HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-28, Page 8'i& New Home Treatment to the cure of Catarrh, Catarr- hal deafness, and Hag Fever. e to iaicross,astasp:uvedtltat chew.aseases are Ica ie tai and that they aro due to the presence of a a o tea.rasitcs in Iheinteriiutiia anenibrane of the upper :or pisages and 71464 04 tabes. 'Y to vada- . t s, attics Vvatd,ll, Husby a14 i3e4►4 eudorso and th a ?,tstata?rattos aniutyot he disputed. Tim iv; ''Nr the bed nt treating these ()wises has I:eert t , , r'r it...tt remedy weekly, a,.d evert daily, thus • r t. O • de:ecate zaendartna tan a, constatnt state of n7 oa4Lg it nothance to heal, and a, a nat. rr t - ne n e cf Ramal treatment not caro titerMata• t 4 • e a + cser been recorded. It as an abselate i.et tises:(3Seasas+an ;t4laacuredb} ans sIa,3:• 3tuor. , aitstarthan one* tsCoo weeks, to ;he uaaSIt"s astataeta to beat before an a ?a,li• i r .K t i Ir Li now sevex liens si ;e -e talc 1ltxe41 a , a n I the k- atzsite in catarrh and formulated his hely o a . terns, and shwa, then his remedy ha:: be- i, s a .z areas said set ever;' country where the r tinguage is 4tm$eu- Cures este teal. by Ihtmt • . a ye aro ;TO are OASTS stat., these haring been no • i i tate uisease ' :s5. arc these'reniel:es valued, t'bc• aa.norant a .r= rave started up eves: tt'here. ante trod tag tar', -14,4 oransite.ed io #sag they l,auxv nothing. •e. by a t . *re remits et Inc apvii alio n e Which h oley •gia.l a Ig n:mant. Mr, Vannes renzeaiv 4supele+1 ...Ily a,;.tie a tc'G weeks, An:d from oae to 'three Vila. e 3 a e E5iYt a sr -June::; Ca: -a tBSV L^,i,S: 33•a¢P'+G• 4 ea C P aS••.l.A$�'itLt� smolt •:er. ldrier:Mu; Ills na a a t a tt4 recall . ca: 4:7421? to lax a' e. ' S A. li. tiliS.03i..S St':♦i.,� �L�'3a iiia „-street .ratea,Latir..Paa. N:ienttt«dp.�M:tegils tete<eS Throwing Out Hints. '#Y ai-la a (:emtt;iaa father found 1:t .t his Sola dodaas,:e SaFiiaig farmer's a 's daughters for t3 year .10771 whhQut i:ettling stay question', la+ ..»fl. l laitin Qut behind the stack end ',Lid to hili: -Joint. do you love 1tesSan Tita tea ' guess 1 do dad.' e -.t ; l ;does she /eve you," ..l'it.atswhat I Sdunlue„extd°I".n' afraid iAe •,skis lwr:' r ire"ells ,you'd ;tetter throw out a feu Fat is to sigh isald flood out.. Its no use v c :: i:a, cra.'r, ljeot leather unless goof stet ¢„~ling 411arr'y her." That 1i- tat sit teat o'clock. Johncame "lento ee vree11; Iiia taco was all scratch' his ear was Keedialg, his hat 3ticl his Flack etavelretl with -loud. "John'. John',' What on earth is the. Oro sheer excltairlkil the caul man laying eloodu his paper. "Ira: over to Tinkeai' •tsastil. rein➢y. ' Arld c. t^.t1 1, threw shat a fere • hats cal "" in :t 17..1 ea' lillut-c "Nilo:, , V44 her :.teal it Ial� n„ 1t: Out of a wee for @ ¢� .•,,,t year to nit up with . her while i t rayl gum red euag through her t 11aw i rn el,iaao4l it was time ,. t'.: f, to brush 11>'1' end Barn up err..• tile bilis tut her chin • ,,: : tl,:. a l Cvt.1.C: that ue'er onog ta'.. 'r "atle guava ycotl" 6' n _ t':.ul, a;cn, tl.at, . »llealo i':8 i'dtl; 3 t took dela .tilt ;i+ faniailc ha'altit- .r ,-:; a,y tat8 lai,'e•e1 men end three r. 1".•c then 3 aq.'t in wo Om half • si''i $ fp.tat+r , too well curl 'f;'!li too 4141,-1 ;„eel♦,4 it 4. -as tat goate time out run along for noble time unpaid, or takes three papers from the post odice nd thea orders the postmaster to Furl it "refused," a'ud have a, `notice sent notifying the publisher, lttys'1inlat- self liable to arriest and title, salsas as for theft. Notice • the sign, "Montreal {hied STORE." E Thomas Dearing has removed to his new stand, ori., door north Dr. Lutes Drug Store, opposite the Cent- ral Hotel, a. here loo will be found of- ---- feria?g as lisaial— Th.* Bargin AN M it xpg. Steamships. Di Caliti g at Derry. Groceries. A ABE OT, ;spool. & Ouebee $e v, Date lac @atlli>ai s" , .Tanis ay, May 24 POLYNESIAN— ... •Friday, June 1 O1R4 ASSIAaN . , Friday > t SARMATIAN , ...T=hursday, ra PARISIAN ... nt s 28 POLYNESIAN. - . Friday, .July 'AR:UINTA-N.-- Thursday, F` 12 IRGA*S1A.N ..... < . Friday, i4 2Q A R'ppi1�I, T,I�. N ....T1rn sdsty, ":20 " Aug. sty, " �Q R.•DIEIAN... , ..Thursdt►y, rt 16 OASSIAN; Friday, " 24 MATI,t'),,N .., .�.Tltursday, " 3Q '1'Fr1.—Calaln, eft0, *765 ca1l1l $74, ing to location orQosition. 31ei= 1Oti, $125, $154. Y Intermediate, l, 1,aondellde •iy, or Glasgow um, S6OE Steerage at lowest Steerage passengers booked to Ola,5 ;ow, Belfast. Queenstown, sat IdvFrpool rates- Buy tickets to go lltawe, bring out friends or relat- ives by the Allan ,Line. -For further particulars apply to QJ*U Spaeliannin, yiut 1.t01'ldeil ani arae far E 'etc.l Dent y SM ti Look -out far Spring Goods, v laiilt iI arrive daily. 1 will -be on the cos } witdl niy wagon, awl will carry a variety of all kinds of fiords. DuTTER and ](WS TA S" Rouen and lot, opposite Town Niall, for sale ;IVO �AS H I N G0 N's I IMBUAM HTTPRA.i NEXT VISIT, Iaiarraratand Jung Sur eot 'OF EXETER Will be at Central Hotel, JULY 17th, Prom 2 e'cloek pian. until xD p. na, Chronic Bronchxtis Cured.. An Enrrlish Church Ciergyuaan peaks. Re oq, Corimall, Ont, Dr4. hsuiscTo ,---- DE4 Sits, ---I aril glad to be able to in- form you that nis=.laaagbter is • mite well con. As this is the sectcrnak inaesbe leas beer, cured of grave bronchial trembles larder your treatment, whae:a the nsa: l remedies failed, I write to exp'°ess may gratitude. Please exeept fan : tineere t FOR— �IIIIIIC01111E! ._ PlifIPNT T&Custoners and Palle at largo, breve is the 'place to get Tour pelf §ultetl,witi wits auade lip iu ilia latest styles, at hard time prices. FINE RANGE OF GOODS ALWAYS IN STOOK. RFEOT FIT 0 rABANTEEI3 lathes cleaned and e'euos: teed . at -moderate prices. CALL SOLICITED. t birs, over Pest Odic€. MALLACOMM. Y4a*s it• C. it MT IT. TRIF:4 el3—CalUtth cif illi' bead 'h anal T'Iw at, (',tt a sl► I?: afitae s, t "lslftauiR },lv°dlehati�, ;�etlaiDaa naafi Lula itlotrtAtiDD. Also los, of voice, sore: threat, enlarged g tonsils. Polypus cif the r,►ise relnoved, Cocke early. C„ll ultatiola free.. A. few al' the octans cored by Pi. Wash- tg ioa's new method; 11. IL Storey, of storey fi Son, lea ti u- trovers, Acton, Ont-, also 1'`res°*Baas!';-"' 'luring Ass u. Canada, .perm aatcltt1 r ' red ot Catarrh ty Dr. Washington, pro. traced incurable by bated specialists fan chid country awl Europe. Write baa for artiea lags. les Joltit lIc1seln:y, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh, and. (%onS'aiuptiori. John Ateltely ,Kingston OM, G;itarrb. 3,Ire. A. Hopping. l;tin stoaa, Opt. Bronchia C'ou Forth n . Mr. D. Scott, Itaangs17,1, Qat. hexed alga throat. Mas. John Bertram_ llaraowsolitla, Catarrh. tltlrat. Mfrs dairy Jllmlaan+tllaan, Ve treviilt, Ont., Catarrh, iac'a4 curl threat. Jantn V 4 ;3Autlaewsa 1' Moa'ter, Aetou Out. A. E. Fido, Gelds >h taraaislaiant, Iacdla'• !stoat„ cured of Catania, throat i r i ai.. i an: to �.rt F . l Iia ale ., Dl as ., , Litt too ! a t , sanear Mala owe);uta (F; tarrla, lar acfl, tlacoct. cuu1 haw. Furan aetnce 215 1 -;..ung Street, Totaaatr. Ca nsultatii'n Free,. vomiNANy Al Into ;s Weak, Nei"vauu, DahlSitatotio ietaoittbita Folly scold Ignora;leer ky-'4{ Tole -tied mow bili Vigor cat Dotty, Muni gni �iftiihQ'Q � evzior.4 errd'lanItiaia^ (irrA:las urea a Fountains ;s rifle,, Headache, eolith lase attlla;eaa Weac:nusa wets^, Bashfulness an Society, Pim louT4P2OM Facenut falitiv'Effectel 1ww4 to Early Decay, Coateurrptton .or #"sanity, wait set ate ou! / tFt',1!a4 Asn w a Peeitive Dura, It spas rtti 'Youttntul Mazurrestax.;a the Viti7t Rawer as ta7da. 3Ioutlg. >»t0147,Mesaann i aye i at. a MI Drain end Nome, blititds carr th aurot etalar sgt.tuaa ono arzttn3 tato wolca tiro r.Iiola rttiyArar M oar s:amit 19si3 et' the bureau trace. 't i 3.4 the mast ptAluate rates can a 1,o Cured its three months, mat Meat CIO its 1t `,A than thir'ly day& Each rrscliia;a cupolas two tsceP.o treat• meat. Vows t,atortlntced. Qur e1 aaNo. CI Is aaa intaallit to Cure for MI Pt"iviato tireeataseea azuzlnattXXQt how tong Maud. Itig. ti(nlsl A1idd>;' our written Cuaranteeeto attack r. Oure • 1':kraa g1/4 A'or:auto .4U x(araru o. Tema Of Sew A si;a:timortt get.thonusl sends the '4.4 noti(e what lee say: he copied t.it' i), stoic in Irani Virginia t . a few • t.•"r Tut'ranr4 i .a).1), Parsons .vitue g.111)td reiris1•inme,,•ctn pay thirty ti:ry% its advaus or aceta they by thee • thee epsilon Of the W011 110u `: cl more dein rorond yew • e los-4 anyl£ tilmet put this on your door.) TI C T 1, TAILOLI., Defier in all hinds of. Absolutely Duren '1'1s1, pntr:ler'never varies. A marvel !a plait', strength and wholesomeness, More economical than the ordinary kinds. sul1 cannot he sold in competition with the Inultitwie of low test', short weight alum or;2ltu.;tIlate powelers. Sold only •fat .•Miry Roy AL BA1c1.TG PowiDsrt 00., 100 Wall St., N. Y. MANDFACTURERS tradstre'et's saves: ,- "tlensul Tn itehell, *c- Fiiaa Ww�ton, °Out, Astor& that during aIw twice ended March .31,18 - half tobacco' valued at 417.2.50 was iauportca at LiLingstot, from the t)1:"inited Mates. During the same period $11,- „000 worth of this toba.co, was return +to the Unitod states. The tobacoo, it i� :s,i:esus, is -foreign toilararo, imported in - :to the United States in bond, •a:ent to 1:ingston is belnd and then returned to Abe L sited' itates,paving duty at Cape '"S'izaceut. The,aonsul adds that 31e ,. a•' understand whyi be ..dues notunci l,taacln sliotn,r. 0 e t 1psolitable to -bring 'tobacco from New' York to 'Kingston .for distribution to -the different cities of Central New York.” Referring to the foregoing the -Ki agsten News saps it ''.relates to to- Illacco imported:from Holland. by Mr. :S. Oberndorf ei' fist comes here via 'New York land. passes 'through the nited States in. bond. This is the distributieg point,and from here orders ,from cities and towns aecross the bor. .der are filled.,, —Tips latest laws •are such that nevrspaper.publishers can. arrest any ane for fraud who takes a paper and refuses to pay, for it.-Unider the law .:tllt, yuan who allows his subscription to 1-'i 'INSURANCE COMPANY. A.Nrs'I'R Manufacturers' Accident Ins. OO'y are two separate and distinct compan- ies with full Government deposits. The authorized capital and other assets are respectfully $2,000,000 and $1,000,000 PRESIDENT. —RT. }ION. SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD, P.C.,G.C.B. VICE-Pm';STDs NTS—Geostae Gooderham, Esq., President Bank of Toronto, and William) Bell, Esq.. Manufacturer, Guelph. J. 13. CAll:r:iLi, Managing Director. The Largest Capital Stock Company on the•contitent. Policies issued ou the Ordinary Life, Endowment and Natural Premium Plans. Premiums AS reasonable, as is compat- ible with bonafide life insurance. E. FLOODY, Inspector Huron and Brief); WILLIAM SANDERS, AGENT FOR Exeter and vicinity. 1Y GOODS ARE 1 IRS t!LASf3. AND .tS, 0001) PIT (WA3 ,ANT'SM. A CALL SOLICITED. NOTE BUT FIRST CLASS WORK - 3111:'i; EMPLOYED. Now is the time to leave your order for a fnrst•slass overcoat CHEAP. fir . Smat1aeotit, Corner Slain a John sts, EXETER ONT re's no use in Tetg eauraged in liard Time TII1'. I11 :ti-ctT:!,, V[TRN1TV11 Warereonts is bound -to ti.11 cheap, and still still 15 per cent t lower than ever snit the hard tinan:i'' also repairing aheo1 XET B NORTH. i>to:ll Is sxell :,scatted for es erfPietAi trade. tow liri4'C$ 6ti1a r,240.'04 GEOOBJ TES : 6 lbs.'sug $ for $1.004 I? lbs. 4 $1e,O0. 'iSO c,�,'e'1'Ge tt :L'f1Sur,4d 1 m�aper UN ecots 4 Mu to si ve* c low pries i :734.;D $: t 4 a FORKS, SCYTHE'S anti «LAS" 1 Ait s?rr5 Cctc art.) Doi NIct:51ir.e tlat9, €sr la4r;At a atoll tut ha, as tizet4 ot. a nice Tea Sett of 44 pieces, $2.75. imral t rI '." ., ttaeta¢reA waltz gaga up fat gQ1 Our Drrsu Goode are mark- ed down to tite lowest COTTON• -4-20 yds. $1.00. tl balm are9lig, ole-nzafs3a1a isr;,':leo .410.1.- 1-4 410 -4a JOHN MATHS ON Flay 3aa,tlttstti SOftIETII1NU NE .., dom., aned verforatcid heat tons put in -- ile chairs arc. Pit t.nre framing a ialty. GEORGE ING11.01. Parr. I.nENSALT. ONT. Illo GlreatEngliM$`Preserlptimr. A. macer tul Medicine used over '" s 30 years in thousands of cases. Curet SpermatorrIea., Nertous 'Weakness, b."miasfona,Impotency, and all tThceaaes caused by abuse. Inxrotral indiscretion. or neer-e:ertiOn. AnsR1. Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when ail athers Fail. Ask your Druggist for The arenttEnglish Prescription, take no substitute. One package Si. Six $i, bt,•maiL Write for Pamphlet Address Eureka Mantua' Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan -1-8 AN OPPORTUNITY SUCH WOW R TO SECURE IRIS GUN FREE! $98 DWI MSS% ADVOCATE OFFICE, . EXETER. Consu ption that dread terror, a disease so long baffling science and the most skilled physicians, who knew o3 nothing to arrest, nothing to alloy!, ate, nothing to cure. Now it is no longer an • incurable malady even when given up by., found in 01.7Byy etbe health oan oal pphysicittats, h BEMb1DZ it heals and soothes tho mem- brane of theLungs=inflamed and poisoned by the ravages of this fell disease, and pre- vents the night sweats and tightness across the chest which accompany it. CURES GUARANTEED Toronto Medicine Co Toronto, Ont. EXETER 111AI?KETS. Red. Winter, per bus'l $ 93 to 95 White `a 93 to 95 Spring e` 93 to 95 Barley. " 48 to 50 Oats Gtl 45 to 47 Peas 60 to 60 Eggs 13 to 13. Batter, Rolls 15 to 15 Butter, Crocks 14 to 15 Wool 18 to 18 Potatoes per bag ,1.00 to 1.10 Hay, per :toga 8.90 to 8.50 Iiyou wnut one send tet', once thenames mull'. O. Addrestl of trent sportsman or bunter Its your a..unty to whom you willstiaivaire' -to plow' It, anti One away DUEL some of carmi ne % banns of On hest Brass Shelia land sInoting araunttinn on earth Nu:ne voor County and express onlco wbt rc.reship rinds. iiott- est teen will be paid 5:L per day r ,r c al mous. Rend two slams, and ueu, ss ^+h J1 t_a,0i' G .N AGENC'Y, 34 Cturob St., Do -von want to snake HU15D1.213te OP DOL- LA i Soar*, an not Vora 1 'want rotndt nti al Agents (melt and women) to handle yGAi.GF. GOODS." Ii.rltt4ak•uttaistcrcYortnuoisguaranteed to an who will keep asecret, and Fellow my private instruotions "' nnf-cad." Give sour nee, occupation and express deice. Sample of "Goods," with portiou- lars,,1n _scaled letter. tor'•,'._5 cents (stamps). Address J. C.:MIOO1tL, 6048th Avenue, :New York. IN 0 WOMAN Two loVant/7It and a uottant saC otsl North snore than' tcanynr can tell' i+IL'li':1 , In a 7tirttn (aenledl envetape, "oP ",P 4 rrnty (stfntp$). .Address, 1F1re.l..ktE'b:1f2.,11a::..,"•;.i,.DerseyC.ty,P1.J. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has had a life Long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 1),000 ladies. Pleasant, sate, effectual. Ladies askyour drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers anti take no substitute, or inclose post- age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, sa per box. Address. TEM EIJIt'LrlCA cHntraaAL UO., DBTnorr, 1r036 • Sold in' Exeter .by Dr., Lutz, :and druggist • every where: . an -1-8 THE PROPRIETOR OF THE DOMINION LABORATORY Dew.; to ,morn eo to lis nu ner:. ous :C+'rien& and Patrons that h has just put in a ill line of Staple & Fancy Stationery, Account rooks. School Books, and all Binds of School requisites Letter and Note Paper Fools cap Paper, Account Papers, Colored TissBe5, {Flt Papers and Drawing paper Pens, Ink, Pencils, and also a full, line of all the newest and most popular works of Motion, all of wbieh will eb sold at the lowest remenlrative rates. 1.5 1,44 OWNING, NI8 V G, PIWPB1ETO.R, MI'S? The subscriber wishes to inform the farmers and general public tliat be is prepared to furnish all sizes and kind of I 5'r fi n Well digging promptly done, and at reasonable rates. Residence and slop, on Ann street, behind Ohristie's Livery Stable. A . CALL SOLICITED* 0t 04)2:,