The Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-19, Page 41 TheExeter er buo ate .t THE value of old coins may be esti-
r mated by the''higbptiees obtained at a
I�DITQ Atli( ptB lslzrR.
O. "k1'C a Main Streets -Exeter..
TEURM)A14. ELY 19t 188
GENTLEMEN of the Reform persuasi-
on, please don't make such a row about
the unseating of Henderson in Maltose.
l.nseatir,g:a,lnan does not necessarily.
jut auotber :man in his 'place.. R,emeee- l tree five guinea piece of George III.
lea+.3Italciililancl. 1'1s d 7 R 7—Z1JO, another, taut by
P strucPri, 18 20,, with the well-known
St. George and the Ifra or:, and the
letters W. W. 1 (\\ gal. Wellesley Pole
:nester - of the Minter sold for .4100; a
half-ga.:nea pattern, by Truner,1762---
416; a quarter ,wines-eattern i n f o1c1,
tl 'Tauuer - ;1S: x pattern ,ro rn
silver, 1818, by Pistrucci-442. The
eoms of Conlnon-v ealtea•A (l of Charles
vI'tva and, learnieg are greet I., struck at Oxierd, even at the hands
things, 'The newest sua,etlmtic is call of the famous medallists, Simon; and
ed "tDiethslie Dieletlrb kerb teeldisulp ilio ldeeu, slid nee beteg sued high pal=
bivate." If soum illiterate mail -linea it?n• ces, A littttern shilling by Lriet---42334
tific person bed iliecovered the stuff { e. halieerawn by Plondeete 1651-425;
find called it some ,lame that ` can be 'reetner's crow piece in gold, s' Hilae
spelled in three letters, what as loss t'lht? type to Billion's of (giver (oaiwell
world would have seetaiued3 ' '. Some pieces of Wen. IV. and of
recent, sale in London, reported in the
TIMES. A Queen Ann farthiug sold
for 413. Another farthing of hers
sold for :0: A pattern shilling of
Eliehtbeth sold for £2L The proof aaud
patrern prices of the best time of the
English Mint in thele reigns of George
II. and III. brought high prices; A
two guinea piece of 1733-436, It bele
guitlee pattern of 1728-425; a proof
e w na silver, a; a �' sil1:32-�... 14
, r13t
Ti;ti delight of . the - o: tete
VV. oS'eeeerity over tlreeeeape,tlirough
st len al''teclihietlity of a disqualified
Member c£ their party is quite natural.
The more notorious the briber, the
more worthy be is of party confidence
Ned respect
...,_ .Queen A"il?torltR, sold file cansuicral+lts
DR. Johnson ouee remarked that ;'it •,^, -ices. A pattern crown of 1831: guy
is worth a tllousat:d pounds a year' to ilr ynla, and a pattern £ourpt{uny pie
have the habit et lool•;ing/, on the bright 1836, sold to ether for 22: a patterd
rT h
side of things." It would take more quarter sovereign of Victoria, 1.'653—
time a thousand eueds a ear to i,,l� lea; a .attern ertawn, Called "th
P •gh G 1? „ 353 - - The
duce Stir Rlchatrd C'alrtwrlr,httoboga on Gothic Glotir,st, la ,l �`� 11 s
the bright side of Canadian ifiseaal • quest- ` aaneient Ala Io•+'aeen pennies : old
q q I;
foes while Mr, Foster remains a}t the ea tiaorelintu•v pricee eutllre d, 11i
head a£ the Finance department, of Lent, 79$ , 11.a—,f,•;0. Off:t, Klee:
of lilel'e te With Alliney tall (Bishop of
"I P to Cozlserratatemember o#Iiexmee) on teat'1%e-3'15 los: Cool -!i
Pall'aa men is unseated the Refer ,,gulf 1, 819-413 10s., l,eorns ul.f,
is e*'tlae+ cry, "Another .Lore 820423, 23, very rare --438 ` t:lfretl,'
ctlxrttptiaalist gone,“ but when a me sal• ,re 111!, x14f111 of :eant1 *bury, 411: w :49-
%ler of thtlir own. party experiences a; -1l'?, 1";s.; Aida, Kr o$ iortimatilier-
clangor misfortune, the announcelaea , laud, t 9 41,.:3't:al. 11, half noble --
ie matte that as the result of some trig- r.?0, elver( A'11, snvrwign—See;
ial set a liberal has lost his seat. The 1leurt• V II/ „sue ereigat - -411; 174Ne. acral
lecanis of the court:' show that the i V1, soy e a ^ i ,n -.L20 104.; a geld crag. n
greatest corruptlrankts are to be found ler the eetee- eelil lig ;1;lie:tlleth t ovo -
iu the tanks of the pretended party of l reign- ,ell!; a, milled half sovereign,; =
t;QL `k'ER PADS,
Our Stock of .Printing'eereert
joinery, consisting of all
he leading grades of Plain
l and I' ucy ruled and' un-
ruled diapers, Cards and En-
velepes, is most complete.
E`' Call andet prices {at
Malin - street, - Exeter
illedicated for all diseases of the blood and tier ;
Tons system. Ladies' Seat ;i for fewale cord
Btlaintrithaa1 oe ji1al. Pfeis'$el>;k8,colnbuned
elt and buss aasoryg.z5..
S:minai Sfk241i`lpafl
Es errors of youth,lost
. manhood, nightly
1••1"f",,euusslons, ate. The only appliances
1 `\ giving a direct urrent of Electricity
tO the ,parts.. Cal! be \coxn ingl,z c ay
without 3incun 1 niche.. kiptuIrcrls of Tee.. *,
tit�nonlals on file from thoso•enred of teivalo diseases, pains in baca and laps, head and
limbs, nervous debility, general debility, lumbago, r11_ulnatlem, paralysis. neuralgia. sciatica
disease of tho l iduegs, splual @lisca'so, torpid liver, gout, leueornccea, catarrh of the bladder
sexual exhamstion,.semiraa eine-sxous, asthmabearc disease, dyslte dyspepsia, constipation ger,slp•
elas. indigestion, lmpoteney„ Miles, epilepsy, dumb agile and diabetes. Set d•stawp for
handsomely illustrated boot and health journAh Correspondence strict!v eonideut al, Con -
saltation and electrical treatment tree- Agents 'wanted eyeryit'bcre,Iut. N'eal.914.11,i,t"S7f
Cures Guaranteed
Medicated Eteotrie Sett Co.. 153 Queen. St, West, Torontd, Canada
tit sl tt14: t!!t th* (•et't
nttrliataul eau
1e.•fo a the day of rtes mmaliim,
'ortlr' n3Lta t`. Y. >;.; ghattial •ars;
"1'11 fu this time we have liot yet hl>c•lt
that the Liberal party in Cumberland
goes selected a candidate, but we pre-
eurne they will do so, aitd hone to see a
;geed iignnre party contest. That a can-
didate be a prolii.i onist on principal'
should 11e no objection, provided ho ia1
elm -and definite on other er(at quest-
knis, but to simply a prohibitionist and
nothing.more,is iedieulous,ltnd we Voile
the electors of Cumberland will, to as
l;rnali an extent this time as heretofore
fellow themselves to be kd aside, by
clap -trail.:'
NOW in Stock
tl o Following Lbw:,
hemi ext t;own f_4lt3i li..•, s'.' i1 t :aa' E f1
t d;,t3. 3r ,:in is 1.3C 1, r_33.3 iSrtr ,a c 'r1t"1 ,4' 11;C.
Svals+ as us
von wrnca tS >" fits%.%% e T •i R ai aM: t g-'c�.,, :, ve ,. ':,, gent et 'parka o:
ditairr R of r.7i;4lt 1 3 .3 $ 1 l)'IC+G , •-•L t:$ 4 i . 1'; t ]¢ x, 3'iO 313 '3 4A$ convert -Anon.
r3i';lir. T, r3,.ila +, lr t ; ± 1't 3.331 t`33,112.:,•' tt) tel tt 3 0. 1341! G El t1 lint ti""litir autI i:..
c 1. G' lD a,i ,K1),-1 K3' a •it . , + 1� l;1 t, (70:4-1' ;gaily .. t to oaf f l e, rr
3301.6@r°@ 61i 51i,$ 01:0 o( <! 'u1Ri + - r i (la 5 z4 t1, -`ti 3 ,rite1e't e• a lilt@'.
t1•:-0e';p a to @ -e:, a 303.14 a. 30. r •� k x,tz ., C1$ t. ' Z34.7.41 SIA a' t' ,t#. 'tar
fxalla 1k, ¢ .
1Ct9tt •sfal.�ilt;,i`l!.,i S 13
8!R Af 1431333.”
4.33,4n :6r; ,!-..i 4'3.7'33313 b , ort1 . 4.!
° this tc"rlbA4til
34.' 3 O 1A i d. ;4,7,tl=) 6 ar4l" #-3'11
v:43 inti• r4ti3t4fi6 111t1iti:t1tt3Cr$L
i,sat'e t3,03133%,3 ',I est :lug 4!* $l^ great ronjerh
caster laves z; °1
bi t:, 11, v3a1 r", 1 aotay or.<1 R: foar the! a. 1 re.
allelic^1t't bl! 1.--a D @ 1 •s L v £ 1 z t1. '-f 11dC,.',lT a:44'l4k)33133?. 33 ttf(0133
the, e:„v stsof cart c e ,, t ra a . r 1 ata v 434 t;v 11 p z Soon f+111 v1 eagle
;;# •.e''GR €i'csSltor'a'3-fayP.a[rt a 1 R ,' a R$.t,Rn' '31x3 ®r'�., 41r9�11 Cr'tt`tA,fi. 1_
. t' r, $x33 , I'a'.•3fer ail T. !S;`il'' '.
'i.t ,'.a •* 1341 lin, , *r37 a al.'s« 1 e_�ia s•, '1 $3t3 es 3 r3:0313 eaa rtOtas l,,r
,f.{i M” .n :14 35"7, u t7..'C•r@'y11 ' 333 -its, Q3f-. TS.0 '.h ok:49£A..*
4! meri 33t,l,1} l,aa:i lu al,fit - ;.@ ,..,ai,iMe, 5,.`+k�6.Ai� Ct�Yit M4zt t'c :r: 't1'"M,"11E,+ts116'K,
£12 :0e.;:t n1$11n41 heti.e•rawn In geld -...,•
•�te: at pattern 421 a pint -
Pe see 'Will et:I.' 1u,, Tilil ashr�le
@ rr31i, t Bata*, Y'f at i•r\r' 'Barr (Irv" '"t 1i t, N.,i,l
Ad ition'i Loc;';-;,
w.1Z t'
are iede•bt+•tl to Williaim
Breve. litil,lisher .lallt@lctn, f1,r n eery
of the e.t,graeieg til' tk. Net: Partin, -
meet Buil:lii;ege, ` 's'ilt' fide'(!
t) (1..,1 i;111 is eee. and rale be secured
from the pnbli::h'r.
.. 113..33. W. 3;rederie•1 is in town,
and eau i.e foiled at t1** bargain store
nest door r 3,orth of the Town hail,
Where 15 giving away goons at yf,ur
own prices. If you walla real good
bargiils cal':: on 1 1'3dt!rick.
-A ga113 E of )tt 11' la: \\ /1,3 p :tee( o
Tuesday evening last, between the
-North and'South End. The; game re-
sulted in . tti tie,releveaa• runs each. These
games would be .more interesting, ware
they coasclueted without se :each pro-
CORRECT Tori ARE,... --Ari each teak(
remarks:-- 4 ome people oecasioniy
wonder why certain notices cf births,
marriages or deaths are not found in
the mere Simply because they are
not sent in. ti is _Newspapers are
expected to pick up all the news they
can, but it is hardly to be supposed
that reporters will invade or hunt
around people's private houses orsleep-
ing,apartnient for such iterns.
In the British House of Lords on
the 2Sth ultimo, Lord Sudeley inquired
what arrangements had been made
with the Gov=ernment of Canada for
the defence of the naval headgnarters
in the Pacific Esquitnalt harbour; if,
the plans for the fortiheations and de-
fence had been finished; whenthe
works would be commenced; when the
armaments would be sent out; and
whether the Government would. state
Say. what date the fortifications would
be,completed and the guns . placed in
position? . Lord •. Knutsford, Colonial:.
Secretary, said no arrangements had as:
yet actually been made with the Do-
minion, Government- The arrange-
ments for the defence of Esquimalt, as
stated on the 12th of June, had been
communicated to the Denlinlon Gov-
ernment by a despatchof the 13tll,and.
on learning from the Dominion Gov-
ernment that they assented to the ar-
rangements, Her . Majesty's Govern-
ment wouldbe ina; position, immedi-
ately to proceed with the contemplated
works. Ro time would be lost., The
guns and, such: other armaments, as
were to be>Frovicled in England were
irla very forward state, of preparation,
and there would be no delay on - that
newspapers is, in. a very important
sense, a public institution, doing very
much: for each individual and for the
community as a whole, that for which
it receives neither reward nor acknow-
ledgement. In view of this it is cer-
tainly its little of any man can . do to
give his patrona o'kto- the local pub-
lisher. 'Yet it seems to be a growing
custom for business mien to send their
work abroad. This is probably !sagely
owingto the principal inhuman nature
which ever gives enehantliaent to dis-
tance,and.makes the prophet not with-
out honor except in his own. country.
The mere who condemn then• fellow
citizens for going abroad to buy : their
dry goods and• groceries- oblivious' of
the fact that They are committing the
same outrage when ordering their
commercial printing from some distant
^ e lawn axltlti s •ze. d
Tweed d Suiting s etre
X11 .nd-3English Woreeted
. •
111 i.1:>th(' Latest Si.y le
3t Rates.
Atrirr,t yetemly 3%Cr Aft' to the public es 15 dean 1
b'ttorantt o flava with each Instrument. W. '1`. Il,le 1t a5:
Ri latrl'vt We51, 1 urea W, ton,
Actin In not* medicine or iligusliat lotion or powder bil. nut t! Self'
tun Vapor, apor, monthWOpa,'aysantly appl.@•d at ail oder.,, tUm^5 33334* 1@)nt:c>•
ActIes No.2. Quickly, relebnu aa,t tItorllugttly cures all Threat a:t,z
Lunn; 311330 353 3
AcIlna No. 3.—rasitivcly rare& all +liseasea of the Ii} o. Cataract Gran
Tho Greatest Discovers of nlutetl Lyo•lida, IallaruuS !:yea, near etn3 fear siiglrtialnees Tarr. Zvi;
xlmrao 'U= 3l.
theApo: T110 AGrr:A0*1U
morn ora wRITrsty 4:Ima :rue ON 15 %Imre
Prlae $3, I TntSL, Nodule nt.^.uip for llaudaetnely illustrated Lank and health
Zournal. W. T. 1362.34 (0.,155queen Street W&.1,Turouto,Ont
n,reYF+:ld4. 34'
Gn: i EL7,C°'1 t'1s .P A f I011a3.
3-ro."."IrafrniNN ern 3?r0 Can re31*
m , eor :.r...t .,1 a :.,:11 that
@ 3r 1 3t.ti , i.. T1t .Y IIiIE
t p.!. ( ,a! 353tla330taaevi
r1 ', r, ::., • 11. t l "t. +3)31 wont till
34 1v :si' l ;1Q 01 4.1i+s owept Tor
;)41)0':. - •;,1i1 1,,,1.4 1 C3 ,-,a3053'C,ii0L.h3r4.r-
ton, :.,::os.0 �1 eli:i110 C'r.)' ezon;.v,
lift .41.-7-41(•:, ri1.rEl4'il',titinsGreR'ilrrat9r.dil= '
t.;• ' �, ti 0 "%'are the fe 1''UWing
air e,, c. rn:ard (,Lt -1333 ho 331 elf;
I - - 1 3 - 9 131 on33,
a t o a r31:tpac, 113.3 or W31 a ae
1 .a 111j1•17.14.of hI 3 w1 -1r ri.1@•ring.
'a. 'a 1• '''C ;iraa.(>.@_�,C,dcei..a,':Co.,
rc5,.;�`,,U1SI Y ES.
3.7;1.1,(.. , )1 :-3 : l.11y)V113311 1"311 reeir:3re'
'3', . 1.• 1V - 3 art 331,1) entire 13t.i(1f1 •tiOf.
ty„1.dt , -i7. 31103333101 ,1111r3F13112)s
,1• 3 . ,1 -n( t all -1r.srid-eilnllOt'thldot 33Cted.
,1 sane e s. * Y. IJ•o. 30 lie-
A C.33:333.1.u: . X•.S l eme eu >•'30311t1es 01.05.
No.1 ^ c3wwenli111'l1 a •Fl._.). Ivo. 311iten.,lves
rani rt, 1.-;n. 15 ',, 11o^.es Moles. 00. No. 15
131U333271330'11 341; s 3. T� e.171ten1oi:s undue
'3:473133'31i01),1 r 3 20'.181;n ai15O11lta unfailing
'peclii3 3•)+,:3 a ^r tint ion devrlol r_ tit or restar
.tlohni wwr al Jl, •1.03 ' Medi :ue Co.
„4 l:, 1,r,1131a.n il; fn`.i331) 31 anti 0't0133131-
;v,l,i 13t 15?116!3 t,:,;t•l't '.. a''C i)13Tt`s ('1 xesiores
.'JJ3,Ttl1 ., t loth ,r 1 , tio1 ,f vOilZl, tlllOias.
1:'e 1l T' : ,Ft 1-„U 4IL 1 CLvSCt1i 111 x.1•
.31333. 3t ▪ ) t eci3 , hp!-,'.��t}}1;1 Co, 'Laxot to,
'° ?V E•P,.i Y3f'llw ]D !4�I fILL$
.s 111' c• tore for i •.coriltr:a,orw1ites
(111 ,'r; a iln.1113} L1r,rat(on4 Painful Bleu -
1,1t f31 "; trii11110371) Pains" apdalll Diseases
,.n 7 Gltil lt1� 1' 6 l , .111il3 '1:0 3enial434. 31ndossed .
11i., �1 ' 31 -c.1 it 1 Elri1:1033)1ee as an "1111
• tnlr 1 1 • 1 y
3:3.1 82 per bottle.: To
:m.Lu Toronto, Cub.
•.'•'rye sap:wits:. 10 Ergot. "fans , Pennyroyal ,pr
3'. (13 .i as F.,331 t,v' ,3331 ou4,^1!esof lad] es :who
Plevet l' 331, Rolioco Haiti,
e()• 1.35,J ea�ilu1oull iie.,tu31..
elle() ;i •1� o,t0 2PIt31 .mo Co., `Sorvll70, t�.11;
3iio t e �1:)•l d'1� usiu, 4exin;t o i l 23. Its.won-
(4333737(1)333311(103330713031333311343(3317 1111317 It dogs
a.. '1%)1:;V:3143 Ont, • .
Rigs and Horses First -Class.
c1F'rOraer.; left at the llawkshaw l ouse
ur at the stable will be promptly attended
to. Teens: 1EI AS.)Iv,t13LE.
Furniture and Undertaking.
=-jO TO--'
illA:` end Andraws7'.
----FO Ti?
Bed -room and Parlor •Bites,
Sideboards and Entension Tables,
LorA,logxes and Et Easy' cflianx ,
• Largest waren oms -irl town.
17'I1I)EIi,T �.1%1itTCa, outside of the n 1der-
takers' ring, in all its branches. Open
t3 Ay and night.
STA.ND: one door north of Nelson's bank
Malian tre1:l,, .i str'ter. .
A11 Business Branches, ► hort-
ha11c1,Type-writing auutl
The Priucipai holds a Certificate with -
honors in Book keeping.
Phonography, Telegraphy or Type.
'Writing free with hook keeping..
Diploma from Western Fair for Plain
aged Fancy Writing..
Business conducted= latest improved.;
plans with:printed forme •
Sox, 41313: PR.INCTPAL.
ak•c •.n 7 .
NVA.Nrir 31.3.
Permanent positions guaranteed wit1'
Salary and Expenses Paid
Any determined man can succeed with':
us: Peculiar advantages to beginners
Stock complete, including many fast 4.
sellin& specialties. Outfit free. Ada,,, ':l3
dress at once. (i4aree this paper.)
N111'se3 y 3110.17'.,: . 't7011IoTL,a,-."1
Ap.2Cr '•iii