HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-2, Page 2• IIQAIF,` CIRCLE. St.eee i i CURIQVS rUByX$. Akin to artificial hypnotic is a morose condition into which reraons of a tlervoue organization aornetimes fall. The celebrat- ed.'"S.rho Bleeper" would for many year** fall asleep for a fortnight or more at a time, meanwhile exhibiting more or lees of the pe- culiar characteristics of bpynotisea, Many similar castle might be cited, for hardly a month passes whera, the newspapers, do not tell the wvnderiu4 story of some " sleeping 0l9 wbo has been living ianeonaelou9 for weeka ; but aomo of the wee arra not only latereatipg ecientifiva;ly, but pathetic. Some et the; abnormal forme of sleep, ex- hibte atreege phoreenena, ip'a need not dwell on sleep ploduoed by opiatee; the lethargy of apoplexy and what is doubtiet,a akin to it, the sleep of the drunkard : the eo a •of Drighrs disc s' and diebetee and tbe almost trrealetible sleep caused bar freez- ing Pohl. forth of sleep is that of Itypnotiam o' me4tneris o induced on sztntioeptible siubjecte by 'pitied cssauipulatora. The person he - comes insensible to pain, and his whit is en- tirely subject to that of the experimenter. The barest suggestion through any sense la eujhctent to pas the person, under the domi- nance f the idea TFnitiaraewemed etp, ane can ugly explode L. Itianevertlxeleee a blessed it fact. Though satin to take cam -third from our life, it really belongs to it by the daily xeaewing of vigour. In 1545 the wife of an RQglish colonel sp, Patently died. The thttsbend pereleteetl' telexed to hew her buried end wetelied over bet cold end feetieuloa,' for eight dopa. aaddenty, al4 tbe bella at too oburcli ring - fug, she atarto up, nay Lug : "It is the last prayer hell; is it time to gm" The sleep of sorcuatniaulieut it, a very in- Qre:sting £Qrm. The persolh Will go abroad ,onto the dart aeaa scud into the moat dander- MOS eiteRtiona wholly wttbcttt leer. The power of eight lie often greatly exelte le grid soeu a wholly led eeeudentof nraivary viahon. Another teem to that of cetalepey, Ia we there h rn audio logs Qf eeAxibitity end ordinary conaelousueee, The liuhbe may be placed in any position, the meet grotesque end uncomfortable, and they remain earns if they were mode of want. lauttee Re .es lot nia'ay e€ Harr ferment and their far lien are aware that aaodeen iluprevetneutt taxa stalslalltiea the tank and ie Wed the. work of oinking butter in, private derive Tile ""grainulstir aiyIteul,,' as it is called, *torten.' tela time of oherneug, old dispenses altogether with Wonting batter. A.n Irbil - =MA _ ,- Waal 01O exlrl.aiiring'clay certain pee- T °d+limb .. , nmsdebedbutter. "' S uxe,'',aardbe ""they weetweetl�' attt topt will not retatim eta the divil eat of ct. The WEIGR.TX tARAGRLPUS. Row the average workman of Iiolland live detlerves to be Studied and pondered by stn, dents of onr industrial oonditrons and labor problems. The avasiaga wages of the Dotal), taborer are a a week the. Werke tweiva souse a day), and for s"ekiiled labor of a. very high class " not mora then ;4,50 to $5 is paid-- scarcely, miore Than carpenters and brick- 1.yere receive here for a day's work, Not one day -laborer ie Amsterdam owns has own, home, and the idea that skilled workmen in this country may earn enough to buy pauses for their famili,eaa is incredible to artisans of the: same clans in Holland, -^-Chew 'York Tribune. The Panama Cauai gete a lottery loan is trance, but iia completion is a long way off Althea all hndicetlema fail. This canal has been one of the most tragicof undertaking* It has coat more human lives than will ever be recorded. Fever, death, a grows—that is its story repeated so wally time** that even curiosity beoomea dumb and asks no snore questions. As to looney, it lase been pourea into a bottomleae pit, and atilt the cry le tor more, Tho ali'learagua Canal on the other band is a feasible engineering pro- blem. 'S''e lay of the country is in its favor, and the huge lake at the summit of the wet - embed, from fcrty to lUy miles in width, will famish all the Lecke required, Before the nineteenth eentthry liaseea into Wiley the atlantic will be wedded to the Paolfic through the Nicaragua Canal.--ECbrietian at Work. The moral and effect of railroads count be overestimated. 66 American n il- or • wa s have fleetly bvtiis .h ed laude diaorh front Iv:Untie ami they will fret abolish it froea legless; and ever the whole continent et Europe. So lou„ as F;lrope dependent for food upon tts owri tactile the owner of these fields could six hie own !rental. This be canna Imager deeming to the cheep, Ghees of traneportetign." Of oaariie, a lend - lord, under the iron band of tree eveopet1• *ion, has' no leogerpeliticatpower. The ear' Eget effort of free`tat�Arcooree with all the world was au ih►varioa el ViCe. Tie, Later effect iiia strong wave of moral influence. The whole force of civtliz,itieu ie brought to bear on each hamlet in the land. Broader ideas, higher.ldeale, corse iu to banish con- ceits, bigetriee, and brutalities, And yet the oyes of evolution are in its forehead. The future of the railway will bone rapidly ogreaelve as its peet.•alChtoagoTribune. Etch aeroneatt, atilt per- of,,eroaeing the Atlantic, aster baboon *Isla meaner. e to this aide and Stuart stn reals whish period?.tally sweep antic from west to east, .As e " the balloon in which 'bele teeth craw i lc,ny yormriaort ithanseceutytwo berme, "Mata the dish" int° it lay ""hating" it will take ti wind travelling at the vete of rain out of it. Int that wary we grail *twenty miles anhour to watt Ii` to Europe, feel of.butter is *honed, Any Winer who The proverb tells as that "' Olken()is the ieheti to lighten the toil .e illi Waft wereet critic'am,'0 Married men eacape the Pad eleughters by teaching thews bow to make butter on the granular system, call. do lereredt, then. iso at the coat of apoatal earl. He haat only #a Heath bas so many doors TO let. tel Department f Agriculture et fic Dotty I'r ce- book, se days they "" tree gratis for nothing ,'' thetwill not only bed not differentdiscoveredremix Ara 1 that abut Golden go• od all the u art and rnyrterg of mailing Medical Discovery, front the old time doaea. good butter, a oot t o furnish a vest ewe o f ConsumlitIon or Inn rerafgla, is one irifde of inforatatiaa au the blaetiilTg and ewe of g' tattle, redoingforage grope, ,and other Items door that it shuts If 'takers in time, Dan't of harm practice. g p lenges ea moment then, lest life slip through that open door. Re+srr o Stens. One of the four *tato executioners of Ana. Vie is awouiau. She is large and muscular. The method adopted for roasting meats to write t o Agriculture out life." Ottawa for a coy el d.r. Lynchs Selena- snug tin aid time Tttet. In the soft rind be cau eta should be the one at reserves ill trio juin• Thera's a blessing In the bottle en wbote label we can read OS inside the meat in t e most perfect man. Dr. Dime's Favorite Pre;ertptiou, for the woninn net Searing almost instantly coats the cut who bat ;milt aides ot o moo of !neat and provelita Lha es• Of n remedy for troubles none but women everknow. 'Vs bar beet and truest friend, and happy thousands cape of tiro juices in the atter process of roasting, while a llrhn, steady heat slowly hut thoroughly cooks it, and thus both juices and flavor are preserved. Salt and water have a tendency to extract the juteee of meat and toughen ir, and should not bo -used in roasting when it Is desired to have the meat sweet, juicy and tender; and as basting is e troublesome as wall as a damaging process, it ahouidbeevaded whenever poesible, 'sue same method should he pursued in roasting cut joints of lamb and mutton as recommend- ed for beef. But as most people prefer these well cooked, a lunger time should be allowed for roasting them than is allowed for roast- ing beef. If a leg of lamb or mutton is to be roasted, put in a vary hot oven without sea - coning, for ten minutes, then reduce the beat to a moderate temperature. Pork, in the language of a celebrated culinary artist. " should be cooked to death." Veal should also be well cooked, and as itis a very dry meat, it is nrceaeary to baste it frequently while roasting. VALVE OR HOT .1MTL$ AS A STISICL NT. If the tired men, and women, too, who « brace up" on beer could only be induced to try bot milk they would never again re- turn to unwholesome stimulants. It must be heated as hot as it can be sipped, and although it will be some what less acceptable to the palate on account of the fact that when heated it losses its sweetness, still the promptness with which its cordial influence will be felt will be appreciated by any one willing to be convinced. Statistics prove that men end women who do not drink do more work and endure more hardships than those who use s?irituous liquors. To HEW Monts AWAY. To preserve goods from moths do not use camphor in any form, Pieces of tar paper laid in fur boxes and in closets are a better protection. Five cents'wtu enough to equip all the packing bozo, insets of a large house fora year. call Use, As they think et years of soft ring that were theirs btfora it taupe. bag them the balm et beating, and they bless the very name of this wonderfully, end deservedly, pope - lar remedy for the various ills woman is heir to. "Favorite Prescription" is the only media"me for women, sold by druggiete, un- der a positive ;/Uarantee, from the manufac- turers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guar- antee has been printed on the bottlewrap- per, and faithfully carried out for many year". The proper simple refreshments Mau after noon tea are tea and breadand butter, The Great Dismal Swamp; of Virginia, is one enormous quagmire of de- cayed vegetation, a region of gloom and desolation; but not more so than the human system when blacked up by decayed animal matter, which poisons the blood and brings gloom to an otherwise happy household. Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Purgative Pallets re- move all waste *natter, and give Nature a chance to build up. Use your own initials for your table linen and silver, not your :husband's. ITCHING PILES. Srxrmns—Moisture : intense Ttahingandatinging ; most at night : worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very Bore. Sways'' OISTxaer stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many eases removes the tumors. It is equally eica- cioue in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYER & SON Proprietors, Philadelphia. SWAYwa'S Oman= cut obtained of druggists. Sant by mall for .40 cents. Shoes of .colored canvas, leather and kid, are in favor for country wear. Craeerae* HIR Inniawsa restores gray and faded hair to iia natural color and prevents falling aut. The "Ring's Daughters " organization is having a phenomenal growth. Whenever your Stomach or Bowele get ant of or. der, causing Bilionenese, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. .arson•' Stomaoh Bitters. Best family medicine, All Draggiite, 60 Dents. The one great object of a. Moorish woman CURRANT WINE. - One pint of ourrant juice, one pint of sugar, the juice of a lemon and a quart of witer.. Boil the water and sugar together for 20 minutes, then add the currant and. lemon juice. Cool and freeze in an ace= cream freezer. 1Ceoplc hi the North-west. Know from experience that Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor is the only remedy to be relfei upon for the extraction of corns. This is the case everywhere throughout the Dominion. Bo sure to get Putnam's sure - pop corn cure. . At dealers everywhere. The dog that climbs trees should try the !sycamore,—[Saturday Night. CAIts QF FARM MAOHINESxa-,-Negieot .an Of of their machinery keeps many farmera poor. They leave their reapers, &C.," expos. ed to all kinds of weather and knack them around as though they were indestsuctib'e, and worse still, when .running allow the bearings to go dry and wear out;throngh use of inferior oil. Only the very beet lubricat- ing oil should be used, one which is clear of wt, will not gum and adheres long to the ring, It is en thie aaoouut that careful farmera prefer Rep' PxanLnes machine Mt It ie 8od1 le every'townlby best dealers, See adv. bilis Sharon, daughter of tbo late T,t. 8, el -Se nater Shawn, now Lady Thoz[ras. Atumai Ladles' College, ST,TRONAS, ONTARIO. Full organized departments in Pine Arts, 11,C.' nein and Commercial Science with G,redn- atieg Oourase. Dip omaa and CertiAcatea granted. The r•eputafeoa of the Suhool for tffleient work is unaurlaassed > ,The leadingCaaadisn College for young women,„ For GG pp. Calendar a ddreas Prin- Opal Austin, B. D. A Scandinavian woman evangelist bas driven eight women insane with her preach - fag. 408 grad, T"ataat Attoraayu, and experts Mild tC.1RiIdent et ca..Toraate.. �r p o KNI TING C �47�.*�.�>:tFM�ltGF1l�1ES_ AGENTS Q 1.,g Tip ora i c ase IAANT oa r our Sense, haLi$Pe, bassetscireae,TeeeetUses.FTorontoo.Oat, di,&baTS WA NT'Sala' -c, EACI k, igcrut WVsrilser. Addre;a EEO. D ititsi�l, Sia (Burns Stt,'Terraznto, AA>GY.. S3SfSs wQ Valusbie on LOAN on Farrshs, Lowe Ilat delay. Corresponderlwe eoUelted DV TINA, Thionetal Aga, ".d Ktaft-at• E.. Toreuto. TAYLOR, —P4+wTa'.;rxa la NO VAGRT DOORS, &C. SAFES eatol+rte Sate Werlis. AMS CO. ROOFER is to get fat. OUR ACE; ' Felt Deafening Pelt, uctdkag, Paper. uvean Phis, COM Tai, bake Grassi, aide St, what. Toa,^oiite. ENTS :>r. Man., Lena Parallel Illbl witheow"atopuiar "" Irlrtory Canada," bang NTS team .soh' " Dorebei e . ,. "Minor Walden,' Sun P. donna"' vino Wardell "The Cottage Plapielart.'" t7au-tot ""tiiunitgbt rind, MAKE MONS aheaew,," ",mother, Home Arid lieaven;' etc, Popo. lar Books I Liberal Terme 1 Write for elreulare, terms etc., to W144.1A44 Ualsur Pultltaher, Toronto. AGGENTSSIWANTED ttQlt Elegant Ltthazraphio Welfare, or City* or i 'I oronto, taken from' the Ray, and ehueiug all O leadlm buildings, gardens. erives, atattonr, etc. Slee ;tete inches. !Sample copy rent to IP a<ldren tor_GA cents. see. Ili NQ0URH, SO' Rata St. East, Toronto. E D011:>r:Ie I."ltfll' AltION an iltiaur• antro Cortiliarty of Cintada, Con;ultlug Engin eon and Solicitors of Patna% Gt. r7.Itoas, Chid ETgl a g, . teulse, Seo'y.Treaa, GANGERCI1SEb, +althout iiia k I nife. No ear*, no pay. Send stamp for parnpblet W.L. SMITI1,M.D..1.iqueen le,,Toronto. B ANADANSidNSSoUNISVgRSIfTV tah Columbia. California, Kansas, IlUnole, and quite aromper of other States and Provinces, now in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulars IL BROOKS THOS. iIENGOCOH ProstdeCEi,'.S. nt, Ses a & dfauager, NY FA1tMIER WHO DRAGS MS WIFE out lo Um barn to hold bags must be too mean to buy t e ""Dandy" Patent Bir holder, which will last a Wean*, and costa only 7Ga Sold by agents. Terri. tory still open. 0. W. ALLEN &CO. "World" Building, Toronto. .4. Cure for Drunkenness. The -opium habit, depeomaniat tho morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco, wakefulness, mental depressslon, softening of the brain, eta, premature old age, loss at vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain, and lose of natural strength from any pause whatever. Men young, old or middle-aged—who are broken down from any of theabove oauees, or any cause netmentianed above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon'e Treatise, in book lona, of Direasca of Kern, Books sent sealed and secure from observation, Address 11.. V Lusox 47 Wellington street East,' Toronto Ont. Only 20,000 women voted at the last`elec. tion in. Kansas. • Isms 1 nous' Ouas cures in one minute. Alway thank a servant who serves you well. People who are subject to bad breath, fool ooatef tongue, or any dionrder of the Stomach, can at ouoe be relieved by acing De, Carson's Stomach Bitten, the old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggist, LEATHER BELTING. BUST YAWL'S IN THE DOMiNION. P. U. DIXONAr CO., Maltose. 70 MMlnir Street East, Toronto. tanend for Price Liet and viscounts. tJlicap Excursion Will leave all points on C.P.R., G.T.R. and N. & 1'i. W. Ry. in Ontario, on AUGUST T —FOR— MOOSOMIN, PASSING THROUGH OFN TEAL MANITOBA, Fare forRouid Trip, $28 !SIVE BAST For Young Infants it is a parfeet eabeti9at9 for mothoesmt*.often serierlife; for the Ineasltt olr Dyapeptio rt is of the greatest rattle, 7r, n THE FINEST PAW*' FOOD, THE DENT :INVALID FOOD, THE MOST PAL ATADL,E FOOQi, THE I LOST !NUTRITIOUS FOOIA, THE MOST ECONOMICAL, FOQtit. tfiR Manta for an Intent for $i.90; A Cabinetphoto,of hells, R•ar s R'atrr urs hree beaelUt'el children—sant to the mother et one baby marl within a pan Also A valupale etmettet 90 the Gtrerorlaf.nta and Invalids, Bold beIhrugaitts, 25c,,B0o.,shoo. WELLS,RICHARQSON & CO.MONTREA., P.Q. WM4 �} > o. _.����ti�RY Dr T IsiiigNSE STitGJ of aalacblilery; to select trona. Send for Lists. W. I'ETRIE, Brade Ont, . BERT COLLEGE, Ito; greatly, enlarged .lard Improved at a co! rat t,hmmatnst debars. Stultats lu attend m I1I iUStl CttLX1I11IA,:1aNID01)A,tlli 1 t`, :NEW T0RU, YbatMONTS', In addition to irin ori quoted t.ilrWn^atlrpasskd advantages at stale rate Will Ite.dtriea'Thraradt*y„ Sept U411$. Rind for car alar'. Adare:se REV W. P DYER,MA., Principal, Trains leave TORONTO at 11 p.m. AUG. . The party will be7thaccompanied by J. S.r CB,AWFORD, of %RILE, Mag. TICKETS issued at all stations and good to return. for 6O:DAYS, -also for layover on return at WINNIPEG. For information apply to .all Agents of C.P.R., G.T,R., or J. 8. CRAIWFORD, Palladian Pasifio Railway Ticket Office,. TORONTO. tar LF,THREADINO NEEDLES. t o e ty i Instantiv threaded wilicrrt pass eg tbtead ti ills eye. Agtents Cain :"neney ac4tog them, ple packet by mall trio.drgenpackrttSl.OU. 'Mien MannfacturingCo,. Toronto, Ont. !SADA$1111?I'INE CO, --heaver Line of bteamahips, tatting weekly between Montreal ,lverpooi, t3.iloon tickets, Montreal to Leverp4ol, 4 IIO, andc0. Return tickets, 590,;lo, and iS11Q, eeording to atcamer ani, accommodation. toter. mediate, M101 Round trip tickets. SGO, Steerage, i" Round. trip tickets, I10. For further ppartieularsand o Assure births, apply to II. R. atlititt&Y, General . r,1 Custom Musa Square, Montreal or to rho pr, A Locaacanta in the ditlarent Won* and Cities. AVER LINE of of STEANSI 1VS SAuW\a Maur BMus— MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL Saloon. Ttel,eta 140. RIO. SON Return, S10, 500, 1l0, Intermediate, fico; Steerage, F:O Apply to U. E. MU RAT. Gen'). Manager, 1 Custom House Square, BONRTEAL. BAK14ron,. 0,atsrwt.lft'm8, As;:o:•,t • sm. Cec.tei u-*.ut tu.+,Ow,• •i.s „ ARE tet 5'' •t.st•..o LEST_ I Staiued Glass La4ie Collegc H&1IILTON, CANADA. First of La Ilse Co'leses. Iia' graduated aver 215 in full oeuvre Full faculties in Literature. Lan. PAP., Science and Art. Largest Ccl'ege Building in Dominion. "^leo Sept 4, 1S@S. Addtesg Principal, ICEv. A, IiiftNf3, L.U., LL.D, Allan Tuns Royal Mail Steamslii1s Salting during winter from Port ann every Thurs. day and Delllne every Saturday to Liverpool, and in anmmer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land malls and passengers for Scotland and 'Ireland'also from Baltimore, via, Halifax andSt. John's, N. F, toLiverpoolfortnightly during summer months. The etcamere of the Glee. gow linea sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia- and during sum mor between Glasgow and llontrea'lweekly; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. Forireigbt, passage, Or other information apply to A. Schumacher & Oen Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co., Halifax; Shwa & Co., St.:obis's, N. P,; Wm. Thomasson & Co. St. John, N. B.; .,Than fit Co., Chicago; Love & Aden New York, H, Bouriler, Toronto; Allan, Rae & Co., Quebec' Wm, Drookie, Pailadel- phia; H. A. Alien, Portland, Boston Montreal. FOR CIiURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 'QAUSLAND & SON ' King St. W., Toronto.. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA "PART= wishing to pwcbaee Inprored Manitoba X Palms, trom theme upward, with immediate poeeession, call or write to 4T. I, AIAllX.5ON A'ttest's Bleck, Melo at„ Wintaipeg Iuiormasisn, famished free el charge, and settlers asslsttd In. Mealiest. o. u ra mating tlon, 11 ^lobi zo Los,�w at trent acv of interest MOLTER BROS. &limy welt *Ad travel vvivl S• 3 ADELAIDE E., TORONTO, Estimates given. Country work n eperfwlty. DYEING AND CLEANING. R. PARKER 84 OO Werke and head oftiees; 759 TO 763 YONGE* ST.. 700 Yonge Street, ' City Myst FMqbeaueen St. West, TQRQ7.V'Q. l"."S u as Seat, .11 ColMltne Street, • ., 4 ...BesxitfOrd, Ont, alai Street2 orth . ,,,,,HamUtou, Oat,. OY'S CARRIAGE TOPS DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS r Don'twait until you reharm outer robbed ley a hate now and cep easy, and be titre d get grimes, etc.. of o hewt,hatnplouSate . 8. KIMBALL, raig St., P.O. Dor ontreal. 1" Q. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the past fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex- cesses, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in the oars, palpitation, ate. For Bale by all druggleta, Price pi par box, or 6 boxes for ea, or will be sent by mail on receipt of pride. Pampblet on application, THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. Young Men SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselvea weak, nervous and exhausted ; also Mwnus-Aosn and OLa Men who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the oonsequences of youthful excess, send for and read M. V. Lubon'e Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will be sunt sealed to any address on receipt of two 3o. atempe. Address M. V. LUBON, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont. THE Al ANY STEAM TRAP CD'S. SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. t2k'The Celebrated Ban. cock Inspirator. t2rAtomati Re a irittnng� jeecc a tA'•llorrieon'e.Automatic St htYeed'Lubricator. IHnuincers' ea Plumb- ers' Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. FAMES MORILISON, 75 & 77 Adelaide St.W., TORONTO. Toronto Conservatory ot Music Ito,. G. W. AA,vr, Pre dent OY>a 500,PUPILS FinsrSEASON y 'hlctuiU�yy n1l departmenti ot'MesTi 50 TEACHERS: tannhtfmmbrfivadnatagradu,�itaa. t .ln,tiaoel Ino, vwcat air. er'an. ♦initu,raght-' sang, iura.iey, ort. Tuition. terspetteieand Dlpionuta. Tctdia•s„; and t.paanla per teen. Each cuss and mate Inrtretilan. Turin may enter atany date natant onto mho1ati:I0d Zrrtres,cement. rcrmanneitdacr*y .CaamkranxnrdmntycripadnnirzLlotg?outinnaitnmostrzsavcstr tcaona, united as nrr,,hcatian. Therebeing pritatesrltoolabear'anrnamco sameehatr1aBar, it is rmnic a.ar,y requested that .it cocrapendrace:fo: the Cemrrrat+taw 1 e uddreqed 11111WAEtta'TRITER. Director. CanYentet;trcc:aadNVEtw.ita, 'TORONTO. Bicycles GYMS lee Second - Hand Bicycles Safeties and TrIc'eietr4 Send for List and Catalogue. lgenti wanton in every town, -A.. T_ S�.A.1N-Fa MONTREAL. 10 0 0 0 PRESENTS TO FIRST At'PL'IRO, WIULR TREY LAST We will send by mail an op. propriate gift to each maiden, wife, mother or cook—one to a family—who will try the BREAOMAKED'S BAKING POWDER Cut the red circle from the label and send it in a. letter stating honest opinion after fair trail. Either a 5,10 or 25 cent size will secure rho gift. Any grocer or storekeeper knows where to get It if asked for by you.—aiddresrs— _.' CHi7RCIHIL. & C0•,T0R03iT0 xRramT' IE'.E13Nr431310$. We manufacture the Largest Variety of FENCES, CRESTING, BUILDERS' IRON WORK, STABLE FITTINGS, OFFICE RAILINGS, ETC,, of any house in the Dominion. CATALOGUES FREE. Works, Windsor, Ont.