HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-9, Page 1• VOL IL The itlelsons Bank EXETER ONT., TI1U SAY AUGUST 9, 1888 easeele NO.. 62 (QFIART' D 8Y PARLtigNT, 7855. ) Pial up Cz;tital. , .... $2,000,000 'Rest Fund' 875,000 Offers the Public 3Pee Creme Ierren- ai3r PER ANNI'*I for money nn DEPOSIT RECEIPTS, AND PEA' CENT. Icerr m? Pae Aenstee For Mouey ilx Suy nis rank Department, f irately Re -opened.) 'For fuller pe ticulets apply at the' :shank, :lain Street, fievtex, OF FIM~ 3O1ty1 ES: -- 1.0 S:- - 1 a. m. to 3 se m , Saturdays, 10 m. to 1• p. rn. A. A. O. DENOVA.N, .Exeter, Jan, 28, "tl8. 'cleanser. Is published every Tharsday moretng, at the dime, Exeter, ftt, w4,!.i•� 4, ^ r, t, Till RI, psi• 31" suIISCRIra:ON't Mlna44ar 4 war :f re; in cdvarla';114) If nettwa paid. Adverts':;? Rates an 4ppfkatlon. No p spec S'.'","11.F.ntr 4 ttut,l In etTi strsres acro paid. hlrertty i a •ttireit u . d:r. i,r,C.will dei. pub'.s9F9• ntrf to '1Cta ra +:Jw �,� i.firnil .tortoni tysi f.Y•r. 3 Lnt a�tu'V r,?. pati in sink) •, tang ,was �,:a t t� d•�, a, iiia ct Jin.. PP,1\;- ONG twrn 3.,1t itw thv £hest s;\ie of tl'•4"art and at r adoral r at. G 0, "11106. UlraTT or.ltrs R ter oadrtrti9a a. reef ede a ens. ere. re *az mat-1444Uco WILLIAM SANDERS, )niter anis >'tiMlasr URN" .C)J.diRU ORY. Vista: Mr." c•'4y i, rt1 - 114 v. 8, F. ttobiur;an, §hmaor �i+ +• sec w, 11 a, m., and 7 p, m.; idabmrith gel" .. w) Alines t"r w"+ , o a.., Jrz,xe • fit... Rev. R. Clement, Vetter. s wr : �inertias, le.E r.. m. and 0.31 j,. eo. t ut bsth w ', • p. tn. PP..ysr meeting Vern ,fey •avruiny 41..Z.UN )(Alii irks. Jail+ r tiGbli►tn. hs5taar. Sun- dayy nf' �r4 a*. ar'1 G.T.r p, in - Sa7.tath cheot. ' v p to 1:77.:!-,.,T ate ,; ,, iamb ' ext n- • at ` `,� leu z 7, i,r.,ldea rtuyer inixenl; lfmaredsy netting a S. ' Pnz.,S nv,ti a it'nelk--IIcc.V7. Lf, licuttn. effete. Smutty.., :_., rt .L rt. err a';;,9 p. m, San,lutlw mhuan, ,v. n. n. S.,nn.r 1 " , prayer meetir*, at ra •tti. 2 h wr )at, r vw p • ,7 i1; Cli;a` nt b o'clock. C`hait Viae" . •it IMMediately after. B1eine a and eth3r Cards. L. 13ILL NGS, 3h taieIta•Xtarr Office over O'Ne'ile, Bank, Exeter,°Qat•. :Citrons Or:dc Gas for paiclese extraction. rn A. AMOS,11, '3 '1 e. 3'J. L,)t C. P„ EnIF:.; L. .1. It t �„ VIM.; 1,. k P .s' S., Glasroc:; 11n , Ed,nrinth tool t.l..a;wr,s ai t'. P. -Ar S., Ontario; t c.:. M ii., Toronto. Night be11 at oface Crediton t Ontario. Juir12,8- tf W..1111011111:ro, M. D.. M. C. P. S. • Ur• aduaa.:vf a'icty I.niccrafty. Mice and resideneo- Domiuian Laboratory. Exeter Ont. June. I)1t. CONVE . OPFrCE-111A1N STREET, Exeter, up stairs, opposite Central Hotel. Side ent- rance on the south—Jamesstreet leading to the Meth odist Church. TAMES ORE, Exeter Ontario, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Sales promptly attended to. and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at .this otnice. 'ENRT EMBER, Licensed Auctioneer for Ray, Stephen, and MoGinivray Townships. Office -- ..M Post-offieo, Crediton. Tff8TELLTAll HOLT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER for 1the Counties of 11idd10sex and Lantbton, and ithe Township of Stephen and Iiay. M1 sales prom- ptly attended to. 'Address all communications to W. .HOLT, Khiva postoflice, Ontario. U. DICKSON, Dm -rider. Solicitor of Supreme . Court, :Notary Public. Conveyancer, Com rnission,r, 3a Money to Loan. OKice-Fanson's Block. Exeter. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, OANADA''S GREAT UT. .eta FAIR 20RONTO a Err. loth. to 2?ncl, Greater S' than ever � P IZB And Special Attractions New Features and Grants Exhibits, The be attractions that moue can secure. For Prize Lists 'send Pregratrineea trel- dresa thre9ecretary. TRII.:S OLOSt AUGUST 16th. '. IT. VTRIIROW, H. r . HILL, President, 'Sec., Totowa: Grand 13eud Tidings. Thi soaual'af steam thresher can be heard. 11-1 fell wheat crop will not average much in this section. Mr. I,, Bra'xnd, of Exeter, who ha.. been camping here for soma days, shot a huge eagle one day recently. There are at present camped here, visitors from London, Parkhill, St. Marys, Mitchell and Exeter. The Exeter Harmonica band spent a weak here. Grand Bend is becoming; quite. a summer resort. L. D. S., extracts teeth without pain' by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the new Anus- thetic out he gums. Makes Gold i'Ulime, and another dautal work the best possible Goes t, Zurich last Thursday in each month. EAST SIDE 01' MAIN STREET, EXETER. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BanomeERS, Solicitors, Conveyancers, alio. Money to Loan at 6% B. V. ELLIOT. . . •e T. ELLSOT. Hay Famerss Mutual Fire Insurance Company. pARTIES DESIRING TO I1ZSG'EE IN THE BEST and cheapest Insurance Company in• the Dominion, can do so by applying personally, or by mail to the undersigned. All applications promptly attended to. • .,Also; agent ler the Wellington t.ompaoy of Guelph. A1so.AU0T10NPER,for the County of Huron. • E. BOSSLN$EUR1, AMT. stnt.•9 87 Suri b, Ont. Offa Sunbeams. Three.>tin; is near over. Some sickness prevails in our neigh- borhood. It is whispered that Madden will compete for the big horn at the 'picnic on 290. 'We guess he will get it. Father Kelly's grand annual reunion picnic will be held in the beautiful grove of Mr. John Dolebay, 9.4, miles east of Limerick on 29th inst. Shorts of all kinds will take %lace, sueh as running, jumping, throwing stone 3c. Ono of the grand attractions will he a contest between the editors of the Exe- ter AirteeVL'8 alit Tines for a silver headed cane. The will also be a large tin horn awarded to the biggest blow- hard on the grounds. This will be the most sensational part oftho proceed- ings. roceed•in; s. Admission, with chalice of a valuable prize 25 ete. Dinner 25 Its. Father Belly and the committee have done everything to make this the grand- est picnic of the season. Dont miss it if you want a good,day's enjoyment. Remember the date August 29th. Everybody go. The late heavy rains caused at great sore foot Blood poisoning is the effuse. This''rrlth the picnic parties made the The sound of the shrill whistle of population warns. the ateaan threasber can be heard every Our enterprising townerean r,tr. H, elate is not ripe as yet, but will be ••be, ° day, Stevens, was united in matrimony tofore"long. Andrew [Valley i i settin; pp bind- Mrs Long, sister el :11 rs .Iorely G� R. Q 'Thompson, formerly of Moore- . era now Ile has invented a new mach- ; the rinion Hotel) on Tituredey 'last, erille, but tate of Fullerton, hos mptrnit •lne for ratehin ; flies and intends hay- The .cere� Tony was p x'fot' ;wed by the ins • it patented. Rea, J. Isi�ingston. 1.....� )hippy to Parkhill and opened up hotel buss- efa. Epizoa.- .-Please tallow me a f onp,le took the ufteeenon terse for th small p 1 bl ICietroit with the best rcishils of r 1 The cattle trade has taken an etrtauge insert the following:._. I heve been tak. circle of friends. tuaza, Farmers from near Kingston afro , fits your paper for seine little thee and The T)ucetors of the Hemet t'entrai shipping cows up to 'mean and ',there - . selling them wholesale and retail. Jr. Franklin ''eil ottere a lot of 25 cows Ly auctiota bale on Wednesday next. deal of.extra labor to fanners. All the fall wheat and barley is 'cut Crediton Briefs, Harvest is just about over in this vicinity. Misses Annie Davis and Jennie Fisher, of Exeter, are the guests of Mrs. Grant. Several weddings on the tapis we hear. Sam seems to have set a good example.. The girls are still lamenting the un- dignified departure of Barney, but will still insist on throwing a halo of ro- mance about him, by claiming that he is .a detective in disguise. Quite an exciting race took place on tnaiaa-street last evening between some men in a buggy, and some women who had been berry picking, and were re- turnine with their load of berries. The women won. Last Tuesday evening the residence of Ma. John Dyer was the scene of a very pleasant gathering, being the oc- casion of the marriaere of his eldest daughter Sadie, to Mr. Samuel Hawk- ins, .of Shipka. There were about 30 young people present. .They spent a very enjoyable evening and did justice to the ample wedding supper. The band serenaded the happy couple on the evening of the wedding. Biddilph Breezes. The threshers have commenced their labour. Fall wheat is not turning out as well as .was orie time expected. nese ere s acti n your vas. ua a paper to . a tee H, 13. xodgins, better known as big Henry, formerly Reeve of I3iddulph, but for.the (est 22 years a resident of the far' 1'4''est,r'lpse to British Columbia has been spending a few weeks visiting his forayer friends and neighbors. I:le speaks well of the far'Veet and looks well after his long sojourn in the prairie province. Centralia Dots, O. Sanders, of Exeter, spent Sunday last with us. The Centralia, people are getting ready for Sarnia on the Yalu th, )ilei Geo. Windsor, of 13rinsley, is the guest of his brother 5. 13. Windsor. Mr. B. Coughlin shipped a car load of cattle last week for the old county markets. John Hodgins who has been back to McGillivray visiting friends,has realm - ed home again. Mr. Jas. Brown, of Lotelon, has Anvov. a n is becoming more pepulnr I for the Pxini14tidrl, `:/hich will every day, I think you have a -first. Place nn Exl 'hition I"alrli,'Clinuten, oft class stalk- of reporters, although Rime Wednesday;, 'Thursday and Friday, people seism to by in a state of pertur- Sept. 19th 20th and 21$b. The pro tuition about some of the items that gram will consist of a grasp opeizina; has appeared in yogi colztnuna. I hweu school chiltlrens t#recession, addresses not seen anytl,t'ne; thero that should not pron►inent nn.nnbers of P'arlinment aznd, be, and ,shat earthly good is fc news• others, band concert,•illurninatiofs,f re• paper if yoe can't get setae news, fun'works, ladle ruling, laity driving, anal puns and j zes out of it. No god ; other attractiana Fasceptionely larges what ever. I have seen notihng `gnom• Prizes will be'.°Wereil. imus in your paper. And if the o is tt A terrible itunde:storrn passed over few iudiscrinanaate, Frac): brained,thick , this towns on Friday evening; They skinned, lantern Jewett people, that chimmnay on the new residence of lir. some of the item has touched ala a.tin-u Jas. NeePvats struck by lightning, der wpot, and they are not pleased; just and shattered to Pieces, a hole being let thew wear their periwig arid some burnt 3zn the reef, ro other damage pull fiat. Give us All the >aeess re. being done. The residence of Mr. T. porters that yon can'zcrape up. L. Pickard, of 1ic•".mtiCsoille,was limens) purgA,Nwsr R ,,n'az:ni. Ito the greened front ii,.11ta,inn;; .4 gemat tv of has lurnliturf' insaw's) Hay Council, eel. This VMS It fill:" brie : huilding being sleeted es a cherek a tew year' The cot'ncil met on Wednesday Aug. p age, by the D. C., and after the Unica 1st. TL" members; all present. 4. o was Gold to Mr. Pickard, who convent reeve in tae chair. Minutes n'i�rte read :; ed it into a aduellila�rhouse and approved. It was moved by Mr. '„ A. McEwan, seconded by Mr. lies*roc):, Hibbert Catches. that the cotleetor be required to deposit been visiting around this vicinity for ti with the reeve on or before September at ort ers. at home bereft -other • of Port •31r� the past week 1 his bond with approved sureties visiting to the amount of twelve thousond da•i N to eta, Lt�ar , fear a sets on vi my cel:et, 3tr, ,,it to 't;ififers. ,T s Daigattp sa io runt, leis as a i;uarranntee for the faithful . Miss Antnie Tllorn, of i'etrolia, is at visitehigaii, b;r: .eturinecl performance of the duties of his office. Present visiting her l;,randtathtee M1. home again looking hale rind 8earty. Moved by Mr. G. McEwen, seconded 1 Richard Speare, of `lrounerty, for a Jiffs hlclllnal;;ey and VI"ilt mud was in town the of nt'r niglatlool;- Drum- by Mr. Hess, that this council, after; £:*tv weeks. Mu:Muhlg the several clauses tap drove " 31 r. John dler. 0f Cromarty, is 3•42. inar after the captain of the bane ball of and wouid recommend the ehangei,'seen travelling eastt`•ard 'aaroumld Eldad club. p � proposed in the Ditches and 1t seta rt'0rmner' any -)note, We, think he has 3?r. John Taxman who was in part- Courses Act of 1t b3, by the P. L. some attraction on the ecntee read. nersluip with Win. Craig mason, hes Surveyor's Association of Ontario. The lt'0 t^eek that Mn Donald 21cliellan,. left the village. Mr, S. Kenny takes reeve was authorized to wive an order who got badly jammed at Ma Wli to's his place. f on the treasurer in favor of N. Moss, barn rising few 'aweks ago, 18 110W Road Commissioner, for work done able tet go without crlatC'les. under his supervision. Moved by illi Mr. John Speare, of Taelwrne, Mau„ is home on a visit Iless, seconded by Mr. McEwen, that lie is a merchant of that the sum of $3,471.45 be levied on the place and has been out there rateable property of the township by ,, about sewn years He speaks; well of rate of 2 is on h dollar for county Izve here gain under ountry, and says ny consideration. purposes ndlegislative o school equiva- ere seems to a Thbekeencompetition lent. $1850 ane mill on the dollar for township purposes and for schools ar}sian between our two merchants at as follows:—S. S. No. 2, $$4715; No. 3, Cromarty. They are both energetic, $350; No. 4, $100; No. 5, $300; No, airing business men, sell cheaply, end 6, $270; No. 7, $1,000; No. 8, $.350; pay good prices for what they buy, although some prophecy that Case is ging to get the lines and Hislop the whip. We indeed feel very sorry to hear of the sad accident which happened to Mrs. Wm. Waeleome, of Cromarty, a few days ago. It appears she was going to milk the cows and in getting over the fence she fell and broke her arm. We might soy she is doing as well as could be expected. We are very sorry to hear that 1t1iss Jenne Speare, of Cromarty, is at pres- ent suffering with a very severe catarrh- al cold in the head. Mr. Miller and Mrs. Stuart, of lowa, fathet• and sister of Mr. Jas. Miller, of Cromarty, is at present visiting him. Miss Parker. of Paisley, is also visiting at the same plaee. Last Friday's storm did great des- traction in some parts of Hibbert tp. Mr. Archd. Graham had two horses killed by lightning and one stunned. The lightning also struck 1Mr. I;VnJ. Butler's hen house and badly shattered it but did not set it on fire. It killed one ben and one duck, the rest were scared off the roost and kicking up a great racket. Mr. Butler heard them and thought some hen roost robber was around but did not discover what had happened until the next morning when he says the lightning had struck the building. Mr. Geo, Leary had a large part of his orchard ' ompietely uprooted and some of the trees were blown clean out over the fenceanto the road. Mr. Jas Campbell and Mr. Jas. Park had the hest part of their bush blown down and the trees hurled in all directions. A great deal more damage was done but, ft+r lack of time, we cannot give it in detail. The people really think it, was a great western cyclone. On Sunday last while 'Me. Samuel Baskerville was driving through Credi- ton his horse took fright and ran away racking the buggy badly. No one was injured. &Tioh Jottings. Harvestingis just about over. The work in the flour 'mill was com- menced Monday The Masonic excursion will be held No, 10, $800; No. 11, $196; No. 12, on August 17th to Sarnia. Quite s'.4300; and that a by-law be passed in accordance herewith. The following Robert Steinbach has returned from account were passed:—J. Lentz work Grimsby Park. While there he visited on road, $6 00; F. Sehuettler do., $2.00; Niagara Falls and several other places. D. Saxe making pipe culvert, $3.25; G. Wagner commissioner on S. B., $76; J. Broderick do., $100.13; H. Rupp team- ing lumber, $17.75; O. Smith making. road through gravel pit, $12.00; 3. Troyer commissioner on centre road, $202.20;; R.Carlisle do,, $232.96; J. Schelter do5205.77; H. Gies do. for N. B., 5103.68; R. Bell lumber, $100; P. Bradley cleaning ditch, $350; J. Mitchel do., $14.00; G. Dinomey gravel, $4.80; A. Mosso do., $4.98; T. Vine do. $5.40; H. Cook do, $4.74. The council adjourned to meet on Saturday, Oct, 27th at 10 a. m. . S. FOSTER, Clerk. number from this vicinity intend going. Master Alfred Motz and W. Baker have returned from Brussels were they have been spending their summer hell- days. blidays. Last Tuesday Mrs: A. Moritz and family left for Detroit where Mr. A. Moritz has bought a fano. We regret their departure as they were good citi- zens. We wish them success. Next Friday night a meeting will be held in the town hall to discuss fire protection. That is what this town is in want of at present. When a fire breaks out the old engine is left stand- ing in the engine room and pails are used to convey water to the flames. This is what every one should have and be interested in. Messrs. Samuel Hauch and Geo. E. Buchanan have been successful in the late examinations. Sam Hauch hav- ing passed his second class certificate examination and Geo E. Buchanan his examination for entrance to the High School Geo. having received the 3rd highest marks in the county. Both are of this village. VTi inohelsei Eohues. miss Gregory,of Exeter, is the guest of Miss Robinson. Miss Dempsey, school teacher is the guest of Mr. Jones. Miss Aggie Harrison is back again. Bachelor Bill will smile. Master Franklin Delbridge has a The Big Town of Clinton. Two weddings are expected in town this week. Ex• -Magor Hodgins, of London was in town last week. Mrs. Rowels,of Toronto, is spending her holidays in town. The quarterly services of the Ratten- berry st. Methodist church will be held on Sunday next. - Mr. Chas Carter of this place, has purchased a farm in the Algoma dis- trict to which he will remove shortly. The officers and teachers of the Rat- tenberry St, Sabbath School pieniced at Bayfield on Friday last. Civic holi- day:. On Thursday, civic ho4ay,the town was almost deserted. 146 tickets were sold for Toronto, and a large number to Landon, Detroit and other points. •