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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-2, Page 8
V A*TA, It 1:1, 11C. .LA. New U&t e Treatment Tor the stare o- ' Qttarerkr, Catarr- cloern.ess and Hey Fever. The Wer.n't"ope ttesprovedt{rat ties,• diseases are i i n4sr�;wsasit�es the ince l ung membrane cf aiea eePer aaa Pe•saresandeasteehlan tubes. The emits' `eat erieetaSts.e iaolala. hoarse and Bode egederee teaao aedtheee authorities cannot. be disputed, ' §e regaler metuod e,f tivatteg these $rseasee las he= 10 apply ea irritant reuvel,v toee;k-lyaand even delta. thee Itteopmg, the deaecate a-aenitneme rn a constant $tate of s•rruition. cussing it no chance to htatend as a net, trsteoAaege eeoaet sent trcateseet not one perinea- tt everlseen roweled. It is, an ehte iacR that %Mew clitte,ees femme be cured by *Ay pp( cµttoa merle encase tieiA mete tat two weeks, for the ireenetir ate most get a shamse to heal More en a Vt. is repeated It is now ser,taycara slew ytr, ,AiKOR E,I1SNVOred. t)ee peers tet is cos crit sed forego dated his Lew treetnie t and sleet, then his remedy ¢.ss corArev.beuset;e�'tvordiaa orrery comatrywit.ere the Edi,:wh larepeeetrie s1eeten. wars effected by irem. *area year* ago ate cares Stitt, (lkere bae'in,r teeeA, urn tetra ash hry �e t3.e�. rime:. t$'Wee d. Oat Igreera+t Met even rare s744 -ea ,Fp grerr4rlore, pre eudie; to vee"roalrstraate.ee#tebtelathey teem neihr.",,e, by reaaed.ce-the plitatioeof trhichthey ere etpa al Vi mcraiet.D Abe xon's remeti9 iseeplied vele ogee in ewe eeeize, and from rine to three rp;phi peat ocseffees a f"J:er mat,e3 teure I1r 114most Parir4t- -Vci CUES. tot: emelt ee theseee:zltea stamp a0 'pay hie stew p1L"S.tege, 3tee a'a loose ie A. R- 101XON n. St,E, aa4 leoei:-gimlet mels , T.rzekts,,t'?ta4'3 be_y,adel erI=e—Iet" g XS QUM rNrl 1a Exc'tt"r,oia the .49th Inst,,, the wife e£ M. Pe;er r ague, aacegittet.. troche and. its great a train open then constitution. The are very feylr old men among the blowers in the green glass: works. w°re ever cosec tAvel e Mormo together, not one (if en the sea, One day prod with Megan, lathed it must: lea the rs," siid they, "rano r:mooting their gannet «oases raaatkiln bundles of them,. Pii,;lt the Sr heads, they esin~ hold csf (eaRcln other"a hands It onanueiaeetl w adiar tlnralu„la .. Firs trace counted steal their parte. °roc gra ialad I aaly ohne, lie aitl(d the rntiter two, ethers sa 011." said they, but AO Mk could arraumel<aiate tanare"Ctegill eetVelt thka way, "yihiut,ing that one of their party road f.'47.111.1,-1 out hand Wocrita,j1s141a thenar later they ti r,13rA Mine FPS PQ iaet'aa FLA Agates rriegve.le,1 to the eanaaxiaeratim , They i0 Vwi'll 121a2140 to 'bind more than thou:,11 eac9a ansae tined, ;.You a4^.4 I -Ord Mot" fi''. rinally our of tiaeaaa aa41n "Drathea"., I have it; W i aei;J take twelve clads of dirt, and e" a�da t�Qncs ftaa laa� no5e an his totem R t1.a Ya oom twelve aur.:'a cal+ Fq iFd e vi 3r 1,e tara!•+l." This plass nanl tote, found t aeln5ehhei twelve air Notice the sign, "Montreal E enea REMOYRD Thomas Dearing has removed to his new steed, ono door north: Dr, Luis's Drug Store, opposite the Getnt- red Iso,, where he will be found, bf faring as usual — BarMS1 xrir ,f' t1 A GOOK 'rooerie$, Y i ECLOTHUft is it Shoes GLASSWARE , &CI Ab ly Puree `:PhDs, torr et* never 'varies. marvel purutr, strewth and nkltela,uaneraess, cer«. •er,:ue.aanicai than. tbeetr,liai,aiy binds. lel inn eet lee sAti: in competition with multitude ot'luw test, short weight int or pineleliate lrzrsuda'rs. Ssfet ee-t+i'v (r as. ROV-'4, DAMN% P(ro)m« O'aa.t i,oG St., N. Y. ''Tha :e}ireeau bo the!~ 'tl,. ale 1I. ioe+•Ite, se retarry of that % a.ai(ert;al:ta et,ti.&intittrt, writes the !.e 204.A. tilt! follov Ile , invitation. which r: rl9 t.;atily €tt<e.elitt•d : Sou,—Tete :rant :A meeting of the ra.dtertan a AU/me i aeo n of Ontario mill bebeshe'd in Shtafteizl,amry Ii:tld, Toren - to, on Thursday, ke I:3e1a of Rvent. Lar. .M than objects of this Loritety are greatly misurltlt!rr taood lay tura public :i t: larz,e, sails .g;o&;41V 1u6t'(eld'e. :wawa loy .real ul©ars la•nst;+11th for the furtherance t.1 their selfish ends, we .lt 111 be pleased to open our doors a t an Ear! fa ce reporter on that occasion. Every fatuity wilt be :worded your i nlaraes1 tutive to thoroughly invest. U. smatters connected with our <,Re,aiutcan and if he finds that we i.urit the partial report of the Coin- Yaaitte:e rn:t Combines, to the House of uuat/um's. your shaper will Le only ae vittg the best interests of the cor- ayiurti: t by fully exposing us to the ♦. wr]4t. In fairness to a large and ;, ;aectahle number of business men, e•ru;it rue, in the meantime, to state twat we know nothiu; of monopolies, trusts oar combinations as these 'terms are generally understood, being simply an. incorporated society to further the progress of our calling upon the lines of all those mutual organizations poss- essing sufficient enterprise and intelli- gence to educate themselves up to the :cull discharge of all the duties connect- ed with their profession. The above appeared in the columns Lf the 'Toronto Emsire iu a recent issue. ONE of the best trades in. the United States is that one of the green glass blowers At their convention in New York last -a-eek President Tomlin said that the average wages of the men. were $25 per week, which is nearly double the average earnings in many skilled trades. The oxen are employed only ten months in the year, and enjoy two months' vacation every year when the greon glass works are closed. The trade is well organized, and their is not much complaint of surplus labor in it; The Drain reason of the high wages of the men is the unhealthfulness of the hips. l.tv an l Quebec Stvr'vl . Calling at Derry. Date et scannas l bdRYt�$.AN;.. • .1114crelloy. May ;:l POLYNESIAN ... June 1 Bahl}'I:41AN... , .'Tineas;-rdat, e 7 IRCASSIAN,,o..,>rtFriday " 11.71 SAI'+rMATI.'1. `.....el`hurp4d y, " 21 PARISIAN 1,N . ,etc POIIis N 1NIaVti, Friday, July G SARDINIAN 1e 112 CIR 'A`tS1AN ... Friday, " 20 S AIL 1. i'.I:1 N . ..Tilurselav, Aug. 2 I'ftINNFig a,N ...Friday " 10 8.ditDINLAN .. Tltul5aay, " 16 CIIte.; SSIa 2,1 ,ntARMATIAN, .. , . 'lrui (1;14, " , [[YY 43-70), i !