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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-26, Page 4
Exeter 71 tozss more then last year, In each refreshing drops clecendecl in a mat" $� r slG' * buQ a ease the foregoing inures include both quantity last ble h afternoon. y 1 T; ^E. p S Stream and sailing j'essels. As to Miss Emma Wilson returned Mole WILLIAM , a last �londa from Yarns where she; ,stream shipping, en, 1848 the tonnage yr ; 1 inrehte #.:4.* F.k,k�G' ": .EF.,"."r; ,°, < ; F,*f;.a. i 1911eaI Kingdom %l�S under C� 000 t(rrs ].t proceeded �. has spent a number' of -wee1 s. visiting y of the stream veseels belonging to the at lir. Joseph Raters, a N Kingdom , . c S A• large number o our enterprising TUESDAY JULY 26th, 18830 ' . 1 roceedec by leaps. and farmers have bought new self binders a hrsttl,cla,,Tisiug to -167,000 terns, fill 1850; to 4e2,009 in 1$60; 1,111,000 hi 1870; Do :YOU Sia}11?f?ae, ttegkt that. 3tie'1n �.s 20000 itt 18$0: lied lust tear it a readied the enormous total of 4,081,- and t`niMmvTi ;lst a�?is set' Qf 1ee @Jeti� L, . this season, among them Messrs. Rd. Webb, A. Glendenning, Rufue L. Wil eon and V. Pleura I'1. •sa 'sa Messrs. , � I Flt t o Jas. M Rufusc Wilson odea an number of others have a eel ie en 4'' ')tmis. The colonies hire $l5o a r ruin #a�tlres frcr.aa t��i.,al•>to� ��,+..a�G..::,..bought pew wind mills nor. their dee " i;a•,litl thntnage of 3;':9,0 0, giving a wells. s. Ilalr. Relit, 11utvhinsc+n is the MAO e �u1 c;: 4,411),000 tolls for the British ageut they bought from. 1 tea,, -+);,2,' ----'�`. 1-treu et: Riche: Dominion bends are steadily 1'iei:n price."' 4+i1 Ilio G' ; "Yeez1.reat eeneinta speeches 1 lh;te°n,d to l.tw Ileonly eutlajeet`.'severely :dote:..' A French cloe:to (cued that T}j,tese v av d A-idzoei efleer. to Ola t' nt: is difficult Mor nn n t' tirna after he hall ..$t,•:G Blit' ,.n i lL this be so soma., letsm#net, lave tow.4 tie a. �A r Mile et ituve thri Ren.„ Ill i ntcra'tl l n w ,yltTreMt.0 ;;II I 4 -+134th •lfelliug is en extract Prem I ill flro2rs recent "tvaeap-on-the-Rrit- n"l4 tion's t ill" speee•h ;.n the United a s t~e elf to en the fisheries Treaty; l::Do, • :were days- in 4`i -ranee time) I eleree the flag, beautiful as the ' flower bete{ who loved it, terrible: ISS F.lthaw who hated' it, :Ranted c.F:rn a� iva frzentlly poets. No petty lie:tieb t,;Ili:cr 1:e tiled it down from a t :-,stltea(l. No C`alaacauann . , c•r ' Jn,,t:ce la tA , hed in the fie e -`t*t.e alk; n citizen when brant ;h r Clate lion. -e.. I confess dell±lis of these thiuga I lei ati�faartiou when I think «f C"seg w crlt4uae. t do that like the gei_ll everywhere robs semi- 9 ltil +G t 1k, glory. 11 do l.nlr • ea:al4a2e the e rhe priecipelque S ell E3'4. lattlee e£ the *Nang... "v1ll ire re` tris t'd Englial Vane IL 1,1 nu eTi tai 1d1itts ^n awDi 1 :11 S 2.27. aT av sag POWeIt ly ';1&k'o E . K4^s'•wg�,Mryt9,gkleb9M.a'9e; e1Yn erta lnna^NpPikyy3; A g lyln deal d, `k: f'daaNiven h,nq c 4,2"1-• < 1425,54O, s o Ittanw4', i. ry1A "� p';'J :a and 9 goast«+"-v,E'NnX“n 4 @ HJL Italya 1+9i n !tic, nt&.:'t,,p Qitr nd9'',a:.',% "•. il _ ♦R '. #lt'ner'astd t',7, i e in the eharterte1 iisearie t ¢ ul.o^. a*envie ion tee the tnuaa042124. : Il.217,I.„2 Ili, aurae- over the dr zke .. A t "1: a , F `; .0t), :D 1:iIb in a yeeve:te(I ten years is not a Iririi *lteitl'OGJ: ws'.1r eGPrxninunity repro.. t .nie :i:'0 v! i is +eil.e at} the earth by into:9•r 1 :,. Ie u.a,l i,":1'. CHRISTIE'S WMi,>tU HO}4L !VERY MEDICATED ELECTRIC nealea,tcdfor all diseases of U20'1210041 and per Irons systen I.aciies' Belt SI for Rugine cans- }}i a nt it 1,a n' goal. Alens'Belt P:;,eoabized t Tilt and :ius arrsory' . Seminal west less, AC errors of youth.losz ! manhood, night l y "tom ennssiona. Btu. The, only appliances gtvine a el!reot current Ont Ele ctr ic ity ate t tts., ea 1 nw worn note rrdeV S9ntl.ottCmmeenYOnzened s'luttdr CtaQf'lr'PS": t3lnonials o:r file from those cured of female dtreases. lbams to ci: and a s.leead a'ta lipabi, nervous detente, general debility, lumbago, rhtumn tt tam, paralysis, 2teuralt ie..selatica disease of the kidneys. Spinal disease. torpid liver, gout. le .{alma catarrh of the bladder sexual ,exhatastton, se u oalemisslon. asthunatneata disease, d5 pepyia, constipation er silr e14s. fudigestiou, w poteeel..Picas. e3.4leF_y. dumb ags;o and diabetes. Send stamp for handsomely illustrated batik and !maim jeurea.l. con'espondeame strictly coutidentiat. 51240tioxi, and electrical treatment, free.. Agents wanted everyrhere. rat, Feb. 5U, Ou 4s Cuaranteed. Medicated Electric Belt Co... 155 Posen Ste West, Toronto, Canada. r'1 IR>ags and UUor's 'irstTV1a;'s., i aRgl. nr,lrra left tatthe eitateIt deco*a1en4 e at the stable will bee pa^ontk lstgof t(l4alEd to. Till'"9s. 11R.V1{e:aiillIX,, .] ft,aavl tin".:[ erwo., ;. :rare eae:'�ttti/l:t'el•l'tiOpllti lr a �'d fiS?ia4 tn�^ 1-:k State: . ,e -re ;he sS r'.V.§e the ✓2ift''Aeeee n v a n : thie etpt tai'+vie " :1 }{ vv :t R� I,•"a. L�.•IJ`,''i ti:l FL Cit a P+t 31i1F A 1 ' .:•i4 sy r:4"; i1(".E1 �" uNy til; e°nto 1afeeel to iii .3rJ ° u :129 202,z:• ;nal to .he F�@Slr'9i+ tnl ewe, :-.f12; tr.. W i° ..>t ? `ani t :siR i; to { +" i i1« .aata:el S. it avid ream—N. li u - t , .,, ; :the .'t,t:ne'9'ia-:.le right tan- Frest el t^. *ewe'+ i••'.f,°ek:' t:@°.;net 4,41.1t' natio A: Ea.0, ;:h the {;Bons t+3 gear tither: neon S tl:r. and the wk,loia of vim. fatherh •l for ta-, dens. The t'lnrt':Gi'l'te'1'a of eek Loc alz. net obtain, ulQel1 e';reef,. r; glees tah.i.'. %tateruent The vatThe vac s eeete in the lft?a:) .: Commons are Cer le. e::. tat the r Bee t t.E the death of lion. Tiltagta:;;, Wit;‘..."; Balton, in eonst•tlu.'a.ee t+f #?,e' gie... a ;ttM out; of Mr, Henderson, Cob 'Tvatwvie t;olehester, in eouserlt.eere: a the,' si: natiou of the Hoe 1V. rend. Provenclher, :lt e ,9;yt 1 ,e ,y;' of eeignatnn oI' the Mee wl+ et'!tll alppoiutf d Lieu:teItauu ^t eel t l ::a a' t+: i:t;i North-West :herr ito; i• Tut speeches of Il "u!'cra: +Ju ill a Fishery Treaty itiad thee e c : t ae_ ral politicians ill tit'°.•*a. P.1L-35 39.& eta- .nent should be bound beef—thee tee - linens of the argument:: .1 •• el to 1.:41,•t,nit the ratification elf the treaty. 14 . -rife: fife: lican Senators say the treaty at y i,: a )i:•r hieing surrender of the Areeri4an while the Canadian Liberal 1'tr;=ntctt1s ay it is a humiliating surreeder of Canada's rights. The trouele in each case is that the one party is out er power in the States and the other in Canada, r: - .424: 4v: iq ,s. {v:{. M nue _, of Parkhill, 't4;;s in toy. n during the v. -v.4,4 •.tt"' -Iaf ,'i'is meeting of tie ('utin- .nne'il, lie on 'rue. [.lfet•, for tLt I • of 4.100 mining what 19ie'e:i=. the ° t'eeety of 1lureiu will to tate hi tr, era the eharge4 laid by Mr. 319 n e 1 {. borne, v iol( wife had her L Z l ; t!°,get I;tu•'t'd by the negligence tz ele-. auntri:- of. 1l,uran mid Perth. iia k° .null{ appointed a eonnuitte'e to iii..::: i:tilter c02112tiittee from Perth 40i:e• !1:t tte the charger,. Thi! Iteeidr- teek. lace lest spring near 1Zirkton froze the effbets of a Lad A Board of Trade return shows the progress of British slipping durin,g the last fifty years. In 1840 the tonnage, of Europe was 3;311;000 tons,of which 3,724,000 belonged to the United Kingdom; last year it was 9,13.4,000 tons, of which the United Kingdom ]held 7,296,000'tons.. The total for all the rest of the world last year was 8,- 597,000 tons, or.538,000 less than the British., tonnage. Norway stands •e,econclson the listtwith 1,524,000 tons; Germany, third, svith 1;252,000; and the United States fourth, with 1,111,- 000: American shipping has fallen off more than half a million tons during the last ten years. The tonnage of the United Kingdom has declined a tattle since 1585,,wlien it vas 91,400 A 'li'it) : society t as formed in 1. 9s44441i veer:: age:, ., t t3 a :ling > 1 tCi Opal) the {{edea t r riegiug :eery: ••'r &1'8 1errei ee <'*tiigieus:se'1•vives:t 12' ie ,t:,alt,;e. lie other :; ty the English ne:.tr.g'.t,-::haat•+:(?'1' the sotieety out of ,t. iereele;e, ter the elturrle people of all ere eeveleeticees bad r *dui dl such a, tee ewe: e'mt the house of Cilannaouo diet 9 y pitsend nu act eeiv ng the hells 211 st in`.+,'. In the: coulee of the con- t ,i.erey the hietorleal fact.. seems to have been est=;:bushed that the use of bells in churches for the purpose of calling the wort kippers together was fireb instructedaver fourteen hundred years ttgo. Suoide. Joseph Tcnhpleton, of Stanley: Tp., colunitecl suioicle by hanging himself in his barn on Saturday morning, July 21st. He n as about 30 years of age and not married. He lied a good farm and vas workihlg it successfully with e, hired man, and his mother keeping house for him. He appeared perfectly sane on the -previous evening. No one can tell what caused him to do the rash act. ' Au inquest was held and a verdict rendered accordingly. Greenway Budget. Pure Ghees honey for sale at : the Boston House.. Mr. Jas. trahoddoth has rented Mr. J. C. Corbett's farm from. Judson, at Crobett, for -a term of three years. The rain, the rain, the beautiful alld Ii G(F..ODS o Following Lines. -a""1,74W*'i l ,s"7',,c,7: itirnve an r "e'CI o?.l rinit,ingJ n rand Ts'.�u a. rie:Ise. au1 Era;al6 1T 'Wor4tCd. 1 et14,5 •mit c'r'eel �'iE :ts fc., 1r 2 rk.ti^E:arGac ^ aa'. s:ctt'"cfr ttdt ft r nae.§ �,nK1,t Wt)r+dew 77+.��r �+ ,{ war. .74-7 "w'8'R tom.' .41 afi.�Lew. a wEe s`a m+°» t'�F�iT.+are°ertR * n.+��. ee.% a'1 "d rri3aro%Frtaaloe Y Pnrmttn3t c+ herr a ase 1 nt S w r.[iteatleur0'1(4' Ss va (i l .'••t § rt 4 C 6' a ,te' e; S9 Ax a i.•a 71 a r n. l res. e)•-' . 5 ,5Y ^rr''39 r3°n .\.`*ix s 0 "t •^ 463 t,si # 1 .:t.er°h a, *. C G t s tiY: , ffieX In EB, m ttX.¢ of rtorpf . ,:u s a of • ;etc , c,./.. -.r: -con tai ,„cert c, ra,.rat cl' c:a k *e, '"•tae•l•an» a of r'r,uro °'teem, e trs+t[➢n 5410111+a , It 1,,,, t'a 3 au i 4! g1 a, - ('t to : tore .at¢ ..:tda, t e p a 1 ux 1 ri lcr sul :?n e'i„:.`r.13, c (?r..i c%...4 €,f e.s,tit`+t,, t tT B t ty„ t r +t 9 4. cis ;Engler. El.;, t iator$' i '.t1k 61• La t 902{,[.!2 tire{ l 1` •w ,r ya N ,..aa a 18. O n6 a ,• ; 2 'S r a +• tU 7i Cr 1 Pst.sY ian.cgSt a'tda a y; , *. s .pa • to f .n to ,- art, a t r .t 3-4,01E.) n.' 1 Ct.' h:`: l , p'.4Eni " ..e 'd i ya er t'4' : mt *. 1 It {"� tv`,%.. 4: ° 1 t8 n r S '' 411;"444:' 1 3 .'SC^; i5^m-apA; , n 'e ce' ; tee •t: .7, tea: a•', t r0c't, a1L.ratta q N, % •• ,a d a„ , 6 M r4tiz, It Von t 1 r, .. �r PSCt-2,;:at.A3..'•i P'•,., n;aiu fvf, t Ire:Mc A , ..p471 51. A +',; wr `� "A`.' A'�. tilN$'�tt',.. ±Ei werc"Aeeet#x:f to tereeette imo8 ,'S paZ a,i;gt kt a'iC. ia1. T" Iintwek58 d'iP[.. Iwi hes r9e $* ma! i 144.91 t y „ R'+• 7 a ilii C'itc t i :at fie the n Tt[t -: .4.:rcr3 an o*e:'T`c 4 2. i i t t34y4t $gill vitcrr.EE ,r T2s ttrAi .'t to .kis.., i:-'ma�dn-, b--'rir7tito.". `.i>a wen, Kat w(Z. VITA, t o w at ITA, A Permaaort15. T 1SSILYER,PLATEP INSTRUMENT CATARBIH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER iTS tNplwUENNRE ttierarrii rensr?.ly Geer oiucred to tla' pt iai:o on 1; 4 efivaremeca;;i - n with ea4'h iti5txuninut, ratrerI Wan, Termite. oat. a« a Tho Grated Dismay a theApe. Price , -: $3. TIfE CREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER Attica isnot medicine or a digesting letian;ar powder batt; but a SelSgeaora- t:tog Vapor, cattily and plea sntlyyuppltedatallMount,tonesandlilaecra. ASUna No. 2.>1lu1ekly rcUarca and tliorout bly curt., all Zircon anti Lung dlaeaaeo. elated, 2 No. ion c6liva ca circa s ,near foul of the higl4r azae o Cataract Ere Tra r*n Witch Cnos}:u, Tata ikaTLIA la EOM) 'carom elm I7llirill«`i ertetAHTrs ON In Dm Wan. . ucloatt clomp for boud1on9ely illtuat.^ttcri book awl Imola:. ourns3. W.T BAER * CQ.,1:r'i©uaenfitxea:West, Taranto, Oat as ray.n.ov+rw;wranvr u tree - fi CO, 13 r- a, 410.110.141.61011.1.0111.01.1.01..1 is a Iklachhhhe OH ea' •r' {�°+:'s3 c.'"•LZ 1`9 n'n Ew .,,.r.,n1n ..3 - w wP..n itiii,e d tn�e mSiCiw �,_.a'i - -.S gin• rtrl°A N„tl'.+`tare tin re;io raw. ° ,t3 t t ry demo ( i a"1St "'t npan all i" t4: p t :tor , t -It: tY 11.14ot.1.4iw'" , .* ti:a4: 47et., e,)w- neo, Ont. ,pr .r, • <1R; 1-;r :W 1,6x41' ru :a zar following a :] a r s ' tr•• n tlw :721•' itselx i e. 2 1; as 1,g, 41.1, a:larstnn`.•, et T. :,l llit..tia, . + Or 141.023a0o e a .. ,8,ld -'Item \ at'Al ordering. ...��.,rdlt, '.lt.ronio ;It'.clleixan 00., I.t •7r1 4 ' ! 3 `.12,2 lily whir+x '2,012. require r,tit,!or +,a .rm t- nil ; [--a'i•,o' ^+, a -laiden. s , nrErt 3trazitr, shithact'.•acai't- -alines frt_ earl x rtn;as,mud eanuetbedefeated. :,'.•. No. 10 110- ,i L , 1rr., 1111cauoveaFalesit 1 • t Cana os lormitlen. 51 .95. c ii Q. l 12:0 14 Removes n.;;lt 8. 02No. 1.6 •"•, . +: , , No. 37 .it amens undue -10n. • No. a 1 21 2, +;,,,into unfailing t t:;n f cr.7. rrrok t crux (74 1:1,r:1m:itorroster- t,.a.: idoclieilto Go. b". L; 13."4117 see ereet err ere:ate:ea insernril snd external 1 ALF ,.:11-,13 or restores aee. ,t t t telt z tic4,4 of voluptuous arir 'ireo. or.nirrYi.”..itan.u1+,:rir.r t,ertaain in r'e- ul Ia...o .;,, 1 t t •o TrierfdaMe Go. Toronto, EN CLL.S ▪ L alt tt. use': l.ruarrnccea,or"Whites '- r a:' r cur.: W1,l L7ia rr•t ani i? tinful Men- :nro2rir• 4,..eurrn lJJtnr'ap-i.11Diseases :atZt ., atQ :r,?1i . nneor.od" a' rig ,'1•5".•11,< a ti ,l calix+Jlzt as er. "au- ral r1 r 3verbottlor Toronto t'•, Ont. 0 P. ti i s a9' e.,s AT 9:9,1 PILLS s ,t,r1 h t gat. Tansy, Pennyroyal mnyroyal. or rrottl..4 ttotiu ua v7l.iscf ladieswilo o el•r t D 0", e* 1 1 file er fail, .talia,vig pain, i r % 111 LIM 'F'i I'leasantandllffectual. 'rico O',3 To,(sato Medir.ino Co., Toronto, Out `tis iia • c a d. tti prang .1 c: it t o 5`a. Its won- i' + ttLr 1 i i o ,o 2.214.1tt,. ,ic "chit tl•:at, it does 1,11 t1. r e ciriinragra fo; l.'ri.O0 I,., ^0702210 reencei. C.- , " Qt,.,. I 1Ti IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY ,7. COV BROS r SEs{ ract a„ that 'barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, T ARDINE. If not- cio not take it as it is only cepurious oil they are offering you so as to make more money out of you. For sale by BISSETT. DROS.,.Eceter. July -26-88 Furniture and Undertaking. ,•,; —GO TO— ROWS and .niV FOR Bed. -room. an. Parlor uites, Sideboards and Entension Tables; Lounges and Easy chairs.z Largest wareroorns in town.. :UNDERTAKING, outside of the under- takers' ring, in all its branches. Open dad and night. STAND: one door north of Mo]son's'balik e Main-e-Lreot,; Erecter. NOTE HEADS, BELL HEADS,. STATEMENTS-. ,. LETTER HEADS, COUNTER PADS, PARCEL LABELS.. READ THIS Our Stock of Printing, Stationery, consisting of all �- t " the leading grades of Plain eels and• Fancy ruled and un- � ruled papors,.Cards and En- =,; velopes, is most complete. Calf and get prices at . u "THE ADVOCATE"' A:.'L .I..i "