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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-28, Page 4
on moue t nom first alp. Deratein, 23ft 6 iz. 3 Jumps 'ender 11. --.-.doe Dez'stein, 16ft 5it1, Eies,.l£t 10in, Fred h1-oritz,14ft 10i1i. �2ver W. Duglmerd, 19ft 3in, W. 11 urul, 1 Lift bin, W, Hess, 18ft 3ira, qq TOO of 'Anne—eaptatrn of the win- .t ;dug side, Theo Hepple. Losing side, \W Worm, 841,r rixoa- Single, under 11.—Laura Williams, L Koehler, Lille,Johnston. ander 10, -.-.Martis Zeetle, Maggie Well l -.,.Thursday last; was t11e longest cl Lora Routiell- Doodle, under 11,—; in the yeu,l /a iia Stremphefi. Laura, Williams, Li _one ease of iiptheria is. reports Zimmerman, n � fiUa Over t t , e 1 .^ 1-r.,Cinai� 1.0 lager, LydiaKoehler, Maggie a Well i.,.tile villa. Ilse wards, under 11.—Matilda John , . Malies, o£ Parkhill, was in: stop, M. Well, Over .11. � taitie; toevi. hist Koehler. J. Hess, Mary Hess. Race,: -The w Cher ter the the paste vo daya ;ruder 11.—Ern Bess, 1' i1'ell C, has been. a little cooler; Sanitll, Over 141--.A. Koehler, E. !! ---Strawberries ince in abundance, Johnston, L Srrempler and selling at 12' cts. per qt. Bois :3 -LI GOSla Doma •_..JPhe tower of the 1rivitt '!'lemori This was disappointment as there were a large number of applicants, In Blyth Messrs. Durnion Biros have been refus- ed, the others all granted. • In Goderich Mr. Smith, of the International, has been refused, the others all granted, Int 1Vingliaun.Mr, Conover hasbeen refused, the otilers all granted. Aditioua1 Local%. ay inert sad WJohnston, S. Surerua and al church is nearing completion W. Derstein, Teri 41T, 1lrrtrrul. __For Field, -Flower awl 'Gard.. R�aw;czsaa R aI;, l 4 iA -i;G 13 ICI seeds, na to Sa gush I kkard'a Mollie Lippert, Balsa.. Simms mud 11t, li'ekl, Ed"le Steinbach, Nettie Well and —Our Volunteers will arrive home Maggie Run ur.e). from Stratford on Saturday evening. T•• -•Banish a4c kick „ads are now showing floe latest styles in gout$ felt Hats, Mr. E, Hall iia jest play a- ; shop, t+rta fine large loot 4, glasses. '1 -Bir. Joe Davis:wino leas been visi tg friends at Winghanareturned•ltom st week, w days ago, a young bar was llleti in tp. of Urey,hy Mr. John Balt.. tlrti Robt. C:xrg, A full a,ssorttnGellt of T. 1}; King`s Messrs,1�'arsair, Macpherson and celelri,.Iefl I;poots,`Shots enc! Slippers fore, are getting ill a largo hummer int ]^�rnasvell 41 I'iekal tl., of et -tiers :for their celebrated thre_lrinn,sitldress of the Rev. S. ; Maci?t aces, Rnbir.sait for the next two, weeks will .1 large excursion from 1i ingbama i:are cPf J.rclt;e Travis, : aril a ulad'other points north, ..-sell through ^A lode let of 1.uglish aid Scoter hero o. Friday tor (kkl, al•101,,. ,Tnnr 1, for ;S'lts shits. Perfect t" 4004 day was spent, guaranteed at *>,ib;vc�ll If Pickard. Mr. A. H. Manning paeneheal the 'dr, r;, 3 l °43.'crf C"luaton, 411511 e .topers! sermloln et'th lr,to yl & 4, of; Manufacturers' Life I1.$1,1/f lc ens, in the Ontario st. Methodist Cy,, 'i'aar't4u,114 5 ill town. Ctrs 31°11- church, Olt alitlay evening ' loot. Aryl Re,,. r. LirFingotane suing p_ lria ii.trwdttetory sermon in the Rat bury at, church neat Sunday. Sabbath July* st;I he will ,preach w sea mon ere tine Orangemen. On Thu:ruday our cricket club wet i to Gotlerieh to try their skill wi.� the trlub there. Uwy came home with flying color, 11as�in scooped the 'God- atielt bays in good rh¢ape. W. Stender% E;,1. of Exeter ADVO- CATE, was in towxt last week attending the Semi-annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge Wing. ;;et a large num- ber of subscribers for the Ape oe r> . Orders are constantly ,recoxvea by the manager's of the Clinton Organ factory, for their celebr -0tt;tl organs. This speaks highly if the Clinton organs, and we are sure they cannot be eeipsed in the Dominion. ,rIr James Brownlee, of Ifamilton, tlranti Master of the Royal Black l(nights of Ireland, for Otrtario West, atud W. Lee, Esq,, of Toronto, Grand Lecturer •of B. A,, were in tow;; on Wednesday last, assisting,, at the open- ing of 1a black preceptory her.. &r. D. 13. I ennccly was in London. Air a. few days last week.—Mr. D. t ntxrlon was in Buffalo on a business tip.-3fr, J. Etcher, of Bfuevale, was in town visiting friends n fey.: days this week. --Mr. T. Farrow, ex -3L P., for East Huron, was in town on Friday. last. Dr. Dows]eylhas sold out his pract- ice to Dr. horsey, of Ottawa, who takes possession.in two weeks, The people of Clinton and surrounding country will be very sorry to loose Dr. ])owsley, as he was a very succt:ssfaI physicau, very popular and a good Citizen. eta taitt#11DOt% men returned frain stmt on Thundtay l.t 13:.nt1 aecotnipatnied Let*t+aar, of Ethel, occupied the Rattonbury st. Meth.. dregs o1 Sunday evening last. Aa Thursday last the Presbyterian S b at hse a �, l>�l had t tJ. S U!i 3n days uodf?rieh. A big crowd took ins the 4saeursion, Hay Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. PARTIES DESIR1 W TO xJ`. 81:a 11\ Thr, !Roar and cheapest insurance C annum, in theD ,amulets, ran do so byy App4•Fug personally,, or by u• it to the unde:si i ed. All ap Iacat1ons promptly a coded to, Also agent llr the Wellington tAimpany of Guelph. also .anorioN mat for the Comity of ;futon, ae, `d 67 g. ;10Ec•SRi1'r1ERR£, Assn. Zed*. Cut. b Print NOTE HEADS,. • BILL 1DADf'>,77g� STA 1rrra�.L3, COC TER. PADS, PARCEL ]G,A NG]' TAGS, Sl'1-cESS CARDS, OIROULARS. MEDICATED ELECTRIC saimemEELTEream Medicated for all diseases of the blood and ner- vous system. Ladies' Belt $2 for female com- p:char.itbas noequal, Arens'Belt$,combined Belt end baso>ense y 65. tr�y seminal weakness, emanbrrorsoocl, niof youtghh, los>r tly''� 4s4`1. emrtsio s, Eto. The only a • plianaes givrng a carect current of i i. otrigity tS'tl>'e .parts... a'9 tro horn l 1 t or dax R rtllont rueoavemenve. Hundred of To a- t�ljmorllale en'file trout those cured of female diseases. pins in bait . aaa lagps, sad acid limn,., nerrous.cebinity, gegezal debility, immeago, rba nmat ism, paralysis, neural ei a , sciaticadisens 4f the bid oxeye, insldna aso torpid rd la ergout, Ieuco,threecataxrk'optioe sexual esnaustion, semal emissions, astbmabearndisease, dyspepsia, constiationrlp. elss, indigestion, impotencyplahilensy,du9cch ague and diabetes. 5eu1 stamp loptiaudsornely illustrated bookand health journal, Correspondence stsictly soulldeuttal, Qom. saltation and electrical treatment;rm. Agents wanted'averywnere. Yat. r'eb,25tn,1667! Cures Cuaranteed Medicated Electric Belt CO.. I.65 Queen St. West, Toronto, t;'3nada. Positive *-70;:-,7* A Pain Curet,. Our Stock ofa Printing, rttlottery, n;aasisting o£ tall ' Piing' grades a Plain -raz..4 ?. oy, ruled and exs, Cards and - "' is most complete. d get prices at o R N or. A ?RSI !RA«wk.k'}F`w T tLi74A14711/ 1 ,•F�•+A�HM ^�k;i �R^.IK#sU ,• �'!? statist 9T te9t1:C„�rnai Knivasovr Of Medicines.410gf% ccl ?444Po>riA3o n•+o*1;10nt:e:r n�rltirtltaar�ettirlir � .Exp ooro andOtWriV944. "TILE A VO AT Main street, Exeter r2 � „ C >Z4, "ate r. bxokgn down ira>ni the el:ec is r?t cl:use will find in 2+ -* 8 a radical cure letr.ncrvon'° debility, organ -in waircee, involuntary vial loses. etc. as Woni vanes/ ha $nq. 49, 2a t asTo-.. tTaut, 1'f Stull r, veriiye„Treat et•rappro„ esu of S 61A A'vfli'Mo to LOeanty, walit O eonr`¢,once, a�'oulauc of conversation, hirerfnr solitu'e,li.tlessuess fall 7 _4rti11ty to fix Von a scat o t rat a? artist:tau subject, slice, Clegg,sign nr glc.deiteas, loss of rarer ,rp, t rcitaAta¢.lii\ of termer, ever. -airs, thea etinalii. t »'aroloiscttraatm:a,'rsaes italexcess ImircR Sen" -`I iiit9¢tisat,RSi� praeoati.ae, t rre:me:1,, paipit , u 1 c: Iles, 4,,.:,rr, 73;>±s1 r'o ieelan�•, f^: .tre9uljling. 9ttelan br ay, r „,;arl;leiq ct llrely !<e , ore ae9• ;vet/doles of lilts tomjne •. nt ae invnte rails ! Cal,;:tc.i, in inra!n;n, +ta-r.4rt. 11 tF' , vital fens hovnga 10Etita very fat,tion astc 1e.r sefyue the mariatenrlenta asylums aide ;e,r1..,,.a t',a o a^ts of e -i:•rLuse Ciao greet rtleirrity Of vested lives, 'ahie t ce•1.a toner tav:r,.gala., it yea ra,+ 1 c at;;gv:etrGre the ¢,;,ducks dut?.Csart blid¢tes,, a, -tar .,t4 ” ,1 x t; otm nr.,c4,x`tre,210. t?afiercmanesctCipfrom tin %oil/Vet-g©tcarlyvice, If yen nro a eau ,,a aft ,cors Ai, ti will Rive you font Vigor ond ✓strcugth,It y'oalzra Vr• s'a Bairn 1 h 'el c¢I1y sad rue .21 'loot a:¢riy iuditsretion, tear, revoltotiguormepa9tdfollY,send Tour aljlrsa and id c�iv¢nAra:ap3!orZI.t',lwroree Tro;,ta a era Raps¢ Form co flit a Har I s•t, by pe 3 s cure from etrarcatioia .loan aalleurtunonsieatonato 14. t*, L',;:fi�:�•.;, 3s 'Pp+Sti„io;; Int, &i, Toronto,,- ll tam a cyqut iCsdt c.: ,'sr . la s e g oat.',?a, . 060E4 stir il.:]'i!), HKAI, nig SICILY,' SABERS w Mr. Jam 1nmvey, who has heel ay°t'd on the Guelph . Herald fo irrle lsat.t, is visiting friends i l[ronlion, of Seaforth, bax. t. 1 `EL•I.Iiel sea's law a£ lr, I�itiki011 is bsent a; The License Commissioners for West Huron met here on Saturday last, and of course, the result' of the session was looked,forward to with a great Ileal of interest by the hotel keep- ers and others. Out of nine . applicat- Ions for hotel license in Clinton, eight received them, Mr. Lack Kennedy be- ing refused. A great deal of indignat- ion isexpressed by the, townspeople generrally, over the action of the com- Dlissioners, It is presumed that pol- itics was at the bottom of this.. At the last general election in 1887, it is stated.that Mr. Kennedy voted for Mr Porter, M. P., although Mr. Cam- eron expected. his support. The Grits vowed vengence and, . now they have got it. ,Mr. Kennedy kept -a respectable hotel and recently made a grist many improvements and completely renov. ttted.thehouse at an heavy expense, is likely a large petition Will be sent to thecommissioners praying that Xi". Kennedy may.get•a lions°. MIr. Jas. hephard wasn{'anted: the shop license. �trtrrar. ='p©•ti;a3s athleth' games, under the rruspit ,s of the P;'.'i:hi.l Calm/01,13o t,lit:ty win lie held at Parkhill. Our thanks for comllrline ntury. •--Ile sure and cal on `amwell ,t Pickard and sten their grand dipplay i f Millinery, including the latest ttltti newest New Fork and England style, an:i, novelties. —On Tuesday evening last,cnnst able Creech tried to arrest a young onion. IIs sucet cded in securing his game, but the ;;ante Baan; an "open eye,” gave him the slip. --Messrs T. Ro s farad Gen. Ander- son were out troughing one day last week, and by some ,nears;, Ross fell Eton) the soatlold. He escaped uninjuri ed, except a fsw slight bruises, -•The weather has beet: Too ]tot to read, too hot to Unite, r1'no hot to even Lie polite; Too hot to sew, too hot to knit, Too hot to be mosquito •bit'; Too hot to sleep, too hot to wake, And far too hot to brew or bake; Too hot to think, too hot to talk, Too hot to ride,too hot to walk; Tao hot to lecture or to preach, Too hot to scold, too hot to teach' Too hot for mantle, veil or glove, Too hot to dream of making love; Too hot to laugh, too hot to cry, Too hot to live, too hot to din; Too hot to whistle,too hot to sing, And, oh! too loot for everything; But. it is all right now. ELL10 r --Cams G—On- the 21st' inst., at the residence of the bride's fat- hor,Exeter,by the Rev. S. T'. Rob- inson, Reginald Eliot of- the Molscm's Bank, Toronta,to Jessie, daughter of Isaac Carling, Esq. Oki! N. La>nPoin'r.—Is,Stephen, on 20th lost the wife of Mr. as. Lamport,of a daughter✓ VAIL.--tr Exeter north, on the 2001 inst.,the wife of Mr. . Joint Vail j r, ofaSOIL , Cave.—In :Exeter on the 2Ist inst.,the wife. of Mr, Thos. Oayc,of;ad; ngh. ter. Otrnnioaz,-In Ribbert, en. 22nd hist';, the wife of Mr. Thos. €1ialoaprc'of,' a d4t7mahtt;r.,.. t . T l¢t.. intld .lsets, $21,Q00 oee. 'rho hest and most reliable Fire Insur- ance tlnenis..lies in the world. ADVOCATE OFFIGE EXETER= DItVEt•pt *T5D i5TRUMEN? ENTAL CATARRH 1MPOSSIRLE UNDER ii$ INFLUENCE MI5 only eatenh remedy over : Offered to tlht 19ub1're on is iia}u trial; a written.4arantee given with each instrument W, T. }3Aus, S; Co„ 1t 3t,?nccu tttreek Wear, Teroato, Out, GTI THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER Retinal* not s¢ medicine or a drooling lotion or powder bait, but rt. Rottfieuera.• Xing Vapor, easily end plc n .sutly applied at all hours, times and places. Acline Ne, 2,--f{tufckly relieve: mod tLoroui hly cures ail Throat and Lung; dine4~,ea, Acton No.3.—t'osttivety eurea all (Wesson or the Eye. Cataract Gran She GreatestDiscorsryot ul to n solaivinni, Indented Eyes, near iina tar aightoriness Tsar, EE Oa age" 'm Auxin, IS GOLD ONDarrt oIIn 'ivnrrrSJr otnrtaliTIM oar 15 DAVI Pr14a _,. Enclose Stamp for handsomely illustrated book null health lemmal. W. T B,AE1t'+t C.o., 255 Queen Strook West, Toronto, felt OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Renumber we inannfactnre and are the solo rroprietors of the following specialties. and that thoycan hehad from noothersourne. THcYARE NOT FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. Correspondence. Strictly etnaildentiei. Consultation upon all chronic dsoaso invited, NO CHARGE except for nrodieina a. All goods sent sa'enrm fa'em obsortn, tion. Toroatoliodicino Co., Toronto, Ont.. NAIR COLORING ?Pur mannifrcaont pre -).rations are warrautedper. featly harmless We prepare the following colors—the iiuersh"ades arisefrozn •Cho hairitaeiC; Bloch, Dark Brown Medium Brown, Chestnut, LightChostut¢i:, Coit. Blonde, Ash or Blonde Oeaidree. Bond sample of noir when ordering.. Price, V. ler mottle.- Toronto Medicine Co., TOILET REQUISITES In ordering Blease specify which you rsotciro artohsrtooorvtie 6ln ats te skirt cloranafshnesg of anaidto.h0od; harnrlesssndeannotbedetected. $1.25. No. DBemocvo wrink'es. 62. No. 10 Rio - rooves Liver Spots. $1.25. NO.1111emoves Plash Warms $1,Ti. No. 12:Remove. >;'reckles. *1.255. No; 15 Ito novesPim?il+�s, $1,2"0. No, 24 Removes 'San. $1.65. No. 15 Removes Moles. ^.G 2. No. 16 :Removes Poekmsrits. S3; 2 o.17 Removes undue Dresppiratiou. ts1 a 2 o.16 An absolute unfailing spocifieiorthoretention development o ostor- atie9r of tho Hair. $1.25. Toronto Medioino Co. THE BUST 1.6 is a combined internal and external' troMmrn rothichspeedily-developes or restores. thefemal k b est to the proportiozrr of volirptaous nature , t,, entirely harmless and certain Jn re- sttltsa Price $6. 'Toronto &Iadioiue Co, Toronto,. WOMEN'S ILLS'. No: 50 *certain atroforLou .corrhana, or Whites F'itiilin€ of the Womb,. Ulcerations Baleful Men- struation, "Boarrng down Pains" and':iali Diseases and 'Weaknesses pneuliar to femalet. Endorsed by rivva.t the. renio0yy,, �Pr a $2 per bottle oronto 1vleFwtne Co.,Toronts, Ont. Vit NON REOULA TION PILLS rem: suporlou t0 Ergot; Tansy,.l''ennyroyal or OxrriFi I,nt10rsed bytho thousands of ladies who usothe9r1'+10NTII1,X, Never fail helices rain, llrsuoI stnAiitrotIlITY;Pleasan�tandRdeeituwl.. 72r#)e 52 reroute Xodicino Oa., reroute, Ont P • E19Pri>.RalLlw IA r RHEUMATISM.' 001 bo aural byu;ing specific No 22.r tt won. on.ful salnisd>} tt>jriQ.>riRnpl0;fach adla,t it song rSl 511ri ,F a l(func i for> 1h'IQe ,'l,' Toa•.'ntu.,. .jtaa a �G;. 1. Jd!J:ri,o„r nt,.,. - • , t1r� aaaaaaa Rigs and. Horses First -Class. t - Orders left at the Rnwkshaw 1tottce or at the stable will be promptly Otte/tiled to, TERMS:Itsaso;`Anas, Furniture and Undertaking. —GO TO- alld iln dr awe FOR Bed -room. and Parlor sites,. Sideboards -and Entension. Tables, Lounges axial asyr.chairs , Largest:war'eroans in town. UNDERTAKING, outside of the under- takers' ring, in all its branches. Open " day, and night. STANt),: one,doot:notth.of Ifolsots!'6 bank 1<i.utrr,ct,r+rc,C,.; - •-Taxdtsr,. A ifit COLLEGE. Subjects' All Business Branches, Short-- hand.. Type -writing and Telegraphy. The Principal holds a Certificate with. honors in Book keeping. Phonography, Telegraphy or Type - Writing free -with Book keeping course. THE OLDEST AND BEST Diploma from Western Fair for Plaints and Fancy Writing. .Business conducted on latest improved, plans -with printed forms. A. J CADMANg Box 400 PRINCIPAL. . Permanent positions guaranteed with •: Salary and Expenses Paid. gny determined loan •clan sueceed'with .: us. Peculiar advantages to beginners, ., Stock complete, including many fast-:• selling specialties... Outfit •free.• .Ad.. dress.as once. (Name this paper.) 3.R,OW is BROTHERS, Xurse$rf11e3Ia.' Roaitn,9'r'1}ll, \','' ;