HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-12, Page 4WILLIAM SANDERS.,
a!,DxxoR AHD Pum a=Ea.
017.108 1 rain Street, Exe:er;
THURSDAY, ,'ULA' l20.,, 1888.
This time shall cotu% says the Mont
real Wiser ss, When the people of Can-
ada will demand that all teachers of
youth be total abstainers. Why not
pass an Act declaring that every man
who drinks a glass of wine inhis own
Louse is a common reprobate, unfit to
move in respectable societyt
THE candidates for the United States
Presidency .having been nominated, it
will now be in order to commence mud -
throwing. Mr Cleveland has gone
through one campaign, and be was
blackguaxded in first-class style from
its opening to itai doss; bat the whole-
sale abuse to whish he was subjected
did him no harm. The feet of the mat-
ter is, the policy of lying and slander-
landering does not pay. The organ of the
Reform party in Canada have found
out that by experience; and as a Weap-
on of .attach it is as ,ineff'eetetitl in the
Republic as in the Dominion.
'Tux Hou. Qeo, W. Ross, Mieeter of
Eduction, in aa. public address delivert*d
a few day* ago,dwelt.upon Canada se e
tberee,and eloquently describe the vast
extent, the richness alai inexhaustible
nature of his i varied resources, the Char.
atter of her people, the 'value of her
educational institutions andpointed out
the general prosperity which is visible
on every hand. If Mr, Ross does not
up making suclb speeebes he may
ut of the ranks of the party
ders generally appear in pub-
lic as pu6'iara of the neighboring Repub-
lie at tee expense of their awn country,
A, New York house, a ieb ten years
ago employed one hundred traveling
sidemen, now does its business entire-
ly by illustrated catalogues and eorres-
pondence, and its trade . is ahead of
what it used to be. And mush the
drummer got Are the printer and
type -writer girl to drive his royal nibs
out of his four seats in the railway
car, out of the best rooms at the hotels
special cheap rates for travel and enter-
tainment, unlimited mash making and
nearly unlimited "expensese Wo
know a good many people who think
that the co retry could never get along
without a drummer. But they are
mostly ot that ilk.
Lisswrr.--In Exeter, on 8th inst,,
Isaac .Bissett, aged 3&, yeah, 2
months and 17 days.
Usborne Gleanings.
Last Sunday, Mrs. Wadland, to-
gether with Mr. Thos. Northy and wife,
were the guests of Mr, Jonah Wad -
land, Crediton.
liltr 'Trios.-BaTmant young three year
old mare, which as been so seriously
affected with blood poisoning, is almost
out of danger, under the skillful treat-
ment of Vet. Tennent.
Last Saturday Mr.' Thomas Shute
and Mr. William Davidson, took in
Grand Bend, and indulged in fishing
and boating. They report a heavy
catch. Wm. is a good man to go with
as he knows the ropes well.
Some of the boys think that the
item they saw in the Exeter 7'intes,last
week concerning No. 6 being to camp,
under the late Captain Andrews, reads
rather egotistical, and is a little to
much pufi for a virescent man.
The patrons of the Centralia cheese
factory feel pretty confident that it is
going to pay them well. If such is
the case, it is likely there will be more
factories go up in the township next
year. Just what is needed.
The people in general feel glad that
Oloed has lost his sit. Said the big
obediah Archy, to the old obediah, so
am miah, you get, and he got? A man
with a smutched character and an up -
builder of yankee town, should go
there and live and not hold offices in
this country.
Mr, G. K Holinan, of Elimville,
has in his garden a phenomenon in the
shape of a cauliflower which was plan-
ted this spring, It. stands from two to
three inches in height, and has a fully
developed head measuring from two to
three inches incircumference. Xeep
it well watered George, and no doubt
in after years it will make a gigantic
A short time ago, Eli/Irvine could
boast of baying a large and brilliant
Bible class, but now there is scarcely
one attends. Surely the people must LETTER HEADS;,
be negligent or else so very busy that' COUNTER PADS,
they cannot attend to this great spirit-
'attainment., There is no better
lace that a: young man or woman can
`l?} 8'
spend a leisure ]spur for Biblical
knowledge than in the Bible class.
Young men and women, let there be a
rally and build lip the Bible class
The following vital statesties for the
Tp. of Usborne for the half year .end -
lug 30t11 June, will be of interest to
the public;.. -Registrations made 70,
Births 43, marriages 14, deaths 13.
Average ag e males of married, 28
yrs., females 24, oldest male 40 yrs,
youngest 22, oldest female 30 yrs
youngest 19, of the deaths, 7 were
males and 6 females. Places of birth,
England 7, Ireland 2, Canada 4
causes of death, apoplexy 1, heart
diseaaa 3, general decay 4, cerebral
meningitis 1, liver complaint 1, paraly.
sis 1, Infammation 1, convulsions 1.
Average age at death, (excepting two
infants), 65 years,
0, W Hoemax, Division Register.
A. 'woven Be TaiAxrlslt.
A man living on the 4th eon of
17sborue, baa in his pessessien a young
colt about two weeks old, which is
crippled so bald with rheumatics that
it cannot stand and it requires con,-
aiderable spoon feed to keep it alive; in
fact the colt is not worth as handful of
thong: Last Thursday night, a couple
of young tin mongers front. Grand
Bend, eawped near this nun's place, so
he went to where they were camped,
and discovered that one of therm had la
watch, Ile then suggested en even
trade, colt for the watch. He preach-
ed up the good points about the colt,
and that it was a mare and would be
good for breeding purposes, but he dill
not emceed in eilectin; a Mile as tiles
tin mongers were a little coyish of him,
and dict not like his pufery and cozen
way of doing business Ne.'t nlornii.•;t
they found out the full particulars
about thiscolt' from oue of the neigh-
bors, and then went an their way re=
joking that they slid not trade.
7.lw Council eget on the 7th inst.
All the members present. Minutes of
previous streeting were read and ale
proved. A circular from the Proyin=
mal Land Surveyors' Association, midi
reference to the proposed amendments
to the "ditches and watercourses act
1888," was read and laid on the table
It was moved by J. Shier, sec'd by W.
Lydd, that with reference to the eir-
oular from the P. L. S. Assoeietioe, in
regard to proposed amenclinents' to tile
"ditches and watercourses act 1.883,"
this oounoit approves of the proposition
to constitute the court of appeal under'
said act, three competent persons, one
of whom shall be a P. L. S., instead of
vesting said power in the county - judge,
and also that the decision of said court
should be final.—Carried. The plan.
and award of a watercourse commenc-
ing in Fullerton and extending into
Usborne, was laid before the council
for examination. It was moved by J.
Halls, seed by T. Cameron, that the
engineer's award in regard to the Ful-
lerton and Usborne watercourse be ac-
cepted, and our share of the expenses
connected therewith, amounting to i3,
be remitted to the treasurer of Fuller-
ton. ---Carried. Moved by W. Iiydd,
seed by T. Cameron, that Geo. Fergu-
son be paid $13.50 for keep of Bennett
up to July 7th. and that T. Brima-
combe receive $9 for keep of A. Car-
michael.—Carried. On motion of J.
Shier, seed by J. Halls, the following
orders were grauted,via.—D. Richards
$50; M. Barnwell, two. orders $26; L.
Hardy, $177; R. Elston,.$1.511; J. Stat
ton, $2.50; T. Vail, 922,25; W. Vail,
$5.46; John. Polon,$3; T. Brimaeombe,
$9; E. Hewit, .910; W. Bray, $10.75;
W. Bray, $2.77; W. Bray, $3.75; A.
Hankin, $3; J. Hunkin, $6; E. Stone,
$1; T. McClocklin, $2.25; W. Moody,
$2; D. Brown, $2; D. Brown, $13.50;
G. Ferguson, $13.50; J. Statton, $3;
H. Brown, $1.30; S. Horn, $17; •3.
Lankin, $6.80; R. Robinson, .$2; G.
Hog;, $19.85; G. Harrah, $10; A.
Harrison, $14; W. Wiseman, $16; E.
McDonald, $1.14; A. Arksey, $8.12;
W. Milne, $98.37; R; Quinton, $36;
G. Trunk, railway freight on cedar
$15.60; Wm. Moody,$29.56; Treasurer.
Fularton, $3; J. Johns,$3.50; J. Polon,
98.50. The above orders were for
bridges,culverts, grading,ditches,cedar,
charity &c. On motion of T. Cameron,
sec'd 1,y 3. Shier, the council adjourn
to meet again the 1st Saturday in
September at 11 o'clock a. m.
O Lo. W. HOLMAN, Clerk,
E .. HIS
r - Our Stock of Printing
Stationery, consisting of all
Mr" the leading grades of Plain
gar and Fancy ruled and un- 'la
MP ruled papers, Cards and En- °'1411
Efir velopes, IS most complete,
(OP Call and get prices at
Main - street, - Exeter
llTedicated for all diseases of the blood arta ries,
vous. system. Ladies' Belt B2,for female coin
plaints B 4ES,connbined
p)aiuta'itiiaanoe+nal. New e#
Belt anti Suspensory
nERiet errors i ypnth,l•
naauhood.. nightly
ezm,sious� Etc, Ther only appliances
wing t a direct current of EioctriQItY the parte. an he worn ni t or of
vvithonyinconvenience- Hundreds;ofT€r
tl onnlaalte en flie Rau diene cored of female diseases. pains in back acid pa, head and
lint nervous debility, general debility, lumbago, rheumatism, rarely*,
neural .a,meiatiea
disease of he kidneys, ,teatdsee,to id liver. eouL, leecorhaea.-
aatagrido�e b1 �ter
sexual exhaustion, sauiinal graissions, esthmalieart Abscise. drape,psra, conatipation er, sill
ales, indigestion, impoteric „ piles, a ilepay. dumb iagne arlcr diabetes, Send VAMP for
handsoprelyillustrated. bookand health Journal, Correspondence strictl'confidential,. C•on-
4ultitenand0laatricaitreatZnent,freo. Agents wanted avaryobe e.Yat. ttrfe
Cus Guaranteed
Medloated Eleotric Belt Co..155 teen St. West, Toronto Canada.
A Positive Cu'
A Painless Curd;.,
J EL ,it
Uaas Now 7.11 Stock
Vtdestt t ne !igen, Suiting a aria
Troe.aseri rig s.
Scotch T*eed Suitinge, and
r ouch and English Worsted
7 VII al T• IR cC4,04Etril 'I It,
Men. of ligattag, and Kohlaaoret Medmrtnat.
aeJtrU io eal-Ww111rasxx* At tinfiloorefiiert,
Exltarwd o anti oreir►twrk,,
WhO .re bawkc.n own frei_t#i t#ie olietta at 441111a@ will finest in it. OA rad Fat car@ for nervous
dgkl31t .organtrrweakir . , iuvo nlairurw Yl4a3 UMW. etc,
Grair'roias Pen.Wrilen a paout.i? DA tDmta��iYAiiL 4. energy, vertigo, want of ptirper-e,
dimness ret lttyb6, avA,ra,ou to :society, want ot confidence, avoidance et coureraadiorr,
desire tar aelituda, liatierAega And Inability to Si the attention on n PArtigUIPr aubjt 4
cOwardhhe, daprutA.len et Spirits, tdddmn,ld., Iasi of rner(i•irq, ereitat.ility ot tariff€earl sires;,
matarnccea,, nr loss of the semina! Quid —thy reculr. of ielf.abwte nr n atitai �sgris—intoe,
tegtay, lunutritlon, 0ivaatutman,lairrenneas, pelpitetion et ilio ileert, liyibrie tenths* Ill
fenii, eb trunUliag, wnlnuol;oty,. dlipirbwg dream; u•.e„ sr a}7 pi nif Able ttrribal
bablt,4lb ntiin9alninocently'Noire& iln short. the *pang .,rTM) fp1-4,
Oxman,*•very fuactlon witne! itl coAsagnanc e. 5e entiAe s writeruct fta aur+efintooderta
d?f .Awane Asylum, unite in ascribing to the effects of celtei lave the !creat nialerity of
wanted lives whish conic ander their notice. it you aro Inaonmfietent ter the ariltic115
duties of businose, incapacitated for the enjoyment., ot lila Na 5 oflur8 an eiAIT ♦from
the effects of early vice. it yen Aro Advanced iAc ire, *lo. b will SOO Yen !lilt vst;irr.anti
Strengths if you aro broken down, playaicnl'.y ancyt, morally fr.;,n eerily audliieretion, tt:a
result of ignorance and lolly, Send your 0 3,b, ,, a&d UI coot' iiigtampofor;,►.>sor'a
`l';enti a sit 1001; Form On Disossoi Of Men. ne.ldal and etcnsca from gl4.rt'aFt:on.
Address all communications to RR, I #i,i.°nojj. 47 Wellington tonn lit. L., Toronto.
A Man Wog( wedii I'vts i* a or 1SaatAi;e. GURU G.l1ARAMTEEi3, MAL '1ig riiQtu
aIle rp ill she Late fest Rates,'
only catarrh remedy over offered to the public on 15 days trial:,
Wen guarantee given with, each instrument, W. T. 2tutsa
upon btreet Walt, Toronto, out.
attest Ditcovarr a
tea Ap.
*climate riots median* ora digesting lotion orpowder tilt but
a6e1 uncra�
tine Vapor, easily anti pleasantly applied at all :bounty ttmts and places.
Acting No. 2.—Quickly relieves and. thoroughly curer an Throat andt
Lung diseases.
Actrru No. 3,—positively aures all diseases of tbo Fye. Cataract Gran
Mated Zyo lmda, Inflamed Eyoaa near and tar atghteaaaos Tun Flys
ranarisA warns CLOSED.
Tin; ii.oTIMIL Id SOLD u,rnas-OVA wisrSTEtt out taarnam ort 25 DAYS
TWO. .t, Enclose stamp for handsomely illustrated book and health
journal. W. Z 134E1; & ao„ its Queen Street West, Toronto, Got
itV E;74.14.
Remember we manufacture and aro the sole
proprietors of the following specialties, rand that
theyconbohad from nootbxrsouree. TREY ARE
strictly conddentiol. Consultation upon ail
chronic dispose invited, ,10 CHARGE, except for
medicines. All goods sent soourofrom Observa-
tion. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont.
3urmagnificien t propurations aro warranted jer.
featly harmless. We prepare the following
colors—the.nershaiics erre from the lio!ritsolf
Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Chestnut,
'light Chestnut, Gold Blonde, Ash or Blonde
rooftree. Saud sample o: hair wJien ordering.
:'rico, 52.. per bottle. Toronto Medicine Co„
In orderingplease specify which you rogqriee
we guarantee them to give entire satisfaction.
1: o 6 imparts to the skin the color and freshness
of to .iaenhood; harmless ana cannotbadetected.
11.25No. Si Removes wrinlc"es. 52. No. 10 Re -
7o1 oe Liver Spots. $1.30. No. 11 Removes Flosh
Worms 51.25 No. 12 Removes Freckles. $).2a.
No. 131 omoc-esPlni�)mi�s.51.25. N. 14 Removes
San., x1.25. Ne 1, Removes Roles. 52. No. 16
' deinod'es Pockmarks. 82.
No. 17 -Removes endue
1'rospirction. 8L25.No.18 An absolute nnfailing
specific for the retention development or rostor-
miety sik the hair. $,1,55. Toronto Medicine Co.
370, 19 In a combined internal and external
treatment which speedily dorelol es or -restores
tlio Iemal,l bast to trio proportio is of voluptuous
nature. is entirely harmless anti certain in re-
sults Price $a Terottto 1318111ein° Co. Toronto,
No. de A certeni core for Lcucorrhma, or Whites
Palling oftho Womb. 'Ulcerations Painful Men.
shin ation"Bearing down Pains" and all Diseases
Weshoesses pecttliss to females. Endorsed'
by the highest medical authorities as an, "un.
LI veiled i ei;tu..y. Price 89 per bottle. Toronto
ytedutino Co., Toronto, Unt.
Tar superior to Ergot. Tansy, Pennyroyal or
)aide Endorsed by the thousands of ladies who
,so them MONT til Never fail Believe pain,
N51JBFJ ltgc.CLARITY PleasanlandEliectual.'
'rice s Toronto Juedleine Co., Toronto, Out
kliUK:Jl8:Al CIICA • &Ian FTIkElFCi7iEJil( i,aidl
a f ttlie
ss.!0 ✓1:ine''t) tip t5 i+ eel le iNo.
rutt t, atIts
it does
is c i ,;.rl fry it. trice. 51. Toronto'
lieft4111e Co..To onto, f?;e....
Rigs and Horses First -Class.
»Orders left at the E.awkshaw .louse
or at the stable�w,ill be promptly attended
to. TER31s: sASONABLE.
Furniture and Undertaking.
Rowe and Andrews'
Bed -room and Parlor uites,
Sideboards and Eutension Tables,
Lounges and Easy chairs.
Largest warerpoms in town.
UNDERTAKING, outside of the under-
ndertakers' ring, inall its branches. Open
day and night.
STAND: one door north of Molson's bank
blain .street,, Exeter.
.A11 Business Branches, Short-
hand, Type -Writing and
The Principal holds a Certificate with
honors in Book keeping.
Phonography, Telegraphy or -Type
Writing free with Book keeping
Diploma from,Western fair for Plain.
and Fancy Writing.
Business conducted on latest improved
plans with printed forms.
Permanent positions guaranteed with.
Salary and Expenses raid.,
my determined main : can succeed with,
us. Peculiar advantages to beginners..
Stock complete, including, many fast;
selling, specialties. Outfit free. Ad-
dress at once. (Name this paper.)
Nurseynen, • ROCHESTER, 15, '