HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-21, Page 5state t.
Lanlala Hae , Brash Railway
Northern Dime-ido
e•to t s Ne1RTni l x.?:--P:1ssh r.
4tention, depart, ..7.45 A.M. 125' P.N.
Le:ern Crossing•8.2d 5.20
°Elninlebol'e. $.34 5.28
thudralia. 8.'45 5.45
EX T1�,1 : .e.Sti 5.57
Mensal! . ..... 9.08 heft
eteppeeet 411 0.17
f.."ictal ou - ;t. Wil) 045
leautleelaat; 10 UJ 7.O.3
111vtit ...10.10 7.12
1lelg arc IU25 7 lj
W1 gletia,.e ire_ 10.45 7.45
theta; . OS: r ,.. Pas.seuge•-:.
Wileg'icatsi,de}cart. 7.05 A.m. :1.40 tem
Bel; roti ee• ..... 7.2 ,4 4.00
Myth 7.38 x.15
l.t'ei;sleds+aro' 7.47 4:25
Clinton_ . , . , . 8.117
1i. ippen $.3 t
114:1i 1n1- ,,,- ,. p 41
Centralia ...... 9.07
ellen leelaflye . ,.... 9.1 S
dueati-A'rOts'g , ... 0.24
l,ondon,arrit e1(.1 i
Strawberry Festival.
The annual strawberry festival, in
conlze etio:t with Cavell. Presbyterian
ellen+ of ibis 4•illzag'. will be held in
the irsteu)t>aht e;f the church on i.) edues-
day. dihl).', 276. All should be ill at-
teed:thee a4 Z. gteraiee titst-class time
is tespaa tett. E r e•ryl.otiy go.
what, Next?
Hensall Races.
.All should not forget the races at
iiensall, on. Monday July 2nd. They
are offering large prizes, and a first-
elate program is prepared. In the morn-
ing a grand baseball match will take
place, and in the evening a very inter-
eeting concert, under* the auspices of
the base -ball club, will be given. The
The newest• thing among tlirtatative Exeter Brass Band will be in attend -
young t cerise is a entail mirror about. once throughout the day. A good day's
• , , , with ••.. snort is in store for all who essence
the. size oil E -i 1 e ltt pies a 11 ith t1Lis
the; attraet the. ot any par L. 0. County Lodge.
Heider youtig nem on tate stmt 0r in - The Senei•hettilnal meeting of the
a crowd by :,la :1a±1: elazzliii ; fit:)1 With Can...y Orange rezxig. of ;feuds Huron,
Irl tiny beam of a:atnilight.; 'lin trieelt is was held in the orange ball, Clinton,''
Very sheets+e" a 11 !teas the ;Advantage; e eta Tuesday lsiet, The attendance was
' that, if ea. -dolly iteaale;i:;veal, it e et1 IA-' very fair. The resual routine° business
operated el ns -.}'ss rte 1'r' without anyone b;•- was transacted. It was decided not to
ing the wiser, ce :ae«ort the downier .analholedalio county celebration this year,
liar 1 ictiiu although it was first intended to hold
New Drink. one nt Seaforth. Lodges in this county
1 People are not bothering neu h tat; are now at liberty to go'wherever they
yet about suinintes tb ietke, but if .i, cosi ` please. The places most freely men -
4.45 want to !.row what k Ihe!ateeet pallet -
5.01 i ahle de>.oet=t►11, it ' is the milk -shade.
5.19 It is easy to make. ;lulls sharps eau be
5.19 Meade at- home, and with but small ex.
5.53 penst. 1•::.y a dime's worth of lemon
5.45 ssyerup xroot a druggist, put it in some
l.;lli milk, add some crushed or shaved ice,
tioned are Parkhill, London and I in-
catdinc The !majority: of lodges in
this district still go to Parkhill.
Brief Items.
-Warm weather
Tae holidaying season
Till soon
if yon
get an egg heater er and set it going. ria'; ronawence.
at minute you will have au fife a milk- --Wait for: 7leusail races
shade as can br. tea 1G.
�;-. Isocal notice inserted under; this Otalanda.'s Defender.a.
head at five cents per line each bleed - Ort M•eslay afternoon last. Capt.
ion. Andrea's, Lieut. Dickson nod Billings,
1, 7 1fio would ask our friends together the vnluuteers iu. l a prof:-
nn.l wagers to assist us in making this tics deist at the agricultural ;, ouncls.
evluni interesting in. contributing items The uioven.ent; of the seen was not
-:ll; changes for advertisements in
Tett: Aaat•cae.sen must he handed in be-
fore Tu:,elay swan, from this time for: -
ward. This rale will bee rigidly acing(
bei, .easel telt-erasers, will please takes no-
tice. No exenpL en'. will be made.
Local News..
tirst•c1a-;', neither could it hci cxpeetc•Li,
as :newly 111l :arca in .,.V reetaite. Ott Tues-
day mor#ting the g;lal'Lrt;eompany work
the train for' tratigrd,wl'ere they will
remain twelve (1,21.,, chilling five hum
eat1L day. We l;iicsv site Leouipetq.vsill
lionaorale!y ostelit tlteut:•eltes while
Tie'"- -... - L. oe Deter ACt, sdee site ,.
Clasgove 1 xtribiton 1 The 11. a. Mf titin.; c:f lliddu11111 Pis
Extent -don: . !)erect from tatter to ,tri4t Ledge, was held in the village rf
t!l€ s,,==Al y, l�irst Cabin, 1S. e"i�, return II Lueint on Thur.�elay Inst. The attend -
0 2. ill Stl1e rage at losses i'; stews ap- 4 Nvos temp, nu ong uho't preterit was the
111y to Carat. Hee. K"inp,l:ake and ovean f'iei)iu*y Matter, 1.. 1 k 4ly, of Clieateiey
.,t)eeitaaslaup 1'ic'f Life ln, uranw agent. ' acal tie. Collar Searttarv,W 4- 4 a.•, teiveree..t New lark :arid 1:ngl ;nd styles
'l"n14ti i4 Mal, $+"i: ter. of 1 v-teer. tio,v- r 1 hair-Ir1+u4t ejti('staou : 4114 novelties.
Tile Garden Party. were i,rfelielet i.: 3eere trie ivareting, annti- --At the conference of church of
The llare1en Party held ;at the Tri.•- fully eli..L ue,..e. a Tee I.,e.4et (herslee Ena .1:wd Sunday Selma( workers, held
est ,111•ntoritcl Rectory on wont slim. to heals al 11i,trittd/=t66Ati-trofier! on thy. :n (*Matte+ last week, Miss liynaauan,
t.' n
evening e► est rze•c • was as E ae<eic 4t Rtsf � �' .. • � •' '* '
t esq. The fancy work was solar at fait •:t Paladin 1. 'Thee day is onsiseu I, the relnunittCe.
prices, and the proeeedin s throughout , a,'�.'tlitt4 for evil iiaetnbera of the of 11. - --\ e- swish it distinctly understood
eras exeelleent. The proceeds amonnteel "I'd cvtln.e:. The aurarcyelufeylts s'il1 bet, thtit all natter intended for pubiicat•
to over a tltl. complete, for the 19th at Parkhill. inn mese reach this office not later than
rviaz- faiiie; Sermon. Editor' i Table. Wednesday morning, otherwise we are
Our thnaths are due lir. A ee, pew,.c•n etpellret to hold it over until the foI-
pule:ietter of Tore nttiefor a copy of .-Mr), lowing; week,
Potter o Texas)"",crier n copy of ..Mesh's - T11ei Exeter ..nvoc1TF bas passed
Story."' The•''e are exce•llen*, work,! of the first mile stone, and is now on the
fiction, and all haver, of such should a double for a i .Z011(1 ternm,and it descry -
procure a eery frena your book:ieller,or
elireeet from the publi-.iier
ant a days sport,
-For Field, flower and (lar -Jen
seeds, go to Samwell it Pickard's
-Mr. Arch McDonell, OfLraadOn,
spending a few; days in town.
-,,-Dominion Day will be celebrated
in tile town of Stratford in good style.
500 will be awarded in prizes.
.jnwell e4; Pickard has just re-
ceived a large variety of Wall Papers,
Ceiling Decorations, Window Shades
arc! Curtain Poles
---The 11anufartures Life Insurance
Company, Toronto, of which the Hoc.
Jou A. MACDONA1 is President
is the cheapest and best to insure with
!Sins.. Sanders, agent, , Dv-OeaTn office
De, sure and call on Samwell e;
Pickard and see their graand'•display of
Millinery, in'lud&ng the latest and
Of 1 k 1 l l conning 1 this J my sc t11 will fee lir lel eel this ♦ Llln n was appointed one ot
ISSL'1"�' 1)fl•'ii
X ca4.7 , of
On Sunday met, 91th inst., the
lneayalltea& of Exeter Lodge, Al 1e. and
A, M. will go in bandy to the Trivitt
Me•uiorial eleltre•h, where the 1tsar.
('anon l}.*.vias of London South, ea-
t/reed eteLlelaLin, will deliver a sermon
to the brttherll.
Chancery Sittings.
The telltlueery sittings for the eounty
of Huron will be stetd in the town of
t:odericti, on Monday,llee. 10th. Hishonor, JizJ e Ferguson, will pie s ilk
The autuut assizes will be held at tieed-
fer ieh on Tuesday October I6th. Judge
Fateonliri tet will 11reeide.
Saturday's Canada (?a:►•i'tn contains
the Order-in•Oouncil rescinding the
Order -in -Collura under which the Can-
ada Toners -twee Art canto into force
in the counties or Renfrew, Norfolk,
Simeoe, 1)ufferin, Huron, Brum., Halt-
on, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.
Another Gone.
We regret to announce the death of
another of Huron's old piercers. On
Sunday last, Rt bt. P tt h 1'
The July num:tier of 11 %cis+etas wilt peau- hrnthe•r :Ldvaeate clic res er.--zltitch-
taitl a sieiritaed story entitled "Thede+w- e p p
eve",:shfrh will strike a timely chord in x'11:#•lr• ,tire,::
. e . •... -. ®l • Tl Shaw, of or uta aper,
i tetToronto, , 1.
its eon -Mita). of the gross misrepresent, r
altions of Helerew people, eihbodie l in ed ietownon Saturday lash, for the
anonymous pamphlet that has reeeetly 1su1�11r1 ti of fulfflling.tries position of B.
hada wide circulation. The evils of 14. Ilillinge, dentist, who is ticking a
race niiteh goidei l e iucot be too seriously vat -Mien with :the volunteers at Strat
depreee !ted, and ;Meat credit is duo to ford for a oouple of weeks, and we -
the editor of 11•'oadta for mining see think Mr. S. will give the customers
roil )lv to the l;ront in defence of a and others every satisfaction.
es it. It has never failed to guard the
iittav".ti of Exeter, Advance its rights,
and give the citizens the news. Uo on,.
valuedianc�l intellectuel social element .--Me. Geo. Anderson and Thomas
a;;aittat the dishemest lt,,auite of pro- Ross left %Me village at 7 o'clock and
,jeulice and lntelletaiara, x).7:1 a yeitr. drove to 71r. 7�lii'nfiuld's, a distance of
Wouran ptll)li.shinti ea., New fork. tens t*iree, and placed 917 ft. of trough,
Poisoned Her:,elf. ill' on his barn,theth going to the house
On Saturday evening' about for of 11r. 0. :Millar, and placed 153 feet
o'clock a :qrs. Reardon,.who live, esu thereon, and they returned to Exeter
the pith concession of Ill 1Lhatdeetiso1L • by 6 o'clock. Who eau beat this.
ed herself. All day Saturday she was -While in Clinton oil `Tuesday, we
n as, o a eison,w o fee; ver: L•heetful although having a smile. had the pleasure of goiug through, the
on. London road,tp. of Tiand Issed from wlext downcast face done all her work. I' )herty Oreau Factory. The factory
this world to a brighter And bcetter 4)11e'y About 4 o'clock hip le:urs tI ova: of her i, at presraz employing a large number
being atthe ripe altl,ar� of la' wars!
young sons to go to \'►'n)edhaul to ro of hands. '.t'lle•com an is shipping
The relation and friends here' our , r ,,,, s 1 g ) 'company pP
cure a p ee:,e e'M of teen• 1 on pi'et`a ' Ol',,1rr5 to all parts of the world in enol
sympathy. i . ,,� 1
the boy o.ttaimed the: ranee and return. less numbers, which speaks , oft their
Fall Exhibition. ed home, after orrice!!. sial- milked ell supertermy oyer all others. The firm
The•annun'_.3"all Exhibition o.. the
Stephen and Usborne iirencii'• agrieul-
ure Society, will be held in this tillage
on Monday and Tuesday October let
and 2nd. The Exhibition this year, it.
is fully understood, will be hnoro at- .The young children noticing what si'.eh
tractive then aneeformer ono, and all Iliad Clone, at once; told the eldest bro-.
!nay look to the event as something ; teer-of •the set, and he set out and
ahead of all other •f:ell fairs held. found the father. '.i.'lis .father at Once
Debate. wanted to secure the services of the
According to the St. Marys !rapers, ]fir. but she: objected, but scanted to
3.teiv. Mr. Philips, 13.D., and Mr,. (xeot see her daughter. Ho at once went
Muir, editor of the tit Marys. Journal, for the daughter, aid also s, nur'ed Dr.
;Teel a debate in the to1sr_•.hall in that Irvin;, of Kirktou, who atonc•e repair -
town. The.debate grew out of an ed to the residence of the poisoner wo-
"open letter" addressed to Mr. -Philips, men, but bis services Was of no avail
through the columns of the Journal, in as the poison bad entered her system
which Mr. Philips is charged with crit- so much, that 1)e could. not save her
'izing the course -of that paper•,after the lift.. Tit: at once asked her the reason
Escott Act campaign in this and other of her dome such a rash tot, but ' she
roatnties.. Mr. Philips, like a great refused to•.tell, and no reason can be.
many others of the present day, was a assigned for it, as she and her husband
little previous in uttering words of con-
denitration, and declaring the Scott
.A.ut.a boon to the country. However,
we t*oink he met lirs.naetch,on this. ore
otise Gath.,
the cows,- and about ten o'clock, tits is composed of a "whole soul" lot of
eldest boy took the rows back to the fellows. We also had the pleasure of
Held; and in his abscuce,. the mother going through the •crand Union Hotel,..
took half cup of..o.ilk and mixed it and we must slay that it is one of the•
thick with the poison, and drank it. best hotels in the west. The Commer-
cial !louse of thitttown has changed
hands, and the neve proprietor is a very.
accornodating ono.
cxolhangesays:-the:•tune has•
surely arrived when peathmasters and
township councils should pay some ate
tendon to the formation ofpaths.at oue
side of all the leading roacls,for•the ac-
commodation of the public what walk.
if there is one thing,that.- gives the.
country roads a civilized look this••• is
certainly the one tiling; needful. To
-many fanners- who. never.: walk this:
doubtless seems an unnecessary tux
ury. But children have to walk to
school, and sometimes farmer's wives.
have to walk short • distances. The.
always lived a pt.:tweable life. She ex muddy or dusty road is. uo place • for
piled about 2 o'clock in the nightfoot passengers, and the. waste spaces
Stricken friends have, the sympathy of betw•eott the roadside and the fences
.all, in this their sac! hours of trial and could easily be fixed as toafford, come
aftlietioh.•, fortable ancbeasy ;v zalkxn4,
Xto+eta-eeXtoXen'•to- .
-•----Obi.l)F71 S -•PROMPTLY -ATTEN 1.111 a =- •1'O.
Ofle door north of i U .'s 01a teltetetuele
14.11Mrcx TO NOT 1I U .
Ate you tit+Atarbed at night:utct Molten er voien
jrest 1)y a each • child sulrcrinv runt envier erne
�jEip/ 'itIlip~f^• Boo"( e+liOt11{)fe11t41)1 11.4.1 Ii w'st`a)titI1 roA*11tu1,
3Y 1te i1 ii I ()Ljt1j\ I�Ptali)gffiegt3ilaR.iti'INALo�F's:0e?Ttit:iefYitt•!'
,FOitcn1t..MU TL.CTti N It r e
It i u« •s nluel4ine.lt nt
able.�itwittrellevetltelgorlltuesutrerer,iaet ae'•
;must ooh It " dl
His Last & Crowning Lifeork diate�v Depend upon Blgtiteta, tilers lett.*
suds. cures aetltcery ' 4111�t)-
- 5t . anti ` (:'elmplete "wnisLcol a aixenstli agrees re iu es�9,,fl Lne4ie
tReceltI3ookandHgaseholelP11vi.irian.or5ga�,icm1i ;meet AIt5111•`.saeeriar.asiuorpaca
the book for the !Million, cunt 111- titearII eut>:nnr•er>;t:Tzsr disp14 i 0tnt:otbgTW:ees
0t10 pages and sells for $2.2e 111 cloth hint: -1 is LitopreserlptionOfongoftiteolelestaxmih'•e,
Dr. Chi se's ".'find .:;a
feumlc nurses nml physte'innS in tl)e ties :• l
'estti0 norm Price ocantsaablotte. .,a•
ing and 82.50 in inhportuci oil cloth,
marble edge, and is justly by !tins called'
`"The Crowning Welsh of My Life,"
It is, the result of over half a century's
observation; study and exieurience. Yet
this endue:ilea no com )nation of his former
books. IT ISWli0LLY A NESV 1100K.
If 30 years ago he could preadutee a hook
that has had a sole of over fifteen hundred
thousand copies, and has made his name;
familiar in nearly every English-speaking
home in the United States, Canada. and
thousands of homes in Europe, Australia
and South .America, what LISA of t. look
weldor would he produce as his Crown-
ing Lite Wdrk, wITR .ISOits VIA'S T11z1tT1
YE4.ItS OP alipTIONAT. 1'R:tcTICE AND 8x-
rlettixihcce?., The book itself answers the
oatesticn, and is the most valuable pro -
titration in the history of book publishing.
is i i T I O KI r. Unscrupulous and pirating
a •
publishers :A•e• attehnptiii.i
to copy this book by taking portions of it
out*'and palming it off on the public as
thaoomplete work. We own the manu-
script, parohased from. Dr. Chase's heirs.
See that you that you get the GENUINE
book... See that•it has oLlr name on the
titles page and is copyrighted by us.
Agents Wanted: -. Big Terms:
F. 8. DICKERSON & Ca.,..
Allan %0fli ce, Detroit, Mich.. 1V indsor, Ont.
Published in both English and Clamart.
Ap26- 44w.
+! T1' '- S9
Caveats, :Re -issues and Treds-1il'arksrseecured
and all other patent causes in the Patent
Office and before the Courts promptly and
oarefuely. attended to.
Upon receipt of 'Mode: or Skciela of 'In-
vention,.r slake careful examination, and
advise as to patentability Tree of charge.
Fars MODERATE!, and make Ne charge
unless patent is' secured. Information,
advice and special relreutles sent cu s ppii
,T, Be;.,IaTT LL, liVash.ington, D,' O.
O;+t?ositp V. 8 m,11. 0 a.
.Amuse Yourself..
and friends, by
hunting out ram i .i .
iar feces in. the
view ofthe p r oce:.-
ston taken by
MMIT .dw" ems•
Sx10 Photographic; view ;e r •
72,5 cents. _Everybody should have t•a:}�
C12.31..1CALA ()N pt
X ), •
First -Class HIorses and !:figs.
Special Bates with Calmer-.
Orders left at BISSETT
Hardware Store, will receive.
pretnit attention.