HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-7-5, Page 4Abu o ate, .IAS SANDERS, »I`IOlt•4;Vi;! I'axlix�slrult, ICS Aran Mrree', &leder. WI, 18$8. OUR OZU,NTEEES Our V oluntaem arrived home Stratford on Saturday evening 1 140king somewhat taanned and vb the sum, but, tevertheless, t orerp soldier -like, orderly and s The last. word in then above scant hi true nl, every particular. If. iters of any. company or rgaana area lot of eowhiskiy suckers" an "bums," as a rule, so are, the sal Exeter be proud;, of her ".olln;a officers, as they poser. 13c,ne of t above peculiaratie The officers wn at once set to -work,` and re -organ their ranks, pact will All them nip v}1 good and respectable citit'em. Dann Eyeter send out a, full company n of men. There is plenty of material her and there should be no trouble in vane �ug taxis number Let the citizens tali a hold and assist iu getting Ago company orgalnized, Til:. itclaell .d rr r ,1l a E e F", with las eek', celebrated its fourth year. 7'h 4drer i erg ii•the "boss"! paper cf 3litcin ell,but must allow the name of the Ira t drop into Whim and not rank thi °extrvexs:ahle back action" sheet to coin parwith itself. iiia , the ..4,fe•�retsr Still go on a7tnad pinrespfr, which wish of the 4.14V0PAI , A rioveii t8tc�3'cef of nifia�•aal war tor: cd l y, a correspondent to the Vendor, Heroldi s , .fi.' soon h declared let the New Sfreth 'R: rates govelrnnilent purehatboe 3 dc,oa fa at.ste salt• ars of, coy, 3G0 tow., ;sopa convert Coln iaatG gigantic torpedoe, by placing, a,�r, 100 t hits of ;�uanln s.aler in their haws (the steamers til Are eliV141e�d hit° many iter.tight;*Pnii,artnle,ntsn,tbe vessel to f e. st?eted mid the gei.pi:mase e e +,iticit•t1 by aro Mali int to l.ull:!rd;'l►rus,.'tolr,, +r tate very stern, linst+`i; hat+lt hying station, about the ship to dna, the c•]ae .oy's tire from this j*t ticntl:;r turret," «'t, reel ca that in the. inventor of the, theory Le npirointer tri stt°er tiny tirt.t, net, it, from est urn! 318 went to the T,''nited States, 1,427 to British. ~North America, 1,377 to Australasia;and. 223`to all ether places: In addition to the 128,282 British and Irish boxii persons who left the United B;ingdonn n'nu•iug.tbe Ave months?... 58,. 859 foreigners sailed front British ports. Dominion Day. Dominion Day was duly celebraatc iu- Uexnnsait. The day was one of those flue, -dear and beautiful, ones. Tin. the be morning a #aide of baseball took • place y between Lacer; and.liensallCIubs, but ober. owing to the unfairness of the umpire; suite only five iuuings was played by lateen the and four by, Hensel). The Iiensall xatiola boys decided to allow the game to go by default,. rather than be cheated by A i a prejueied umpire. After dinner, the alta, Clinton and tUensall clubs played teelr, another game which was More friendly he, end, not the first word was said in the •ll; way of "l ickiug'" This game resulted ha Hen,�oll beating the visitors by 20 i�ze to 25. The next item oa the program 'tl?: was the horse s' The first a of called was the' trot,In this there' ran 3 entries, 7, Mobt> errs B wk Wk, T..13aandfordra Pater and Tedd'a o ` ra� Test Big. This resulted: in Black - n; �eetlring :Asti Pacer 2nd Arid est Bill 3rd. The itoxtx was then nits ; taco, live entries, if, Irvan'a Bay Jim, Jas. Petty's Yorkshire Xual, Dr. Miller's Jill, J. Carrel's Unknown, sand Ill fi'ron's Twilight, This race being only- baittails a.iraa.very exciting e and was won by Bay. Jim 1st and Yorkshire Man ;Incl. The next was . the free for all trot and was won by air i t3 hitley's lilorence O. 1st and Happy • Lucy 2pati, . This C011eluded the sports for the day. Tli4 Exeter &aa DMA r..r was jnrrsslrt nrltl discoursed seine, choice music, In the evening, the batietan ,,, held as grand e"c,lat'ert in t tlxwortit'a 'Melo WAS attended by a larege+ a7.l.T114, iirengramw«+,slarge arid vane a and those talking, part, t:suittest rnsell-es honorably. Nothing tr., t ,s - piaci throughout tint. day that would ref mar the lareneerlings The jud des for i/ tl {e raves were 1'r. Sutton, t'landebny e i;Air. Il. Idelliatsen,,:llringl,ank, and P. 1t^Gr, ggor, 1kralfzetiekl, who all tilleel tai,• trill Jt urrotetly. Should If ensall a h,,;;c.,, radar swain, we dick they will .be better patronized thea on this occasion. "Safra work dont; by the committee ittee to investigate frau on farmer sins ml• rr ady resulted lar much good ` o doubt film •eztri]';patiba of the tiwil2tlit'rs whey li''ey en confiding num c: tit Ito elleetetl only by strilngfsrt legislation but the yillains are already getting frightened, and nanny of them have ,abandoned the, gentry or taken, to lrnn•st work, A gentleman of prominence writes to Mr. llrowu, 11. P.,clnttirithul of the coma, lllittee, i'a,4 ivllcaw=: 441 am convinced that your comnmittee% investigation has accomplished a great deal of good. The public mind has been stirred np and a lively interest has Leen and will eon- tine to be taken in their further inn.' vestigation and report. There isnot now one !dead beat' for every half dozen formerly met with trampalg the cons. n each township. Farmers are now on the look -out for such:fellows so that a great of good has been done in this BRrT181j Board of trade returns for May show that during the first five months of the current calendar year 128,283 British born persons left the 'United I ilikdom,;against 120,510 clur- itilg the corresponding five months of last year. Their destination was as fol lows: United States, 62,623; British North America, 18,804; Australasia, 11,344; all other places, 5,911.. Of the 7I,971 English emigrants. 42,948 went till the United States ,14,201. to British N:brth•Arnerica, 8,839 - to ' Australia, and 5,804 to all other- place. ' Of the 16,855 Scotch emigrants, 12,367 went ttshthe United States, 22,736 to ,British id:brth,A.merica;.. 1,128 to Ausraiasia, 1;,d 924 to allother pla'ces, Of the 40,- 855; Trish .eani;.rar.ts,no fewer than 37,- , i.n elglied Girl. it as is that flagrant n.'owfn prat in an 1sal,9iiih garden grow 1, breraes woo, that Clews itnpr•arl ,\vt;nt she ia, an Elm,li:ali girl: —tit tresses dark, or golden hair, i3lue Bye's or him*, she ',till is fair, With all the lovely leeks vin ste In Jessie, Kate, or Dorothy. ' * 114ppv eyes are frank and bright, Pull of laughter, foil of 13glit; The lir:: ,eves perfect, speaking truth, And peerless with the 01u 1c of youth. A elueeenw-by every gra. t.;ang-•... She needs no sex ptre,w.ir'ain1. young, Nor tares to wear a brilliant crown Ott brighter tresses' rippling down: 0 meet us is the,statr'Iy ro e That in an English garden grows, That breezes hiss, that dews innl:rarl-- ,lay lose, she is an English fv A. . II ..... L 21- TEA,it.., Bas Now in Stock GOODS In,the Following Lines; F a WestorErlgland Suitings and firousri n gs Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trousering s, Frelich iand.j' English Worsted Cloths. tilii li:H Ota eb t •� , r el ii � rte. All )Iade up in the Latest Style- At Best Rates. Uay: Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance. Company. pAT.r'1!E$ DESIiti GTTe l2i$trlil= INTIM :BEST aid cheapest Insurance Conpan r in the Dominion, can de so by applying personally,. or by mail to the Undersigned, Ali ap:li does promptly attended to. Moo aaa�vnt ikirtbo Wellington. Company of Guelph. also A.tICTlONBER for the County of num. B. PeS13F,b*SEABr, A.esv4 ne, 9.p,x gene.',, Ont, OTE ITEADS, BALL READS, STAT NENTS.• HEA Ds, OOIIvaE1 PADS, PA.EOEL I,BBI; ING TAOS,, BUSINESS' OA1U)S, CIRCULARS. READ', " Our Stock of PrT. • Stationery, consisting of alt • he leading grades of Plain ' ` and Fancy :Puled and un- puled papers, Oards and Eel- Ear lelogea, is most complete, " gall and gets prices at N:z E ADVOCATE: Nein. - strut, Exeter IAM SAOERS Ca>IPpit ,i and see et g. hest t11u1Fire Ins mice i;,'tJrrtpaulks in tht3 world. ADVOCATE OF EXETER, �YIED;CATE a EL CTR C inominE3gismeapown Eltedleated for all dieeases of the blood ami rr, volts system. Ladies' Belt .$2. for 'i'emale cgrn- pplaintstthasx4oegcal, Arer4_Belt &3,cOMhined Nelt and Suspensory 55,. Semtnai tveaknoss errors of y kith, est manhood, nightly; `N'I'S'estarsxons, ute. The only appilancos giving a tllroot cctlrreat of f�l ptrlOity N le the .parts. , an be worn mget .ors ay iaLeutMeeloreMetree. Horldare rds of TOOn' .. tiaraQnlalt on file frton those cured of febaale diseases, painatn ba • an. i s.7�ead, and limos.. nervous debility, general debility; luiubaAo, rhennaatss, ,, paralysis. nenralgts,'.sexatIee .; disease of the bidneys, spinal disease, torpid liver gout, let:corrlrma, catarrh of t b1s48ee sexual exhaustion, seminalae issjons, astpnlabeara disease, dyspepsia, eoustipatton erysily i alas, roartgestion, twpotea ,, plies, ap�,'epsy.. dainb agate and diabetes. Send• stamp for ' handsomely illustrated book and hoalt rem. Correspondence strictl confidential. Con. sulcation and electricaltreatuentirea: gents tad.everynhere.Nat.Peb.YBth,leele Cute* t=tiarantoed Tate ilOatOtT EfOtFics Veit CO.,. I5°"a 00 St. Sill$S4y'i'or*l t6S,Canada. A Positive Cure. A prole ACT at AL. ; AC4ES. "C7'Pl , c� pray TviE oi`t? 5r2 r ,^.it r'a °'p� Tt r ;�" t; Writ, ravel Of Healing, and KINitoorot lknea:cines, e r't Cite tvcrilele von. ItseneRx ocArnierier'ttt>rns I,xpei.uro rind carer caek. 1;rlTd ? T.. «�9 ? ,. Ow.= Z,017=1\71"tnbrekerrtIowa from ;be euerts of rilrusy will innd In Ivo. e a radical Gere for ;comma debility. orfiania weal ,og,, ,Ave rmarr vital .losses, etc, o &rata to von wu;eu Jae linentar nij: Devin, -,Watts of energy,: vertigo, want of Irarfr+so, dim1,es. of sight, avenues,. to moiety, want of enl.q,teuee, avoidance of convereatior�,,. drsiretortiOntuda,listlessness sad inability to fix the attention ou +rattreuleraubjecf;, cowardice, depression Qf aparrts,iddtn ei. IvoP rhymers,. Exgita¢i city or tompor, aver. Insatorrnlen.nrlozooff,;eoblo,nat�'ji41-41,F.1.0Aeollt,of pelta lnie merl'tme;teese,i )ktt;- tcattey, Anuutmitiou, eutacialiott, barrennoarr, yApitasioa 4! the sperm, lingerie feeli,us•'art' females. trembling, nmelnueltely. listurbiN; tapeta, cite„ aro ail eyynrptennt of thist3rril habit, piientimee inlaoconOr -ant irea,. * > tit abort, sorief; t:G force hasp ng 1090'40 t neuon,',vory t.t 2fion woos±-{•cnnsognoaceScientifictentific rttereand Aho sureriat, a[Cocsts. ut iunr:ule asylums unite in ascribing; to tire, ..4c. ns of :-'tf.nlause the Asaph nt4jo:it e't weste,l lives wilicit coma under their notice- ;'L you nrt fncounpoteut'for the prdavo't dotios of bush *east. incapacitated for tate 0njrr;srnteut3 of i.4t is to :Ren An escape:4;am the et<ects of early Vice, U f you are t,denneet] yew, No. 3 will give Fou ly L s#gorriad $trangth. If you aro Molten down, l atysic�tlly and trtczaliy favid asrly indiscretion, no rrF61aIG at i.;uorF re an4 Inl4v, send your adtlt en 0 and 30 tent: m In etMps ter',tf. P. I,v roVe Treatlae its .;;PAA * Forte tau ' N6';aws of Men. St?>ssrd an.; secure smut obeervat:ott. Address alt coinrnuufeatiotot i 31, V.:F, II ON, 47 Wellington tit. E 7,10raal,ea. A Man githatt uusdotn Ibmg in g toore panelist* CURES 4A1ARAteTE>;D. NEJ1U, `H>w tiiCt + THiS SILVER -FLAT INSTRUMENT, Tho Greatest Discovery at the Age, Prloe • Sap A Pleasant .e. ENTAL .TARtlit IMPOSSIBLE UNDER'ii$JNFLUENCE only eatanrh remedy over (Mond to Aho publics on Io clan's trial} e 'rltten gtenant/3o given rrlth emelt instrument. W. T. Baas ktc Co., Quoins treat Woo; Toronto', Orrt, GTI THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER Actins is not a medicine or a dtguiUng lotion or powder ban, but a Schaper era,• tinAction No. o2a-QUialtlpleasantly tsasnd thorouall ghly cure times alland Throat�and Lung disoasce, Aches Na 3.—Poaittvoly cures all diseases of the Eye, Cataract Gran noted lye ]ids, InAatned. Esei, near and far sightedness Zia Bon TREATED WIUX.z CLOSED. TRIAL, Amin. rlxo at p o handsomely illi t ated t ooli and heDAYS':. journal, 1V.2k.BAEl'idsCO„253Queon$trooi; West, Toronto, Club ,CHRISTIE5S ONERCIAL') .IVER CZ'J Oil i'ELECi4NT PREPARATIONiS. Ilmeemlror tro manufacture and are the sobss proprietors of the Z °dlarriur, specialties, and that they nen he Inulfrourno other source. THEY ARE NOT FOO SALE BY nanaatsr3. Correspondence strictly confidential. Consultation upon all ehronie for medicines. et mivaarabe v tint. Tbrontolfedielue Cc.l•Torento; Cnt. i•tgaR COa.OR1120 Ourrza ;niticie fit, preparationsam tvr granted per. Sealy harmless. We prepare. the following colors—the num ^chides a:iSe from rias hair itself; Bieclr, -Dark Bzrown, Medium Brown, Chestnut, Light .Chestnut, Gold l3lcndo, Ash! or Blonde Cendree, Send sannplo of hair wiw ordering, ?rico, $2. por bottle.- Toronto,Aletlicino Co., ,. TOILET RIEQ IS TES In ordering please specify vd:ich you ro.;i ' o No 8lrn is tttol the skin tbo color and frrshnesg of maidenhood; harmiessandcannot bedetooted. t,1.25. ;•io. altomovos wrinkles. a 2. No. 10 T.e- moves Liver Spots. $L23. No.11• emoues Mesh Worms. $125lYo. 1$ Ttemoves Procirles. $1.21 Na 1Illemovesl'irnpplos.-$1.25. No. 14 Bernet on Ten. NO. 2;tumoves Mor*s. $2. No, 18 ItomovosPocicinarks SW No. 17 Nemoves undue Prespiration $1:°?a. 2'o.18 An absolute unfailing spethic for the retention development or restor- ation:of Lrfo Hair; 4;1.25 Toronto Medicine Co. 'THE. ,BUST `:o. • 10 combined internal and arta:mal trestreenttr lieb*spooclily devclorres or restores the female best to the proportfods of velftptuoue nature. To entirely harmless and certain in re- sults. Price'..^,,a. T ento MYledi:3Mo Co, Toronto,. • ` 44I1..1EA9'x .RA.1 No. 20:A, certain cure .for Lancorrh om, or Whites Palling of rho Womb: rJlcora;tions Painful Men- struation, "ESC+wring downl'ai 7s" and allaNseases and 'Weaknesses peculiar to toinelos. l3udorsed benra02petetrtld."enedmedical r bolToronoMedicine Co., Toronto, Out, FRii/Vri :RECIUlS.d\ '9;2. NI PILLS Far superior to Itrgob. 'Tansy, 1'ennyloyal or Oxide. Endorsed by.the thousands of Jsr)ies who use themMONTBLy.: Novor fail, noli©va paid, INSUP,a Li)s(3tJLlSNIPY,Pleasant and D(roetual, Price $2 'Toronto Mehoine Co., Toronto, Ont kilrEUR LCI di. Rl'tLTUDNATESliFi Can bo eured lap using spnrtif a No. 32. ' Its won. dor apt rale ie due to the sltmlo.fact that it crops: all !'rat le elaimed •tor t.: Prmo �a1, g:o'ronta ,. aSed ofn,3 Ca.•.ILor.o.to, O,:t. Rigs and Horses First -Class. •^!`Orders 'left at the a]anwkahnw Rouse or at the stable will be promptly, attended to. T.cnzzs: T`3*.,asoNantn. Furniture- and Undertaking, —GO TO— and ibutrews FO Ft Bed room and Parlor uies, Sideboards and Entension Tables;'•• Lour; a 0s and Mast' cl afrs. Larges:t.v arerooms in town. UN.T);C %'t'A10ENG; outside of tlle.under- takers'. ring, in all its branches.. Open day and. night: STAND: 'nne.door north of Moison's bank /rain -street, Doter. LONDOPI r- ti r - ts )4Lus COLLEGE. • ub a ts, All Business 13raanches, Short- - hand, Type -writing And Telegraphy. The Principal holds a. Certificate with, honors in Book keeping. Phonography, Telegraphy or Typei4. Writin g,free with 13ook . keeping - course-, TILE: OLDEST IND. BST Diploma from .Western •Fair for.. Plain-: -and Fancy Writing. Business conducted on. latest improved plans with;printed forms. J. • OA L..LJ.i:l13,V y Box. 00. PRI:NCIPA.L.' WA11 T D'3?. Permanent positions. -guaranteed. with Salary and. Expenses Paid. :any determined man can Succeed with '• us. Peculiar advantages to beginners. Stock• complete, including many; 'fast selling specialties. Outfit free. Ad- dress at Once. (Name this paper.) BROWN` BRO!11-1:ERS, Nurseylpen, . l ,ocfi.ls'rmn,;.27 Irl` lrp26,—•2m