HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-2, Page 5tondo Ilaro11 44. Bruce Railway
Northern Uivisiort
GOING 'atrxut--Tans Teer.e,..,,Pess'n'r.
London, depart. —7,46 7,45 41,3.1, 4,25 tsx.
Leman Crossing8.28 5,2.81
Glattdeboye , 8,39; 5.28
twezrtralia. ,
..... 3.46 5.45
EXETER— 8,56 5.51
klensall „.,,,.9,08 809
.]Kipper), . , . 9.14 6.17
i3ruce6eel„ , , . 9.22 6.26
'Clinton,.,,.- 9,40 6,45
Londestr.,rok 10 00 7,03
Myth e— ,10,10 7.12
elnrave, , .,-10,10 7,27
Winglranr,arrive. 10,43 7.45
GOING Sov''uI. P.:ta serf er.
Wintghanedepart, 7.06 leak. 3,40 sex
7.24 4.00
10ytlt,,,..,., ., 7.33 4,13
*deslrnro'7.47 4.25
Cltvtona,r.,.•,. SAW
Br"rceaeld„ .. -. 8.26
Kippen , .... . ,. 5,34
Iletxsa9l , , , ... , ,. 5.41
Centralia ,.,,, . 9.07
Clandeboye.,..,, 9.18
Lu?. ;.. 9.24
Ease Ball.
On Friday lest the baseball match
Lucan, (Irish aline) vs. Exeter, result-
ed in the Exeter club. "doing up" the
Irisin nine i,x etiliigent shape." The
game was ax good one, and was the
roost frieedl ? ever played between the
two clubs, The Leone teats is corn-
Dosed of a gentlemanly lot. of fellows,
and spoke well of the treatment accord-
ed therm et the hands of ,our boys.
Mean Act.
Some evil -disposed person or persons
who hstve no respect for themselves or
repetition of the corumunity in which
they reside, have been amusing them-
selves by throwing stones through the
windows of :sTethodistchmah one arid.
a quarter males west of this village- If
they are. eve caught at the of an ex-
xample should be oracle of them by giv-
ing thema,, few days in the eaolex or a
heavy fine..
Soria of Elexgland Concert,
,Seats will be provxdod for L4dive, End
the Auction Sale to cornnence sharp
ee time each day. 'Remember the
store,oue dear north of the NOW Town,
W. Br4dericic,.• Exeter. Aug,
2nd 1888.
Pennell Preoceeelings..
The council naeeprarsuaart teadjoures
eneut„ at the tawrt hadBxeter~, on.
25th, -1888. AM the medlters
present, Tim minutes of the previous.
meeting were read. turd continued.
Moved by W. G Bissett, reconeled bay
B. Carling,. that the clerk accept the
lowest tender for 3 dor. pails for the
ase of the Fire Department Carried..
Air. ;akar's te"tder for snails,x.85,
being thelowest ryas accepted, on
notion of T ILoCallunr, seetonded
ray T, B. Carling. .else rueron•asl
for an allowance for drain we A,nd'.
street. Mdve d by W. G, Bissett w-
ooded by Te B. Carling. that. 48.004' be
granted bitn.—Qarried. Moved by T
A grend concerts will bre held lrlt•„_, XeCallurn, seconded by T. Carling,.
ire\F'S ales house, on Thursday even- t. ezdecs, be g anted for the follow -
tog, ke ust the 23rd, :under the sus- m suras vim. r—�fr"esley $issett, $37.18
ices PI molrtlt Lodge No. 63, Sons' For„ labor;. I'ined?litba, $22.18 do.a
of England lIeleyalent Society. Mr. 25 4.Q. (oeen , c i7.50 ia $+O faD. v 401.dal*
tunes Far, the it tctI eonliQ mer; ! .Setisdsn,• $56.25 do; S.lalandford$67,-
11 be presort atltl. render a. number 75 dv,. w., west Lott, $2.0. 26,, do.; A l..
of seleeetesl eomie ..ousts- Alm other 13is$ett iz39 25 40,;E Bissett,
atm sing x Anel lttuSiciartll and engemB1188'do . W, Suttn, $10.00 eheeity
d for entre evening" ); nut _for to S. Ford; Jas, Creech, $115 mealssters and dodgem, ra • to tramps; J, Oreeeb, 52,00. ehwrity
e;rat 'Water Emporia—x-0. to Mrs. Clack; - tl, Creech, 00.00 part
Lean, Wat.sr, the great health ret salary; and Wm. Down, $2.5:00 for
ntorer; tf' your system, is out of order etreet watering.—Carnett The clerk
t' init St,
,Leon water and be happy was. irsetrueteel to order 1,500 feet of
Bb, -mut Irma tiognetio rlririeral front three inch eerier plank, the refuse
taatures laboratory, for ulcerated stern- plank of old aide- walks to be sold bl^
Etch and all dieeases of the stomach, for the constable, The steeet at. Presby+.
liver,l ainey and pines, the mast won urian, church to be gravelled to next
arful article ever ollereid to the public, street, and the side walks to Mrs:.
The great Wolverine Alinerel water Ici and Mr. A. Fuke's to be gran-
res Michigan, for Rireurnatismiill ran ellen, moved by Ar, Ca Bissett,
a thoteri, c5.0, aud• see the agent, ' seconded. by T. B. Carling that thin
mon Sct;+•I;ens„ Exeter. corroat edjolzra for two week.,+ -Car•
and Entertainment, rbed, 111. '.1GIl1T Clerk.
Ned Turner end wife of New York,
re here getting up an entertainment
the bandit of this Exeter Cornet
Mrd, to be produced en Aug. 13th
14th at the 'Opera Helve. Mr.
Turner 'wars splendid rec.nutruendst•
tubs front organizations in almost every
pity in the Dominion, under' 'whose
auspices hes has produced these enter-
tammentsi, both as to character, -'
nurth provides. The entortninment
eetrdt evening will consist of aoeia'ty
sketcdrea and farces, bile will be ably
assisted by our best loos! talent.
Don't miss it.
ib•rt,zrut;erst,r rsids farm, bel
4. a„age stn„ i, tt•a
ado -to, or lin.}; enntninin.5 on,.
h-aartreir+rres.rain,t3easnoOtrsfrostExeter. xkaerc
a• xsctk ave sane. ales. MI hahnra bring will
sororad w3tlt /lard Wet acs iicmlork. ?bora is er
volt tb o,to a irta as + b°,t+.re em43.1.: 111,; alx rwarn �r
.v1013'03 et.eater, rats fatoes ata. testa.. It is with,
Fit :Ores quarter auks ri.laraor act a. brick ;.rod
rai3W11 tragi roast • -ito Irroptrtet.r rill' seal 04 e49a+
rera:td, or will at~::'p..t rieingoor town Pr514014X In ex-
stakeEs, For pstiltd,:,rsapFly
alrepo.A. P. al-
geteta asp
• ens •
to Ken& on the
It id,ten tltittre l
bat, l r tlr ilaau;asl,
bee posters
ration. Duret from Exeter to
tacsgovr. Vint Cabin, $18.70, n terra
*92.40. Steerage at laawcst rates. ap-
ply to Capt. (oto. Kt"tnp,l;akeand ocean
8trantship Fire.t' Life 1naurauce agt'n
,t1.1 VOCATI:`C4ticee Barter.
Senna nt-t•
The tai*r, »r. Downie,` of Laical',
preached two very able ntrd impressive
ferntrans on Sundae, to hit is congreg-
ations in the Truitt Memo church.
Ile also delivered : u very interesting
udtlrt'ss to the children in than after-
Garb n Party.
Every :arrangement is lei e, matte
for the gau fen party under the ltus-
Taiees Of the Ladies' A14 of Coven
Presbyterian rian vhwrrcir, to be held on
the beautiful grounde of Mr. Geor;e'.
fsettnevell, on Tuesday evening text,
August 76. A good time is in store
for all who attend.
Voters' Llett.
The voters' list for the village of
Exeter has been issued for the year 18-
88. Xt contains 542 voters, end :100
are qualified to art as Prone A care-
ful examination of still list should be
made, and if any -errors appear therein,
proper steps should at once be taken
to correct it.
We have received from Mr. Wm.
Bryce,. publisher, Toronto, a copy of
"Geoffrey's Victory,” or "The Double
Deception," by Mrs. Georgie Sheldon,
also "The Ironmaster," or r'Love and
Pride," by George Obnet. They are
both excellent works of fiction and
should be read by everybsdy.
On Satimlay t}vening a series of
quoit matches was played between the
North and South Ends. The following
is the score North End, 1st game,And-
arson 10, Davie 11; 2nd game, i`Teil 6,
Huston 5; 3rd gante,Anderson 5,Davie
9., South End, 1st game, Elliott 11,
Sheere 7; 2nd game, Cate 13, Perseus
0;,3rd.game, Parsons 13, Cave 8.
Queer Isn't it.
When it comes to the ears,otcaAome,
merchant that residents., ofthe. town
have purchased goods iii setae other
place, he gets exceedingly; wathy, but
in. nine cases,out of ten:;tho same mer
ehant will patronize a printing .pedlar
from a city, for his eill-heads, note -
heeds, eke.,
ote-he,eds,.ekc., in preference to a home of-
fice, which ,he 'teems full we11. wilt sup
p:y hile.with as good work and just o,s,
Cheap. Queer isn't it that -this class of
ipclividuals make the most noise about.
''buy atitome..and patronize holno in
dustrios," Of course there are except-
ts i
a raso therule;,
1-1 ov e to Advertise.
The following statistics relating to
the was expended annually by various
large Bruns for advertisements may
prove of interest to the advertising
premien of our retders:--stir. Thomas
13t't:rham, of pill notoriety, believes
lyin:self to be the largest advertiser in
tires world. He has whole page aelver-
tise ments running in upwards of 100
newspopere, and his advertising expen-
stns during t8$7 reached very little
short of £60,000. 4100,000 per rue
num is the sum set down by the mak ors
of fears' soap for advertsieg. The
amount expended during the year in
advertising St. Jacobs oil throughout
the world is about £70,000. The
ad ertisiug expenses of the whole' of
the business houses connected with
Warner's Safe Cure are estimated at
£200,000 per annum. The Hop Bit-
ters Company have been spending in
Great Britain alone an average sum of
£16,000 a year in advertising their
speciality. Tho proprietors of the
"Sunlight" soap commenced advertis-
ing that speciality in 1884 with a con-
tract to the value of £25. in three
years from that time they issued 400,-
000 enameled iron plates and show
cards, 12,000,000 handbills and 4.400,-
000 pamphlets.
Three Days Auction Sale.
Clearing Auction Sade at
Broderick's Bankrupt Store.
Exeter, to commence on Thursday
Aug. '2nd : 4:u
, 1888etion Sale
each day at and 8 o'clock p. m. The.
stock.. consists of Groceries, Crockery,
Iiaedsarre,,Dry-Goods, Hats and Caps
.kc.,, ceps The stock is.iiresh” and new,
and:as the subscriber has to give up
'possession of, the storethe Goods
invest go. and will be sold
Without any reserve what-
ever. Whack bang they go!
There will be offered•.at these sales a
choice lot of Dress.,Silksand ins and and a nice lot of Dress Goods
Parasolls, Lace Curtains, All-over
Laces, Embroderies, Oretons, Towling,
Ticingks, Table. corers, Ctoakings,,
Tweeds, Shirtiugs,,Flannels, Table oil
:bath;: Wool shawls'
Velveteens and a
iaiba.assortment of Lace and Dress,
trim.mings'Sc. Arc. Also a choice• lot
of Teas which will be sold in 2, 3'and
5 lb, packages. Big,Ba.rgaius may
be expected as the'suhscr•iber is deter-
,rt,ined,to sell out th:t whole, stock:
itional locals on Editorial Page
IiteGib eny family are CO i
•Only $1 to Sarnia and return o
7th inst.
Fax, the comedian, Drew Ope
se, Aug. 23n1..
—Miss Tilley White, of Sarnia,
iting her ,friends in town.
.,...,., , . t»+_,
t.1 = ...� � -4-1 `t V"1."-1:-"+"-§
MAfl -ST
•Mr, Charles Bailey, of Undone
in town for few days,-
-Iter .i!ether XeT j, of Dila, gave
a a Zrieudlsy call en Friday last,
—Barnwell 5c Pickards are now
showing the latest styles in gents felt
---lllisa Blanche Hodgson, of Teron-
to,is visiting friends in and around the
—Don't firget to hear Tax in Drew's
Opera House on Thursday evening
23rd inst,
--The small boys can be aeon every
morning winding their way northward
to the flax fields.
--A:full assortment of 7. D. King's
e:elebrated Boots, Shoes and Slippers
at Samwell .0 Pickard's.
—Mr. Will Lovett spent Monday at
Parkhill. Will waars to havo left some
attraction behind when leaving there.
Saurtvell d, Pickard has just re-
.eived .a large variety of Wall Papers,
Coiling Decorations, Window Shades
and Curtain Poles.
—The Sit',vation Army Captain,who
has been stationed here for some time,
farewelled en. Sunday evening last.
Other ofiieers will arrive shortly.
—A man advertises to tell foe 50
cts, "how to live withoutr,work." Cl1he
way is to pocket 'the half;'dollars,oftthe
silly fools who may answer suohrantad-
—For letter, beadi3, envelopes, bili
heads, statements and afl kinds of job
work try the. nvoo..Tn office. Prices
reasonable.andlevork first-class. Give
—Ise sure and 'cart, on Samwell Sti
Pickard:and, see their grand display of
Millinery;, including; the latest and
newest New York and England styles
and novelties. ,
-A move has. been made in the
,county of Middlesex for the repeal of
that monstrous and tyrannical meas-
ure, the. Scott: Act. The fight will be
a. very severe one, but victory will
perch on the banner of the Anti's every/..
—The idea of rvtling6 a husband'is all
buncombe, and it can't be done,. You
can- coal; most mets,. ;bribe, some and
govern very few, but this vulgar trick
of^rubbingthe fur the.right; way will
land you in an easy wnner every time
Try it; gently maiden! when yourrti ne
shall come, andthese words will not
have been written 'm vain, for you will
have then learned ,what we. now teach
_oto*v°tv°mariage the .men'?
+• ,.. -, ac,. +la+;{ „S,„ -.X tt'+a•-1- 1,, ,
tine door�yuorth of lae1%'s old spun
NOVICE To, irsterr(EUS,•
I Aro yen CfAtui' edutnigirtnndbrokenofToot*
rest by a siolt claiid suffering and crying wwito
palet of outtinr trout ? If so. sand at onre :rrt,l
��� �1,���1�T $��� ig daA ns 6 ir$x, wsSdOTixNo$a tCr
ata bottle l 1-r o . x •z•
xroa Ciattra tx s'ls mna:0. 1tyvalue Is lnealrn'-
°abia. britlxlrelievethopoorlittlesutreraraznntt°
His Last&Crowning l ifeWork °ciiato , Depend it Nut it, motbers,,there isv ,^
mist o about it. it cures dysentery and filar
Dr. Chase's Third Last and Complete
rums,regulatestltostoannahand bowels. oureo•
1 awiatieabio,soatonstitegams,ratlaeesinIInr.,tnat-•
Becept Book and Household Physician, or etion, anti wives tone and energytotito•,holtr
the pook for the 'Million, contains nearly ,sy tem. nus. Wn srdw s sooxaTjasx turrnr.,
ritt.nxr}'. raL°THItioispieasanttotlietaste.,nnti..
900 pages and sells for 62.25 iu cloth bind- is the T,rosaription .foal aetlisx aldcst anti baste.
Ing and 62.50 in imported oil cloth, Amato ti isfor ..lab, aallfi druggists istls•ttxron til
marble edge, and is justly by him called e►nt rite tcorla0., 1'r1ae:29 coats a bottle..
itThe Crowning Work of My Life." 1
It is the result of over half a century's
observation, study and a aenienco: Yet
this embodiesno compilation of his former
books. IT ISWl.OLaldrA NEW BOOK.
If 30 years ago he could produce a book
that has had a sale of,over fifteen, hundred
:thousand copies„and has matte his name
'familiar in nearly every English-speaking
home in the United States, -Canada. and
thousands of homes in Europe, .Australia.
and South America, what men of a. book
could or would he produce as his Crown-
ing,Life Work, wiTa MORE TRAIT R'ilI rr
iPERIENOE? The boek,itself. answers the
question, and. is -tlie' post' valuable pro-
duction in. the history of book publishing.
�r Unscrupulous and pirating
1 publishers are attempting
to..cope tiffs book by taking portions of it
out and palming it off on the public as
theraomplete work. We own the znanu-
script,- purchased from Dr. Chase's- heirs.
Seethatyou that you get the GENUINE
book; See that it has our name on the
title page and xs copyrighted by us..
Agents Wanted Big.Tenrns!.
Main Office, Detroit, Mich... itelsor,Ont.
Published in both Enclush and Cermaan
P ATE N T.. _:
Ciiiimotsi, Re -mates .. nci Trade -Marks secured
and.all other•patent•causesdnthe Patent
O ibe and :before the.Courts promptly and
carefully, attended to:
Uponareceipt of Mode: on.,Sketch'of In-
vention, .I,make careful examination, and
advise.asto patentability Wee of charge.
• FEns MoDEnaTs, and I nxake,No charge
unless patent is secured Information,
advice and special refrences sent on'rapp;i
R. .LITTELL, Washington; D. C.
Amuse. Yourself
and friends,. by
hunting out famil-
ami.l_ia .• faces, in: the
view of the-proces-
he-p9roces-sion taken: by
An 8k10 Photegrapliie. view for..
25. cents. Everybody should have fa*
First=OJtss Horses and'Rigs. ,
Special. Rates with: Commer--
ci L Ment,
rdet^s left: at . BISSETT; EROS"<'.
Hardware Store; ,will'reeeive:.
prompt: attention..