HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-2, Page 4Ike Exeter A= l uOcate 'WILLIAM SANDERS, Lrpiwi Axle POTOAsrtlr t. Q'R".P; 't - 4‘14044 Street, .74teto T R'e1.AY,, 2lid, 1888. TAM "American party" is to meet in cony intion at Washington oa the 14th of August, to nominate a cauidato- for the Pxesidency and Vice -Presidency re- '~ e-speetivelee of dm 'United States. Its platform includes the exelheiou of Communists, Socialists,eknarehlets, Nihilists, criminate and paupers "from. naturalization as American citizens:°' and proclaims "no interference wiith. the vetted rights of foreigner's"; ibr would also make "a continued residence of fourteen year an indispensable re- quisite foizens;big " We are afraid the A".American party'' --so called ---has rot much ehataee of making even as a pectaable a ppeerance at tho pollee Tun following is a conipletca list of the I'residelatiaxl canditaates as compiled by the Washington Critic: a.?t'nlocra. tic. PeesideutGroxer Olevelaad, of mew York;1i`ietePresident, Allen G. Thurman, .of.Oleioi*lteptlblicran,- ''iet?si- deat•,,Benjamin. Harriso,, et Indiana; Nice -President, Levi R Morton, of New Yore;. Prohibition,—President Clinton B. Fisk, of New Jersey, Vice- ,resident John A,. Brook of Missour Inion L; bog,-lr'resident,: A. ,T. Stree ter of I1liuois;,Vict<"Presidalnt, Chas, lzinp,;h:,re, of Arkaauaaas, Unite -:,r -sis.ieut, Robt. l . Cowdreee Vice -President„ W. H. T. taf Eausne. Industrial Re- east, Albert E. Redstone, !forma; V 1ceel'resident, John Eames. Equal, right. -A- lva .t3,. Lockwood, lain„ ton;1 ice"President,Albert' Love, of Pennsylvania, —Harvesting in thi•e section is being rapidly proceeded with. The crops are very fail. —Wedding inyitions,. New York styles, neatly and, eheeply printed at AAYOC&T>a ofdce --Mr. W. B. Harrison_ meow arrison has. the Editor's chair Qf rho SG Mar's. Argus: Suceese Billy, —Now is the time to subsciba for the Are ocaaTs. Forty cents pays for, it until the end pf the year. -t1, fine lot of 'English and ;Scotch Tweeds for gents suits. Perfect fit guarantied, .at ,Sarpweil dr Pickard. M a Jes.'ties; ;ISA.; ea on Saturday With O. carload ot 4ne cattle for the Bnrepean markets, .Bois voyage, Reserved seat tickets for Sema ,of England concert will be for sale at 1.?i.. .Butz's Drug Store on Monday nut. •-A i Itutian Minstrel Band struck town on Tuesday:, lot woe composed of two}ftalzans, haled -organ and mors - key. -ala number of Lteyelists passed thron;h town during the week. They brave been touring through Western uteri% Auctioneers and others will And it advantage to get their sale this. oftlee. BIM printed while I. Bowman and Alex Do left Glasgow on Saturday, 28th inst. for home, They will arrive here 3,e Wf neschty. Do' not forget the grand annual 3L1 udder the auspacee of the Masons, to Sarnia; ora August 17th Exeter's: civic holiday. wonder who those two dudes n London, who were here evening, prenionatliog with W¢have enough QQ lr`3w l, of this Assoeiatien that the. I'ubiio Schools do not receive the share of Legislative aid to which their iinpor tante entitles them. 11. That the Honorable the, Minister of Education be requested to secure an,, increase. d Legislative Grant to the Public Schools al, each municipality he so attended that it shall be apportioned upon the basis of average attencian a of only those pupils who shall have attended the full 100 days per annum; that the necessary egiipnwnt .of each sehool have sa first claim upon the grant to that icbooi, upon the written order of the ' Iusppecter. tie . r7 D1CATE0 t .ECTR E NTe>iA'rctecr ter n?! Alrsr tics of Ono r7lo„ ri nIIA per. ryas Ec: -:i a hall a ).;21‘t 1...;11 for Leas 0 ron1- �a aa7e• title FrnA..yq+1jta::a xVAG23,ce:Aali2iH(i, #i, 1L AE.+i ri qle S:FP. 4 Ca +"'.'�'r „ '�°n1.. --R - ` 4 ? *'C711tLS'tt UAP-R.-tFS,,�• �.T �a3•�°w lLpr P lu3H;i �111+1a •5`. 7l• tee ?A4 Rlh ..a.ilt,�! )40.1katl Aa.,ai,.. 1 F. viae Cady ; nofisincoe a t Peat! "no as lra.Zt -:.. eslr r gigetr e• ) T trl�tt.r. a.cuil.-s.e . HUn etelt 4t .on•- ttr.� 0O10.to. Q ll ,fie irPoue 4!in40 tumid. r! 1 ra,uU cls a 7,�es Fain a f s� ...il y 1;.0.11•p•l 4iL I.. Iaerra]]a ztAntaty. F,enerai Aiebziin•, 3sixoi+ani, ea ai,-a -:aM? ,..3'S:- ra ;7:tLfi].z frl.i,:rtag 44$. 460 of rl=o kirlue' ; weal clisenr-4, tenet .!V- r. t;^A to I w+eaa,i I. a•untu-R.A '- '. M ar:rleri. ee+siaa43 oxanaustion. eszarual Kwi<eions, A♦e tter nierar 14 �e, ds s r� $ s, cnI t t .' 4 09,.ir q . !a . Andigesiion, tuAvete:. v.. pith •epRer:. A"unr:i ni uA+ •z :i limb "rR-a ;S .I, tic aaandeeme Allnstratt i book cozy bralth 3ia4 ^-•-1- (^rA. sprmatuzco-t-1 d t,r r]divr.. z ➢, 1£`de sults:loa m::d.e:eetricaI treorneeuttree..4geniio-eurneitvtr3-I-T:ea„„koS ;:ia...04.av7a Cur Cuarantoe a Medicated Electric Belt Co,. I:''z . POOen St.:Vles;, T0'1411'1% Oevad p. A P4.sitiv Pa; reL :spa and Horses Fire-(." ,as$, 0-Onlera left atthe lnwksbnw or at the stable will be promptly atten to. 'fauns; .Baasosalar r:. tet TOM The 1lalrll£eetaaree Life Insurance' napauy, Toronto of Which the Ilex. TWIN A. Mac ore Lena is Presiclen cheapest aud lleet'to, insure w i i dere, agent, . ,trv:oiceern °Me . 3fr. John 31o1re woe re -1 g a pump at the soap faetory ntly stepped in a barrel or uy ms been: laid otr fee a few ala ye,Ithe removing the skin from hie feet. —We had the pleasure of nwetinl D. Evaws,editur, and proprietor a+t Fr'ertc se Strathroy Age ono evening last week, 11r. E is a very deceaat frllua;, and we hope he will give us n ion visit, next time. errand: Bend with its better fel sunny,end lelre breezes is :eet•iving numerous "outing p artiezewho renitiitr their for a week or ten bays. Among " some wino tint} leafing this week . is! Robt. Sanders end Luther (Pill. —The Band are making nrran;r,• rnents,for a grand two tights ( to ,faits meat, wvhia;b.kriil f fro E42t to Prow's Opera House, about the 13th and 1.113'. inst. The affair it shoultd be lilii rni: patronized, as the baud deserves the support of the people. -Newspapers have become the greet highway of that iuttlligen' which e::. arts a controlling power over our nat- ion, catering the ?very-clayiced of the mincl. A child beginning to rend be- comes delighted with the newspaper because he reads the names of things which Are familiar, and will. progress aecordinglg. that a movement is en foot for the organization, of a Rifle ,Association here, to be composed of Ulembers the Exeter Volunteer Company, Its object will be for the perfectiflg of the members in. getting expert in the skill of handling the rifle and making _ them excellent marksmen. Another motion is on wing to inaugurate monthly drills in the volunteer company so as theyy. Posy obtain a syetenintie knowledge of work they are to performs at camp. We are ninth pleased at such move - mots as:these as it is the only way in which . n ,strictly first-class company can be.kept.up to the standard. Mili- tary mauauvres and knowledge of, the militia should- be oz3e of the main objects for, every citizen. We are creditably heforr.a,edithat our esteemed townsmen,,; Dr Hyndlnan. and D; johns, also othars..oft our prominent; citizens . will take ; part in the rifle association by extending their seeyices in the way of. formation and allowing themselves ,to be. placed, at the,.head, of affairs., We would be pleased to see this the case as we. are confident that if those gentlemen.take this mover- ment in hand, success issure and rill give a permanent help to the associ- ation.. We trust that all citizens will lend a helping hand to the formation of- such, au. organization instead of throwing stumbling blgcks in its way. At, present ,we await further develop- ments of; the scheme, and should we, see; that : the affair will make a move in the right. direction we, will again rofer,to it.in,soine future issue., Briefs:. —Mr, Geo. Hyndman w,as: ru'sticat- irig last week, —11Sr,' Fred Browne is visiting,, his eelntives in. town. —1VIr. jobii.Renton is at presezrtrin. SineeNorthwest, ;on business., ` —Rear Canada's greatestt. comic,, Fax,Drew',s Opera House, 23rd. inst W: 1V.Munro, is, thinking. of ',eking a two nio)3ths.v acation, for his health;. —What has become of oar foot -ball c)lubl Have,, they, GEt{Irown up the A. J.• SNEL fir. y Has Now in i. Stock GOODS the Following Lines. Y Y 'sa �liva�d StiBdk nd Tr'ote5 A9 vekeeel Suit lrnf a and Ti'oueorinos. and Eneelt$1h Worsted kr is dein alctitat freely circulatedCbethee -Be polite to the straan :e:. 12 .he stops.vou on the street and, asks you where, a certain street is te11.im. Go with,hiin, if vpu:•have tine,.end show it tn.him., 1.6 he sales you• what that big.bil,itding mete]] him the. truth about it. Don't tell him that y.oa own it, of that you own anything. Be good to him. He is away from home. A man away from home appreciates politeness in the man who lime in the town. Don't laugh at the stranger. You have not always been smart yourself. Geo. W. Holman hasbeen appoint- ed by the Exeter I. 0. F.,to represent then, at the High Court,. which meats in Toronto on the 9th inst., also the Ontario Teachers', Association which meets in Toronto on the 15th, 16th and 17th inst. •Last year, tivhile in attendance, at the: Teachers' Associ- ation,., Mr. Holmen moved the follow- ing resolutions which were carried. with unanimity:—Whereas a greair•majority of the childrentof this Province depend entirely upon a Public School education, and that the education received in Public Schools forms the basis of; after training, and 'whereas a comparison of His and:. Public School statistics shows.. in. 1385 the Legislativve. Grant to the former to be $1'0.5.1). per pupil, wed Ito the latter $1.IT- per pupil (See pp. 13, 18, 36 and, 37, Report of the 117inister• of Education, 1886) ; also that the grant. to High Schools was 20i% of the total "expenditure, and to, Public Schools not quite 8%, it is the Opinion,of the Public Sahel Sectic ee AGFA. • 1, teeer^9. trig" eseereuniecre4mer alrwromor 4., Atocsra'lr-rdavltl ,,aseata:&aal�ta nm pee e.z.ee €iays,ticolearQdt4', rval�n 4lvari9taA A+r Ata. ') tse4rt,ug s,, inrr 1e44:0rr V144,1 IK.Ee3, etc, O ran. fi-urecr r'lO. }` a'ad1Qa. 10471,0 '3.(3 LTst.;0 ...ia.tn4 t ,ener44y, rturgo. Plaut 0 i-II:Veil- lams w t"f sigh s versaoc tis eoa4,.t, , rev,*ct e, i't ,enev, tozotiIaoro of ronveaaatioaa. ^irAzfai=p7,at1 t Ula le ta, 4a c ai i $siukilr�y tAI j;r t! sn Pnae .t .79 4'n er 1 vc ,illirut " rt„ `.r,.,t , i Ai. 1 -i++ i d i r'-_,ri°=, t'. U14,4 H r v . i l' .; C Y Pili l�C.!A Air ext'' Iia:'.( �. t t ,'9 . r. p. L.3:,,,--1...,•..,,,,6 r , .li r,' c - rt.rti In cset aro ., t of ;a 4 + n ..vg, 7" ], '.?2,..:.:47°.:;,::..14 .,eat ]tr a oilg',•„; is .r., b.strrie edit '- , fr.:ei9 -...,1 an 1,,:". 4Ac t ..l}', A2 I...,rt,• a 4 r .., .9 3. a flk� ' e t cFi::eC�'os s cq t' tr 1.e-".Ri3''.? 7rohaS oft ntr.-m osn n1 .: a. c,cilta t aB .n fl .irt. ?i,! --.•ft stir w Tifton Q:vt' hal '4i^St a:9 t "Jai?q v ryf7e-,r..-.,;e=ra near.. .- '.:. ;:.-„,:c7.•9 anti taon•prur.DariaAlerete of $71' re. as4'Da ez.A Split- tag u ? & G nae t i a 4 ,an8c. * t.",' -'u +neat. z.to.`er t7 it s =t Z l v 3 wige4 A a tee rsb '•: E r r;? 4 8tz3 nuren.0174,.ut ice aft ar4ice4v dune-, tog ra.asnr;G , 2 en utrt,t•94 !-r't➢.,-i a "no. , ria•", No,, .- wsr3arr , . PftG'+n tb a et,oeteeet e.. 3e Fee,: ,:ea ni.vou is +L1 Ty4t r:S7P','cn gC9ri 'F+�¢a C'dii±•'� a6e-,1 to TP g .A mr3 Petaefr 1 a*R a a i fr un "ry aras81ze rartaszo t" xcAi3Ptd-.$,,.<3T 40 �LiT,'i"� ±II'�NA,u.�:,-,12,711:714;7-6-.11-.%44-r';"z4' 4>�eCLre �]5�.i$4.,�'+'A..�.i .1V4F,.�.'fs ".',Z., -,.!..":'!A nes' .0".tut, 01n i Ger �' » .'3 C$ 'S.p . aR.. a rt 1 5„sails liar=1 41...S4,.CC. e:', Al Q111 ct 4v, nr7C]G a. cDr4at VI V. *1,44-tves.. CZ, tmcl4ita lf,111 flf, •4 +oraolOcr• A ,.4n.:a1t1pla tf14,„; .,.1 "l'.43 inn k Pisa a711;;:;e Ciii.74 &'Ailrt"u'dt71'Iz.:,i<. * ERL'tla iAiIG'�'.s %RYELPI ItT STRUME141 P NTAL. SIDLE WIDER ITS INFLUENCE trorr . t a tho potlEo on VI A lamas tr8n sw-h tzstsaatue u W. `.t'.1/0.4 d Q.,. Texaaitar+ Ont. he Greatest Meese xy al ihaAge, Prloa - , $3. TiN R EYE AND LUNG RESTORER tins is nota med;ains Or digustina Wan or powder dal. beta Eelf.f eseri rr atals l'all or.ear,dvs.nEtploo:::ant3y*la liicz5a.ouru.tean.s 3.ilvar40. no No. Z.—woody rcilevca Hca thoroughly tures all Throat tina dincacus. no No, 9.—Pa?3tivcly eurz.sit A'lt eosin of the F.aa.t`ator. t limn 1 l:ye•laaia, 1rulnsn4cai, l yc]s, Lear And far a2blatctenv7 Tar Esu lanATED WItIIe1a CILO!1il'.at. Than Amin& :s sate mnnn orn'm 'mum; QiS11porrtA m 15 rwt4 TAM. Tnclmo cramp for liat:sbutmcly Illustrated bon:: au.1 lacaleh. journal. NV. T. DAMS ti, i10.,155 Queen 1,treci Wcot, TGxento, Out P ANE REA There is a Machine 011 called +G'cll£ i E A $ REPARATIONS. :f.,a r tr,,r most:7 •-:.»:a esisl :axis the role tiralr4 +,. r•+•.rel=,ls=arra .t*s.a4.att:on uuA�t7ttsG n,;6+,I, 1 :7.,u , TSSZY SME •ecriRSALE i.t cCin i]1 f r+n pan ricl Sri me A'ti,.u:ta+ .Arlt:o). lt?.3 t:irtixaci: c.celnt for tL°'..•(i° Irs� „ ll•„r. .: tont, t.et''.'l f:{n. rbs rva. son, T. r I a u%.ifr uu Co., Skit n-ri+.C” , • HAIR 001.Y+. R31«.iC31 • ,nee +t-•a:me 3,]I. t .Iia �, rete ; utoapp • cleti�• 3`sirtcf . ] toMimi n4 alasr= ' 1 `tedri s.,r wx the 31 tx7 7 ss3 ;a t lr ,, rel a 337 a] r -,e, �tu ee 'filtrate Sol -4 amrt e of loll. wL,en maiming.rice, .,� per bothToronto,Torontoxi."Cdlaine Oe., Inc r- ?$ r as p: -t..' srl:ial xe.u. rarituro C::' ill tit -@•a SS .i ,,•. }(1Y+ (•ntin) 14t3,i]Ffant-017... t17�, t,101".an,1t e•n,11nea't uin id .at]rn11tt..lusa 1esztoti.)r,,tcorad. 0 Hove;.. ria es. ti Io. 70 ]3e - <r, i 5 a "1. r o. IL 11 t atr.,s9 Fieail • .'v e1'17 Yy Z. No. i' Iterneres PrevkloA. $345. vo. i Ptni;ove Pir.11,1-r 81.25. No. 1i lae'n tivi+s nen1 41 7..1.).L 3 to Yci Nrolc, a.. tits. 3s a'.o .V.,3tnnnpes minus h o.1F +t r Cx a_tutu nnf4 ling r:,c in lor'Lr.r. i t . ] . i`]2 de oioia •'alt or rester - 'Alan o%ihe:aa.rr i ;, ttoro,.eh l.A?iciuo Oo. FninttStlet.6.:l''erternal rrat-1t n+ s li ea r) t c -ila•llst,, ,,,,cs oz recto es te'I..(a3r 1,,.t. to+tep.t 0C yn,1f-voluatuon n .-te.o I rn'•+:c.' IL 1n c,5 ung. c, tainl'in malts 1�rk.e G5 T.oior io Ii.dinine Qo. Toronto,. I.Tn. 7),1sertn e.c , 'zfor ?,E.t.,o1-rIgne,-or Whites ti'e3iteretthe w4oftii h t; crasni sn.infn1 Palin- tnnro) e 'tic er des.nPalu ' and n.31 Diseases nut Wesentsses rguangrL > tn.nr"os T;ndol;sud y rl' ttutacst I ei,c.al as h,•,•it.AI a, -'+ton '11.001 ino ra7onl•n, Out. trim JR 'sl 3';u^,tia„r;`F• lOW P4.L •roti] oil' 1 on ly T , r n $;Xi tr bottle. Tamil* -s F21. i) »,ur c t , nifTIRY, s'ennyro3'al or, i.,i ,im,,c a ua the �aeaxit7Sl'71! ncli nwbo 11150 f Y r ],. y[, \ r c- f 1 'ire t, tee7reneeo pain,•. ee 1 x :anGT) 1. ri.`'Y l 1ea.;an,ro r.131fteatt7al. rice tee Tosomo Co.','Toronto,Ont '' ' i.. T1 � u , ', c „}c. 21 Tar, u1" «itt b `t� 11t, t,1 (Or: E i o fl,n6,i�,dOei9, 11 7,11 +, { A, r,•Js i0, r, Te.rroutrYt IT rS SU1UFA0TtTitED SOLELY DY KC COLL Baas.), TO,ROMT% See that barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, LA.i2,DIIv'E. If not do ilot take it as it is only spurious oil they are offering you so as to make more money out of you, For sale by BISSETT BROS., Exeter. July -26-88 • Furniture and. Undertaking. —GO TO— owe and. Andrews'. FOR Bed room. and • Parlor nites, Sideboards and ,Entension Tables, li.oi.14ngoe mad lEasy chairs. Largest ware roarta s in. towel.. UNDERTAKING,. outside of the under - talkers' i:ing,.in alt its branches: Open der and night. ST eN'1D: one door ncrtltuf 1tf'nlsn12s t+ttyl • °' 14i itl•5L9'E L,.� 1.1.tet'Crr ' • NOTE HEADS, DELL HE.ADSS, STATEMENTS.:, LETTER HEADSS, COUNTER PADS-,. PARCEL LADEL,S&:. READ AD THIS' 1,,, Otu Stook of.' Printing . •' Stationery, consisting:of all, ' the lea -ding grades of. Plain..' •:; ;' and Pancy.ruled and- urs " ? ruleda Pers Cards and En . - - p I 7 . `� '' vel.op' , is-most;complete, . Call and ,geb prices at • ` e;