HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-6-14, Page 8The Banger Beforeio. We have already alluded to the in% 's,ortauce of housekeepers paying rDiore •<attention to the kind of baking powder, used in leavening their bread. This is a matter to which we cannot draw at- tention too often, because it is some- thing which involves the most serious e•ousequences to the general body of mankind Temperance apostles tell us mid there is ample foundation for the Mr. C. Baker, of Brucetield xvho handling 31.r, P McGregor's hawkney stallion, received a severe kick from a snare, Qn Frsday last. The small bone of the right arm was broken, and Mr. Baker will be•unable to work for some time, 31r Wm. Evans has sold his young heavy draught stallion 4'Junabo" to 141r. Henry Wersenburg, of biellop, for $.BOO. This animal was sired by old Welcome. It is only two years, old statement that there are diseases, both and weighs 1600 lbs. It is one of fila iaioraa and physical, in tlm intoxicating best colts of its age in the comity. cup; and in the sante way they - is lis- As Arrss I. Mcoregor and Miss. E. case, .low perhaps and certain, an the lime and alum leavening agents employ- ted in many of the hoaxes of this conti- snent. ,,o punishment is too severe for hese manufacturers who place this poisonous alum and lime batciaa g pow- ders before the public with the ass -r-1 .anaee OMthey are pure and wholesome: articles In the belief of the truth of ., suelt statements suck taking powders are lurgly used in the preparation of food and in this way the poisonous in- gredients are taken into the system without a suspicion cif their presence, By .and by conies shells of lneaelaa.11e, c^ihar..ss in the stonmeln,Iassof appetite,' a fluttering of the heart, the child is tries i with :air apparently 'causeless: a ta:iglr. The coating of the stomach is tae troyed, perhaps; one of the vital or- a k rendered almost useless; the it '1:> are attacked with Bright's lis lac. Flue health of the child is irre- ke'n down; the adult be - oars s ai s]trtazak int alid These a; ,;ioitags a the iaiwiern cheap baking pow tiers that are connposed of lime an -Aitin,or that coutani sulphuric or Otos ; baftie acids. In view of these facts surely al igen=ether should exercise the e that is, we kaQW, 14ow exercised £cleat' ha the section el a proper ler aa, iakiarg powder. She who does xa, •lo Fs). whether the i egleet is the result ci.£igaioralace or reclrkssate:+, cannot ftsz leer elf iron the rc gtelasi%nility for whet Ile glib, perhaps life, thereby en- ;get t'ret1. No housewife lamed bz ignor- ant wff the quality and composition ti£ true uriiele which the mc:,c3 to leaven her else:. I, iii -*la b and cote. Tiiofficial, rel arta o� R. �. - � , v o t the o t r 1 lac 1 ti i iS . !t ifs ]ac in t 1. e9 ) t WI.O arc certainly unpreja,liae 1, have +,stn pul.,li.licd ;and show very Clearly the i;li;:lity and Wendt of all the l,ah.not being taken. . Any neglect to do so hag t<oa.•dera in the meaih? Roy al I leaves the postmaster responsible to the is octi a.r Powder, which 1.3 .'itt'7 ibltr at publisher tor mined. 2. If env person orders his paper itis- eontinuett, he must pay all iarreara gig•, or the publi:,bei' may continuo to cella it until payment is made, and collect the v, hole amount whether it is taken he otliee or not Thile can be 7l dist:ontilivare until the pay' a is made. 3. Any patron who takes a paper from the ptwt °bice, whether directed to has name or another, or whether be has sult,errbed ur not, is responsible for lege pay. ---Trun latest laws are such that newspaper publishers can arrest any one for fraud who takes a palter and refuses to pay for it. Under the law the man who allows his subscription to run along for some time unpaid, or takes tlalYe papers from the post office and then orders the postmaster to County Jottings. mark it "refusetd,•' andhave a notice sent notifying the publisher, . lays him - The editor of the Kincardine Re- self liable to arrest andfitt, same for theft. view was going to church in a buggy ?art Sunday, when the horses ran away, :arid jumping out he had his leg broken. !lad he walked to church, like other t•ditorrs do, this would never have hap- pened. In attempting to shoot a cal£ with a revolver, Mr. Manning, ra Stephen township farmer, put a ball through his own hand and into the body of. a young English immigrant who was as- sisting him. The calf escaped. Nevin. of Brucefield were driving ¥r, P, ► cGregor's pony through haat vin - age on Sunday, the animal ran away. When opposite Mr. Scott's store, the gig was upset and both the ladies were thrown upon a pile cif stones. Al- though lath are considerable bruised, no serious injuries were sustained. A New Home Treatment 34t' the cure of Catarrh, Catarr- hal dearness and Hair Fever; 51:,-t ,.lor.€!LISpr,rgltkuat these41<5 R9 are r-tea,,ao�xs gad crest they rare eine t'A ttta preset,e of li%tog its .tc5 iia tl,e an4riinit4g, metnkra„e 0 the app re a a. as and esst4eblvsnataetzes. lite a e ass re ..St3.bTesdtll. Huxley rant male crntirse iia s. ar ca ti;e a atAboritics caret tra.fixgute4. ne re �a r sa:cniatod Oat tmeauar„ *twee daseases teas ]hien to aprit Ain irritant remedy neekly.And Wren 4;1ilr, 46445 bei itis. the de:taste weutbmne in rte-mtgiontstata of irratalatra,allowing itnocti.3ncetobear.4134QsiFnut•. ora' eo sequegm of Audi treangent not one aaeras+,aa- enttcure nes everbten recorded, It is aat ahr;oluter tract heat these diseases vau',utbe cured by any appli. rationmade eitenerttoarier. in two weeks. ter the minimum must gets chasten to heti bet ure sn a'pti• 1, rrtce ted R is now seve4 yeazs s�- Kt Mr. Iti3ea daeravered the-l'araelto Dt4 catarrh irh onA formulated his tratnnut, n+a3 slava then itis rcnasdy teas br- as houselma woad in t+rer> country- Rvllera the ash iniagatag a isSpatieq. CUM 4secte+r by bsrt en }-t ora r w are cures sun, theta iaarptrg boon r.c► nt'tt 4S 1be? d4 e;tse. o 1414 are these remedies sa1nr d, that kmrs a_ imitators have matted nP everytibere. pretmdur to v a pana5ate. of ixl iclt they know nothing. by rout 'crabs results of theapt-die-Alenof width tiaey aro ralnatay 16,nerant. Eta /Meals regia tithe Is.opgtl et in a 4Dums in two evens. and farm ora: E,D three q pUt. I" SS e;fR'a'i a peraltltie tensa t.4R ilas tR::.Ss ag that• ph arae et desrrat*ir,;a -tirt ts! amp tea lip pe5ta; - lDilll; a t �,;i 3 hate .succi e*.a tlrattic.Aar.cre n-.tckt a$ AIS izaa . A ptmrequiied to give by ]etti'r (returning the paper t, a lw de+e<�. not answer Its low) �s • la. r t i a licit a sub- scriber does not take his paper out of the otlice, and state the rettolas for its s very hands i' rarported alr oluti'Iy free 1i"ai:.II litr]eu'.tuto, phosphatic aaeld,or any injurious iltgre:Brats It is further &tatted lay the zno.,t a runout authorities on 2escad hygiene that £ocd le:aa enett with it ii Minae svbolt ~eine than NA•liou raised l•v any ether 1aa-thutt 10 use therefore to be tonunend,tl. It i3 to be regretted that no other baking powder :t ben there are so many in this r. uvl:et, r•rasnca of which will find their way into urst•,is free from all of the* nubstauecs. The official analysts assures us however, that alt except the Royal contain either luneur alum. The ]housekeeper who re usds the health of her loved ones .h uld not only order the Royal, but make personal examination to be sure that It other brand is sent.her in its Notice the sigqnt,,�t "M�iontreal. (xeneal REMOYED 11191114# Dearing hasremoved to his new stand, ono door north 'Dr: Lutz's Drug Store, opposite the Gent- ral Hotel, where he will be found of feting as Aland-, ., I a allS x Mii GOSS Groceries REIRIMELE LOTION%) Beate di S,o GLASSWARE, &C Look oat for Spring Goods, which will tarrlvo daily. I will be on the road with nay wago and will carry a variety of all kinds of goods. RUTTER and EGOS TAKEN. C.T and lot, opposite Town. all for sale, Hous limmoTAgly pAANamirm. vim is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, al'laoinbis FQtiy no Ignorance rim Tri' Itetlawsy his Vigor I Cody, Mind surd totn4e,Fountains LUG. eadacte. Ounhaolie,1.D;, nmol lorc:aew# 1a'Ytaalin ee r n. Basta ninon dSociety! metes urea ere Face and all t - Effects taming to Early l3caany, CenstrivPlaon nerintty.Ist'l:and an ei1A' SlAcAlne 4y,,,{�•Meeta Uwe Cure. �t dan'ataraa Yotrth ut itliaR�rrotcres tt:e Vital Powei''isa Q,<Iaaaad attrengtherm moil tovliprasr.-a t e Brain ler o , brtl'r5a.MD lt.o ratlsrntar stwsean fr=et tato or.at a the ';hole iattssicad tbo liana= fraaate. With tar sps�rth'u tat ltttaata c lea c: a tam ctarcat iu roma nom 31t le13 thnn;na•rS tie two `SCt 1=4, 4 'trot Cursoattaraal. Oar s r� Olt' Cure for at Private a:natterOf 11(M long sten der our mitt= Q,taranteetV tl t et. Pr loo t`$. Toronto Altea;ciao The followi ng are the officers of the roclerieh cricket club for 1888:—S. lalcolnson, Honorary President; Dr. .felines, pion. Vice Pres,; Geo. Drum- mond, Pres.; D. McDonald, Vice Pres,; G. 11. Finlay-.; Sec.-Treas. Dr. Ross, J. tnayzan and J. McKay, managing Oammittee. The following gentleman -were elected honorary members -Root. Porter, M. P;; Hon. . A. M. Ross, M. M. P.; R. S. Chilton, C. S. Consul; Mayor Seagor, Shetld', Gibbons, M. Hutchison J. T. Gamow, Q. 0.; M. 0. Oomeron. On the farm of 15Ir. A. Elliott, 13th on.; Hullet?njiy be seen a curiosity in the shape. of.two-footed lamb,its hind limbs ars; only partly developed,' there being nothing below the hock joint but a weak useless piece of about an inch and a half in length, which lies flat np- onthe ground. At the end of these pieces are diminutive toes which points skyward` The little cripple is about six weeks old and seem to he doing notwitbstandinw notwithstandingits deformity. Tek' MANIWAOTU R E f sy 1-41 INSURANCE COMPANY. AND TI3I3 Manufacturers' Accident Ins. Co'y are two separate and distinct compan- ies with full Government deposits. The authorized capital and other assets are respectfully $:,�,000,000 and $1,000,000 PRESIDENT. HON. STR JOHN A. 1lACI)ONALI), P.O.,G.C.B. VICE-PaESIDl NTs—George Gooderhaln, Esq., and Be11, Esq. J. B. CAMALE, Managing Director. The Largest. Capital Stock Company the continent. Policies issued on the Natural Prem- ium, Tontine and Endowment plans. Premiums as reasonable as is compat- ible with bonafide life insurance, . Now is the time to Insure. E. PLO0D3, Inspector Huron. and Bruce. WILLIA,21. SANDERS, AGEi7T 'non Exeter and' vicinity. ADVOCATE. . ��. n OFFICE,' EXETER. OT1 }r ALO Dealer its all kind a of -::PJrTs'o1s�'•� DRWAS HINI3TO N'S IHuRRAH, HURRAH —eox--. 0 IL SELICOMBE, 1RRCKAT1M TMLQL NEXT VISIT. Throat and if -Ann g Surgeon QF EXETER Will be at Central Hotel, JUNE 25th, Chronic Branchitii Cured: yin English Church Clergyman speaks, Rectory, Cornwall, Ont. pate �'�3S#'[:1cTo `T,=--• DEAR Sii ,---I am glail to be able to in- form you that my daughter is quire well again. As this is the second time she has been cured: of grave bronchial troubles iaueler your treatment, when the usual remedies failed, l write to express any gratitude. Please eC. reet3.ptImyTIstrtT.eere thaulm Your truly, 'ET PrSVAs?~Tlt>r+ran—Calarrl; of the head °Thu at, (�'aataarrh peaaiaaess, t'hrouio rainrbatiA, Asthma and Consumption. ISO Its of voice, sore throat, enlarged tnsil?. Polypus of ibe nose removed. me early. Consultation free. A few of the many cured by Dr dash, ington'a new method; T H. Storey, of storey ok Son, manu- facturers, Acton, Oat., also Pres'al Manu- facturing ,Ass, of Canada, permanently lrecl of Catarrh h r Dr. Washington, pro minced. incnitablolay noted specialists in his country and Europe. Write hint for titulars. Is. John McXelvy, Eings,ou, Out., rah clad Consumptions, Mclielvy,laingstort Ont. Catarrh. its, A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont. elan Consumption. D. Stott, Iaingsten, Platt,, ester nad threat. Jahn Bertram, llarrou smith, Ota rIn throat 'airs Mary A. dliainbourr, Centrevill Ont.,, ('atarsb, heal and thioate .hares 3,lathews, F :ata'.ter, Acton Out. A, E. Fislk, Gents Furnishings, Belle - Out., cured of ['aataar.di, throat John Pidppin, S.anillturA P. 0., Ont., 1 rnear aiapaiwe) of Catarrh, head, throat and.a run 'a Brad office 211 Tonal; Statet, Toronto. Cott*allzaation Free. NOTIOE res no use in being dish urged in Hard Times. Tile IIENSALL FURNITURE \1•artrrooma i hound to sell cheap, and will sell 1;i per cent. lower than ever to suit the hard tinws; also repairing done, and pollarded bottoms put in ane chairs &e. Picture framing as specialty. OMB AP ) l'RST-CLASS, ANb) GEORGE INGRAM. Fror, 0;001) FIT GUARANTEED. IIt'NSALL ONT. A CALL SOLICITED. NONE I1UT .CIS: T -CLAS, "4MER- MEN EMPLOYED. Now Is the time to leave your order tor a first.slass overcoat G EMAP. Corner :Main & John ats, EXETER. - - ON :i' Crn'isuuipfio c that dread terror, a disease so long baffling science and the most skilled physicians, who knew of nothing to arrest, nothing to .allevi ate, nothing to cure. Sow it is no longer an incurable malady even when givenup' by pp i physicians, health eau yet be found n MR it heals and Soothes the mem- brane of brans'theLungs inflamed and poisonedby the ravages of this fell disease, and pre- vents the night sweats and tightness across the chest which accompany it. CURES CU .ff3A STEED Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. rctx,+..:sb.kdpirrA. , "Y•? 7"ih:':w,�•t?:i'+1*n!�T1"e M. .'7r. < EXETER MARKETS. Red Winter, per bus'l 93 to 90 White • '• a° 93 to 95 Spring at 93 to 95 Barley Oats Peas Eggs Banter, Rolls Rutter, Orooks Wool Potatoes per bag Hay per too The Great)i3niltali Prescription. A suceessful'Medicine used over a0 years in thousands of cases. ' Cures Spervnertarthea. Nert'ous', i Weakness, Emissions, impotency and au diseases causal by abuse.' insrnadd) indiscretion. or over-exertion. ir,Frna) Six packages Guaranteed to Clare tahenalt others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great Ninnies Prescription, tate no cnbstitute. One package Si. Six 55, bv mail. Write for Pamphlet Address Eureka CYtemlcal co., Detroit, Filch.. sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan -1-8 AN ©PPeRTUEHTY EICHWORil1 TOSEcurETH1SGvtl,=�gr= 598 ;i w Don't P iss% IP ,you Stant one send at oneethcnamesand l'.O Atldres-(fevery Sportsman or hinter In your empty to witoui eau will yum•nntoe to ,'how it, and give away } Yllr s mo ofour sample bR oithe best Brass tShellsaashooting ununtttto on ear 1a. Name Scur county and express office whretosblpreods. Ban- Henr- i estrum will be palet rte.', per day for r peeves. Send two stamps and address SA:62YSON G"CN AonxcY, tit Church St,, ;e. Y. To Customers awl Public at larged, here is the place to get your- self suited,with Suits anade up bathe latest styles, at hard time prices, A FINE RANGE OF GOODS ALWAYS IN STOOL A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED' Clothes cleaned and: renovated at moderate ate prices. A FALL SOLICITED. "Up stairs, over Past Ofl ee. J. Q. SMALLA OMB1<. 48 to 50 45 tO l 60 to Go• 1'3' td `13 10' tb 1:i 14 to 15 18 to 18 1.00• to • 1.10` 8.00 to 8,50 W Do you want to make 3Etr1NDitl5DS Ol? DOL.. LA Z t 111 quietly, and not x41,0t c nI wast co nidenti al •A aits (mon and woinon) to hdc , SCARCE G OODS." A quick l sure iortnnoissnseatecd to an who w111 keep asecret,and ioloiprtrute instructions nnfcel Give Dour age, occupation and express niiiee. liarog+leof "Goods," withpnrtiea- 3nrt In.seigedletter.far i 5Y;ee_ntsastsnnpsi..e1.w<irosF I, ;%IUailtE (04 gab Avenue New York. esoll TPiNORTH. Our $trade.s't,eo` prises • to ll main tag eedae GROOBEIES :-161bs.'suga for $1,00 J, ,ills, white sugar. far $1.700. We cant be undersold in We is ire Vs per lb. 0001a co aces id/ $01.0) a, lw. dt xala l; 145347.1e411 Sto.iii i S FORKS, SCYTIIE.Sa c1 GLASS atasl s(t ,acrg•, . I'ts, alnitAre ilia, .sial. Oral ttiaaslam ni t! a lams% a nice Tea Sets. of 44 pieces $2.75. ., 7 , 6sr11 Vitt 4't 1•,t7df=t.'tt R' !`oatFiSa)? tar... 5i'. t.rc,att,1 L•. iib got up In o+ n5 btytr, Qa<' r Dress Goods are rrart- ed down to the notch. COTTON.. ---20 gas, for $1.00_ pr.'st•'a51.,1, alx-s faun ler alta JOHN MATH EF -ON Pay i+Ratt+ Rice 'rail °i PROPRIETOR OF TIIE DOMINION LABORATORY Begs to announce to his mover-. ons Prien.ds and Patrons that be has just put in a full lino of Staple & Fancy Stationery, Account Books, School Pools, and all binds of School requ tes Letter and Note Paper Fools cap Paper, Account Papers, Colored Tissues, Gilt Papers and Drawing paper Pens, Ink, Pencils, and also a full line of all the newest and most popular works of Fiction, all of which will eb sold at the lowest remeurative rates. littOWNING. .PRoPP1 1rTon., 'Sive mnnder al and immr't ct _lipTots tVorth sure than "tongue can telt.' Fit Eft, in a �,hitn rtir(l{ mnvt tntt. ,,can cents (.�trtivasni. Ad oretss, li y 3 PENNYROYAL. WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has hod a life long experience in treating 3 emale diseases. 2s used monthly with pperfect success by over IO,0001adles, Pleasant, scIo, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers' and _ take no substitute, or inclose post- , � all druggistss, particulars, er box +Address .CSP MAMMA CFHEbif tA.L c; i., DETROIT, )lace. Solcl in Exeter by G1)i✓. L:;itz, and i t:."wCC°rkSSY..A.ar ariiggis c, sverr wheire. Jan-1-bi The sui.,scriber 'Wishes to inform the* farmers and general pultlic that be is prepared to furnish all sizes and kind of Well digging promptly done.. and at reasonable rates. Residence and shop, 'on Ann street,` behind C9hristie's Livery'Stabte: A O.A.LL SOLICIT,EJ0