The Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-26, Page 6DUGOUT AND MAN-OF-WAR.
%sneer eraitt That Together latetor
A correspondent, of the brew York Sun,
who has peen visiting British Columb e
writes as follwes from 'Victoria, :---I doubt
if there can be found in all the world a
more interesting 'naiad or =rhea display
than fell •underroy noticehere the other day,
Early in the morning I was rowed eczema a
narrow area of the harbor to. the Indian
reservation opposite thecity, The Indians,.
who are called Siwashes, though that is
merely their own name for a roan, live in
decrepit, unpainted houses, amid shabby
eurroundungs, by means of fishing and inter,
Mittens miscellaneous work for the white
mein, A Meath, .flat bit of shore they use
as a genemal boat landing, and bete were
drawn sip half a dozen of theireanoee, These
are so peculiar that I desired a cloee view
of axle, and was delighted when I reacted
the plass to $ud three of the hicks banding
an immense and superb one. The peculiar,
ity of these boats is that they have tall,
ereot,jprows, ahapearlike the necks and heads
of animals, or, rather always of .one shape,
of war for these waters then, for she
carried an aranamont of aix nne•ponnders.
Later on this same eventful day I drove
out between the zeae buahes that line the
road to Esquimalt. That is the host im-
portant suburb of Viotoria, and is barber-
eusly pronounced "Sgymalt " by the Vic-
torians. Here is the only naval station of
Great Britain on the Pacific coast. As
though to eomplate the remarkable experi-
once of the day in the moat fitting mariner,.
1 Soon found myself seated at the table in
the ward of her kialenty, s iron man-of-war
the Triumphs The immense cost of main-
taining this atation is spent in Yictorie
and is her . chief and most reliable
source of income, In the tuinds of
those who would embroil us with En-
tered this ataitoii is a constant and close
menace to our Pacific eoaat cities, any one
of which the great gena carried on these
vessels couldbatter down in a few hourawith•
out the possibility of our preventing the danm-
age as we are now situated. Once the Brit-
ish feat +ailed from Chia lonely little harbor
on exactly each a.. errand. It was when
during the heat of the so•called "5440 or
fight" movement in settlenment, of our North-
west boundary an American on San Juan
which suggests a dog's head on a very lou island called upon our troops for protection
neck. Like as the Siwaeh, T'linkets, ono against a British order of arrest that was
nit the other Indian en the Pastia: coast , served upon lunz and that he restated. The
are to the Cbineae, they are not more iike English Admiral vowed he wculd blow the
them then these boats are like the boat+ etill sew*** troops off the ite of the island.
in use all along the coast of China at But not a gun was freed en any of his
distance from. the large cities. vessels., and, on the contrary during the true
Tbeae Siwash canoes aro really dugouts, years that our soldiers and the British me -
made by steeping out the inside of great tree rives occupied the island many balls and par -
trunks. Some are no longer than is needed eke were gives and atteadcd by the men on
for two persons, but they are all sizes, ca en : both 'idea,
up to gipantie lengths, possible of attain ser Ma esty'a ship, tba Triumph. illua-
zueett Quly by 4earehing the giont ,rawtha zz.p as been muds nisch
l tested the regress that h
THE haefeanetws To -fiesta the primitive dugout wee the beat: war *hip
of that coast„ These Indians Shape the ex Alan etoagloyed, ammmi sauce the day wiled the
awd gracefully, and then add the paeans =emended awe wherever elm soiled, The
prowa wale o , nod a - s -era pastes
that are in to theprawe in (legit% though eithely sato am gigaetie watch shaped li a a.
ti 1 Gel fatted is
tenors of the++. dugoote very acientilxaally ever'• with her battery of edem pauimders,
1' f d ala thelite=
Triumph esti be likened) to nothing
the augetudon of an aufzee 'n head is sot ship andact a oat eo comnp a. y. .
carried out in the stere pieces- with
The ludiau ehipbufldere 1 found at work , anlAClai:+'ERy ANA I',13P1,I„3tm: