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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-21, Page 1
VOL 1 !,sons Bank. (CHApTEprp p9' PARLIAMENT,1855.) a':0,31 74e6 Cap t,ll s.?'2,000,000 end._ .,..,..,.. 8;5,090 ()gem the Palle 4 Pea Cin':, Ieeree.- =>rPi; z Aezenei fee money ell DEPOSIT RECEIPTS, h! :4, -EXE E ONT.. THURSDAY St r fI., 1888. wheat a. good start, Spring grains Usbome h and meadows are growiea gas if by lnalic. The busy wheel goes z•oulicl. While Mr. Flavain Bachioud was I Tea. meetings are all the go. seeking ;ens his cattle between.tenn the lake Mrs, Geo: HLulflratt has .s eism and the la t'r,eartiness a fro lain , e.i from. visiting ;ter sistel',at lee( he night being elogcly and wet aed 'Welcome bate:, Thefcullowieg coahaulittcls 177.;:0 poitere d:—Nerainutin - tom ,S `.�:1 Keer. il;;Qa:arrie, Rests. tin i;; ,.c;9; h 3►Iartir}; lila iness tout„ Me" °•r. . turn -1" t linrl:e•'- l€ue:tons, 'i edfe3rd, ee cl Il stsl J, '73. tiIlefp.�a1« and 0. 1: Saaiitaee ielutioan coals,, Messrs- J[#oe% f of re„ • M •"'e Ste d Re slob: the pat e f Bret dense, nae7Iar711eretA Marine., .. t a .>or➢, an Rev. t , lett Jen ate an Cooper er anad sisters of Ir ;it; P;:e F . I ;a IL hi e$: , �c4t a1 BO li� i3 $tE msuips. l'ahout' until the /areal; of day, wahela Ire , Harts. - Sika nrin, .. er the Itaa rrc For Moiety 1.1 P l 1LRiIAAills' Mete the „seat f ll, Jas, "-Ti 1 ." pt�t & Quebec. Service.. �:ri la(I>vh¢aQ1af�,,xa•.. �p la aesTro front IiFtrz&,nlaslast�nnalclalr. bells to " ---.c nfla„ 9 Y• 0 �tltis'Plaice for over thirty years. Mr. 'rhea= Shutes well knownannti introduced by 1l). 17. \'c'iiieon, eme 41e� ]late Q# inn Bank Dei)air ment,1- "fivern, Bata,hn gad has b,.t resident ntr a£, T t } ie u R stclaaal at :s1t1:9:Cr Caning at Dern Q z ely Ile -opened.) 'j !' feather natticelere apply a M 1s¢r1•r , beautiful feel sired 11 Rover. Mr. ; trill jee�. lie on the'programe, prY•S➢tirl'ee s alis Main Street, �' gl'ter, + t"'�•non>t � celebrated tweed ware, gave birth to :: ; lleavenln slits( lea.:. Tine far;ltsilk" 1~ I E HOU tt ; , Tiverstlay, May 24 'POLY -NISI rt la.><.Y* June p 1u o a 7 Ql gravel t•1 fF7 F? While the government wend thous- `.fine' work of the (bill et re c4•: GII'C I' '4I I` 'plaice4lox, the read tlrla week. antis of dollars to the K pley:w lt, of ,M gueer-3 ail tile; work +af Y1' a 4« eta : hauds to work their :trade! farm. The ; eelaatll. Every oil:ter earl t• eels Llimvilic>model farm i$ worked, by olio k should have his own epees«al wore. • tau, and the e-rospeets aro bright< for 'Fall %o1'k in harmony wit:3 e tc1; r• •r feed crop. Anti nretlrceclietell ', way Budget. .,t „ . L. to p. nt, Saturdays, 1.0 ti'1,RIPINto Tllursdti " 7 P. «� '`.. xr air t4 .i. »1.• A. C. IIENOV A ', S 11w1I ATIA :. , .. , Thureday Rc 21 Mes=es. Charles, John and NI, "teter, Jan, ;'y, '88. alanagt'r. PARISIAN , . » » , . • . ,'R " 8 Eagleson have improved the appeal• POLYNESIAN .. , ...Frid 1 , Jilty 0 of their Mans h buildteg law b (c��� yv t ,t SARDINIAN . . •Tbursdi►yc " »�' fence:: y o brei i ,i1'#{ 1 L �, e fns �f..� �liiti+i,. , ....'. ''rlf1 y, f4 °O u" w , , , •- "t �� P •• t.:� TI7 altlau«tl (dense taf Grace cituts lll There ,rag tt , px >aelf.nn tnl i47e EPat, Our wart:twig orders are glitriPtslte,l evi�ry l Illtrstl,ly tneaalarl„ • • • 1'�'� �T ,, -Thursday, ,, o Sallllntll it"hoot wlie held on I3tlI the `silica ;itetllotl a •, the �ror•Id antcl eitcla tltc P lvI 1l*I 1 Aug. t ehrir Il sal l ta,laclayI' a• �t, Shute , - +l hilt has now r9r his - 7' , p.� :. p It �',.9 .. o (71'1 or , n there hes 3 E :. eget p that W.._ t .t h, t i t1 !x4 1 1� a gait of the tirae� foals in the awl}t�•, the proper rules trf ciisl°ig-liner. 43C the Olio, t t k ..: , , OI � Ins ;1 1� ehiltlleIi1 1)0(11. young mid old. had a l,1 I tame] d ever}t elraturf'. *' Exeter, Ont. 'xf;i aiSf1l, ii t NCI1111 1'1f7;i; 1t nu oI..3,iar -' oar 4i ttiid i_ry odeaTwe; er.se 1t cote:* 1arN1, Adverl6,au fates an. Apeliettlien. Kee ere .- :LIFT rt..• , talnil:4tl aVr,•"1raT(.4 drPs rtes°i. ,'ccsla,ri 1.4+1 Veru „t ;n91F,n e}inr ta.9a+, oil/ in, Aari1? 19-33 t, s d 7 ,1 Cn'i 4 1 Y7t':u•n}et 4':. B.t91 i1 -:yew , t'^ fie dr r 9r -+ :t It 4 ee eenrt'*4 iar4, sa44 • : rr i ,i 4•ferif. 1 err I ~r i, ti rq, t +14 alt 7 tiT- • irer7.01. q44 t tee e?r.:. ee.i¢ ;8 rlto oft r+t4➢ at : iente teary 3 Q :➢-i€f rr°ate> ar"Y . 'G . 11.+r ▪ ;.'4 fl)4 cep, 6.➢� »ar,., 4 ° etc., ti, r‘r 64 a .. t�3u ;,j tan i1'13.I.LUI F�`AN11 l;i 1s 1.r'4•d+r C1T+ii VII ii 'ft," ,),1311"C.Yii rips".17 a , aesa^9 ; V. 4 `;14 r, .1, ;lay. V } , 1t•,:.5a1�4 ^a, $tag a:a,i�r . 1]711,1 Fin, Re J R.r'i➢+".tt➢, r,a• ▪ a,; t49a . ➢9r+, as „111 }. 191. 31%.„,,,.444 4•+s.a C , Y. 'r : t 4 �. /r,, 9' t ri- 5 l r '. } 141 apt 1a r I ▪ 4 p eta• reCe r C,tt,t1 :y t, pr.ei a'4 egret• ,.0 r1.4164;rao.:C�1+i'n,s•rla.o'Sita,iYtt�r 1'sa . }ru1,a i rA t;to t ai1'at . Ii9,R. W. M. Karl:lr, met. lC1i,1-h • ti t{. C.{ Wr} 4 �t,e 11 /it 1,T 1r:,t,t +,:IVmI ,4,7. ,, J9 4 -'14 +4•tl. 4, ureal 1411.4*14,,.4t 1'47 N Iatr,ir,Y i d, S 4(,:(411. nnff..t looming, 7'wl`� ` axalltl , '1ttA`7 to have 'pre;te',i". d, but for �itlilte tar➢1;;1➢o1srY 5.�1~QIP"I,�:4,.,...Tllulrsilav, 'c• If iralidtdtaue. The xsitlrin is asIlea s , ' CIRC A.:ASIA ....... , Ftitlit cc M Mr: Robert English and bride re, , reasarnthetlbd not put In Mn appe: ,rame is to egettrod hinns,,,x, t r ealev,ot a t 0 °turnedhome :z s•F ' - q` w• . n7711Pca Ft f? 't the rtttt"4. 101:, .r➢6t i S."IItM;3TI�� .....Tilurt?day, ct - .tat➢➢ from t.,elr _dtl. n • tour, Pryer n➢ ettn„ wee held ill the event. i t : .r,6 1l I, tt , . ,. r Ivc'1 T :i.- itc9lt777, 4.r1o, 4�ii�i €4'U(1 --117f.', r; J. 1i . ��' ll [7}A'ia house. t'. row p •5 *', • ro C . " ar s. '''',3r Is Lith �. llti f AUD m+ Exeter, 0 l i.➢4+� ♦77E!4 -4a4 around a ,74 t tall#4:, to location orVo14t ora. a x,. a . f, • tune -:a3 • (192 .l ¢➢R• Ea'r2ll „- .' 1'iessr~, Jt 1, Ilsort 37Bc11S W. C"Teri 111ai ➢ v,cirlity, during the �, 4•e a. [t t ural �'(af1 •d,r �l 1Q, llt�txrlat't14�1'It` � •' , �' R , EI .• •' >r>z r " , . ,_:. -� , .: ,-. • ,, s L l u ' started for Stretford last, elertIe 111E �,: ("Tet Do. few ;lave Mum that r. \ti tech r3..1" l t t,➢,,,, tl,tr 1. nc,r L..S ,1 itti h'ilr°ol I _lldertller' or Glasgtcv , . p t I r ,9 , , �. ¢ , A I'• , r. qn ,e . " � "!;) +..a "e ;� i�•1`•., ,.R..�.u17aG ,Rsll,ti,. ,I.�t :I:: »,'�^�Yl,e •1 . • Fr T � ttx� fi,,,�r,etif >x4i plm:� 11111 X.t, a.r Ir,,,,.I;al :Il¢t (1+1..•113 t0l➢tl➢t,ili ca4 p:Isttar�r far l,ter :•t,- .,� i;g, , ;,,,tuut1,.IiQ. .-teilawH 1t lQn ,t .,➢ ... . rra, a a, kli:,wll•1n➢7¢: At1 #ld� ....sisa. S4F' 1.1#PS. c� di.A:B,.f. u. + 44V11111p+47Bt1L1�irllBlA�r.la ,..17A7`B�fl➢#Q:lFI.V134U t, d.RA they leek F.47mer:betr ___,t+ua` a,„ ..4_, e.:44`rt a'li..t „s,,qi fr(arrt lilt➢C�rtill l'1"s?lTi7St, ii0.➢4'4?A1s�44A:Ia,The ^ Leetl011 ast F ft':;3Bft'-dt'lli'Q`, f➢I` the �'lle.." " Ri .r "... LP t atQ int Y 1 fll.p , ine,oeti4eia:etn 1 a,T . talon at Liverpeel rave. LIAly" :+ln: I$° l'!ta'a «S3a Q➢1 a;4�il rata l°rd4i J�` TtBz i6.B"l. ,lie„•It4,➢sed t 4 ,,. lay t in aa�aan�=.l alre.wiF,.,� baso&,, in repair. ' a rtrt . ,.• ;a ra I ow • i,J, 4,9�^ F1V1R.4.Ft4%Ir'i 4Sa,tl t'zF • 8 in tile United States, titer -have rented 'Ie `� - IIIA'•r 3 'i1 eads'sr. and stiff, of sc^ roar, zt n s; 11 tet go home, bring out 'friends or I° eat=:' Men. I.77»17 a4*i r t'f R:Ar--*;iite tls;at 44-6, Z-4 • ire bythe .. ll:ut Line. For further t particulars apply to he only tutthorized agent for Exeter. "trim'red 'telex; tt; a 1195"9a.d»;-4 kit With One, 'IP R `i l4d9'41 11'4411 ^r flit" F"•1s le elfllltee Cede tl1P. ,., ,-330."0l.ic J10; . r , ,< , •eat 410lie 0.: rR.L � �� et',, �•r t°A:all, Irf,ii"ku B,i9 lrrit\6•;•74 itt•+ t►B4t":'�a (UM 0(11101; ;Il:' .1.411 .1.,,,,, �'r.1t�0'?bu'15'+1?, 4•" ,' ;,a', r I• a.. ,a i i 1+, iii.; ` ;9'4/ i4t elrt'8tne'. (lac, 1;;4(114', '(1114'91 (1144 Iknnife',11i141t,5'SI,-' (*t= (➢nl tee.- map. 10'+11.•, S::,.144�i;—,l,1* ,�t • .. .74401';',C :Y t; ti], thaw, at1* ugly erred• Ire;in ° him *114 fa :1 • ;_n.�, ...__.,.�....__.. � ugly ortele r h .. 1'S t,i� '" 1011 t r ¢:°.” °1)`=t ;I4�` #4.4:aY•:' • 1sl➢alt•• r' . re r q4-1 a .,:..+ t r( a' . , I4 1S C • A t I ti.c. ,.. 11 a1,<. Inters It +; + 4ill A a Das ..,.,,, R _. _,.,r r r.,..,.P..��.;-�—� lilt. • 11071i11i4� CYliit+'� I6ata iS 1'iti3ila,r", on. Qf?IiR",+1d a'I7G' tlti( ➢4w"�:CO bpi E'OQ!R'�;$ r, t a .„.0 .. . 4 a, \Iolaflay ufz rT. tett last. \119 Wee :i e veer,* •111 t• %ureal. f it1eeeet{`:. teulTt' A"s ,5 TI74, t"1"6Rp&, OS tel¢ ti ici3lity Fyrt ,?sl..tnq-• \!.Rsc ,1(� ,,t. t�'R'1�11iarltlti:t: ,. •et ,t1\II"it lttl,.l to t rlli? g�r S1�IF?t:(1111 the 1"te .Yi.l➢ t,f114P tt ICI( l^R ,. ,, t�14t¢77n:G4. IS'vry#lQtl9�; ,,`,l -f Ql, Gel �>rI� .I. 14"1` r'�t tII`Y! .Sf"�R'til'irk? iia 14" Yr..' I;4afill. �ucty ... @1It ,l, lai'tY°]t. F :When finished, Mr. p 1`li77c41t tutu. very 1ci1I41. Mr. Jnq, :�Iti.P.t way t t 1#1:lE -Ai ata wlll_lt3rs. 01111111£ the t^�t `I,;tulaw Ig, .°a att•I oti z� t.. f4,eet .lay°t ilI x ` News From nes and Field sta t�iEr4'lc ttt lir. Gee. terup$o37 «J1fI -Iit t tl'voutltr,y. II�tt. w„,te,41 bei= ra le•af,„.o On 44 :M,tl (le eveu1Uly.lwit, sheep Tee Snell, Pielcctrtl ti'.etil't!t'ltere. Tee longed to e% Alex :Hello' lel 'it:li R•114al 112)A13ti I,rottght out 1,1i1¢1; thee 'P.m and allot Carr% �pll. M"`arilliVray, of Huron Count arrners, 1 s, i 7 . F7. P. Curtain' of Mare started for hong flu Tuv. d914 of , het week. with , . • .s , e� '4 1 e , nT the » - ,I,enit•, .>.11,h. cit 'l liar�lcs row, o, taw the a1tRs.:t..t::tz�+ti of the a �I.sII:.A.. t`errneil 4rA ftt7:,q. al"I111 '�� 1 Ship 11,;041 Sl''tri:Uitl `;t•,1t4' should l:; eena•:4' -ee% OUR CSTIRIN 4 COREISI St niee elydes:1111e' ntcaltons. a �,. ... -, 11r.S. E:.: n>;ny is elerkil ; for Craie tel laevo been 'hatted up mil itl•W: c t th4•k 8110011.401 i,c 111/4144 to Int',- es,` Ito:as of 'dolma Fr= ThIp rt .nt A: Co. his partlner Mr Cltre& Bloom- ,loo i', It is Itch err;lit' to aro, ri'an to hal/ att.' Itild13 cls e3,. the tlt(3tlr it :144• . BILLItiGS, rt r ., v� , L(311trer, field has been apt ointed Street coin. a keep ' do *1lbta[ tP i ,U4 , is (1013, (scthuol i 1101.14 lit• �QC('rl:ttl by 1t 44 . to e )j��l 1* 'r, Mr. Joseph:Ltlders0n,avho wee'�ie +' n a of 'nee. c eZ the "4th0lilr ••+1114u1d le(' het to miner, t+• illt�. *nee 1 Rtr,, r ..nl•tIa • '•v`• , i'mere �M ., ,.•, \i Irc:e twee Tee",,,iia Mud:, 1' Keter, ant, A.l:i?ei31'd of all Events -ID rLiis,... .. .; -. , .! ,. William ,. . «•,+ b ,• , ••r. t....tl.-1S 1, ` a a'. -a!(!(1 tllr ..fn+ ' Mettler -ale, Fired, Steles" mg, terenes at'ault St, Marie, azt,t,el i W illium t angio& imeall:a.. and abusive: et t 1i la,. * , 4.t� 4 t1. t Nitrona 4tli.la t1 R far 1i4it:k>;c�i nrtiu4l. • and Acoidente' :h0n1(1 last Tllureday in good Etrntlnti4414u1 11f4t 0, wtt9:oFitlt•t1 Ultt Of court, Veil uit4 1" tli4• S4l,tiilr. , .• „ ' , 1 • • In inal.i1, 4' 44omoti0n bolo.. l,t �• 1V, ii110 \IN,i, 1.I. D., S':. 1:4 r, 1 . t r '� lire, Mahon is selling of her st4 est peeing all e et?. 1111 1t•1ai71'4 to l'llll'i'Ilt t :!a elate; v 1 , rJ Grt.tlzt4>1 Briefs, of i;rot ('ries belaw cost, Iat'3t,rt, ,that Mr. ::,lrtlty nel'u� i tI*e above de - e #ritt.l»m 11111 l� with the .cal if Ai,, Hra+liktlo f i'i.t,tal t;t,4ttr sty. 011 3444tl r,'Aic:e1u r ,aunnp1+alt layaro am, +int. Jute, TYj . 4tttt'1:'I tixi'I,'E -MAIN sCi111;'P, E4ct,rr, oA, uU t,at tar 1"'4;tu + rn,Jul iate/. Side t+at1. 1' {41:44 on 1 fit. • ,.,4Rat -.: dltwi dtr4tii /4,17.131; to the Moth Jtii et {.$114"4'11. TT1`ii $ UIi4E. )t* oar tie i i,'+rt ti .\1rtinnetr ZJ'iurthtl4'auu.},,lilar.m. s,1h..;rr.,ml.tIyattended 'tu.0 of ,tlr.taat,rm to:aruttue,i.. 'Slava111, omen •cit rz 1111, ,,,li4c. 'Lis ,! 1' 1;11.11 Eit i, r•nr t Auctioneer for Iiai% J3 Sttiphon. air/ 40,1 isoo A*wasitipti. tlfi...C- AO ru_t ta.t1U, I.rTII.I I.t �I IIt L+ 1.104:N'(1in .lt t. tI 44 EER for 1' i tdG '1(11(4'r nn d L;tnibh,tl, and • 1 - d i 111 c,lnmmuttatiune ca Zr. { timings. 1 i3 .1 t"oust was hells on '1+uesdi .v, last. ll*o:ieg to Loudon. Call slid get able:- ten curt or sten ng t a tetter. :... fr • R: .t itltl. �41I"il1 r pie: Deely ti¢!ll't';i.iil Stle I 'i1V. \.'1I1 r,.tltl ,11, Al. t t440fl (*f the ..i+ a t.;, 11rs. J. W, t='rant is vieitlllrl ]lel' ]lfrl:t.,. filet+v 411ou1c* iRtluat nto•rtiatr. zr.YlYi +xarent in 'Toronto. " Our Deet -Gall Chill are practising iii Te, t:, lrt'arll* (444.1 v eveniltr . When not l.ir3� hosts t.I1ref, vQtulag split+s in Elim,. that to 1114' 101)10 c1:t,� ,. ,:A Imeet1 nUntbt•r of Indians have • 4, , villtr, 191 quest ,3f route.lover to w;tit It wa3 a t',oly el to leave further die, Ince l (5 er. tllt.y tui to ttlrlle at l:icl.ni,, table with tln'tu 0144 thtl txl of dole, 1 uus:;iol1 sof tells suideet UutIl the .:;e• c . camped way of this village. caul ether. Court CL ditioil 10 1 # Ia zee secured a 'oto liotl•'anls llacttfn i:notvlt re; a m. call have n good se •ctlolt 1n Exeter, OA 10011 5essl0n. sv for �t , :r members t ; m"Sr- wee...-. " there 13 a u n hero yowl' mens in that �(•tl tA1+la. illlllm Gr'Jli.li .l ..1 , large number of near lz.t.uliters t,_a Tom) Went to N. .orI.- last weep On llia'a9 that liIk the, 3,111 that in "test clllitll(t0, introduced by Ir: 4., P. 113014th. tL 1alt'as*uo trip elf? looks well but :Inys ' 44 titian for the ,chance So tome along Berl! Brussels. \1, a should : not ,,O to 711 . a uitui h simply to here the prea41tt+1 4, , ladies:cud leer(' your order ;t.lcl a�et the r 1 . luents to fui'14is11 muse: at Centralia, on We would ike to know frons ally of de ire of roue hearts. , geeing: but all . spirit of true: eve �o•i=1 July the'2ni3. your readers who re ".frueteee of q to i.ua1. T t't i' i'av as It t4 SS announced 11Cetl .fr01", the El.11l ! Custom 0. go.n!:,• to church. CIII t- �..e..- School Stet. S n. T, . e lilt -1 t elle tilr4l;it titt111tay . nlglt# that the a acre, 111119.4 i.c•otUiltt,,, »i)tario. of atilesS o1 their school yard, fezlcel?, annii'Cr� CrV sermons Ill the 5lrni11111C �r1, Should always Sty' hat tilt plain,: i t The' Brass Band has made en tee.. he WAS eery tired. that Tan ttShiitr ret Dtea:isY a lull tr:ly. All sales prom- r�t w[' �L'tint tin 1F(' thl'Ill It medal for the t , 1 f' tell art: so apt to mutate teen par: lee, Ki,• tatenderl tn. . LJ li' Cil t) �.t 1. �� � . II. (,x.1110 la expected . E:4 �etl t© L Plll11 T t 4I. nil' n= , Elrrr, 4r, Solicitor of Supreme Ji J t rt \r t r 44'111tlt,:, [ int e1 -s :edr, C,,;u • mis91Pn+a \v. M 111'F o tagll. eee, ll. KINS:Ir.15iS DENTIST, L. 0. s,+ 1.'tracta teeth ;without paps tr7• are ag Fa otuble Vatoff, ''r u+ing Om new An1es- t1tet tout ho rTm:19. `sat a 0014 zolite,4, and nil other dental werk tlw inr,L pos$ible. aloes to Zuricl, last 'I'lturrd'9t 1.1 9,, i, nvuttlt, Lai+,I .4'.U„ uk':AAI;v STREET, EXETER. LLIO'.0 & _ LLIOT, B inrzs'rnns, Solicitor:,, Conveyancers, 1:e. Money to Loan at lira a,. v. Erzxo•r. J. twee. 11llis. 'r3xssx• .TT AND MISS WELSE begs to inform the public, tnat they have ropeued out business on the ,corner of 'William and 0idley streets. Dress making clone in all the latest styles. Lessons on Fancy Work given. ' 1TAMPING A 'SPECIALTY, All orders promptly attended to, trial solicited. Moh-1,3xnA Prof. C'atlilil,t:ll is still delivering etc.cllutcll, next ;outlay morning- and eel.... flit ..mei.1 ib tilled,arid 1, teat ...II( .t,:.6i :lectures on plirent lob 1;. 111'» II, Mitchell, who is employed in iliums. ',.",•0 doubt there 'rel! be .a ]rune the children there too Having them t p .1g a• e The n tether is very 4enr*u at present the cheese factor}: at this place, thinks and the farmers arelookit:g for a fi-esll he will give `up the business and go :shower of rain. selling self binders, as he is about to display some of his divine eloquence» the st4rvict of Satan. La t Tuesday the baric of H. 'Topple sell one to 2*Ir, J. Miller, of the 2nd The boys in and around Eliulvilie,d0 Thl: nlinst^r slrolricl take more 11ct'9 e raised, The, lnuilcliu; is a hundred feet eorl. \\ e advise Herb to take some considerable loud talking about tar and of the children. The sermon should let long- it appears that the raisers had other (lay besides Sunday for his sales, feathers, but the mune sloes not put in sett e t tat t le can to -o t 10 ld o 4-,'r egatio - 111 - - - - - ia- will - to hear the its. the >£ autli.y pew 1 x133 't"er j% Cl ..s.. »- 1te� eentleinan, their former pastor, anile. If they neglect the public; v18 the they will alneest sure be found in the „ l yg et- a jolly time, over it. • Mr. P. Macklin, merehant,of Lucan, on appearance. l,i'e think the PM" c t part away with then. Commen- William illiam Kalbi eish, of New Ham- and _ler: H. Turner, of Biddulph, were they are alluding to is one of Bxetcr s ting earlywith the children impressions burgh, is at present visiting home. up to MvG'il"livary last week,and bought snow hair'd boys, who they think: IS .are very much easier to .make then We are glad to see Will in our town 1000 chickens from Mr. 3. Neil they going to be fortunate hi capturing one (loan later on. for he alwleys has a smile on his face. are going extensively into poultry rail- of tlee Eliniville's fair daughters, in Mr, J. 0, Stephenson also spoke on The Zurich Public school will have fug and egg packing: Percy says he spite of all they can say or do, but if the einne sultjeot. It' is a great eas- n, picnic tomorrow (.Iiliday), i11 the 1,as got the finest.aSella in 3l*Gillivray, you know When you arc safe boys incl .take to preach all the year round to 'bush of J. "*Tolland - of a mile from They are enterprising young igen, sots wish to remain so,you had better lea4•e• .older 'people ;,rith the the-eXception of this village: A good time is expected we wish them success in their under- the: tar in the barrel and the feathers one Sunday for the ehil lien. and everyone is heartily invited. tal.ing on the 1?oultry. It is not necessary for the children. cam The return nzatcll betiveen Fairfield to go to all the public services, morn - Grand Bend Tidings. and Centralia foot -ball chibs,. ice's play- { a r a ink aucl afternoon is sufficient. Gounty Sabb th School o Vention. Franae studywith the children was ed here an Tllur,day:last,and the score t 1: s stood 3 to 0, and as both are a tine lot elle sixteenth annual meeting of the 11if;hly recommended.' Have a eerri0 l Potatoes and loot of various kinds of fellows, the game away* very once a month especially for the schol• Huron county S. S. Association, coin. , quiet. C. Snell, of Exeter,utupire(l the mrnced sitting 111 Caren Presbyterian ars, and snake the child to feel it a game .and of cot:;tree showed favor to great privilege to'attend God's house+ r, church, :Exeter, on Tuesday morning, "When ; the home team, but the nest time you J11ne 19111. President D. D, Wilson, Singing, EIe cometh," Ben - kick z matoli get i. Bloomfield or Seaforth, in the chair, Mr, J. P. Ross, ediction. about the game. '1ho•4 Hodgins that know something 'Lsetel; leader of song, Israel Taylor, The remainder of this report iscro�vd- - looks very promising. The white fish season is . here, and our fishermen catch very few. Potatoes begs, 'as -usual, are prowling around the vines in vast numbers. A six year-old - son of ';'r. Geo. Sherritt died very suddenly. His re- mains was interred in the Grand Bend 'cemetery, There has been some beautiful 'warm showers of late, which has ',given the Tuesday and Wednesday. Clinton, Minute secretary. ed out of this issue, but will appear 111 Opening hymn,t'There is a gate' that our nett. —A large crowd .of minsters mad stands ajar,'' prayer by Rev. Mr. Mar- others 1'u others 'were in attendance to the Sab- tin. A very pleasant address of wel- —The masons and stonecutters ate School Convention held here on come was given`to the delegates, by busily engaged wot'kin; at the Tiiva.f .Mrs W. J. 'Clarke. ,.1tilenaorial clhurc13