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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-5, Page 5
on 6 Ifuron c Brae : ,Railway Nort,tzeun. Division <1oiNo Nolrtru- Tura T nee—Eass'zf r Beechen, depart~. , .7;45 ,,n.il;, 4.25 yeti, iiucan (bossing.. te28 5::10 (h udeboye., S 34 51'26 €'ientralitz.. , ; , . 5.45 5:45 8.56. a:•.}7 Hensall ,. , 9.CD 6:09 .i ippon . 0.14 6•,17 .ilruotslield, , , , . , 9.2-2 6.26 Ham) , . , , :.. 9:4O 6.45. Londesb.,re.....10 (3& 7.03 Myth •a,:., -x.,..14 14 7.12 :iielgrate.•,x0,25 7.27 Witt;ltain,arrit'e.10.45 7.45 GOING Sop's ,. Passenger. Wittghatu,depeet. 7.05 eiett 3.40 P.tz Beigra,ve ,,.., 7.24 4,00 lifyth. . , , 7.35' 4.15 Londesboree . , .. 7.477 4.25 Olintoe.......... 8.07- 4,45: a26.' 5.04 Kippen , . , . ,. $.04* 5.12 E.ensall . ,. 8.4t 5,19 Exeter ..., 1.5> 5.53 Centralia , . , ... 9.0? 5.45 Clandeboy* ..... 9:11$ 5.56. ucalt,crese , „ 0;2 6.02 Londoner rive. , , I(ll.1 6,45 FARM POB SALE. T ro uuderdgned utTera for site bre term. being lot . wuaesrionb, tewnehip a nee coutalning ope hundred :scree, being nix miles trout Exeter. There eixty.Rre coraa it end the balance being well delayed with hemi Wood and ' rtornioek, Therein er. ' 4 thereon n tratne benne vontaruing air rooms 'r ed welt et renter. good brown end tells. 1t is with. .+rthr+oquertermien ors *drool end 4 yitri ru*wreex aha rail.. zfie rimli,'ictor will reit ore toy serrate, or wid eorrptirttlega or town property in ex• cheoge. For turt'iBrperttettlare apply to . A]rE3.:htw *MEE, ptS4!• 0. �3r at thla aAicaa. Jurne3S 8Rattb oda a purclic on the erefore a Taaudso Car eletione. '.plat list of 'Magistrate's eonvietion;' for the guarterrending June I2,number• zo ed 62, of which 24 were for violation of the w ort ict. Only 3 Gases of drunkensless were reported rola H T. t'rolcy his n Road, payin; figuze; I -r. xnenade Concert. 'Izu night the promenade Concet and ice ereazn festival, will be held iu the I.)outinivn Roller Bink, commencing at fight n'clecic. Every ' possible stet zzs bas betel adopted to make the a,ti'airr a sur,:doss and is will be that witheut fail, The proceeds are le aid o£ the organ Filed of the T'rivitt Memorial church. .very body he there, mud you will go home more than pleased after the e,veuing' s entertainment Cow Killed:• On Wednesday last, a cow belong - rig to t1r, Glanville, of this village, zztca'ed the -orchard of lir, Jas, Saud - ere, 2nd den. Steplitm. It is Supposed the dog s*rw the caw enter and at once t4Qb afterhez, audoinstead of the coin corning letek to the gate,she juu p- ed the feintte aucl•i'rt iumpiug over she was caught iu ti:'e bowels by the barb wire and the ivateetit,es badly torn' out A V. S. was iannuediately secured, but of uo'avail she died, shortly after: Editor's Table: We hlwe received copies of "The Silent Shore, or the Mystery of St. James Park," by John Blewndelle— .Burton This is o, sensationalestory of Ilonaora racial life; Also—"The ForttuteS of Fllilippa Fiirflax' 1iy Frown godr,, son Burnett.. These works are the very': best, and are -well worth, read- i1, Price of each 25'ots. and can be secured through your bookseller, direct from the publisher, 'Vru. Bryce, Toronto Ont, Flow To Tell, Girls of marriageable age do xzotlik to Willow ldt4 arel but; OW outs by following the subjoin instruction, the young lads erring tb figurine: Tell her to putdown the ata her of the month in which' she horn, then multiply it by two, there acrd 5,then to multiply it l,y 50, the to add her age, then eubtraet 36a,tlie add 11+5i,thea to tell her to tall you th u ittu It Asa has .left, the tv'o figures t the Leight will denote her age end tip remainder the "month of hair birth, Fo e -ample, the amount is S22, she ie "ears old, as;d tv°its Born t?th (August,) Dotes Frei. Manitoba.Nlee n ere handed a letter for inspect, n,,written to 11/44.G V. Dyer, by Me. msnctel 7s,F:;lirbsvtay. of 1Cil',:araiev, Men', formerly of thii village. Ile sort th.r crops in that stv:tion acro graving fire= mentions, and the prospects for tat", ex-• eelknt crop are really good. There also u lot of•tiratt,ish create, lauding there, and.that they snake excellent fanners. .. new r:tilraatlis to be built in the country', from ,St Johns, 1lakote so 1I al:oliee then straight tatt'oss the country to Brandon. Ile ram to several who has left this seetioa rand settled, that they aro e.reep i'rfng. He states that Mr, A. J. ..:all ;:.'is havingerected it new bnuk barn. Ile .nates that on the whole ,11; nitol-n i� the fritted+ for the mean of small Inoue, e L'€art subjoine. •-•-A iitte 1atr of Englislh and' S etreilr n,, Tweeds for gents suits, Perfect fit ,las .guaranteed utkSanwell d: I'iickard.. to —A. large number or our residents n �vpra at the Haman rneesiGrand Bend, +Gentraliu end Elimviiie on Dominion Q e r G Colquhoun,T. Braund, From MISS Vosj erg's room —E FOOki,N. Creech, A. Blayes, J SK'eet,W, Grigg,E. Sand- ers, H. Fitton, L. Tr'evethiok,G, Uynd- man, N. Dorweod, T. Collins„ Pi, Snell, L. Glanville, D. Crocker, B, Weetcott, i In Mr. Gregory's room. Frew, junior fourth to senior fourth;. O. Ctzelley,W, Higgins,- W. Hill, L. Gregory, leo. Me- Faul,• R; Caves, M.-I.ogg. A. ll.olland, E. Folliek, .A, Colcluhoune M, 1'ieltard, A. Lavett, V, Treble; Me Welsh,. J Pielm rd, M. -4hristie, .A,. McI*tughiin, Bawdvn.- Brief Items. -Mr. H.-Willeins and d". ?v, HooperA were in town last,week, ---At present; •theresia: no' Sat. to be had at•.the Exeter.Wel'B --Dont forget -the frroa}ena9ie ueeri at the Moiler Rink to••night -Foy"Field, Flower' and rrdezr seeds, go to Sazuwt311•' * .chard's —Mit G. -F. Dyer,-wirdr4has beer'; tree Aagonat eBarrier boa returned. - -Dominion lay Av- very quiet ay he.re,uo Stir whatever was crested Samwelle 4 Piekerne are nov sbowh g the lateat in, gents felt .z_ a to B1£= Telephone Company itt ting poles Or a lure of toi. a front Clinton to Loudon.. .Ai. full ttssortneerat of T, D. Kin. braked Boots; Shoes and Slipper, t llamwell 4 Pickard's, -�- lragon loaded with lumber, Liolke.ticeton oii.Mairi eti opp te the Town Ilan, oaf:4day� IAA,' IIARVEST • TOOL. ST., TER. AWAY DOWN. For Mt;nitoba, Tarr. L. hardy and E. Morgan left for Manitoba on Wednesday of last week. Mr. 'Hardy will commence farming and will be assisted'•• by Mr. MI. They will return adtnetime during thbifan z.. C. L. Meeting Every member of Exeter L. 0. L. No. 9:24, is requested to meet iu the Nall, on. Frick; evening July 6th. A full montbership is earnestly looked for, as very important busineds is on hand $o.trnnsaet Glasgow Exh ibi ton. Excursion. Direct from Exeter to Glasgow. First Cabitn,•. 48,70, return $92.40. Steerage at lowest rates. ap- ply to pale: Geo, ia:emp,lakeand ocean steamship Fire ,k Life Inruranc *agent '.Town Hall, Exotet; For Sale. The undersigued wishes to state that he is prepared to sell the property known as the Mansion House, Exeter. TIfe hotel is well situated, and will be sold on easy terms. For further par- ticulars apply to W. Bs1MAQoltB . Clearing Sale. Broderick's Store will be opened out again to -day Thursday, and the balance of the Bankrupt Stock ;dust now:go. This great Bankrupt Sale �vil1 contiuue for five days. Balgins Bai'gjns-, Big' Bargins will be offered in order to make ez Clean Sweap in the five days Sitle. Tub Butter taken in exeli*ange fer• goods. Exeter, July 5th 1888. Jtily 1St:14. Thursday next is July 12th, and it. will be duly' celebrated in Parkhill by the Orangeman of Biddulph clistt ct and mo from the. county of Lambton. The` B Parkhill brethren have made every, Ho i preparation for the entertainment of H the visitors, and we arersueerthat smile ,Pip is -the case: A large number off speak- 'Ste ers will be present and: disousse-•vsx t1ri- F. ous Orange topics of the dag:•..:The W i railroad com,panyhhve react&the ,hates E. very low, and the connections will be ers, such thatmeg?ood'daywill be able to, be Eac spent in :Perithill,andlthen return home early in the evening:. Everybody who wants to have a',goad;'day's enjoyment, it will well repay:thern- to , visit the pretty town of Perkhill: The. Exeter Lodge, we understand" go to' Parkhill and spend the day with their brethern there.. The fare fromExeter to Park- hill and return will be ' only 70c.and the train' will leave, this station 91'8.56. tlee.morni.nng, The Credit System. It is impossible to overcome the evils of the credit system in a day. People have become so used to doing business under Reim/ competition in all branch es of trade is so keen that it would be almost ilnpossible'for any individual merchant to subsist if be refused to give credit: .And yet the reunede lies almost; entirely in the hands of the merchant themselves, especially the retail mer Until ntil a general understanding rs arrived at among them to curtail by degrees the credit system the evil must go on and they themselves must be the .principal suers. There is hardly a mer- chant of any account who does not lose large sums•,of ;Honey every year by the system, and even where he ;foes not wholly Iose his money he finds it ex- tremely difficult to collect interest on it. If some general organized stand were taken against the evil it, would be a blessing: for the•banks,the wholesalers the retailers, the purchasers ai overee body: Exeter School Report: The following are the names of`'" the, pupils who have -been recently promot- ed lathe Exeter Public school. Pro - ted front--,1Wliss. William& room:—H. andforde.R,. Hicks, L;. Huston, E. weedy B.• Haggath, A: T3alsdon,• A. and£ord;•.M. Edsall 'G: Brawn, E;. er, N. Peterson, L Leathern,,. A: wart. From Miss Croley's roost,-- Sweet,.'E Higgins, A. Davidson,. A. We sh,Vuzcls,M. Sanrlers,W. Weir, Bee, H.• Plhitir, E. Collins, M. Walt - J. Taylor; L. Taylor; W. Poi` eil,L, rete: • P+ tont' •Miss Greory's room:— F. Fish; M. Sweet, T. Balkwill,G,)'e1- son, IA' Lutz, L. Caves,E. Hill,L. Trow- ard, R Mattioe, •,R. Howard, G. Horn, H lawn, .A..Ramsay, G. Hardy, M. Willis, M. Nelson, C. Trevethicle, A. Kemp, G. Hicks. From Miss•'. nun's room: -R. Sweet, E. 1ie0dllutn . N. Martin, N. Davidson,T. I3andford, A. Fish, I."Sne11,M. Pickard,W. Gilles- pie, F, Pick•apc.14i Hardling,:N.•:Creech, 3', sal eel! ,W,'pliytd,GtC2yMdR,,,yall, E. Evan.5 1lrs, W. 11. Verity,.. Urs. 1). ), of Exeter, and Mrs, Needy ant' r, of Clsberne, left Tuesday 'foe, o sthow by Mr. John asst week, t atrawbery ane 83riuches, It was ,grown int epplu is utakllnl,� great tri will. be in sksps,•ior busi- te lienee school tioeattota cora well 4 Pickard °has' juntf re. eivetb a large variety of Wall Papers, Qeilitag Decorations, Window Shades ard Curtain Poles llir, Wm. 7larreoek, who has been employed in Croswell; Mich,, far the past few months, visited our town for a ft•ur frays during the week, -TCY, Jr. D. Steele,: lneutttborrt•' at Point Alward, will officiate next Sun- day, in the Erivitt Mamoria church, both utareing and evening. —A woman can drive a bargain, we know, with lots of assurance end gall, but when she ;Duns down to a lren or a nail why she can't drive thein at all. —13e sure and call on Samwoll cC Pickard and see their grand display of bitilitiery, including the latest and newest New York and England. styleii and novelties,. —.The Manufactures Lifo Insurance Company, Toronto, .otwlrirh.the Box. Ste Joyner A. ILACDoNAZD is President is the eheapesleatnd best to insure with Win Sanderse.agent ,.A.DVOC4'rx• office —Thousands upon thousande,of tal- anted•authors•have appeared in the lit- erary firmament, sung their songs,told their stories and diappeered, and.. yet there is but one book that can be s'sid to be a universalsfavorite in all. coutrt- eries and with allsclasses;.namely, the pocket -book,. Mr. Wm. Follued, of this village was•one• of the corppetiting:;athletes at the spores at Goderieh on Dominion Day. Be succeeded in getting lst place in•.the 200 yard? race against eight ether competitors. In the 1001 yard race, Quirk, of Bvaaltford, .champion of Canada took lst Folland 2r3d and Gibb of Saniia,.31d: Gibb is supposed to'be' among the fastest in the.Dominione. New paper lea p. 7. A postmaster iisti,.regt`ritied 'te: give notice by letter (returning : the paper does not answer theriave)e ellen a sub- scriber does• not take -hie paper: out of the offiee,;.and eta:de-die reasons for its not being ttaken,..Akny neglect to do so leaves the postmaster responsible to the • publisher Ter payment, If any person orders his paper die. - continued,. he must pay all, arrearages, or the publisher may continue tce. send it until payment is made, : and collect the whole amount whether it is taken from,the office or not.. There can be no legal discontinuance until the pay went is: made. X -, X no •p, ,a at "'II X ad + as : n,.t„E•sec-.vv..sro:c�w. w,.'�,c„n,.Wr nr,.,R,f,,.&ha .^ _ �. ^I, ^-- 't ,x^- silo 4s u* iv. ed ... on . .+ae* ,. ti3.'.J.., FULL LINES OF FE I E HAND. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES �I:l'��i�R�;_..�.,.;iail:OMTP'l"L�,LL �._,.�`,l"�'"F��; li`l�l�=�•_�, z'1�,�:_�_ ► c door wortfix oa MAIN -STREET, OLD DD. CUASE'S NEW RECEIPT BOOK His Laster Crowning Life Dr. Chme'c Tlzitr3 ,past .arid (*.templet Recept Beek and 1towelio]d 1'Itvri +inn, o ilia nook .for the llillitui, contains ne arl 0010Pagesand Hell„ forSJ.t:,S iuelotltbiu i►at; end $2.50iu imparted oil teeth lucrble cage, alp& is justly by hint t;allo "The drowning Work of My Life It is the result of ovor half it century's observation, study auto• experience. le this embodiesrro compilation of his forma books. IT I8WrLIOLLY A NEW 1300K. If 30 years ago he could. produce a boa that hashed. a sale of over fifteen huudreti thoustud copies, and bas matte hie pante familiar in. nearly every English-speaking'' home in the United, States, Canada. and thousands of homes in Europe, Australia and South A:meric a, what xr;rs of a hook could or would lie produce as his Crown- ing Life Work, wars .tropic TaAv Tzrizrrsr rnAlas or AnntTlo rAL 1,11A0TIcn AND EA- Pnratsxoz.l The book itself. answers the question! and is the most valuable pro- duction in the history of book publishing. Tl Unscrupulous and pirating publishers aro attempting to copy this book by taking portions of it out and palming it oft on the public as. the complete work. We own the mannt- sozipt, purchased from Dr: Ch„re's heirs. See that you that you get the. GENUINE Book, See that it has our name on the title page and is 'copyrighted by us. Agents' Wanted: Big. Terms: F. B. DICKERtSoN & Main Office, Debtroit, Mieh, Windsor,Ont, Pubfahed in both Enarlieh and German. Ap26—Ow. `j.'.'4401(1 ,C44tIttleii. EXETER. Abner. TO i'Ikorn ng. by a slc.lt elitist autT sikg and erg ntrwith yarn of entthnt teeth? 1l .o, eerie sr, once tut.t aetnb;ttueotatrt9.14vrssrow'sstaortinto rl rig rrornCril,wonr»+TELT ttno. ]tymine isinertly ti?. f able. itr;illielieveiilei�noriittles>dirargratnaaas rI alsttelA 7leitcutt uRon 1t, moutc,ts, tbiwo is,r•, pu aannesabout.it. xtmres <iysonteryanddia:. rhea, relit 1 neo that grontacit and trowels, eatrr9 t' windcciie,soitcnstheemns regnteninAatn;ers+• r Ynou, nett civet tribe 8411 gner[;ytotlte\sh1 }• Lrrrtcm, Y'1`!.!'raryti © l8roo7Ilr'ib8Yitirl 'uta.: i easant to the:nstO, t a is the -prescription of one of the oldest sinal bra- , Arrna10 mimes and physicians In tzar► Vuatec,t `tater, anal Io rorz,a1 ire a31 Iteeeeletseerou :s. 1 atU,o wa;dd. 1'rlcq SSG Ccuts u bottle. NOTE ' k, Amuse Yourself and friends, by hunting out famil- ar faces in the view of the proces- sion taken by .X.f 8, as P ATEM T S, Cavetttsy,Iiewxsstraancl Trade -Marls secured and all other patent causes in the Patent O f hm and: before the Courts promptly and easy fully attended to. Upon xeceipt of Mode: or Sketch, of In- vention, I make careful examination, and advise as to patentability. Free of oharge. Fsss MonsEATE, and I brake No charge unless patent is secured. Information; advice and specialrefreneesssent on, appili cation. 60, R. LITTELL, Washington, D.0,. Oprpo,,,L0 u. 8i'aCor�G e An 8x10 Photographic view for 23 cents. Everybody should have one te.A.,ICOL4 clad- 3x BISSDEEMEL_MVERITII) First -Class Horses and Rigs. Special Rates with Commer— cial fete Orders left at BISSETP BROS'.., i arslware Store, will 'receive prompt attention. TEEMS REASONABLE A TRIA L,.::$CLICITED. .8. B,ISSE ?..L• . 1 R,OA