The Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-19, Page 7fiE WEEK'S NEWS, CA;,ADIAN'.. The first tlrroach train on the St. Cethar. was asked to take bis placr. His playing on the magnificent organ in this the largest Epieoopal church in the city has elicited great admiration and surprise. The hand. Borne golden -haired boy of 13 years renders the most difficult and intricate church music Mee east Nlagan Central railway wee run without t:.e slightest wavering." on Saturday. renter's. Mr. W. IL Howland was elected perms- Pal•aell has been summoned as a vritnefia 'tient elm/Paan of the Prohdbition Conven.- In the O'Donnell libel suit.. tion at Montreal. . Austria tans become alarmed at the rap The failure statistics for the last sus j.�xocftemenG of Bmgeror William and the Months show an increase le number and a Gsar decrease is =mutt involved, A terrible conflict tools place betiveen ;W4110,41= tribes in the Yukon mining re- g;one, and a. chief was milled.. The Agricultural Societies o£ North Bruce Advioea, from Smith Africa nay that all available troope at Natal have bee* ordered; to Zululand. The eourta have aleelded that iso right ex- ite for the holding cif prubifo meeiingo in and sSaugeen have decided to amalgamate Trafalgar square, and hold a union exhibition at; Port ,Elgar It is stated. bat an Anarchist plot has in September, boa discovered in Berlin aimed ,against the Montreal is taking steps icy tsecure a, li£e of Emperor William. The North German Gazette Bays that the passport regulations for Alsace and Loraine are to be made more Stringent The impression la growing that the great white Pasha whose appearance in Bahr-el- Chazel is announced is Stanley. Five Galician reeimente atntioned in Vienna have been ordered to Galicia without delay, by spacial tanaport trains, ported bythe flovernment. A Paris syndicate has offered to advance Worlds fair in that city in 1892. The pro- deet of holding one in Toronto seems to have dropped through. The Cuetome receipts at Hamilton for the last month. show a decrease of forty per cent, as compared with those of the,gorrea- ponding month last year. The Methediste of Winnipeg have decided. to est.,bliah an Indian Industrial eohool at Nerwvaiy .dense, the inatttntion to be sup. The Canadian Paei:tie: railway iS having f ands tothe I',lnama Canal Company ons alto all the treacles and wood bridges between. n security of the unsold lottery bends. Winnipeg and Port Airtime inspected, with aview to repkeing them with iron Ahem, tares, The jntuer maateleulatien examine It is reported that the French Govern. ment have bought hiaxim'e new repeating gen, which greet tri raanads a miniete. �- Inwortaut ohangea are about to be made for Toronto Utitvere ty ceveineaeed throaagla' ii1 the Vatican, aaxd it le exFemoted a here out the .prov' o . f. Ontario Tuesday. In coagulatory polloy will ehnrtly be adopted, call 235 caudidatezt are Wilting, including 39 EIsme eignifieanee ie attached to the feet ladies. that Gena Peters. the Caar's first aide -de• The Dominion Governinenthas decided to oemp, leas arrived in Paris en a secret mss. become a party to the snit between the ea Oa. 1 l It reported that theCzar lies a newturn Governuaeut and tbe St. ('atln p lllill_anl; and. Lumbering Corpauy, now be eghemc fur the fusel cattle 4 ant of the faro the privy t,oulaeii. lantern Ineetaon, involving the . partition of Mr, Rona, Minister of Education, as a re- Turkey. stilt of life v hit to universities in the United Prince Bieinarok, wive is greatly proett et - States, will immediately appoint leeturere ed by Ms anxieties orcin nut of the reeeut it1 rueohauieal engineering and architecture dear of Emperor Frederick, will leaveBer. at the Scheel of Practical Seienee. lin for Friedrichsruhe. A number of Chinamen who etnuggled Inseeding back the cane of her. SFilliaan theineelvea from British Columbia into Q Brien, Baron Pewee said if an Irlah Magis- Washiiraten Territory are in a ti bt place. trate cgniti he found capable of stating a They cannot stay in tea Territory outaideof case without neeisteeee he should be scut tine goal and cannot get back into !rebate Coluanbia without payieg the 09 tax. Yale defeated Harvard eta the haat r 21;1ezigt ie. The Cincinnati Exhibition will be ()petted next week. Despite a vigorous boycott a featele Berber its nt wor1; fan Brooklyn, k'i.k. to the British Museum.aa a curiosity hither- to nuheard of. The Fraueissataa have bought the ground the Due Him, Parte, rn .which the macre of gee hostages took place during Ccru.uutue. The historic mall will be estroyetl next week tomake ream foto rneriioriaal chapel. bid I'+dug 0.14 is growing woree, now wanders aiauleealy about his big, lone The Roslin!(. and Scotch pi ilrere ,cant with Palace outside the City at . !neigh. Ile bee valet of 1 resident C'levelaud and twat, at Abandoned his last dietraetiou, that of heel- ins potatoes, and has no pleasure loft, but amide lads time hitliu in a dark core hlrs, Lillf;sn Warren ltammeral What's In a Name" Shakespeare said there was nothing, bat there is. Would Caner have had enoh notoriety if his game had been Caleb W. Pickersgill ? Think of Patti drawing $7,000 the bill boards e a. night if bi h nnounce% her as Jane Brown 1 The idea is absurd. Dr.. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets is a llama that baamade a record. These tiny,, augar•coated pills cure sick and bilious head. ache, bowel complaints, internal fever and costiveness. A novel color combinatien is res eon with terra-cotta, and both these colors!' are cowbleed with black, A feellog of dullness and languor, 1Stech Ss'oot akin to pate.. And resewblee teetering only. Ae the mist resenhles,rain, re often the fret indication of ineiipient disease. In auch eases the famous " ounce of prevention " is the highest wisdom, and me,y be found b* its Moat patent form in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diiecovery, which, by its wonderful Woad -purifying and iuvig. orating tonic properties, will catie'ltly restore the ebbiug vitality, repair acid strengthen the system, and thus ward off threatening eioknees, Its aaviog influence reaches every Organ of the bady. Gilt, silver, steel, white or red braids are need to trim boating dresses, usually in graduated widths, They "Mean > usJaess." II any ane hike ever gegen Dr. Sage% Ca. tarrh Remedy a fair trial and baa not been cured thereby, the Inenuiaetarere of that unfailing Remedy week% like to hear from that individual, for when they t:ff er, as they de, in geed. faith, 5400 reward fora ease of uaaal catarrh whieb' they calmest o, they Mean just erectly weat" they say. They are ffiiancially reaponnlble,.nutl abundantly able, *0 make good their guarantee if they fail, ae any one can learn by making proper enquiry. Remedy sold by all druggists, at Oa conte. The apenmeeh point d'esprit net la more fashionable just now for a bride's veil than Uhieioo. Selr* Iu'eading Needles. On c of the latest inventions of interest to he new patent sewing needle, 11 appearaneeee like ally eordi- needte, but which can be meeczntry laded without reale; the thread gush the eye, end is ea simple in opera - n that even moue who aro blind have difficulty in usieg them. They are made Breslau% by a well known oriel at needle enufaeturerr, are nicely tlaaished and fine, tempered, and do twit cut the thread ae any do; they are jeer being letraduwed and ealrr3pde paoL:.ete Ara sept byrMen to y tat3dreee for been cents by the Whiten amnfaeturitng Company, Torouto, Ontario, d asu s we know this Flinn to be tthoruusbly lLabia and the needles not ;t, cafes ICsrari f, t a metal and genuine novelty, we would dvieo elm readers to send far them. Showy tennis gown are W white aeras braided with, gilt or egret*. .1 Cabe Tor tlrretlkertnitlie. Tlie epiuve bable depameenle, tete nesphlne bees, nervous prootretlon canard ley the use of tobacco, tcakctnlnce,, meatal depresson, eettenin • of the brala, etr., premature old a e, lam of vttenty caused byeo1'ereexertton of the brain, am legs of natural strength, from any cause whatever, lien—actin,;, old or mlddle.aged"-who aro broken dont from any oftheahoo'musea,or any seine notment ons.3 create, send your atldreai and 10 cent* In eta'nps for Lebon'* Treatise in hook form, et Pfse e,e of Men. Books sent sealed and secure from n;tservetton. Ade reel M. Y Leso:r 47 We ltal'tou street Emit, Torouto that, Black jut evith eotore appears iu, both costumer and millinery, Caxkiaurss Mara RsasWAa restores ;my and faded bale to ire natural color and provcnts telling out. Pink is the fevered color for evening wear. People Mao aro green* ;o bad brereb, foal colic Mcrae, or any %warder of the tlttanace, ten at ono be relieved by nsing Dr, Qanten'4 Stomach EII'»'n the old ace Med rema47 Aak yens Dreads*, �ines eLery %ound lien, llarrisou, p g away The lln1io of i►l:arlburoul h wan ammo a ;nor, thinking Query ane wants to hurt cy, tn, btu. New York:, by :slayer Hewitt, A hardware merchant in Detroit has it spring gun in his store wlteli has peppered tax burglars during the last few years. The deaths in New York last week weree I Ietue of a Tropical Villa. Tho town (Port of Span, Trinidad,) has ► lotween thirty and forty thousaud people living in it, and the rayl and Johnny crown 1,l33t1, an increase of nearly 800 over the preceding week, the ancroaee bolus attribu- table to the heat. A lady giving her name as imam Spauld- ing committed suicide while journeying, on a ateamer front Milwaukee to Ludington, by jumping overheard.. State ark t :: acral of New 7s SI The e Attorn c tic Y is inatitutiaj; a suit in the publ[a 'Interest o"ainet the Sugar Trust on the ground that the monopoly is a public Mile:wee. A stage emelt, running between San Francisco and. iiildrita, was stopped by masked robbers on Monday and the exproaa box, containing SI0,000 insilver, was taken. Owing to a dispute with the enlployini; brewers, the Chicago Trades and Labor As. sembly has passed a resoletiou p'edgingits, members to abstain from beer for thirty days, Both of the Presidential nominees are I'xesbytcrians. This is the first time a Presbyterian nae been pitted against a brother-rcligioniet, and Cee. Harmsen, who is an elder, will, if elected, be the first Re- publican Presbyterian President; A New:York coroner's physician remarks. that in his experience bo has found that more :people die in the fourth floor of a building than any of the others. In the caeca of and.- den ndden deaths he says that there are more which take place on the fourth floor in one year in New York than in all other parts of the house combined, The Republican press is working the anti- British string vigorously. Every time an English or a Canadian paper nays anything favorable of Cleveland, the same is repro. duced throughout the length and breadth of the United Stater as a reason every true American patriot should vote for Harrison. A similar contemptible thing was done four. years ago, and a miserable failure it proved to be. Among the passengers on the White Star steamer Britannic were five young men from Oxford University, England, two from Cam- bridge University, three from the Univer- sity of Edinburgh, . and one from the Uni- versity of Utrecht. They are all on their way to the College Students' Summer School and encampment for Bible study, to be conducted at Northfield, Mass., by D. L. Moody. John Brooks, who is the oldest man in Michigan, 102 years of age on Monday, claims that during his long life he never made use of a " cuss " word. "The worst language I remember of ever having,used, and for which I have ever been aorrysaid he, " was once when a terribly ugly cow I had was acting at her ugliest. I spoke to her as being possessed with the devil. I thought afterwards I might have said she was a very bad cow just as well." Philadelphia's musical prodigy is a boy of 13, Master J. Miller, the son of the late E, Spencer Miller, once a celebrated lawyer. The I,ecorcl states that at Easter " the regu- lar organist of St. Clement's Episcopal church was called away, and young Miller between theta keep off pestilence. Outside is a largo savannah or park, where the vitios are of the auccee ful neon of business. One of those Wonted to my boat, a cool air habitation Wlth open doors and tiviu• dam, over.Ilanglug pertieo, and rooms into which all, the winds might enter, but net tltr aun, A garden in front sues . shut off fro mthe oavituuah by a fence of bananas. At the gate stood as aentiuel n cabbage palm a hundred feet high; on the lawn mangoes, oranges, papaws, and bread -fruit trees, strange to look at, hut luxuriseutly shady. Before the door was a tree of good (ninon - aloes, whim name 1 have forgotten, the stem and branches of which were hung with orchids which G-- had collected en the woods. The borders were blazing with varieties al the single hibiscus, crimson, pink, and fawn cal or, the largeatthat I ever , etre The average diameter of each single slower was ram seven to eight tootles.Wind streamed freely through the long sitting -room, loaded with the perfume of oraugo.trees ; on table and .in book -case, the hand and mind visible of a' gifted and cultivated man, The particular room assigned to myself would have been equally delightful, but that my possession of it was disputed even in daylight by moequitoes, who for blood- thirsty ferocity had a bad pre-eminence over the worst that 1 bad ever met with else- where. I killed one who was at work upon me, and examined him through a glass. Bewick, with the inspiration of genius, had drawn his exact likeness as the devil—along black stroke for a body, a niok for a neck, horns on the head, and a beak for a mouth, spindle arms, and longer spindle legs, two pointed wings and a tail. Line for line there the figure was before me which in the unforgetable tailpiece is driving the thief under the gallows, and I; had a mel- ancholy satisfaotion in identifying him. I had been warned to be on the lookout for scorpions, centipedes, jiggers and land crabs, who would bite me if I walked slip- perless over the floor in the dark. Of these I met with none, either there or any- where; but the moequito of Trinidad is enough by himself. For malice, mockery and venom of tooth and trumpet, he is with- out a match in the world. For the Tear 1586 No better resolution can be made than to resist buying any of the substitutes offered as "just as good" as the great only sure -pop corn cure—Puf nam'a Painless Corn Extrac- tor. It never falls to give satisfaction. Be- ware ofpoisonous flesh eating substitutes. Alma Ladies' College. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. ira'Nearly 200 students in 1886. 16 gra. duates and certificated teachers in the faeul. t r. Total expenses from $40 to $60 per term or from $1b0 to $250 per year in advance including Music and Pine Arts. Address, B. F. Austin, Principal. Consumption Surely Cured. To me Enrroa :—please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been permanently cured. I shalt be glad to send two bottles of my remedy suss to any of your readers who have consumption if they 'will send me their. Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully, Da. T. A. Slocum, 87. Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. One of Ben Harrison's great English an- cestors helped to bring the head of Charles I. of England to the block. This, says Tho New York World, will, perhaps, lose hila the support of the Stuart family, but it will strengthen him with the Nihilists. Whenever you Stomach or Bowels gee oat of er• der, oaueiug Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or. Indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. vareon•e Stomach Bitters. Boat family medicine, AllDruggfate, 50 cants., White cloth jaolteta braided witb metallic cords aro in high favor for dressy 'wear. hula 1 Cation Ovals eurea In one tulnute. A dainty matinee was of esprit net, with perpendioular rooks enclosing ribbon. ircuirm l'iLES. fleurroxa-laolature : intense Seeing and stinging ; most at night: worse byseratching. It allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very sore. Setenees Garret= stop! the Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration cud In many eases removes the tumors. Itis equally aloe - cloys In curing all Skin Diseaaes, 1)P.. eiVAYNE & SON Proprietors, PhUadelphie. Swavxa's enviers? can SON, obtalued of druggists. Sent by mail for LO cents. A baseball captain has his jaw broken during a game at Pittsburgh. IJRES Nervous i2roetration, nervone """ kfeadaChe, Neuralgia, Alervqua Weakness, Stornack and Liver DLaeeees,.Rlie um ;tient, PY'+pepsi3, and ail at£-Ctiane of thetKidneys, WEAK NERVES. p.eree'8 �Cantx en -WOUND Is a Nerve. Tonle o g Celeryn which never Falls. C ntainin4 41[ coed, those trouderee etfmulquts, it speed- ily ewes, ell nervoes disorders. RHEUMATISM I t,aaz> s C€is;,nx Co,.^,+ovsp ,purlfes the !blood. It drives out the tette acid. which. equaesllbetuamtinn,and rstoresthe bleed, ease ung crusts to a healthy eeeslt:lea. The true remedy for itecerea;SLL-m, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS 1'w s's Cer•Eev Coni°ura•n qutekly restores the !leer and .kidneys to perfeei health, �Ftris cpredive poker coatibined with Se nerve 'tepee:, makes it Um beat r,:.inedy for all kidney caar ir?caunits. Y$PEPSIA x'.ia :;cs mann- Cos: urseefrenattaenstl:e Mutat%:and tenets tt•enervesof the dig€a- live Di este fits is why It eurce eweil the :scent eawaof,Peeieii-eau CONSTIPATION raaIl~l'5 Ce€ : r CoeTei1 D isrota Cahn. tie. It Is a iaxneive saving essay and Paturel aieilontoUtelioneee I♦CSB rel}-Mtlrelyst4' !tries its wc. Reeotumended by proktsianelapd xuefelea! mea, $gill #'art Pelee 44.00. Said L7 Drawee. L14, RICI•IARDSQN E: CQ., Prop's 3Y1Qutreal,, quo PATENTS Av4-..o free. it. CA ll rl n, Tercets ATENTS praaured. Peti'aat Attea?ierre, aaA experts r B` t -415I . Douala Ile Rigout drCo.,'l'oronte,. PSA rSN .FPSM" �'DEfs e.9 AB.Gei4T L LiPLRE I4141A"TA? aKc 5 a FLAVORIN EXTRACT$ PW" T SIMNZE5T,PUREV wn0 Beer JVOR1 KG EXTRACTS NY he barnteen WHO DRAGS HIS WIFE out tO bold, bags must be too :Peau to bur tee. 'Dandy' Patent Imre !folder. welch will last a lifelleie,,, and ea t: Only Tae. Sold ly weenie. Terri. tory siitl .open. C. W. ALLEN k CO.. "World" I:aildiilr, Toronto, CHOIR FARMS FOR SALE 111 ALL PARTS OF MANITOBEI. PAiiIW..a" wlehln3 to purcbese fmp: s'ed ]fanitoba Fe=els, from Ela Beres upwards, with Immediate pcsiessien. tall or write to G. I. Mee.GLSON, Me' Arthur's Mode Main sir, Winndpee Inforrnatlon furnished free et charge, ant esteem assisted is eceiciey selestian,. NONV ro Lasts at current =tea et Interest. WILLIAMS &00.117,r1ROOFERS rra>t7aerretea Aso omen'., 3e. It. Vetere' Felt, De renin;- Felt, eteeper, Puisliog Reser, Itecene, Pitch, Cosi Tan, Lake Gravel. r 4 .Aelrtelde St, East. Termite, taa Lin Royal Ilan steam Iupa g �l ring winter haul fere eel every 'lettuce utax every S*tertay w I.leeepect, and tel ria Quebec every Saturday to I,iverpOSI, daeler-y to l.•+.111i pees eat .crier gets and Ireland: else tone Veit:more, ria d tat, Joha's.,T, P, toLimpet fortelehtiy er rifer: tics.Ttae steamers of the Quer salt arelter, reinter to and from Aalifax, ton and Pblladolpllle; axe during auto• between Glasseew and Ifoetreel weekly; Menace 4 weekly, and *alas ew stat eieieettleine tcrtnightay. For freight, passage, or other ipiorpeeep oeply le is Seiantmaebvr & Co.. R sites. ere' S. Cilia to Con alitexl St,ea & Co-, lit J ren a, N. Pe 'ler& Timone St. Jobe, N. Be Allan is Cl, Chie zo;. Rae ,NewTorte, l• Downer. Terme% Rtire & Co.,4geolee: Wei. Situ hie, l ^ eadel. A. Allem Pertleal,nester Montreal. °reel etc arras,. MAOIIINES L;eor�tawit.Osi9. nowt GENTS WANTED E`"'"'"''''' eor InV'Ia?031Ym ter or cuse- idApe 1Sltigeaa iarans,Tde 1 S i Era„Teraato,in,t, ARBIlTS m eeansWasher. ddress CRL► #D k#,R,tlti, Eli Chureta St, Toronto, 103344 w gs oeana oett A. P. 408 Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M!OAUSLAND & SON '7G King St. W., Toronto. O Tervo 3)ebility peclee laaatem awned ;Gr the peel greetewccrse, In the tie; tzneet et ”'"'clew, ,1 lite. mei all d:a:aa:ei aide; Item ex. MR; orenwerx;at brae; ?eta el sftaliiy, riceIn1 to ,tee care, eelpea'..i a<,ete. Pel eels he ell % A'i►+fit. Pre:* gt per hex, cm hens ter 8,', er veli! sal Rat by befallen rreeiptet plea. Ps.mebtct en eyeietetleta,, TUE (RAT MEDICINEea . Toronto. Young .,n.Men, tiefr.+ntheeeeeise!ecsl eel1=sh•it'♦the aI n«ra),te eel, Sc79j ohn z7sJ Cirri eIves =.lee'sxteette9ia see eta pre tar ',en Steen tram t` a ever.wcrk. zr,4 in edea cod claimers of y whf..t tecceee, e.,• t Ser no i', LI3i',1al a T'6'rat ea on dm Mean', sit Men Tlie ieon wilt bee. M. era le -J to gray aJ heel tali rce€Into! ao Cc. se rape A4drevs V. LUTON, wtll,notou St. r., T. Cerresr deb0 X%!,117 t n r•arune, Lolreei £kat Ao ;; eedeure *Fly N i�tnan.,01 A•. 1wiIF.1l,.IrLI't,t;?tt ,. Cat°fall h::i ISs t, i! Mn tee, #. Toronto, DYEING AND CLEANING. R. PARKER ,& 00. nil Is e Comtism af'' Canada. t Coesultere lartginccrs an Sol a tan of Petsnts, TO. Rear,Chief Eng1ee RONTO •.attars,SeeyTro8 TUl1OJTz3, FIVERS. !ETC., CERRO►. without the Itch,. No Q ANDER cum an aV. Send Stam t r. plmpb.t. }V.IA 4iifTA;,11.D 121 Qaccnl:..,Tomnto. Werke and Head Offices s 759 TO 763 YONG E ST, City Moss: 898 Queen St. West, }TORONTO. { 226 Queen 86. Ease. JJ 100 Colborne Street...... .....Brantford, Ont. 4 John StreetNorth ...Hamilton, Ont. LF-THBEADINO NEEDLES. m«;�t 0 Instantly threaded t;ilhotat resin fluted tttoo h the eye. 1•ete coin money sciline theta. + Sam310react bymen l:c,down meets e'Ine. Sehnert 1lanq fkieturingCoe Termite, Ont. r;Al f�DIANBUEINESSUNIVERSITY Pu tI o Library ilnudnl;;,'Fosonto. Stndentsfrom llittieh Columbia, California, !Kansas, Bends, and quite a numner of other States r -ed Provinces, now in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circularo. THOS. BEalGOT;G1I, CHAS. If. BROOKS, President. See'y.e Manager. A.NADA SHIPPING Co.—Deaver Line el eee Steamships, sailing weekly between Moutrcel and Lirerpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, $10,$59,nnd8CO, Returntlaltote,fi;0, *9l, and e110, according to steamer and accommodation, Niter. mediate, $31; hound trip tickets, PGO, Steerage, $:C Roundtrip tickets. E•1.0. For furtherp rticularsand to secure births, a ly to 1I. L. }Milt A. Gencro Manager, I Cnstom Home Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents In the dWereutTwang and Cities. SAULTER BROS., Roofers Pelt and (;ravel 23 ADELAIDE E., TORONTO.. Estimates given. Country work a specialty. e BEAVER LINE of STEAMSHIPS —SAtitso Wseste Barterers— MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL Saloon Tickets. $40, ;50, $60. Return, $S0, $90, $110,1ntermediate, e30; Steerage,80. .Apply to H. E. MURRAY. Gene. Manager, 1 Custom House Square. MONRTEAL. A, EI t0 Conservatory et Bee G.,`i Nee, 17 .a :C 11ER 600 :PUPiLS FIRST f' G C.ONBOY'S CARRIAGE TOPS Have all the latest improvements and are unequalled for durability, style and convenience. The leading Carriage Builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM and BUY NO OTHER. mNim�ne, mol u M, s' . f3umraeu i 5aleJii10a1a aI DELAYS ARE DANQEROUS! Don't wait until you are burnt out or robbed Buy a Safe now end sleep easy, and be sure and get prices, etc., of the NewOnampionSafe S. S. II.IMBALL, 577 Craig St., P.O. Box 945, Montreal, P Q. 19; `. tial ;cos ER_S`wis I t 3rrtaiyrlrnte a1an ti v�a c :a a t fl` r r riflerat .ys^ Y Sae i cart re net r sir CICI iritEt Aere r cee tory 10. a lea€,..oara<ton, i uta., 4.a<c, rx,.u.,,.fi.i.Itafp3r..aatn:r SII c toe ger: er: hedge recur. a. r iaa .r sr 4..anly r m � .re. n l e.9 r c r'; . r e tit Yc '° � alt'r •rC'+wa:da ;ca Or Cm e. 9e , IlTrly r e. cm 1 that • Cc,. wit r o a r l ES►Wct,ItD FISHER, •its ester. tea ec,:een. eectsee wee .4 ee.iie Tone a ay. RUBBER STAMPS,$' aIle, and Burning Brands, Am. Send forOatalogue. BARBER BROS. CO., 87 Scott 8t., Toronto. Safes ! FIRE AND IIURC,LAR PROOF. and Vault Doors, ,kept constantly in stock. A number of Second-hand Sates at low prices.* .1. & Jr. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. AGENTS AGENTS: OUR AGENTS Witbrocent alar " l tory o. Withrow'ePopular"History of Oanada," Gough's "Platform Echoes," Dorchester's "Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' "Living Words,' "The Oottage Physician, , �[ Gough's " Sunlight and MAKE MONEY Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven,"' etc. Popu Jar Books I Liberal Terms t Write for circulars, term, etc, to WILLIAie BRI009 Publisher. Toronto. 'g'�izstEo STOOK of Machinery to select from. g� Send for Lists. :LW. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO'S. SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. /05 -The Celebrated Hen - cook Inspirator. Rai-Greshacn's Automatic Re -starting In jeotor. Morrison's Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. f, f•Enginoers' & Plumb. ers' Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. JAMES MORRISON, 76`& 77 Adelaide St. W., -,;_,,TORONTO. 'cycles Second Rand Bicycles and Tricycle/I, Send for List. New Catalogue ready In April. ..A-NMe MONTREAL. CURE FITS 1 When I say Ot nnldonot mean merely 10 stop them for a time, and then have them re. turn again. I meterA JUDICIAL GOR$. 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Om,, nei1, 24 Youth street, daugu er cured of Epileptic fits alter 6 years Suffering Jen- nie Blrrel, 55 Walnut Street, cured of Weaknssa and Lung Troub e t John Wood, 95 Oath - oat rt St.,` cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousness, m ed onty 8 fifty -cent bottles: tSra. J. Real, 0 Augusta 8t., troubled for years with Nervous Prostration. two su all b>ttle. ave her go at r tact. Sold at ton. &el. F. F. DALLEY &'00., Propristore