HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-28, Page 1ltrOfee n Theo sons Ban d;si3At iERED erPARt:1Akl' NT, 7855:1 EXETtit Delo, 'r: U SDA.Y JTJN E 28, 888, 56 �ffa Sunbeams. 'offiss Hattie 14eNeil, of Detroit, led. no Capital.. -.+.»,...... ,0Ot,00tliat present, visiting her relatives here - Isar Final 85,000 (Kers s tiff' Pftir lie 1 1',en CENT. IJ sa- t ret Pea A1ti171e fair money on DEPOSIT RECEIPTS, A steal Pea Cease 11;mM:sr Pax. Aatezn ;;orloney e;n ings • Book ?Department, (Lately Ire -opened a r further i.ar'tieulers .apply at the nee,bl,iiC'1 Street. lexeter. ) ;E"1GE HOURS: -- ll ii~ e. ire. to . p, en , Saturday, 10 nn to 1 p. in, A. A, O. IIENOVA,N, I=..corite. °Jan. 28, '88. Managhr. tli d eery Tlrurstlay rtzo at the office, i,Eai ettemjOnto 000los OF SUOSiinit''4Ct'.1 t Liar i lar a scar if psid. in oilierte4 81.5artI uot.e Imid. A;fier tSkig Rates en App!11aiion. ., sectlea ,tprtn„t'1r.�lXlttilerrearaitei aroPi • hive ct r,.tnto nith�au1 t srei - dirc�trio;ts will an totsal ima:+iardearag+ara*rtrtltngia. Littrti m:.zasforlsaa;a kat eezeribeeetetetreated Z troa ttta'.nste. 'Etitt eltaxripllan of »IotaPItitiT i;t7 t t-u:,a out ta» .'a@ f1r.e> at to QS O*7. art mid rix ti s#3 ,v;ea +rA a ;rtes, teener ItOore, .Rt , !o, 404,,r '?. ?fi., Vert,TVI;vas. 4114:•. lar ntti4-r AVAr;le 11"etx.�i�y SailiDEES. Rditort °:"taiaraUcr i„fi'd1” '1I JUR CTUZ'Y: S' a Sara+ t~.aPaz Iarr, r>.1», il4zrratts!ta, tlw." Sunday to, rl a�tn.. »"arikt-is', p, tit» 11107.^,L Ca=et,, natant, see.; r tz'➢trw, *h e') a. nt. ad 0.0 e Vt. .e . l .., rs. t;,;'c.: tat itt,-f rauatadaa • 1'i it ra:=01, tn. 'and .,aa. •p. 111r. • John"McLaren, raised a ' fine barn last4,esday, Clover a,nd timothy hay will be *fax below the average exop this year Mr. Philip Mohan, cabinetmaker of ' Mr. Was; Millar, sr. of Oromerty, is. this plaee,has gone to Glanworth,wherevisiting 'relatives in Palmerston and he na intends reteining for the summer. °Ethel. lklr. Jiro. Ryan Sr,who was serious- i Mn Joitn White4 is raising a fine lyunjuied by a team Of runnaway !barn today,Hibbert is coming up good horses a< feta weeks ago, is, able to be in the building line, around again. Miss Minnie Speare, o£ Cronierty, is The new R, C church is first nearing w at preset present.visiting her sister for a coup - completion. The masons. have almost le of weds in 1''etroleaa, finished the plastering v;bit;b le beantia' fes„ Friday, the Prospect Sunday , folly done, Weil Irefieets great credit on School was reorganized with st full staff tilt»'worknrrn, , of ofliCers and teachers, they intend to One day last week an atci:ident hap- have ono £-the bright Sunday Schools, pataect to Mr. Dennis Connell, which of the^weat,<krospect lain aprosperous might have pros,ed fatal. Wille engaged ooitditiozn, irssrsting to stove €i. bane port of the Text Sugelay the lst ,Tuly there will rafters fell, striking him on the head, be a grand Tinian Methodist services, infirctingata severe wound. Dr. Amos of held in peibeerr's grove Monday after, Cra litRn AV -ended ltim,-riid live is im-: noon and evening, and those canting rollingtery favorable, from a drstance,•and wishing.to remain are requested to bring +ther baskets I;rediton Brrofs, with them, so tic to prof«de for the iu- er mane and on the following, Monday T cry cea:d weather on Tuesday Last, there will bo a grand tea held wlneh is Miss NI -click, of Zuria, was'viiiting calou ated to eclipse any thing, given 'crisis in town last week. on fernier occasions iX°., a r.as l'r.tt,rmutitt3;.'E r 1 UW, pattltledpra.yt 'ute.1'S71"t[iwe ay •. ,,;ruga t't • n<er-11ec.W,. zl» SSnrtra. Paxtcar. •. , scsvr'ct:s, !n to mut 1.7,11t. ttt Sabbath I t dr•. +, a'in. Is.i t at,;,1» of 0l rare-' mrotinr, . at . t v 30.01, Cay y outs ;trap:: t t.,t-t .a `at S et/oak s.n..t?•ti.ttvty Litter. Sun• iart:tath 1lwiY ess and other Card +. A,/ INDS, , . .. A? �r.�i >w I. -ll`. rat ov''r C!'Neiis Bank, Exeter, Ont, •t' ;°•,us ttslde Gmfor ,taiaieeuextraction. 1ti r.rtaWNlXti, M. Ei, 11i. C. i, S. t► t:rir i efl'i t riNr':tittr.rt,;. Waco antiresi•Xener i3 VI t, tit l.ahartitorr. l:xctrr Ont. dune. VV. t • 41:W :Z.: OFFICE—MAIN STREET, Exeter, up ream r: aite Central Motel. gide not. r:tu :110 m•.utis—:latuenatmct loading to thy Meth ainrelt. Ten e OKE. }Neter Ontario, ekee ice Auctioneer 11,UI r h. +'ouut� st tittron. Soles promptly attended t t.., satisfaction ;uttrinteod. Solos atrwged at ^i3 EX IV EIT i r r Tieensed Auctioneer for Raz ±1 �[ ititetr, u t r :1 tallistav Townships. Oiled— ,tt. • t-otSue.Laxrliton, 1ir(7 ',r,l:a?f Ef13E.T, LICENSED UCTtONEEttfor 1 t he Counties of aidrtic ex and Lambton, and. the l'at nwhit.s of Stephen and -Hoy. All sales prom- ptiy attended to. Address all communications to W. kfn s, iiiica pnstuttice, Ontario. . IslOESON, Borrister, Solicitor of Supreme a Court, ,Rotary Public. Conreyvncer, Com c: s�i rr. e 'Money to loan. et.T ..,-F9LtX30ti»S Block, Exeter. 111fiss Reynolds, pf Hensel[, was the guest of";M;s. J. W. Grant last week, The beautifulra%n "we have been ce having lately Ines improved the cops wwraJct•ufl.,y. When art *coo „Ting to have civic licadayi Better have 'it salon or the beautiful whether witbeone ?dr. W U. Wentzei has purchased a itorarg :r breed cow from Mr. C. Essery, ar whietr he paid a handsome price. Mr. ai,: a[re.'J. Enter, left on Mon - ay last for Detroit,where they intend !siting their daugbtnr, Mr& S. Link. Inspector Sprague paid a visit to ur lioielkeepers on Saturday last. The rrestion .miser=, is Mr. S the appointed nsTrectar or not uot3 H. KINSMAN'`, DENTIST, I.. D. S.. n,tttacts Meth rithont plain lav V, rtli.ln Vyi,nr, nr using tho u, Anus- 't',e to tttr,:puns. Nukes Gold fittings.:Xud all other »a r•,:a w.;tit the best possible. does to Zurich last Attr.11'C ' in r.teh rnnntlt. AsT SIDE tali ALAIN STREET. EXETER. :.ti.rl,i]'L ti,:: •ELLI.OT, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Conveyancers, aCc. .»la:ny to Loan at Flo B. V ELLIOT. - J. ELLIoT. tw " U -rand Bend Tidings. Crops are in meed of rain. They daughter of Mr. Robt. Pollock, is at present ent very ill, suffering from fa a er With good care and medical s'kfll she is improving very favorable. Mr. T Thompson has sunk two arti- cian wells in this neighborhood. One is overflowing continually, while the other rises within 4 feet from the top. Tire annual Methodist dinner and tea will be held here on July 2nd. The tables will be spread with a fine display of eatables from 11 a. m,, 014 p, en, Come one and all and spend 'a good time. The Grand Bend circuit,of the Meth- odist church, held their annual Sunday School Picnic here on the 20th inst . on the fine pleasure grounds near the lake. There was a large crowd pres- ent, and a very pleasent and enjoyable time was spent. t0; ]3ISS .TT AND Miss Wnesn. begs -to inform the public, that they have <maned out business on the corner of �,t.Eia+til 2nd Gidley streets. Dress - 0.1a .1:ug done in all the latest styles. :Lessons on Fancy Work given. , Ply A SPBCIA.LTY. rAII orders promptly attended tea • triol solicited, 'M l-rel-3:in A Greenway Budget, Miss Annie Hone is very sick .midi rheumatic fever. The late rains have improved the crop very touch. There is a rood pros- poot for an average crop. Mr Adolph Meilin has charge of the tailoring department at the Boston. House, during J. A. Wilson's absence to Stratford. Oentralia Dots. looking well. harvest has commenced. eta glad to see Mr. Pym around gain; Mn Clunek Bloomfield is ,recovering OM a fit of illness, '.hiss Zoltan Dignell, of XiOndOlt, siting her parents here. Mr, S. Davis, who Inas been sick far he post week, is able to be around gain. The Centralia foot: -ball exult gives Charlie great praise for the umpiring he done when they went to Exeter. Mr. Wm. Boyle, Clerk in the P. 0., is going to give up that busiliesi and not as Professor in the dancing school. Mr, Jas. N,,of the 3rd con.,McUilli- vary, don't visit the Duflerin !louse as much as usual, what's the platter Jima Jeff Essery, Captain of the second eleven football .club, is talking of ;iv 'Monday. :Composed for „Vets R. 15.• From London 1 canoe, I need not give ttiy name, As icy name 1 may change before long; If I can only flu the one to my mind, I-rnay soon make a change on this eoug. Rot too Young or too old, '`either bcsiiful or bold,, But just” in tIZe prime of my life; If a man can bre found ascend and soma know 1 would make a good wife. 1f T try Inv best I eau nkale coat or vest, Fur'to fit may tart in the town; And es partner for life, wornld orals a. goon wife,. It 1 had a goad urate of nay own. So now if your kuow,one !neither f.n,t 1 would take it a favor fur life, ililow, If you'd. Rend bis address, 1 would manage the rest, For I'm sura I will make a good wife. I can Make coat and vest, As good a% the best, And to me its a pleasure through life; If he's the right kind of youth, I can snake the whole snit, And I am sure I will mak a good wi lie mutt be without firirlt,. As all good' liusbanda ought, if suit ehoutdent iwil it or tear it; he bad any defeat, I net Artily object, xl nd if ant � au does' not Sit tau d wooer it, y S church to a large congregation,his far€ well sermon. lie preached a short but a very impressive one. Ile clearly showed to those who are believers that they should be consistent in the exer- cise of a It°ay life, let your fellowship be with the Father, and with the Sen Jesus Ohrist;labor to' walk in the light, as God is in tho light, and the blood of !.Jesus Christ will cleanse you from no sin; walk as heirs of heaven, led and move by the spirit of Christ in y'e't: live habitually by faith in the son �f God; and he will more triad more snows upon yon; and more and more rem. himself to you; you shall he strarn't 's+� the Lord, and in the power of 1. might, and shall overcame the wiei-c•4 one. Tea, you shall be more than roe- rors through him that loved yon. E, Holmes has laboured en tis l rnvilie circuit for the past two year., nd lies given universal saatisfaetian. e has laboured "to the hest of his Aliin- to promote the interest and spirit nal welfare of his fellow bein,s,and we can assure him that where ever .Goal.4 providence may be=east, ave shall ever fondly cherish his memory and here t be may never weary in praising is. re tieetnernn4 may thatkindnrtsa nand generous treattt;eit be inet' 1 out t' him wltioii be has so liberally beetee'ea upon others, we;bope ;fiat his tmyeie onward will be very :harpy, py, if oar wishes eau bespeak t eloudeal :Fi.iev . and roads paved with innocent ilei UUborne G1e If ,s, urs we trust that sareeess and bap; be his companions all through pltrearw Stoner, of I,.ebo, is the life. liss Bennett, of Elirnviite, COlacttarit IlliVarp',1, from first to last, Last Thursday night Mr., Thos. not. Ii:e kept -the faith and bole it feast; an lost A valuable blood colt, sired by rrinn ons nli'ant fox the1iaith-alone `°10 The :awe in crilted on the witite'etone; The Rev. W. IL (lane did not The life Of piety. firma at Sunshine lastSouday, as was etpeeted. Zurich Hollings. Farmers have started to eat clover _-a- Iray, but it is very short and light, w'd Mre. Surerus and Mr. T. I'it" every poor crop in general. were united in the fonds of inatrimot; Miss Mary Ann Tem, of ,xrter, rs last Tuesdax. spending a kw days near the edit Monne- Last ltondnv night prof. Campltel°. steuI, ab the retidellee of \li `1'hoinas' the eelelrreted phrenologist, aa'wderl a TSttwt ran. prize for the nicest looking lady aril The annivc'r:snry held' at Zion Last the ugliest •looking gentleman in +ewe, j Monday in Mr. I;roeks grove, was a The Leidy winner was 3lies E. complete suete`s. Proet;eds go to the 1, and trio gentleman winner Nuns tht' Suntkoy selroo). im* a lois ositiotr, as the boys won't orrocpandeat for the Exeter Tinos A^: p pMee. Wm. Begslege of Exeter, who this place - do as he tells theta, has been visiting friends and relations The Zurich Public Schoolic.ni The members of the Centralia Metho- in. Cele -wile fora week, returned home held in Volland's grovel asst l riday,. was a grand success. At 12 o sloe;; the scholars formed into a procession and marched around the village, sins;• ing several school songs. The process. ion was headed by the principal, S. .i. Latta. The divisions was headed l y their respective teachers, Miss Dunn .l: Morrison. The procession reached the grove at 10 o'clock, andthernnrts were immediately commenced. When die. was called the sports ended for a time, and all sat clown to an et:eellent repast After dinner the sports were'resutnerl, and swinging was the order of the day with the ladies. The day was a very warm one, and a great amount of hater was drank. Sevenal from Exeter and Chiselhurst were present. The price takers were .as folio�vs RUNNING RACE —Boys under ".- Arthur Kibler, Christian Hauch, Ezra Dummart. Boys under 9.—Ed. Mortal, Sam. Becker., Louis Prang. Boys un- der 11 —J. Berstein, Lesley Williams, E. Moritz. Boys under 13,—S. Surer - us, W. Winn, W. Dunrmert.. Girls carder 7.—Nettie Demuth, V. Johnston M. Doan. Girls under 9—i atie Mer- ner, Rosa Surerus, Ida Well. Girls under 11—E. Hess, Clara Smith, Lille Well. Girls over 10—M. Zeiler, L. Strempher, Katie Zimmerman. JUUPINC.--Running.- Under 9.- 0. Hauch, F. Towel, A. Kibler. Un- der 11.—E. Mertz, M. Buchanan, J. Weber. Under 12—J. Kibler, S. Sur erns, W. Berstein. Over 11--T. Hap- pe), W. Hess, W. Dummert. Stand- ing.—Under 10.—W. Weber, 'Sft 10i.n, E. Holtzman, 5t t lin,; M. Buchanan, 5ft 6. Under i2.—A. Martz, Taft 2in, J. Kibler, Iift, • E. , Faust, 5ft 1Oin. Over 11—W. Dummert, 6ft gin, Alf. M.oritT., 7ft„3in, W. Berstein, Eft tin. Rennin.- hop -step and jump -M.. Bu- chanan, 2,0ft Sin, E. Holtzman, 19ft 4in, Ed. Moritz, 19ft 4in. Under 12. S. Surerus, 24ft 10in, A. Moritz, 23ft bin, J. Kibler, 23ft 3in. Over 11.— W. Durnmert, 1.W.'Dummert, 25ft 9in, W. Hess, 234 dist church lutencl having their annual straw -berry festival on Monday July 2Irtd and games of all sorts. on \\„'ednesday morning. Mader Nelson Woocl is home on his vacation from the 7letcville (led and Ou+' village blacksmith is en the look dmob school.. He is getting along well ant fora good uran,as he is getting more in his mode and manner of talking. work than he can attend to. Never i mind. Tom some one will show up after a while. Herb is getting to be quite a sports- man, as himself and Ike had a contest with the stone last week for the champ- ionship of Centralia. Herb came out second best. Mr. H. Mitchell is still talking of giving up the cheese business and act- ing as agent for the Brantford hinder. We wish hire success, but beware ” of the girls, Herb. Mr. J. W. Essery and W. S. Mohan intend leaving Centralia and going to Mooresville, to start a pump factory. We wish them success as they are both two enterprising young men. The Union. Sabbath School picnic, of Grand Bend circuit,held last wcek,was an enjoyable time for both old and young. 'Eight school were represented. The Boston Brass Sand furnished ex- cellent inusic. Swinging, boat riding and other amusements were inclulged in during the day. The weather was de- lightful. The Boston Brass Band are to fur- nish music for the tea meeting to be held at the Grand, bend on Monday next. A grand time is expected. Ar- rangements are bein;.made to furnish dinner „and tea, ice cream and straw- berries, d.*.c., to nearly one thousand people. ;!Everybody goes to Grand Bend for a days enjoyment Hibbert Catches. Mrs.113rown. of rz'olmerty, jy: at pres- ent serlenely ill. Biddulph Breezes. The late showers makes a decided improvement on the spring grain. Mr. Thomas Keef has returned from the State of Nebraska, where he has been spending a few weeks among his friends. He reports good prospects .of. crops. He had a good time generally. L.s ,Mr. and Mrs. 'Wellington Has- ket were driving to Liman on Wed- nesday last, their horse became `unman arable ands -an away, severely injuring Mrs. Haskett. A child but a few weeks old in her arms escaped unhurt, although thrown a considerable dis- tance from where the mother fell. The many friends of Mr. Thomas Dickens, of Biddulph, will be sorry to to hear of the death of his son, Percy. He tried on Saturday 23rd inst., of in- flaniation on the bowels. He was ;a general favorite.: He was a grand son of • Mr. Richard Hunter, "Usborne; He was bpried at the Exeter ,eeretry gn„ Mrs. Samuel Parkinson and Master Willie Rowelili'e have returned from 1.1othwill, were they Have been spend- ing a few days with Mrs. Chas. Brim- acornbe. Rev. B. Moir, of Woodham, will officiate in the Elimville pulpit next Sunday morning, and the young min- ister, lately appointed' to the circuit, in -the evening, Mr. Paul Madge lost two fine head of cattle last Sunday. Cause of death supposed tolie sunstroke. Mr. Wm. ;Martin also lost a line pig, supposed to have died from sunstroke. The Elimviile committee; of teas, is Sparing n0 time or pains to make the strawberry festival, which is to he held in. Mr. Thomas Andrews inagnafacient picnic grounds on the 2nd of July, a colossal success. Come one, conte An, old or young, with teeth or no teeth, you can all do ample justice to straw, heroics and cream, and you will find the i 1insville waiters very courteous and kind. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wm. Brock has been gradually failing for some time. Some time ago Mr. Brock's horses ran away and precipitated him into the ditch, the hob of the wagon wheel striking him on the head, from which iujuries he has been suffering. To make matters worse, Mr. David Parkinson led a heifer into Mr. Brock's yard the otl;erclay, ;tsnd she became furious ;peel and turned on Mr. Brock, knocking him down, and the heifer turned a complete summersault over hire Per ,a few ;moments Mr. Brock was in dangerous predicament,although he escaped without any broken bones. Last •SStt nday evening the Rev. J. E. #'-elides peached tin the r linavil,le, ,flontpue# Op :Editorial Rh) page.