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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-26, Page 8
;k C A .t II, l emr Horne Tre=atment fele the eure of Catarrh, C€nteier- nal . deafness and 1 --fay Fuer: The ,`.dicrescune basnrovee that these dieeases are agions. awl that they are dine to the pr,•sesice ca a ,^ p elzip; as in the int erl:naiu,., membrane ane a'+f the uca it to ns,t res and casts '1sau lite enlist - Gin T1c ,a:at randel twit fit le n endorse, s a •t 5 arid these authorities eat matt are disputed. The re;;Mar method ,of treating -these aan t . es baa but' too n ,a: t man irritant. remedy nu}st,¢ ,at eleven tiidly. thus 1, e n e4„fat,.ei6 v. aC atembrane la a emestant eta a of t :e c e allow/me it no ei aria t to heal and as a um - or at so ,espatune)oftdeb tmettrunt net one peaupt. int K re i slit hent raterdsd. It is an absolute , .s. t..tat these diseases earn. ,t.be tared by abe.- otttieta s i b a dtcn er tient ones in two wens for the aware -atm a tat „art a chants; to ?teal i+a f,nr, an a pli- •a rat used It as how se ea years since Aar. Dixon sixsecatered the parasite in e;,turrb mod furnnalated his Ittew treat a rat. cosi spree the his remedy has be- e enn£°a la east. - d wend ut every country whew, the n.:sh imcgtmese ie ep ken. Cures effected by Ian advem y e spa ago »re lures ttittrr, there, baring', been nu eaten., of;sited/1 x. will clv almost anywhere except a't it 'Notice the sign, "Montreal Geneal town council board, and there he should receive the fate of some of the useless motions, receive the six mouths , hoist and that practically. --Funeral notices neatly and cheaply printed at the ADVOCATE. . Ogee, sohighly are -heieremedies valued.that,i_gnorant daextt tars ha e x aeon naec tag avh •re. pretending t,.' el st..vr twrasite, of e i seas titey knew nothieg,seg es o:t, of tbeaNtii, ation +4 ca°aa a ti.ey rare t'a t iv ignontet. Mr l'Ama, reune,ie a a+ p'a'd rely aa:e intra Vo,;ha r,i L4151WE`-r+a thrt nlned- eatio scif41, , permanent ergo iia the ma.''+t.. c.{tar.ta?- �1c 15 as cense z ds t r"a millet ties aro;; his re .re CVO. Cc'otsact n.t stamp topostu,te. -t. , nee ra A. B_ 1D;Xat)1 tit :R, :;.n> ,NAG , start aft , or ; ,Canada. sate .lash At,srlea'a f t ; S u Doti, :11iRs -McTavish, cf Se, forth, is visit. 3rrEtdd4l:i tuwsi, k Severed na:trcr» ^:-s will«al.a pee lat*re during noNt south. Vit. F. P. Darrell, llarrihter„ mos away in Termite on legal busiltrs4. Farmers' in this section are epr- 3ne,te to harvest their fall wheat. .. fessra, T, Cleolrwr it Son aro doing quite an e„terl ve business in Amer ;try fruits, MissWilliams, of the I= eger Public School, is rpentlie,g her Iaolitlays with her parents `dere. German. Dancl visited our town one day last week end drew a large oroti, (d of spectators. Mr. 3. C. Linklete r, angel teacher trf Publia> e`er°aotil, i3 rusticating wi friend :rear Win:;bcrta), ib. Jos. Ltvell, of Illinaevelt, wai tiwri on Saturday last, Ilse 11,1.t titaslcitiy. icy 1lolatat•:v ille. Mr. Walter* (`eta ata± Ti -,hien: friends in weal. 1g ;a➢tR: a'i going into lattyitleli lett tI e, :telt 1 a Fftid • c 70:31. t `"1 '1llxI s ! two menthe. ovav+rm naailsasnc thou -allay 51.::1, Caatr�ntnaa has purchased tl � l.acla >ira'xacs ca. • .say r :r� ....... .+ May , iita3fal.is7D.aauaat7dwt76l;:,�,GgrpS�rssll'�s'ika!!� thv ae- ,1:)01.1 It I tiIA\ ..... Frith; * JIM: i I weelanenr+oxncattarot iataw long st:lnti tiAI.1ll:i1:1ti Tltur:�day, " 7 #nth. latriaiultacrour w,rittenlooser.soleato * w ; i .. I; ritlay. :o d y . cool at m(lulam't, lea €�. .'tzante thaaiica rc aft rf P SA1111.1Ti« ;� `11turz;itty, `a V -4 Thomas Dearing has removed to his new stand, ono door north D. Lutz's Drug Store, opposite the Cent- ral Hotel, where he will be found of- --€trrng as uG:al RR , wp DLWASIIINOTOS r, HU..1,.. 4 NEXT i rt'. HURRA -n;aat'l.T,atau=„ Szx.a*�,;�*iinA '�, lltrcu t , OIti',Ti.-lTle:I4 FOR ---- Brill be at Central Hotel, AUGUST vox W. suschrl. ROYAL St;~': de?0^ tnTE Y1404 ries, hcoax POWDER Absolutely Pure , `lis powder never' varies. A marvel unity, strengtlt and. wholesomeness, eeonom ical than the ordinary hinds.. an 'cannot be sold in .competition with idaltttutde of torr test, abort weight >elnlrl or phospllattt powders Setli ez:1/0 tis ROYAL II RING I'tavelatast Go., lof; F"ell ;t., 18 t_ To .Ctastol aers'and t'ubUe :;Wt large, l ere: its the place to Bret y011; aSMALLICOR, From 2 la' 1oc1; p w. until •=r p, in. Chronic Bronoi:.tis Cure& An English Cbtereh Clergyman speaks, Iteo*ae y, Coinv all, Ont. ' :tia;asi Ser.,—I am glad to be able to in- forth you that may fir,,ightcr is <film well aq�g ire. :As els a is.xiae see ud time:Ate liana l beer . enreet c go'av'e bronchial til.nbles under y Orr treaann u t, when the Nr7 -#1 , remedies failed,1 arae to express sty si gratitude. Mose eiv,e rat'Jett' 2¢e:r' rt• t o C' Your= ray 'C jt Y aan 1 Look out -for Spieg L°nir?tl , which arri�'e� ailw. u I vs ill hee lora the roadti'with my wagon, rtl :will caarr'y lova let:: of al kinds of gouda. UTTER uitl EGGS 'TA C slat. Ilouse an€j lots opposite Town. II'.:ll for sale Royal 1St 01Is111pc,. ;At7t7.,, Gre:.i(,"trl©n+'a q ;e9 z:^sl:;crr t a lilaA Braila erpool a4; Quebeo Service. I t't 45,iTtlt78, hese. ;tale itdcn aaa _alias Faa caning at Dara• sea tensa;<,s into a,°i a trio 'whew 1142,. -Al. f3 enema lira) benuan !mule. i4 ieda marc Fate. at e ' Ata, tulle afloat glrtimrae Cra Vaaa tae ,raise d in Weak, Nervous, Pebtlltateci, ram Folly and IgrnOranoo 1 a9 Tri^ Lis Vigor et Body, Mad .443 tsilQsDet„ causing tslaurstirg drains awn scone, w a ltu t`i atou. erak i ss i4aC�i1e, UPery, ilestllttltieso fiat SgtO1QtY, &r'ltrtirlel n11: a;aukiteFacetwa.taugal,Etestgi lradttae tai Early Denny, Cotter.anal�tattl tx ,lowintty cases t ;1 est env wrga. t.: ;i ti Fareltiver' t t1t•e. is 9ta3t'ast9 't!.nut iftll vigor'rrst a s olio 9At.t1i Power' ars ct atau�l +� a a� - t ': ccs treat, ' • , , S a v 4 meat. Dace e.,„•-+ roes es t.€ataraanter 3. aur sissy farm rletl, 't\ crl.bl;, N. W. Ter. front PARISIAN. i T\ l'lttlydta lti. brother, pay lane a good sum fci '. Mr. Ar.liar Camratfkn ct:ntla t.ai. town, bas received the colts. thy' stone work cif tli tlatlerit11 "tv to 3'ho men dta%• ?rlisllc'd a t ;;.',sting for t:'eope1's :ver; store. and the stone ivas been placed on the ground for the ntl^On rroal:. ar of CII , l;t co. twine, ro PARI 'IAN. c, ;► POLYN E$L1.N .. , . Friday, July G SARDINIAN.... , " I2 tlilti' VSIA\ .... Friday, t t'(S `A1.'t1A'(1A1.....Thturaday, as tali PARISIAN . „ Aug. POLYNESIAN , .. . b'rielav, " 10 11r, (4P`,sn, �'earlicel, 'rid SAit1 tl \ I.1.N 'lltur,;l:n y at 16 f uuik', woo xave bean its \ enaaz for CIItt'..SSi.A N ... ,.... I'ratlrtr th4. past six montlrs,,are. spending their S.'!RJI. ri \.N 'Thier. day, At 3() holidays in town. a 1►A 1'I'IS.—t'ab:1r, ,T.5 t,utl .;.*475, Mr. A. W. Caa•slake, who be been a4eer'tli uv {„ ht;orl nsi5:ion. Ito seriously ill for the Ina',t glee~ weeks : turn $ 1+ttt, $12 T1:tcr t t'diaty, with congestion of the luw,s, is able to Liverpool, L;rurlentl,!rry, c,r (Iles;;©sr. 0, Return, NO. Steerage at lowest rate. Steerage 1nascrugr'rs booked to or from (,1asgow, Belfast, Queenstown, Loudon at Liverpool Trite:;. Buy ticket- to gra home, brim.; out friends or rt let• , ices by the Allan Lute. For further' particulars apply to John tr.3paolizanian, be around again. Rev. J. Livin•,tone, of the Rotten - berry st, _Methodist church, melded a very innprea.,ivu sermon on Sunday morning last on the "Ellioacy of Player." Clinton civic holiday will be 11d tot Friday August 3rd, an excursion will be ruts to Toronto, Detroit, Lon - 410P, and other points on that day at the only authorized agent for Exeter.. very cheap fares, Councillor D. 1i. Jermyn, of Wiar, ton, passed through here on Saturday, on his wan to - a Granton, whether his # CS wife is spending a few weeks with her 11 frieuda. Mr. Jeriuyn is an old Huron boy and a. good "Tory to hoot." 6 y_A.i E On Wednesday of last rel,, dray' INSURANCESabbath Schools of Rattenhterry street, COMPANY Ontario street, Baptist and Episcopalian .A.i`d r.) aycSlm churches a curted to Goderieh. 1050 tickets were sold fogy the first train Manufacturers' Accident Ins. C0'y which required two engines to draw it. are two separateand distinct comp:in- The Doherty Bard accompanied the les with full Government deposits. The party. authorized capital and other assets are Two of the License Commissioners respectfully $2,000,000 and „1,000,000 with Inspector Paisley held a solemn confab' here on Saturday last. The in- spector takes delight in making him- self conspicuous on such occassious. I otic:.Putswn; Ts—GeorgeGooderlram, will right here rise in my place and Esq., President Bank of Toronto, and propose that the Ontario Government 'William Bell, Esq.. Manufacturer, establish a morality department, and Guelph. . that the itnsrrecter be made minister of Pju sIran$r.—T T. HON. Silo JOHN A. riACDONALD, P.O.,a..C. U. this department. 3. B. Canl.I>;t, Managing Director. Mr. E. Floodv, Supreme Grand The Largest Capital' Stork Company Auditor,will leave for Winnipeg about on the continent. the middle of August, to attend' the Policies issued on the Ordinary Life, Supreme Grand Orange Lodge of Endowment and Natural Premium British America. He will be amour- Plans, paned by Grand Secretary. Heyes, of Premiums as reasonable as i; St. Catherines, Grand Treasurer And eon-Tat- e/son, of Prince Edward, and Grand able with bonafide life insurance. Auditor Lockhart, of Everett. E. PLO0i)T.:, inspector Huron and The Town Council have got down to 33ruee• business again, after their old Ivornau squabble. Reeve McMurchie could not be censured for the step he took render the circumstances. ,. crane WILLIAM SANDERS, AGENT FOR Exeter and vicinity. ADVOCATE OFFICE, EXETER. ATTI4NTIONes 3Wront ! nr€C4 \mow SOUTP T Clotlding and {rents' 17. RNISHING STORE, EXETlait . - ON SOME 0l:"i'1si: 1 L' EST TWEEDS: THAT (IAN 131; .-E(`iy%tlaD,. • • IS . AfRRIV I\t: EVERY DAY, outs' Furnishing, in the latest •s at right prices. �'.. PETTIT. Piss , s>u T:.I1♦m�-Catarrh--Caatarr h tax tlae lae� l self sunt€aa1,Mt itll Suits made ells ill the latest styles, t b r d time prices. A 'EINE RANUE OF GOOD: ALWAYS IN STOOgKX.L FECT R° .16 •t �.: RA "t .3.E ll • cleaned and ,enovatc d tt � n aerate prices. A CAAxe?a eOC.lGI1i>ll. ato €r ir', ovei, Fo alt,ice. ! S IA AC ML � 31rri4t Throat, c t F t + s do a rl aent'll � and la (. t r� D , n rat Aa � 1lrouchiti-, Asthma and Consnuq ne a .�lstl los «c'lt e, a,fn;t? throat, enlarged Ei I'tll�•lotraa i4' klre. a:mu removal. Cc+ilea earl►. t"ula a➢taaaiun xrt . few of the ananv :nl'ed by lir. Wash- trey ave ltadthtt>l.; ; .51. Ste 'ey, of storey Son, mann- fietrrcrs, Actor', Out., .also Pr•es'al Manu- facturing ;, .. of Canada, permanently, Glued of Catarrh by 1)r. Washington, pita. nnunced inruia1iI by lusted sl'veita:ts tit tllia country aria Effie''. Write Lits for particulaz:�, Mr--., Jc.bn YeKelvy, l�rurs,on, Ont., ."ater:It and Consumption. John 3lelielty,1%iugston Ont. Catarrh Mr. A. Iffip ain;t, Kingston, Out, 11rtrncl.o Consumption. F Mr. D. Scott, Kingston, Ont., e.;natnb head and threat.. Mrs. John I�e•:tr11u, Harr€ewswbth, Ont. :arra. for eat. Mi- :(Cars A 11t•rlabonrr, Centreville, Ont., t easeh, lwa•l and threat. J,.ataaa4 4i�atiles4, 1' M;a.':t•'r,,Arta n Oat. 'lab, tient-4 I�taaeaais(alu!gq, t+ar➢le• yak, 4alit,, cured v.f t°attarala, tllr;;at Joint Phiypin, , ooihtsr't P. (.1., haat., n4' r Napalm.) of Catarrh, lle:a+➢. tlntn';na and 12W . L1c'.t,l oDtiicte'3I S Twang oy...4 Pur••anro. C+011' taltat.ion Free. ys A GALL SOLICITED. pert"`s 110 11-e in ht'1ug dish etllil"t'tg('tl ill lltiitl Times, THE 11J NSAL1, rel;'tiITV 1tE' \'i'Iarer' iu•, is l.unlr,d to ',I'll cheap, .tart, +iil sell 15 per rt•nt. It.trt•rthen e%ir to snit the hard tutu':: also repairing them', and 1se•tsa,rast+ql 'bottoms put IN inure theirs +1n'. 1't•ture framing a specialty. r;;EOR,GE 1NU1 AM. i` :ce'. dl,ENSAL1, O. Iatn %neat Engllsl* Preseriptiof, successful Zttedieine used over 33 ,years in thousands et cast n.t Cures Speraraatorriar'a, Nervousv" Ireai nesjr, h4:tissiens, Impotency -.- onto an diseases caused by abuse Tratrearl Indiscretion, or over-exertion. iarrr:ul Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when allot/arra Mal. Ask yonnr Druggist for The Great English Iter«t•rrirtloa, twine no substitute. Otte package SI. Sty by mail. Write for Pamphlet address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Melt. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere Jan -1-S W. I.outbcott, ('.fir, er Slain & John st:, sAIDE EXETER, - ONT. i that dread terror, a disease so long baffling science and the most skilled physicians. who knew of nothing to arrest, nothing to alkyl- ate, nothing to erre. Noma is no longer an incurable malady even when given up by pPhysicians, health can yetbe found in OUR Iii']MEDY, it heals and soothes the mem- brane of theLungs. inflamed and poisoned by theravages of this fell disease, and pre- vents the night sweats and tightness across the ohest which accompany it. CURES CUARAf TEED Toronto Medicine Co,, Toronto, Ont. 'rk+Fiy.iPrtr:4•sh- 4.4,5V.7. EXETER MARKETS. Red Winter, per bus'l $ 93 to White. 9:3 to Spring ax93 to Barley "' 48 to Oats to . 45 to 47 Peas 60 to 60 An Eli FOR, THE.-- (11 ILS h Commercial Union Assurance C, axzpa.ay of GREAT BltiIT INt. Capital and Assets, $21,Ou0,0010. thesor En NORTH, oar st,urk is tell ;z"?nrt¢,I for the sraeur: a resile.. LOW rhea still sualutatn. GROCER/ES --16 lbe.'suga * for $1,00 ; E3 fibs. white yoga,;' for $1.00, ties cant in uncle id iii 'toe from .E'c tut .tie per lb. 8QQ14 Shan(all Ie.$) e: low peke. A ni.,,;ly as,..rrta•:l ekee'at aft F(ilyl+`,S, Sf"1TIIESand GLAS$ ata atrre (• strap) rot ma,:tm, i Zeis. f'i'r i. t°,al :+.s arts SS flea'Nattl, ce Tea Sett 0144 pieces, 42.76. t gond *==:;t a°f itta4 arils CV. tiiaa :r.3 "'6rits got tall n, geed Our fire s Goods are lnmo l:« cc1 Giov?kl1 to the linden xlartch. Ctl"for l.texa. A I coo o,ttnit:4. a t o t.crt 2,r tato. App.e f., JOHN MPTHE O !lar temtoir`at+:' TIl1. PROPRIETOR or rill: DOMINION LABORATORY pitet;., to ammo -ice to his muner- ons i'fieiltls and Patrons that hey has just Inst in a fall line of Staple & Fancy Stationery Account Boots, School Books, and all kinds of School requisites Letter and Note Paper Fools cap Paper, Account Papers, Colored Tissues, Gilt Papers aiul Drawing paper Pens, Ink, Pencils, and also a full line of all the newest and mot lx popular works • of Fiction, .all of :which :will eb sold at the lowest remearative rates. VEBROWNING. PROPRIETOR, The best and most reliable Fire Tusur-, The subscriber rsishes to inform tl;e since Couipauies in the world, farr:res•s and general public that lie is prepared to furnish all suers ADVOCATE OFFICE, EXETER. and kind of 90 saEasaTeg;y ,, aafi PENNYROYAL WAFERS. . ,�, Preseri mien of a pirvsiriaa wltC ?0 -: has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used Monthly with perfect success by over. 10,00 1011e.. Pleasant, safe, etleetuel. Ladies askour smug- „tell mug n st for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose ost- _ `1age for sealed particulars. Sold by i, all druggists, $1 per box. A.ddres & EUI1F1 CHEMICAL LO., Dumaorr, Mion. Sold in Exeter by Dr, Lutz, and .8,00 to 8.50 J'druggists everywhere. 3an-1-8 Eggs Butter, Rolls Butter, Crocks Wool Potatoes per bag Hay per ton 13 to 13 1i to 15 1^4to1ri 18 to 18 • 1.00 to 1.10 Well diggin promptlY done, and at reasonable rates. Residence and shop, on Ann street, behind Christie's Livery Stable. A CALL S'OLIaITEmn SZoSt tic= Sieg{O c` . 2