The Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-26, Page 74 R FASSXNG NOTES. • i' Instantaneous seise. tifieation" was preach eel by Rev. J. H, Coy, a Baptist minis- ter of Keswick, N. B, The New Branswick 1\ eaters Baptist Association took the mat- ter up, pronounced the doctrine unwarrant- ed, and dropped Mr. •Coy's name from. the list of minieterre Ontario bank bills are subject to a dis- count of one -hell per cent, when used in the purchase of money ordere in rho Maritime Provinces, The business men. complain of • the discount ; but in all probability the Gov- ernment cat,uot avoid it. If' the Eastern banks demand the discount, the Pose office Department meet demand it alio or lose on the transaction. Mr. Geo. Hague thinks all Canadian bill should be accepted at per throughout the Dominion, and certainly the intrescs of trade mule thie reform deeir. Able. In the vicinity of Clayton, N. Y., lie the remains of three of the old British war nes. gels need in the wax of ISL. Two were sold at the ceneleeien of the war to Ameri- can timber dealer, and one was a prize cep- tnred by the United States war ships. These vessels, fie lona as they shat -, 'must h ve been curiosities in the way cf mien i marine era -Almoners. Tne Britian .arimairaity Opp• poked Labe Ontario wee a gait water sea. and thoughtfully iiad the ships egeiesped whir celeseel tends for fr€ah water" The Prohibition Convention voted in fa - (f eufircge. Ift:emenare given rhe franchise eney. whI1 no denbt, eecept The other duti a of , iitix crimp. They wilt, for example, enrol ms tbeeleea in the uailitt'i avid ehou )sneer. When this; happy titian cos fee tje Incidesnt quoted; by Rev. Dr. Griffin iu a. serrata before the CenveDtiou will be enacted he real life The Ease of Habit. A recent visitor to the mills where the bank, -note paper ie made for the lase of the government describes the skill and swiftness with which the sheets are counted. •b t saw onegirl whose motions. resembled. those of a machine in their accuracy and lightning -like rapidity. My eye could not follow the mnonotonous, flashing movement of her angora; yet ao delicate and unerring was her touch that every imperfect sheet, was instantly detected and dropped." Thenarrator rove that he discovered in olid girl an old schoolmate, • "whose fingers two veara ago were as eliurney as my own." The government employe women in the Treasury Department in separating' the charred fragments and cinders of bank -notes accidentally destroyed by fire, AO that their denominations and numbers may be diaeov- ered. A visitor watched one Of these ex- perts Oat mass apparently ofIiekek so' un water, and dis'!de it with ane, light toneh until it took shape and meaning to her keen glaece. "My eyes," she eeid, in gnawer to his ex- preeelonof amazement, "are no eherperthen your own. The skill lies, only is habit." School -bogs, in their groping efferta to plain axd forecast their future, are apt to ,earaparo themselves, uatreiced slid crude els they are, with men long akil.edi in their trade and pr'Kfesefon, end to grow hepeteze with the cal_traat.., Tine etmdeirt o f book-keeping despairs es he watches the accountant reckon a. line of egarea with a swift, upward glance, and the tyre with the pen loses .enrage an he sees the old editor dealt off a celunen of Var- cible argement in vivid Euelt+h, the words coaling, unanAnneoue=.1 when needed. Hew can they cinrpute with such ability as time:"; They forgot khat these Dien began with Ogre ae'heeiteting and unable as their own. They melte rich ellowao. a for the stanch, Un- failing ally, ease of habit, which coutea ter every patient worker, • thutg,e;"eays the old proverb, coram to hien wile works mid weite," but nothing eonlea. more surely or fibre helpfully their expertlreee in .his work aril .keen satiafae- tion In doing it thoroughly. Baby's in the era le slid. Cryieg 1tiLer tory, Father's bekingpeneekee, And mother is ell fi jury. Under the pew Quebec eerporetien ta"; bill the Beek of litontrel will be eat'leil APPA to seYatracldittOA.l S'.2,393 a year, the Shreiner Is mak ,, IU utero, the Dusk of Como iuerce• $1,2{19 more, and the Merehents' and Motion's a prepurtioeal increeee, while the .Iai;aques Cartier and Ville .Marie Beaks and the Banque do l;"enple will pay reduced taxes. The tax of S.1 iuepoeei on tele„ rapt cenrpenie.e for cacti canary o t" co will, Age cording too high authority, remit 41% the closing of the rural ngcnciea Wit felt Are Anton - Melly prefiteble, "erase 1114rea'o its the *Ince isl deubly dieteetoful to the eerpuratioute They exp eted to be reliance. of the tenser imposts. 'The ©ff'i ere of the French Mary are nmLi. taut ov+tr the xtnbetlnderl anatrinteulal inerts, freer* whit opera up before them. It the past +everryy oipacer bee been forbidden to merry withene the cense:at,.f iia colouel end titsroi:, tion, cif A certitizato *Whig that. the intended bride hal et least a fortune of :'D,O0Jfrancs, This regulation bee elrasys beep felt to be a grieveuee by the French ofdeers, althongkif the tenth be told few would CATO to ravens a bride having a del leen than the aunt named. Nieverthelese, their manhood demanded that they should late the liberty to take aamaller sung. The French Minister of WVar, itis eeid, proposes to abolish the restriction and to Allow the ot)'1owe the right of choosing whom they will as their helptnytes. Tho defaulting Brooklyn cashier, Albert 1.. firahe, who was arrested In ltiontreal and consented to go beck to the States without the neceerary extradition order, on bcin • ar- raignedat the Court of Session, Brooklyn, on his return, pleaded that his salary wail only $12 a week, and that, oeeuliying the position he did, it was difficult to staid stealing,. Of course such au excuse cannot be admitted fora moment ; but, nevertheless many 'people will think that a corporation or bank which pays its cashier a miaerablo pittance of $12 a week, deserves toet rob- bed for ite folly in exposing an underpaid official to the temptation of so responsible a position. Dark Parlors. Mr. Editor :-- Darkenod merlon aro among our most fashionable evils. Noth- ing is more gloomy than to he ushered into ono of thee° temp -like apartments whore one can scarcely grope his way to a seat. We chanced to bo the guest of a lady friend and after spending some time in the family sitting room we were invited to " walk into the parlor," and we felt very much as we imagme " Miss Fly" did upon entering upon the threshold of the spider's parlor. We would earnestly appeal to the common sense of the ladies of the land to do away with this great evil of excluding the fresh air and sunlight from your dwellings just from fear of baring carpets fade. When- ever you darken your rooms to save your carpets you do yourselves and your families a great injury. Care for health rather than absurd fashions. Open wide your doors and windows and let in the sunshine and fresh air no matter if the carpet does fade. It is far better to have a faded carpet than faded cheeks. Then for the sake of your 'health and beauty, ladies, no longer follow this fashion, but let your rooms be cheerful and sunny. AUNT JANE. PSAALS or TRUTH, That virtue which r'eenirea be eve, guarded is seareely worth the ecnttael. Tq•ltterrow id a saltire on. to•dey And chows iia weakeesneelYAung. Every marl, even the best, boa in lout &Iaxnmetsting 1lambeeee to lower aatisa;a�le. � Ifouf ty h the oak Arataasl which ell other virtues cllugg. Without that they fall, arid, groveling, die in weeds orad dust. O blesuled Ieelth 1 Ile that bas thee bite little more to Mete for ; end he that le so wretched as to want thee, wants every. thing, Were be never so benighted there is al- ways hope for a men that azetuatly and ear- nestly works. Iu idleness alone is there perpetual despair. We+deep, but the loom of life taever stops, and the pattern which was weaving when the eau went down is weaviug when' it comes up tomorrow. Ask what prevailing pleasing power Allures the sportive, wnuderiag bee To roam, uutired, from flower to dower, Heil tell you 'tis variety. Tao drat pressure of sorrow eruthee out om our hearts the beat wine ; afterward no ccnetant weight ofit brings forth bitter. tees—the taste and stain from the leen of the vat. An Oxford graduate is a street car cont ductor at Minneapolis. He has any amoun- of wealthy relatives, but the trouble came in when they wanted hint to marry the girl he didn't like. To gelj out of the difficulty he skipped across the ocean. He is a popu- lar conductor, bat does not find much time to cultivate the literary tastes acquired at college. Where eminent talent is united to spot - leas virtue we are awed and dazzled into admiration, but our admiration is apt to be cold and reverential ; while there is some- thing in the harmless infirmities of a good and great, but erring individual, that pleads touchingly to our nature, and we turn more kindly to the object of our idolatry when we find that like ourselves he is mortal and frail, The future can never bo divorced from the past, It is indeed the inevitable out- come of it. We cannot close up the record of the years behind us as if they had not been, and open a fresh and new one bearing no relation to, those that preceded it. What has been sown will be reaped, and, thus, by reviewing the time that is gone, we may at- tain some degree of knowledge of that which is yetto come. And, as the farmer, through his successes and his failures, :learns how better to prepare his soil and to select his seed, so may we learn from time to time the lessons of experience. Dipping. Sheep. Why do sheep men. dip abeep ? What is dipping sheep? What do they dip them in? How do they dip them? are questions asked by many amateur sheep growers. it is con- sidered necessary by our be eheeparea to dip sheep annually whether diseased or not. It may prevent disorder if not cure. Sheep men dip sheep to kill ticks, lice, and to sire scala. It it aiso thought by some to cause a healthy growth of wool. Sheep are seen, to be seratching against fences, sheds. ete ,. whoa warm weather begins, and is led to examine the cense of aueh uneasiness He will probably fad myriads et sheep ticks, and in some instances where sheep are kept on ranger* he .may find. traces of scab, Thio, at thie season of the year is not probable, as the sheep woulcl have shown symptoms early in the spring, and the fleece parte come a ff in errata long before warm weather, Dipping ;sheep is immersing them in a .to- . contnibing a decoction of tobacco andsulphur arseanne sheep dip, or carbolic acid diluted. Where large fioeke are to be dipped a taus: is provided eo that sheep have to swim. through, it, coming out upon an ineline on the other side wher,5''they are detained to drain, and the drainii. a run back into the tank. To dip lerae all that Le eeceolary le to bold them back down and in:mores thein, care being taken to keep itcsac itt;-ta prevent strangling. If a llo,^.r, of sheep are properly cared for each year by dipping the lambs at the right time, the adults may. .net need it ea far as the extermination of parasites are caueerned. When the warm weather eeniee, the beet, the biting, and ezretching of the adults, Cause the tiel;s to get upon the lambs,., If the ktnbs are dipped abent ten days after the sheep sire dorm, then the ticka are all deatrayed. Tobacco dip is preferable to arsenous dip' for the reeeen of its safety. Sometimes Their a Sheep has been dipped in erseuong dip end allowed to ao to peetnre it will lie down epee the great. Thin gran' when eaten by sheep will potasan them. Tobeeee dip;ia cheaply made by obtaining at the gheor factory tobacco tfteas. The fsletlfs eau lee bought cheaply, acid answer se well ee to. beceo drain casts G(l cents per pound awl will kill ticks jest ea well, we h tick can not stand as wench poisoa as a utau,. Have had • tobecen chewers helping me dip thst get very sick breathing the forties arseleg from the tebacee, The dip *Weld be warm;. iAItiGADA SHIPPING CO..—Beaver Line of Steamships, sailing weekly, between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Live 1, 840, $50, and800, Return tickets, etio, 590, and $110. according to steamer and accommodation. inter- mediate. $30i hound trip tickets, 860, Steerage, 820. Round trip tickets, k40, For further particulars and to secure iambs, apply to II. E. MURRAY, General ltfaeager, 1 Custom Hous(- Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the ourereritTwoneand Glees - The fellow had seen everything, bad got drip off everythinro, willed sonic rtreprezt• of everything. Ws dropped, into a little of Artiste, who were dieeineiog Bo- etnlau life in many plsete. Ail the travel - el in one of them was eeying: "Ab, the place where they sande the weak u .r \1 het plica are you talkie„ asked the }trove llcr. 41 We, were Uiing of Bohemia, "Oh, yes; Bohemia. know. I've been there. I've got one of them." "One of what V "One of theca, welkin rings—an' it's a beauty." A. Howard of $500 le offered by the manufacturers of Dr. Sago's CaturrhIlemedy, for a case of eaterritwhich they cannot cure. The mild, seething, clouting, and heeling properties of this re. acedy are irreitatible. 59 eenta, by druggists. Every dude has a heed light. That dainty lady triettelnh by. now lI^ant her licit, how tri„ht her eye, flow tree) her cheek wittihealthful eine, Like ranee that m fl Whim blew And yet feu' weeks have plead ;May hire* aha wee fading, day by day. The dector'r skill could naugltt'mad ; Weaker the grew, out titin and pale. At het, %bile In a beeches frame, fano;ee the Bald, " There is 1. n:.nle I've ellen ceen—a reanedy. - Perhaps'twill help; I von hat try." And so. oeosanting to dircetion She took Dr Nerved 1. orito ±<'reeetlptlon, And every baleful ayutptorn lied, And she war raised as from the ead. Tho :girl of the period is Anna Lytle. " All other gacdr by fortune's hand is given, A wife Jr tie pcoullargift of Heaven." Is your wife changed and your home un happy? Does she go about with gloom on her face and do you see no more the mune that won you;' It is because :she is bilious. Bile causes half the misery of the world. Her system is clogged up, her head aches. Get her a vial of Dr. !Pierce's Pleasant Pei— Iota ei-Iota and they will give her relief and the atmosphere of home will grow bright again One tiny, sugar.coated Granule a dose. It is the tanner that really embarks in business. Aliva ladies' College. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO Has students from British Colombia, Texas, Arkansas, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Chi- cago, Duluth. New York and other distant pointe. Its low rates, excellent staff of teach. ere, efficient 'work and fine accommodation have so filled its halls that a new building, cost $20,000, has been erected this year. 65 pp. Colander free. Address, Principal Austin, B. D. It is to be regretted that Mr. Greely didn't fetch the North Pole back with him. A Cure for Drunkenness. Theopium habit, depeomanle, tho morphine habil, nervous prostration oaufled by the use of toba000, wakefulness, mental depreeelon, softening of the brain, eto., premature old age, loss of vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain, and loss of natural strength from any cause whatever. Men—young, old or middle-aged—who are broken down from any ofthe above causes, or any cause not mentioned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon's Treatise in book form, of Diseases of 6fan. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M. V Union 47 Wellinvtoa streetEaet, Toronto Ont. France is on the west aide of the Alps. Monaco is on the suicide. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels gel oil of or der, oauelng Billoueneee Dyspepsia, or indigestion, and their attendant evlie, take at once a dose of Dr. uaraon•e Stomnoh Bitters. Beal family medicine, AU Drnggiste, 50 nenle. The man war) hollers amen the loudest doesn't always mean it the most. Cneeteet s Hain Reenwsn restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling out. .Now is the time to conciliate the girl's father or make friends with the dog. People who are subject to bad, breath, foul ooreet tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, ran at ones be relieved by tieing Dr. Carson's Stomach Bilden the old and tried remedy. Ask yens Druggist. Gladiatorially speaking, the sun is the Spotty -cues of the celestial arena. HUB 1 COUGH Cuss Dura. In one minute. The best way to get more talents is to improve the talents we have. A. P. 407. Sunny UUnsbands. Very much has been said about the obli. gatien of wives in regard to wearing per- petual smiles, but it seems as if our literary talents bavo never once thought it worth while for the "anan o' the house" oecaaion- ally to don it amilo when at home in his own family circle. It :is certainly just as essential to dom- estiohappiness fur aman to be sunny and goal -tempered as it is for the woman. Wo often doubt whether the male head of a family really appreciator+ the oppor- tunity he has for diffusing sunshine at home or comprehends how much of gloom ho can bring into the family circle by entering its sacred precincts with a frown on his coon- tenance. Tho wife and mother is within four walls from morntg until night, with but few exceptions, and must bear the worri- ment of fretful children, inefficient servants weak nerves and many other perplexities and she must do thie, day after day, whil the husband gena out from these petty detail of home care, has the benefit of the pure, fresh air, meets with friends, has asocial, good time, which altogether act as a charm on the physical man, and if he does as he should, he will came home cheerful and buoyant, and thereby lighten the house- hold life for his wife, and drive dull care and gloom from her careworn brow. Some men can be all smiles away from home but at home they are as cross as bears and yet we hear it said, on every side, " Wives, meet you husbands with a smile." Look Here. Do you feel blue and despondent ? Do pains rank and tear away at nerve and mus - ole, and have yon been disappointed in find- ing a remedy that will afford certain and speedy relief. If so, go at once to any drug store and buy a sample bottle of Poison's Nerviline. Pelson's Nerviline never fails to relieve neuralgia, cramps, headache, rheu- matism, and all internal or external pains. J. B, Carman, druggist, Morrieburfh, writes ; " All the parties I supply speak very favorably of Nerviline, and always purchase aseem d lot." Pclson's Nerviline is sold in sample bottles at 10 cents ; large size 25 cents—by all druggists and country dealers everywhere. Try a ten cent bot- tle. The fruits of the earth do not more ob- viously require labor and cultivation to pre- pare them for our use and subsistence than our faculties demand instruction and re- gulation in order to qualify us to become upright and valuable members of society, useful to others, or happy in ourselves. The misfortunes we lie under are more easy to us than those of any other person would be in ease we could change condi- tions with him. Either the evils that be, fall us aro in some measure suited and pro- portioned to our strength, or they become more supportable as we grow accustomed to them, Oa Lino Royal Nall 3teamahipa Sailing during winter from Port Ana every Wave. day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and la Bummer from Quebec every Saturday to Li I, calling at Loadonderr y to land mails and Ager. for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halifax end fit. Johns, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during mummer months. The steamer$ of the Glas- gow lines sail during winter to And from Halifax, Portland; Boston and Philadelphia; and dnrin sum• SALJLTER BROS., Felt and Bravel 23 ADELAIDE E.. TORONTO. Estimates given., Country wo tabled mor between Glasgow and Montreal weekly, Ula ow 00 and Boston weektY, and Glasgow and Phoeoelph1 fortnightly, l• or freight, PgQ, or other information apply io A. Schumacher a Co., Baltimore; S. Canard iw Co., or a specialty, Deli -tax; Shea & Co., tit, John's, N, Fa Wm. Thome- _ _ mare Ce., St. John, N. B.; Aflan �a Co., Chi�ogo; Love & ,Alden, New York, 11. Bourlier, Temntc; '(,,4Miane, Rae to Co., Quebec); Wm. Brookie, t hiladel: phis; 11. A. Allen. Portland, Boston. Montreal. FOR GEDRCIIES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific haw been used for the past. fiftaenyeara, with greetsuoceas, et the treatmeat of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising frown ex - ceases, over-worked brain, lowed vitality, ringing in the eare, palpitation, eto. For sale by ail druggists. Pelee 41 per box, or 6 boxes for 56, or win be soot by staii on reeetpt of pries. Pamphlet on applioatlon. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Toronto, Young Men SUFFERING. from the etfeets of early evil habits, the result of igncrri^.e mad folly, who lied themselves. weak. cersm s and exhausted; Al eMeavon,Aeroend Ome 318a vibe are broken down from the effects of segues or over work. and in ndwacet4 life feel the ce:nseguencesetaoutbfettexcess, sle=d for aid read St. Y. Luton's Treatise en the Diseases of Men. The hocle v:i,lbe sent sealed to any address oa receipt nt two e. Ramps. Addreei 41.. V. A,i:BQN, Welliia an St. E.. Toronto, Ont. 'ASL ANQ SON, '70 King` St, W.. Toronto. DYEING ARO CLEANING. R. PARKER 84 00. Works and. Head Offices : 759 TO 763 YONGE 1.'3'Varga Street, City QQewi S'3 Weep -St. West, 10114)=0. 100 Camaro Street. .,.Brantford, Ont. 4 Jahn. StreetNertb F1aniilten, Deet. 22 42-zeeri Bicyeles A" MO semi ter lista *ago et our Sscand'laatd rca- cbinei mt greatly reduced pries. dirt. > oagssol .t co CCttvLxh rat., Toronto.. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO • eltanufaeturere et the highest grader SILVER-PLATED WARES TRADE Whaley, Royce 60ut --FACTORIES eros d4Ll SROOM t- 420 to 420 Xing Rt. West, TORONTO F, E7. A OOiaFg;IAIi, " J- G. CAPE', sa;azer. Ses.7Yeas. Toronto Conservatory of Musl1 `Jsa Twa;e: fltreet1 Toronto. The Cheapest Place rn Canada for BAND IRSTRUMINTS, .New and Second -bawd. Agents for "BESSOM" an' "HIGHAM" Band do Orchestra M1JSIC. REPAIRING or BANC INSTRUMENTS 1seee Send for Gataloges. 0000 PRESENTS. 01115YAP,1.711O. WEAR iU62 Lea We e ,Il -e-ad !wail n ap- Trsa , i1 tta%,..4a4 Nr.4dIen„ o: t' ano:u crc' e'ucta 'a. to lY--ties will tee the SaMISASER'S SPORE Man f' at tl c r+ d ctrrtc 5r+m tho 1;114 :all r od tt ice a totter e a " ., , ars t t.pt i#. -t after f.,nirtrt it L7477er,s f3,1O"7?.ii Ge t ser. ll t• ech 't. vitt. • An" g r"a;" o r -inn uit•per • tm.»CLI:.rea, ".0 at ifa`..twd by eeni,{ lr!ireee— • elli' e11111 Cil .T(11tf NTtl OVER 00 PUPILS FIRST SEASON rr+� u r� R a r tc'x r et .Tot21a 50 TEAC''HERS C....�.-:.-e! n'447.7 Y --J'^.44. •:;, trrtrprates•anti HADIONC409 a70aT }%•11t1.7.7..t.rtc atr�li ..g • 1r-emt sb.ri. FREE aAD* '-:ry , • 47-414;.0.741W7-..74 f..a ia.,r st.:4 r r;at ..t ct... a c+re,1 .., aL a lisyrr s --1 th't c„i a rag ,t..a....w far ti:a 1.OWtItD Ii'7f"11P.Ir. Director. 447 a, ...,a...r.,ta..II .^. r1F:er; 7'rO. ICC: 7y� Il TC ac ai Bicycies! BSER 110 Second • Mind 1'ltoyelew Safeties and Tricycles. Siad for List and Catalogue. tg"nte %zanier In every town, 4.. T_ 3;,.e1.1\Tl3, AGENTS WANTED OR Elegant Lithographic I'feturc of City of Toronto, taken from the Bay, and showing all the, lending buildings, gardens, drives, stations, wharves, eto. Size 24x36 inches. Sample copy sent to any address for 50 cents. GEO. BENGOUGH, 30 Ring St. East, Toronto. Detlring to obtain a Duelnra9 Education, or brooms pp tect rpflele t In Shorthand and Type%siting, eitould the af- BMTISB AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, ren;e street, Toronto. For Circulars, eto., Address U. ODEA. Secretary t'OOD :1 OR i HE . OT WEATHER TIS I S tea' HIMONT Jo STONS Fi.uII BEE CI .I. atCCS 'x'0 33M When the Appetite fails, when the Stomach rejects all lrinda of food, when the System is run down in canes of Mental and physical Overstraining, causing disability, JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF will supply Strong Nourishment that can bet retained and thoroughly digested by the weakest stomach, It will give tone to the stomach, renter's waste from whatever cause, and supply food for Brain, Bone and Muscle. FLUID BEEF Barnum Wire & Iron Works, Windsor, Ont. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FENCE Made from 3-16 Steel Rods, with Heavy Iron Frame and Iron Foundation. We are offering the Fence at ex- ceptionally low prices. Irons Fence Cresting. Stable Fittings, and all kinds of Iron and Brass Work. There are many verrATIONB Of " Peerless MACHINE OIL, but none equal it in lubricating properties. FARM - see, Matisse, etc., find none equal to the eaxuixs Peerless made by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. Sold by dealers everywhere. CAPITAL AND 1117405 ltOW 0VERr. H3,000,000. IIEAID OFFICE, 15 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO, 014T.. A 15033E C031PANY, ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1871. To this date, October 31, 1867, there has been returned : To the heirs of Policy -holders (death claims) To the hold.rs of matured Endowment Policies To Policy -holders on surrender of Poliolee To Policy -holders for Cash Profits (including those allocated and being paid). To holders of Annuity Bonds Loaned to Policy -holders on $eourity of their Policies 5640,240 00 26,492 68 08,856 00 482;544 02 16,967 84 82,264 98 81,806,174 47 Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount over $15,000,000. PRESIDENT -Hort. SIR W. P. HOWLAND, C.B., K.C.M.G. VICE•PRESIDENTS.—WrTrTaM ELLIOTT, ESQ; EDWARD HOOPER, ESQ. J. S. MACDONALD, Managing Directors SidirPollclee Nonforfeltabie"atter 2 vaare and Indefeasible atter 8 years, 11