HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-28, Page 5A Good Idea. it is indeed pleasing to note the fact that a large number of places through- Lon1oli B:u ore &; Bruce Railway, out our country, the eler;y are having 11`vr'Laxei, Cllvi i ,2. anoecatieeal e:xelzange^-of pulpits. The Y , . idea i, r foci• one. Friendliness on �az�o �,F i�cza�n-TT�atzts l:;szr:•-F►ss zi r. a • London dH art t.45 a.m, 4,2;1 r: 1. , the part et orai.tets is an essential to Locants tiro tt;;, , 8.28540 " the succi es o;::rbe great work in which izzudeboye... ,, .. a 34 "8 they are engaged, and it is a' grand t,`entraiia. , , , , .,. S4:t 5,45 thing when doetrinal differences. can L a'.ETEI; , , . , , . 8,�3f► ;r,,t7 !for a tin e at least,be set aside and con- .Ilensaalf , , , .. . 9.08 0,09 I ra,nletinns exchanged that alt are- en- ltippAtt , .... , 9,14 0.11 t gaged in the same nobles work. Brucefield „ „ 9.'41 0.-26 1 To 'c'z•eaelt. . 9.40 0+45 The Rite. if. iDelig],as Steel, invuyii• Clinton - ,ondesberct' ,10 00 7.03 k bent of Pot Edward, will pr:raeil in Blyth .10.10• 7.12 the Eneish ehurch•here next ,�,'aunda Hemlock s.•1t>. ft long and 10 in. Belgrave . - . ,10.) 7.72 7 at both services. Mn Steel. .i thepi u1 wide, fora pa le to his premise, at the author of as book on "the evidence of exPo a of tills eorporatLon.-Carried Chri;;tari.tv," also at lecture an the Moved by T. II. IfeCalluni, seed by "Early British church." Al some of ter• G. Bissett tilt! orders be granted 4.00 our reads rs ti y route iliber,the delivery for rhoasuitsoChesfor e inziCarling 4.15 of this lecture in London list winter, 4.225 aroused a spirituel countroversy in site Clarke and San:wels & Piekard, 55 ets. 54:0451 ,Free Hem betwee between several Roman for pitcher end goblets -Carried. A. Catholic' priests on the one side and petition siuneel by 46 ratepayers. at the 5,1 north end of the village, prayiir;; the 5.111 council to make the proposed new sed5e wally 6 feet, was read. Moved by W. 5.45 G. Bissett sec'd by T B. Carling, that left by train from Lucan in the after. noon for some one of the many Canad- ian summer resorts, Council Proceeadings. The Council mut by order of the Reeve, at the • ema !-fall} Exeter", 20th. June, 1888: A11 the members present. The minutes of previouseneeting were read and eonfaranect, le .law No, 11. authorizing,the' Reeve to Rigae a deed+for opening a•strcenat the Tiiivitt Memor- ial ctturch,•.wos duty read and passed on motion of 'R.11,.ItleCa'-ltrneseed by W. (t..Bissett, •.. Moved by T. De. Carl- ing, seed by T; IL 41e0alltim, that W Whitlock be•aallowed to procure eleven Wiligham,errive.10.4e 7.45 Goren Satern. Passenger. highan edepart 7.05' .icer. 3.40 can l llelgraarre..... 7.24 i3yth. . 7.38 Londesboro' .... 7.47 Clinton, .... 8.07 Braee6eld + , ... 8.26• .Kippen. . 8,34 Iicttsatl ... , . . 8.41 Exeter 8.36 eeutraliae . , . , 9.07 Olaw1ebaye. $,l8 L rein -cross';; .., . 9.24 Lendoiee rive...1,0.1h' the Rev. Mr. Steel acrd Prof Williams 5.53 err the ofeer. Siris Of England; A great many people were nota ware of the oli ecus of thie.noble institution, a t. caul it; is enacting more known, The objects are bosh, it being tad baud Euglishmee, and sons of Englishmen together es one,. Every other national- ity has leer society. The advantage of- fered by this society ere asgreaat as nny of her sister societies such arca siek bled - fits and life insurance,aaud Feel of these are given on the most approved plans and at the loowcst possible rates. The society's doors are pen to all those _ a good eliaracte:r who aro Englishmen or Eu lishnteli's sons. The branch in this eilla ge is ilourishing,and we know that when the Eu,giish population of this €eetion thoroughly understand its oh. jests, the anenibt•rslaip will be increased ten fold. For all information in regiarels to the aesociatimeean Le lead froiu Deo, (e Kemp,Pre hdeu#,}ko. John Speck - mare Past Preeideut, Bro. J. Senior, tare,, or front any members thereof. Deasonie Sermon ;S,a(i. a If 16 ft. lumber can be procured t 6,0,3. .l, the proposed side -walk be 5 ft. 4� 6.45 • ] h Rh ,� k wide,provided that petitionem pay $15.=', 00 towards the same -Carried Mr, d iesutt agreed to look after the lumber.' Mr. McCa llun) was authorized to ex- pend $3 in faxing side walk, on Church se, on relation, of J. Pickard, seed by T. li. Car/11)g, Moved by W. G. Pis• sett, t se'd by T. B. Carling,that Messrs fcCallurat, Carling and the mover be a committee to look after the sidewalk fronethe railway to Mr. ,f. McCallunt's gate . Carrrud. Thar Reeve,iatep. Reeve and .t' !r Pickard were appointed a COM - Witten to look after the labor in con- nection with gravelling .kr on motion of T B. Carling, seed Ire T. Ir. Mc- Callum. Moved lay T. i . Carling, eecel hy T 11. McCallum, that the Reeve toad Treasurer he authorized to borrow ty 1.300 an the credit a this corporation for current ejxpenditura;--..Carried! A m byT Moved byT. B. Ciarlr tealc3 McCallum, that this column adjourn Gin 4lanelaa_y Inornieg last, Exeter until F'dday 29t11 irrste, aand that fire CII Ali V H;ST TOOLS;� arra TINE� FARM FOR BALE. That uadereloed uflera fo:+Fare Sis tura.. beim; tot 4, c+..2sa dena, tuw22ybie ' Nay, rnntasnir.g one Unwind curry, Wog six mites from Exeter. There ersixtytaaa:vivo elcornod The banana being well e4•secol with tiara W'noa and hemlock, Thereto er a t:l harem a f:aU5 btu O centaanin,� six rooms a 4.u441 sci! 41 water, Rend (caeca and turn. ]Lia WM. ,a tiarract''a-ter nute3t a 6c114n8.and a WA y'iud banns; the rood. The proprietor will veil ora cloy knee. or tirel n,re)8 ritloga or Porn rroi,;rty Ira ex- chat.ge, sur tcirib.ri4articaarsappiyt4 JAMES het USF., tinn,p:a, P. 0. Out Or tit this °Moe. Junes tae-t.t. Loan News. ;.Arrived. Home. On Satldaay, ;NT): P. Curtin, arrived .;reins Siyrtlond whit trine entire horse` Mn Curtin will have some excellent Horses, as herin ptsrts nothing but this class. L. 0. L Neetincl Every member a ExeterL. O. L 924 is requested to meet in the 1{a11, on Friday evening July €tl*. .A. full membership is earnestly looked for, as very important business is on baud to transacts Glasgow Exitibiton. Excurr;ion. Direct from Exeter to (l1es. ow, First Cabin, reet$.70, return $92.40. Steerage at lowest rates. up. ply to Cart: {.neo. Koinp,lakeand ocean steamship Fire & Life Inaurnno agent Town Ilan, Exeter. Ice Cream Festival. A Promonade sue Cream Festival will Le held in the Detuiuion holler Rink, Exeter, ou Thursday evening, July 5th, in aid of the Organ Fund of th©Trivitt Memorial ehurch. The pro- gram is an excellent ono, and a fall house should greet them, Ledge A F & 1. M 'red t the Protection have precedence 4 that l.agl h church, where repaired un Davie, of Itaeeting.-Carried. M. Eaciu ,Ole k, T.ain.dw Foutb, ex+t raandI Chaplain, l3r'ief Items. preached a svery able and impreseive 9,'I,n usual railroad exeursio to wi t rraton, ITo took his tee�t fa�orir art l booming. -Bissett s. the place to get Matthew, "For the tree is known by your ltiudiu"twi.; its £ruhte." Ile first drew attentive to , the objects of tha order. They were -Dont forget -ct+ta c In the Hen - for the -moral and irte=Ibctual elevation 1 s'�tl rna:e s an Monday "ext of innn,nt the same Unwed!. was found. p- -Remember the annual strawberry ed moon tbre bible. The different Ogle • fasitval at Centralia ou .Aruna, JOOl: and unplemente of masonaryr h, fully :iaah• and distinctly explained. Miteulaary - lir,: Geo. Knight, of Ethel, is at was not the harbor for eriminiala, as a pretent in the village rrnew'in old. Tt - great number thought,bat is just the quai;ttance�a: reverse. No one wee ttdtnttte,el within y Reed :lie" sett liras Chem() of ' d" e p soon rc as L g of xx4i>z v.'rse, xlz situp. pf , St. -._B ett Brd is 1 IN 41. 83 BISS.ETT BKs MAN : S,. BUILDERS HARDWARE -,AWAY DOWN. ,r,sr,.+ .4.1 4.-% iWVRr ..•.+fad• r,.�',.' *+aavm• ,*".^,keyrp,s +ra.'...nr.r^..n,•^.. X-F- +,< ; .4 X' X x --x - the fourwells of a Manan Lceine, wise in this issue. They are selling binding did not believe in the Supreme Being. twine in immense quantities. Ile detested drunkenuees in all its forms --The spin erops arein a fine eon - and saying that no elan could be a true clition, and from al! nppearanceu,, an Free Mason, who was a drunkard He was sorry to say that some bad charae:t- aburid:,itt eronntay be looked for. '' '1: tivlto Itas boon visits Stolen- ,tsrs had trent into Moonier, but this r"•• n r her parents Mie d. Mrs. Thos. Dearing, {lure evening last week, venae ninrin evas not the only erodes that bad char- for the past six weeks returned to her sneak tt'tit'f stole front Mr. John Leath- utters had crept into, churches, and ' auto; seediest was on the same footing keine m hlaneolona, i iich„ yesteirzlay as regards this. Ire untreated every*--Sautwelll i k I.?iukard has just e- Freetnaton to do his duty to tzod and aeived a large variety of. Wall Papers, his fellow being,and then ho would not Coiling Deeorations, Window Shades err far from the path of: life. Should at'd Curtain Poles the Ret*, gentleman ever visit here -Th'. Win. Dearing jr, .of Stephen, again, he will be greeted with eongrein who has been visiting friends in. Mich. ation twice as large as. that of Sunday returned on Monday of lase; weak. He lest,as his remarks were able and inter- reports the crops in this section fair esting throughout. 2 ahead of those in that pan'a urn a fine game rooster. The bird was valued. Id $10. • Mr. Leathern pur- chased ,another in Londou,and any per- - son in need of another • cheap= bird will Colne when he is home, and he will as- sist to catch ltim. Dominion. Day. On Sunday next is July rst, but ow- ing to it faking on Sunday,. it will be duly held and celebrated on Monday. II'eimali will hold races,while Centralia a+ill Have their annual strawberry festi- val. Every preparation has been made for a ;nod day's amusement at both places, and none will make no mistake in attending either. - Editor's Table. We have before us, a copy of "Eva," by S. Baring Gouid,and a copy of "Dr. Giennie's Daughter," by B. L. Eorjeon. The latter is a story of a real life, and is very interesting. The price of the former is 40 cts., and the latter 25 ots. and they are well worth the money, Secure those interesting books from your bookseller, or direct from the pub- lisher, Wm. Bryce, Toronto, • 12th July. The 12th of July is drawing near at hand, and as it approaches closer, Or- angemen throughout the universe • feel that they will soon spend a good• day. The different Orange Lodges in this dis- trict will celebrate with their brethren in Parkhill. This being the 200th anni- versary, preparations of ;those c i1.; the largest scale is being made to entertain the brethren and visitors on that day. Parkhill is a nice village; and ' it will well repay every ono to visit it on July 12th.. A monster demonstration will take pleee,and speeehes-•wiil be deliver- one, being at Mt-. Carlings residence. against any proposed, necessary tins ae ei'tal. Rev gentlemen and The invited guests being Iutnited•to tie proven: ea because on hile'e'some fan- otkar>ay.: E'War .rOatit''esartly, 'i'lao.tiap y pair 'cr d e eotioa te .it... Matrimonial. -A game of li ootbaii . was• played On Monday morning last, Mr.. Reg- here on Wednesday of last week, be. inald Elliot, of the Molsons stank, To• tweet the Exeter and Centralia clubs, ronto, was married to Miss Jessie which. resuited:in••an easy, victory for daughter of one of our leading citizens, Exeter team, they winning by 3;ta 0. Isaao Carling Esq. Our best wishes --Brussels is to have a grand de - go with the youn ecouplo to their new inonstration otr'laomittion Day (Mon - home and new life. Mr. Elliott is an day of next week). AS large amount old Exeter boy, son of: B. V. Elliot, of money is odbred in cash prizes for athletic games and sports. Otte of the leading features of the day will be a lase ball tournament for the amateur championship of western. Ontario. • The 1st prize is $50;, 2nd, $20; 3rd;• $10. Tug of war, calathunnpians, &o::• A. pzotnenade concert will be held ins• the skating rink in the evening. Cheap• flares on the railways: Further• -particu- lars may be obtainecbby;.application to 3e H. Young, Sec., Game -Brussels. -How to make Exeter•a touch' bet- ter town than it is: -Talk about it. Write about it: Help, ,fliaprove it. Beautify the streets. Patronize its merchants.' Advertise': in its news- papers. Elect good 'men as its officers. Never let an opportunity to speak: a good word about it pareaRemember that every dollar you invest in a+per'mancnt ilnprovementr•is thaeniuclit money at interest. Be. courteous to• • strangers that come among yon,;. Never "kick" Ess, founder and senior partner in the oldest law firm in town. He began his business life in the tIolsons Bank here, removed afterwards to London, and finally to Torontv,each change snak- ing a promotion in responsibility and trust. His present position bears wit- ness to his integrity and ability, in the service of the Molsons Bank, and all Exeter will bear testimony sterling to his manhood and goodness of heart. No one of our young men has prospects of a brighter future. As for Mrs, Elliot. we cau say nothing in her praise that would be undeserved. An editor must speak very briefly of ayouuug lady in Miss Jessie Carling's station in life, so we say that from the life of a pattern daughter and sister she goes to that of a. pattern wife. Respected and ,beloved, she leaves Exeter with the heartfelt prayers of many and the well . wishes of ails The wedding was a very quiet ^i• <a 't° � '..y°+ + 4, x, X ,t 4. I4 3' x. -r- •••.- >- Ar.,N.V.4.".",4" ..., FULL LINES OF CONFECTIONERY HAND.. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES ORDERS PROMPTLY -ATTENDED- Tt Ones door north. of ] ell' a. old stall} MAIN -STREET, EXETER. OLD DR. CHA E S 5 ADVICE TO rt[OTIZETtS. sacci you thaw riled at night and broken of sone • �tt {�� RECEIPT 'y* �y rest by a stet: ebtrd sttllbeiti; and crying with 3=tF-W REt.1 IPL BOO ► painotvneof teem? ttrcnsend oaeouen:nhi , gee a bottle nrJirrc,wrhsco;ca&naxluxsssil.xv ROA GEtrt Intalf TanTuntO, its value is imam!. able. Itwilirellevethepoorlittlesuffererixame- H is Last 8e Oro en rain g Lite Work. chatter, epentuponit, znotttors,t erosr} IP) Atiata teaboutit. It autos dlyecnteryand diar- ab a. regulates xbecement%antibos els.ctire:r Dr. (}havees w s Third, Laet and Completinelcolic�,sottensthes8uI.,redneealnainninut. Recent Book and Household Physician, or •tion, rand 'elves tone and asnerrptot a woold the telek for the Milieu, eahlteus narlyn nre•nsslLtr8'WnxctrioweyAnSotlt1,14 Orad pages and sells for ew r'a in cloth bind- is the preserietmnn or one nftho oldest ana best Saari ge parses anlr /r2y 8101422.. 'in Lha Ii,tatest inn; and ��`�.btt in iutparteei oil cdotla, Statos,a•ndisforsatobralldros�(letsthroua.;. marble edge, and le justly b' hon called alit rho world. Price 23, cents a bottle. "The,Orowzling Work of My Laifo." It is the result of over half a century's observation,. Wanly anti experience. Yet this embodies no compilation of his former books. ITelSWITOLLY A NEW BOOK. If30 y ears ago he could produce a book that•has had a rale of over fifteen hundred thousand copies, and has made his tams familiar in nearly every Euglash-speatking. home in the United States, Canada, and thousands of homes in Europe, Australia and South America, what rasa of a book could or would he producer as hie Crown- ing Lire Work, wtxa MA1l THAN` Tret M TZARS OP AlDi5TO:iAL PRACTICE: AND EX, reit:noun? The book itself answers the question, and is the most valuable pro - auction in the history of book publishing. CA IJ T I V'Y E•Unscrupulous• and pirating • publishers are attempting to eopythis•book•by taking portions of it out+and•pahning it often the public as the completer work. We own the manu, script, purchased frons Dr. Chase's heirs. See that yotrthat you get the GENUINE book... See that it has our name on the title pagb and is copyrighted by us. Agents Wanted!. Big Terms: F. B. DICKRRSoN & Co., . MJkin Office, Detroit, Mich.. Windsor;Ont. rubiiohed in both nm:lish•and German, Cavcafsr Re-sssues notch Tradr,-Maris s .cured and all other patent causes in the Patent OBsand before the Courts promptly and carefully attbnded to. Upon receipt of Mode_ or Sketch of In- vention, L"make careful examination, and advise as to patentability Free of- charge. Fags'Monsiurn and I make Ne charge unless patent is secured. Information, advice and special, refronces sent on appii catieu, - 4 . R, EITTELL, WaShingtom , .l).r O. . • Cny4gbice v.a3, i`atontOtii+a. NOTE-.!. Amuse- Yourself' and friends, by hunting out famil- iar faces in the view of the proces- sion taken by 3M2ME3E114. An 8x10 Photo graphic view . fr;r 25 cents. Eterybodrnshould have ono • CletersiTLAION WETW. , aiSSETT BROSmFiLl6 ERYa),;- First-Class Horses and Rigs, Special Rates with . Calmer, offal' Men:, Orders left at. BISSETr BROS7, Hardware Store, will receive prompt attentiou.. tea TERMS REASONABLE, A'=1'1AI . SC)Li/CITEt .a ISS• +TT BROS