HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-21, Page 4ENGLA., RD'S -ONION %%4 hurl d)wa.the an that Nti4y'd O'er ceanttess imos awl gas, That tor* thee -sand' years has Tor ived The battle zed the ',meg?? 730.11'WEI, IV. coward team ei,mayed, Disgra2e; that glorious name, -.74at sh the world. IA raMS corz-tycit"., lira never bring ehame. Nct of the he wlio have lb.td, And stained the den a-ntd waves,. Aad sit the eeattlred Eng.rei dead Wouldturn theme to %bele *lad Nelsouatill would leave the N For "Ragl*ad Immo ard AAA sigtle out thAt every tr.an Atlalti"S.hould do his dee4." "Aead, tees would jeer At our disgrav:, Napoleon's shade w.rahl tri W4; 9* this the ipzaetRnglarid ewe That Owned- te che toz47 nenid Iteithea despat a enrol &rid), Teorieh compaei'd he the '54.1.t., '71110111wis,TeloVillaralez y tteJ 4' '049l'oglialtutco, stand bevh to te,-1.• rOX Villa your fathers won; And oer our glorious raioa Sb.sn Ezever set the sum everyelhanon. every sea„ sull *hail be uoitirW; And stI or morale; gun *hall be A ealve squad the nail. Our childnualpreadinglihe the surge— ShaIll lalLstertbeir stress, trar-e; isimay and sewn *4,3 es The *RanalIst, crew. anitbAtilasra* Pr4I1=fln gr4..V.3 In thtsvioild'a tioal uraeL: ..7.03r our united Net shall wave. P.zxt•sa-..Inl."men M.45,50.55555...5.151551,1•55,505., The Exeter httuocat WX1.0LIAM SANDERS, KDIT011 AND PI'MANIII:4. On .11qff: I--Division court was held here on 5fonday,and two eases were disposd off. Judge Doyle presided. full assortment of T. D. King's celebrated Beats, Shoes and Slippers Samwell & Pickard's. —Mis-s 13alla Acheson, who hus been sifting friends in Ethel, returned home on Monday evennag. fine lot of English aud Scotch 'Tweeds for gents. suits. Perfect fit ; guaranteed at Samwell Pickard. —The 16th annual convention of the county of Huron Sabbath School convention v. --Its held on 'Tuesday Wed WedaeSday. Fon a borrower of this paper: If so, borrow it no more, but get one of Tour own. r Ltry cents.. pays , far it until the end of the --Leap ,yea,r is fast passing :max and yet the market In ..xeter is we 1 steesed with handsome and eliga,ble young bachelors. t'ause,girls,:sake up, I. get a shake on. —3Ir. MeDonell, who went to Sank St. Mario with a nundrer of lhor- SYS a short time ngo, return( ei ou.Nion- day evening lOgiing none the %rm., = f;e• Gr. triF, • -We referred to ratel'Et-It-ioone mut- tyittWvt k. We wztttt it; ;oe tinnier that thr" party refervAl le et eMn0;;ez,1/0-4t 041" a the mole sev,„ Com. ay Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company. ARTIES DESIRING TO INSURE IN TORII= and cheapest lasurawe Connelly in the Domielen, eau da so by nr.,plyte:_t personally, or by mail to the eueere;gend. Anonate....tions promptly atte-4ded to. A:so agent for the wcVegtoa Comapa.kv of thtph Also AI ONEFAI to the Cuunty of Huron. laissENONItleX, now - eve, 0..S7 4nrleb. Oat, Tr; IIKAAM, BILL IfEADS, MEDICATED ELECTRIC 4, .. ,. magazaspEi E I.:ragman= tredicated fox all diseases of the blood and ner- ',., Beli)olaniitsuatvenItIuTesp.neoLnseadici435reasi:i.weltits$4:ifeoftefeecomaleDineacom- ,,,• ELT S ::ilil;FiYi E. The gray apPliancos C U R E Ff'''; to giving a direct current, of klectricitY Iwit, titcliguealoratvsen' ieuCeea. 01%ril'arreselurciLfg4e4s3t .01 0o -towel% on 0 ma those cured of female dlieases, rams au bace. and laps. .aud 1,1 . hums. nervens tie ity, general debility, lumbago. raw ionatism, pagelyels, r.,eur,x-ig5z.,,;(10xi.e4i:, clisetWO of the hidneys,apinal disease. torpid, liver. gout, leueorrhcea,..eaterrh of the blatlaet ; sexual er,lunastienkserounit emissions, la-stile:m.1mm disease. dyspepsia, ceustipation ervip- ' elas. indigestion, impotence,. pile& epilepsy, dumb ague aud diabetes. Send stamp for handseneely illustrated bookend health Journal, Correspondence atrietly confidential, Con- , "., slated= and elertrteld treatment free. Agents treated everywhere. Pat, Vela.gtth,1887e , Medicated Electric Belt CZutr5e564Q1CuuctrnanStte.°Wdest, TOrOtit.01 Canada, A Positiv=,7, Ovro. LETTER itEADs, C01.1...),ZTE.R PADS, IUtINfl 1UN1 CARDS, ClitelYL.V4S. ••• • • •iutn THIS.? . wiTIRDAX, JUNE 21st, 1880 . —On our page to day '411 1.,e found a striking tow), instructive illus- tration of the comparative worth of * the serious hindi, of baking pokulors now in the ronritet Li Our stv.i.; rulultiulgr `11*,, --t.-11 co, r -tine, of all '77 i7;;;;_:::;17. the lea4ing; grades Of Plain aml Fancy raltd and tut- nged irCirds and r is most complete. gf.t Fice3 at Wit Emperor Frederick's hervieF battle Wo. -"7, Sir Riehard (*albs right I'leas`' t. rri 1 k DvocArrF " with death is ore'. It resulted tr• mil- maw =ober 1,1110 rum sr., vie it Main .., .5414, - Exeter lion& on. loillion$ of siolir 144111`"' might Itme.t Canadian have resulted before, tool 'o 41"'kr !mad gill 11;0er than it is. IllkatI Illilliull will result hereaftt-r 1 Emperors sucf-lanab to the Great 1)0- troyerjust as eertamly as do the. lium-1 blot subjects, But the world %1-1111 a:t. Ott Mr. IWsert mire theltereisnt a the mouarela who ; yea:, nii,d 8 Mouth.; - 1143 gone over to tle-great Z1.337e3+V- •••••••=1.0.41••••••••••1.1.1....... 'AT; the natio= will arknewlav that Y.S01.111. with the grip ofdeatiz IVOR; mud ,! -- with net prospect for at et:dinned, leatpat of life, lte.condnetedi hinrelf in a Matt' Waft' tlf h'"irge hartio,-aro uer worthy of a hi% Ile was wen be I itterelnuta a cat, loved by his people, turd he doivrvil —11,1 s;.,11,0,,en1r itoth t Cpita; ula $21,0U0,0 their affections and ;admiration. tkr uife of John 510-r, q111,7,%4N. t1V• 17th fumy TflOUVLtS the loss of an etnicier 11 tLe mr. uti, whoendear'h ed iman self to the unt-,,,c of a damilter lieit d most relirdoip r ire • wave Companies in tho world. 3,1 till). tAt . Mr1 Couiuien1ai rnion Asmra Company ot R AT Ult A I N. el of thehod, ,people. C'Vell Mere than his 3141.11101,y, MA 1 WI n t ialitriOPS. father, From Canaliaot throe ife Yr. Wta, Ye,1,,mtp?c, hearts the; death of the Emperor et e -'91t- ADVOCATE OFFICE, EXETER. Germany brings out unusual sylarathy because of the fact that his bowie w —now his bereaved widow—is tilt" AA - est daughter of the British Queen. empress had inherited iu marla I de. gee the,excellent qualities of her -it- er,Vietoria the Goad. he hs Aquu grand devotion of her afflicted inr.l=and.. ma will, mourn his loss even as Victor- itt Inourned the death of Albert. The death of the emperor will pi.eit-; ably make little if any change in the Eumpeau situation. It has long been expected and discounted, and it is not ; likply that thethe new emperior wiiiittnake ; much tlionge in Portnan program. ' It has, been said that the young' eloper.810W 14111:141-1r6t's)..---a="rn== ior is a a, warrior, and anxious to dis- tinguisb.ltimself ,in the field, as 1i..1 rEARItandrawas:co.)...,..17,LaxtI , -father and,gmndfather had done. int, Vim opinions of a young man, in the Glina.s. first Hush of manhood, and without ova of responsIbillty, undergo %vendor- 41„changcs when he finds himself at the head of a great .nation, „while he must guide to continued prosperity or toruin. Complication may arise which may make it necessary for Gernnot.y to again take,the field; but it is not at all likely that Germany, under the new emperior, will be any more anxious for wag -glory pm bloodshed than she has been at Any tittle since the Franco Pru- ssjan. war. Conscienceless correspond- entsthaye sent.abrgtacl many wonderful stories about the, bloodthirstiness, of the new emperor; but. itis likely that, when the young man cornea to speak for himseltit,will be found that he is a wpm for peace an d progress. - COMPARATIVE WORTH OF BAKING POWDERS: noYAL mmuttArritro-ezza=zstzzzazissolemmas GRANT.s. ik.„d.14,..istamesza mtpona,s, 'when rrestu. DANFORD'S, 'when van— R.1011111,103 . CHAIM micturoweer) 7tZON(mem rovaiermM.nt4;;;,n' CLEYELL,NDlisaortwtiozanarTZ=.....'"ninilla - PLO`SElat tgatirrandocro.,,,C=„'n,==i2SZM! "e. otak . 1 ots NiAlittkefretteeee a.* Aditioual Locals. & Pickards are' now showing the latest stiles, in gentS , felt l‘ts. —Mits Xennie:Leathorn and Miss 7U,ung, of Detroit, Mich., are et: pros- tAt tho.,:guests John, Leatlic.r.1 ofttl,t1s ; A,SIYIU:NTS BULK filawder 2.M.T.FOILD'S,whennotfreslint tenst.'4Wtte.....-tert,; Lte0.‘'Re";11.1"4"Nr-711. t-;1671 REPORTS OF. GOVT OILEMI§TS As to Purity and Wholesomeness of the Royal raking Powder: tc I have tested a zackage of Royal Baking Powder, which I purchased in Ms open market, and find I composed of pure and Nvholesome ingredients. Itis a cream of tartar powder of ahigh degree, of merit, and does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substances D. G. Loy's, Ph.D.". "It is tiselentide fact that the RoyalBaking Powder is nbsolutely pure. "IL A. ;MOTT, Ph.D." have examined a package of Royal Baldng Powder, purchased by myself in • thelnarket. I find it entirely free from alum, terra alba, or any other !nimbus sub- atanee. 1uinz 110aToN, Ph.D., President of Stevens Institute of Technology." "'have analysed a package of Royal Raking Powder. The materials of which it is conaposedarepure and wholesome.- S. DANA. liaxaS, State Assayer, Mass." The Royal Baking Powder received the highest award over all competitors at the Vienna World's Exposition, 1878; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1876; at the American Institute, New York, and at State Pairs throughout the country. No other article of human food has ever received such high, emphatic, and uni- versal endorsement from eminent chemists, physicians scientists and. Boards of Health alt over the world. Nort--The above Dxiene.11 illustraterthe comparative worth ef, various Baking Powders, as shotya by Chemical Analysis and experiments made by Prof. Schedler. A pound can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume in each can calculated, the result being as indicated. This practical test for worth by Prof. Schedler only proves what every observant conmuner of the ROyal Baking Powder knows by practical experience, that, while itcosts a few cents per pound - snore than ordinaay kinds, it is far more economical, and, besides, affords the advant- age of bettor work. A single trial of the Royal Baking Powder will convince any fair minded person of these facts. ht * While the diagram shows some of the alum powdere to be of a higher degree . of strength than other powddrs ranked below them, it is not to be taken as indicat- ing that they have any value, All alum powders, no matter how high their strength, ante be ay,oided as dangereae • "r• FA4,3173 INT°. e. i CIhra:Thqf :''.410:41Wili 474 inf .Y.tliilVer'ettO0a t4it.evtiot F0004cs.dorara fr,Pat e of .1t741, in NO. r4 t1;,,,,ll,Wit entmeg,r4fro,m4. trai7;-; SYlinenesvir, vp;witt,h lrn, •-.41a...;:..r On, V6xtgizew4,1,11,t eft rprztaft, ibr,f124/hi ficf,*`. ftmats CcAlgt,17, ront,cn;atiet_,,t glesire .1er ,-;•aixitio, /4,511es-sons ant twainV.ry ecvc,;41.05 n 11P4i3tiOtibr 40VrAr.-40e* 0/14ffil.ElAin Writ% eoCti,47.t.v„ 1,4354 oai ulpirre sver- roft,f(13•ta,. 4-1,1oN aba ern,t-1.t. rnrtoleseess.e.nepe... leapt". iitautrition, eita,,Iviat.sf* harverm's, ';:-n 4tb4 War. las&nrio fevlion,• eaven"ei.oee. egnig'1414314 c127;,, int/Vim a *hie iterritato 1,7f""1,rfd, 7,10 %if^ I al -00)/41,41g. if.sf Wr53;m1. NV**4;in'"v4'.'30;s r:7".514,,-"'". a.^,r=7 t:! -M, Oltir WEE. Litieinklet1144 411+4,i 47413,:tri }tAt.5 ;/.1 ;fit 5rtat VI/ladEN, ct vaSte,t Lve* utiett e"r r171,-^ 1, t f,t` varVt..{V,. ilc,4751 n: it,Raw,ittrTerat or tree ortirag% duties cf IK,teaufe.;;;?,, r. rt "Mo. VCDre tbe vt„Petts ct envIF vie,"71„ to r re erg.:;;...n••• * u1.4 yon tatil vi;gor cal rrrenntlia. 11'xaa ars 115: !,11ny cu 1..rt,. givaat, olar indi.r,revoc, elle of fga,cearev 11.N Cln ',I VD C"' 1 7, rlfit4ntv5; far „M. V. I.11'1,ve-5; er=311i,s, 14c -f,1%-;$ e +.,•1 e euro tram el,Fozvati,:n, 44,-.0.rr•=;:s r411erza,..s:rn,r.fr..uatc,t , '. 7t,Woro8ite,2 a Mae fahatlil tt-atir.J.31;;;te One ke..5's eaT:141;t., 6E41, 'lil1gii. ;TM ZILVER•PLATED INSTRUMENT' The Grellostnistoverior thew. Price $3. CATARRH IMPOSSIPLE, UNDER In INFLUENCE %WI flaY Catarrill rcalfilF eve: f? The ;:eake i 41a7,-4 t4aI; %mem. figiarallfea Criell she* cad* iG5414:41e5t, W. T. EVA Co,. 1:51aPera iitrect wcw., Toro:a:0, tnn. E WUIAT EYE AND LUND RESTORER AeUnklo atagatedlelne gwu cliputliq taiga or powder La% Dula Selfrgenera. tug:Nap:ire, (way usdploa:4eutly mill all at nU Num tit-flint:owl places. Aetna No. 2.---guieltly relleveg out tacrouuhly cured all Threat caul Lang Aiwa:tn. Acta NO. oitivey cureo all %Ilse:lava et ego Es% Catarart Gran clatekt Eye nlIdg, Intlatoca, Ey C3, near awl far eiuhteantca Tee Err. trar.rr8eWet5Xt1.0.!Lls TKO AtIrro. sa 04.1) rtiArn oreuntrrr.1 arAnalerrr: o 15 PAV3 Tur.va. Beeler.) =imp for Das homely illastratel beet: end health loareal. W. T. If Iat.4 CO.. E1.3 queen Street Wcat, Taranto, On t L ra DO 7.3 LifrtE`) Rigs and Horses First -CittSs. left at the Ilawksbaw iIonsc or at the stalde -will he prong to, TEMIS: 411,\,1a4-; Furniture. and Undertaking. --GO TO and Andra Bed ,ro am and Parler .ilites, Sideboards and Entension Tables, r....ptarkstttis wad1..1E wiry- Largest warerooms in town. . .. . UNDERTAKING outside of the under- takers' ring, in all its branches. Open day and night. STAND: one door north of ;Olson's h atilt Ilain.strcat, - Exeter. "*101' of t• 43, ,a,114 ;La COLLEGE. u Nees. 11 Business Branches,. !short- hand Type -writing and Telegraphy. The Principal holds a Certificate with honors in Book. keeping. TN.g-e-tograpirr, Telegraphy or Type Writing 1.1 -re with Book, kcepiug course. TIIE, OLDEST AND BES? Diploma from Western Fair for Plain , and Fancy 'Writing. BUSY:peas conductOn latest improved.. plans with printed forms. A ...J. ,CADMAN9 Box .100 1.)1113g 01 PA It. cOf 73, T4CL1-01 " et, ri:.11.'1 Permanent positions guaranteed wi th Salary and Expenses 1"taiaL riny determined man can succeed with us. Peculiar advantages to beginners. Stock Complete, including many; fast selling specialties. Outfit free.• Ad- dress at once. (Nellie this peper.) ' UAW Vir.NB1tOTi. 1{1;;; ' .1."t rseym on, 1.1,Q011-a-rr,a, i. Y A p G