The Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-5, Page 8C A, T�!. Lt�. 1 >fI, X44. New Home Treatrrient for the our of Catarrh, Catarr- hal deafness and Hay Fever. Tine microscope b se roved that these d`:seases are ~cot tedious, and that they are due to the presence of sere parasites in tko iuterliniug membrane of the upper air pasages and eustachian tubes: Tho cnriu- cut stceutwts, udsll, hosier and Beale eudores th end d tAese nut or b c: ie a eattuot be dispz.ted. The re tar method of treaaur„'these diseases has been to a,a14N an irritant rti,uuly, •weekly, mod even daily, thus l.m.. ung the defecate membrane iu a coi►staut•stateof ireitat:on, allowing it no claws, to heal, and iso eat• t r,t consrpueute of math treatment not ono pertsau- e it rune tiu ever been recorded. It is an absolute felt tbatthese diseases eannotbo coral ba• atny.cppit- • c"s3:1u er+ade %timer than ones la two weeks. for the membrone muscget a, cbauee tea heal before anaupli• sat ftvested. It rs t ow saves eti:a el4e0 ¥r D3ixon .diSetnver.4 too parasite itt c,,tatrlt:aud forwulated Itis new treatment, and alba a their this remedy has be-` . co tea household word to every country where Me k.tt;,aish language is spokeaa. Cure; eIeeted by bine saran year's ago aro a.:xs stab, tl..-e bsviai} b2ss tttr roturu Rt the disease. ae hiValy aro these retnedics rained., that i grant`. imitators have started uta everywhere. prettndin: to oeytroym pareyite. of which they kttow uotkttny, byy- neualitee.tbe results of the applawtio.a of which. they • -rp equally t cornet ale Dixon's remedy is applied a Duly tie to racrtreeas, aciddrors One w bre app.. carious eTu` a laireinitat cure lit the most cqghat- ed caaw. Kr pitoase*toss pbareplet describing, Iiia new ^treatment an the (twilit `et of .stamp to pay pagtsge_ The addre s is A. n mum' Et SON„ tea lftng'street most. .Taranto, Vanda,...-ScientilieAnaeri m-.-feb:3S "Winchelsea Echoes, • We have often heard Qf,frau+f ,"perpetrated ou persons, blit the .n1Q t,. ,ant ust� thing in tiaQ shape of a good practical. joke was ,performed a few ,evenings ago at olteof "the earners,' It oocurs,twaa.youu; mien with blood And tire in their eyes,were fairly frying to Oght, but formality of a challenge hail not been given :though the whole .situation was comprehended by a third pat ty and he resolved to set smatters mitt. He at +enee procured pen and. „arta; and wrote out what appeared tom 450 warrior$, to be a cliallenge,tmkin g -taking care to explain to •them that be- fore this would beat lona Ade ebal- ,leuge, both lutist sign It, Tina they did without reading it, and at turreted ottt that these two would be pu ttilists Jiaaad signed a promissory note for 5100, payable to the said third party. It is said that Deither of the two could read but whether they could or net it was a •z" joke and 'the boys" around took £tilt beaef;t out of it, The Aoltivetvary and Festival it -corxneutiole with tho Methodist church at Ii lilnrille, was held Sunday ar. Monday, the 1st and 2nd dist. Ser. - mous were preachers on Sunday by Rev. D. A. Moir, of 'SVoudlutnl, and M .r. McAndrew, the new junior mil easter of the c►rcuit. In the afternoo ialtaresting exercises were gone through with by the S. S. children, and very iatpprapriate addresses given by Mc. T. 1\Verry sr. end `,1'. `Verry jr. On Mon- day a festival was held in Mr. T And. xssgv',. orchard. Interesting exercises Zlay the children, addresses by the Rev. %untie:nen, who officiated on Sunday, venous gorses and eating strawberries ,anti cream tilled the bill. A very en-` joyatlle time was spent and .every body sa,,l:red,pleased. A. game of ball be - two= the young and married „nen was called et the fourth inning togive place to foot -ball by the boys. At the fourth inns ga the score stood 13 to 9 in favor .of the young omen. The i:onediets cou- tt lid that the ulupito was unfair; al - •though lits l.o doubt (lid his duty .its veil as lie blew how. ;l.'lia; truth of the tuatter is the elld -fellows were out Alf prat;:.tice and disorganized, while the zuoat o'f their opponents lied put in al- ,z;:,lst regular daily practice for the past two months as .it was the old vets treated the boys to a "kalsoluine," Moral..—Uid ental keep up your muscle or the young roosters will begin to crow on the cop of the heap. Proceeds of i'.ualday services and festival, about 55 Da. Quite an interesting event took plume in the suburbs of the enterprising little village of Winchelsea a few even - jugs since. Oue of the young gallants .of that locality resolved upon taking his young lady lore for ,a pleasant drive a few miles away. After con- siderable parleying between him and -the old folks about the horse and btug-: ,gy it :was finally agreed that the :con should take the itecessaryouta. hie ;accordingly started in high spirits for ;the residence of his partner for the .evening. He had scarcely time to tie ,his horse to the fence near the house, when ;his mother prompted by feelings; ,o.f envy or malice or something else not to,her .credit, ,at once set about: in ,a very;indiscreut and. "unwise way to .upset her son's •calculation and destroy has ,pleasure for the evening. She hared la younger son to sneak ,up beside the,fence and bring the .horse home,.. which was done. When the elder son caazte,out to set out on the expected pleasure trip he suddenly realized that he was minus a horse and buggy. This was very mortifying, but he at once took in the situation, apologised to the young lady, explained matters, and set out for home and there poured out his:vials of wrath on the guilty party, after which he left the place and isas since been employed by one of ,the most enterprising farmers in the town ship. This may create a laugh at the young mar's expense but there is a moral here which he who runs may read, and it is this; parents act, very indiscreetly in attempting to throw around their sons and daughters cast iron fogyism; if they Lisle to make lOile"en o4 ab e, to makee home happy, them give their children an oppor- tunity for enjoyment, let the children be treated as society beings who prize freedom and enjoy society. fjt.t aSRt��:t7r1.... ALLAN LIME Boyd Mail Steamships. Liverpool & Quebec Se wise. Gaiting at Derry. Date 0* Sailing,. PAP,ISIA.'. .. -,Thursday, Mayit .... Friday, ,Fu.iae 1 SARDINIAE., , ,,,Thursday, et ? DTRs, .SSIAi ....—Friday '" tld SARMATIANT .....Thursday, 3.w,tFY4iG7.d:� •.►•..." eters PALS ESIAti . - ..... Friday, •i"uly ti sA DLNI �T-.....R 1►ire flay, 0,2 01R0ASS1AN . ,...... Friday., ." 20 SARMATIAN....Thursday, 't 26 " Aug, I't)L''Il•'i JA.N .,, 'fid&yy', « 10 SARD=N'Is N ...—Thursday, tt 10 CIROASSIAN , ...Friday, ti, 24 SA:RMATI Al°.....Thursday, to 30 L .'TE$,—Cabin, $50, 665 and 4971, according to location orposition. Re- turn $100, $125, $150. Intermediate, Liverpool, Loudenderry, or Glasgow 30, Return, $00. -Steerage at lowest rates. Steerage passengers booked to or from Glasgow, Belfast, Quenstown, Landau at Liverpool rates. Buy tickets to ;o home, bring out friends or rdat ivies by the Allan Line. For farther particulars apply to Job 111 S j3Pai e Drily authaarized agent for AKIO POWDER Absolutely Purea This powder never varies. A. marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness, More economical than theordinary kinds, and mutat be sold in competition with the multiside oflow test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. ,Sold only is cans. Rom B xo PawnEut Co., 106, Wali St, 1\T. Y. T Ht MANOFACTU RFRS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. • AND. THE Manufacturers' .Aoident i ts.: Co'y are two separate and distinct .compan ies with full Govervenent.deposits. The authorized capital and other assets are respectfully $2,000,000 and $1,000,000 Plu; sXDEN>r.•-.-RT. HON. SIR JOHN .A. MACDONALD, Vroa--Pxsslnsi Ts -George Gooderhan}, Esq., President Bank of Toronto, and William Ball, Esq.. Manufacturer, Guelph. J. B. CARLII;E; Managi„/o Director. The Largest Capital Stock Company on the continent. Policies issued on the Ordinary Life, Endowment and Natural Premium • Plans. Premiums as re tsonable as is compat- ible with bonafide life insurance, E. FL©ODY, Inspector Alarm and .Erthce. Notice the sign, "Montreal Geneal s!t''((7o EMOV ED Thomas"Dearing has removed to his new stand, ;one door north Dr. Lutz's;Drug Store, opposite the Cent raj .Hotel ywberethe,will be found of - feting aQtusutsl asismins DRY > GOODS. Groceries. REUY-MAL.S tLOTHING, tools Ohm DRIWASHINOTON'SLBURRAH, 1tiT XT VISIT. Throat amid Leung Sisr,;eorl; OF EXETER Will be at Central [Intel', R.! V 17th,. Font 2 to'clock p.ni,tilntil i p. m. LASSWARE,45C I, Iratak•out far Spring Goods, %which will arrive daily. I will been the road with my wagon, and will carry a variety of alt kinds of goods. BUTTER and EGGS TAKEN AS CASki. I'ouse and let, opposite Town 1It 11 for side 3)=.421X30'13. misimATIY BRAN i. Who ga Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, 'boss bia Poli .r.ttd Ignoranatm bins Trl- tted airs,, Iia Vigor; et Body, Wind slid Maanhcooci, cawaee exhausting drains upon Fotizktulnn etire. Headache, takanhs, Oreilalft6ii)ttt.wj, Weakness ory, Bashtttinoss In Saaiety, Pl pal so man Co sums tion ,sr Inv i►rDtt 'visit tu.t La flair speckle 'Positive :tures. It itupttrts Youtht;ut Vigor restore st the Vital Newer u ala snit 'cans. ttr:.d nn'igural.3 the Brain .and Nervea� Intl) op thu"ruuscuiar awe= aft --tamale,I tet acne: it the ,aisle physical aseUM toit'e Nthe obstinate oacan our curet] specific three/moths, tutd,rticeaa:artett is lets thou thirty ,days. JSaolt packa>*o/contains two stocks treat- intent. Price lift. Cares Guaranteed. Our spec- .itlo No. St isms infallible Cur, for all Private Gots Iso aatofonn,4aAndeoawiOep r or ,newlong a Qum,, Prkao ti, !',otbnte 1tedicitle: M” roan 1 #gal, . QUTiTCOT1', T1IILOII, hater iii 1111 l imit of MY G00115,ARB k,IRST-CLASS, AND A GOOD FIT UCA1tANTBED. A CALL SOLICITED. NONE BUT ;CeIaST.CLASS Fir(I].'tiIi- MEN EMPLOYED. Now is the time to leav4e your order for A fi rst-slass overcoat CIEAp'. R,outhcott, Corner Main ,& Sohn sts, EXETER - - ONT • Co�sumpfioo *that dread terrdr;:a:diseaseiso long baffling science and the most skilled physicians who knew of nothing to arrest,•npthing to atlovi- •ate, nothing to cure.. Nowittis no longer an inonrable malady even when given up by 'physicians, health can yetbe found in pun REMEDY, it heals send soothes. the mem- :hi!ane :of thelLnnge inflamed and :poisoned Jay .• the ravages of this fell disease, and pre ,vents the night sweats and tightness across the cheat which accompany it. CURES GUARANTEED Toronto Medicine'0o., Toronto, Ont. EXETER MARKETS. Red Winter., per bus'l White, " Spring . Barley Oats Peas Eggs Butter, Rolls Butter, Crocks Wool Potatoes per bag Hay per ton cc 'CC $ 93 to 95. 93 to 95 93 to 95 48 to 50 45 to 47. 60 to 60 13 to 13 15 to 15 14 to 15 18 to 18 1.00 to, 1.10 .8,00 to 8,50 :Chronic •Bronchitis Curec3 An English Church Cleinnau speaks. Rectory, Cornwall, Ont. .Hie. Wa4SIsl\GTO:,-.- . D t4Saa,--I am glass; to be fable to4.11- far= 'foryoa thatsay daughter is ui e well a;oia, As this is the second time she has beeu.cane s of gzam; e ibrone dal troubles under yorlredreatz aeut, 'vr, isen the usual r,iuetlies failed,.1. lie to expteaa may gratitude. Ylease ex eept *y siliaere thanks. Yours Only, 0, B. PETTIT. Thews T twat— 0atamrb of the head ;and Throat, Catarrh Derttttess, Chronic lireuchitbs, Asthma and 1Conastmptinn. ,Also lois of voice, sora throat, enlarged• tnasils. Polypus of ilio raise removed 'Conle.early. Vuusultation free. A few oft«he many cured by Dr. Wash- iagtors's Atli}* method; H. 11. 'Storey, of storey iS; Son, manu- facturers, Mtou, Ont., -alar► I'r'eAl iauu- lecturing Acs. of Cimad.'i, pennauently ,cured ot•0atalmh by Dr. Washington, pro- atounceddneurabieby notcdspeciatiste in his conetry and Europe. Write him for particulars, Ctrs, Ju,hn Mt I lot; Msgr.(); Out,, Catarrh and-Cousunitmtlnn. John Mc>ia.elvy,'Itingsten Ont. Catarrh. Mrs. .A.: topping, tingatuu, Ont. 3roucho Consumption, Mr. D. Scott,Niuguton, oat», 'Catarrh 'head and. throat, Sura John Bertram, Iiarrrowsnitb, Ont. Catarrh. throat. Miss Mary A. Bornbourg, Centreville, Ont., Catarrh, head and throat: James Mathews, P Monter, Acton Ont. A. B. Fish, Gents Furuisbing', oche. villa, Ont., cured of Catarrh, threat. John Thippin, Sandhurst P. 0., Ont,, (near Noisome) of Catarrh, head, tbailat and lungs. head office 2t5 Young Street, Toronto. Consultation Free. NOTICP There's no use in being dis- couraged iv-cou 'aged in espial Times,, THE 1TENSA.; VVRNITURE Warerooms is 114nund to sell cheap, and will sell 15 per cunt. lower than ever to suit the hard ltimss; also .repairisw. done, and perforated bottoms put an cane chairs ite. Picture framing a speuialty,. GEORGE INCRAM, Pear, I•iF 'SALL 0xm he Great English Proscription. A successful Medicine used over 50 Tears iu thousands or cases Cures Spermaterrhea. $O reoue e li ealntess, •E'etiationa, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse fnaauoarl indiscretion, or over-exertion. [.oval Six packages Guaranteed to Cure ithenaUvther_ Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great i gil,b Prescription. take no substitute. One. package $1. Six $G, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka •G'betnieaI Co., Detroit, :0141, Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. ,Tali 1-S AN OPPORTUNITY EACH WORiH - TO SECURE THIS GUN FREE! €98 It you want one send nt once theatrics audi. O,Address otercrt apora ttunn or,+Tiunter in your county to whom you wli,�guarantee to show Mond give away FRET? Homo of our sample boxes of the best Brass Shells and Hhgotipg animation on forth. Nemo your and•express office wheretoshtpr;oods. Ron. AG men will he paid 52 per day for expenses. Send two stamps, and address SAN 1 SON GUN AGlENOlfell4.C6urclt Sr., N. X. Do yon. *Ant to make IIUNDIOZDS OF DOL.L.tlyttrr,ftutgelhj, and not work 7 3 rant confidential Agents `mail and Women) to handle "ISCARCE GOODi .' .A quick and mt7.ef0$tttteisguaranteed to all ,v; o • keep a secret, and (glow ley private Instructions !"nuf-ted." Give pour'acte, occupation and express Oise. Sample of•Goods,' with purlieu- ]are,yp'„ccgi}dllet'ter. for lir5 conks (stomps). Address J.,•e. 110011E, 004 8th• Avenue, New York. A BLESSINGTo`uy()AN Cwo wonderful and snapnrtt�n secreta! Worth more tlttu•'.tongue oan tell." 1UiiE, in a Vain (sealecii envelope tor 4 cents (stamps). Address, I1Yrs.3 • ithiyE) f)4, Ii o:�: ffi:Ahtticrsey (stamps). Address 'PENNYROYAL, WAFER&a Prescription of a physician- whc has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by • over 10,008 ladies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask yourdrug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and w =keno substitute, or Inclose post- ' - ' age for:Soaledparticulars. Sold by n t.all druggists,'$'( pper box. Adcgcres$' EUREKA. CHEMICAL Co., Divrroix, Slxoa. Sold in Exeter i y Jr Lutz, and ,druggists everywhere. Jan -1.8 HURRAH. eoa— J, I.. S�.d66�GOlI�E, To Customers And 'ubU at large, here is the tplaee io get your- self suited,with Suits made up in the latest styles, At luxrcl time i wiees. A FINE RANGE OF GOODS ALWAYS IN STOOK, A PER&I+1EOTF1' ` •OUARA TEL+D Clothes •cleaned mod 4renocatedd at ;maderate pries. A OALL-SOI~11TE Dp stains, o'er Pest 0Mee, j, G. SIVIAI L,.A00IVI.1 [TTEII AN 168 EXETER r,//eet ]/"r,, X3 T1 R Y' Tg, ebur Stock 'Is well assorted for taw scatou'a trade. Lew prices. still tuaiut,ant. GROOERJES t -161b .'sugar for -,1,O0; 1814 white sumar foy r�L, 00. We can'tbeundcrsar ex to I'm s fo m 2Q- to TR pm iia Baits It Shies tall Styles) g Iaw prcces. A nicely ueimrtcd utetk, 2SATIVIN.0421 l~"OI KS, SCYTHES and GLASS '$Mare's Q4t:at'sn) first ;tlabirto f�Dc, !ps'rgal• Oral tial sal les as tbcloxtt;, galas Tea Sett of44 pieces, $2.75. A goad stmt of llaulyennio Clothit:t; for ID, Ordered sups got up in good 144' lc, Our Dress Goods are mark- ed. down to the lowest 40teh. COTTQ.N .20 Os. for $1.00. A boo* end lot,lan a faEut for tale. Apply to JOHN MATHESON, Pay posteltiee SOMETHINO NEW. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE E OM 1 N 1 ON 'LABORATORY Beg,: to announce to his numer- ous 1,''lie1) 15 and I'atrens that he, has just put in a full Zinc. of Staple & Fancy 4tationeryt Account Books, School Looks, and all kinds of School requisites Letter anal mote Paper Fools cap Taper,. Account Papers, Colored Tissues, Gilt Papers and Drawing paler Pens, Ink, Pencils, lnlcl also a fui line of all the newest and most popular worts of Fiction, all of which will eh sold .at the lowest renieurative rates. , YI>'OPRIET©.Il, Tire subscriber, wishes to inform the farmers and general public that he is prepared to Furnish all sizes and kind of Well digging promptly done` and at seasonable rates. Residence and stop, on Ann street. behind Christie's "Livery Stable. A CALL SOLIOITEDa