HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-21, Page 74
The Princess or Wales.
The Princess of Wales is the moat popular
personage in Great Britain. So far .ae the
mutilation of royalty is concerned, it can be
truly said of her that her life is the most
valuable in the kingdom. So long as else
liven her popularity will be sufficient to keep
the cause of royalty well protected from
alar innovation. I have tried to obtain
ropm those who know the Princess of Wales
well the secret of her great.popularity, She
is not a brilliant woman, she has never writ
tam anything, and in conversation she never
impresses one with the idea of her baying
any particular originality or striking force
of e1..xaeter, In ordinary =lacy, wttbea't
the advantage of her position, she would,
make but little impression. She is exeeas•
ivelyladylike and refined. She has a meet
rearvollons beauty, which ehieay getleiata in
regular features, a fair complezic.,n and a
perfectly serene and placid expression.
The most remarkable feature of her good.
looks is the preservation of her youthful a -,
pearanee. .fn the broad glare of daylight
she looks today as young if not, younger
dumber eldest daughter. bier figure fa also
Aim and slight as that of a young girl. She
&ogee with exquisite taste and, appears to
enjoy general society very much. The
secret of her popular charm is said to be
this : She has the rare and wedelns facially
of im resaiag people who some in couteot
with her in the casual meeting of A general
reception or aab levee with her ,genuine ccrdi-
ality. .People who_ have been presented to
her and who have aaanply seen her bow slid
,mile, and perhaps have beard a half ticAen
world; of commonplace greeting, are the
ones who Are the meat wildly enthesi-
astic over her, per bearing before
the publie oonatitutes her chief chem.
Every one is led to believe that else is the.
most gracious And winning persohsgein, the
leingdon.. It is this outward aliegesttn
upon the part. of the Pri ieees of Wake of
brilliant gractousnesa that has captivated
and thoroughly charmed. the British pLIblio.
These who,know her best say that a more
xltireate acqusrinntance with ber doge not
bear cut the public eaatinueto. She is thor•
mighty resited, atccompiiehed and self.
poeseased, but is not interesting in a general
While 1 wee en the coutiaent last nwnth
I heard a:cumber of interesting stories; man.
cerniiag the early lite of the Priaa ees of
Wee. Tido ;stories are net laerticulariy
iasis, .and I do not propae to allude to thenar
except to give the exact' Warne of her father
before lie WAS called to the throne of Den-
mark, This prince lined in the most ob.
seure poverty for a number of years Be
had an ineoute of exactly ;1,:09 a year.
There were five children to be supported
and edueeted from this beggarly gum. Tito
young ladies of this houshoold learned to
cook, to Saw and to do all kinds of bon se
work. They were obliged to make their
own dremee for many yon. No members
of any family so obscurely placed bavo risen
to more brilliant positions then this Danish
family. The head of the family becatnothe
king of Denmark, His oldest son IIs, of
.ours*, tho crown prince of that county'..
Another son is the king of Greece. /die
three dauahtera are the Princess of Wales,
as the Duchess of
the 'czarina of Russia d
Cumberland.—[T. C. Crawford in New
York World.
The Cow -Bird,
Oar readers have probably heard of the
European Cuekoo, and Its, strange habit of
dropping its eggs in the nests of other birds -
They would perhaps, be Interested to know
that one of our native American birds has
the ewe peculiarity.
I refer to the Cow bird, (Molotrvs pecor-
isl whioh is found throughout the United
States, with the exception of the .Pacific
It. ie sometime:1 meta in liocks, often in
company with the red -winged black bird.
At other times l. t followa cattle, and this
is probably the origin of its name.
The cow -bird .does not ging, but makes a
chuckling sound, It is eight inches long,
and, with Spread wing,, eseesurce twelve•
inehes across. The male is glossy Meek, ex-
cept bead, neck and breestwhich arebrown.
The female is light brown. The egg§ are
light blue with brown streaks, and they are
usually dropped one at a time into the nests
of srnailsr birds, such as sparrows, etc, In
New- England they frequently cbooae the
meet of the bummer yellow bird,
The eggs are about the eerie size as diose
laid by the bird* that make the nests, and
are mere quickly hatched. When this oc-
curs, the mother bird leaves the nest to seek
food for the young intruder, end the • other
eggs, which are her own, are
left to erish.
Jf the cowbirds egg be left in ail empty
not, the tnekere generally abssndots it, and
build another, but if the neat already run.
lain.► egg, It is usually allowed to ream.
The yellow bird, however, le not to be so
outwitted. She pioke a hole in the strange
egg, leaves it in the neat, but halide a new
deur over it. She sCetirnes buries her own
eggs 'with tbet ut the cow -bird, and lays
others en the door above,
Sonlotiaies the cow -bird lays another egg.
en the upper desk as it were. In Haat case
the yellow bird betide a thid story to her
Bravo, little yellow bird.
Crises are carried by fade aonable ladies
a la Lady Tendo in the School for
" wonder el Mame has any friends—
Hie Wanner ;pewee.? slay
lin ratter We cbaeee to eiset,
t re"L
4ristsets;.rla.eorea !
,isast the caths ; Ise cannot idle
Attd4�raiy*.ewersa' otelday: "
Now OA* in a Aad alas et uiiseuaeeptiou.
It Is not Gr'taleli' dislieaitlan wbieb is at
fault, but bis liver. fie can't appear jolly
when he feels miserable. If he would take
Dr. Iriecee"a Golden Medical Aiecovery, fie
great liver, etousaah and bowel regieleter,
he would soon be the earn happy fellow aw
of old --agreeable to himself and the world
Governor Hill, of New York, sipped the
bill subatitutisg death by electricity for
Consumption Surcly Cured,
To ens twanroa z—Steeleinforns your raiders tint
I have a positive remedy ter the above named did.
ease. By its timely a.e theaaande of hopeless caeoe
have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to
scud two bottles of my remedy vane to any of your
readers who have Consumption It they will tents me
their Express and P. 0. Address. I:rope:40y, Its.
T. A. fir, ocuar,17 Yong, &t., Toronto, Ont.
Adulteration of 'MUk.
There is a statutory standard of milk in
New York and some other states. The New
York law provides for the confiscation and
dslstxnotlou of milk, if that fluid contains
"more than eighty-eight per cent of water
or other guide, or leas than twelve per cent
of milk solids which shall contain not leas
than three per cent of lat." Milk not up to
flhis standard is pronounced " adulterated."
This adulteration is produced .in two or moi c
ways. First, by removing a portion or all
of the cream, whioh is a direct fraud upon
the consumer's pocket by deprivinghim of
nourishment for which he has paid, and
upon his health if ho ie living upon a milk
diet of a given strength. A second mode of
adulteration is by the addition of water,
and with the water, of somo substance
to restore the color, and remove the "" sky
bine" appearance, as matte or rice flour.
chalk has gone into "innocuous desuetude."
The water adulteration is also a robbery of
the conslumer, and may bo the means of
cansinst sickness by the introduction of dis-
ease, germs. The source of water supply is
rarely regarded by those who mix this fluid
itfrth milk, and whatever contamination is
in the pump or well is sure to find a now
field of harmful operation among the milk
t The NSW York law is very rigidly enforc-
ed in New York oily, as milk venders often
find to their great detriment. No skim
milk is allowed to be sold, and the in-
spectors make frequent and unexpected
raide upon incoming milk trains, npon the
supplies of venders, and upon the carte of
distributors, and thousands of gallons of
condemned milk are annually turned into
the gutters. Examination of the customs
in regard to milk production, and the mar-
keting of the same, in the milk region from
which New York draws its chief supplies,
will show that the farmers are not amenable
to the charge of adulteration in either of the
methods above mentioned. The milk as
yielded by the cow is honestly sent to mar-
\ ket, and the adulteration occurs in the
thousands of potty shops from which the
poorer people draw their petty supplies.—
American Agriculturist.
For the Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
URE$ Nervous Prnstra ion,Nervaus Head.
''''''-r+cite,,Neuralgia,tlervousW eaknes;1,
$toatachand Liver Diseases, and all
agentiona of tiro'Kidneys.
Gxosex W. Bolrrob. STAVIN:MIr. COML./5M:'
"For two year silos aeeAffenrfrrpp.$itparwe de•
bitty, and I thank t 1od and the diuvtverer of
44lnabie rernodY that P.ss.n-e's t carni Conroe
aired Are. 1t is a valuable remedy. tow rasa;: 11
>tro J,et an7 orae ur40 to MO foradvice."'
*Immo Asnoree, Vnmsoa. Vr..aays;,
"X believe ibeem's CELEZr CosercvsD eave,l LI
l fe
ely traubie seethed to beast intents humor.
tesoi wed it 1 eneearerer wvrtli en intent* trans
"eve to bee!;' Tito eruptson is rari:ile Meltzer,
eredl atm Ave buasire4 lira; cont. better avers rs'
A. C, f!,e-r.1V[1tra JWEa JPxacaroH, Vs.. seyP:
Star two yesare past z have been owed sufferer
frons kidney and liver troubles. attended with Aye
Merl, and SonetiO.3tiOn. Scrim 1 began to taxa
{ YCosrrou,t s it seemed es thensa 0010J10e0
giC4ras9. 1iowIsstnsay119tA414flzflslite.
Moues 44Aaayr, STApx Crrr. Mite. oyes
WM 11,11. d Cgixtw sadl�eitfdie sepent ynamm
lacca flan Any MOT' medlcino X Um—Deux 154x50.
Iferuirst of teetiewelala lave been received fr001
!MOMS WUCttAINOsed tiny reuaedr with retnaksbie
b sent, Semi fereirea ar.
Price 41.00. 1SoldbtTe
WEt-1••S,RICHARDSON8 4C0., Proprietors
'Montreal. Quo,
flj of
teareteeh1P eaUi.ug wG eekly betwtween Mer ontreal
and Liverpool Saloon tiekete, Montreal to Llverpceooi,
849, $UJ. and toe. Returnt1Akete. 48140,0,499,4t4,,:40::41.2914.,
er- {
according to steamer and accomoda. !
mediate, g• Round trip tlgkete.
Round trip ticket,, tele. For further pp:articulere an
M aeoure !Mho.. apply to II. B. HURRAY, General
manager, I Custom house Square, Montreal, or to the
Local Agents In the dlffereotl •oasand Cities.
Will8harpen the Rae without reraoeiog it from the
Maebine Na farmer should send his machine into
the field witheUt one. Santee by mala, ;,Oe..
CIL HENT sC Co., Toronto.
Allan tine RoyalI ll. Iteamobip
ilingaing ary from ayseome50dapand Raise every ay epot, and
summer trout Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,
Wing at Londonderry to land mails and peewees*
for Scotland and I land; also from Balbinore, via
Ratite and at. Joann s, N. F, toLiverpool fortalghtty
during amexaer month* The ateaaaere of tbo Olen•
sow linea sail :daring winter to and from Halifax,
Portland. Boston mid Philadelpaaa, and during elm
mer between Glasgow audClontreal weeklyy,•, °L9.-30”
and and Oteeg.w and Pidladetpbls
t or freight, Passage, or other inloa atton apply m
R. Schumacher Co., Balidemee; S. Canard AS Co..
llallfax; Skeen,. Co,&.St. John's. N. Fel Wcmp•
eine Co.. St John, H. Ilk Allan & Co., i. TiwChfeego;
Lave & Alden. New Turk, 11- Reedier, Toronto;.
Aliens. Itae d Co., Quebec: Wm. Braakie, Phiisdel-
labia; 11. A. Alfen, I144,0,1100os?,'MSontreai.
Senator Chandler has introduced a bill In
the United States Senate to atnond the Re-
taliation Aot.
People who are sableat to had breath, teal coated
tongue, or say disorder of the Stomach, CAA M one,'.
be relieved by using Dr. Carson's ttamaoh lettere
lba old and tried remade. Ask yanr Dentist.
Crop reports from various parte of Mani-
toba are of an oacournging character.
Hos I Conon Cou guns in ono minute.
New York capitaliste are said to bo eon-
templating the purchase of some of the Cep*
Breton coal mines.
A Cure for Drteakenneas.
The"oplum habit, depeonanla, tho morphinebabit,
nervous prostration caused by the use of tobaeso,
wakefalnese, mental deproseton, softening of the
bride, eta, premature old age, lose of vltelity mead
by over-exertion of the brain, and toes et natural
strength from any cause whatever. Mon—young,
old or m!dd1e.aged—who aro broken down from any
oithoabove nausea, or any cause not mentioned above,
send your address and 10 Dents In stamps for Lnbon's
Treatise in book form, of Diaeasee of Mon. Books
sent soaiod and eeouro from observation. Addreae M.
V Limos 47 Welllniton street East, Toronto Ont.
Tho Fire Commissioners of Buffalo urge
the non•uee of natural gas, which they
think threatens destruction.
Wbenever your Stomach or Bowels gal out of on
der, causing Biliousness Dyapepela, or Indigestion,
Mt their attendant evils, lake at onao a done of Ds.
veraen•s Stomach Bitters. Bed family medlolne,
111 Druggists. 50 Dents.
Five of the fisheries cruisers ere now out
on duty.
CINEALrai HAM Beer2wmr restores grey and faded
hair to its natural Dolor and prevents foUtn¢ out.
A. P. 402
At Close Quarters.
Hunting wild animals is great sport—for
those ho like it ;; and the larger and fier-
cer the animal,the more enjoyable—to those
who enjoy it -is the excitement. But one
adventure like that described below by an
explorer of Afrioa would be likely to prove
enough for any but it! thoroughbred Nim -
Safe, Sure, and Painless.
What a world of meaning this statement
embodies, Just what you are looking for,
is it not Y Pntnarn'a Painless Corn Extract-
or—the great sure -pop corn cure—ants in
this way. 1t makes no sore spots; safe,
actsspeedily and with certainty; sure and
mildly, without inflaming, the parte ; pain-
lessly. Do not be imposed upon by imita-
tions or substitutes.
CANOES. Wig. E14GL16e. Peterboro. out.
A cablegram says that the relation between
France and Germany are reported to be
greatly strained, owing to all foreigners,.
without distinction, crossing the French
frontier, being required • to produce a pass
poli vised et the'IGermanEmbasay in Paris.
Por 9a1e-Illustrated deooriptive Cat•
alogue tree. B. Chamberlin, Toronto
FOSALL. SBU a week and expense
paid, Valuable outfit and particular;
tree. lP.O. VICSERV.Anaueta. Name
eu lin 1,l rosy Burl s,3, ;Neale. atoeat.frita
Isiantkeiln Dla. Calitorua"
Emma, Reeds,
a rummer
et cuter statue and 1'ra„tirCSA laver
to atteedauui. Write:sr D.'sreriptiTe Cir.ulerm.
'L11ek1, Illr,'wd0L'WI, CHAS. 11. BROOKS.
rros:dent. Sete er haulages.
NI VAliselbIi•WHO DIil44 HIS 1t'ttisout to
the barn to told tugs utast he toe mean to bur
A.i :4Iv" Patent Ali: Balder. which will islet ti
r4lQW.Wagents. Tent*
toy it Mt, Q. AIN a CM.
"World" Building, Torantb.
MONEY TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Kale.
No delay. Correspondence eollolted.
E.W.D. SUTLER, Financial Agt.,
Estabrislsed 1800. 72 !tiniest. . E., Toronto.
CUBED. without the knife. No
etre, no pay. Send etamp for
pamphlet. W. L. SMITH, M.D.,124 Queen E., Toronto.
Felt anal Gravel JvAuk oil
Estimates fiis en. Country work a speeimbty.
R. FELTON Famous rook ..Why i'riests
Should TEed.'- •M t remstrkaote bock of
e nineteenth lemurs. - Seems piaenomenal—lies
startled the world—Sella itself. Agents wanted—Act
qulekly—Ex,lurive territory given—Send 8140 for
temple copy. :melee territory wanted. Address A.
O. WATi011, WillareTraetDepository, Toronto, Ont,
Filtlest BURGLAR
PROOF Patent Nom.Geminating Doors
Toronto Safe Works.
CADTION 1—Farmers'wishing to avoid a
Lawnrit ars warned against buying or 'USING
an infringing bagholder manufactured in
Miidlesex, Ont. The genuine artiala is atamp-
•'ilhe Dandy," and " Patented 1887," as required
C.W.Antes & Co. World Building, Toronto.
JMMENSE STOCK of Machinery to select from.
Send for Lists.
II. W. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont.
Smcrrews—Moisture : intense itohing and tinging ;
most at night : worse by soratehing. If allowed to
continue tumors form, whioh often bleed and ulcer-
ate, becoming very sere. SVASNO's Orxrunxx stops
the itching and, bleeding, heals ulceration, and in
many cases removes the tumors. It is equally effica-
cious in oaring all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE &
SOFT Proprietors, Philadelphia. Sweine's Onlsamta
San be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 59
Dents. •
axes Company of Canada: •
Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents,
O. C. Ross, Chief Engineer. A. Faeesa, Seo'y-Treae,
Magniflcent Parallel Bibles.
OUR ,AGENTS Withrow'aPopular " B:fetory of
Canada, Cough's Platform Echoes," Dorchester's
""Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' 'Living, Words,'
"The Cottage Physician, MAKE MONEYbough's " Sunlight and
Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven, etc. Popu
lax Books !liberal TTerms I Write for circulars, tome
etc.,, to Wiw.lss Raises Publteher, Toronto.
H.WILLIAMS & 00.1to tR00FERS
RAN 0ParMAIMS ANO 0550818 PI
Roofing Felt, Staters' Felt. Deafening Sett,
CarpetPaper, Building Paper. Roofing Pitch,
Coal Tar, Lake (,ravel.
OMce.t 4 Adelaide St. East, Toronto.
L Hid.\ii P e!`i a:1
,,ear 1t
r pI4i„'.C, ea In h
7#e, w'11Pyb14C. v,.'.,hRS3 Al
le Bet'd5 7IA . DA d eP1. rtigltd a .t Co �' na igassals,.
- RST '� :
cies, end Bumble issue . /Ss, d
tor0atalogue. SAM=BBOO.90.,.
n fiAlott $t, Toronto.
Yate all the hist icapre veuaenta and are unequalled
far durability. gots and eenr•nienee. The 'Baffin
Barris* Snifflers oil them. ASI', raft VIVA asst
nor NO °TRES,
Young Men
SUr'rhiiuNfii from the oasts of eerie eve! haldtiethe
relish at Igneranze sad fall;', who tied themuieleed
creak. nertenss lei exhausted; ibto31u,:sas•Aoaaand
OLD XVI wall% tiro helm dolts tress the efie07 of
abuse or overeeanie and In alvaueed We feel the
ceeseq este of s ,..n siol exeesek read far and read
kook will beee t seeledise ato any athe ddress ans ae>Mntntp" et
Mee se. itmope. Address
M. V,',C RON. Wellingicn at. fi., Toronto. On
—Stamm Weimer Barrrsie—
Saloon Tickets, $40, 8,50. 800, Return, '$.80, 800,
Silo, Intermediate, 830 ; Steerage, RV. Apply to
H. E. MURRAY, Gen'L Manager,
1 Custom House Square. MONRTRAL.
Bicycles 1
11.2 CO
Second - Hand Bicycles
and Tricycles.
Send for List. Nevi Catalogue
ready in April.
.B._ T.
Works and Head Offices s
759 TO 763 YONGE ST.
( 208 Tonga Streit,
City Offices:{ 303 Queen St. West, TORONTO.
`T25 Queen St. East
100 Colborne Street Brantford, Ont.
4 John StroetNorth Hamilton. Ont.
ti'The Celebrated Han.
cock Inspirator.
trGrotYam's Automatic
Re.etarting Injeotor.
t2rlderrieon's Automatic
Sight Feed Lubricator.
£Engineers' & Plumb,
ere' Supplies of every
description. Send to;
76 & 77 Adelaide St. W.,
IT year trial.andewer
5,090 in use has paned
tine madt:no the beat; 4
sized.. Send for Circular,
Ira enter antyi �le��amitteciurer,
07� cram aM+
I :O. Bcx 045. Alontreal,1'
pA1LTIE$ risbice to perches* impreret Masttobs.
rano, from Seem' upwards, with hurevdieAS
pemeseien, call or write to G. i, $*r1.$O?I,la[e'
Arthus'$ Bleak, Kala it., Wianip•g. 'inforalmtles
(welshed free at ;herds, sad, rotifers owlet** la
gaakiN; eeletticei. ROM SO IRAN at cerroaat nates
i anemia,
proved Safes,
at pnces within the
reach of all. I can seePd
best manner, withCom.
binationLookand well
finished in every ra-
sped, for $40, on de-
livery at your station.
Send for circular. S. S.
KIMBALL, 677 Craig
St., P.O. Box 945,
Montreal, P. Q.
GAvEsi,SUL zh.ER�la�1S:
Atdl] PFiOVL IT TO 9'E
.O . GRERT STRENCs - 1 Givrit;
— .�--
Nervous Debility.
Dit. Q'Jn+AY'S Specific has been used forth,' pal
Afton ysare4 with groat ruccotee, lathe treatmcat of
Nervosa DsbiUty, and all dlsewo ailing tram are
canoe, oror•worked brain, less of vit?rlity, dreieg In
tba omni, palpitatloa,ete. For ase by all dragglsls.
Priya 01 per boat, or d boxes tar O. or will ba sent by
scall on sculpt of price, Pcaspbt t en application.
dt►not mean tlareir is
and then baronets
Alltolonia;stadf, I waxtxtxrmyremedite
tlrrii15 the worst cassa..tieeauso ethers have
sailedfsnoreasoafernotnewrecelvia SCsua.
BasaLatGuru tor atreadsaand aFuss soiaturf
of ILIX I.EFALGI13Lm Bl uabY. Give ISApite4N
auQ Oat Ualee. It eons you nothtun Xu.r as
, and, it will cure Toth Address
•H, 0, ROOT. 87 Toage 8t., Taroutol Qat.'
Tho Annual Meeting of this popular and properoas Cempauy was held at lie Road
Office, Waterloo, Ont,, an Wednesday, May 30th, 1888. Tho attendance was largo sad
representative, embraaing a number of prominent buelnena and professional men from a
diatence, with the usual quota of the [7ampauy'a General Agents, and leading business,
man of she town.
The Preeident, I, E. Bowman, Etc'„ M.P., having taken the chair, the Seeratery,
W. 11. Riddell, Esq,, read the notice coiling the meeting. The Minutes of thepreviona
Annual Meeting were, on motion, taken as read. The Ptesiaont then read the
Your Direotors, in .resenting to you their Eighteenth Annual Report, being for the
year endinv on tho Stet D camber, 1857, have much pleasure in stating that the business
of our Company has again been high:y satfafsotory.
The number of Policies ieaued, tho amount of assurance greeted, the income from,
premiums and interest, are all in axeess of any previous year, and the assets held in re-
serve for the security of poliay holders aro proportionately increased.
The following tabulated statement shows that the -steady progress made by the
ONTARRIO M>,xvaT, from year to year .since its organization as still felly maintained :
1885 1886
No. of Polioies issued
Amt. of Policies issued
No. of Policies informs
Amt, of Policies in force
Total cash income...
Total assets
Reserve held,
Death claims paid
Matured endowments paid.
1,355 1,817 2,181
$1,867.950,00 $2,565,750.00 6 2,716,041
• 6,381 7,488 8,605
65.259,361.71 69 774,543 38 $11,031,000.38
273,446 85 319,273.08 356,104.80
75061.87 800 480 83 1,089 448.27
695 601.36 802 107.24 1,004,e05.64
76,636 00 54 250.00 60,156 00
. , . , ..• . , , 1,001.00 ; 000.00 [ 3,150.00
.After the completion of the Auditors' statement the. Executive Co:nn:ittee carefully
examined and passed in detail the several securities specified in the general statement of
assets and -liabilities to the 31st December last and found the same correct, and also veri-
fied the balance of cash.
Our death rate, although somewhat in excess of the unusually low mortality of 1886,
is yet much below the expectation, and our ratio of expense to income has again been
Wo regret to have to report the death of one of our Directors, I. B. McQueston, Esq`,
M. A., late of Hamilton, whose place has been filled by the appointment of Francis la.
Bruce, Esq., of the firm of Messrs. John A. Brace & Co., of the same place.
The detailed statement prepared and duly certified to by your Auditors, is here-
with subinitted for your examination. Yon will be called on to elect four Directors in
the place of Robt. Melvin, Robt. Baird, Jas. Hope .and. C. M. Taylor, whose term of office
has expired, but who are eligible for re election.
On behalf of the Board, I. E. BOWMAN, President.
Having read the Auditors' report, the chairman referred to the thorough checking
and examination whioh had been made by the Executive Committee of tho Board of all
the securities held by the Company and the verification of the cash on hand and in the
Banks at the close of the financial year, and he was pleased to be in a position to state
that the various amounts invested in policyloans, in debentures and first mortgages were
found by them to be correctly sat forth in the Company's published statements. He
pointed out that the agency staff was perhaps never in a more efficient state than at the
present tims. as was shown by the fact that the issue of new policies during the first five
months of 1888 was considerably in excessof the same period of last year. He showed
that though this Company issued a larger number of policies for 1887 than any Company
doing business in Canada, the expenses in proportion to new business were leas than those
of any of the 6ompeting Companies, and while he gave the figures for the ieformation of
the members present, and whioh were taken from official reports, he deprecated the prate
tioe too common of late with many Companies, of making unfair, unjust and invidious
comparisons with rival institutions and publishing the same through the press in their
anneal reports. He thought eaoh Company should stand on its own merits without an.
attempt to disparage the standing of its neighbors. He had much pleasure in moving the
adoption of the various reports.
Several members spoke in support of the motion, congratulating the Directors, Officers
and Agents on the continued prosperity, the high financial standing, and growing popu-
larity of the Company, whioh they agreedin believing was destined to be at no very dis-
tant date the leading Life Assurance Company of Canada—a position it was pre-eminent-
ly fitted to occupy owing to its careful and energetic management, its principles of mu-
tuality and equity, . its payment of death losses immediately on the completion of the
claim papers, without any abatement or discount, —a practice which TRB ONTARIO
MUTUAL LIFE was the first to introduce in Canada, but the credit for which some of
rte rivals were now trying to rob it. This Company has no interests to serve apart from
those of its members, who get their assuranoe at net cost. It was maintained that too
much could not be said in favor of the liberal and equitable gash surrender and paid up
values guaranteed in plain figures under' the Company's seal on eaoh policy, thus enabling
members to know with certainty the value of their policies should unfortunate circum-
stances, which, often occur, necessitate their relinquishment.. Its policies, old and new,
were now without conditions in regard to travel, residence and occupation, and after the
lapse of two years indisputable on any grounds whatever.
Among the speakers were the Rev. Messrs. Morrow and Carson, and Messrs. Frank
Turner, C. E , Wm. Bell,3. B. Hughes, Geo. Lang, Charles, Packert, S. Burrows, E. M.
Sippreil, Wm. Hendry, the Company's Manager, and others. The retiring Directors
having(beeu re-eleoted, the Auditors re -appointed, byvote of the meeting, and the usual
votes of thanks passed, this most sucoessful and influential meeting was brought to a
Alter the adjournment the Directore met and re-elected I. E. Bowman, Esq., M. P.,
President, and 0. M. Taylor, Esq.,'Vice-president, for the ensuing year. •