The Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-12, Page 6NEWS OF THE DAY. eereADIAN. wa Six have been, laid s a the Red 'verails Valley rail- way F rails. The discovery of rich gold ore on Sultana Ilslend is reported from Rat Portage. Pitcher, the bank defaulter of Providence, ari was r estod at' Soptreal Tuesday night. The Governor-General is expected to visit Meuitob&and British Columbia next fall. A Montreal grocer named Donnelly was fatally shot by a neighbor's boy on Monday teroplreporta-received from all partsof the North-West indicate magnificent pros poets, Tho Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias decided that no coloured man can be lawfully adsriitted to any lodge of the order. Ar. Dennis Campbell, of Hamilton, died on Saturday oaf seem etee from the effects of a dose of .arsenate of cooper, taken by pale take.. It is reported that Dr. Mackenzie was Snubbed by .Emperor William on Tuesday and thereafter left. Berlin quickly and quietly. Seven fires were discovered in a Hamilton boric within 24 hours. Ne cause Gan koala eigued to the mysterious incendiary at- tempts. Curage is becoming very searce, and a fam- ine in all kinds of vegetables is expected. A rucienr 1s current in Winnipeg that a syr'dle ate of Am. eapitallsts has been termed to eotfstruet a tentaber +?f branch lined In Manitoba nnder the Railway Aid ,Set. It is 1lnderatoed tbat the period of real• dente rewired from'candidates for cadet• sI$prw in the Royal Military College of Can- ada has been rechieed AVM Ave to three yore, from Setolend egngrdtedating hien ear his nomination aud wishing him euceees. The little boat, the Da,;1r Secret, 'with its solitary passenger, Capt. Andrews, left Nantucket on Saturday morning for Eug- land, Tbeannouncement is made from Niaehing- ton that the same reglllatione for seal fish- ing;will be eeferced in -Behring's $ea this. season as deicing former years:, William ill. xn Patters n o , a bo1 oared man. who was hanged air Iaouisvii , Kyr, waa lxaasg. ing for ten minutaa in torture before he died, anti four infuetes after the dropp fell he spoke. A repot coaxes from Mexico of terrible loss, otplife and destreetion of property in the cities of Silao and "Leon by Soeds caused by heavy rains. Over 700 lives were lost and more than a thousand fa;niliee were rendered homeless. A hoop snake has been cantered by a farmer at Floris, Ia., v-bere it ie now on ex- hibition, It is described es belt ixfEeen l Belies in length, with a spiked tail, while. "between the a ea is a egialleocket in which tale end of the tail Ate when coiled pp Like a hoop, A Iar"mer while driving along a country road near 'Sulphur Springs, Tex., saw an old pot which bad been Wattled up by the hard rain of a few daye before. Prolong it unto examine it he tinge astonished to find that it Contained 0S,00U tin, gold. The money is supptreed to have been hidden by verillas in war Owe, A small Skye terrier in Cincinnati dis- played a heap of ;sed aeries at that city the other day. While prowlmg around his hair call ht fire, it was slowly burnsng and the deg woe about to be turned into n resat, when le hose burst. The poodle saw it gild pada f# mach for the etI'earu, late+ which it juusped, elttir,guishiug the lire. It is paid that the richeat gold Imine in the world is situnte'd about lkimileefrom Siete In Aleelek, The Mine grodnees 470,000 worth of gold bunions Mentis and elaperts to r The excitement 'itch inareaaee at Ret Peet• tay that there la h tnhaountfor euough 400 years. Oae lafat he 'nine was erigs fatly pureheeed for $Mall, And is new ewned by Senator Jones, of Nevada, No over the rim Ouch; on the Onto Mtu- wg eampanyr'o (Aaiun Old aud experienced :maser$ say It to the biggest tints in the tworld, attorney General Mercier hes iustructod the Montreal Police magistrate to institute proceedings against.Le 4onde, for publish, t7w.ig AA a d.>zertisenent of the Louisiana St.te battery. A, party of Preneh, prieatx haws the Pre. educe of: tnebec arrived st Wi1lltipeg to in, veetigate the progress melt by uwmbere of the blench Rationality who have settled in iienitol►ar. The 3ilaniteb"a Geverutnent say they will ive Brandon counted= with the pied River Valley road and will ales have a branch build to the Souris coal tielde if the G. P. R. doe3 net bwil4 one. The St. Va.tharinea tailors Lave been e &red out en strike by the Enights of Caller, A,li, heve obeyed except some girls, who re- main at noir, au they have no ceropleint to Ruga with their employers. Dr. Lovell, Warden oto the Kingston pen. ;cotiary, traces the starting point of most of the criminals under his charge to dia OPedionce to parents,bad company, and to:gigotof Sanday obeervaueo. Elevator capacity in the North: est will bra imtnaetiiately fnereeeed by the Canadian /'arcus railway and by private enterpriecj to the extent of 3,000,080 tauattcla, eo al to be ready for this lemon's grain. The mnn who, the other day, patheti. golly bade gord•bye to America and swam across the Detroit River to Canadian territory, has bean sent to Sandwich gaol for fourteen days ne. a vargrant. The Germans of Toronto attended n me - uxorial eerviee for the late Emperor Freder- ik in the Lutheran churchfiandaymorning. The preechcrpnid a glowing and teaching tribute to the memory of the late Emperor. The petrified granite trees in the quarry belonging to Alderman Gildersleeve, of liitagaton, are attracting a;good deal of attention, and both the Dominica and On- tario (levernmente vire interested in the discovery. Rev. rather Gcndreen has been commie- I3ioned by Sir John Macdonald to visit 'the. North-West and British Columbia and en- quire into the condition of the 'Catholic Indians and to ascertain the causeof their present uneasiness. In connection with the Murray man- slaughter case being tried. at Port Huron, two Grand Trunk firemen were arrested on a charge+; of perjury, they having sworn that they were present when Young was killed, while the record of the company showed that they were at the time over a hundred miles away. A syndicate of American capitalists, headed by the directors of the Northern Pacific railway, is to take bold of the Red River 'Valley and Manitoba & Northwestern roads, which with a connecting link built from Winnipeg to Portage le l'rairie will form a strong line in competition with the 0. P. R. .. AMERICAN. B'rineo Biemarcle is sut%riwg *out rhea. mattdtp. It is reported that the Czar,, while en rum to Copenhagen this summer, will visit Pain peror i,i"ritliaui, a vessel, believed to be an emigrant ship, foundered off the Cape of flood hope and' all bends were lost. The Committee et the Auatriau Bekaa. tions have adopted a military credit of 47,000,400 flatus. A. Galleon ohuroh was struck by _light Wog an Sunday three pareoms beteg :killed and a hundred fujured. Emperor William's sr-ewob in tbe Belch. tai; hes created a favourable impre>;aion in Marlin and Paris. Tainete health is greatly improved, e bee resumed talework , on the Iitatery French Revolution, Letters received from the Congo country state that Major Bartellet's force has suffer- ed severely for want of food, Rundle Bey confirms the report of the arrival of a white Paella, aupposed to bo Stnuloy, in the Bahr -et Gaza province. 4. fceliog of great.uueaslneas prevelle among the foreigner* in Corea, on aecouut of the threatening attitude of the natives. The town of Snndeoal, on the gulf of Bothnia, the centro of the timber trado of Swedop, has been almost destroyed by tire. ¶rhe Pullmans have purchased the entire sleeping oar system on the Baltimore & Ohio railway, President Cleveland has accepted the nomination of the St' Louis Democratic Convention. The Dike of Marlborough is to marry Mrs. Hatneraly, a rich and charming widow of New York. ,. The old. Grant homestead near St Louie, has been sold to satisfeea mortgage ,held by W. H. Vanderbilt. Mr. Blaine bas telegraphed Gen. Harrison A thief entered the apartments of the Crown Prince of Swedeu in the hotel at 1'ran- zanbad ou Saturday night aud stole jewellery worth .100,00D, Bishop Cozc, of Now York, who went to Paris expressly to confirm Pere Hyacinthe'a flask, preached en the American church in that city on Sunday,. The London press generally welcome the Peei0e character of Emperor William's speech ; but the Times and Standard con- sider permanent peace impossible while all nations aro preparing for war. Mr. Ignatius Donnelly has been tripped up again by pointing out the difficulty of supposing Shakespeare to have read Saxe urammaticue in "the original Danish," whereas that historian used the Latin Untrue. SAIJLTER BROS,roofer's. t and Gravel23 ADELAIDE E.. TORONTO. Estimates given. Country work a specialty. Quack Advertisements Are rapidly becoming a nuisance, and we. think it behooves ,publishers to examine into the merits of many articles puffed up in their columns: We do not deny that many meritorious remedies are properly to be classed under this heading. Take the hundreds and thousands relieved from revere suffering by the use of Poison's Nenteraise, would it' not be unreasonable to expect them to condemn that far-famed remedy. Now we. know ` for , a fact that Poison's Nerviline is without: exception the most powerful, pleasant and certain remedy in the world for pain. It cannot fail, for it goes right to the bottom of pain, penetrates to the nerves, soothes; them into quietness, and affords prompt and permanent relief. Nerviline is sold by all druggists. Sample only 10 cents. Try it. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'OAUSLAND & SON, 76 Klin; St. W., Toronto. 4f 'wile is bogie.,, Now there was the case of our friend Me - Kay : He said to himself in his resolute way, That a. cough which was growing from bad towor ee Mustc in ' ofe purse. be d its a sl r are pend An ocean voyage was out of the qutiion; A. Florida trip a nsslee3s suggestion ; Yet die he wouldn't 1 Ilia money he paid Por the "Golden Medical Discovery by" Dr. Pierce made And as flouted as a nut in his health to.day,. " Logic is logic, that's all I say." Dresses, and long wraps medic for sea voyages here weights of leadin the hems of the skirts tokeep thein from being blown about too rudely on deck. sine's eLery• 2ound Willl. Ton Read This ror, $55(10 For many years the manufaCturers..of Dr, Stge'a Catarrh Rsmedy, who are abundantly responsible financially, as any one can easily ascertain by enquiry, have Offered, in good faith, a standing reward of $500 for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter how bad or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists at 50 cents While miles of ribbon in the form of Bats, bowe, loops, rosettes, and knots are worn on all dressy auwmer frocks, not au ,inti of it isever seen on A tailor gown. c'Otre breaks the ghee sed rets his Ongere ; Bet they whoa truth sued Wisdom lead, eau gatherhoney from a weed." Those who are wise, and who lora the truth, will believe what we say when we telt theca that DA Pie'ce's Favorite Prescription hes done more to relieve the snderings of Woolen, than all other medicines now known to seisuee. It carers all irrsegularities, inter- nal hallaiwnatiaa and ulceration, displaee, mento, and kindred troubles. It iA the only rtledicipo for women, said by druggists, under n posittte yttarantes from the manufaao- tnrere, that it will give satiefaetion In every Case, or money will be refunded. Tbisgene aatee has been vented en the bottle"wrap. per, and faithfally carried Cat for Many years. Tho figuring oa some of the latest China alike, heagaliuee, foulards, gnd eateene erg exeeediugly suggestive of crazy quilt colors and section, or of clown's elethee. A Cure far Dr'inulremaesa. The opium habit, depeemaala, rho merishIne hshl1, nervous praetratten owned by the use of tobacco. wa&etuhese" mental depreciate. fc ee/Mr, of the brain, cte., premature ole age, lose et vitality memo by ever-exertton of the bran, e i lose of natural etrengil: tram any mum whatever, alert—everts, old er reldellaaged—who are Ierekea down beam [ing el *beaten e causes, or Any esttee netmattinecl akar , send Hoar address aud 10 canna is *temps for UAW. Treatoe In teak terra el ./caravel cf Mee. 1744% seat etaled are aerate frees of 3erratien, ,Atfexersel. V Lem 4TWetiturteartxeetFane Taroate Ont. girl eau play lawn tennis to any ad- vantage ni-v a tage in anything but 'tennis gown wade with lease sleeves and a Mute waist, and this must be worn over a . corset cover, but net R meet, Lheeeeree shut Rxslrsa sestares saw aud tcded We to its uaturalCele r au4 prevents ia17Yn„ eat. A lovely aunnmer festival gown for a Indy, foo longer young' but still with pretensions to beauty, is of black 0ha14111y lace over whits satin, with la oareattc bouquet of white jonquils. I'ecple'rho ars enbie,N to bel breath, foul oaato loupe, or any disorder el the [ilorneeb, can a6 owe bt reltevct by using Dr. Carson's 5temeeh falllsri, Ito old and trifler rs e. v. lurk yen iirarsht. Oatmeal cloth tritnmled with velveteen or corduroy or cordereine mikes a pretty mountain, actinide, or travelling salt, It should be undo in severely plain style with no ribbon or Inas thereon. Huai Coueu Cues owes in ora minute. stn eror Frederick died within thirty feat of where he was born, and at exactly. the same hour of the day. Consumption Surely Camel. To Taft EDnrMA:--Plss ie Inform Tear readers that E have a positive remedy for the alsovc named clic- ease. Ely its timely leo thoueande of hopeless caves have been permanently cured. I shalt be glad to send two battles of my remedy rasa to any of your readers who have oonaumptlon it they will wend tno their Express and P, O. addreae. Eieepeettally,1)e T. A. Semen, 87 Yong* St„ Toronto, Ont. Alaska is rapidly becoming civilised. now has a bear brewery. Whenever year atomaah or IlOWOla get Cul et SF• der, noosing Alllonanere• Dereepsla, or indleetle e, met their attendant evhs, take at once a dose et Ar. uarson•s Stvmaeh. Dittoes, Best fsmliy reedtelue, All Druggists, SD cents. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been mod for the peel fifteen years, with great sucoeee, in the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex• creses, over-worked brain, lose of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists. Price $E per box, or 8 boxes for $6, or will be sent by mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet onapplication. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Toronto. MINIERNIESCIIMINISMORM IC.' --E FITS! When I say Cont I dont mean merely t5 stop them for a time, and then have them re- turn again. I =AN A RADICAL CURB. FITShave made the disease of • i :I A.S, EPILE f''1. dY. or FALLING SICHNESS; A life long study. I wARBANT my remedy'to CURD the worst cases. I3ecause others have failedi s no reason for not now receiving a cure, Send at once for a treatise and reFnete noreere Of Illy_ IliFAr.LIBLE REMEDY. Give Express ost Office. It costs you nothing for as trial, and it will cure you. Address • Dr, H. G. ROOT. 37 Yonge 8t;, Toronto, Ont, INIMINIMMEMNIMENEESS A. 1i. 401 PATENTS ror Sale—Illustrated descriptive Cat ti I tO UAloonefres. R. Chamberlin,Toronin leATENTS procured, Patent Attorneys, and exports r Eeed18ti7. leonalt1C,Itldont .tei3o„Toronto. CANOES, WU. Eva LY8IE,.i'tt 'Lore, Ont. KNITTING xg ns,tont MACHINES —AGENTS WANTED ogee the entire Dominion. AddreteDEO.1). k.E11:11t8. 81 Cl'uurek Street, Toronto. or The Nervous °The Debilitated The Aged. • MItESNe tens% Preeteetien,NervouaBeare .ache,Neuralgia, NervousW eakcnoss, Stomacl, and Livrr Diseaaea, end all affcctiona of the Kidneys.. Peen ALL, $30 a weekend a ewe bgdt 6 t{ [a paid, Valuahla outfit and par on'a,s tree, P.O.V C1;CfiSYsAngusta.TSafne 4 NRRVE TONIC. Prong W. Bonro r. See -worm. Co nt,seys; "For two scarp i+,as a suffererfrorn nervous de. bait): and I thank God and the discoverer et the valuable remedy that PAexl:e Cat.Xer .ConrrooNn mired me. , 4 is a valuable remedy, Long MeV ft live. I t.enyonewriteterneforadvice." AN ALTERATIVE. Argxzo Ansarr; WRipaon. VT.. Wm' it believe Pee stirs Comer Coetrorscn Saved my life. By trouble eeen:ed to tso rut iuter,.sl humor. BeforoIrued It I was careredwith antrorting nem "teed to hecee The crept en fs nep ole headlrur. smart a n rive hunstree per eent.better every say. " A LAXATIV>:,. A.Bz wwarns raven mi's'ter. 4r- ears: For trears vzstT Mayo beers grey sufferer. trona Sid aey and' liverum:ee€a, attended with de's- etvele ,u i Kestiretion- Before 1 be,ou to tate Vxr.IUSTccaatsaau;in rt seerae4ea thAushererytlriee CO me. Now I flan tna$ ev:laistp Ohl Size. A DIURETIS;.. esor,,oxe AnsoTr. S5O x CITY, Iceman: "I lave been nein Pente's Orman Coaxroun+_ road it to.ii done me more good for kidneys and lama luck thou any ether ueeakerse I llevo ever taken, ifuneredpof testite outasabetebeenreeeiredfrnn rersOns who crave used tiara xensedz' with reinsrkeele length, Seedforcirculer. Pelee ell .Q0. goldbyIxriggi.'te. WgL1,S,RiCHARPSQN$ CQ„t'roprtetors ...a. Ititiitreua. P. Q. Youug Men SUFFERING from tbe elteete of early mit habit',the Remit el igncranee and folly, who fund tberinelves weak. serene and exhausted; ales, l pobe•Aaansud Orae elnv who aro broken dopes teem tine edeete of abase err over -week. and in advanced .lite feel the venae 3tcnere of youthful exeese, send tor nut read M. V. l.ubetee Treatise en the farihowe% et Nen, The Welt will be mit seated to any address en reveller el Lys o S ; et,min. Merest+ el. V, Lt.13O;,T, Wcllinatee 8t tL. Twines Ont, MONEYMONEY TIf±LOA•li en Farms, Lowest hates, No delay, Cor;erypondbaco eolS4lted- E.fV, T►, nlrrLEls, I inanofal Agt., Eetabliahed 1$60. 7l amp it. kh, Toronto.. i C..wAtDA 9llilpP1NG t Q, --Demme line of Steamships, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon. tickets, 3foutreal to Liverpool, 540,0, i50, andv(0 Return ti.^ket' , 500, and 4116, aecroxding 50 steamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate, $30; Round trip tiokets, $80.Steerage, $20, Round trip tickets, *40, For further particulate and. to secure births, apply to II. E. MURRAY, General Manager, I Custom house Square, Montreal, or to,the Local Agents in the dieereatTwonsand Citlea. H. WILLIAMS & CO.anddRelt ROOFERS urrInv'Aerussas Ants DEALERS IN Booting Felt, Slaters.' Feb, Deatenint Reit, Carpeepaper, ltuildiog Peer. RootingPiteb, Coal Tar, Lake Gravel„ Office r 4 Adelaide $t. East, Toronto. IttLJ8llauts, Butchers N T Ra uI Rs We Want a Good Stan in your locality to pica ,up GAL- ' SKINS. for us. Cash Furnished on eatista..tore guaranty: Address. 0, S, PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, 1LS.. The Shoe and Leather Reporter, N.Y. and the Shoe and Leather Review, Clain'°. the leading trade papers et the 1.1.S. in the Wide line. have sent their representatives to ins estigate'Sir. Page's bueiness,aud ,after a thormeeb eXatuination and caruparieon, the Reporterggives el.0 thle cndoresr eet : •SYe believe thatia eiteat of •frit -weight raW nic• •tenial collected Mel eerrned, air. age holds the lead of any eouepetitgr end that bls present Mee is the largest bele beeany fieaee in tbie coont:y,” • And the Renee sere "After R most tharongh lnveelis at' m of Br. Page's bureeeee. ea gemmed with otbete lax same iiae,'we have beanie told' eatiseed that in his a ecla;ty, llzbt Weight stack. he es uaguesttcaablyehe leege.et dealer le this country. while us snperiortty or yunlity. he fs confessedly at the head." qugRn : if fir. Peee's 0 tiuesele the largest in its Dee inure Vaited States, ie le sat the beeePoe ble greet et hie ability to pay htclie,-tprieese it he did Pet dos?, weeti ho naturally get ware Sting than ceenntitore le the 'awe heel r an Lice Royal Ice . StIaainsiiip Balling duxlaeewader from Port'atax seer.. Teem. day awl Minas. every Setarday to Lirerpoal, aud fro mttereerfrom Qaebee every t;atnrday to Le,erpes•I, celleab at l,eadezdcrri to lend Palle eel paerregate ter Seethed ansa Ireland^ plea teems Deltmasre, flog Ha6ttex a ,l At, &We, . to f averp. ,l tartan radii deny retatuuuer nratstlie.The eteanaera et the Oen hues old *Wrier ubster to and frena llallfat, r.d, Ih stag saga pbaladelphla: ami 4atrlan tam tVeen Glasgowoad Meeneal weekly: ©lnrow stun ~eerily, Awl Sleeper aud PUiladelpeAla fitly. re Alit, peewee, or ether laterr:latloa apply le A. S.knmaeber a Co., Whitmore: S. trannrd re Co., IialitaT ; Sista &CO., tit. John's, 11. F.; wan Them?. eon ei Co.,t. Jobe, N. 11;; Allan ee Co., Chicagei ve Fa Alden, New Yolk 11• Reuther.' erauto; Mew, liar & Co„ itaebce:'Hina. Bret/tie, Vbiledel•. vela; H. A. Allen, Penland, fiestou. elontee:al. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO • -:lanalaeturere et the highest P,radse eta string to obtala a 11u 'toe a -al a rxr la detenG to or wee andTypewrltlug, ab.us dthe SB AIDER CAO BUSINESS COLLEGE reale, Yon. street. Toronto, late, eta., AAdroaa 0. O'DDEA. fiecretsry 'ley, Royce 40o5 N$8 Tomo mo Street, "A`oreAt0.. Cheapest Piece le Canede for BAND IRSTRUMEXTS, and Seee:1444=1. Agents ter aSSQN ' Iidl'# ,ft111! Baud .t Orchestra' MUSIC. REPAIRING a E.A2'„1& INSTRUMENTS a F•endforCa clove. iri 111ELPU Business College. Gusr.rir, Oxr.— lief This popular Institution, now in its 4th year, is doing a grand work tor the Education of young men and women in those branches, a knowledge of which Is so essential to the intelligent and successful management of praotioat affairs, Its graduates are everywhere giving signal proof of the thoroughness of their training, and bearing grateful testimony to the monetary value of its course of study, The Fourth Annual Circular giving full information will be mailed free. Address M.1faOCoSMIWr, Principal. Toronto Cutting ieebool-Scienttde and relia- ble system taugbt whereby stylish, perfect -fit- ting garments aro produced. Outten having trouble ahould secure my systema and ensure fueuro success. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Shirt system taught separate. A rate chance for young men to acquire a lucrative profession. S. CORRIGAN, Prop„ 122 Tonga Street. Terms on application. story OF THE BIBLE—I3y CHARLES FOSTER. ProfueelyIilustrated —Sales marvellous -- Nearly 400,000. Send 51.50 for a copy and go towork.' Agents Wanted. Address. A. G. WATSON, Manager, TORONTO WILLARD TRACT DEPOSITORY, TORONTO. SILVER PLATED WARE TRADE RR. —FACTORIES ana $ALESROOn c :42,141 rand • fllnnti Bicycles and Trlev eles, Sod for List. New Cata1173ue made in April. -A..'T. LA-INTM MONTREAL. 420 to 426 Xing St. West, TORONTO E.0.000DEIUTAM, J. C. COPP, 31auager. See. Treat. J. & J. TAYLOR, —PATENTED— AND VAULT DOORS, &C. SAFES Toronto_ Safe `Yorks. ' • kiTflDGE C C1es COL VAND IEW( A Also send for list of some .o our Second-hand ma- chines at greatly reduced prices. CHAS. IRO1BI ssor s0 Co.♦ 22 Church St., To, onto.; BEATER LIPID of STEAMSHIPS Sththse WEESLY Barnum— MONTREAL arnumMOfei#'RAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, $40, 560, 560. Return, 580, 590, '$110, Intermediate, 830; Steerage, 520. Apply to 13. E. MURRAY. Gen'i. Manager, 1 Custom Rouse Square, MONRTEAL. PION-- STUMPSTUMP & STONE —ENTI ACTOP.-- IS y eaes' trinl,and over ;LWin maims proved lee machine the best; 0 sizes. Sand .for Ctrl alar. Fir 8. IRIIIDkLL, Inventor ondalnnulaeturer, 577 Crak at. w9":A 3i ;>Il P.0, Box WI, Montreal, P.(l ammommesomme • Pet ovarry et iso pst re - reel age for Regular. Ing the bowel, and Curing, ell Blood Liv er and Blaney Cont. pfainis. A perfect Mood Purifier. A. few in Hamilton whohave :con ben47ted by its use ; 3ins.•M. Iieeran 11)2 Robert Si, euro of Erralpelae of 2 vre. eiiing; Robt. Cor- net!, 0S eoutb street. dime ster cured of Eplleetto Rea alter U years oufferinir t Jen- nie Birrel, 66 Walnut Street, cured of Wcaltne t and LungTroub e: John Wood, 03 Cath- cart St., oared of Liver Compirtnt and Billousnees, used ooh' 3 lit ly-centbottles ; Mrs. J, heal, 0 Augusta St., troubled for y care with Nervous Prostration, two small -bottles gm her great relief. Sold at 600. s$1, F. 1: HALLEY & OCs., Proprietor.. KEEP UP YOUR STRENGTH. Everybody feels. the exhausting and debilitating escct of the warm weather and itis the duty of everyone to sustain the streugln by taking htzhiy nutritious food. JOH STONIS : JOHNSTONS FI.UIDJEEI. ie pra-emnentiy a food specially adapted to this season of the year. It gives tone to the stomach. stimulates the appetite, keeps the system well nourished and fortifies it against the many disorders peculiar to warm weather. FLED BEEF There are many e)ftr.T1Ol5S of e floss MACHINE 0113 but none equal it in lubricating properties. FARat- nes, Mrm,stas, etc., find none equal to the 0500158 Peerless made by SAMUEL ROQERS & CO., TORONTO. Sold by dealers everywhere. CAPITAL AND FUNDS NOW OTER 't'S3,O80,000. BEAD OFFICE. • • 15 TORONTO STREET, TO1SONRO, ONT. A HOME COMPANY, ESTABLISBE1t OCTOBER, 1871. To this date, October 31, 1887, there has been returned To the heirs of Policy -holders (death Claims) : 58139:429589 DO To the hotd.re of matured Endowment Policies 03 To Policy -holders on surrender of Policies 06,860 00 To Policyholders torCashProfits (including those allocated and being paid). 432,644 02 holdersTo Policy-holdersfAnnuity Bonds........ ...... . 1'0,967 84 Loaned on Security 01 their Policies. 82,284 98 51,306,174 47 Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount over $1S,0O0,000. PRESIDENT—HoN. SIR W. P. HowLAND, C.B., K.C.M.G. VICE -PRESIDENTS. -WILLIAM ELLIOTT, EsQ EDWARD Hooi.EB, ESQ. . II&. flMACDONALD, Managing Director. tarrolioles Nonforleltable attar 2 years and Indefeasible atter 8 years,