witieli reelly deeerree 1 terra alutdog, and which actotripernes e Welty, greasy feeling alma to every. 4, diet is attauked by One of the lowest of phut growth that tiouriahea damp air, and IS commonly lutowu as Mime apeciee ef algat. Hence the dairyman who hes plenty of ice is not free from trete ble, and must take care that the came phore which he edota by the ice muet alto dried in some way, and that without 4h heatirg. gelehlitne is as intliapentable itt; tho wrier (latex 43 Ice. It is exceedingly aorptive of moment, taklug up oneithird of its weight el it without aci an. Mewl), to a. flee. dry pasyder. A peek or freably learned lirne will thus Aorta nine pounds of water, or the enormoun gnautity of tour quarto and one reelizta what it is to take so much water from the air, Omar and walls of a dairy -room 10 by 12 iheteenare atilt 9 feet high, a3 has been done iu it week, he will hansom° Wee of the value of limo in this respect, in such it dairy -room, I have made the eir ao dry by the use of lame that the cream became leathery, and ventilation to admit soma moisture became requisite. Title appliee to the ahallow pan setting, which is indisputable when there is no ice; awl in it dairy of this kind, operated in the summer the air cannot help but be motet, beeause'the eir admitted by =emery veuth !ellen must neeesserily.contain considerable inoisture. The following table shows the amount of water that nmy be held in sus- pension in the air of it room of the lees men- tioned, or 1,000 cubic feet, at the tempera- tures given, v ; eine of Art Iva that the at. Shwa alopletely nothing in ept a toady flower aud it erhepe it heedful Tem or entence WIWI in freehand Wong horse., at discovered. ritnetater, :a equal to the outing men. The o r get it chance to lifek e tame chicet, he limo la tion- ecimently eticari. lt is mid tlutt wheel° gueat of it mode Coney Mend hotel aepreethea the deek arm coke for hia hilt me proprietor strikes the gong and blandly renierks, "Poen; bring the gentleman an easy chair, a pitcher of iceovater and it fan." The phrase used by the new Severer in referring to himself in kis recent mani- festo to the German array has iterated the tranalators. They home mule it " chief " and "ruler of the army," and it lot of other thiegs, hut have filially decided that the nearest English to it la "lord, of In drilling glasa stick it piece of Miff clay or putty on the pert where you wish to make the hole. Make it hole in the putty the Bias you want the hole, reaching to the glass of course. Into this hole pour it little molten lead, when unlesa it is very thick glees, the piece will immediately drop out. " Take the poorest and most vvratched- looking hamlet en America," says one who has made the tour, "overrun it with dogs nnd beggara, furnish it with fifty thousand rank smile and two dirty hotels, and you. terve something to compare with ono cif the beautiful Italian villagea our people rave about." Abe Buzzerd, the famous Pennsylvania outlaw, is serving a twelve-year term in the Eastern Penitentiary. Last week he fell Mak and sent to his wife to come to him. She had no money and lived 61 miles away, but she walked the entire distance in two days, bringing her twin daughters with her. She made 40 miles of her journey the first day. About two years ago a two.year-old child died at Atlanta Ga. A short time before its death the chlld's hair was trimmed and a curl almost le inches was placed in a box, along with some of the child's playthings and a quantity of flowers that had been placed on the coffin on the day of the funeral. The other day, when the contents of the box were being inspected, the curl was found to have grown over two feet long. Recently a gentleman who was travelling ha Switzerland found a veritable curiosity in a museum fa the little town of Soleure. It was a bird's nest made of imperfect watch springs which had been thrown out of the little watch factories which abound in that district. Some bird considered them excel- lent material of which to construct her nest and with infinite care worked them together into as perfect a structure of the kind as one oould desire to see. At Aix-la-Chapelle there is a newspaper museum, founded by Oscar Von Foroken- beck, which contains files of specimene of more than 17,000 different newspapers in the world, and it is daily receiving copies of the remainder from all quarters of the globe. The great curiosity of the collection es No. 46 of The Texas Democrat, published at Houston on March 11, 1864, when the ex- igencies of war time made it necessary to print it on wall paper. 12 by 9, and thee hatele 1,000 cute° feet of ear, a pound of lime -fresh from the hen er dried let hot *Yen—will take 411 the execiee of moisten out of it, and keep dry enough for two or three weelts, when it ahould be ehaeged for fresh lime. To avoid ventilating in the clay is another eafegaerel ; ventilation ahead. be given only at night, when, the air is cooler arid drier than it is in the day time, aud duriog the day it is advisable to screen the windows from the sunshine, the heat of which passea through glass most readily, while Ore heat will eot. Moreover, the window provided for veetiletiou should he made near' the floor for the ingress of the alt', and at the ceiling or in the ceilleg for the escape of It; the warm air will elwaya riae and make it way for the peel air to new in tst the beam. Resees STreweee. g3IPERINVE. Jeeole Truax, ef Nan Mire, WisoonSial recently heeemee xeemberof thePreldhition Doe sale of liquor on feast days, Memorial, day, Tessalisgosing (ley, aud Cioriseauta day now prOhibired in In Afelaseantettsi. There are now eight inieeion vessele critibingiotheNerth Sea,eech combination of cioureh, chapel, Themerame hall end die- Threefourthes (if the eeloons of Pailedel. phie inive beeo refereed. lienees, and atifl we hear. of too bleodahed and no fdriOne 11134r. teem Prehthition, even la mar Inge e woeld cauto geed deel rf howileg, hat nothing meal woree —tTOe Video. After it meet exchling loeehoption fight th prohlleitionlete of IndeFendtooe.K novas, _arced tee eieettom dupe 23 loy over 200 majority and vilifies the sate of likelier for foRry tem %%remelt and girls worked all dew at the pane hriogius Wooten,. A Rosin phyeicieu nettled Portugeleff declares thet strychnine la an infallible cure far arnelteneesa, 4441;ulatered elabeetene. iiiicetioeto The effect of the etryebeice . thee le to eliange the erevitio. for drink positive avereion, teed the ehetige it day. Atter it treetmeet of or tea days the patient may he 411. barged. The etryelmiee ts adetleistered bY firing oue q414 te 253 drops of waist's and leteetiog tiro dropt ef the eelution every 24 home. Adit 11. Kepley, the editor of an age greaalve little Temperance paper le Paco. ham, Inc zeroth op uew method, of reforming droultarila. Ito her exeriterhige Oren the teWrs she keeps it etuttp leokent for Illett Wile wobble in their gait or give feral other algae of hlaneau in the heed. Them %We a. Sheath she pabliehee the ovum; le him paper ite held feiteil type. Whether ray eenverta tidier way* Owe been elei ed by thin pleat Is nee atmed, but Sirs. Icy bee hewn and! five dollara cola ...leg le the Mack lies the tame of is he claimed that he Wdl 4= drank. T *Toffy Mon Kvolere eallente may he 1 MAU and geed. het the pratersal worioug hereof 4te$33 Psliewheo le the deliverer/at sof the Oen. rat Aenertibly of the Preabyterieu Church lu 'emote on probihnitel, at ito niceties just losed et Ifolifee io-" Twit the Astembly eelerea that the generel tu hoexicat. rag Nemo is eoutrary the ward of Goof nil to the spirit of the eltrietialt religion - het total proldhita it would he the moat ef. cativo form of temperance legitlation ; that t he the hieheet degree thp-Ment that, he State ahould pees au Ohne prolettory ewe and therefore the attembly twee epee 11 the members to use ail tegitimate Menus pearance of midway, aud en y ailing a 32 deg.... . .. ... 213 gr. (nearly I oz) 45 .. ..... ... 310 50 • • • • • • ----409 (nearly 1 oz. 55 540 67 720 (1?; oz.) 77 "••• 1000 (over h c ) 87 1250 (PO oz.) 95 —1716 (3O oz ) Now this table has a most important ap- p*ication to the ventilation of a dairy; some- thing, in fact, which bothers dairymen more than anything else in their business, all of which is aurrounded by mysteries arising frozn occult operations of the physical or chemical laws of matter. Supposing a care- ful dairyman eves into his milk-roem en a warm day, and find a close and disagree- able smell, which really arises from the evaporation from the milk in the pans. The milk is perhaps put in the pees at SO ° of temperature in a dairy at 65 0. The quest of the Imperial Government, who in - warm milk throws off vapor in which there solidest their representatives to obtain ova is a peculiar odor, sometimes called "an- deuce as to the adulteration of cheese in the imal odor," and which is really much like United States by the abstraction of butter (if not precisely the sante) that of the pers- and the substitution of lard, the result being piration from the skin of a cow, and this fills known as "filled cheese." It was then sug- the dairy. The good carefuldsiryman throws gested that possibly the Canadian cheese open the window, saying, "It wants some might be adulteratedsandin consequence of fresh air ;'' but he does not think that the1 the communications between the two Gov - air outside is 90 or 900 of temperature, ernments an analysis was commenced. The and holds 3 or 3e oz. ot water in suspension satisfactory result of the analysis will be per 1,000 cubic teet of it. And so he opens forwarded to the Home Government, the window and as the fresh air pours in and 1 feels 000l, although it is so warm, because it is cooler than his heated face and is in mo- Collars and cuffs for women are now made fi tion, he thinks but wronely, that hole doing of steel lace, as ne as cobweb and in any something useful. The air pours 'in and celea. They withstand, of course, the pours out, and every time it is changed in warmest weather and are winning favor the room it leaves 2 oz. of water (the differ - rapidly ence shown in the table between the =is- "The left foot, please," said a shoe deal- ture of the air at 95 ° and 65 °) on the walls er, as a customer was about to test the size and everything else in the dairy. The next of a pair of shoos by trying one upon bie day the walls are saturated, end if of stone right foot. 1You see," explained the deal- er brick and plaster are trickling with water er, "the left foot ia larger than the right. like a heavy dew. Then the mold appears; Everybody to whom I make thst statement the red fungus which grows in round spots is surprised, for people believe that in case upon the cream in moist air, and the blue of the feet as well as the hands the right is mildew (peneillittnt victucum) throws up its the larger. Observation has convinced me, miniature forest. The dairyman wonders however, that while the right hand is larger and is in despair. All he wants, however, than the left, the left foot is larger than the is a little lime. If the dairy -room is 10 by , right." o aiieure seat legistatien,' Tide la it edict ud, timely deliverene h ft shwa it fell eed latinot entlerameent t f prchibitery legiala. ion, without. any attempt le diereve to the eopie how they Anil ag. If all the Cork. inn churehes firmly and %fleetly take a eirni- ar position in repel to the ehelitien of the Ivor mine, the dey of deliverance win non come. The followlng is the deliveranze of the eglish Preshyterian Synod on the temper- nen finfintiO I r Your committee deeply egret that the Aote of Perliament pleaded. or oy ue and by ma =ay reproonhefives of &alio °pluton have uot yet been obtained, thine thun recagnielng the need for Perna.. neutary o.otion, we do not forget that there even greater need for Improvement in he babies of the people, only to he effected y the form, of levities perauasion. Herein ea a demand on the root and energy ef the burch—(l) to make it very clear that the onsolettee of the Ceureli it properly tender a relation to the sin of intemperance, and 11 culpable aseociation with anything that eaters evil in our midst; (2) to familiarize he people with unknown or neglected utile concerning the dengera attendant on he use of aloholio etiinultnts, and thus to afeguard the yerog and the unwary; (3) to se toward the victiins of the vice Christlike onsicieration, sympathe and self-sacrifiee, o as " to bear the infirmities of the weak, ad not to please ourselves." Analysis of Canadian Cheese. Mr. Menthe.% chief analyst of the In- land Revenue Department, has all but con- cluded his analysts of semples of Canadian cheese, and it is understood that the results will fully demonstrate the purity of the articles. The analysis was made at the re.