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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-12, Page 1
VOL. IL The Motsons Sank. (CHARTE80SlARl NT, 18.5.51 COIJNTY 9!` HUH it up Capital . .. . ... ........S'. e,00o„000 Ftln.l -., y, ,e>s l Nees 1-rom Homes and Fields Offers tee Yuhiit 4 'sit Leer. : R P&u ANsr x for athctney Ult of Huron County Farmers. EPOSIT R C IPTS, XETE as N ONT., THU &ft Pga 1 FAN a^. 1•'!r takv-sT ;'Isla. 4"133f 1 Meme of Interest from Important For M.ouey iu Cellt#rea" Savings E ik »epar*tmeitt, A lie ctal'ci of • all gvents De ribs, (];rarely Fe -opened.] ..neellrals, Fires, Sales. For father particulars, apply' at thea and Aeoidents i;;atk, Massa Street, Exeter. OFFICE ROU RS;— • 10 a. ne. to Tp. ur,. Setuvat's, 1Q 84, tn. t"l I Il, ltt, +r! ., A. 0. fE.lgOVA , E:ceter, .fan. 2S, '88, )tanager.. artov ;lll#nliabed evert Thuraiitay xtrorniiilg, at the office, r lit, a :t'xeth'1" Cgt F,FIIF OF SUBSCRIPTION: glut A Tear ix paid in ttdvaare; $1.50 tt not to paid. arUsing Rates on Application, di s tenutted until all 4nreara:es ars paid. errere nts twithout spetitlt directions %sin be 1,44s:hetitin forbid and chs gednt't+on hair. r.ihera1 tar a,tttautsdoter tr»nS tent eslve,?,3tig7nerttsizesertmsb. for "•0,3„ perlode, Exert dwarriptitu of Joi3PAINT- ING terms met ie the finest stile of teeett and at scutiavtte rttai eltctittea, tooter orders. de. ter saiter,l=iteg. suhs,'rat time. etc-, to be trade mottle t4 WILLIAM S.,,%:4:11F.It I, senor are i PuTalitiaer. Rensall Breezes n Thursday of hist weeek,whii#e Mr. R. nod Th uman tireetnell were ing otr the heads of the bolts in the well pen of this place, the chisel using broke, and the piece striking Mr Jas], Briritnell srl at cutting the windpipe and g Calc ugly gash, ITe was at once veyi'd tri his here were medical at. apace was at once securer], and we glad to say that he is able to be arousxd again on our streets. Quart Step1lea, { June, Y Stehle]] f .Allard • A ML 12 I88 ere. There never were so many people No greater evidence of goo feelin oere before,es was seext'apen the pleas -1 li F#lity single be sliWri, then slit are grounds,. The attendaece was large the fact ' that Mr. Patrick Curtin, of et the Methodist dinner mid tea. The . Adare, bought the quilt at the Ifeth k- sum realized was about 5130, which dist Strawberry Festival at Qentralia,. will be used for improvements , on July Zed, paying therefor the hand Eleven players of the grand Bend'some sum of 825.75 for it, and then football club, met eleven of the Leary made the ladies :a present of the same. club at Corbett, and plavo one hour 1Thate the right ]Glue of feeling to .the race will be a. close one, as- they and forty,,-fiveminutes. Lcury scored exist, are both under trekking.. ogle goel. On Dowhnilan Day the alive Rufus Cobleigh is gging to star: a clubs played at Orand Bend and the ssiap factory here He soya that John game resulted n a tie. Hog ins and bun can furnish all the necessary for the bhhsinec„a without aid of ashes.. e bays are gettluee along f rst rate Rhear c. ©]lege. The llrst Ieseea to glbt will he '"how to usetobaccoa" erb Mitchell has been appointed rillcipal of the matheuiatice depart Miea. G. Oke is about leavieg us to lees t'haego of the dress malting cstab. t of T. Hutebleeen, ,3r4 way. We Are starry to loose , but then, cermet el pe:ciw yea ay with us for ever. e new boarding ]house in very rad ie doing a good business a a<rlusisetercher is eugnged, end we invite all to come frnd tee the "'lite boa stuffed with strr,w seuc'. 2.1e. pays the b W. hie J, Parsons atai . Becht,h hares opened tout a tether shops hii thiel tionvoug'allege. Their shop is Britt eaten], en frent avenue RMI ekes of the art done in 6 -Idle. Price's federate. Doors even at 7 o'clock fa, xli, & harp. 0, H. Sprague, who leas last the In- Steam-44p, n-est ]slap, b about going buck to his C#aril lsgkt±ra-illa,Ca lnnt+ it;ial trsssel- out in Centralia, in opposition to J. Blown. Mr..Brown thinks the ere un.. ry will pay best', as be has Thad an ad- clition put to it. The Exeter papers have get to shut ibis—never saw anything like it, but ft was sure to fail—and I ate gain;; to stop mine. mast likely be borrows a) so says a corpulent villager, taw re Toms . a pity those papeba of withdraw your patronage. John Hodgins has purchased a pig: It will be iaompany Thr ushey. Wa think John will have quite a .stock before winter sets in. He is little afraid that the old country markets will. be low when he wants to sell. :.,'ever mind John give them good feed, and quick sales and good profits are sure to follow. A grand Butter -milk party was ]iehl at the residence of Jas. Oki', lst eon. McGillivray, on Thursday evening last, A great really iuvitations were delivered but few accepted. Among those that were present was Mrs, Swellen, of Mooresville. After keeping thins mov- ing till a late hour, they all retired ex- cepting .7iin who having partaken of to much butter -milk, felt kind of sick and stayed up to purge. Wonder if Mr. Spry; ue will call on Hotel keepers now, and tell them who are going to get license and who are not.. Mn Sprague was always very kind and:oblia ng, and we aro sorry that,the government did not see fit to keep him in office, After doing the dirty work for three years, to be put to one side. It is a shame, and it is no wonder the poor man cried ell the way from Exeter to home. We sym- pathise with Mr. Sprague, as we think that he has always done what he thought was best—for himself. Quite a commotion was i:aused here last week, when Rufus Cobleigh ; came into the Royal Hotel, and said there was a great big bear up in Essely''s. pasture. A hunting party was organ- ized at once, who went in search of tlte. marauder, when lo, arid. behold, they found it to be One belonging to a man. in Exeter,which had strayed down this. far unmuzzled. Some of the party kindly muzzled the animal" and sent him home, but not before scaring Mr. Moffatts cow away. Owners of such animals should be compelled to keep them securely tied.. Wes. Huston leeves here today, (Thur sday)i with the McCarty mare for Flint Races. She is in good condition and Wes. is cohufident of securinng finer prize. - The folt race between 0, I'airhall lied J. Hepborit will come o` on the 7th of August. It is .thought tihnt Centralia Dots. 0 C' b has RUFF.- over arvest begun.: The crop is below the average. While there is en odd good field of fell wheat there is two, bad ;Teles in Me sectio%, Barley end peas will. be a good crop. oats bas greatly improved. Roots are srh treed of tela, Corn looks well in general. Apple* are likely to be a good. crop, and eherrie,a are very few. Mara ItpmS. .Stewart wears t rigwarns in town, 3101111m ran new anus dy Beyban has 4thE3 Goth,, until al Mir FOVIITII C`xt s 14farl s obtainable?,. 343. --Aa Ccillias, 1480, Mary itiney. 1320; Clara Ole/Mlle, 1153. ']'plum 01ass.--Marka obtainable, G'ff 11.f '.tp7 ►1?Y: 2540 —Ratio Lippert, 14fi4; Annie Townie Mr toidat. a iirrecat, I1tt: s; t: Inilkinson. ; ]Barry, 1093; Alexander 1'ieeb, 1188, W ]tor . bvO +Mdii, .'A449 yid n4 R; lz tt, m„ Wt6i i P' talo l Si:eo'w Cil. .-• M 9arlis' obtainable, 1845.—Carrie Finkbtiner,l.l„ 4,1WViilito 5puets,nusre ticncpr.—aarterast„ Iltltd, sprahst12' , M a.iliiine 1408, Christopher Dinney, putter. Outlay wens es, IU. t a, nil star tL;U p. tli. I ,l't r 3.33.3,,,313 erpntn4 ', p,w. kc•.tycr titerettr. Titnt lsy 1307 ea ,tie,g at 17.11 P:I.ILe Two CY,hSS.— tart s obtain - woe 3`trixty troy. W. II.Sun• able lti ►plitia, plat extrvit+e. stn`s. ua and i1.St, p. m. flu' , ifs.---1%.tttie Marry, 1398; t►rhool 2,84pt rpt. Putter meeting, Thursda wren. In.; et Lae. 'mug peoples pnal"tr meetitng'I' unpdwr vettingat 7.40. a'ar tratnutas Cm ticu.--ies.W..t. ;Ifortin, Patton Smutty etrvicaK, Il, a. re. and O flp Ix 8i5t th tr,boui, 0; i5 a. U. Venn' ' {Nudes prayer a.et:ting, a G 40, Thursday ratting, pra3'cr meeting at a o'clac thuie prattles htuuediatals atter. Business and tithe L. BILLINGS, Odiee over 0'Nt+iis Bank, Exeter, On Nitrous Oxide Gas for ptahtiess extraction. VII A. AMOS, u.: 1., 0. x. u. n. c. Y.. EDINA' .. R. C. S.. Mimi L. F. P. ct 5., Glasgow; i.. .1,Edinburgh and•olur ow; It. C. P. k 8., Ontarin; F. . Fr. M y„'roro to. Night boll at office Crediton t tnt:trl.3. Julvi:.8--tC IT W. BROWNING, M.11., M. 0, P, S. Graduate of Victoria University. Om eAandresklenco• Jhonaalon Laborster5; Exeter Ont. June. 9=87. .1 tilt. CURLN. OFFICE—MAIN STREET. }xt.cr, .l up shunt, opposite Central Hotel. yids ent- rance nt- rtu• een the south-JJames leading to the Meth )dist Church Disney, 138,1; .Adeline Matz, 1377. The above report is based on general proficiency,' regularity, end good vou- Iuetr ly harm .N1, Teacher. lacau Etchings. torpson says he has titer bee two-year old colt in Canada, and he has money to say so and don't you for- get its Ask Jim Correll if I bsvent9 What do you say Jim,or do you know. John Hodgins (carman) was in town on Tuesday, and caused quite a com- motion with the cream colored horse The people mistook lam for Jim Mc- 1t'adden, causing all the hotels in town to close for a time. Go easy John. As Benny Dobbs was returning from the residence of Mr, James Mebane late the other night, where had been with a message, he heard an unusual sound when nearing Harry's bridge, a voice Dried out "say here Portous, no more of your killcardexa tricks around my premises." Benny says he can swear it was either Jinimy'Davis spoke or Bill Carroll is home again.. Albert, second cousin to King Ferdinand, says he must go out there to see what's the matter with Ben anyway. . 'a t:tiE3 ORE, txo62rOntrs33, Licensed .auctioneer tJ for the Counts of Huron. Sides promptly attended to,andsatisiaetten guaranteed, Sales arranged at r's"is,.15 e. 'p'ExRY EII.BETa, Licensed Auctioneer' for , L" Stephen, and Iiciiillivrav Townships. Office— At Pustamce.. Credltou. '(x;ILLT3JiIIOLT,LICENSED AUCTIONEER tor r VT the Counties cg SIk&uuesexand Lanthton, and the nwna iit s of Stcr Orr. and Hay. Alp sales prom- ptlyattended t41. Add ess all communications to W. flora, bliespoetuf lce.Ontario. L TL 'DICKSON, Barrister, Solicitor et Supreme Court, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Com titissioner, &e Money to Loan. Office—Fanson's Block, Exeter. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. S., est/rads teeth without pain h3• Riving vegetable Vapor, or using the new Antoa- tiietie ant he gums. Masks Gold Fillings, and another daatil work the best fx,adtbte. Goes to. Zurich last Thursday in each month.. EAST SIDE OF RAIN STREET, EXETER. LL• IOT do ELLIOT, BAItRIsesns, Solieifors, Conveyancers, kc.. Money to Loan at 6% B. V. BeLIOT. J, ELLIOT. ?day Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. flA15TIES DESIRING' TO INSURE IN THE BEST and cheapest Insurance Company in the dominion, can do so by applying personally, or by mall to the undersigned.. All applications promptly attended to. Also agent for the -Wellington Company of Guelph. Also AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron.' E. 13OSSliNBERRY, item. a+te, 9.37 5ttriclt, Ont. I INt Greenway Budget. The rand were out playing on the commons last Monday evening. The crops are looking much .better than was expected a few weeks: aro. Last Saturday. the case of Vonbalk- enburg vs. J. Mackintosh, was ad- journed for one week. Mr. John. CagilI and three children, of Chicano, arrived. here on a visit to their uncle, Mr. Jas. T. Wilson, All Canada thistles on our roads ought to be cut at once. It is contr- ary to law, and=s greatinjury to our farming' interests to allow them • too go to ,see. J ust ,arrived at the Boston House, 40 bags'flour,. corned beef, tomatoes, digby chicken,' boneless,+cod fish,bacon, fly traps, stock of harvett i tools, idly - goods dry -goods boots .& shoes dyo. They are re- plenished every few days. Grand Bend Tidings. Butter 12 cts. per , and eggs 14 ets. per doz. here. The fishing. season is over. The catch of white fish has only been small. Dominion Day was a red letter one enee Chas. f iugar. d is on the siel list. W. J. MotrAtt bas towel hie cow, .Mrs. l lohmdebd is en the mend. Our school, bass been elosed for hofs days. R, Saudi, turned rapt 17 tlul rerGel Jake ;his built an addition mery. . Boyle stands ehirepien over pugilist. John Parsons is atoppine at the Mr the summer. Thos. Randfortl says he has the garden in town. Board can he got for $., per cv the raw bearding house, tri Lr Oboe Neil and family, of Exeter Frarincr;a n'.o r>w.tt t clear aril done ei virdting Mrs. ,Jas, Neil en Siuuda ,. , . 'p - ht:• lu ,It is Cl fair erop and well r vcvl, 1 J. J.Lewis, .-. this J.L... has lois rig Freddie Grant of the Grant House, nearly cslnr ict4ral A. f t dandy eh London, is visiting at Jas Neils, Me- JQe' 1? r heir ec a>a y Glallivray. Mt. Glanville purclrasrd a fine mover Peary Stewart is thinking of .]Husk i last week. She is for cheese factory ' mitre for raising eod•fisll, Heir use ing a hickory. ].globe With a pond very -euterprisins young man. ler for Grundy sl" Co; its home on to viSit'v for a few days last week, looking fora, bow top tbut T. Collins lost while on awe notice eves e visit in this vicinity. Look out bays or you tivlll lltn Left bee Geo. Simpson traded his top bug; Iliad, with Wxn. Fogarty for his trotting , J^ Baur n hes let the frame work of horse "'Garet' Tom '► Gee. bee to cif# ; falls new house, to T. A. Pearsall .and Dilly's bear to boot. Tilly will have ta'' Tai. lallKrl. do snore walking now. Bohn Ilexlgins end S. B. Windsor Tommy Neil drove into town last Taus taken thecontract of draining Saturday eyening,and said he was look- Cablci h's eefsr* ing for Win, Andrew Tricks pike, who Alessre., S. R. Windsor and S. Kno bad strayed from the premises of his are about Bending for another keg father, Jae Oke, let con,, McGillivray. ''Cherry Pectoral. Wm, Murdy and. Bennie Marr were Thero is a ]ally in town who said in town Inst week They were wild to that the Centralia correspondent has. beet a game of Euchre, and would brains, Ditto, Smut. pace went up to Oehtralia to play J. Frank Hicks has undertaken the job Wilson and'% Murray, but the walk- of summer fallowing the parsonage. ing was to bad. Do it right Frank, Mr. Terrance Collins is talking of Crops are looking fine in this -dein- tinning a stage from Lucan to this sty; but the grass is nearly burnt up place and on to Nagano. This is for the want of rain. what the people of Maguire have been Herb has made but very few sales o£ wanting for some time. It will be a binders this season. We here he has great convenience for any person corn• twine selling for 131c. cash. ing to Moorsville, and Teddy is a nice eneut Mr. Wm. Boyle thee pu ;dist De- kend young fellow. %Vc wish him sue- artment and Mr. John Parsons the De - cess. business department. Success is sure. Mn Wm. Moffatt, jr., we understand is going to quit the Hotel and start a cork and bottle factory,in the tamarack swamp. - Tom Hodgins and Clunch Bloom- field have taken the contract'of gather- ing the chips that the Telephone men leave behind. Mr. A. Stanley, of Lucan, was here tad trade, tthoernaking, and will epen Biddulph Breezes. On Monday lust, Mrs, James Herb- ert, of a daughter; also Mrs. Richard Culbert, of a daughter. Mr. Samuel 3I'. Hodgins our Deputy Reeve says henceforth the ADVOCATE will eet the printing of the Tp. council as the Tithes is too busy with Auto- Biographies to attend to both at once. Mr. Wnl. Quinton sold in London on $atuiday, nearly half a ton of wool at 22z cts, per pound.. This with lambs would give a profit of more than 100 per cent, on the entire flock. Who says sheep'don't pay? We regret to announce the depart- ure of Mr. L. D. Stanley, once more to the'stone town of StMarys. .He is an old resident of this place and his genial face will be long missed. We wish'him and his family good luck in their new home. The spring crops are .all that could be desired just now. Baying is more than half over, and is a good average crop,•and saved in splendid condition, The crop of strawberry festivals was also a -good one this yeanand profitable for those that raised them. - - Mr. Thomas Mitchell, of Biddulph, is building an excellent stone foundat- ion under his barn. Everything Craig the contractor undertakes is immense of course. Him- end Paxy make ;ood work. They have just completed an. ex11e11ent foundation for Stuart Rod- ent odgi is General Wolf, of the pump factory, is progressing well. He is still digging away, and.holding on to the new silk Another sten Sando. We hear the gentle Obadiah has a small leather satchel, with a sholder strap attachments, for sale cheap, but notgany cheaper than O. S. feels. Jas. McIllhargy-would like to em- ploy soma good .agents, at Centralia, and Exeter, for his -self setting mouse trap. Good salary or commission. +O.ur ]earned friend need note be so fresh talking about the had ,grammar that was in the Centralia items" last week. Better than you can do Jim. Mr. Jake Brown's cream factory is not, working well. Mr. Thos. Hodgins thinks'that"the engine is to small. Mr. Hodgins has been appointed Inspector.. John Paxman was away last week building a stable for Mr. A. Winer for the McCarty mare. John thinks more of this mare than of a great many people. • Billy Moffatt is a real nice young man, but when it comes to hunting, for a co w, it takes the old man to get there. Had it been aheifer it might have been different Adlti0 ,00&1s. —A base -ball snatch wasplayed on the Race course on Friday evening last, betweon the North and feud. ,,,pi err, ,,, ,,,,. 'The game resuTteVit'MC r of Is ortlu end, by a score of 9 to 30..