HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-12, Page 5London Enron & Brace Railway
Nor'thero Divisiorn
(aoi:�n Noltrn-Tisis, T eirei--Pass'a'r,
London depart ,7 ,45 a.m. 4.25 f ez,
IGood Summer Drink.
i W;hiie raspberries are in season our
readers should not fail to make rasp,
-perry shrub, to usefor a summer drink.
Pick over Mack or red raspberries; if
they need washiug put thein in a sieve
and let water eau through them, the
Lucan Crossing.. 8.2e 5.20 , less the better. Let theca stand over:
Cleendebaye.. , , , 8.34 5.28 rn«lit in a stow* covered with. good
Cea r -Alia., . , ., .,. $.45 5,45 cider vinegar. lit -ext morning mash
EXETER. . , ... 8.56 5.57 them well and strain thein through a.
Mensal],.,,,,,,,, 9.08 0,09 bag, not your jelly ba;, as the vinegar
.l ippon , ..... .. 9.14 3..1.7 will inj ere.it. 111easure the juice and
Rrucefield.,,,.; . 9, 9..,6 add three-quarters of a pound of sugar
Clinton,. , . , 9,480 6,45 to: each pint; boil for ten uniuutes and
7 ' r , put a�spoon,'j
1:,oiidi/sburta . , , , .1fJ 00 s,,.Q3 bottle while iter. For use
Blyth,,...... .10.10 7.12 tel or two la a glass of water. This is1
Belgrave , , ; , . „ „l ti, �?5 ; , e 7 lie et the most ueefnl preparations
Wingham,arrive.10.45 7,45 that eau be kept its a house, not ()lily
GOING SApTII, x,'assengei: as affording the most refresbing Bever-'
Win hauedepart, 7.05 ..u. 3,40 l u e but being of singular eficieucy in
Belgrave,:,..,,, 7.24 4.00 complaints of the chest,
RI II , , . _, . , .. 7.38 4.15 Illicit Still Seized.
7.47 4.25 On Monday lust, Inland Revenue
8.07 1,45 offieerVavase, of Stratford, aecampani
., 8.26 5.0:1 ed by Inland iteu. officer Brown, of
. 8.34 5.12 Goderich pzeLeeded to the farm, eft Mr,
5,19 Simon �4iittlelnoltz, Lal 16, con. 11
5,53 til, of Stephee,and arrested 311h ittle--
:i,4�a holtz. for having in hie poseeasionn are
5.56 illieib still, for the purpose et rakite
6,02 whiskey. after his, arrest, he was
6,44 questioned as to the whereabouts of tiro
still, he informed the officers and en'
Wieling it, they seen that the part, eall-
ed the worm, was gone. The accused:
said that he had not made any whiskey
hitt another party had made some. M.
;iittleholtz was brought to Bga-eter and
stood his trial before Reeve Rollins, of
Exeter- sand ll: Chas. Eilbert ad Graili-
ton. He was tined $100 and costs,
30 days in the common Gael. This is
a warning, to all, not to harbor such
characters or their apparatuses.
This week it, ie Biter gtiai;ntful duty t
record. the utmost sodden death of one
e f our rr idente, in the 1?ereer. of Mr.
one 1.t`eett, is taaenaher of the firm of
tt, (al 'a}ntaalia, issett Rees. , lt,trdw,are nic*rchant,,
:.e6th ietst, via ta'Giielli isiel:na.0 la.wly event enured on
itiatn." a�llilia Tsetse. T Leta �as eheleeeey Dart, nili a de�•e;aned had teen
ata, Milt* mist e; for emu, time pp t, with that
taoanrin sea a�,axl" at di -easel consumption,
but hail never Iryy,oa so 111 es tge�t. to lie
ail le to attend to ]lie eltataea ,u r it about
we we."llo l lase,, 44 rte le. was taken'
regal ill fl el,k wili lw Dao" tne4xr-r again rail-
' I, and I'ae-eat ie. it tn,j d u to ' great
ttta3 ority. Tito reetltahas were interred
iia he Exeter Cemetery on Ti"ue• tley
afternoon, and the- law totitAer o"
friends and atceinliiitanees el follow -
the deceived to his last meting placew
bores cvidente. of the high o+.ate ent in
wfueh the defeated was held by the
eitti ens. The r;uv iviiig fame; meal
i4•es have the ]tee tfcelt +:empathy
+ entire. teea,aetnlsmity ut their said.
f ondesboroi .
GlititQn ..,:
Erncefteld , .
Riplseit . , . , ..
Rensal l , , , , , .. „ 8..41
Exeter. .. , 8.56
Centralia.... „ M . 90`c
+Clzntlettoya ,,,
Lee nteerose ..,
Londnn,arrive. ,
lrbe nM4crsizned off "ia *or ks leis to zu, 1A0Pir Rut
4. cuueeedoa I, towr"tbie , Ballet? ]pips alae
hawked *CUL, being sir iailiei eaz+ stela. T*u i
insistc>ave acres•Owand the laatatiea beipg.tvctl
c4rer+t4 with 1#ard woud;nd node*, '*btrosea er•
*404 **limen a. from house containing Baia F0u0e!t a
gua,l well at witer„goodi fends am! bare. It !s with.
to threnluaawer eni5! oil 40?i001 awl R Wick Taut
%el sexes* Os raiad, The proprkter win tau ea stay
irreri,4 or weal accept rinse or, Raza tarc,peett` n ex -
ser. year tara4er paremet►ra apptg +a
tercels, e. 0.
Jun Es -
ere -
-E. .T. MnRobert, of London, Gen.
agent, Economical Fire Insurance Co,
was in town yesterday..
-.This is the time to. trim or prune
down the thistles. There are a num-
ber of pieces in town that need. - appli-
The License (iornrnissionera for
West I,3uron,met in Hensalt yesterday
for the purpose of signing the licenses
--The: Orangetnen of this place leave
this m.orn'ing to celebrate the 12th at
Parkhill, and are accompanied by tke
Exeter Brass Band.
-Rev. D. JL Steel,of Point Edward .--1� -;
preached two very able and impressive
sermons in tl:e Trivitt,,,,Aeseeertar
church, on Sabi)
--,. f$._ n paper declares that "the
bustle is losing its held." Sakes alive]
the girls should give the matter. attente = ,
ion before walking a step further.
-*- eorreSpOndentatks; Where do
the ;lies go in winter/ We don't know,
but the bald-headed men in town wish
they would go there in summe..J�;-,
-.-fir, John Beacom, of CElintonirlao
has been in Landon with the celebrated
"Tontine" lime, during the *won,
1345Red through hearer enrouto for home,
-Tor letter heads, envelopete bill''
heads, atetelnleuta and all kinds of lob
work try the Anvorovre office. Prices
reasonable,ancl 'work 5rstclass. Give
tttf A trial,
--Bo sure and call on Sanlwell b
k'iekerd and see their grand display of
Millinery, including the latest ami
newest Ifew Teri; and England styles
and novelties.
The man NOV keeps his eyes open
n see a great many amusing things
is 'sroa'lal,
especially when has _wife
to water her flower.-- "garden
proeare ta+t+aan
Glasgow £tchU it il.
Eaeuttdon.. Direct
Glasgow. First Cabin, 1$.7 , ro ttiif!n
$9:140. Steerage at IIonr+st, mites, tape.
ply to Capt Oleo. Remp,lahe and ° an
steamship Fire *h Life Ineurane agent
Town Hall, Exeter.
Promenade Concert;
The promenade concert under the
auspices of the guild of the Trivitt
'Memorial church, was held on Tokelay
atoning Inst, in the Dominion Roller
Rink. The attendance uveas large, and
the evening's entertainment was really
fitst•erlass. The proceeds amounted to
.Weide nt.
On 4stbbatle last, the Rev, S. F.
Robinson, who is at present visiting in
Sarnia, got thrown from a buggy, and
the wheel passed over his right leg,
causing a somewhat serious injury. Ile
was able to attend to his 'duties at
Sarnia with much incollveniencei but
it is feared he will be unable to reaeh
Exeter, on Saturday, except he lotted -
ally improves.
Salt This Dowel.
At a recent session of the Dominiialt
Parliament an important addition was
made to "Thee Weights and Measures
Act," which provides that: "Every
barrel of salt packed in bulk, sold or
offered for sale, shall contain two hun-
dred and eighty pounds of salty and
every such barrels of salt, sold or offer-
ed for sale, shall have a correct gross
and net weight thereof marked on it in
a permanent manner." It also provid-
es that the name of the packer is to be
branded on every barrel of salt, and
that"for any contravention of the act
a penalty of $10 is to be imposed,"
Council Procee. lftgs.
"Council met by order of the Reeve,
at the Town Hall, Exeter, 4th July,
1888. All the members present. The
minutes of previous meeting were read
and confirmed. Moved by W. G, Bis.
sett, seed by T. B. Carling,that orders
be granted for the following sums, viz
D. Urquhart,$107.75,for cedar scant-
ling, Jas. Balsdon, $6.00, for labor; S.
Handford, 18,00, do; R. Pincome,$14.-
37, do; Jno. Mereshead,$8.00, do; Mrs.
Clack, $2.00, charity; Wm. Down, 65
cts. for water spout, and Wm. Down
$50. for street watering. -Carried. A
petition,signed by twelve resident rate-
payers on Albert, between James and
Hurgn sts.,praying the council to grav-
el the said portion of Albert st. was
read.. Moved lay W. G. Bissett, sec'd
by J. Pickard,that the council examine
the street mentioned in the petition to.
morrow evening at 7 o'clock. Carried,
24,000 ft. of pine plank for side walks
was ordered from Dyer cls Howard.
Malted by J. Vicliard,see'dby T. ff. Mc-
Callum that this Council adjourn until
call of the Reeye.-Carried.
1. EAcr.LrT Clerk.'
ie' Items.
-21'[te weather hoc been very fine
,nd warm for a few days part.
;Mr. till: Elliott, of Clinton, has
ti in tasvn for the past few days.
veil S Piekards are now
showing the latest styles in gents felt
-'Pilose who received hotel or shop
licenses, can be found in another
-Miss Walker, of Blyth, was the
guest of 11re, Wm. 5outheott during
the week,
-Wedding inyitions 'New York
styles, neatly and cheaply printed at
ADVOCATE office.
-A. fele assortment of T. D. Ring's
celebrated Boots, Shoes and Slippers.
at Same ell & P'ickard's.
-Mr, Arthur'13alkwill left here for
London, on Saturday morning, where
he intends remaining.
-Mr. John Staddon, of Listowell,
spent a few days in town during the
beginning pa t of the week
-The central office of the Bell
Telephone tio. will be established at
Robt. Hick's jewelerystore.
-There will be serious shortage of
hay in all the Midland oounties of On-
tario owing to the dry weather.
-A fine lot of English and Scotch
Tweeds for gents suits. Perfect fit
guaranteed at Samwell & Pickard.
-Seventy-eight vehicles followed
the remains of Mr. Isaac Bissett, to
their last resting place on Tuesday.
Auctioneers and others will find
it to their advantage to get, their sale
bills at this office. Bills printed while
you wait,
-Samwell & Pickard has just re-
ceived a large variety of Wall Papers,
Ceiling Decorations, Window Shades
and Curtain Poles
L Bowman and Mr. Alex
Dow left yesterday to Scsatland, They
sail by the "city el Raines*" ,c'Iwtnebar
Line, and liter leased them tickets fro:]*
Capt. ,Geo. Kemp.
-A lady writiug einn biasing saj
that a kiss on the forehead denotes re-
verence for the intellect. But 1
eertttinly does not speak very highly o
who dors the lti ung,
The Manufactures Life .insurer,
any, Toronto, of whielt the lloN.
tit J OM? A. Mhenonen is President
is the cheapest and best to ensun' with
Wm. Sanders, agent, Anvoe. E ace
-Tito closing of the schools makes
quite a dill'ereuce in the appearance of
the streets at 12 and 4 o"eeloek. The
bright and happy faces of the children
are missed, but summer has Conley the
term has ended, and ho for the woods
and green fields]
-Clearing sale of the Bankrupt
stock at Broderiek's stow, Exeter.
Another stock leas just been added and
the great sale Swill continuo all this
week. Now is the time to secure the
bargains. All must be soli]]..-
Exeter Ju y l;0tli 1888.
-Wo have on exhibition some gold
and iron quartz from the Algouia twines
were banded trl;,utirhreleIw' O ' ek
Dyer :fit present Mere is great excite-
iueent in those regions. Tho quartz is
being tested to see the amount it will
realize, and if the find is a :good one,
the ]nines will be put in operation at
-The newest fad among young
ladies is called "tips." They count
every time a gentleman tips his hat to
them and when they reaeh a hundred
tips, the one hundredth gentleman is
supposed to be the one the lady receiv-
ing the "tips will marry. The "tips"
craze is spreading rapidly and the
young ladies are heard counting the
tips as one passes them on the street.
=' p'resentis'tEieiostopportune
time of the year to secure an idea of
the beauty of the county, and a walk
through the woods and fields gives one
an idea of natures beauties, The deep
green of the fields and of the foliage is
relieved by the bloom of the garden
and wild flowers, which clothe even
the coarsest scenes with the touch of
wonder -land.
-Here is a new idea for those whose
churches are ornamented with mortg-
age. At the Methodist church in. Johns -
burg, Vt-, a few Sundays ago, a black-
board was displayed, upon which ap-
peared a mountain divided off into
geological strata, the upper one bearing
the figures $50. Other section were
marked in smaller sums, down to $1,
the total representing the $708 of the
Church debt. This, the pastor said,he
wanted to see wiped out,, and as far
subscriptions were announced from the
audience the corresponding figures and
sections were erasedt from the board.
In 25 •ininuies the, mountain of debt
had dissappeartd:, and, there was, $50
to spare.
-Mr. Thos. Carders of Rutland,
Vermont, is at present the guest of his
sister,Mrs. Samuel Buckingham. They
have not seen each other for twenty-
eight years, and the meeting was a
Coalite door north or ]3e1l's old stat ;ud,
His Last + .Glx() nine ffb Work
Dr. Chases Third, Last and Complete
Rcce t Brook and Household Physician, or
the Look for the :Million, contains nearly*
9110 pagis'and Bolls for$9 i 5 inolothbiud•
+ salttte$2. zrre iTr parte ---ow -entl ;
marble cage, ant] is justly by him called
"The Crowning Work of My Life."
It is the result of over half a center,s'
obscrvation,s'uely and experience. Yet.
this embodies no compilation of his former
If 30 years a ;o he could produce a book
that has had a sale of over fifteen hundred
thousand copies, and has made his name
familiar in. nearly every English-speaking
home in the United States, Oanada, an
thousands of homes in Europe, Australia
and South America, what tree of a book
could or would he produce as his Crown-
ing Life Work, wait :lions Tria::7 TIITI3TX
rauraxocl The book itself answers the
question, and is the most valuable pro-
pluggenin. the history, of,hook..:pnblisking,
Ch 11 TI. 10 , Unscrupulous and pirating
1iU pnblishers are attempting
to copy this book by taking portions of it
out and palming it off on the public as
the complete work. We own the manu-
script, purchased from Dr. Chase's heirs.
See that yon that you get the GENUINE
book. See that it has our name on the
title page and is copyrighted by us.
Agents Wanted: Big Terms!
F. B. DICKERSoN & Co.,
Maul Office, Detroit, Mich. Windsor,Ont.
Published in both Enrcneh and German.
Caveats, Re -issues and Trade -Marks secured
and all other patent causes in the Patent
Office and before the Courts promptly and
carefully attended to.
Upon receipt of Mode, or Sketch of In-
vention, I make careful examination, and
advise as to patentability Free of charge.
FEES MODERATE, and I make No charge
unless patent is secured. Information,
advice and special refrenees sent on appli
J. R, LITTELL, Washington, D.
Opposite U. S. Patent 0 c
Armen TO NOT>a[EU!!.
e you dieturbedatnii;htand broken ofyour
rest by a sick eldld suffering and orying with.
pale of cutting teeth A If so. send at ono, wad,
bottle,of BLitt..Wn"iaeaotl"a' 70 1neoSrlitar
Reye TERTItixo. its value laines eel.
able, ltwill relieve thepoorlittlesufferer itotue.
'**tate] . Depend, u aon It, others, there is no
mistake about it, imothers,
t cures dysentery and **Illy.
rhea, regulates the stomach and bowels, auras
win doolIc. s pitons the gums, reduces Intim ma.
lion, and eves tone and en orgp to the/0010
onions. no. li'i;tisrow'a$ooriin aStntrron
.Cntram XTine:lusoispleasanttothetaste
Is the preserlptiou aroma 4Ltbaaideet*std"boah
Mahro' nurses and physicians in the united.
States, and Is for sale by all druggists through.
+Oatthe world, Pries 25 cents ottle.
Amuse Yourself
and friends, by
hunting out famil-
iar faces in the
view of the proces-
sion taken by
An 8x10 Photographic view for
25 cents. Everybody should have one
First -Class Hoz ses and Rigs.
Special Rates, with, Comm
Orders left at BISSETT' EROS',
Ha{iliv itee, Store, willfkeeeive
propipt attention,