The Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-2, Page 3titer-. r NEWS OF THE DAY, tnANADIAZT.. The rival telephone companies In Mont- real 'are having a lively time. ¥any immigrainto in Montreal can find no work and have ne money to keep, them. An nnaucccesetal attempt was made to wreck a train on the Central Ontario rail- way. Lord Stanley cannot visit Kingston to apetethe•1'xoviuciel fair, tie the Toronto date; conflict. Owing to the excessive drought In Ring* Ston private wells have to be supplied from the city hydrants, The coal combine in Montreal bas again advanced the price of .coal, wbioh im expeot-, ed to reach $$ a ton by the fan. The WinniPeg City Council has made a grant of $15,000 for the settlement cf vacant lands in the vicinity of the city.. Sir John Macdonald and Lady Macdonald arrived at Dalhousie, N. Ile on Tuesday night, and wiIl remain for the season. It is expected that between thirty and forty thousand people will visit the Thon. sand Islands during the present season.. The Dominion Government will appeal against the judgment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Coact le the Ayers Custom case. Twenty tone of cotton were shipped yea- terdey from: 1'.ingeton to Shanghais, China, making the sixth ear'load emit Froin that place. Work at the Banff anthracite miaea has been entirely impended. le oQnWIeeiiee of a disagreement with the Canadian Reeifio railway, Owing to the absence of rain in the neighbourhood of .Pittmburg, F:ontenao, the paaturea have felled and the cattle are starving. It ie alleged at Ottawa bast the United latazteabas agreed tooEo laud's proposition regarding a settlement of the Behring'a Sea question, An immense meeting of workingraen was held. in Montreal on Saturday night, at which reaolntfons were passed proteating against pauper Immigration, An order in Connell makes the Season for fly fishing for salmon in the andel lnortiona of the river* et Quebec. Nova Scoria and Newllrunewiek from Feb. 1 to Aug, U. By inanatruatlone received from 1. O. De- paxtn*ent, Ottawa, the regiatretionlee inthe case of lettere interaded for registration should ben prepaid by a aregistratieu etampn only. The Quebec Salvationtata were attacked ley roughs while returning from St, Foye and returned pistol theta for volleys of Monte. aoae anjuries were haflletee onn both sides. The Hudson Bay railway are very en, xions that the present Manitoba Govern• remit should carry out the Norquay railway policy andgaarantee their bonds to that ex- tent of $4,300,000. AMERICAN, Hall to Harlem over the tops of houses, and a double track line from here to Tarrytown. The right of way for the road the entire dim• tanoe ns to be purchased, the existing build. ings, torn down and new ones suited to the new condition of things --stores, warehouses, fiats and factories,—aro to, be erected, the nude walls. and reefs of which will be maaa$ive masonry arches, strong enough to bear the weight of the heaviest trains, Mr. Linsley estimates the total cost of the undertaking at $71,000,Q00, m3EION. l eplorer Rtrton thiake the white Pasha; is Emilia Bey. Sir Moron Maokeezie is abortly to be raised to the peerage. The taking of the Bartle was celebrated throughout Prance on Saaturetay, Emperor William will visit the King of Denmark on his raturn Trona Ruesfa, Mon troops have been erdered . to Zola land, and serious troubles are feared. Ziew Zealand is decreasing her free list and raising some of her present dut3ea.. Dr. Mackenzie's report, accompanied by those of Dra. Krause, Leyden, and iIovell, is expected soon. It is stated that the new.Duebess of Marl- borough is being received very* cordially in London society. Twenty four whites aid- 200 natives were burned to deatb, in the .»beers mine, Kim- berley, in the Cepa. A YOU LIKE IT. warxw IT in DAY. If I could live without thethought of death, Forgetful of time'swaste, the soul's decay, 'would not askfor other joy than breath With light and sound of birds and the sun's ray, I could sit on untronblod,day by day, Watching the grass grow and the wild flowers range From blue to yellow and from red to grey, In natural sequence as tbeseasons change.. I could afford to wait but for the hurt Of thie dull tick of time which chides my earl But now 1 dare not sit with loins engirt And staff unliftaed, for death stands too near. I must, be up and doing, aye, each minute Tye grave gives time for rest when we are la it. The alleged rapture between Emperor William and his another is emphatiealiy eon* tradieted from Berlin. Peat -our lam just reootrkxxnended that all doge not held by string on the atreeta oI Retie be killed by the pollee. Col. Sir Francis 13e Winters bellows. that the White Pasha who hiss arrived at .Bahr- el•tUazel im Renry bL Stanley. Oardieel Manning was eighty years of age on Sunday last, and looked as well and ha as atronp as ten years ago,. Emperor William lase agreed to the pro* posed that his mother shell bear the titles at eepre se dad Qom Fsedva:lcle. Advices from India say the crop prospects are improved, and that AS the drought has eemsed fawiee is no longer feared. The Monitan Government will shortly take measures to compel theme of the BIM* Sian language in the Baltic b'rovincea. The Journal rfe $e. ?dere/fere says it is aati.sfedwith the matinsphoney of Emperor' William, as outlined in his mpeeoh to the tlexmen reicbatag, An undoubted ease of real Asiatic cholera is reported at Pittsburg. Eighty-nine Catholic priests of Chicago migned the petition caking khat the salaone bo closed on. Sunday. The great iron lock -out in Pittsburg is virtually at an end, and a general resump- tion of the milts is expectod. Mr. A. 3. Streator, the nominee of the Union Labour party of the United States, has accepted the nomination. It is reported that the Canadian Pacffio railway hue purchased the Duluth, South Shore, and Atlantic railway. The Committee of the whole of the. U. S. House of Representatives has refused to strike wool from tbe free list, Several oaths of smallpox have been die. covered in Buffalo, and grave fears aro en- tertained that the disease will spread. The Topeka Capitol eatimates that Kan- sas ham saved not less than $12,000,000 since her prohibitory law wont ,into effect. John Zachar, the Racine faster, after ab- staining from food for 53 days, hoe been in. duced to eat, and will probably soon regain. his strength. The Southern train on the' Virginia Mid- land railway went through a trestle near Alexandria, Va. Five persons were killed and twenty-five injured, some of them very seriously. George Matzinger, who was responsible for the Haymarket riot' in Chicago, and who was the confidential friend of the man that threw the bomb, died a few days ago in an insane asylum. May is an unwholesome month in Atlanta, Ga., on account of the alianthna trees. When they are in full bloom the flowers act as poi. son to adults or children having any kind of membranous trouble. - A fire broke ,out in Alpena, Mich., the other evening, which destroyed two hun- dred houses and left one thousand persons homeless. Two women and two children were burned to death. The heirs of William Penn, in London, have entered a claim for possession of one of tTie public squares in Easton, Pa., on the grounds that the terms of the originai•gift were not complied with.: Blondin, who oroased Niagara river below the falls, on 'a tight rope, 27 years ago. has reappeared at Staten Island, New -York,. and performs all manner of evolutions on the rope with his old-time agility. The Chicago police made a raid on some Anarchists who were engaged in a conspir- acy to avenge the execution of their fellows last year. A number of bombs were discov- ered, and three arrests were made. • Under tbe provisions of the United States alien labour law, 60 Canadian labourerswho were employed by the Grand Trunk railway on the American side of the St. Clair river are no longer allowed to continue work. Whole cities in Central Mexico have been inundated by recent floods caused by rains along the path of the railroad. The loss of life has been something terrible. Over 1,000 dead bodies have thus far been recovered. Where is no telling what the damage to pro- perty will foot up. What appears at first planes to be one of the wildest of schemes to meet the ever•in• creasing demand for rapid transit in the City of NOW York is that originated by Mr. D. C. Linsley, a civil engineer of 'considerable practical' experience. He proposes to con- struct a four track railway from the City The Italian Chamber of Ilsepsham has peas - ed a► bill giving electoral rights to everyone who feeble to read and write, aknd who mays the minimum taxes. It .is stated that theernel !frog of Uganda im alwoat wild for ,fear that the Europeans ere going to width him for the murder of lilehop Ilanningten. There were in Great Britain, in 1630, 611 deathe from poison, including cases of chronic poisoning by lead, Of these, 827 were accidental, 176 *Welch!, and only 0 homicidal. A report has been received in London that an insurrection baa occurred in Port - Au -Prince, and that the incur eats burned. 600 houses, including moat of the public buildings, L'Unirera says that the peralatent hos. tllityy of the Italian Government will compel the Pope to leave Rome, and that the quea. tion of a now seat of Government is being earneatly diaenasaed. The late Emperor Frederick was desirous of plying Alsaco.Lorrainevirtual Home Rule, with Paint() Alexander of Battenberg as Governor, so as to end the deadly feud be- tween the. Gaul and the Teuton. The German Progreseistpapera, which are inclined to defend Dr. Mackenzie, point to the fact that there were eight doctors who attended the late Emperor who did not sign the report oritioizine Sir Morrill. Tbo largest artesian well in the world is in Queensland, Australia, A stream of water 12 inches in diameter flows from the well at the rate of 400 gallons per minute, having a temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit. The Paris correspondent of the London Times eayaitis the common belief that Gen. Boulanger and hie follower!, owing to the daily decline of their prestige, dream of civil war, which they will endeavour to provoke by street demonstrations. Dr. Bergmann, in his report on the death of Emperor Frederick, is particularly severe on Dr. Mackenzie. He considers him aweak character, who, having make a great error in diagnosing the Emperor's disease, prefer- red sacrificing his patient to confessing his mistake. It is reported that a serione rapture has occurred between. Lord Salisbury and Mr. W. H. Smith, because the latter said in the House of Commons that no attempt would be made to pass the Premier's bill for re- forming the House of Lords. It is expected that Mr. Smith will resign. Wilfred Blunt. CAWS ANT? RNM."r- Lfles to a eland dawn eame the crows ; The field was soon nptorn ; Where°or'twaa sown, in hills or rawa, They ate the farmet'a corn. Voraciously they tore them net,— The seed and greening blade, And while the work they went about A deafening wise they Mede, A mad, mad mann the farmer was, A mad, mad man was htn r "I dreaded when 1 heard the caws, That; the efeot 1'd aco," ,.(Boitoax Courier, Some young rnsaiwhen they got the Mit- ten, pine away, but moat of them spruce up and catch another girl. Domoerstiogworkman (elienting)-.-•Who's y'r candidate . Republican echo—'Hoosier candidate. When the bloom is on the rye" it is all aright. It is all wrong when the himm of the rye fa on the end of a sant's nate A young French oiyioer is said to have Iii• vented a microphone which will record and announce the Approach of a body of eoidiere and give some idea as to their numbers., A New York manufacturer of ivory goods says that billiard hells are now almost the only article znkado of ivory. Bone, horn and Of/11410K are need even fer the beet piano keys. Chinese Intolerance. We regret to bee that the industrious Chinese residents of this city have begun to introduce distinctions among themselves on religious grounds. In fact, it looks as if they alreadyhad a•systemof religious per, seoution in their social life. For example, they are about to hold a big Chinese picnic and excursion, and notice has been given of the exclusion from the festivities of all " Suaday school Chinamen," which is the phrase that is need to describe Christianized Chinamen. Now, in thus putting a social ban, a pagan boycott, a brand of outlawry, upon such of their countrymen living here as favor Christianity, the Pagano are blun- dering. The Pagans have, of course. the right to exclude them on accoune of their religion, or because they have renounced the customs of their ancestors, but yet it would be proper for the Pagans who enjoy freedom here to exercise a large liberality in the toleration of religious difference. -[New York Sun. City improvements in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., have progressed so fast that the treasury is empty, and 'a special election will be held on the 23rd instant to bond the town for $50,000 to be spent in further. needed improvements. Reports from Victoria, B. C., say that there is 'serious trouble among the Skeena rives Indians. It is stated :that they ,mur- dered Mr. Clifford, in charge of the Hudson Bay station at Hazleton, and a special con- stable. " (G" Battery has been sept to Skeena from Victoria. In the trial of the pokey Wood, Sir Charles Bussell made the statement tinct cold, bleak weather ata resin; o d d I summer, only two eoelsoya on the. English turf have unblenniahed reputations, Torn Cannon :and John °Ahern. FRB ANA ABRIIT WOMEN. Toe Rise AND FALL or Rnr BUSTLE. "The rise and fall of the bustle is fax more interesting to women of the present day than any topic that can be discussed," said the head of the dressmaking department of a large store in this city on Saturday, says the Philadelphia ,Record. "My, how the bustle did rise. It grew like a watermelon under a hot summer sun. Indeed, it was eginning to be a question as to which le thebuatle, And wIzich isrise Birk c as General Knickerbocker used to sing in his topical song in the ' Little Tycoon.' But the birdcage ie doomed. It must go. Dally 'Verde= went; Gainsborough bats went, and AO does everything of that sort, People are continually panting for something new. The bustle had its uses- It gave- thin girls an air of seeming stoutneaa, and it used to make the dresser, set welt It was a first-rate affair to take the weight of heavy dresses off a woman's hip. But when the girls began to wear the buetlee atilf way up their backs people began tp get alarmed. It made the dear creatures appear like miniature camels, And the way the (girls would shake them- aelveaa,10h, my I ld by, they looked as thengh they would fall opera, For years the bustle has been growing smeller. The greatest pro- pertion it ever reached was 'Mtge it topped the bushel basket. Now it le a. very modest affair, and looks like a small•sized rattrap. By next fall it will be gone entirely.. .a hire. Cleveland has done one good thing for the women of this country. "With awave of the hand she has wiped the bustle off the fashion plates, Indeed, Ole realm! ablesaing, Thee it ie so odd that the President's wife should take the matter in hand, Bet she hal done so. Bustles are only good for teethe to be wed by the atoll boys et baseball matches now. " What is to take the place of the beetle I will .show you. Itis simple, effective and cheap. A set of reeds are to be sewed let* the beck of theakirt. They are of graduated Sixes and makes the dreaa sot well. It im- proves the hanging of the skirt, and its very simple. Se nature m to have A chance yam ; the bustle Ilea been Welshed, BoSE PII.Lows AND dens, A great many ladies, young and old, are busy collecting rose leares at thin season. Some of these are intended for the rose jar which is such *popular fancy, and some go toward making tragrent "rose pillows" en which weary beads will lie in next whiter's while thedelieate, daintyerfume tm exhaled from the faded petals. Theme piliowa are first made of ,tout linen and then an outer cover of thin, soft silk le drawn over them and perhaps ornamented with an embroider. ed desngo, a favorite one being a verse etch- ed in wash silk, aueh se "Rest deep and slumber meet." It theme a very simple thing to make a roao jar, and yet very few persons know the secret. To begin with, the rosea should be gathered early in the morning of after sun. down, Spread a sheet of clean white paper in a warm dry place and scatter the leaves over it to dry. Taro the leaves over every day, and as they become dry put theca away in an airtight lar or a bottle with a wide mouth that can be tightly corked. A fruit jar answers the purpose very nicely. These dried leaves may be' put into mall bags of silk or linen, These placed among table, bedlfnen and clothing scent it very delicate- ly. If the jar is well shaken and then left open a room can be agreeably perfumed with the odour of roses. Another way to prepare a rose jar is to allow the roses to dry but a few hours, then to cover tbe bottom of the jar with loaves, and to sprinkle a layer of malt over thorn, then adding roses and salt until the jar is full. Over this pure cider vinegar is well sprinkled, and the jar ie tightly sealed and is left for several weeks. When opened its fragrrauce.will be very sweet and penetrating.. Other flowers, such as aweet scented geranium, lemon, verbena, and even white clover, which have a sweat, dainty odour, can be preserved with Balt, and will be found almost as agreeable as the pot pourri of roses. TUE S' tKESI IN GIRDLE. The other day I saw around the waist of a lady riding on the elevated oars a snake- skin girdle, the second 'have ever seen, It was made of the akin of a black snake, carefully prepared, varnished and mounted with silver fastenings, and was auoique and beautiful affair. Few ladies would have the courage, I suppose,to wear such a girdle, and yet, if not fashionable, it bas the merit of rarity and a beauty of its own. The black snake is such a common visitor to American woods that it may yet become fashionable. Some years ago I remember to have climbed the Ramapo mountains with young Dr. Prince in search of a blacksnake of large size. We soon found one, cut off his head, turned back the skin a little way; then I rubbed my hands in the dirt, held his snakeship's body, and pulled in one direction while prince pulled in the other. The pink flesh parted easily, but the heart beat as lively as ever after the job was done, though the head was off. I pretended that I did not mind it, but I would rather have faced a battery ; and afterwards, when 1 saw the beautiful girdle on a lady's waist, I would have been glad had she known, with. out my telling her, how much she owed me. As the summer season in the country is just opening, and the fair sex are on the alert for novelties in fashion,. I throw out this hint for what it is worth, but I don't want to be asked to pull any more snakes oat of their skins. "I sen on my way home, doctor," said a eitinan, who was atter aouno free advice, "and I'm tired and worm out. What shalt 1 takeb" "Tante a cab," replied the Wel* ligeet physlcimn. Talk of easy divorce in the United States After whet happened in prankfort•on•the. Main lath weak,where amarried woman was pronouneod the party a"e fault and legally divorced booauss--sho did not know haw to cook. Mon they talked About the nine in Athena it was the nine Infuses; today, all over this country, the nine cetera to baso - bail, excepting through this Middle and Western States, where itis understood to mean gainlne. For the convenience of housekeepers a sad or flatiron has been invented which makes use of the principle of expend= of metals by heat •ta ring.a small ball when the iron le hot enough to iron °lattice with. A pot that well sound a gong when about to ball over may be expected next. The Russian law forbids jokes on "re. legion, politics, officials, the law, your neighbor, the Czar's highways and the weather, which is made for all." Wo al. ways eupposed that the reason there were no funny men In Ruaaian journaliam was because the '"j" box couldn't stand the racket, but we see our mistake now. There is no event in life which does not carry its own lesson; and that lesson ought to be recognized by us as the beat that we can learn at that particular moment. Failure in any enterprise is just as ranch a fact as asucceas in that same enterprise would have been. But it rests with each person to make every foot in his experiences a factor in his progress. An ancient canoe has been found in the Tunhovd Fjord, in V aldres, in south Central Norway. It has been hollowed out by means of red hot strew, and.is four and .a half metres long and eighty centimetres broad. It is in fair condition. The find is of interest, as records say no other primi- tive vessel of the kind has been found inland in Norway. The boat will be sent to the museum at Christiana. A curious society was formed in. London some two years ago, whose aim was to abol- ish the custom of ringing church bells before religious services on Sunday. The other day Parliament knocked the society out of existence, for the church people of all de- nominations produced such a pressure on the House of Commons that they passes an act giving .the bolls full awing. In the course of the controversy the historical fact seems to have been established that the use of bells in churches for the purpose of call- ing worshippers together was first intro- duced over fourteen hundred years ago. Empress Eugenie. early in her reign, wrote of the late Emperor Frederick "The prince is tall and handsome, almost a head taller thanthe Emperor ,; he is slight and fair, with a;straw.00lored moustache, a German, as Tacitua might describe him, of chivalrous courtesy,_ with something of the Hamlet about him. . . His companion, a Gen Moltke, (or some such name), is a taci- turngentleman, but by no means a dreamer, and, oeing perpetually on the lookout, takes one by surprise with his pointed remarks. They are an imposing raoe, these Germans. Louis calls them the race of the future. Here's a true story, says The Pittsburgh Dispatch, from the colored society. An old auntie of a complexion rivaling the night for blackness came to do the weekly wash at the house of a friend of mine not long ago. The lady of the house asked how her health was, and Susie; the ebony mistress of the laundry,.replied•:—"I'se pretty well, t'ank do Lewd ; I'sn got a lil misery in^de lef' knee,' but • taint of no 'count. De ole man, mise, am pow'ful bed.' "He hab a pain in de lef' side, a pow'ful big pain, are de doobah he do say dat it ud be very dangerous if't ud ha' been in de right side, for den his heart ud ha' been 'leafed—but t'ank de Lewd hit's in de def'." Novas. The dresses of engaged young ladies wear cut soonest at the waist. Yes, and the clothes of married old men wear out quickest at the pockets. " Bridget," said the mistress to the new hired girl, " you can go now and put the mackerel in soak." "Sure, ma'am, air ye rejuced to that ?" asked Bridget_aympathet- icaily. Brooklyn street car conductor (topassen- ger)— You will have to pay full fare for the dog, madam." Madam (indignantly)—"Non. sonse, the dear little fellow is not two years old get." Sb.:Louis man (witnessing "Julius Oresar") —" Do you notice, my dear, with what state. ly grace Brutus moves about ?" Wife— Yes, and he's in his night-gown, too. It's wonderful 1" • Minister (dining with: the family)—So your mamma doesn't want you to eat more than one piece of pie, Bobby ? Bobby—No, sir; except when we are visiting. Then I can have all I want.. Old lady (to street ,gamin) -Boy, you. areas dirty little fellow. Why don't yon rem home and ask your mother to moat' face and hands ? Gamin—Me madder ain't got time, mum, today. It's wash day: „ Young wile --•,4 My dear, why do they gall the: places where where you get help intelligence offices 2" Young husband—" I suppose on the doctrine of contrarietiee—.the locus a non- Zucendo. principle—bemuse they are depots for stupidity." Mietreas (to cook) Your name, Mary, and my daughter's being the same makes matters somewhat confusing. Now, how do you like,aay, the name of Bridget 1 Coon— Shure, mum, an' it's not meant that's parti- cular. O:m within to axil the young 'eddy any thin' yez 'pike, The mistress was roprovingtheeerventfor "nicking" the diaahes. "Tinere's a eio$ Mit of that bine preserve dish," she said. " It was thele whin Teem." apologized the girl. " No, this la a new nick," said the m""stress, "'Deed, this, ma'm, if you'll look. yell "see that it's the same meld Nick that's in it. Hnebband (out of humor) -44 ►Well, I never saw a tootbx•hrasb wear out like this one- only had it a week, and here the bristlest aro all game end it tasteslike the digkens r I with von would take better ease .of ney things.." Youog and inexperienced; wife (posting).-.' I do, and I'm sums I cleaned it thoroughly after polialting the silver with it. I did any best, and yon shouldn't cern- It hes been discovered that the pretty colored imitation India mosline contain a" great deal of arscniO and that many kindsof cretonne are (Neatly .guilty. Several bad cases of poisoning were reported in L*sndan, and an analyses was made, the reaait, beim what 14r. Joshua Pollslove would call a 44 Doty conaiderable kind of a seaM" 14 seems that the blues and greens ere camper- atively innocent tide time ; it is the lnlacke,,, browns and seariete that make itelechief. WIT AND WISDOM. Pay at you go and don'tgo t'll yen pay, "I sin going to juin the"Band of !lope,"" said tine jeweler, as lee was soldering an ea- gagement ring. The caterpillar is a beautiful typo of Jena i al ty, 'maces Inoo over has the slightest trouble In malting both ends meet, A rat ie Ciuclnanati base bean trained to eatele files, Tints thew* whet nary be donne by a people having p%mty of leisure. The queerest tblag abouttivemen's bona nets, to nay mind," sand "i ?iiikine, " that the smaller the bonnet tine bigger the bill:" Head 'em back 1 The young cams of raspberries and bleekberries.ere apt TAt carry theaaaselvea pretty high. Dudes do net work. Cut them down, Boltou , Young denies is generates s with Ilea cigars, ian't he ? 1k olton—k es (puffie but I think he would {puff; be kinder to Ids friends if be streaked ebem himself, "" Poor (ialdeon 1 I am afraid the poor fel. law le losing his mind." " By dove 1 You don't say. so I" " Why, my dear boy, it is nearly throe o'clock and I just saw lite with hie one o'clock mit on I" Happy Bride—" Isn't that lovely ! So you have the house all ready 1" Young iineband--" We can begin housekeeping ay once, By the way. my angel, do yeti know how to cook?" ilride--`. No, but mother does," A Portland (Mt.) doctor earries a cane in which are contained some smell surgical instruments and thread. It is very con ventent. Re can break a man's head with the cane and then sow it up while be 'waits. A yonug man from college, calling on au lady, and being asked by the servant what name she should give her mistreat, replied, " Aanious" (the Latin for friend). Tne girl hesitated for a moment, and then asked, „What kind of a cuss, en' ?' A curious coincidence in the matter of Homos is reported from Washington. A- man named Messenger has just been ap- pointed a gunner in the nary, while a man named Gunner has just been made a mes- senger in the naval department. Minister (mildly)—I've bean wanting to see you, Mr. Hurd, in regard to the quality of milk with which you are serving me. Milkman (uneasily)— lea, sir. Minister (very mildly)—I only wanted to say, Mr. Kurd, that I ase the milk for dietary pur- poses exclusively and no; for christening. There are ills besettu g us which it is impossible to avoid, but many of ua—all of usperhaps—suffer moat from those we bring upon ourselves. And yet we rarely confess our share in producing them ; we excuse ourselvesby pions reflections upon the " mysterious dispensation of, Provi- dence." Gentleman -What's the matter, Uncle Restos, you look ick ? Uncle Raatus Yes sah, I ate er whole watermelyun last nigh jess'fore I went ter bed, an' 1 ain't feel- in' bery well dis mawnin. Gentleman -- Are you going to see a doctor ? Uncle Rastus—No, sah; l'se gwine for anudder melynn. Summer boarder—" What's that yellow stuff you are feeding the chickens ?" Farm- er—" That's corn, mister." "What is this in this bin ?" " That's wheat." f" Humph! What are these other things ?" "Rye, oats, barley—say, mister, what's your business when at home in Chicago ?" " I am a grain speculator." Spelling His Name. Here is a story that makes one think of the old conundrum, " How do you pro- nounce b, a, o—k, a,c—h, a ?" The late Mr. Ottiwell Wood was once summoned as ,a witness in oourt. When he was called and sworn, the judge, not catch- ing his name, asked him to spell it. " 0, double t, i double u, e double 1, dou- ble u, double o, d," said Mr. Wood. Mr. Justice Dusenbury, an excellent judge, but not •nimble•witted, after one or two futile struggles, laid down his pen in despair, saying : "Most extraordinary name I ever heard. May I trouble you to write it for me, Mr.-er, Mr. Witness ?" Chinamen continua to smuggle'themgeives from British Columbia into Washington Territory;