HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-28, Page 3SHE I y� �S
N of the oaual, The state of New York' has
way, le voting n e o
e eo b n n 1'mous
P P y
}maintaineda. a free -water-
. n since 153:, this e
Ma -
CANADIAN", jbrity to discontinue tolls, The canal has
Track -laying en the: Red River Valley long ago paid all the expense of its coostruc-
h k
railroad will be begun pert Monday, and. tion, and Is now kept up as a e ecupon
will proceed at the rate of a mile and a half
a day.
The Coogregationai Union of Ontario and
(yaebec has o'esed its annual meeting in
1iloutreal, and adjourned, to meet next year
The Montreal Conference unanimtonsly
adopted an address to the new Governor..
General, sod appointed a committee to pre,
sent i. to his Exeelleney,
Three proposals to c. oustructiog the rail,
way between, Winnipeg and Portage 1a
Prairie leave been received by the Manitoba
Government, and work is expected eo be
neon begun.
Wentworth County Council on Saturday
de ided to submit aby-law to the electors to
raise fonds to bay the toll roads irons the
companies. The suet required le about
Generous ceetributions of money, feed
and clothing are being received by the Hull
fire relief, oammtttee. Lord Seanley, on
)searing of the disaster, at once contributed
,?Alvis to the relief farad.
sea sertrent of alarming proportions is
said to hive been discos eyed by a yachting
platy ea Sunday is the channel between
:Vests arld Sintsee islands, to the great ter-
ror of the residents, who- are afraid to go
:tear the water..
An indictment under the provisions of the
Btlelset Shop bill against two Montreal
brO%eza, trOt xrecusbera of the Stock- -
°bulge. hao been aligned by the .Atterney,
Gea;;rtrl and will be laid before lino graaaud
jury next week.
Taere was a briniaitt gathering at the
buflcliriga of E l itcation Department, Termite,
llloredey:sight, when =dale and prizes were
Presented to the successful etudentein draw -
mg at the varione art eobools, mmehanios' it1•
etitutee, etc., throughout the proviaee.
Through a freight trains on the C. P. R,
nollisiiog with, some cattle that bad strayed.
on the track between Myrtle and Claremont
Sunday xiighc, twelveua.rswere derailed and
badly wrecked and a considerable portion
of tate track torn up,
Important historical documents, eompria-
ing (aeueral hioutcalln'a diary, -correspon-
dence,, etc., during the eampalgu of the
Freaell army ia. Canada up to the capftrsla-
#icn, have been preseuted by as lineal des,
eendaut cal the J larqu*e de Levis to the
Qstem and umeeueta,who will have them
Mrs. Susan M. Metiester, widow of Sena-
tor MoMaater, has given the hones and
premised at Na. 34, ]hoar street east Torun,
to, valued at 4SO.Otl0 for the pnrpoie et all
institution to be known as the "Moeller+
Liaalies' College," ae called after Mrs. Me -
Mit er'e maiden name Mrs. hfoMester
of building,
efferai fit up the interiorthe ! g,
making all :necessary Changes, the only
stipulation made being that the college shall
run iu connection with the McMaster Uhl.
veraity; and that that icatitution Tarnish
four professors for the new college.
Celifaraia papers are ))casting of etraw-
berriea eight and nine inches in circuwfor-
Myriads of graeabop,Irere, :of the true
Rocky Mouua sin. variety, bavc appeared in
Atter Taal County, Minnesota,
During the Preaidential campaign in the
United States red roses will bo worn by the
I)owoerete, while Itepublicaua will assume
the white rose as an emblem.
A South Carolina newspaper says that
there is an old negro in Jonesboro who has
been married nine times and has had 117
Leonetti in Targe quantities are !wing
found in Iomo sections of central Illinois.
It is thought they are the "seventeen year"
railroad extortion.
Mitt Hustings, missionary i;i, Ceylon, ie a
sister of President Cleveland.
of Lords Frid wnay pi took his seat in the house
A Quantity of jewelry has been stolen from
the Duchess cf Edinburgh.
Dam Pedro, the Easperor of Brazil, la
rapidly recovering,
The circulation o£ foreign coin will shortly
be prohibited throughout the German Em-
The ,American laxehange is Europe hag
been ordered .into liquidation by the Genet
in England.
France given the least to ohtcrity any
civilized nation, and, consequently, she bee
the fewest tramps and beggars.
The Germea Government have for the
present abandoned their intention of increas-
ing the duties on Rueeiaa grain.
In a ta.w.z of Pataz Department of La
Libertad, Peru, a woman accused of being a
witch, was publicly burned alive by the
F Sergeant 111u(iowan, y of the Retail Irish
Vonatabulary, wars murdered on Friday by
Constable Simpson, who subsetlaently CM -
raided euteide.
In Committee of Supply, Mr. Robertson,
Liberal member for Dundee, will move tc
disallow the salary of the Duke of Vats
bridge se CointeauderdaoChief of the Impe
tial .Army,
It cornea to light that while Patti wave: is
Baenail Ayres a plot exieted to kidnap and
held her for ransom, which was frustrated
by the cenetaut attendance of detectives en
the divine aonetr'oes..
The degree of LL. D. was conferred OP..
Saturday by Cambridge University upon
Prince Albert "'rioter of Wales, .Lord Sala.
bury Lord Roaebrry, Lord Randolph
a chill and Right .lieu, Madsrs. Goaohen
hmro are about thirty grand dolma in
Russia,, alt of them being near relatives of
the Czar, Each receives (rout the State an
aunnal pension amounting to ,x50,000, and
the majority of theta have large private for-
tunes besides,
The Deselect press declares that the xtew
trausa•Caspaiu railway is not intended ger
:Hessle for the eoualuest of India, but should
be taken as an evieenee of the eaar'e eeltei-
#ude for the welfare of the people of central
a tiist.
Lord Uiartington has written a letter o-
the );.Desi (Government bin, iawhich he says
that the licensing clauses are not 'eitasl to
the bill, and that the diesi.lcnts aro not
compelled to support them .e essential to
the existence of the Government.
Busata has gest a prraeiug note to
Turkey *king for £700.000, repreaeutiug
two delinquent annual instalments of the
war indenloity of 1S79, tied as Turkey has
no money and Russia may insist upon an
trivalent in territory, tremble in feared.
The firat State ball of the coulee, at which
the gueate were received by the Prince and
Priaeesu of Wake, in the absence al the
Queen, was a verybrilliant function. Lady
Lansdowne was quite noticeable amid a
wagntfluentIy drooled crowd, by the richness
and originality of her costume.
A law has been passed is Waldeck, Ger.
many, forbfddiug thegrenting of a marriage
license to a person addicted to the liquor
habit. The Austrian Government had
introduced into the Reioharath a strong
measure for the prevention of drunenness.
The reason alleged.is'tbe alarming deteriora-
tion in the physique of young men enrolled
for military service.
Consumption Surely Eared.
TO aria Enlros,:--Please inform your re. -,dere that
I have a positive remeuy° for the above pawed dis-
ease. By its timely n.e thousands of hopeless caees
have been permanently cured, I shalt be glad to
send two bottles of pay remedy rsnst to any of your
r they will e
r. haveconsumption teen tsad m
e dere who
h air Express. and P. O. a.ldress. Rspectfully, Da.
T. A. Sisocuac.37 Yonne St-, Toronto, Ont.
Red isthe color of the passing moment.
Rue 1 coven -coast ewes bi one 0010001.
Both high and low dross collars are fash-
ionably worm.
A, core tor l)rnulreatzaesa.
The opium habit, dipsomania, the morphinehabis,
nervous prgetratton caused by the nae of tobacco,
wakefulness, mental depreesion, softening of the
brain, etc., premature oho age, lost of vitality caused
by uver.exertioa of the brats, and loss at natural
strength, Prow any eat0se whatever, en-yaueig,
old or middle•aged-who are broken down ;ropy any
of the above 0ausse,or any, cause notmantiensd above„
send four addroie and 10 cents in stamps toe Lisbon's
Treaties. in back term, of .Dissearra o8 8fan. Books
sent sealed and seoura from obatervaatioa. A4410 a 3f,
V Lgao,l 47 Weilnrten etreet3''ast, Toronto oat.
The red banlanna boon:. i;s epreadiag, all
over the country.
Wbensver your fitcmach or Bowels get out of 04.
der, caosing Billettseeta, Dye stela, ox Indlges5lon4
and their attendant soils, take at once a doee el 0,.
uoreonm Stomach Bitters. Beek family aaediofn',
elftOruarg!abe,, 00eente.
Blit k lace toilets ase as popular as ever.
Cmoptrisa 1L.aa Raaawaa restores grey sue faded
hair to its naturaleolor and proventri falltnz out.
A P 1siT
A^ai0 £sills 5a G vsc1N
cam s e i1 n e 1 1 a e ah t w elc bitty en nka reaikof
g" 3
e anndd Liverpool Saloon tickers, hionkres41 to Liverpool,+� 540 0 ')•and 60. Return t:^;bets $38, $00, and 0160,
Ainaccordm" `a steamer and aeeomntodation, .Inter-
mediate; 530; )found trip delete, $60, Steerage, ;i20,
kso and trip tickets, gi0. For further particulate and
to secure ka rths, apply to IL E, AIIPPRAY, General
Manager, 1 OnStOCAL )louse Square, Montreal, ortothe
er y
i'1NaarEB sen I tor Id. 4'a'.,aiog.se..
. vv. EYf 8,11$11 1 terbnro. Ont.
I NlTTINO6eorge vr.O0it:MACHINES
PATENTS FuSf—�e0tr
.4udepiTe ownitot. i.
'OaALIla. $S5& wee1randexpense
raid. Valuable eatdt and patients*4 RK
a rf,ltli An. aste.Han
tr s.#IC1K .. lR".R, Ii .
ia:don. &Wre
*7 cmuren acre
Mr, Dingto 'e resolution aalling for infor-
mation regarding alleged disoriwination in
tolls against United States vessels passing
through the 'Welland canal was adopted by
the Rouse.
Bill Nye say* t -We have people enough
who know bow to reform the 'world but
those who are willing to take off their coats
and attend to it personally are absent with-
out leave.
Leet week 12,000 crates of choice :South-
ern fruits and vegetables were deliberately
dumped into the Atlantic Oceaujust outside
Sandy Hook, in order to keep up current
prices in New York.
"Lintown," an abandoned plantation of
some 24,000 acres, lyinsr about twelve miles
from Albany, Ls., is now utilised as a range
for almost countless gook, of sheep, whose
owners aro just now busy sheep shearing.
Henry Cary, of Key West, Fla., has a
novel -shaped potato. Standing at a distance
of six or seven feet one could not tell it from
a wild duck which had been deprived of its
body feathers, and to make the delusion
more perfect he had inserted a few tail
The Prohibition National Convention fin-
ished its work at Indianapolis, May 31, and
adjourned sine die. The presidential nomin-
ation was by acclamation to Gen. Clinton
B. Fisk of New Jersey. For a vice presi-
deny John A. Brooke, of Missouri, was
Many of the leading delegates to the an-
nual convention of the Millers' National As-
sociation of the United States, which was
opened the other day in Buffalo, express
strong and decided opinions in favour of
reciprocal trade with Canada. Mr. Prime,
of Illinois, read an exhaustive report on the
crop prospects, in which he predicted a
total shortage this year of 75,000,000 bush-
els of wheat.
The Erie Canal promises a prosperous sea-
son. Its opening was delayed until May
15, in order to finish the enlargement of the
locks. This improvement was only author-
ized by the legislature the past winter, but
will greatly increase the working capacity
Will you Try Nerviline
For all kinds of pain. ' Poison's Nxnvix. RE
is the most efficient andprompt remedy in
existence for neuralgia, lumbago and head-
ache. For internal use it has no equal.
Relief in five minutes may be obtained from
Nerviline in any of the following complaints,
viz o Cramps in the stomach, chins, flatu-
lent pains. Buy a.10 cent sample bottle
of Nerviline at any drug store and test the
great remedy. Urge bottles 25 cents.
$500 Not Galled For.
It secnls strange that it is neceeeary to
persuade men that you can cure their die.
cases by offering a premium to the man who
fails to receive benefit. And yob Dr. Sage
undoubtedly cured thousands of caeca of
obstinate catarrh with his st Catarrh Rem-
edy," who would never have applied to him,
if ib had not been for his offer of the above
eum for an incurable case. Who is the next
bidder for cure or mob!
Work has been started on the extension
of the Manitoba and North-Western rail-
"She's Much Older Than Her
We heard a young girl make the above re-
mark the other day about a lady with whom
we are slightly acquainted. It was nut true,
yet the lady in question actually does look
five years older than her husband, although
she is really several years his junior. She
is prematurely aged, and functional derange-
ment is the cause. Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription would cure her, and should be
recommended to her, and to all others
who are in the same condition. If the reader
of this chances to be it similar sufferer, let
her get the " Prescription." It will bring
book her lost beauty, and, better still, it
will remove all those distressing symptoms
which have made life a burden to her eo long.
Money refunded if it don't giye satisfaction,
See guarantee printed on bottle wrapper,
The Ontario Medical Council in annual
session, recently elected Dr. Burns, of To-
ronto, president.
P stands for Pierce, the wonderful doctor,
Providing safe remedies, of which he is conooctor,
Pleasant to taste and easy to take,
Purgative Pellets now " bear off the cake."
The new Canadian loan is still quoted. at
21, premium, and it is believed the average
price obtained will be nearly 95.
People who are snbjeos to bad breath,. foul `coated
longue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can atonce
be relieved by ruling Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters,
the old and tried remedy. Aek your Druggists.
Red bandanna handkerchiefs have risen
in price,
Several, cases of poisoning by strawberries
are reported by physicians. There is some-
thing antagonistic in the aoid of the fruit to
some stomachs which results in indigestion;
The disturbance makes itself felt by an
eruptionupon the skin, and sometimes by
extreme swelling of the face. This lack of
harmony between certain articles of food
and the stomach is a curious matter, but in-
stances of it are afforded in nearly every
family. One member cannot eat fish, an-
other chicken, ,etc. Experience alone is
able to tell us what to avoid, and in this
matter, at least, the unstudied individual.
is wiserthan his physician.
fcol1„N On )'puts. Lowest Rates.
eiay. Correspoadea:e solicited.
T.D. Hili'4E11, Financial Age.,
70 i0inar•st E , Toronto,
RNS bore O feet
er hoer, Also lied; Drupa --Hand,, gorse,
tom Pewee. Send ler Ustalogu.e
iLaldiatr It AAILIactestug Co„
Batonec7li, Oiil.
OF THE BIWLE:aly Qualms
F03Ta>at. Profusely Illustrated
Solea marvellous -•- Neatly
410.000. Send Sl 50 tar A cagy
ago towork. Ageate Wanted, Address..s..,,,f'd
A. G. WATSON. manager,
ono WittotxaTaitu Ds It afoatorttx►.
r 'r
keit :asst) Gravel R
lieges glass Country work a ape [olt);
t'raltDag e i7[nar-Scleatitla ord tetter
erne taught n he•eby et3lisb, perks lath•
produced, t;ntterak:aving tropine
natit sure ttav aayatenas and mime Neon cute ,
Bull tces satiaf ietiem guaranteed. Shirt eysteet taught
separate, at, rare chance for young men to asgaire a
/iterative wettes100. 0, GMRl:WAN, bap., 20
Yon; a Street. Terris on application,
URES Nervous Prostration, Nervosa:
k1eadaehe, Neuralgia, Nervous
'Weakness, Stomach and Liver
Diseases. Rheumatis m,Dyspepsiu,
and all affections of the lfidneys,
i'er14d's CEa7Oa Cceiror oD is a ;Nerve Tonle
trliiele never fails. Containing Celery and
Coca, those woaderf01 etimulauts, it speed
sly caeca all nervous disorder&
i'.arxa's CELkttY Coyrotyr purl0ea the
blood. It drives out the lactic acid, which
calms I.beitmetisie, sed restores tine blood-
soaking or„ i:.:is tom 0es0lsy co:minion. The
true remedy for R[le.lan0tism.
7'A1tinr.'s t;ut.t:r.Y i O:MCI: a quickly restores
the liver noel kidneys to perfect health.
This emotive poser combined with its
nerve tonnes, makes it the heat 70131007'
for ell Ulmer a.enpiitines.
1'ar:t0s Crags Conroy:ad) strengthens th4
stomach, end quiets the nerves oi' the dimes-
five os uii-. This 7s why it coma even the
`vorst+Caees o£DI's$ep5ia,
s'aw's I'M r C n'aari+A is not 0 Catlaar-
Ile. It ns a laxati 4 giving easy enol natural
Action to the bower, Oei,•ularlty surely M-
lows Oa use.
)tern mu:etsgal by profesa[aaol and brsinerst
Men. Send for ino:+k,
Price $1.04. Sold by nrugg.tds.
Montrend Quo
IE"'$procured. Patent Attor'neye,and expertly
a"aaF.T >win.*Aril
41rR140111t fa 400,.'roegrtte.,
Nuoliantsi BRtolials No TRADERS
ge y
We want a Good Man in your Ieeallty to plea up
UV. Cash Furoiebed on .eatleraetory guaranty.
Q. S. PAGE, Hyde Park. Yttrium*, U.S.
Shoe and leather Reporter. N. Y., and the
v w t,hieato the leading rad*
a d Leather Ra ie at
paper et *03' U.S. in the Ude line, hate Reg their
representatives to inveatigatehir. Pago'abudnesv,an0
ter a thoions,b, exaatlinatluo and a o :parson, the
arlerpite9 hi 41 thli eaderatear,ent i
"We a believe that ia1 exkeut of li.ht•.rels:ht raw tea-
teriai collected an t carried, Mr, 1..011 ids the lead
of any competitor and that hie present IWek is the
tar;,est held by any bops* in this country,
dart ala* Review sap:
"After a roost thorough investigation of Air. Paste
lshim, as compared with others in carne line we
1ve become tnl0} satisfied that In hie specialty leAt
- de
eight stock, he[auagacnt[onakta the lta r„est slot
in this country. while in superiority of quality. bele
contentedly at the bead:'
(M>;R1 : it Mr. Piaaoe'e business it the 'brevet lo itai
tine 1n the United Staten, is it not the ben; po0Rl1te
pat do50,lwoul tie to pay get mere9Sk ns khan.
* ams lino.
' t competitors to th
o his y p
L'ELPRi Surliness College, Gexasa, Oa -T: -
Ibis popular Institution, now in Its 4th year,
le doing a good soon: for rho EEduoation of young
men and women in tho.e branches, a knowledge of
width is so essential to the intelligent sad sncceeatul
msaagement of practical altalrs, Ito graduates are
everywhere giving signal proof of the thcrouebnese
of their training, and, bearing Grateful testimony to
the monetary value of Its cour.e of study. The
Fourth Annual Circular giving full Information will
he mailed tree address M. MncCouanes, Principal.
J. & J. TAYLOR, --PAT17N=--
Ternuto Sala Werke.
Local Agents- lo the difereutTwonsand Cit ed -
Whaley, Royce .40o,
aS "rousse Street,
The Cheapost Plaee in
Canada for
New and Second k)aate .
Agents tor
itB: ES,SQN"
Barad Orchestra
tepeelaiSend torCatalogue,
XANtIne W nelte AND DRAARna 18
Rosen: kelt, Slater.' Felt De:Aeolatr Felt,
Carpet Paper, IOuitdlog Paper. BOofng Pitcb,
Coal Tar, Lake brave
Ofilea; 4 Adelatalo St. Enid. Toronto.
Sattaso wxxicty Ihrewlsax-
Saloon Tickets, SIO, $50,851x, Return, $70, 010,
81110, Intermediate, 800 ; Steerage, 820. Apply to
II. E. MURRAY. Gen'l.3fseager,
I Custom Muse Senate, M[ONR-eRCi.,
I\, years' trial, and over
5,000 in use haoproved
hie machine the best; 0
sizes, Send for Circular.
Inventor and Menu facture:,
577 Craig st,
P.O. Box 945, :Montreal, P.Q
Bicycles 1
Second s Hand Iticycles
and Tricycles.
Send for List. New Catalogue
ready in April.
-A._ T_ Ia_ . 1T ,
-Manufacturers of the highest grades of -
p °o
-FACTORIES and aALESR00M : 420 to 426 ging St. 'Vest, TORONTO
Manager. Sec, Treas.
Young Men
SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the
result of ignorance onii folly�y, who find themselves
weak. nervous and. exhaust also altDnLa:•Aoxn and
OLD Mrs who are broken down from the effects of
abuse or over -work. andinadvanced life feel the
consequences of youthful excess send for and read
S[, V. Lisbon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The
book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of
two Sc. 1,t'opa Address
37, V. LUIION, Wellington St. E., Toronto, Ont.
Nervous Debility.
DR. GRAT'S Speoleo has been nod for the part
fifteen years, with greet eucc*ss, In the treatment of
Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex.
tenses, overworked brain, loss of vitality, ringing In
the ease, palpitatlon,etc. For sale by all druggist.,
Price 81 per box, or 8 boxes for 86, or will be pent by
Mali on receipt of price. Pamphlet on Applications
Iuuu greatest die•
4 covery of the pre.
scot age for Reoa0 -at.
often a1 Blleeed LLir,
er end kidney Com-
p Mute.
om.piatate. 1s petteet.
lood Par11er. A few
t Hamilton whohave
sea benlnted by its
491' -Ire. Af. Keenan.
100 FloberlOt. eared
,t Erysipeias 012 ars.
standing; 10001. Cur"
sed, 24 *oath street.
aughter curd o. f
epileptic Ste alter 0
,care alutferfrie r Jen -
ie Rine), 55 Iti a7nat
treat, cured of
Ian Wood, ra Cath.
!at anal Maio csn,:�a,
t tors, J, Peel, 0 Attir.ista
TlervonePre:nation, two
east rel asI Sold at Me. l
G0,, Propdetore.
e Royall i� a mBh s
Sailing doting winter from Porliana every Thugs.
clay and Halifax every Seturday to L4veapocl, aaadin
iurnmer from t(aseblw every Setaatday to Liverpool.
calling at Londonderry to tend ails a pseilen sr5
for Scotland and Ireland: alge irOta Balt1MOtua
Halifax anti St. Joha'e, N. F, to Liverpool fortnightly
during s msaer months. The Oratorio of the Glare,
flow linea sail durtog winter to and from Halifax,
Portland. Boston and Philadelphia: end Hurls c sunt,
mer between Glasgow andAtontreal week)};��G�lasgear
and Roston Aeel0y, quad Glasgow and I'a1ladelplats
Portroight, Fsaasge, er other tAfornation apply so
A,l;abwnoaeher 1o., Baits sore 0. Cunard a Ga,.
Halifax; Shea it Co.. St. John's, N. F.; Wail. Thorog•
anon fc Ce„ St, John, N. B,; Allan it Csc., C7sivago,
Vase a Aldus. New 'York, H. Bendier, T060420:
All Rao ft boo iF A f* Phfladsl•
Allan,. Co., Qq* 'ata. tools .
01401, A. Allen. l'ottiend,Boston, atoutreai.
'When 1 say Carni; Z do not Mean merely to
em fcrAsimo and ten have them
turnagaA. in. QfR
thew* sued the. disease
rI'rs, EPILEPST or
Ante long study. 1 WAXMAN':ray remedyto
cans the worst cases. Because others hart
faliedlsnoreason forn tnowr0 elven acure,
Send at once or :treatise and AP'xitOorrwS
of mp lxlrAnnus=3ir;atzDw. Gita bacprose
andXoat G�lilce. It costs F Oq nothing Zt)t' 91
trial, watt will Cure you.Address
Dr. II, (f. ROOT, 37 'Zings St, Toronto, Ont,'
BREAM made with this
Yeast took drat prizes at i*yi
Township and County Fairs fn
Ontario in ISSy, at such places
la e:
steno: en,11arld t*n,\1ltit•
by, ctc. Over igeoo ladies have
sent us letters and postal surds
to say that leis superior to nay
yeast ever used by them;
makes the lightest, whitest;
sweetest and most wholesome
bread, buns, rolls an0 buck,
wheatcai es.Directionsinarch"
package with tail ltaptrnc0 ^.•.!
Recovery from this distressing condition is oft sough
by baying recourse to tonics or medicinal treatment,
which only serves to aggravate the trouble. The syso
tent demands nutrition that can be easily di.
stomach and
JOHNSTON'F hly assimilated
1UD by
the s plies
this demand, because it is the 1llost Perfect Form
of Concentrated Food. It contains all the materials
necessary for Renewing the tissues wasted by
disease. It readily passes into the circulation and pro-
duces Firm lliusele and Nerve. The Great
scut.') MEon15
There are many nuxa7ioss et
"Peerless „
but none equal it in lubricating properties. Faint-
ince, Mn.asxr, etc., find none equal to the esaums
Peerless made by
Sold by dealers everywhere.
Dei ring to ;obtain a Business Eduoation, or become
proficient, in Shorthand and Typewriting, should al.
tend the
Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto. •
For Circulars, eto., Address 0, O'DEA, Secretary
CAI@ATAL AND FUNDS 10i0W 011680 $3,000,000.
To this date, October 31, 1887, there has been returned :
To the heirs of Polleybolders (death claims) 0849,249 00
To the hold,rs of matured hlndcwment Policies 28,492 63
To Polley -holders on surrender of Policies 98,656 00
To Polioy=holderstor Cash Profits (including those allocated and being paid).., ,432,544 02
To holders of Annuity'Bonds. 16,967 84
Loaned to Policy -holders on Security of. their Policies . 82,264 98
51,306,174 47
policies in Force over 10,000. Amount over $15,000,000
PRESIDENT -How. Sze W. P. HOWLAND, C.13., K.O,M,G.
J. %. NIACDONALD, lilaaaging Director*
{'Policies Nonforfeltableatter 2 years and Indefeatsible atter 8 years,