HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-8-2, Page 1O/sons Bala'
(QHif Tktr A i31'' 'ARLIWN:T, 705 )
:Paid un,. Capital"- ,..•,M " <,.. ft000,000
a' est Fatiitl,...,.,4, t...,.. 375,0o0
Mere tee Public ?Rea Axl?. Ursa-
'Far P1:x A:,mog foreeone 'on
3 Pea CED irTrl;rlsx � � i#iv;~uani
POL' iozley itr
Savings Bank Departgza.tut,.
(Lately .ke-opened.)
Per fernier particular apply di: tha
Batik, Mein Street, Exeter.
lOa. m.'ro.",p. rU, Salt;urcaass, 1.10
e,. 111, to 'p, to,
A. A. 0. DEN OV 4,1 ,
3an,'2S,; + . '$'dantager,
is publieheti every Thursday rrhorning,
at the office,
Ballo r Feri. /
"ll , , tint
'' "1';tTAIS'Ol +l)n5fniin'toNt
" ne`4Linar a t€x it' pale in advance,: V.EQ nolle
Xiirertlsing Runes es .ttrc•Itacatecra.
1orspurilitoortitnfriVaal orresregcs ars i t*.
•`od eattsenll,nut 3 'I:ail:Int spray: e
&ire t .0N°'w-ilt he
a•ub0'shed t{?t'� t- a i awl charged accordingly. Liberal
,l eixontrutut*foriruns lent adsertisemeut�rfnerrtod
oonr long periotl% z:cert description cif aou rR3'+i'•
Visited rant f n rite after VIly cf the cp2 and at
Watt'm weather of late.
Iiarvesi:ng is eipen'arid every -i
liody busy.
A number spent Sunday ?afternoon
on the shores of Lake Huron,
F=onder when Madden' will proclaim
fFa's Civie holiday.
Everybodyspemks in glowing terms
of Marley, the Kit -Teton .titer even
the cook, ,
They say that Madden, err copular
shoe!* Taker, is about removing to Paris,
a where he intends lining on his large
income (when the gets it.)
The fall Wheat cropis very -fair,
� x
1140ey crop is very good, the pea
is excellent wiiile'f rile roots and .peltn-
'toeg ogre going to be best known for
many ,years.
i elatlatia Po
4 -es, McPeak's :gang Ihaas started to
pull flax.
�11iss 13irkett, of Loudon, is t%a
tont u€ Ails. R. Iiandfold.
trs. P. Boyle and faunly,af LQndou,
Fs >risititrg frii ads in this place.
jumping the other evening,
!r-omi tato rates t'hcquee, menet. nrtivrs, re. for A Patrsons rot Isis leg Badly sprained.
t,dvo . .,;,Entrrrrillin)4 ofNI,"leto:4P1143' 4.''' In We fire'�1Bd to see lnu* around. again.
`WU L1Alt ` AZ,Zrh' RS,
r,,lih�. aai� t41k<a asr. �l'Iie Llrcan 'f41-risi* Nine" Be E. C.,
eel] on their way to Exeter
wk. They looked well, but it Mal
cl they gotsuch a beating.
;vac n `ar;3.t1t nits.Ycd,fi
,'�tlhit°t rclui90, 2 to rata rte' ye; MCI
r!ce t ore nt .M
ir«sa+« t r..tt a fi+.., +E tr i n .'c, Tansy •:turf.
'tt s arab, Yp .3 .., n1 anti t ' , It in, �,.4ilalb
lune' C a'� n rn l'ratrrit.eetirir, Ti.aatt3.11,1 t'rcn•
'art at. 7,. a,'9 grit i�ap'e. zrlt:3'r- sac ti.ng's tt
«realer, at Iv*, • .
i'svr.'4t..atA t','Lt;:.Z;Fii •-liPv..l'i` %4, Rutin. Pa tar.
t=ams CR. 71 a in and G'.'0 p. 'to t.nbaa6N
• °obi tial.":#S n. tai, tam ;H' ee.ei p eac r melee, at
# 1. Thur ;➢.nw rertlt,t , a r, v.•r nr tato;; ti 8 »Ya3Kit
a„f oir t or.irtic
3u8inesS and °tile' Chris.
n Ronne
?s, and T p. tta.
' Grahota,
:sig;z a�,, mt.
ra )'v. krrex «�'lt.
flee over O'1•'ils Bauk, Exeter; Ont
Nitrau5. 11,0:c. Cho painless extraction.
T t : MOS SI. :1 I to 1., n. U. 'P, Elezh.;1.
. zt, ae r i •i1n I V. V. d. A., Glaseew; L.
\tar Flinhui' it and Bala iw; +I. 0. P. & R., ttnt:arzot
i'. T.', bi a•;., le3ti.. ne :�f.rht t.eltnteniea (,'rcdilon
vintario. Ju1'12.s tz
W. tiRirzz ING, M. z+., M. C. 1', S.
Vrrolnute..f Victoria nth trsttv.'011ie° rindrpaidence.
Dominion t ab, ntt .rr. I.x, t:r Out. June, 0.87.
orelen Ct)wf.ti, 11, I•tt L~~3aAl:t STREET, Exeter,
up r't w . ep waste ceutrol Hotel. r+idn ent-
ire an rhe r.uullt-dour: a&tu et leidtug tc0 the utotis
ether church.
-r'.l;lI1 °RE. 1NxeterO,tario, Licensed Auctioneer
to for the Uoewty of :iwy n. arc:, p.romptly;tttcraled
t .;tad Pati, faction prarantectL Sales arranged at
ail (Alx.
'03'EXia T•,hl tlEi' Litmsed Aaeti,,nce•r for Hay,
34, stolh.n and Megibicr►y Townships. DCico
At Po.t-oface, .Ye,ritou,
ILL1.t#1 HOLT, I.if F'7SI:n AucT7n\EEafor�
the Cnuntic., of : al,1lesc: and Lau1Lto:t, nUd
the Townrinpv of ;'tcp Brei :eml flay. M1 tales prom.
y,tly attended to. A•/aril'sa*I communications to W.
Ilotr, liliica poido:lke, Ontario.
II. nIcasosT, 1 rristcr, Solicitor of Supremo'
Curt, Notary Public, Convey:+neer, Com
missro ,ar % 3tau.•e to INRn.
1; tat, o —i auron's Block, Exeter.,
L. 1><soxfracts teeth wwitbout pain
by giving Vegetable \'spur, -or using the new sums
hetia ant lin gums. Makes Gold Fillings, and ailother
dental work the best possible. Goes to Zurich last
Thursday in tiseh month.
Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c.
Money tao Loan at 6y
B. V. Eranor... �'e LLIOT.
Hay Farmers` Mutual Fire
Insurance . Company.
and cheapest Insurance Company in the Dominion,
,an tie so' by applying personally, or by mailto. the.
,undersigifepl. All applications promptly attended to.
,Also agent for' the Wellington Company of Guelph.
Also AUCTIONEER for the County of Duron.
1nR>t 37 ,aurich, Ont.
TzlAT Olell'P'ih;iirl. "ereappear
ed in the ,Melons o the rim's, a
communication sigeed , "Neighbor."
Now neighbor, 'o eneor be. may be,
knows full well e item which
bleared in the canto a " the Awe -
cern, inttheugh be nooses out very
jokingly in a denia knows it to be
trto The fact a the utter is simply p
this, this "would be'�trAder" did offer.
toirade this colt, and world have only
tooNquick jumped at.iiho chance 'This
man is filled up to the brsra with such
things. The trade was not effected,
and the tin eaongeri went iewey► tangh-
Ingull heartily that they bad net
traded when'they found mat all pat-
t'eiders. This would be trader JIM
aecrreed the wrong 'Arty of piecing
the:item in the columns of the Anima
CKTE. 'however, we did not leave
down "Neighbor's" feneee and allow
thur cattle to eat lap all Isis turnips,
and then blow about 'how much n ills
the cows gave This is what 'Trader'
did, or I suppose mote properly speak-
` i; Neighbor.
arnatTU Coy,
Grayed Fuad
putter 14 ets per I1t
doz there.
had a beautiful utiful resin Hist
Heli fresbefted upthe, potato ;trig
h; A. Gravel, Qf the Lake More.
1 G94 had a.young tlau btlor(Ilyaaslhort
time ago.
On Saturday Jaen our ba.st:.leill clank
visited Adare to play the club of that
town, but tht, genie was to inuch orae Many of our farzners bought
sided to Iw matin;. MI', I1aanclfurd new binders this season« '~ptlo cradles'
weed as umpire which proved Entisfaet-` are as thing of the, paint.
my to both duras. The scarce was
thue, Adore -2; Centralia: -14.
n of fete season.
While Master Maurice Fhees was
in the /Terry patch iast3londay, he fell
over a log and by an aceidert received
a sore cut on his hand from a tin cup.
Maurice is now walking crow d with
his arra in a sling, {
While a son of Mr. Vielkirk an
nestling with one of bis playnaten
last week, he accidentally slipped and
broke his arm. He is now under the
treatment of Dr; Buchanan and
doing as well as eau be expected.
Some of the boys aro talking band.
We easel you every success boys but
there is always a 'Tut" you know and
that is a cash buf, if your own peek -
Os can stand it frays, po right in for
it. Everybody Around here is. fond of
good music, and you will have all the
appreciation you want . •
Hume for three weeks' Holidays and
then get ;'harried in Inial quite fash-
ionable arrton* our young; ladies in this
ity. The hist is Miss Boeeenbt try.
Dir. 1''rank Smith, of New Dundee, is
the ham? young mart this trip. They
were married 'last week at the residence
i3at senue1.ry,Uy the Rev. Mr. Ortcvein.
Mr: Chas. ilosleenlherrv, brother of the
bride, acted as bridesgroom and 'Miss
Bella Lehman as bridesmaid.
NO. 61
old neighbors, that there is "corn ac
Egypt" yet, enough for Joseph Band e.,11
his brethorn, and some tanpare, He
alweyai! gets the largest; glans marl the
best in the house, Why deli'' you..ge
oftener William/
The Big. Town of Clinton
Tine Week's Doings.
Livingstone, wife of Rev.
ivingstone, in visiting in Tara.
Mrs, R. Manning, of Exeter,'
mere in town last week on, a visit.
Civic Holiday on Friday,. A great
many of our citiieen;a , ta; going Won a
tripe k•
114ielsF Filino Moodyteacher of Iiep•
rtb, Bruce Oen Is visiting friends
a J Slien ltt has
*onin Blyth and has
Tile Doherty Organ eland Boase an
' vitetion to play at the Industrial
xlhibit on at Toronto.
Barrister F. R, Powell, s, ill leave on
of the brides brother, :51r. ldtvtai'd
a ten days frig to Duluth this ,.eel;,
where he will rusticate.
Mr. Laeh Nennedy<_ hod an ait,tice
xarle of fuuiture on Saturday' last, .z
account of retiring from they ante; lrlasi-
U bor'ue Gleanings. l Iiir. J. Asesu au, manager of the e"3r.
e•ulaatieu of the Toronto li ee.:4d, wat3 isa
l lat'14ia;is 1aOWhn l*A (inti wife were town lest week in the interests of titatf
Mr. WOL Delbrldge, lent'vaper.
Rinds. 13, Q. Crenelyr andRanter
oralue°t a nerlee of meetiln; s-
dt¢ry St. Metlioalist uhu.aI; in
telnber next.
4 moody, general newt ref tiger
nufaetali-ai•s' Life Inn urince'",.
to up *11.000 of Insur•anci: i:alailn
incl lest week.
rediton Brief's,
Miss Annie Spencer is n't p'e
visiting her sister in Bealnev,ilea
Eget all use economy,. autd.liye within
Wands, it will save weary thought,'
and stop unpleasant Minds.
Pie icing i:, the order et the day;
Parties from London and other: towns
and eiti et ern feerneently tTw xad o eaz
;inning the healthful Irae ,.;y ;a that ac.'
We understand that the Prnfes' or c+f , companye 'rush litg»,non
music bas skipped out and left X11. W. {; 401, l.nTlie f. i moat •i
Clarke lamenting the loess of his hoard eA and barley oy
Bill, a crop its almost a tete' 'failure. The
+ rust lies nearly* spot tel the eittirei crop,
Mies Ainne Mill, of Lindon, tern Spring wheat and Beets is also a little
been visititlg her sibt rn in Ored t' rusted, although, not as bad as fall
on for the last wee •>
l., returned t lied to her 1 wheat Peas will be an excellent crop
Izolute. Roots are also going to 1;+e °a very good
We believe that ovr. are shortly to crop and potatoes largo crop.
lose one of ourfair young ladies, and
that fellipka will have the pleasure of
claiming her a permanent resident,
Crcditon's loss is Ship ko.'s gain.
Several of the Itus.izlees nen of this
plaee,pilnieed at the Grand lend Mon-
day. From the number of fishing rods
taken aloe We expected some Inarvell.
g }
nus fish stories, but so far we have not
oven heard the word fish.
Mr. Thos, Flynn of this vicinity had
a flax bee het nlonday evening -which
was well att?l,ded and a latae amount
of flax pulled, The lads and lassies had
a jolly good time, and aurae home in
"the wee sane' hours",
Greenway Budget.
Mr. D.' Drophoy's is putting down a
deep well this week.
Mrs. A. Hooper, of Crediton, and
Dashwoo4 Flatthelt.
The latest arrival.* ii*. town tki'e lSlitas
Norsworthy, of Maneuver, and �Slss
Freed. of Stratford,
The flax iu uearly'jlulled and H. L.
K. will not
be required to haul his i.
three tons of Iiving freight is to the
country every inerrant at 0 a, to. much:
The fall wheat is nearly harvested'
in this section and although the yield
is not what mlhtbe cathed first -Blass,
yet it a great deal better than was
expeeted in the early, part of the
Bishop 1,shot„4 Chicago, preached
in the church of „the Ev, Association
on Sabbath afternoon, Tte Bishop is
an excellent preacher and kept the
large congregation. in spell -bound atter-
tier sister, Miss Iiatie Atkinson, •ayet,t
ting m R
, 'ton for one hour and fifteen minutes.
vi 't' t' �jT J �1 i lir Davieluiey who has been ill
sl llieu`eoustn, r'. `
on last week.
sfor some time, is gradually :sinking.
Mr. R. L. Wilson, our village cons- Re lies had the very best, of medi,cal
table lies at his home ver sick. Dr. attendance, but it seems itha e gas
y; ` raining 'ai3j* relief. �.,' 'wase. Ii'as
Caw is attendinghim, and has every y been• pronounced "cancer n ed can:
the stow=
A o
hope of bringing him around again.
Quarterly meeting and sacramental
services of Grand Bend circuit, will be
held in Boston Methodist church next
Sabbath at 10.30. A cordial invitation
is extended to all churches,
Mr. W. J. Wilson,once President of
the Middlesex Beekeepers' Association
had a pure Italian queen bee presented
to him through the ,mail last week, by
the Ontario .Beekeepers' Association.
Our local threshers are preparing for
a long season's work. Mr. James Me -
Wilson, who has been .here for over
thirty yeaars,'tnd been threshing about
twenty of that time, has improved his
steam thresher, and expects to go to
work in a few days. Messrs. Jas. Gil-
bert and Walter England have also
had an experience in the threshing, ;ex-
pects to start in a short time.
aeh," and there is eo hope of his re-
covery., The family have the sympa-
thy of the entire neighborhood in their
sad affliction. Ile hos lone been a
resident of the township of }lay and
is well and favorably' known as an
honest and good citizen.
Zurich Jottlmg$.
Miss Walker, of Detroit; is the guest
Of Miss Fee, •Goshen Line. • -
11rs. Steinbach and rson, .:.ancl Mrs.
Reid left on 11;onday for Grimsby
calm. •
Your correspondent off on a ,jam-
boree. Ile will be back matt week
and give yon full articulare.
Do not forget the Masonic excursion
to Sarnia, on Friday Aug, 1it11.' Only
$1 from Hensel]: This is the ' exeurs
falls easel wife, of Ioozi-
ro vi titin;' friends and relations
around Elinville,
Prier, of Exner,' alias Mins
1 i were tl eneie'ts a;' b'.
Chowaans, of Ellinville, *lash Sunday:
Ir.Seth Madge, • .of London, and
Alias Alice Croel•.v*, late of Ingersoll, :1I1. ,T:es. ill ir;lhezll, eine of flan oldcest
1s. xlszt1.ng' irieiul., and relatives in .,nal t nd silos' ronunnlat Anomie tbtne11 of
arcuate T�..,ittrrue. t'sborne gets lien a P �'
Imre every time.
Rev. W. 1l. S'aelalhtzil, of Eliinville
remit, ttclndnietered szt,cremi�hit th# the
Lords eluppear ton very Liege gathering
o li; a.te in the . heivz to thumb,
an't Standen, Interning.
Sirieston, spent his hoiitiaaya on hirer
sI $. of 1,ako Huron,
leer. I. O.4'attisoih, agent G. T. Ry-
• 1 is spending hies holidays by •a trip to
f lI' ' l: ` I 1; it 1 1, Di1lutlt. 14 r. Sutton is saetinng in his
l , ` steal during his absence. •
\F*t°c'fte'i hater tell fif #raiycllill:; It is likely th*it at the z.e:,t nz+,e tin
threshing machines, but never heard . M the town council, flee, SU (1,11 of
tell of a travelling binder llttfore, until e e tiur presduce sllralla circ ttzi* n+net.
this year. There is one two miles and . fear market day will be discussed.
a half 41,1“, of Extrter, Anyone in Mrn Rheas, of lilontreal, sister o;. Dr
want of gram cut would do well to 11 'Mains, Fang solos at morning and
leave their prdez: evening services of the Rattenbury
11i:s< John 13i*macoualze and < Mrs, street .1:Ia:thodiet church on Sunday
Robt. AV ileox, of .Elitnville, were Ilia last.
guest ef Mr; John `lemma's of Mt. .Mr. ,T Biller, of Miller's corners,
Pleasant corners, last Wednesday. , 'S1'*Lterlop Co., was visiting friituds in
They were very much pleased with this section Last ween. lir: Miller is
*Sirs, Slenon's kind compliments and a relative of 11r• Crooks near Holmes.
g. ti generous a °treatnzcl t cillo
Mrs. Egsery,of Port Huron, is visit- The ADVOCATE was eagerly sought -
inn friends and relatives in and around for last week. The skctebes of a North-
Ustiorncr Mrs. lssery is a sister to ern trip appearing its column was of in-
terest to a number of our citizens. The
nnevoeire is becoming more pepul r
every day.
• i fashionable wedding will take
place here shortly in wileh a hardware
e1eYk of Winnipeg, and the daztghter
of one of one. prominent 1-'tsiness raw
will be the contracting parties. Parti-
culars later. .
John 31 ooper, .of Exeter, and lived
where Mr. Thanhas: Coats now lives
about twenty years ago. All the old
.neighltors and friends are pleased to
see Iter and talk over the reminiscences
of the past.
• Boquets are all the rage in Vit.:pine,
and it ona).'th us to laugh and smile to
see the old willow men with the flowers
daubed on, and then think flow .mighty
double slow they are to catch on. We
admit sotto of them have very line
brick residence's and every thing con-
venient, and would make desperateing oft rasa <• Lodge of A. t'A.
loving husbands and are badly ie *teed. M., at '1.
get wife, but will never carie, '.e-l'Mr. W. Johnston, of Belleville, past
Grand Orange Manner -of Qntario East.
was in ;own last week. Mr. Johnston
is Government' Inspector of weights
and measures, and was looking after
some of the salt manufacturers.
I11r. Wm. _„ ..)ufl', teacher. 111cKi11-
op, and iortoe-ly of this town, has
been elected .District Deputy Grand
blaster f.,» h Huron, at the meet -
cause they will not give a bounty.
You would think to see them some-
tiwes when, a pretty girl is.k *sing by,
that they 'lad their hand on their
heart -ane.. inging the song of the hare.
I stop, z `start, i pant to, broatli,
. 1 bear tile near to goat, .,of death. Mr. P. M. Pattison, of Waterford,3Ve are glad to hear. that Mr. Wm, 'Supreme Organizer of 'Canadian Borne
Pugsley is again able to take aInc place Circles, was in town last week, and
with Mr. Pasmore,after a severe touch organized Clinton Circle No. 109, with
of sickness. We •are also informed the following officers: Past Leader, Mr.
that Mr. Pugsley spent last Friday S. W. Perry ; Leader, Mar. D. B. Cal
visiting his old neighbors on the 4th bice.;. Vice Leader, Mrs. -A. O. Patti-
and -15th ;on. of U`sborne. He once son Rec-Sec., Mr. I. Taylor; Ti ees..
worked the farm" known as the old Mr. Jas. Reith; Fin -Sec, Mr. Jas.
Ifandcock farm, and it iesaid by coin= Grant; Chaplain, Mrs. I. C: , Detlor;
potent judge , that he worked it the Marshal, Mr. H. Wels'',; Warden, Mr.
best and grew the best crops of any A. O. Pattison; . C•d rd, Mr. ITarrison
man that. as been on the pllice3 since, Wiltse; Sentinel, Mr; J. C. Detlor;
and always hari.his rent ready to the- Med. Examiner, Dr. Williams; Trus
day. That is more than some or them tees, Messrs. Detlor, Calbick and Perry
can say, and no • doubt Mr. Pugsley: The Circle begins with a membership
ands mit tll,aI when he goes to vitlt' 18,